Service activities (200.00 rubles). Tasks for practical work Task for practical work

Zh. A. Romanovich, S. L. Kalachev SERVICE ACTIVITY Textbook Under the general editorship of Professor Zh. A. Romanovich 6th edition, revised and supplemented Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions students in the specialty “Service” (by areas of application) Moscow Publishing and Trade Corporation “Dashkov and Co.” 2015 UDC 338.46 LBC 65 R69 Reviewers: Sh. and Municipal Administration” of Ufimsky state institute service; S. I. Resnyansky - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Service and Cultural Studies of the Russian state university tourism and service; N. N. Tretyakova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Service and Light Industry of the South Ural State University.<...>Market characteristics car service services and factors of its formation.<...>Sphere services is, on the one hand, a range of service services provided to the population, on the other hand, a set of organizations and individual performers who, within the framework of service activities, provide material and socio-cultural services consumers.<...>More refined forms service and various types of services appeared in the field of socio-cultural service.<...> Service organizations lead a fierce competition for consumers, in which victory remains with organizations providing services that meet the needs of consumers.<...> Russian organizations service service improve forms and methods service, technology of rendering services, strive to meet the growing demands of consumers.<...>To achieve this goal, service organizations first of all need competent and psychologically trained personnel capable of organizing a service<...>


UDC 338.46 LBC 65 Р69 Reviewers: Sh. Z. Valiev - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector, Head of the Department of Regional and Municipal Management, Ufa State Institute of Service; S. I. Resnyansky - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Socio-Cultural Service and Cultural Studies of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service; N. N. Tretyakova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Service and Light Industry of the South Ural State University. Romanovich Zh. A. Ð69 Service activity: Textbook / Zh. A. Romanovich, Ñ. L. Kalachev; under obu. Ed. prof. Æ. A. Romanovich. - 6th ed., revised. and dop. - Moscow: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K°", 2015. - 284 p. ISBN 978-5-394-01274-7 The textbook focuses on the disclosure of such issues as the role and tasks of services in the production and non-production areas of activity; service activity as a form of satisfaction of human needs; the quality of services and the efficiency of service activities of the enterprise; organization and optimization of the effective functioning of enterprises, etc. A number of concepts and categories of service activities are revealed: service, need for a service, maintenance, information service, etc. a. For students studying in the direction of training "Service", teachers, business managers and specialists interested in the problems of theory and practice of managing enterprises in the service sector. ISBN 978-5-394-01274-7 © Romanovich Æ. A., Kalachev S. L. 2011

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Table of contents Introduction .................................................................. ................................................. ................................................... 5 Chapter 1. Essence, role and social prerequisites for the emergence and development of service activities .............................................. 10 1.1. The concept and essence of service activities .................................................... 10 1.2. The role of service activities in the socio-economic life of the country and the social prerequisites for its emergence and development........................................................................... ................................................. 17 Chapter 2. Service activity as a form of satisfaction of human needs ............................................ ................................................. ........... 29 2.1. Classification of needs for services and maintenance .............................................................. ................................................. ............................... 29 2.2. Forms and methods of customer service .............................................................. 34 2.3. Servicing consumers in the contact zone.................................... 38 Chapter 3. Basic rules for servicing consumers... .................................. 49 Chapter 4. Service quality .................................. ................................................. 59 Chapter 5. Indicators of the effectiveness of the service activities of the organization .............................................. ................................................. ............................................... 82 Chapter 6. Categories of organizations in the field of services ... ...................................................... 94 Chapter 7. Classification and characteristics main types of services ............................................................... ................................................. ................................. 98 7.1. Classification of types of services ............................................................... ............................................... 99 7.2. Characteristics of the main types of services ............................................................... ..........106 7.2.1. Material services............................................................... ...............................................107 7.2. 2. Socio-cultural services ............................................................... .........................226 3

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Chapter 8. Organization and optimization of the effective functioning of enterprises of transport and maintenance services .......................259 8.1. Development of forwarding service activity .............................................................. ................................................. ..259 8.2. Development of logistics service .................................................................. ......................264 8.3. Characteristics of the car service market and the factors of its formation ...................................................................................... ................................................. ....................271 Literature .................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ......275 Appendix ............................................... ................................................. .........................................278 4

The textbook focuses on the study of such issues as the role and tasks of services in the production and non-production areas of activity; service activity as a form of satisfaction of human needs; the quality of services and the efficiency of service activities of the enterprise; organization and optimization of the effective functioning of enterprises of transport and forwarding services; features of service activities in the field of fitness centers; information service and intensive technologies in service activities, etc.
A number of concepts and categories of service activities are revealed: service, need for a service, service, information service, etc.
The problems of service activities are based on the historical stages and social prerequisites taking place in society, sociological research data, archival materials and work experience.
For students studying in the specialty "Service", teachers, business managers and specialists interested in the problems of theory and practice of managing enterprises in the service sector.

The concept and essence of service activities.
Service activity is a type of activity aimed at meeting the needs of people through the provision of individual services. Service activities are carried out by individual entrepreneurs and service organizations. The result of their work is a service. A service is a product of labor, the purpose of which is to meet the specific needs of people.

The service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer (customer), as well as the performer's own activities to meet the needs of a person. A service is an activity to satisfy the needs and requirements of people.

This activity can be embodied in products (material services), but it can also exist as a useful effect of labor consumed in the labor process itself (intangible services). For example, the service of a tailor is that he sews a suit. The transformation of the material into a suit is the tailor's service. The activity of a tailor is embodied in a suit (material service).

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Essence, role and history of service activities
1.1. The concept and essence of service activities
1.2. The role of service activities in the socio-economic life of the country and the social prerequisites for its development
1.3. Analysis of the state of the consumer market of services (on the example of Moscow)
Chapter 2. Service activity as a form of satisfaction of needs
2.1. Classification and characteristics of needs for services and maintenance
2.2. Customer service in the contact zone
2.3. Basic rules for customer service
Chapter 3. The quality of services and the efficiency of the service activities of the enterprise
3.1. Service quality
3.2. Performance indicators of the organization's service activities
3.3. Foreign experience organization of effective functioning of service activities
Chapter 4
Chapter 5. Classification and characteristics of the main types of services
5.1. Classification of types of services
5.2. Types and forms of service activities
5.3. Characteristics of the main types of services
5.3.1. material services
5.3.2. Social and cultural services
Chapter 6. Organization and optimization of the effective functioning of enterprises of transport maintenance services
6.1. Development of forwarding service activities
6.2. Development of logistics service
6.3. Characteristics of the car service market and factors of its formation
Chapter 7. Features of entrepreneurial service activities in the field of fitness
7.1. Features of the socio-economic aspect of the existence of fitness centers in Russia
7.2. Typology of fitness centers and features of their administrative organization
7.3. Marketing aspects of the functioning of fitness centers
7.4. Some financial features of the functioning of fitness centers
Chapter 8. Information service and intensive technologies in service activities
8.1. Creation of information banks and databases in the field of application of equipment and technologies in the service sector
8.2. Information Technology service activities in tourism

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Service activity as a form of needs satisfaction.

Social prerequisites for the emergence of service activities,

Its formation and development.


  1. Avanesova, G.A. Service activity: historical and modern practice, entrepreneurship, management: tutorial for university students. - M. : Aspect Press, 2006. - 320 p. - P. 9-33 (question 3).
  2. Romanovich, Zh. A., Kalachev, S. L. Service activity: textbook. - M.: publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2007. - 268 p. – pp. 26-29 (question 2)
  3. Tretyakova, T. N. Service activity: textbook. allowance for universities. - M. : "Academy", 2008. - 304 p. - S. 32-37.
  4. Sadokhin, A.P. Servisology: a person and his needs: textbook. allowance. - M. : publishing house "Omega-L", 2009. - 141 p. - P. 16-52 (questions 1, 2).
  5. LECTURES on the course "Man and his needs".
  6. Berezhnoy, N.M. Man and his needs Electronic resource]. –
  7. Genkin, B. M. The structure of human needs [Electronic resource]. –
  8. Classification of human needs [Electronic resource]. –

Task for practical work:

Fill in the table "Development of service activities":

Travel agency customer service organization

Practical lesson

Service: essence, classification


Karnaukhova, V.K. Service activities [Text] / V.K. Karnaukhova, T.A. Krakow. – M.; Rostov n / a: March, 2006. - 256 p.

2. Romanovich, Zh.A. Service activities [Text] / Zh.A. Romanovich, S.L. Kalachev. - M. : Dashkov i K, 2006. - 234 p.

3. Tretyakova, T.N. Service activities [Text] / T.N. Tretyakov. - M. : Academy, 2008. - 304 p.

Tasks for practical work

1. Describe each stage of the service life cycle.

2. Give general characteristics production and non-production services.

3. List the main types of service technologies and their main features.

Preparing for the World Health Day quiz

Develop an action plan for world day health:

§ V primary school;

§ V high school;

§ in high school;

§ V vocational colleges(not medical profile);

§ in universities;

§ in a health resort;

§ in a recreational institution (rest house, camp site, resort hotel etc.).

2. Prepare for a quiz (come up with 5 questions (or competitions) for classmates on the topic of health in general and the problem of food safety in particular).

Tourism innovation


The textbook focuses on the disclosure of such issues as the role and tasks of services in the production and non-production areas of activity; service activity as a form of satisfaction of human needs; the quality of services and the efficiency of service activities of the enterprise; organization and optimization of the effective functioning of enterprises, etc. A number of concepts and categories of service activities are revealed: service, need for a service, maintenance, information service, etc. For students studying in the specialty "Service", teachers, business managers and specialists, interested in the problems of theory and practice of management of enterprises in the service sector.

The book is included in the collection:

Romanovich George Alexandrovich

Romanovich, Zh. A. Reliability of the functioning of hydraulic and pneumatic systems in machines and household appliances [Electronic resource]: Textbook / Zh. A. Romanovich, V. A. Vysotsky. - Under the general editorship. prof. Zh. A. Romanovich. - M. : Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2012. - 272 p. - ISBN 978-5-394-01732-2. read


Modern service enterprises are equipped with hydraulic and pneumatic drives, machines and household appliances with an extensive network of pipelines: pumps, filters, devices, actuators, fans, containers for storing various liquids, cleaning solutions and other typical elements. The textbook analyzes the working conditions of elements of hydraulic systems, provides indicators of the reliability of some elements, the choice and calculation of the reliability and strength of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment of elements of household machines and appliances, ways to improve their reliability. Schematic diagrams of the operation of hydraulic drive systems for sewing and shoe production machines, household washing machines and dishwashers are given. For students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions studying in the specialty 23700 “Service”, as well as for engineering and technical workers associated with the design and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems for domestic purposes.

The book is included in the collection:

  • RSATU Library
  • KazNU them. al-Farabi. Economy and business
  • Books of the publishing house "Dashkov and K"
  • Books of the publishing house "Dashkov and K" 3

Romanovich George Alexandrovich

Diagnosis, repair and maintenance of control systems of household machines and appliances/ Romanovich Zh.A., Skryabin V.A., Fandeev V.P., - 3rd ed. - Moscow: Dashkov and K, 2018. - 316 p.: ISBN 978-5-394-01631-8. - Text: electronic. - URL: https://website/catalog/product/430581 read


The textbook presents in a systematic way theoretical basis and methods of repair, maintenance and diagnostics of control systems. The main theoretical questions are supplemented with examples and tasks for independent work. For students of higher educational institutions studying in instrument-making, information, radio-electronic, machine-building and service specialties, as well as specialists in the field of technical diagnostics and repair.

The book is included in the collection:

  • KazNU them. al-Farabi. Economy and business
  • Books of the publishing house "Dashkov and K"
  • Books of the publishing house "Dashkov and K" 3
  • Quiz for Peta Dashkov