The problem of young people's attitude to education. My attitude towards higher education


In the study, an attempt was made to study the subjective attitude of young people to modern social environmental issues.Pollution issues addressed in detail environment and ways to solve them. The study involved students of the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th courses studying in the specialty "Social Work" of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanova. The work clearly defines the goals and objectives, the object and subject of the study. Methodological tools are presented: the author's questionnaire "A look at environmental problems"; a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results obtained was carried out. The relevance of the formation in the mass consciousness of students of the idea of ​​the need for today's solution of social and environmental problems at the regional level, which will ensure their successful solution at the global level, is substantiated.

the youth.


natural environment




attitude towards the environment

environmental education

Ecological problem

1. Grineva, E.A. From environmental education to environmental education for sustainable development: a retrospective analysis / E.A. Grineva, L.Kh. Davletshina // Basic Research. - 2013. - No. 8 (part 2). - S. 434-438.

2. Grineva, E.A. Environmental education through the heart. Desk book for the teacher: teaching aid / E.A. Grineva, L.Kh. Davletshin. – Ulyanovsk: FGBOU VPO “UlGPU im. I.N. Ulyanova", 2014. - 105 p.

3. Davletshina, L.Kh. Formation of ecological culture junior schoolchildren: spiritual and moral aspect: author. dis... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / L.Kh. Davletshin. - M., 2015. - 26 p.

4. Kochetkov, N.V. Determining components of the subjective attitude to the environmental problems of student youth // Social Psychology and society. / N.V. Kochetkov. - 2011. - No. 1. –S.83-96.

5. Nikolina, V.V. Theoretical basis Formation of students' emotional-value attitude to nature in the process of teaching geography: Abstract of the thesis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences: 13.00.02 / V.V. Nikolina. - St. Petersburg, 1999. - 28 p.

Bibliographic link

Grineva E.A., Davletshina L.Kh. SUBJECTIVE ATTITUDE OF YOUTH TO MODERN SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2015. - No. 4.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Ministry of Science and Education Russian Federation

Federal Education Agency



on the topic: The attitude of students to education



group №7044

Maslova Tatyana Andreevna


Strahova Irina Borisovna

Novosibirsk 2009

I.Methodological section

1. Description scientific problem.

Rationale for relevance:

The need for a special study of the value attitude of students to higher education is determined by the connection of this attitude with the formation and implementation of the need of future specialists in this form of special education.

A student is a maturing person who is determined professionally and potentially included in the social division of labor of a particular cultural and historical era. These factors determine the specifics of the student's mentality and distinguish it from others.

· Students are the future labor force, society is interested in its quality. Higher educational institutions directly graduate specialists.

An important place in the motivation of students is given to hope in the future to find Good work. This orientation is most pronounced among lawyers, somewhat less among economists, and among students of other universities this figure ranges from 20% to 28%.

· Students are a rather mobile social group, its composition changes every year, so it is necessary to identify the attitude of students to education every year.

Higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation (thousand people).

2006-2007 2007-2008
Number of higher education institutions - total 1090 1108
state and
660 658
non-state 430 450
Number of students - total, thousand people 7310 7461
including in educational institutions:
state and municipal 6133 6208
face-to-face 3251 3241
part-time (evening) 291 280
correspondence 2443 2532
external student 147 155
non-state 1177 1253
of them studied at the departments:
face-to-face 331 331
part-time (evening) 81 72
correspondence 753 835
external student 12 14
There were students of higher educational institutions per 10,000 people, people 514 525
including state and municipal 431 437

The gender distribution of students has remained almost unchanged for many years. In this study, 43% are boys and 57% are girls: this is their share in the university on average. Naturally, the predominance of young men in technical universities and girls among future humanities students.

2. Purpose of the study

· To study the attitude of students to education.

3. Research objectives.

· Identify the needs of students in education.

· Determine the place of education in the value system of students.

· To study the factors of socialization of students in relation to education.

· Differentiate students in relation to education.

4. Object of study.

· Students.

5. Subject of research.

· Student behavior in relation to education.

6. Integration of basic concepts.

· Students - a special social group of society, a reserve of intelligentsia - unites in its ranks young people of approximately the same age, educational level - representatives of all classes, social strata and population groups.

· Distinctive features students as a social group are: the nature of the work of students, which consists in the systematic accumulation, assimilation, in the mastery of scientific knowledge, and its main social roles, determined by the position of students as a reserve of the intelligentsia and their belonging to the younger generation - youth.

The problems of only students of higher educational institutions are considered, since when studying the characteristics of students of secondary specialized educational institutions, many difficulties would arise when comparing them learning activities, leisure, outlook and assessment of their future role in society as a specialist.

7. Hypothesis.

Students, being an integral part of youth, represent a specific social group, characterized special conditions life, work and life, social behavior and psychology, a system of value orientations, with certain socially significant aspirations and tasks, which has its own characteristics.

For its representatives, preparation for future activity in the chosen sphere of material or spiritual production is the main, although not the only occupation.

The commonality of goals in obtaining higher education, the unified nature of work - study, lifestyle, active participation in public affairs the university contributes to the development of cohesion among students. This is manifested in the variety of forms of collectivist activity of students.

Another important feature is that active interaction with various social formations society, as well as the specifics of studying at a university, lead students to a great opportunity for communication. Therefore, a rather high intensity of communication is a specific feature of students.

II.Methodical section

Construction of a sampling set.

General population: students of Novosibirsk.

Sample set:

Stage 1 - selection of large and prestigious universities in Novosibirsk.

These are NGUEiU, NSU, NSTU.

Stage 2 - selection of students by gender, course of study, level of progress.

III.Organization section

Linking the need for education with the need for change social status, that is, education is not an end in itself, but a means that provides the individual with a certain social status, prestige in society, a certain level of material security.

The need for education is organically intertwined with the need for work. Both of these needs complement each other: there is no internal need for work precisely as the first vital need, if it is not organically supplemented by the need to master science, replenish knowledge, skills and abilities. On the other hand, the acquisition of knowledge requires their application in practice, that is, in labor activity.

The need for education is the need for the development and self-education of the individual. And in this case, it includes cognitive needs, education is not only a process of acquiring knowledge, but also skills and practical skills.

It follows from this that the listed connections of the need for higher education with other needs follow from the fundamental functions of higher education: social, professional and general cultural.

Comparative materials of sociological surveys make it possible to see that among the values ​​associated with the social function of education, the most significant for students is the opportunity received as a result of education to bring great benefits to people through their work. This point of view was shared by 75.8% of the respondents in 1995, 78.6% in 2000 and 63.6% in 2002.

The possibility of education as a means of achieving a high position in society and high material security was rated much lower. Thus, in 1995, 22.4% of the students surveyed considered it possible to achieve a high social status, in 2000 - 34.3%, and in 2002 this figure was 30.3%. In 1995, 14.9% considered it possible to achieve material security, in 2000 - 40%, in 2002 - 12.1% of the respondents.

When students assess the general cultural function of education, that is, education makes it possible to improve their general cultural level, the number of those who gave a positive answer in 1995 was 73.1%. However, in 2000 this point of view was already shared by 57%, and in 2002 by 42.4% of the respondents.

The professional function of education opens up opportunities for students to engage in interesting professional activity. From 54.5 to 81.1% of the students surveyed different years consider this possibility quite real.

The general cultural function of higher education is largely revealed in the sphere of student leisure. The materials of the survey showed that students in their free time prefer sports, communication with friends and communication with a loved one. Activities such as: watching TV, listening to radio, music recordings, going to the cinema, as well as visiting theaters, concerts, exhibitions, reading fiction not popular among the surveyed students. To confirm the above, we note that if in 1995 attending theaters, concerts and reading fiction was a favorite activity for 22.2% of the respondents, then in 2000 this figure was equal to only 3.1%.

Until I entered my senior year of college, I did not really think about whether I would continue to study. My parents said that I would. “Well, they probably know better,” I thought. And I was wrong. Parents advised what was true in the USSR, that is: the main thing is to have a higher education, and what is not important, and the quality of knowledge is not paramount, the main thing is a diploma! And today, knowledge is paramount. And although they sent me to the right place, when asked why, they answered incorrectly.

When I realized that I had missed the mark with my secondary specialized education, I began to pin some of my hopes on higher education. However, the thought in my head was this: “And without him I can perfectly earn money.” When I entered, I was satisfied: the budget, and even the correspondence one. Cool.

By the age of 20, teaching is already rather boring, and if I were a full-time student, I would have quit at the first session. But I also got pretty nervous at the back-office, and quit as much as I wanted to. And it was not in vain that I wanted to: I understood that they would not teach me anything here, and I would spend a lot of time and energy. Already solved sessions I bought in a stall, which stood in front of the university. A complete set of solved problems, written abstracts, etc. It was much easier to pass with such help, but I still didn’t want to study. Here are the thoughts that visited me then: “I am ALREADY 20, and I earn money myself, I myself know that I am better, I will not need this diploma, I will do business, and if I suddenly need it, I will go and buy it.”

Relatives pressed from all sides: do not quit, study, then you will say thank you. Well, adults couldn’t convince me, because at the age of 20 you believe in yourself like never before. And the people who teach me about life were born under socialism, in the age of industry, and even in the last millennium. And the fact that I did not quit my studies in the 2nd year is an accident. After the third semester, which I did not completely close, I decided: EVERYTHING! I won't go to the next session. Let them deduct. And in these half a year that passed between 2 sessions, life shook me so much that I realized: I need a tower! In addition, I understood what kind of profession I need. And the fact that I was saving a year or two by deciding to transfer, instead of quitting and doing it again, was obvious.

By chance, I ended up in a strange city, in the middle of autumn. And having a foreign passport, he was forced to work where they arranged unofficially. In general, he became a guest worker. For 6 months, I managed to work at two car washes, two tire shops, a framing workshop, and a construction site. I worked at that time for a penny, but even this did not make a big impression on me. And the people who worked there are the lowest class of people. And that's when I realized that you can live life without a diploma and education, and you can more or less provide for yourself. But this life will be spent in dirty hard work, surrounded by failed people.

I don't see a college degree as a prerequisite for success. In the profession that I have chosen, a diploma is required, in many others it is possible without it. Self-education is what matters.

The age of entering a university is the age when the rebellious character wakes up. And with this rebellious attitude to do right choice much more difficult.

This article was written by me for parents, so that when they guide their children, they understand what they are facing, how they perceive everything. And so that they try, on the one hand, to refrain from imposing a choice, and on the other hand, they would not let everything take its course.

The multifunctional youth center "Chance" conducted a sociological study on the topic "The attitude of young people to the field of education"

Date: October-November 2017.

Number of respondents: 500 people.

Age of respondents: from 14 to 30 years.

The statistical error does not exceed 3.5%.

The attitude of young people to the field of education

We offer you to get acquainted with the opinion of young people about the field of education - your attention is the results of the study "The attitude of young people to the field of education", conducted by MBU IMC "Chance" in October - November 2017.

To begin with, we found out whether it is necessary to modern society higher education. It turned out that the majority of respondents (73%) believe that today a person needs a higher education. Of these, 32% of young people say that without higher education they cannot find a decent job and become a qualified specialist. The most widespread opinion was that many graduates do not meet the required level of education. This position is held by 41% younger generation.

Then we decided to analyze the opinion of young people regarding the quality of education in our country. To do this, we offered them a number of judgments. As a result, the majority of respondents (29%) expressed their agreement that a good and high-quality education can be obtained at universities located in major scientific centers of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg). in Tolyatti.

In the final block of questions, we set ourselves the goal of learning more about the professional orientation of young people. We managed to find out that the main criteria for professional choice for young people is high wage(56%) and interesting work (53%).

Concluding our study, we wanted to find out which specialties, in the opinion of the younger generation, are more in demand on the labor market. In the course of the analysis of the obtained data, the first place was taken by information Technology(IT specialists, system administrators, engineers) - 62%.

A sociological survey was conducted in October-November 2017 by MBU IMC "Chance". 500 people were interviewed, aged 14 to 30, in the city of Tolyatti. The statistical error does not exceed 3.5%.

See the policy note below for more details.

Diagram No. 1 "Indicate your gender"

The study involved 500 respondents. Among them, 48% of men (241 people) and 52% of women (259 people)

Diagram No. 2 "Indicate your age"

By age, the respondents were divided into following groups: 14-18 years old - 60% (300 people), 19-23 years old - 29% (145 people), 24-30 years old - 10% (55 people).

Diagram No. 3 "Indicate your social status"

1. I study - 379 respondents (78% of respondents).

Schoolchild - 222 respondents (46%)

College student - 54 respondents (11%)

University student - 103 respondents (21%)

2. I work - 96 respondents (20%)

I work in the service sector - 63 respondents (13%)

I work in the manufacturing sector - 33 respondents (7%)

3. I study and work - 107 respondents (22%)

4. Other - 7 respondents (1%). Among the answers there are such as: I don’t work, I don’t study and I don’t work.

Diagram No. 4 “Do you think a person needs a higher education?”

Personality is formed in the process of socialization. As you know, the process of socialization is inextricably linked with training and education. These tasks of the younger generation are solved in the educational system of society.

As society develops, there are significant changes in the education system, in the inclusion of young people in educational system. In this regard, we decided to find out the opinion of young people about the need for higher education in modern society. It turned out that the majority of respondents (73%) believe that today a person needs a higher education.

Of these, 32% of young people say that without higher education they cannot find a decent job and become a qualified specialist. The most widespread opinion was that many graduates do not meet the required level of education. This position is held by 41% of the younger generation. 10% of respondents believe that higher education is not necessary. They note that many employers are looking at human qualities, and not the presence of a "crust".

With the fact that education in modern world 9% of the respondents agreed that it is only necessary to get a "crust". The least common was the opinion that today higher education “does not reach” the required level and one has to study oneself. This option chosen by 7% of respondents.

Diagram No. 5 "Indicate your motives for obtaining higher education"

The role of higher education for young people can be judged by the motives that drive the younger generation in obtaining it. It turned out that the bulk of young people assign a practical function to education and highlight such motives as becoming a specialist in a certain field” - 50%, “getting a well-paid job” - 42%.

The desire to acquire new knowledge and self-development in obtaining education is guided by 35% and 34% of respondents, respectively. In this situation, 1/5 of the respondents were influenced by the demand of their parents and the desire to receive a diploma of higher education. For 15% of young people, higher education, first of all, makes it possible to leave and live in another city.

A small number of respondents see higher education as an opportunity to avoid military service (7%) and not work during the period of study (6%). 1% of respondents offered their options. Among them: “get an education of a different profile”, “no motive”, “I don’t need education”.

Diagram No. 6 "What kind of education do you consider sufficient for yourself?"

The attitude of young people to the sphere of education is also evidenced by the level of education they consider sufficient for themselves. It turned out that more than half of the respondents (70%) consider higher education sufficient for themselves (57%).

Among them were those who celebrate higher education abroad (13%). Stop at the middle vocational education(college, technical school, school) want 18% of young people, and on average (grades 9-11) - 11%.

1% of young people offered their options. Among them: “several higher educations”, “SPO, but if necessary, then get a VPO”, “higher bachelor + master”, “self-education”.

Diagram No. 7 “In your opinion, is there a need for postgraduate education (master’s, postgraduate, doctoral studies, advanced training)?”

Postgraduate professional education is a program based on the research work of a specialist with a higher education, aimed at improving the level of preparedness. We decided to find out from young people how they feel about postgraduate education and whether they consider it necessary.

The data obtained testify to the high role of postgraduate education for today's youth. Thus, the majority of respondents (64%) believe that it is necessary.

Of these, 19% chose the answer “yes”, and 45% - “more likely than not”. 28% and 8% of young people answered this question negatively, choosing the answers “rather no than yes” and “no”, respectively.

Diagram No. 8 “Do you study at this moment

In the course of our research, we wanted to know how many young people are currently studying in educational institutions.

It turned out that the majority of respondents (78%) are currently studying. Only 22% of young people do not study.

Diagram No. 9 “If you are not studying and are not going to study, then why?”

Since among the respondents there were those who are not currently studying, it was important for us to find out what the reasons are.

We found that the main reason is the fact that the survey participants have higher education (52%). 12% of respondents reported that it is difficult for them to combine work and study.

For the same number of young people, material conditions are an obstacle to obtaining higher education. 8% of young people either do not have enough time to get an education, or their age does not allow.

6% of respondents note that they do not study and are not going to study due to the lack of an incentive for this. It should be noted that among the younger generation there were those who could not study because of their health (2%).

Diagram No. 10 “Which of the following statements do you most agree with?”

Nowadays, the issue of quality is becoming more and more important. modern education in Russia. The quality of education is commonly understood as the relevance of the acquired knowledge in the specific conditions of its application to achieve a specific goal and improve the quality of life.

The quality of education can be determined by a number of features:

It should provide significant potential for further social mobility;

Provide conditions for comfortable living;

Provide good material equipment for the educational process;

Have sufficient financial resources;

Have a decent teaching staff;

meet the needs of consumers; etc.

In this regard, we decided to find out the opinion of young people regarding the quality of education in our country. To do this, we offered them a number of judgments. As a result, the majority of respondents (29%) expressed their agreement that a good and high-quality education can be obtained at universities located in major scientific centers of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg). This is followed by the judgment that high-quality higher education can be obtained in all universities in other cities (Samara, Kazan). 26% of the respondents agreed with this.

According to ¼ of the youth, high-quality higher education can also be obtained in Togliatti. It should be noted that among the respondents there were those who spoke in favor of education abroad. They believe that a good and quality education can only be obtained abroad (17%). Among the youth there were also those who expressed their personal opinion on this issue. The responses were as follows:

- “depends on the person”, “with a great desire, a person will study everywhere, regardless of whether it is a capital or a province”;

- “university does not give knowledge, it gives the skill "Success always and everywhere". Learn to spin. In the future, these skills helped me a lot in my work”;

- “good and high-quality higher education can be obtained in those universities that prepare better for this specialty”, “not in every city you can get a high-quality education in a specialty, for example, a marketer. And not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can get a quality education. In every city there is a profession that is best taught in this particular city”;

- "can be obtained in the process of self-study."

Diagram No. 11 “Is it possible in our time to earn decent money without having a higher education?” As you know, a qualified specialist has the ability to earn good money.

Today, however, only a few, graduating from the university, manage to get a job in their chosen specialty. In this regard, it was important for us to find out whether it is possible in our time to earn decent money without having a higher education.

We found out that only a small part of the respondents consider higher education to be a necessary condition for a good income. The remaining 83% of young people agree that in our time higher education is not necessary to receive a decent wage.

Diagram No. 12 "What is most important for you when choosing a profession?"

In the modern world, young people often have problems with self-determination. Both in terms of future profession, and in life goals generally.

When modern youth faces the choice of a profession, this choice is influenced by many factors. Our goal was to find out which factors primarily influence the younger generation when choosing a profession.

We managed to find out that the main criteria for professional choice for young people are high wages (56%) and interesting work (53%).

Good conditions labor is a priority for 36% of respondents. Such factors as opportunities for professional growth and diversity, creativity were noted by 24% of survey participants. For 1/5 of the respondents in the first place when choosing a profession is the possibility of career growth. Such criteria as a flexible schedule and the prestige of the profession for themselves were identified by 12% of young people, and benefits for society - by 11%. It turned out that social guarantees are the least significant in choosing a profession for the younger generation. This option was chosen by 9% of respondents.

Diagram No. 13 "What factors influence (influenced) your professional choice?"

In addition to the above criteria for choosing a profession, we have identified another group of factors that influence the professional choice of young people.

Parents as a factor influencing the choice of profession were chosen by 42% of respondents. Then follow the education system (30%) and the geographical location of the educational institution. The rating of an educational institution influences ¼ of the respondents, and the media influences 1/5. The least influential in this regard were friends (8%).

8% of young people offered their options.

Among them, many singled out personal opinion. There are also such options as interest, the quality of the knowledge gained, free education, acquaintance with the profession and the department before entering the university.

Diagram No. 14 “Do you think it is difficult for university graduates to get a job?”

In modern society, there is an opinion that it is quite difficult for university graduates to get a job. We decided to find out from young people whether this is really so.

It turned out that the younger generation agreed with this statement. Thus, the majority of respondents (41%) spoke in favor of the fact that employers are looking for workers with experience, and 35% believe that many employers do not want to spend a lot of time and money on staff training.

Approximately ¼ of the survey participants have a different opinion.

In their opinion, getting a job immediately after graduating from a university is more likely not to be difficult, since many employers are happy to hire young professionals in order to gain knowledge and modern approaches to work.

It is important to note that only 1% of respondents believe that graduates can easily find any job they are interested in.

Diagram No. 15 "What, in your opinion, first of all helps to get a good job?"

In the course of our research, it was important to analyze those qualities that first of all help to get a good job. It is noteworthy that more than half of the respondents (57%) consider connections and acquaintances to be the main condition in this situation. The next most popular among young people was such a criterion as high level education and qualifications.

This option was chosen by 51% of respondents. Work experience as a necessary condition for employment is noted by 39% of young people. Further, the respondents chose such options as having an actual specialty (28%) and willingness to work with full dedication (26%).

The least demanded, according to the younger generation, were such qualities as discipline and diligence (19%) and initiative, enterprise (18%).

Diagram No. 16 “In your opinion, what specialties are more in demand on the labor market today?”

Concluding our study, we wanted to find out which specialties, in the opinion of the younger generation, are more in demand on the labor market.

During the analysis of the obtained data, we obtained the following results: information technology (IT specialists, system administrators, engineers) came first - 62%, followed by ecology and medicine (professionals in the field of nanotechnology).

In third place was such a specialty as construction (architecture, design) (23%). Economics and jurisprudence were noted by 1/5 of the respondents. The least demanded professions on the labor market, according to young people, are hotel service, tourism (9%) and banking, marketing (6%).

Like other students of sociological faculties, students of the Institute of Psychology, Sociology and social relations MSPU regularly participate in sociological surveys. As a rule, they independently compose questions for the survey, which are then edited by their supervisors. The following are sample questionnaires, compiled by teachers and students of IPSS.

An example of a questionnaire No. 1 on the topic "The attitude of modern youth to religion and morality"

Dear survey participant, please answer the following questions. Your answers will help organize international conference"Psychology of Morality and Religion: XXI Century". The survey is anonymous and the data collected will only be used in aggregate form. For each question, choose one answer (unless otherwise stated in the wording of the question).

  • 1. What's your gender:
    • a) male;
    • b) female.
  • 2. Your age:
    • a) under 17 years of age;
    • b) 17–22 years old;
    • c) 23–27 years old;
    • d) over 27 years old.
  • 3. Your education:
    • a) incomplete secondary;
    • b) average;
    • c) incomplete higher education;
    • d) higher.
  • 4. What religion do you profess?
  • a) Orthodoxy;
  • b) non-Orthodox Christianity (Catholicism, Protestantism);
  • c) Judaism;
  • d) Islam;
  • e) another (non-Abrahamic) religion;
  • c) I don't believe.
  • 5. To what extent do you consider yourself a religious person?

Mark one of the 10 points on the scale, where the numbers increase in ascending order of religious feeling:

I do not believe 12 3 456789 10 I believe

  • 6. Does your family have any religious traditions or customs (going to church, performing rituals, reading religious literature, etc.)?
  • a) yes;
  • b) yes, such traditions exist, but we do not attach much importance to them;
  • c) no.
  • 7. How often do you attend religious services?
  • a) never;
  • b) once a year or less;
  • c) once a month or once every six months;
  • d) once a week or more.
  • 8. Do you celebrate religious holidays?
  • a) yes, all the time, we have a calendar where all the holidays of our faith are marked;
  • b) yes, but only the most famous ones;
  • c) rarely, when it happens;
  • d) no, in our circle this is not accepted.
  • 9. If you have ever taken part in religious ceremonies, why?
  • a) because it is necessary for the believer;
  • b) because it looks beautiful from the outside;
  • c) participated out of simple curiosity;
  • d) went out for a company with friends (relatives);
  • e) I do not take part in such rituals.
  • 10. When choosing clothes (jewelry) are you guided by the preferences of your religion?
  • a) yes, I always choose clothes that do not contradict religious norms;
  • b) usually yes, but if I really like the thing, then despite the discrepancy with the norms of my religion, I will buy it;
  • c) religious symbols in clothes (jewelry) are just part of my style;
  • d) no, my appearance is not connected with religion.
  • 11. Does religion influence your professional (educational) activities?
  • a) yes, I have chosen a profession (specialty) that does not contradict the ethical standards of my religion;
  • b) in part, it rather concerns relationships with employees (classmates). We selflessly help each other and congratulate each other on religious holidays;
  • c) no, religion has no effect on my work (study).
  • 12. Does religion influence your behavior (lifestyle)?
  • a) yes, I always live according to the prescriptions of my religion and renounce everything that falls under the religious prohibition;
  • b) I try to comply with religious ethical standards (I try not to come into conflict with people, I don’t swear, I don’t intentionally deceive);
  • c) my way of life does not depend on religious beliefs. I myself decide how I live.
  • 13. What actions would you justify?

Please tick the answers that are closest to you.


I justify

I'm at a loss


I don't make excuses

Acquisition of money and property at the earliest opportunity

Frequent drinking for pleasure


Disdainful attitude towards people who are not able to achieve success in life

Rejection of friendship with a person who is getting rich and does not want to share

A rude response to injustice

Suicide after a long streak of life failures

14. Which of the 10 biblical commandments do you consider the most important to fulfill?

Please tick the answers that are close to you.


I'm at a loss


Honor the One God

Don't make yourself an idol

Don't take the name of God in vain

Work six days, and dedicate the seventh day to God

Honor your father and your mother

Dont kill

Don't commit adultery

Do not bear false witness against your neighbor

Do not covet your neighbor's house

  • 15. Do you trust the modern clergy?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no.
  • 16. Are you capable of committing an act that is unacceptable from the position of your religion, but is not condemned, and maybe even approved by society?
  • a) definitely not
  • b) why not? After all, a lot of things are accepted in society now that are not approved from the point of view of religion;
  • c) Religion cannot influence my actions.
  • 17. Indicate your attitude towards persons who act immorally, but only in those cases when there is no harm to others in the deviation from morality?
  • a) tolerant (with understanding);
  • b) indifferent;
  • c) strongly negative.
  • 18. Why do some people disregard moral standards?
  • a) people sincerely do not realize their importance to society;
  • b) people are just trying to assert themselves;
  • c) people are used to not following the rules set by others;
  • d) people are sure that they will not be punished;
  • e) moral standards are too difficult to comply with;
  • e) other.
  • 19. How do you think immoral acts can be justified?
  • a) young age
  • b) the insignificance of the moral or material damage caused to people;
  • c) action in a state of extreme vital necessity;
  • d) ignorance of moral standards;
  • l) nothing;
  • e) other.
  • 20. Do you agree with the statement that the modern way of life and the secular system of values ​​contribute to the spread of immoral acts?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no.
  • 21. How, in your opinion, can the spread of immorality in society be prevented?
  • a) explaining the practical importance of observing moral standards;
  • b) tougher punishment for various offenses;
  • c) personal example;
  • d) propaganda of religious moral values;
  • e) other.
  • 22. Do I need to enter in schools and universities academic discipline, which would introduce students to the main provisions of religious doctrines?
  • a) yes, "Fundamentals of Religious Knowledge" should be introduced as a compulsory subject, and it is desirable that the classes be taught by a clergyman;
  • b) it is possible to introduce only a purely introductory course like "History of Religions" or "Religious Studies";
  • c) any such discipline can be taught only optionally, at the request of students;
  • d) we have a secular state, and any propaganda of religion should be taken out of educational institutions.

Thank you for participating!

An example of a questionnaire No. 2 on the topic "The attitude of Moscow youth to the ideas of feminism"

Hello! We invite you to take part in a sociological survey of young people. Please answer 20 questions. The questionnaire is anonymous, and the data obtained will be used for scientific and practical purposes.

  • 1. What's your gender:
    • a) female;
    • b) male.
  • 2. Your age:
    • a) 18–21 years old;
    • b) 22–25 years old;
    • c) 26–29 years old.
  • 3. Your education:
    • a) below average;
    • b) average;
    • c) specialized secondary;
    • d) incomplete higher education;
    • d) higher.
  • 4. Your marital status:
    • a) not married / not married;
    • b) married / married;
    • c) civil marriage.
  • 5. Do you think feminism is:
    • a) the struggle of discriminated women for equality with men in social rights;
    • b) the desire of women to dominate men;
    • V) political movement, which aims to give women the right to vote;
  • 6. How do you feel about feminist ideas?
  • a) fully approve;
  • b) partially approve;
  • c) categorically deny;
  • d) I am indifferent.
  • 7. Has feminism survived to the present day?
  • a) yes, of course;
  • b) yes, but it has changed a lot in recent years;
  • c) no.
  • 8. Today in Russia there are a number of women's social movements. Do you think their actions demonstrate feminist ideas?
  • a) yes, because the women in them defend the rights of women;
  • b) it is possible, but it does not make sense in Russia;
  • c) no, because they do not have a specific ideology;
  • d) other (write what exactly);
  • e) find it difficult to answer.
  • 9. Are the rights of women in Russia currently infringed?
  • a) yes;
  • b) yes, in some matters;
  • c) no.
  • 10. Equality between men and women is:
    • a) equal social rights;
    • b) equal rights and obligations;

η) something from the realm of fantasy;

  • d) other (write what exactly).
  • 11. Can a man and a woman change social roles?
  • a) yes, of course: a man can perform the duties of a woman, and a woman – the duties of a man;
  • b) yes, they can, but not in all areas of activity;
  • c) yes, they can, but this, as a rule, does not lead to anything good;
  • d) No, it's unnatural.
  • 12. If a woman occupies a "ruling" position in the family, then this:
    • a) is unacceptable;
    • b) normal;
    • c) is permissible if she uses this position for the benefit of the family and without belittling her husband;
    • d) other (write what exactly).
  • 13. Would you be put off by the opposite sex trying to dominate you?
  • a) yes, in any case;
  • b) no, at a moderate level it is acceptable;
  • c) No, I take it easy.
  • 14. How can girls' fascination with feminism affect their communication with young people?
  • a) no way;
  • b) most of these girls will be single;
  • c) young people will be motivated to take matters into their own hands in the relationship;
  • d) young people "sit on the neck" of such girls;
  • e) there will be constant quarrels about who is in charge in the relationship;
  • g) difficult to answer.
  • 15. What can lead young man to agree with the ideas of feminism?
  • a) fundamental support for the idea of ​​social equality;
  • b) the influence of the social circle in which there are feminist girls;
  • c) the influence of gender stereotypes formed in the family;
  • d) love for a feminist girl;
  • k) the influence of propaganda;
  • e) other (write what exactly);
  • g) difficult to answer.
  • 16. How easy is it for a young man to communicate with a girl who recognizes the ideas of feminism?
  • a) quite easily;
  • b) difficult;
  • c) simply impossible;
  • d) find it difficult to answer.
  • 17. What are the main problems that can arise when a young man communicates with a feminist girl?
  • a) conflict due to the mutual desire for leadership;
  • b) mutual misunderstanding;
  • c) the desire to communicate less with each other;
  • d) conflict over a young man's desire to "re-educate" his girlfriend;
  • e) ridicule and insults from the partner;
  • e) there should be no problems;
  • g) other (write what exactly);
  • h) find it difficult to answer.
  • 18. What feelings does the image of a feminist girl evoke in you?
  • a) attracts
  • b) arouses curiosity;
  • c) causes laughter;
  • d) repels;
  • e) causes indifference;
  • e) other (write what exactly).
  • 19. Would you date a feminist girl?
  • a) yes, since I also adhere to the ideas of feminism;
  • b) yes, because ideological differences are not so important for me;
  • c) yes, but with great care;
  • d) no, by no means;
  • e) find it difficult to answer.
  • 20. Are there any feminists among your acquaintances?
  • a) yes, I communicate with such a person (people);
  • b) no;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.

Thank you!

Sample questionnaire No. 3 on the topic "The problem of unemployment of young professionals"

Dear respondent!

We ask you to take part in a sociological study conducted to clarify the attitude of Moscow youth to the problem of unemployment of young professionals. You will be asked several questions. Choose the answer that best matches your opinion. We guarantee the anonymity and confidentiality of the information received.

  • 1. Do you think unemployment is:
    • a) a generally positive phenomenon in the country's economy (an incentive to improve the skills and activity of the population);
    • b) natural reality (costs market economy, without which it will not be able to work);
    • c) a negative phenomenon (cause social conflicts and an increase in crime).
  • 2. What do you think, what is the level of unemployment in Moscow today?
  • a) high;
  • b) normal (natural);
  • c) low.
  • 3. What, in your opinion, are the main causes of unemployment in Moscow?
  • a) reduction of industrial production;
  • b) the influx of migrants from neighboring countries;
  • c) the emergence of completely new sectors of the economy, for which it is difficult to find personnel;
  • d) other (write) ____________________________.
  • 4. What categories of people, in your opinion, are most vulnerable to unemployment today?
  • a) young people
  • b) middle-aged people (from 30 to 40 years old);
  • c) older people (from 40 to 55 years);
  • d) pensioners;
  • e) other (specify) ______________________________.
  • 5. What are your plans after graduation?
  • a) go to work
  • b) I will continue my studies at my university (master's degree, postgraduate studies);
  • c) I am going to get a new education at another university;
  • d) go to serve in the army;
  • e) your choice of _________________________________.
  • 6. When applying for a job, you expect:
    • a) assistance of relatives and friends;
    • b) assistance from an educational institution;
    • c) employment service;
    • d) employment agencies;
    • e) own abilities;
    • e) a favorable combination of circumstances;
    • g) other (specify) ______________________________.
  • 7. What reasons, in your opinion, may affect the refusal to employ a young specialist?
  • a) lack of practical experience;
  • b) personal qualities of the candidate that do not appeal to the employer;
  • c) unfavorable marital status;
  • d) lack of education;
  • e) lack of vacancies;
  • f) prejudice of the administration against "green" employees;
  • g) other reasons __________________________________.
  • 8. Would you like to take a "postgraduate" internship at the enterprise with the possibility of further employment?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.
  • 9. Have you ever tried to get a job?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no.
  • 10. Do you have an urgent need to get a job?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no.
  • 11. What is paramount for you when choosing a place of work?
  • a) the level of salary offered;
  • b) the prestige of the company;
  • c) socio-psychological climate in the organization;
  • d) field of activity;
  • e) the possibility of self-expression;
  • f) the possibility of professional growth;
  • g) gaining practical experience;
  • h) flexible working hours;
  • and other___________________________________.
  • 12. Do you rate the lesson entrepreneurial activity as an alternative for yourself in case of impossibility to find a job?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.
  • 13. If you were organizing own business what would you do?
  • 14. Why are you personally unhappy with unemployment?
  • a) lowering social status;
  • b) lack of money;
  • c) a narrow circle of communication;
  • d) inability to realize oneself;
  • e) financial dependence on parents;
  • e) nothing;
  • g) other ____________________________________.
  • 15. What reasons, in your opinion, contribute to the unemployment of young specialists in Moscow?
  • a) excessive claims of the young people themselves to the desired place of work;
  • b) the lack of desire of employers in the employment of young professionals;
  • c) the lack of attention of the local administration to the employment of young people in Moscow;
  • d) unwillingness of young people themselves to work;
  • e) other ______________________________________.
  • 16. In your opinion, is it easier to find a job in Moscow than in other cities?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.
  • 17. The situation when a young specialist with a higher education does not work is due to:
    • a) the inability to find a job;
    • b) unwillingness to work;
    • c) unsatisfactory working conditions.
  • 18. Do you think it is possible to fight the problem of unemployment?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.
  • 19. What do you think are the ways to combat unemployment?
  • a) creation of new jobs;
  • b) creation of labor exchanges and other types of employment services;
  • c) professional development of employees;
  • d) support for the development of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • e) redistribution of jobs in favor of the local population over visitors;
  • d) other ___________________________________.
  • 20. Do you think that enterprises should prepare specialists for themselves in advance by concluding agreements with educational institutions on the employment of their graduates?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.
  • 21. What kind of help would you like to receive from a professional consultant of the employment service?
  • a) find out which professions are in demand in the labor market;
  • b) pass a test for the purpose of professional self-determination;
  • c) choose educational institution for subsequent admission;
  • d) find a job;
  • e) none;
  • e) other assistance __________________________________.
  • 22. Who do you think is to blame for the current situation with the unemployment of young professionals?
  • a) the state;
  • b) labor exchanges;
  • c) youth;
  • d) employers;
  • e) enterprises;
  • f) educational institutions;
  • 23. Are there unemployed people in your family today?
  • a) yes;
  • b) no.
  • 24. In your opinion, in what form could the state support young professionals looking for work? (Check a few items);
  • a) organization of advanced training courses (or retraining);
  • b) distribution of university graduates to work in their specialty;
  • c) financial support for starting your own business;
  • d) creation of jobs;
  • e) development of youth labor exchanges;
  • f) creation of centers for social and psychological adaptation of graduates;
  • g) other (write) _________________________________.
  • 25. How do you feel about cases of refusal to hire women?
  • a) in my opinion, this is a far-fetched problem;
  • b) with understanding - there are professions intended only for men;
  • V) negative - gender discrimination is unacceptable. Please provide some information about yourself.
  • 26. Your age?
  • a) less than 20 years old;
  • b) from 20 to 25 years;
  • c) 25 to 30 years old.
  • 27. What's your gender?
  • a) male;
  • b) female.
  • 28. What education do you have?
  • a) average general;
  • b) primary vocational;
  • c) vocational secondary;
  • d) higher;
  • e) unfinished higher education.

Thank you! Success in employment!

Sample questionnaire No. 4 on the topic "Causes of conflicts in a young family"

  • 1. What's your gender?
  • a) male;
  • b) female.
  • 2. Your age?
  • a) under the age of 21;
  • b) 21–25 years old;
  • c) 26–30 lay down;
  • d) 31–35 years old.
  • 3. Your education?
  • a) average;
  • b) secondary special;
  • c) incomplete higher education;
  • d) higher.
  • 4. Is your marriage officially registered?
  • a) yes, our marriage is registered in the registry office;
  • b) no, we live in a "civil marriage";
  • c) I am not married.
  • 5. Please indicate the length of your marriage:
    • a) up to 1 year;
    • b) 1–3 years;
    • c) 4–6 years;
    • d) 7–9 years old;
    • e) more than 9 years;
    • e) I am not married.
  • 6. Do you have any children?
  • a) yes, one child;
  • b) yes, two children;
  • c) three or more children;
  • d) no children, but we are planning to have a child;
  • e) no children, and so far we do not plan to give birth to them.
  • 7. Are you satisfied with your family's income?
  • a) yes, completely;
  • b) rather yes;
  • c) not quite;
  • d) No, not at all satisfied.
  • 8. Specify your living conditions:
    • a) we have our own housing;
    • b) live with parents (other relatives);
    • c) rent a house;
    • d) took housing on a mortgage loan;
    • d) live in a hostel.
  • 9. How satisfied are you with your living conditions?
  • a) are completely satisfied;
  • b) satisfied, but not quite;
  • c) not satisfied at all.
  • 10. How do you assess the psychological situation in your family?
  • a) favorable;
  • b) satisfactory;
  • c) uncomfortable;
  • d) conflict.
  • 11. Do you have serious family conflicts?
  • a) yes, often
  • b) yes, from time to time;
  • c) no.
  • 12. What are the main causes of conflict in your family? You can select multiple answers:
    • A) housing issue, household disorder;
    • b) lack of financial resources, low level of income;
    • c) problems with employment;
    • d) problems with placing children in a (pre-)school institution;
    • e) problems in relationships with parents of one or both spouses;
    • e) bad habits(alcoholism, smoking, gambling);
    • g) lack of warmth in relationships, communication problems;
    • h) adultery, jealousy;
    • i) lack of common interests, difference in education;
    • j) rudeness, violence on the part of the spouse (s);
    • k) absence common views, beliefs (political, religious);
    • l) the desire of the spouse (s) to pursue a career;
    • m) problems with the birth, upbringing of the child;
    • n) payment of a debt (loan);
    • n) there are no conflicts in our family;
    • p) other (write what exactly) __________________________.
  • 13. What, in your opinion, are the main problems of young families in our country? You can select multiple answers:
    • a) housing problems;
    • b) low wages;
    • c) unemployment;
    • d) the need to combine work with study;
    • e) lack of support from the state;
    • f) problems in the personal relationships of the spouses;
    • g) conflicts between parents and children;
    • h) unpreparedness of young people to make responsible decisions;
    • i) other (write what exactly) ____________________________.
  • 14. What is more likely to create conflict situations in the family?
  • A) social problems(domestic disorder, lack of money);
  • b) psychological problems (lack of mutual understanding, difference in characters);
  • c) value differences (different beliefs and interests);
  • d) find it difficult to answer.
  • 15. Does the social and economic situation in the country influence the conflicts in your family?
  • a) yes, and very strongly;
  • b) yes, but not much;
  • c) no, it does not affect;
  • d) find it difficult to answer.
  • 16. How seriously can the different ethnic (or religious) affiliation of spouses affect family conflicts?
  • a) has a huge impact
  • b) influences, but only if there is no love between the spouses;
  • c) practically does not affect;
  • d) find it difficult to answer.
  • 17. Is there a direct relationship between family conflicts and the level of education of spouses?
  • a) yes, of course;
  • b) yes, but it rarely appears;
  • c) no;
  • d) find it difficult to answer.
  • 18. Who do you think should solve the problems of young families?
  • a) the spouses themselves;
  • b) spouses with the help of relatives and friends;
  • c) the state;
  • d) other (write what exactly) ___________________________
  • 19. How do you feel about the state policy of supporting a young family?
  • a) consider it effective;
  • b) I consider it ineffective;
  • c) find it difficult to answer.
  • 20. Do you participate in any government programs to support young families?
  • a) no;
  • b) no, but would like to;
  • c) yes, we participate (specify in which ones) ______________________