Mioo refresher courses. Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Educational Workers

In the modern world of rapid development of absolutely all spheres of life, the quality of human knowledge is tested by their possibility of timely and appropriate use. Simply put, the knowledge gained at school or university is not enough for effective work throughout the rest of your life. As a result, there is a need to periodically improve one's own skills, in order to improve the previously obtained qualifications to the level of modern necessity. According to experts, the declared opportunity is considered a good incentive for productivity growth in any production.

Probably, it is precisely for such a simple reason that a huge number of various courses appear almost daily, with the help of which any person can improve their professional skills and acquire new, more useful knowledge for effective work. One of them is the MIEO courses in 2017-2018, which are directly related to workers in the general education sector of the Russian Federation.

Main information

If we turn to the history of Russia, the need to improve the quality of a teacher's professional skills appeared as early as 1938. It was then that the country's first institute for the improvement of teachers was created. Of course, a lot of things have changed since the declared time, because the modern analogue of such courses is fundamentally different from its progenitor from the last century.

Today's educators are provided with almost limitless opportunities, with the help of which they can not only improve their own capabilities, but also acquire new, advanced information that helps to make their usual work more relevant and expedient. Most teacher proficiency programs are integrated through the ability to combine a variety of teaching methodologies and professional development solutions to be implemented in the stated environment.

In fact, all MIEO specialists can count on providing them with a range of in-demand services.

1. Refresher courses according to the type of MCKO.
2. Implementation of the CSF according to the standard 3-level training program.
3. Program for retraining of personnel involved in the educational process with children with disabilities.
4. Diagnosis of the level of existing knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers, followed by analysis and elimination of gaps identified in the course of work.
5. Training of any type of specialist or expert in their field, participating in the evaluation of the results of ZNO, FIPI, USE or OGE.
6. Special retraining of teachers in the discipline "Russian language and literature", because it is on them that the final essay will be held.
7. Introduction modern features different subjects, the use of interstate and even intercultural programs.

It is immediately worth clarifying that each type of the listed programs is available at any time of the year to every representative of the general education sector of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the existing targeted subsidy program. By the way, a very large amount of funds is allocated annually from the state treasury for the implementation of this very program. True, only those workers whose profession is inextricably linked with the declared field can count on their use. According to the latest government innovations, from 2018, refresher courses must be held at least once every 3 years.

Diagnostic work and advanced training

Apart from state species programs for the retraining of workers, there is another type of MIEL courses - those that are paid for by those who wish to take part in them, if such a need can really be useful to improve their professional skills. It is important to note that any educational program of this type consists of a whole list of modules, among which attention should be paid only to the highest priorities.

1. Acquaintance with the initial regulations, widely used by all workers in the educational field.
2. Introduction into the activities of teachers and teachers of new state standards.
3. Proper organization of time for conducting an open assessment of knowledge and work of students.
4. Acquaintance and further education different ways accumulation of knowledge and skills among modern teachers.
5. Learning to implement into the habitual educational process teachers of various methods of modernity. All of them are necessary for better mastering of the material by students, regardless of the subject or specific discipline.
6. The introduction of special courses for the training of professionals involved in evaluating the knowledge of graduates of grades 9 and 11.

In order to achieve the set goals, MIEO representatives implement and constantly use the most effective programs of our time, formed on the basis of the current legislation. Russian Federation. An important advantage of the current system of advanced training for teachers is its full compliance with international standards and requirements. The very process of learning those who want to improve their skills rests on the shoulders of competent and highly qualified specialists who have an exhaustive level of theoretical and practical knowledge. In fact, they manage to achieve their goals with maximum efficiency.

To become a member of a particular program, educational institution, where the teacher works, must submit a corresponding application if it comes to public funding of courses. Otherwise, the teacher independently looks for suitable classes for himself, some of which can even be conducted remotely. In this case, all that is necessary is the desire of the worker himself to make his own work more in demand and appropriate for his time.

One of the features modern world is a trend and a good opportunity for the growth of advanced training for absolutely any employee, as you will agree, this is a pretty good incentive and leverage for management, growth and productivity. That is why MIEO refresher courses in 2017-2018 are for many the main and important issue, especially when it comes to employees whose field of activity is inextricably linked with the general education sphere. If we touch upon the question of history a little, then this process, or rather, the goal of self-improvement and continuous development, has been pursued since 1938, when the world's first institute for the improvement of teachers was formed. Although a lot has changed since that time, so the current courses will differ significantly from the courses of previous years.

Latest news, USE.

Considering the most important and important points, that is, information, there is currently a wide range of a wide variety of programs.

But, despite such a great variety, all these programs are united by the opportunity to combine the diverse traditions of teacher training, as well as innovative solutions in the preparation of highly qualified personnel, which are regularly introduced into this area.

But still, at the present time, the following services are distinguished, which MIEO specialists are trying to pursue. What are these tasks and services?

It is worth noting that all the listed services, that is, courses, are currently available to absolutely every representative of the general education sector within the framework of the targeted subsidy program. It is worth noting that, for example, for the implementation and implementation of this program, a sufficient amount of funds is allocated from the state treasury of the city of Moscow, which can only be used in the framework of training by those who are associated with this area. According to the new rules, now refresher courses must be held once every 3 years.

diagnostic work.

Also, courses are available at MIOO, which can be paid directly by those who wish, if they really need them and interest them. It is worth considering that all additional educational programs include a number of modules, among which a number of basic and highest priority ones can still be distinguished. What can be included in this list?

To achieve all the goals set, MIEO tries to use and apply a variety of effective training programs that are created and formed on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Another plus of such a system of advanced training is that it fully complies with all international requirements and standards, and only highly qualified and competent specialists with a sufficient level of practical and theoretical knowledge in order to effectively implement and implement all the goals and objectives.



Currently, MIOO occupies a leading position in Moscow in the following areas of activity:

  • Advanced training of employees of the education system in Moscow in the form of short-term advanced training courses.
  • Retraining in pedagogical specialties in the form of a second higher education.
  • Interaction with regional scientific and methodological centers.

MIEO also organizes scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables on education issues, and conducts city subject Olympiads for schoolchildren.



  • Faculty of advanced training of educators
  • Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers of Educational Institutions
  • Faculty of Technology

Departments and laboratories

  • Department and Laboratory of Mathematics
  • Department and Laboratory of Chemistry
  • Department and Laboratory of the Russian Language and Literature
  • Department and laboratory of foreign languages
  • Department of Physical Education
  • Department and laboratory of physics
  • Department and laboratory of methods of teaching biology
  • Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Laboratory of History
  • Department of Russian Literature and Museum Pedagogy
  • Department of Practical Psychology
  • Department of Correctional Pedagogy
  • Department of Special Psychology and Correctional Pedagogy and Laboratory of Defectology
  • Department and laboratory of personnel and educational institution management
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of International Education and Peace Culture
  • Department of Valeology
  • Department and laboratory of labor protection and safety
  • Department of Experimental and Innovative Education
  • Department and Laboratory of Pedagogy and Methods primary education
  • Department of Pedagogy and Methods preschool education
  • Chair information technologies
  • Department and Laboratory of Geography
  • Department of Education Economics
  • Department of Pedagogy
  • Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies
  • Department of modern educational technologies for the prevention and elimination of emergencies and the laboratory of life safety
  • Department of Open Educational Technologies
  • Department of Vocational Education
  • Department of Technology
  • Department of Security and legal support activities of educational institutions
  • Department of Philological Education
  • Department of Development Management educational systems
  • Laboratory (Department) of Natural Science of the Center for the Quality of Education
  • Technology Lab
  • Laboratory of training according to the system of L.V. Zankov
  • Informatics laboratory
  • Laboratory of methodology and information support for the development of metropolitan education


  • Center for Pedagogical Competitions and Projects
  • Center for Methods of Working with Gifted Children
  • Center educational environment and student health
  • Center for International educational programs
  • Center for Additional and Alternative Education
  • Center for Education Quality Assessment
  • Center for Multimedia Technologies
  • Center for distance learning and remote methodological support
  • Center for Methods of Education and Socialization
  • City Scientific and Methodological Center MIOO
  • Center for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development
  • Center for History Education
  • additional focal point vocational education

Secondary schools

  • School No. 169


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Organization All "Business Center" APKiPPRO ANO "Institute for Applied Analysis of Behavior and Psychological and Social Technologies" ANO "Scientific and Methodological Center for Mediation and Law" ANO "National Research institute additional professional education" ANO "Creative Educational Technologies" ANO "National Center for Innovations in Education" ANO VO "International Institute of Management LINK" ANO VO "University of Russian Innovative Education" ANO VO "MPI St. John the Theologian" ANO FPO "Institute for Problems of Educational Policy "EUREKA" ANO DPO "Institute of Psychology and Special Education" ANO DPO "Institute of Economics, Management and social relations» ANO DPO “Cultural and Educational Center “Global World” ANO DPO “MASPK” ANO DPO “International Pedagogical Academy of Preschool Education” ANO DPO “Diversified Innovation Center” ANO DPO “Moscow Academy National economy And public service» (MANHIGS) ANO DPO OBRAZOVANIE-RS ANO DPO Enlightenment-Stolitsa ANO DPO SoftLine Education ANO DPO Russian Language Education Center of Moscow State University ANO DPO CRMK-Educational Programs ANO DPO Center for Effective Education ANO DPO "School of Kitaygorodskaya" ANO DPO "Higher School of Competence" ANO DPO "Institute for Personnel Development" ANO DPO "National Institute for the Quality of Education" (NIKO) ANO DPO "Educational Center for the Municipal Sphere Stone Town" ANO DPO "SNTA" ANO DPO " UMC RSA "Intercon-Intellect" ANO DPO Open Institute"Developing Education" ANO FPO TsPSO "Center for Psychological Support of Education "POINT PSI" ANO Center for Legal Support "Profzashchita" ANOVO "International University in Moscow" ANODO "International Academy of Sports of Irina Viner" JSC "Academy" Enlightenment "JSC" ELTI-KUDITS " GAOU VO "Leningradsky State University them. A.S. Pushkin (Moscow branch) State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Center for the Quality of Education" State Autonomous Educational Institution of Education "Moscow Center for the Development of Personnel Potential in Education" (MTsRKPO) Center for Pedagogical Excellence" GAPOU "Technological College No. 24" (GAPOU TK No. 24) GAU "Moscow Zoo" GBOU City Organizational and Methodological Center "School Book" SBEI DPO "Center for Patriotic Education and School Sports" GBOU DPO GMC DOgM (City Methodological Center ) GBOU School No. 1560 "Leader" GBOUDO "Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth named after A.P. Gaidar" GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" GBPOU "Moscow State College of Electromechanics and Information Technologies" GBPOU "First Moscow educational complex» GBPOU "College of Communications No. 54" named after P.M. Vostrukhina GBPOU "Moscow College of Business Technologies" GBPOU "Polytechnic College No. 47 named after V.G. Fedorov" GBU "City Psychological and Pedagogical Center" GBU "Laboratory of Travel" GBU DPO "Moscow Educational and Sports Center" of the Department of Sports and Tourism of the city Moscow GBU DPO of Moscow "Directorate of educational programs in the field of culture and art" GBUK of Moscow "Central Library named after N.A. Nekrasov" City methodological center and MIOO State budgetary educational institution higher education "Moscow City Pedagogical University" Institute of Additional Education Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Employees of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Department of IT&OS. Order DO 732 Department of life safety Department of valeology Department of health-saving content of educational technologies Department of mathematics (state contract) Department of international integration of linguistic education Department German language Department of Occupational Safety Department of Psychological Innovations in Education Department of Social and Humanitarian Education Department of Tutoring Support educational activities Department of Personnel Management Department of Physics Department of Linguistics Laboratory of Informatics MSTU ISOT MIOO. Department of Preschool Education MIOO. Department of Foreign Languages ​​MIOO. Department of Information Technology Education MIOO. Department of History and Culture of Religions of the Peoples of Russia MIOO. Department of Correctional Pedagogy MIOO. Department of international (multicultural) education and integration of migrant children at the MIOO school. Department of Biology Teaching Methods MIOO. Department of Methods of Teaching Informatics MIOO. Department of methods of teaching physics MIOO. Department of Methods of Teaching Chemistry, Ecology and Natural Science MIOO. Department of Competence Modeling and Personality Development of the Teacher MIOO. Department of Primary Education MIOO. Department of General Pedagogics MIOO. Department of Pedagogy extracurricular activities MIOO. Department of Practical Psychology MIOO. Department of Professional Education MIOO. Department of Educational Psychology MIOO. Department of Social and Humanitarian Education MIOO. Department of Technology MIOO. Department of management of the development of educational systems MIEO. Department of Philosophy of Education MIOO. Department of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development MIOO. Department of Economics MIOO. Department of Economics of Education MIOO. Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies MIOO. Department of Professional Pedagogical Support and Support of the GIA MIC "Composites of Russia" MSTU. N.E. Bauman Moscow State Pedagogical University Department of Continuous Additional Education MC ZeloUO MTsNMO Research Institute of Preschool Education named after A.V. Zaporozhets National Research University Higher School of Economics "Federal Methodological Center for Financial Literacy of the System of General and Secondary Vocational Education" systems" NOU HE "Moscow Socio-Pedagogical Institute" NOU DPO "Institute of New Technologies" NOU DPO "Institute of System-Activity Pedagogy" NOU DPO "National Institute modern education» NOU DPO Institute "Higher School of Linguistics" NIGHT HE "International Institute of Informatics, Management, Economics and Law" NIGHT HE "Higher School of Performing Arts" NIGHT HE "MFPU "Synergy" NIGHT HE "Aktion-MTsFER" Non-profit educational institution "School for children" OANO VO "Moscow Psychological and Social University" ODO PEI "Center for Additional Education "Snail" OMC VOUO OMC SAO OMC NEAD OMC SZAO OMC TsOUO DO UMC South-West Administrative District LLC "Humanitarian and Technical University" LLC "Children's Science City" LLC "Institute of Organizational Psychology" » LLC "Infourok" LLC "International Center "Creative Consulting Technologies" LLC "Scientific and Educational Development Center continuing education» LLC National Technological University LLC SiSiN LLC Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia LLC Filippok LLC Education Development Center named after I.G. Pestalozzi" LLC "BELOV PRODUCTION" (Higher School of Sanogenic Correctional Pedagogy) LLC "Institute for Consulting and Development of Education" LLC "Laboratory of Intelligent Technologies LINTECH" LLC " International Association Additional Education LLC International Educational Projects"Methods of Intellectual Development LLC" Russian Textbook LLC Multidisciplinary Training Center for Additional Professional Education "Educational Standard" LLC Training Center "PROFATTESTATSIYA" LLC Training Center "PROFAKADEMIYA" OU Pedagogical University "First of September" OCHU HE "Moscow International Academy" RBOO "Center for Curative Pedagogics" Russian State University named after A .N. Kosygina resource center on the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC Joint courses MIEO ShNT (School of New Technologies) Joint programs MIEO-MCCS Union "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia) FGAEI HE "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology" National Research University "MIET" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI". Department of External Communications and Career Guidance National Research University Higher School of Economics National Research University Higher School of Economics. Department of Foreign Languages, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Institute of Practical Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. A.N.Tikhonova Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) FSAEI DPO "Academy for advanced training and professional retraining of educators" FGAU "Federal Institute for the Development of Education" FGBNU "All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology" FGBNU "Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education Russian Academy Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education FSBSI Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education FSBSI Institute of Art Education and Culturology of the Russian Academy of Education Friendship of Peoples" FGBOU HE "Academy of watercolor and fine arts of Sergei Andriyaka" FGBOU VO " State Institute Russian language them. A.S. Pushkin State University of Management FGBOU HE Moscow aviation institute» Moscow Institute of Architecture Moscow State Engineering University Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation Moscow State Technological University Stankin Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky FGBOU HE Moscow Pedagogical State University FGBOU VO Moscow Polytechnic University FGBOU VO Russian State University for the Humanities Mendeleev" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian the University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov Moscow State Linguistic University Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman Center for pre-university training (department of interaction with specialized schools) FGBOU VO "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering" FGBOU VO "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering". Institute distance education FGBOU VO "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering". Department of Youth and Information Policy of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering". Center for pre-university training "Entrant" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian University of Transport (MIIT)" N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation physical culture and sports” FSBI “Russian Academy of Education” FSBI “Russian Academy of Education”. Department of Perspective scientific research Faculty of Advanced Studies Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov at the Russian Academy of Arts "Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Technological University" Foundation for Support of Social Projects "Education for Society" TsPPRiK "Yasenevo" Center for Pedagogical Excellence PEI HE "Moscow University named after S.Yu. qualification and vocational retraining "CHEI DPO "Fractal" CHU ODPO "Endemik" CHUO DPO "Business School" Stolitsa "Department of CPE OMC SVOUO

The courses consist of two parts:
remote- site on the platform
Full-time- Classes are held in the classroom with the teacher.
Attention: students from other regions can take part in the online broadcast of face-to-face classes (with subsequent receipt of a recording)!

Stay tuned for our news and announcements of the next part-time courses!


Course volume: 24 ac.h.

Cost: 5500 rubles.

The course is practical in nature: it presents a large number of methods and techniques, the effectiveness of which in working with younger students tested in practice - they really work, and young students are delighted with them! These are chants and songs, flash cards, toys and items, TPR and different kinds games and also project work. All types of activities and tasks offered in the course are completely ready for use in the classroom and are accompanied by methodological instructions and recommendations.

You can pay for participation by clicking on the name of the course (for individuals), as well as by account, filling application (for organizations).


Course volume: 38 ac.h.

Cost: 7130 rubles.

The course consists of 2 modules.

A certificate of professional development of the established form is issued to students who have successfully completed module 1 (the condition is to provide a scan of the Oxford University certificate, for more information about the certificate, see the module description by clicking on the module name in the table) and module 2 (see the conditions in the module description, click to its name in the table). (for individuals), as well as on the account by filling out application (for organizations).


Course volume: 50 ac.h.

Cost: 9990 rubles.

The course consists of 2 modules.

A certificate of professional development of the established form is issued to students who have successfully completed module 1 (see the conditions in the module description by clicking on its name in the table) and module 2 (the condition is to provide a scan of the Oxford University certificate, for more information about the certificate, see the module description by clicking to the name of the module in the table).

You can pay for participation in the course in the online store ( for individuals), as well as on the account by filling out application (for organizations).

Course volume: 24 ac. hours

Course volume: 20 ac.hours

Course volume: 20 ac.hours


Course scope - 48 academic hours
