Business on garbage: how to make money out of nothing. Turning garbage into money, or how to open your own waste recycling plant Business in a landfill

Nowadays, in an era of great opportunities, you can find a lot of ideas on how to start your own business. As a rule, most novice entrepreneurs open cafes, shops, pawn shops, sell balloons or rent vehicles. And only a few make millions from waste. Yes, yes, you heard right. A waste business can bring in really big money.

Unlimited possibilities

Currently, all conditions have been created to enter this area and take a worthy place in it. You will have few competitors, but the prospects for developing and expanding your empire are limitless. In general, it is very strange that in Russia this business still seems somehow outlandish and unprestigious. Meanwhile, in Europe it has long been appreciated.

Moreover, there is fierce competition in this area, and it is simply impossible to enter it without a sufficient number of business connections and financial resources. The interesting thing about running a waste business is that you will always have raw materials to work with. Plastic bottles, broken glass, household waste - all this was, is and will be as long as humanity exists. Experts estimate that every person on the planet produces about 250 kilograms of waste annually.

About providing documents

Before you start doing business with waste, you must obtain permission to engage in such activities from the Ministry of Environment. It is this that should issue you a license for the right to collect and process solids. household waste. However, for this you still need to undergo a special environmental assessment, which will allow you to obtain the necessary conclusion.

Its peculiarity is that it is issued to the entrepreneur one time for the entire period of the company’s existence and costs about 5,500 rubles. In addition, you will be required to get approval from the sanitary and fire departments. For a positive response from these authorities, draw up project documentation with a detailed description technological processes at your processing plant. These conclusions will cost you from 300 to 1000 rubles.

Think things through in advance

Experienced entrepreneurs say that in order to obtain the entire package of permits, it may take from 3 to 6 months. If you are planning to open a small processing plant, then register as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, provide the tax office with a corresponding application, a copy of your passport and pay the state fee.

And before investing your personal funds or loans attracted from outside in a dirty business, be sure to draw up detailed plan actions. You must also clearly understand what type of waste you are going to process, what principle will be used to deliver the waste, and, finally, where the processed products will be sold.

About investments

Let’s say right away that this business is not suitable for all entrepreneurs. As a rule, businessmen who have already succeeded in some business, have earned their first capital from it, and are thinking about expanding their empire into new areas, show interest in it. Experts say that opening a new universal recycling plant various types garbage will cost about 20 million dollars.

We think that because of this amount, many entrepreneurs who had previously thought about how to make money from garbage have lost all desire for it. But don't despair. You can get by with less money. For example, you can open a small factory that would be focused only on a specific type of waste. In this case, 80 thousand dollars will be enough to get started.

This amount will include receiving all necessary permits, rent, purchase of all equipment, purchase of raw materials and, of course, the first salary for all staff. As you can see, you can still figure out how to make money on garbage without having millions in your pocket. By the way, even less finance is required to organize a waste removal business: a new KamAZ garbage truck costs about a million rubles, and a used one costs half as much. But in such a niche, the big difficulties are finding clients.

There are nuances

Your income will directly depend on what type of waste the enterprise is capable of accepting, how it processes waste and the volume of its work. Entrepreneurs who have already made capital in this area admit that it is best to deal with paper and plastic. Processing of this particular raw material is considered the most profitable (about 50%).

In order to provide your enterprise with an uninterrupted supply of waste of this particular category, organize your own collection points. As a rule, small factories buy recycled plastic at a price of 14,000 to 18,000 rubles, then process it into special granules and sell it for 30,000 rubles per ton. The products of waste recycling plants are in great demand among companies dealing with small plastic items.

About the premises and more

In order to begin full-fledged work, you will need a spacious room. Its minimum size is 500 square meters. In addition, you must have about 100 square meters of storage space, as well as a room or a separate building for an office.

Experts in this business suggest locating their enterprise closer to the landfill outside the city. This way you kill two birds with one stone: you save money on renting premises and increase your income by reducing the cost of delivering raw materials. Your enterprise must have a minimum set, which consists of crushing equipment, a sorting line, a press, a storage hopper, and a magnet.

Don't spread yourself thin

It is also recommended to install additional melting furnaces, but this can significantly increase the amount of required investments. A minimum set of non-new domestically produced equipment will cost approximately $50,000. As you can see, before you start making money from garbage, you need to invest well.

However, it is not only the initial capital that is of key importance here. Before engaging in this type of business, think carefully about everything and draw up a business plan for your enterprise. With properly structured and organized work, you can start making serious money from garbage in the first year.

Let's sum it up

Currently, the waste recycling business is not popular among domestic entrepreneurs. This area is still treated as something inferior. In fact, the earnings from garbage can be very significant, and European companies have long understood this and are ready to invest millions of dollars in this business and compete in order to take their place in this market.

It's better to start small. Open your own mini-factory for processing paper and plastic. It is better to purchase equipment in Russia. The minimum set that has already worked will cost you 50 thousand dollars. In order to start making money as quickly as possible, move your enterprise to the borders of the landfill.

Considering the cost of a garbage truck that has already worked at another enterprise, it can be purchased in order to mobilize recycling as much as possible. And in order not to experience problems with raw materials at all, organize the collection of waste that interests you here at the enterprise.

In order to start this business, you need to have at least $70,000 in your pocket. Experts are confident that these funds can begin to return in the first year of operation. This means that in about a year and a half you will be able to justify your investment and achieve net profit. Therefore, it is worth trying your hand at this, albeit not very attractive, but profitable business.

We live in an age of opportunity. Everyone is free to do what they want: one works “for someone else,” another earns money by freelancing, and the third opens his own business. Most believe that owning a business is a guarantee of success and a good standard of living. Despite the fact that high competition in almost all areas of business does not often allow newcomers to gain a foothold in the market, there are still industries where you can earn good money and occupy a certain niche. One of these is the waste recycling market.

Waste recycling as a business

On this moment In Russia, about 44 million tons of garbage end up in landfills every year. In this case, only 30% can be recycled, the rest is left to rot, causing enormous damage. environment. If you are not an environmentalist, then these words are unlikely to motivate you. And if you consider that along with tons of garbage, billions of rubles rot annually that could be yours?

Waste recycling is a promising business in our country. There is little competition in this area, but there are many “resources”. In addition, the government actively supports such businessmen, helping with renting premises and purchasing necessary equipment.

The average payback period for a waste recycling business is 2–6 months. This is a very good indicator. As for profitability, it usually reaches 30%.

Thus, the waste recycling business is beneficial because:

  • actively supported by the state, it provides tax breaks on property used for waste processing, assistance in finding, renting or purchasing premises and equipment;
  • raw materials cost 7–10 times cheaper than the finished product (the amount of waste at the moment can be considered unlimited);
  • a waste recycling plant pays for itself in 3–5 years, which is a good indicator;
  • the demand for recyclable materials is high and continues to grow, that is, there is no need to look for buyers;
  • This is an opportunity not only to earn good money, but also to help protect the environment.

A small waste processing workshop can be opened in any locality in Russia

Business areas

What exactly does a waste recycling company do? Obviously, waste recycling. But not only. The search for raw materials, their transportation, and sorting will also fall on the shoulders of the businessman. However, you can narrow the scope and choose only one area of ​​activity.

Garbage collection and transportation

Garbage removal from cities and towns is one of the most popular areas. However, competition in this area is the highest.

You won’t have to look for garbage for transportation for a long time; just submit several advertisements in populated areas or enter into an agreement with local authorities and customers will find you themselves.

The question is who should sell the collected garbage. There are two options.

The first one goes to the landfill. In this case, you will receive funds only for waste removal outside populated areas. This is the least expensive and easiest way to make money from garbage. To implement it you will need:

  • freight transport. It can be rented or purchased. A month's rental of one garbage truck costs about 150,000 rubles. Buying a new garbage truck will cost 3,000,000–3,500,000 rubles; a used car in good condition will cost 1,000,000–1,500,000 rubles less;
  • enter into an agreement with a landfill for waste disposal. The cost of storing waste is 1,500–2,000 rubles per 5 tons;
  • staff, which includes: drivers, accountant, administrator. If your fleet has about 10 cars or more, you need to hire a mechanic and a car mechanic. The approximate monthly payroll for a company with a fleet of 10 cars will be about 300,000–350,000 rubles, depending on the region;
  • permission from SES, Rospotrebnadzor, fire department. These documents can be obtained from the relevant authorities in each specific region.

Thus, in the first six months of operation of a company with ten cars, you will have to invest about 12,000,000 rubles (renting a vehicle) or 30,500,000 rubles (purchasing a vehicle).

The profit from the business will consist of the cost of garbage removal: 5 tons of waste will bring the businessman about 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. Accordingly, the income of an organization with a fleet of 10 cars at full load averages 6,000,000 rubles per month. Over six months, this amount will be 36,000,000 rubles.

There is a second option - selling the removed garbage. But it is quite difficult to find a buyer for unsorted waste, so let’s consider the second type of activity - waste sorting.

For the successful functioning of a business, a pack of modern garbage trucks is needed

Waste sorting

Collection and sorting are interrelated stages. Sorted waste is in high demand in the market. However, in order to engage in this type of activity, expensive equipment is needed. The most budget sorting complex costs 4,000,000 rubles.

Almost all the work in the sorting room is done manually, so for a medium-sized sorting shop you will need at least 5 pairs of workers, and this is another 100,000 rubles in costs per month.

And also to organize sorting it is necessary to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 300 m2. The rental cost will be from 25,000 to 30,000 rubles per month.

Particular attention should be paid to obtaining permission to sort and store waste. Below will be discussed detailed instructions receiving it.

Thus, the cost of organizing and running a waste sorting business will be about 7,000,000 rubles for the first six months, taking into account the purchase of raw materials.

A medium-capacity sorting shop is capable of producing 15–20 tons of products per month. The cost per ton depends on the type of waste and ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Accordingly, the average income will be equal to 120,000 rubles per month or 720,000 rubles for six months.

A company collecting and sorting waste is forced to attract many workers, so its labor costs are quite high

Waste sorting as a business idea is attractive because the demand for it is quite high. If you wish, you can find clients even abroad. In addition, competition in this industry is low.

But there are also disadvantages. Waste sorting equipment is not cheap. You will also need a room of impressive size.


You don’t have to sort the garbage, but simply get rid of it. The most common method of waste disposal is incineration.

Oddly enough, the waste disposal business is the most expensive and least profitable. The fact is that waste must be disposed of according to certain rules, which are dictated by various government and non-government organizations.

In addition, to carry out recycling it is necessary to collect a lot of permits and only then issue a license.

Waste treatment

Waste treatment activities involve bringing raw materials to a state in which they can be reused.

Before moving on to the financial indicators of waste processing activities, we will consider what materials can be recycled.

Types of materials for processing

There are many options for raw materials: plastic, rubber, paper, wood, glass, metal. Any of these materials are present in sufficient quantities in city landfills.

Now let's get acquainted with the intricacies of working with each material in more detail.

Polymers are not only a popular type of waste, but also the most profitable. There is high unmet demand for recycled polymers. Processing costs for plastic are low. The whole cycle consists of several stages:

  • sorting by color;
  • removal of dirt, stickers;
  • pressing;
  • grinding;
  • re-cleaning;
  • polishing

The resulting material is used to make plastic bottles, packages and much more.

Recycling of plastic products is the most profitable segment of the industry

Paper recycling

The waste paper recycling industry is the most popular among Russian businessmen. Paper and cardboard waste goes through the following stages:

  • sorting by type - there are 12 types in total;
  • removal of contaminants;
  • thermomechanical treatment.

The recycled material is used to produce cardboard packaging and toilet paper.

Rubber is the most dangerous waste; burning it is strictly prohibited. Most often, tires can be recycled; there is a lot of such waste in Russian landfills.

There are several ways to process rubber:

  • grinding into crumbs. Everyone has seen playgrounds with rubber coating. This coating is made from such crumbs;
  • pyrolysis As a result of pyrolysis, it is possible to obtain artificial oil, technical carbon raw materials, and raw materials for metallurgy.

Recycled rubber is in demand for Russian market, therefore this direction is one of the most profitable

Glass recycling

Broken glass - Goldmine waste recycling. The material can be taken from factories producing any glass products completely free of charge. There are always a lot of marriages there. In addition, this particular waste processing industry is actively supported by the state.

Glass melts at relatively low temperatures, and this is a good saving on electricity.

Glass goes through the following stages of processing:

  • cleansing;
  • grinding;
  • melting;
  • grinding;
  • grinding.

The last three actions are performed by one machine.

Metal recycling

Metal processing is the most environmentally responsible industry. Metal waste is very harmful to our planet, so its recycling must be taken with the utmost seriousness.

What can be recycled? The list is quite extensive:

  • discarded cars and their components;
  • industrial waste.

The processing of metals is somewhat more complex compared to the processing of other waste. It consists of the following stages:

  • dismantling;
  • transportation;
  • examination;
  • sorting;
  • recycling.

Scrap metal recycling is not only a profitable business, but also a contribution to improving the environmental climate in the region

What you need to start a waste recycling business

Waste recycling company initial stage requires more time and administrative resources than material ones. Below is step-by-step instruction for organizing such a business.


It is permissible to register a company both in the form of individual entrepreneur and in the form legal entity. The choice depends on the planned scale of activity.

When registering as a legal entity, the LLC form is preferred. This will allow the business to expand in the future. For example, start producing products from recycled materials.

Registration of LLCs and individual entrepreneurs is carried out at the tax office. Documents for establishing an LLC include:

  • application for state registration of legal entities;
  • minutes of the founders' meeting;
  • agreement on the establishment of a company;
  • charter of the company;
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system.

When registering a business, you must choose a taxation system. The most preferable from the point of view of cost savings would be the simplified tax system.

The application will need to indicate the OKVED activity code. In OKVED there is class 38 with a list of activity codes, including:

  • 38.1 - waste collection;
  • 38.11 - collection of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.12 - collection of hazardous waste;
  • 38.21 - treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste;
  • 38.22 - treatment and disposal of hazardous waste.

The cost of registering an LLC is 4,000 rubles. The duration of consideration of the application is no more than three working days. Templates of required documents:

  • registration application form;
  • notification of the transition to the simplified tax system.

Obtaining permits and licenses

To carry out waste processing activities, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits from various regulatory authorities:

  • for use land plot. You can obtain it from your regional land department. Before applying, fill out the form;
  • from the SES, for which you should contact Rospotrebnadzor at the place of business. The following documents will be required: an application, a copy of the constituent document, an account opening statement, a rental agreement for premises or a certificate of ownership, a garbage removal agreement, an agreement for disinfection. The application will be reviewed within a month;
  • fire authorities. You must contact the fire department at your place of registration;
  • from the environmental center;
  • from electrical supervision.

You cannot engage in waste recycling without the appropriate license. It can be obtained from the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. The cost of the license is 24,000 rubles.

In order to obtain a license, you must:

  • submit documents confirming the property base in the form of buildings and structures, equipment for work;
  • confirm the presence of certified workers in the team. This is done by providing copies of employee certificates for the right to work with waste and employment contracts;
  • have permission from the SES;
  • provide information about the waste that the organization will work with;
  • have concluded agreements with landfills and landfills. Their copies must be provided to the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

In addition to the listed documents, to obtain a license you must provide:

  • business registration certificate,
  • copies of constituent documents,
  • a copy of the tax registration certificate,
  • application for a license.

You can submit documents either in person by contacting Rosprirodnadzor or by sending them by mail.

Sample license for waste recycling

Search for premises

You can build a waste treatment plant yourself, or you can rent it. However, it is important to remember that the premises for a waste recycling plant must be at least 600 m2. The processing workshop will occupy 400 m2, 200 m2 will be required for storing raw materials and finished products. Don't forget about the administrative office. It can be either at the factory or separately.

An excellent option would be to use abandoned factories and warehouses. You don't have to pay much to use them.

Independent construction of a structure suitable for waste recycling will cost 15,000,000–20,000,000 rubles.

Renting the building will cost from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles per month, depending on the region.


Low-skilled workers can be hired to sort waste, so there will be no shortage of personnel

Recycling waste is quite a responsible task, which a beginner cannot always cope with. In addition, without certified specialists on the team, it is impossible to obtain a license to operate.

The number of employees depends on the production capacity. You will definitely need waste sorters, an accountant, an administrator and a driver. In total, a medium-sized waste recycling plant employs about 10–30 people.

Table: plant staff

Thus, the plant's staff is 12 people. The monthly wage fund is 270,000 rubles.

Purchase of equipment

Today there are two types of devices on the waste recycling equipment market: stationary and mobile.

Stationary equipment occupies large areas, is not intended to be moved, and has lower productivity. The cost of a complex of stationary installations ranges from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 rubles.

Mobile devices are more convenient to use and require less intervention. Prices for a waste recycling complex start at 4,000,000 rubles.

The minimum equipment of a processing workshop includes:

  • sorting line. Average market value - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • storage bunker. Cost - 500,000 rubles;
  • crushing apparatus. Minimum price devices - 1,800,000 rubles;
  • magnet. The average price is 1,200,000 rubles;
  • bake. The price starts from 800,000 rubles.

Each of the listed devices can be purchased separately, or as part of the complex mentioned earlier. The second option will save about 500,000 rubles.

Equipment also includes vehicles, which cannot be dispensed with in the waste processing business.

Thus, to start a business you need to spend a lot of effort, time and money. But business prospects justify these costs.

How much does it cost to open a waste recycling plant?

Now let’s summarize all of the above and talk about material costs in more detail. Let's say that we want to take this matter seriously, and for this we need our own processing plant. The building will be located near the city, next to a landfill, in order to save money on transportation in the future. The table shows the main average costs.

Table: starting capital for opening a waste recycling plant

The total costs according to the table will be approximately 20,000,000 rubles.

How to open a waste recycling business without start-up capital

Of course, not everyone has 20,000,000 rubles. But this does not mean that you should abandon the business.

You can choose one area of ​​activity, thereby reducing costs. The least expensive step in the waste processing process is its transportation. Your consumer in this case will be a waste recycling plant.

The main costs of such a business will include the cost of transport, licensing and labor. Obviously, the profit from transportation will be less than the profit from a full-cycle waste processing business. This option is suitable for those who do not have large sums at the initial stage.

Business plan for waste recycling: example calculation

Let's move on to the calculations. Let’s assume that the plant employs 10 people, whose average salary is 20,000 rubles per month. The monthly wage fund will be 200,000 rubles. Full cycle plant.

The cost of raw materials depends on the chosen industry. In the example, the acquisition costs will be calculated plastic waste. The market value of a ton of plastic is approximately 9,000 rubles. In a month, a plant with 10 employees will be able to process approximately 8 tons of waste. Therefore, monthly costs for raw materials will be 72,000 rubles. Let's include in this amount transportation costs, which correspond to approximately 20,000 rubles per month. The table shows the main expense items.

Table: Expected Costs

Expense item Amount of expenses, rubles
Equipment 4 500 000
Vehicles (2 cars) 4 000 000
License 24 000
Registration costs 20 000
Total 8 544 000
Monthly Amount of expenses per month, rubles
Renting premises 50 000
Wage 200 000
Raw materials 72 000
Communal payments 30 000
Other 20 000
Total 372 000

Now let’s determine the payback period and profitability of our business. The table shows the main income items.

Table: estimated income

The average cost of recycled plastic on the market is 70,000 rubles per ton. In a month, a plant of average capacity will process 10 tons, therefore, the income will be 700,000 rubles per month.

In addition to the sale of recyclable materials, income comes from the removal of waste from populated areas. Two cars per month are capable of removing 300 tons of garbage worth 1,200,000 rubles.

The payback period will be 8,544,000/1,800,000 = 4.8 months.

Video: how to make money from garbage

Waste processing is one of the most promising areas of business. The return from the waste recycling plant will not be long in coming. In addition, you will receive support from government authorities, which will allow you to expand your business and increase your income. However, be prepared for large time and material costs, especially at the initial stage.

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Garbage is a promising business and also an eternal one, I came into it out of greed and still don’t regret it. In order for a waste business to generate income, it is necessary, if possible, to be present at all stages of the technological chain: removal, sorting, depositing and recycling. While we are present at first three, but our business model assumes that we will definitely engage in processing, increasing sufficient volumes of incoming raw materials. If you control the entire chain, you can collect added value at each stage. We take out the garbage - we get a margin of 10–15%, we sort - another 15%, we recycle - plus the same amount. The highest competition is in the logistics market, and with each new municipal competition it increases, bringing new players to the market, and the country’s real need is in sorting complexes, processing plants and high-quality landfills. There are still no full-cycle factories in Russia.

Today, companies of different levels and with different approaches work in the field of waste management. Someone is exploiting the infrastructure inherited from Soviet times, without investing in modernization and without developing new directions - this is an approach fatal for our ecology. Russia is choking on garbage. And the Moscow region is perhaps one of the most problematic. What is needed is comprehensive solutions to the problem: it is necessary to build new modern infrastructure facilities in accordance with European standards, at the same time it is necessary to update the container park, sites and vehicles.

Influential competitors

The Russian model of managing the utility sector differs from the European one. In Europe, the municipality is independently responsible for the quality of public services, collects money from the population and hires contractors through competition. Our management companies are responsible for this, they are the link between residents and utility sector enterprises - that is, they negotiate with everyone directly, without any participation from the state.

As a result, the heads of municipal administration have virtually no leverage over companies providing waste removal services. In order for the mayor to force a company to work well, he needs to go through a difficult procedure: create a yard inspection, conduct an inspection together with the local district police officer, prove that the service is being provided poorly, fine or sue the company. Now Moscow is trying to change the system towards the European model, abandon the institution of management companies and assume the right to hold contract tenders.

For me, as an entrepreneur, this is a risk, because it is one thing when my customers are sixty management companies, and quite another when it is a municipality, which will be both a customer and a regulatory body.

The largest Moscow company in our sector is the State Unitary Enterprise Ecotekhprom. They control 50% of residential waste removal and 80% of recycling and deposits. The second largest waste removal company is MKM-Logistics, owned by the Chigirinsky family. They are followed by “Ecoline” by Gennady Timchenko.

Our priority is the construction of new modern facilities - MSKs and training grounds. Now there are 13 enterprises in 6 regions. We recently acquired the largest operator for the removal and disposal of medical waste in Moscow, so in the very near future Eco-System will create its own management infrastructure medical waste in the Moscow region.

Drinking employees

The utility industry traditionally suffers from a shortage of qualified personnel, and without the training of professional personnel, it is difficult to imagine its further successful development. There is also an acute problem of the prestige of the profession. Since Soviet times, people have had the belief that janitors are losers, drunkards, limit workers, and now also migrant workers. When I joined the company, I had to conduct a personnel audit and completely change the personnel policy. We have changed the principle of remuneration so that employees understand exactly what they are rewarded for and what they are punished for. You can evaluate the work of employees in different ways, for example, based on how much they traveled and transported, and not on how well they provided the service. Therefore, we first of all formulated what exactly our service is, and then translated this understanding into a system of employee motivation. We are not an ordinary cargo company and our clients do not pay us for driving our vehicles 100 km with some kind of cargo. We are paid for a high-quality and timely service, that is, for maintaining cleanliness, which has measurable parameters - everything must be done on time, quickly and accurately.

When people go to work, there should be no more garbage. In any civilized city, cleaning occurs in a short period of time, from 5:30 to 6:30 in the morning. It is believed that if garbage is not removed within three days, it will lead to an environmental disaster. A city can be easily destroyed by paralyzing the waste system. This, for example, happened once in Naples. The owners of the landfill and the logistics company could not agree on a price, as a result of which the garbage collection system was paralyzed for a month, during which time Naples turned into a dump. The city was restored for a whole year.

Separate collection

IN Soviet time no one valued either human, much less natural resources, therefore, during urban planning, special landfills were not planned. Throwing garbage into the forest or into a ravine near the city was considered completely normal. There were experiments with collecting scrap metal and waste paper, but this was more a fashion than an indicator of effective waste management. We have not developed the habit of thinking about what and how you throw away.

Europeans perceive garbage as a raw material and understand that waste recycling is a complex and expensive process. For comparison: average Russian family currently pays about 600 rubles per year for waste disposal, and the average Austrian costs 500 euros. And here you need to take into account that for them this is the cost of removing already sorted waste. If the shipping company finds paper or food waste in the glass container, a fine will be issued. Not separating garbage in Europe is expensive and simply indecent. Russia can achieve this through evolution, but several conditions must be met. First, the cost of waste removal should increase. Secondly, there should be competition among companies dealing with waste.

Companies could offer residents savings by separating waste at home. We have such experience in Astrakhan and Ryazan. This service has not yet received mass distribution, but is already very popular among educational institutions, which is important, since it is necessary to create a culture of waste management, as they say, “the sooner, the better.” For now we sell secondary raw materials. To start recycling on our own, we need to start serving about 5 million people.

Plastic, metal and pure cardboard are highly competitive raw material fractions: they are actively purchased and are in short supply. Plastic has become actively popular recently, because many new factories have appeared in Russia that process it. One ton of PET costs 380 euros in our country, and 500 euros in Europe. China is actively buying secondary raw materials. The trouble is that the garbage that has passed through the container and the garbage truck is mixed so that it turns out to be very difficult to separate them, and such dirty raw materials are cheap. Therefore, sorting before transport would benefit everyone. In fact, many janitors make extra money by sorting garbage. They stack bundles of cardboard or bags of bottles next to the containers, which are then picked up by representatives of recycling companies.

Landfills in the forest

Moscow produces from 6 to 10 million tons of garbage per year, and this is only household waste, and add medical, biological, construction waste to it - and all this needs to be stored somewhere. As a resident of Moscow, of course, I may not care where the garbage is taken out - the main thing is that it is not in my yard, but as a person who often visits the Moscow region, this is already important to me, because this is where it ends up. Half of the existing landfills in the Moscow region have long expired, and the number of unauthorized dumps continues to grow. As before, as now, garbage dumps appear spontaneously - without a plan or appropriate permits.

Ask any Russian mayor what their main headache, and they will answer that these are landfills. Often, garbage is simply taken outside the city and dumped wherever necessary. For example, we once undertook to close unauthorized landfills in several regions - it turned out that it was difficult to even count them. There are about sixty operating facilities near Barnaul alone, none of which have a license. And how many we haven’t found yet!

Once, some guys organized a landfill right in a residential neighborhood of Astrakhan, and the residents blamed us because we were removing garbage from this area. Law enforcement They didn’t want to do this - we had to organize surveillance ourselves, find out who was behind it. As a result, after six months they simply upped and left - they probably found a new place. In the garbage business, the shadow sector is very large. Companies enter into an agreement to remove garbage, but no one cares where it is dumped. Most often, either into the forest or to long-closed landfills.

The highest mountain of waste I have ever seen reached 25 meters. A ramming machine can still reach such a height. But the worst thing about a landfill is not what’s outside, but what’s inside. During the decomposition of waste, a toxic liquid is formed, which flows down and, if there is no protective geomembrane or clay castle at the base of the landfill, ends up in groundwater. After the landfill is filled, it is reclaimed: the garbage is allowed to settle for a year, compacted as much as possible, then covered with a layer of earth. To prevent methane, which appears as a result of decay, from blowing up the landfill from the inside (and this has happened), pipes are driven into it to different depths to remove the gas.

In Russia, I have not seen a single enterprise that collects landfill gas, so that it is freely released into the atmosphere. For comparison, in Europe, deep processing of waste is actively used, as a result of which a certain set of completely inert fractions, similar to sand, from which everything possible has been squeezed out, ends up being buried at a landfill. Glass, plastic, and wood are selected at the collection stage. They use the remaining food waste for needs Agriculture and obtaining electricity.

Waste incineration plants

Incinerating waste does not destroy waste, but only reduces its volume to the detriment of safety. One ton of waste produces 300 kilograms of ash, while the waste itself has a fourth or fifth hazard class, and the ash has a second class: it is poisonous and requires special storage. The only thing more dangerous than it is radioactive and chemical waste. 60% of the cost of a modern waste incineration plant comes from cleaning up emissions into the atmosphere. In the center of Vienna there is a factory where a stork lives on the chimney as a sign of safety of emissions.

There is one scandalous anecdotal story regarding emissions from Moscow waste incineration plants. Mayor Luzhkov wanted to prove to journalists and environmentalists that the plant he built was safe, but during the interview, acrid pink phenolic smoke poured out of the plant chimneys. Without being taken aback, the mayor explained: “Don’t be afraid, there is such a wind rose here that all the smoke is carried away outside of Moscow.”

I don’t even want to think about where the ash from Moscow factories is taken, because it is known that we have not built any special storage facilities for this. But she's going somewhere! The capital's factories burn about 12% of all household waste in the city, which results in at least 300 thousand tons of ash.

Photos provided by the Eco-System press service

There is no need to remind you that it is a profitable business. The proliferation of industrial and household waste dumps around the world is systematically resulting in an environmental disaster. And traditional factories that specialize only in sorting and pressing no longer solve all the accumulated problems.

Today, a mini waste processing plant is a godsend for every landfill. Located close to the landfill, such plants provide high productivity.

This hard worker can recycle 95% of all garbage.

In the areas allocated for the plant, there is actually a processing shop itself with the necessary equipment (crusher, melting furnaces, sorting line, magnet, press). With the help of this, as well as specialized equipment, the plant not only recycles, but also produces.

To begin with, it’s worth stopping in one direction. This will determine for which production the equipment should be purchased.

Eg, disposal of worn-out car tires The process is not only intensive, but also environmentally hazardous. When used tires are burned, soot and toxic gases are released into the atmosphere. But after processing these, it is possible to use rubber in building materials and rubber products. The rest of the waste is paper, glass, plastic, metal can be sorted and resold to industrial enterprises, earning more money.

Business on garbage - highlights

So, the main points that you should pay attention to when organizing a garbage business.

Next, monitor the issue of sales of recyclable materials. Also, do not forget that your plant must be located no closer than 600 meters from a residential area. There are no special requirements for premises. The main thing is the presence of the necessary communications, forced ventilation, electrical wiring and convenient access roads.

It would not be a bad idea to agree with municipal services on the supply of waste to your enterprise through municipal transport. Otherwise, it is impossible to do without purchasing specialized equipment. The task of recruiting employees will be important.


The larger the city where you plan to work, the more expenses you will have to start, but also the more objects for sales. Accordingly, the idea will pay off faster and the profit received will be greater.

Under the natural conditions of a modern landfill, waste decomposes within a month, newspapers, cardboard, fallen leaves - up to 4 months, cans and old shoes - up to 10 years, and batteries, tires, plastic bottles and glass - up to 100, 140, 200 and 1000 years respectively. Considering their annually increasing volume, humanity very soon risks drowning in the waste products of its vital activity. Moreover, it is no longer possible to combat the problem through banal arson, since large-scale flows of smog can cause irreparable harm to the health of the population. In this light, the issue of recycling becomes of great importance.

The state is taking certain steps in this direction, but business is more able to cope with the task more effectively. In Europe, waste recycling brings huge profits, which has caused high competition in this area. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the industry is still poorly developed, which gives excellent chances to eventually take a leading position, becoming one of the largest suppliers of secondary raw materials to industrial enterprises.

Industry Features

The profitability of a medium-sized waste recycling plant can reach 30% or more. However, when organizing production, an entrepreneur will face a number of difficulties.

The cost of a complex designed for the collection, delivery, reception, and processing of household solid waste (MSW) of most types (excluding hazardous ones, for which work requires obtaining separate licenses and high-tech equipment) will require more than tens of millions of dollars. Moreover, the largest part will be the cost of the installations themselves. In addition, you will have to look for a production area larger than 500 m² and corresponding warehouses. In most cases, building from scratch is more profitable than renting, despite the high costs. One of the additional items in this case will be the laying of communications, obtaining permits, licenses, approvals, and so on.

Government support, loans, grants and other ways to obtain additional funding will help make the start easier. During negotiations, remember that the introduction of modern and safe ways recycling waste is beneficial to local authorities. This can be a good argument in favor of allocating land or providing optimal premises.

Entrepreneurs who are not yet ready for such large-scale investments can carve out their niche with local projects. For example, organize the reception of already sorted waste of a certain type. Or just its processing. In this case, you will only need to purchase a complete line for working with one or another type of raw material (most often, we are talking about paper, glass or plastic).

Types of solid waste in terms of profitability

Ideally, a full-fledged plant should perform the full range of functions for sorting and processing waste:

  • reception of municipal solid waste (sorted and mixed);
  • sorting and processing of suitable resources (waste paper, polymers, broken glass, textiles, scrap metal);
  • production of structural products from recycled secondary raw materials.

However, in practice, novice entrepreneurs most often choose a narrow area of ​​activity. In this case, we can distinguish several typical “scenarios” for the operation of an enterprise, depending on the chosen type:

  • Cardboard and paper. In this case, you can organize a small enterprise that collects, presses and sells the resulting product, or open a full-fledged processing plant.
  • Polymers. Similar to the previous point. The most common companies collect waste and make recycled pellets from it, which are then purchased by companies that produce plastic products.
  • Glass. As a rule, entrepreneurs choose between collecting containers (cullet glass) and running a recycling business.
  • Tires. Here we are most often talking about full-cycle enterprises - from collection to processing. Work can be carried out according to one of three algorithms: collection of worn-out materials from motor transport enterprises, purchase from the population with the organization of collection points, or paid acceptance for recycling.

The priority work strategy and type of raw materials are determined based on several factors, individual for each locality. The most important of them is the standards for accumulation of solid waste. This indicator indicates their quantity formed per unit of time under certain conditions. Knowing this, you can quite accurately calculate how much raw material can be obtained by working in a certain area.

Speaking about profitability, the following data can be given:

  • aluminum, steel, other metal - almost 100% of the resulting raw materials are processed;
  • textiles - depending on the type of fiber, up to 50% of the material can be recycled;
  • waste paper - the share of useful raw materials in unsorted waste is about 35%;
  • glass - similar to waste paper.

When considering the prospects of this business, it is also necessary to take into account the liquidity of raw materials. It could be:

  • Highly liquid- a class of secondary raw materials from which, as a result of processing under existing conditions, it is possible to obtain products in demand by customers and sell them profitably. This is scrap metal of all types, clean waste from the paper and textile industries, glass waste without impurities, etc.
  • Moderately liquid- Solid waste of average quality, suitable for producing in-demand products, but not highly profitable (the cost of the finished material is approximately equal to the cost on the market). This is mixed waste paper, cardboard, plastic with impurities, textile items, large wooden elements, broken glass, tires.
  • Low liquidity- requiring significant effort for disposal and unprofitable for recycling. These are moisture-resistant cardboard and paper, polymer mixtures, bird fluff, glass cullet with significant contamination. In this case, you can earn income by recycling waste at the expense of the supplier.
  • Illiquid- hazardous waste that cannot be disposed of. For example, multilayer polymer packaging and laminated paper are not suitable for obtaining secondary raw materials, so they are processed at the expense of the customer or special sources of funding - municipalities, etc.

Currently, about 93% of garbage in the Russian Federation is disposed of in landfills and landfills. Considering the volumes, many entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy a worthy niche in a developing business.

Where to get raw materials?

The simplest, but also the most labor-intensive way is to negotiate with the management of landfills or the municipality about the possibility of independently selecting necessary trash. As a rule, at this stage it is beneficial to involve an “asocial element” in the work.

A “cleaner” technology is to conclude agreements with markets, institutions, and enterprises for the removal of sorted waste of the category you need. In this case, “they” reduce the cost of waste removal, the entrepreneur receives necessary materials. True, this does not work with all types of garbage.

Where to sell recycled waste?

One ton of processed and compressed polymer waste costs about 15 thousand rubles on the market, aluminum cans- about 50 thousand rubles, crumb rubber- about 16 thousand rubles, cardboard - about 12 thousand rubles. The daily productivity of the average capacity of a waste processing line is 8-10 tons of recyclable materials. Accordingly, the monthly turnover will be several million rubles, depending on other initial data.

For the most part, consumers of recycled waste paper, tin and polymers are various industries. Such companies are present in different regions and, as practice shows, they are happy to purchase raw materials from local manufacturers. However, it must be remembered that the consumer is already accustomed to comfort and prefers to receive high-quality purified and carefully compressed raw materials, which are easy to work with and convenient to store.

What documents are needed to register a business?

Each country and even region will have its own characteristics of registering a waste recycling enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a number of authorities and consult with specialists from each of them. When opening a business abroad, it is advisable to immediately enlist the support of a qualified lawyer.

The priority form of business registration will be or its equivalent in your country. In the Russian Federation, for this you need to provide the company's charter, articles of association, minutes of the meeting of owners and an application (form 11001).

Large financial flows in the process of operations make the OSNO taxation system optimal for the plant. In this case, income tax will be 20%, and VAT - 18%. At the same time, the entrepreneur is not subject to restrictions on the number of personnel, the value of property, etc. When registering, code 38 is indicated, which allows you to recycle and dispose of everything.

Since most types of solid waste are classified as hazard class 4-5, it is necessary to obtain a processing license, which is issued by the district Rosprirodnadzor. Specialists will conduct an environmental assessment and issue a permit. Next, permission will be required from the SES, water and municipal services of the locality, as well as fire departments. In total, registration issues take from 3 to 4 months.


Since waste sorting and recycling are “dirty” processes with low wages, there are not many people willing to fill the vacant position. However, to launch even a small plant, it is necessary to include 25-30 employees on staff. And even if they are found from the first moment, you need to be prepared for staff turnover - not everyone can withstand prolonged contact with garbage.

In order to retain existing staff and attract new ones, an entrepreneur needs to optimize salaries for a particular region, take care of comfortable working conditions (uniforms, disposable protective items, showers), and think through ways of motivation. Salaries to employees are the main expense item, but at this stage of industry development, the enterprise simply will not function without people.

Waste recycling technology

At a universal plant, the waste recycling process includes the following stages:

  • Waste delivered from the landfill is unloaded onto a receiving site, where large-sized waste - construction waste, household appliances, furniture, etc. - is manually removed.
  • Using a loader, the remaining mass is transferred to a receiving hopper, from where it is fed onto an inclined and then onto a horizontal conveyor.
  • On a horizontal conveyor, waste is sorted by type. This operation is performed manually by employees of 8-15 people.
  • Sorted waste is placed into carts through hatches in the overpass and delivered to presses (each for its own type of waste).
  • The waste is pressed into briquettes, tied and sent to a warehouse, and then to the customer, as a rule, for further processing.

Necessary equipment


The configuration of the waste processing technological line depends on the type of solid waste and the scale of activity. A classic full-cycle installation (from waste reception to compaction and storage) includes a number of units:

  • Reception bunker. This can be a container or a concrete covered area where bulky waste is removed from the mass of waste. The supply of solid waste to the conveyor can be carried out automatically or using loading equipment.
  • Receiving hopper with plate conveyor. This unit is necessary for uniform supply of waste for sorting.
  • Separator. This is where small fractions of waste are sifted out.
  • Horizontal Belt Conveyor. In most cases, it is serviced by operators who select certain fractions and dump them into separate containers. Depending on the types of waste selected for processing, the number of operators (and the containers themselves) may vary.
  • Main separator for collecting ferrous metal(usually located at the end of the conveyor).
  • Receiving hopper for waste that cannot be recycled.
  • Storage bins for sorted ones.
  • Baling presses- separate for each type of waste.
  • Storage device for bulky waste.

In addition to the equipment listed, consumables may be required for recycling. For example, to prevent delamination and scattering of finished briquettes at the pressing stage, special compounds are introduced into the mass. Another option to make transportation more comfortable is to purchase a binding line, where the briquettes are wrapped with strap tape or polyester film.

How much does the whole complex cost?

Construction from scratch of a universal plant designed to collect and process the maximum possible number of types of waste (from waste paper and plastic to rubber and glass) will cost about $20 million. A small workshop designed to work with a specific type of raw material can be organized for 50-200 thousand dollars.

A couple of years ago " garbage business» people from RAO UES decided to do it. The total investment in the Eco-System Group of Companies amounted to 16 billion rubles. The profitability of this area is estimated at 30%, which, together with the required volumes of cash injections, makes it unaffordable and uninteresting for small and medium-sized businesses. Contrary to popular belief, in Europe, the construction of solid waste recycling and processing plants is also mainly carried out by energy giants. For example, the German E. On is building a not very large plant in Cardiff.
