Who is the brownie in the house. Who are brownies and how to communicate with them? detailed instructions

And so on, the brownie occupies an important place. The otherworldly spirit monitors people's lives, helps careless owners to improve their lives and warns pets about dangers. It is not known exactly where the colorful character originated, but traces of the brownie are guessed in fairy tales and legends around the world.

Origin story

The emergence of a character Ancient Rus' associated with the ritual "construction sacrifice". The villagers approached the construction of a new house with great respect and during the laying of the dwelling they made a sacrifice that guaranteed a peaceful life. The skull of the victim, more often a bull or a sheep, was laid in the eastern corner of the house. There, after the completion of construction, a brownie was born.

The brownie obeyed exclusively and. Therefore, some of the rites that have come down to the present are similar to the rituals that were dedicated to the god of cattle. Like Veles, the brownie had two incarnations: cherished (kind) and yard (demon). Later, both concepts were combined in one character, giving the creature a peculiar character.

Over time, the history of the appearance of the brownie was modified. The inconspicuous inhabitant of the house was not an otherworldly spirit, but the ghost of a deceased person, connected by family ties with the family to which the house belonged. The deceased, not inveterate or appointed by higher powers, was obliged to protect relatives and friends.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the myth of the brownie intertwined with biblical images. Now the man who guarded people's houses has received the status of a fallen angel. An angry God drove out unwanted sons from Heaven, and those, having fallen to the ground, settled among mere mortals. The one who fell into the house during the fall remained in it forever.

Over time, the church openly condemned the rituals that are aimed at coaxing the lamb. The clergy said that brownies are of demonic origin, so otherworldly inhabitants must be expelled from their own homes.

However, such exhortations did not eradicate the old traditions. And the image of a brownie (though under other names) is easy to find in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian and Serbian folklore.

Brownie in life

There is a popular belief that a brownie lives in every house. A man spends a significant part of his time behind the stove or in the attic. IN old times the brownie often lived in a stable or in a barn, but now the lamb hides in a doorway or in spruce branches, with which knowledgeable people decorate apartments.

You can not attach an estimated value to an inconspicuous roommate. Good or bad brownie, depends only on the owners or on calendar church dates. If in everyday days the lamb practically does not play pranks, then on Christmas, on Ivan Kupala and on memorial days, the creature does dirty tricks. In the old days, the brownie mocked livestock, and in modern realities, he often hides or breaks the master's things.

Nobody knows exactly what Family status brownie. The man is said to be married. The brownie's family exactly repeats the composition of the family in whose house the creature lives. Therefore, the character is sometimes accompanied by the housewife's wife and the housekeeper's daughter.

But there is a theory that the female brownie is another kind of otherworldly force. Allegedly, if only women live in the house, then the lamb takes on a female appearance. Therefore, the brownie is not at all obliged to marry.

There are no less legends about the appearance of the creature than about the origin. It is known for sure that the brownie has zoomorphic features and the ability to reincarnate. The man is endowed with long ears and easily turns into a pet so as not to frighten the owners.

In rich houses, the brownie is covered with thick hair, in poor houses, the body of a man is devoid of vegetation. More often, the creature is presented in the form of a lanky old man, able to take on the appearance of people who died in the house.

The brownie communicates with the wards using a variety of signs, rarely showing himself to people. For example, the creature strangles the owners of the apartment in a dream. Esotericists interpret this behavior of the otherworldly force in two ways. Either the brownie was offended by the inhabitants of the house, or warns the household about changes in life.

Quite often, the creature strokes the owners of the house. If a person was lucky enough to feel the pleasant warmth and hairiness of the Brownie's palm, then money will soon appear in the family. Another outcome awaits those who feel the cold touch. This means that soon the family will face large forced expenses, for which it is worth preparing.

Other manifestations of the being are connected with the relationships between people. The brownie does not like quarrels and in every possible way demonstrates his attitude to events with the help of noise. The brownie's wife screams if a loss is expected in the house. For a lazy attitude towards livestock or farming, the family where the brownie lives will also face an unpleasant punishment.

Brownie in culture

In different religions and countries, the brownie has a different set of functions. For example, in Islam there is no complete analogue of a brownie. In the beliefs of Muslims, good genies have a similar functionality. Creatures settle in houses where there are no dogs, paintings and bells. Jinn dress in green clothes and are kind to tired mothers, so at night they rock the cradles with newborns so that they do not cry.

Among the Slavs, the brownie's functionality varies depending on the region. A creature named Stopan lives in the south of the country. The otherworldly resident of the house appears before the owners of the dwelling in the form of a snake. The main task of the southern brownie is to take care of the family. The man is of little interest in the household, but Stopan carefully monitors that there are no quarrels in the family.

In the north, Susedok or Batanushek was considered the rightful owner of the house. The creature meets the usual ideas about the brownie. An elderly man lives in the underground or in the attic and closely monitors the household, notifying the owners of the house about livestock diseases or impending changes.

In Belarus, the brownie is known as Khatnik, Damavik and Gospodar and looks after the house and family. The Belarusian hearth keeper is endowed with a special coin that returns to the owner even after spending. "Pavarotny rubel" brownie gives only respectable owners of houses.

In Ukraine, there lives a "hatniy didko", who is called upon to monitor housing and livestock.

In Europe similar character It also occurs quite often, but foreign brownies are entrusted with the sole function of keeping order. Brownies, duende, fairies and other European spirits care little for the owners of houses.

Brownie - perhaps the most common "mythological character" among the domestic spirits of the Slavs. And although some researchers classify him as a class of evil spirits, but in fact he is not such, only some features are combined with them and nothing more. Therefore, if you briefly answer the question “who is a brownie”, then you can definitely know that he is a spirit.

Various brownie names

In order to more deeply understand who the brownie is, it is necessary to pay attention to its various names, which are not just the names of this spirit, but reflect various aspects of its essence. So, for example, the names of a barn, podpechnik, hut pointed to his favorite habitat for the brownie, the name of the brownie's neighbor spoke of his peculiar neighborly status, and sometimes the name of the brownie displayed a benevolent attitude towards people, say - well-wisher, good-natured. But the most accurate name, reflecting who the brownie is, among the people was his nickname - the owner or the highway. Some of his habits were also reflected in the names of the brownie (for the habit of living in warmth and comfort - a wen; for sometimes licking the hair of sleeping people - a lizun; for sometimes crushing and strangling the sleeping ones - oppression, oppression, much, squeezed out) .

Although, it must be noted separately that some people, answering the question “who is a brownie”, would say that he, after all, is an evil spirit, at least he behaves like them, therefore there are such folk names for a brownie as fat features, dashing, which clearly emphasized his belonging to the category of demonological creatures.

Who is the brownie originally and where did he come from?

The image of a brownie is rooted in ancient times and is directly related to the cult of ancestors, so he has such a “human” appearance, often reminiscent of a grandfather. Therefore, if you look at the brownie phenomenon from this point of view, then it is easy to answer the question “who is a brownie” - he is your distant, distant ancestor, in a sense, the guardian spirit of the clan. And this is confirmed by pagan mythology, according to which the founder of the clan after his death, or the first organizer of the hearth, turned into a brownie.

The appearance of a brownie

The brownie was usually represented as a person, often on the same face as the owner of the house. The voice and habits of the brownie are usually similar to the voice and habits of one of the ancestors.

Often the brownie appeared in the guise of an elderly man with a face overgrown with white hair, or a short old man, covered from head to toe with shaggy hair. It is interesting to note that the people believed that the furrier the brownie, the more prosperity in the house.

In some places, the brownie was described as a little old man with a large gray beard, very clumsy (so everyone can see him on a dark night before the second roosters). He always walks barefoot, as he is not afraid of frost.

Where the brownie was still classified as a category of evil spirits, his image was very different and approached the appearance of the devil - black, cold, he has barely noticeable horns and a bent, barely noticeable tail, one ear is missing (for which he was sometimes called "carno-eared"). ").

Nevertheless, no matter how the brownie looks, most of the time he still remains invisible, and you can see him only at his request or involuntarily, briefly. Sometimes the brownie's ability to become invisible was explained by the fact that the brownie has an invisibility cap.

It was widely believed that one should not try to see the brownie at all, since he does not like the curious and can get angry - push him into the cellar or throw him down the stairs or from the hayloft, start strangling the sleeping man at night, breaking the dishes or torturing the cattle. Sometimes they even believed that the one who saw the brownie would die or become numb, or would be ill for a long time. In some places, it was advised not to even leave the house to the noise, if at the same time the dogs (friends of the brownie) do not bark, since in this case the noise is most likely made by the brownie, which at this time should not be disturbed.

Brownie and his connection with the house

If you ask any person “who is a brownie”, then he will probably answer that this is a creature associated with the house and will be right, because the name itself indicates this sacred connection.

Everywhere it was believed that the brownie must be in every house or hut, and only one, “his own” brownie. Brownies, according to popular ideas, dispose only of the house in which they live, and usually do not invade other houses occupied by other brownies.

It was believed that without an invitation, the brownie would not leave the old house. If the owner does not call the brownie with him, then there will be no cattle in the new place and there will be no harmony in any business. It was also believed that if the old brownie remained in the old place, and a new brownie moved into the house along with the new owners, then the brownies would fight among themselves and everything in the house would go awry. The former brownie will take revenge on both the former and the new owner of the house: from the old owners he will transfer all the cattle to a new place, and the new owners will be pinched at night to bruises or thrown at them with anything, choke them and cattle, scatter or hide different things, in a word, get them out of the house.

Despite the fact that the brownie is in charge of the entire household, he has a favorite habitat - a stove. In some places, dark corners, a basement or underground, a threshold, the top of a ceiling, an attic, and also a barn were considered to be a house for a brownie.

The brownie walks all over the yard, but sleeps next to the owner on the stove. The close connection of the brownie with the stove - the sacred center of the house - explains that the dead, the ancestors, have long been associated with it (their traditional location in the house is the under-bake, bake, stove, hearth).

Sometimes it was also believed that if there are horses in the yard, then the brownie lives with them, in the stable or in the hay shed.

The magical "life" of the brownie

No matter how hard we try to understand who the brownie is, we cannot avoid his connection with the magical world, for he himself has many occult abilities. Like any evil spirit, brownies are capable of shapeshifting and can take the form of a smoky cat, viper or snake, mouse, rat, dog, weasel, frog, rooster, squirrel, gray sheep, cow, pig, lamb, black hare. The brownie can also take the form of a jumping bag of bread or feed, a clod of snow, a hay of straw, or a ball of wool.

According to some beliefs, the brownie sometimes takes on various fantastic forms, for example, a bear with human feet and a head, a snake with a rooster's head, and the like. However, the most traditional for a brownie is the appearance of a cat (a cat in some beliefs is a “relative of a brownie”), a snake or a weasel. In addition, the brownie can sometimes be seen in a guise very similar to the appearance of the owner of the house or one of the household members. True, it was sometimes believed that, taking on a human form, he could not hide his horse ears.

The attitude of the brownie to the inhabitants of the house

It has already been noted above that the most correct answer to the question “who is a brownie” would be “master”. Therefore, his relationship with the inhabitants of the house is built precisely from this - that is, how hardworking they themselves are and how much they themselves take care of their household.

If the inhabitants of the house are economic and hardworking, then the brownie helps them in everything, takes care of the cattle and in every possible way expresses his disposition to the owners. Special signs attention from the house owner could also be expressed in the fact that at night he braided the beards of the old men, and the hair of the women.

But if the owners did not please him with something, the brownie makes noise and mischief in the house: he pulls off and dumps everything that comes across (clothes, household utensils), calls out in the yard, rattles dishes, teases pets. Usually the brownie walks silently, but sometimes he walks around the house shuffling or stomping, knocking, rattling, slamming doors. Sometimes he stirs up a fuss, but this happens only at night, usually underground, in a closet or in an attic. Angry, the brownie throws anything, with a terrible knock, but at the same time it never hits a person.

If the brownie does not like the owners, then he can let rats and mice into the house, surviving people from the house. According to popular belief, if there are often dead people in the family, then this meant that "the host does not love the living."

They also believed that the brownie, if he was angry, could drag the owner from the stove to the floor and choke him with hay.

Domovoi's attitude towards animals

If the brownie dislikes any livestock, especially a horse, then he will torment the unfortunate animal in every possible way. If the owner does not sell the unloved horse in time, then the brownie drives it to the point that it will turn into a tired nag. Therefore, many ways were invented to please him, thereby protecting animals from his machinations.

In order for a horse (or cattle in general) to come "to the court", it must be of the color that the brownie likes. This suit can be recognized by the pigeons that live in the yard (what color the majority of pigeons have, these are the preferences of the brownie), as well as by the color of domestic affection. Also in the house it is desirable to keep cats of the suit that is pleasing to the brownie.

In order for the brownie to love the purchased animal and protect it, you need to put salted slices of bread in all four corners of the barn with the words: “Master-hostess, here’s bread, salt, and a good belly: sing and feed, give us with your belly.”

What does brownie do

Besides the fact that the brownie manages the household, he also performs a number of other "functions". So, for example, the people believed that the brownie at night goes to wives and widows, yearning for their dead or absent husbands, taking on their appearance, which makes him related to such a category of evil spirits as incubi.

How the brownie plays pranks

It was believed that the brownie often annoys noisy and stupid women.

Also, according to popular beliefs, the brownie sometimes pinches at night (most often pinches women on the chest), which causes bruises. In some places, however, it was believed that the bruises left on the body by brownies usually did not hurt and soon passed.

Sometimes the brownie strangles the sleeping ones, presses on their chest, but usually does not strangle to death, while it was sometimes believed that the brownie more often disturbs the guests than the household. In some places, however, it was believed that when something suffocates at night, presses on the chest, it is the person “found the shadow of the brownie”, and the brownie himself does not dare to approach the baptized person.

In some places, certain illnesses, “infirmities” were also attributed to the evil influence of the brownie. In particular, the brownie walks invisibly around the hut, and a person who accidentally gets on his “road” (that is, who has made a “transition”) can become seriously ill.

© Alexey Korneev

In Slavic mythology, there are a huge number of different characters that live in dense forests, on high mountain slopes, reservoirs and even underground. However, mystical images of creatures living side by side with people, such as brownies, are of the greatest interest. According to beliefs, they are in every home. But not everyone knows who brownies are and how to treat them. Let's try to figure out what these creatures are, how they can affect the family atmosphere, whether they are evil or good.

What the researchers say

People who are professionally involved in the study of paranormal phenomena have their own idea of ​​​​who the brownies are and what they do in the human world. There are two main versions, according to one of which brownies are the souls of righteous people left by the Lord on earth in order to continue doing good deeds and resist evil spirits. Another version says that the real brownie is an evil spirit, which is planted in the house by a sorceress using black magic.

What does science think about this?

From a scientific point of view, the existence of a house spirit has not been proven. The vast majority of researchers are skeptical about the stories about the brownie. But there are respected people who quite seriously believe that brownies are the souls of our relatives. As a rule, they are men who died unbaptized or were not buried during the funeral. Having a huge number of sins behind them that were not forgiven, they are not able to leave the world of the living, therefore they are forced to settle where their relatives live.

The less popular version is as follows. Brownie - the soul of a woman who practiced black magic during her lifetime, and after death she became confused with the devil himself.

Slavic mythology

Slavic peoples have always respected the spirit that lives in their home. They were sure they knew who the brownies were. In their opinion, these are good spirits that do not want to harm a person. But sometimes they can afford to be a little mischievous, such as hiding something or rearranging objects in the room. However, no one held a grudge against the brownies, who thus expressed their disagreement with something, protested.

Belarusian brownie

From the legends walking around the territory of modern Belarus, you can find out that the brownie hatches from an egg that was laid by a rooster. However, in order for the spirit of the house to be born, it is necessary to carry the egg under the left armpit for six months. Then a serpent appears, which eventually grows into a brownie.

Russian spirit at home

In Russian mythology, a different origin of brownies is indicated. Until some time they lived in heaven, next to the Lord God. But then they were exiled to the world of people, as they disobeyed the Creator and even decided to organize a rebellion against him. Being expelled from heaven, the souls were forced to settle in their homes. Being among people, brownies feed on their energy.

In Russian fairy tales, the spirits of the house are often mentioned. From folk art, you can learn how to catch a brownie, how to make friends with him or drive him away. However, as a rule, there is no need to drive the brownie away, since he is a rather positive and harmless creature that loves every member of the family. This positive character is used as the main character in the book "Diary of a brownie", which literally blew up the Runet. But more on that later.

Ukrainian brownie

Who are brownies, they know in the territory of modern Ukraine. One of the versions tells us that even an animal that died during the construction of the house can become a brownie. The soul does not leave the limits of the place where the heart of its physical shell stopped, remaining to live forever within the walls of the new building.

So, some people believe that even a moth or an insect can be a brownie. But the main Ukrainian version indicates that these are still the souls of dead people. They depict the spirit of the house in the form of a small old man who lives in the warmest and driest place - behind the stove. The image of this grandfather is very similar to the one used in the book "The Brownie's Diary".

Legends of evil brownies are extremely rare. After all, as a rule, these are harmless old men with kind eyes and who have grown up to their knees. People who believe in the existence of the spirit of the house treat it with respect and warmth. They know that the brownie will never offend their owners, and will also help create family comfort, maintain harmony in relationships.

If a single woman lives in the house, then the spirit of the house will also belong to the weaker sex. According to beliefs, in a house in which there is no male energy, the soul of a witch settles. Having passed difficult process cleansing and getting rid of sins, she becomes a very strong protector, completely protecting the mistress of the home. The presence of the spirit of the house can be indicated by the sharp smell of lilac, even if the room is completely empty.

Brownie's appearance

Who are brownies, we figured it out a little. But how to determine that you saw exactly the spirit of the house? Some sources claim that a brownie can appear to a person in the form of an animal, such as a cow, dog, snake, cat or mouse. But as a rule, most of the legends describe him in exactly the same way as the author of the book "The Brownie's Diary": a small and bizarre little man who wears wicker bast shoes and an old, slightly shabby cap. Appearance can be described as follows:

  • An elderly man with gray hair and beard.
  • A small and very frisky creature that vaguely resembles a person and has a shiny coat.
  • A miniature and fluffy mouse, moving exclusively on hind legs, as well as having a human face and hands.

The presence of a brownie can be seen from the strange footprints left on the dusty surface. But remember that the spirit of the house does not like disorder and people who do not care for the room in which they live.

Those who believe that the brownie is an entity in the service of the dark forces describe it in a completely different way. For example, you can find stories in which the spirit of the house looks like a terrible giant the size of an adult bear. He is covered with dark and very dense hair, and in some cases even has huge horns. Also, he is not at all afraid of either holy water or rituals for the consecration of the house. Sometimes the brownie arranges riots on purpose to force the owner to turn to the clergy for help, who will clean the energy inside the room.

What influences the behavior of the spirit of the house

In order not to anger the brownie, it is necessary to maintain the premises in perfect order, and also do not forget to feed the real owner of the house. Leave him sweets, pour milk and share bread. It is recommended to communicate with the spirit of the house, to praise it. Only in this case, he will be able to become your real protector, protecting you from all sorts of troubles.

How to behave with brownies

In order for the spirit of the house not to disturb you, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness, as well as quarrel less with relatives, try to maintain positive energy. So many useful tips, written in a humorous form, is contained in the book "The Brownie's Diary", all parts of which are already on sale. The author talks about Everyday life brownie, who made friends with a cat and a puppy. Together with his furry friends, he finds himself in various life situations, ridicules certain human actions that people do.

There are no definite rules on how to behave so that the spirit of the house remains satisfied with the conditions in which you and he live. However, knowing who the brownies are, one should maintain cleanliness and order so as not to upset the invisible protector. If harmony reigns in your house, then the spirit of the house will not allow thieves to climb into your possessions, and will also prevent the occurrence of a fire.

Communication with the spirit of the house

The missing note will mean that your request has been considered, and you will receive an answer shortly. If the note you left has become crumpled or torn, this is a sign that the brownie does not want to help you in a matter that he considers wrong or pointless.

Many sources, including the Brownie's Diary, say that the old man who lives behind your stove cannot be bribed. He can only be appeased. It does not even require sweets or any special attributes. Enough to contact him kind word, sing a funny song or give a few compliments. If you are looking for a way to negotiate with a brownie, then it is possible that he will be very offended by you and play pranks.

When the spirit of the house is a danger

People leading a godless lifestyle often face manifestations of aggression from the brownie. Somewhere expensive accessories, such as gold rings or earrings, disappear from the house, and someone feels the indignation of the spirit on themselves. For example, there are many stories where people complain that they are being strangled at night. Fragile objects can also break, strange and creepy sounds can be heard.

How to deal with brownies

If it so happened that you angered the spirit of the house, which is angry with you, makes it so that harmony in the family has completely disappeared, ask him for forgiveness. The brownie always replies with kindness for kindness. The most important thing for him is that you found the strength in yourself to realize the wrong own behavior and decided to change the situation for the better.

To make the brownie happy

As we already know, the spirit of the house lives in the kitchen, behind the stove. In order to create the most comfortable living conditions for him, it is necessary to follow the order. Try not to leave dirty dishes, especially at night. Hide all cutting and piercing objects from the table, and also remove salt. In each corner, you can put a trifle, saying the following words to yourself: “Neighbor-house-keeper, here’s your money for seeds and boots.”

If you are going to have a party or just waiting for guests, be sure to treat the brownie. Pour a shot strong drink(preferably wine) and put a couple of sweets next to it, saying: “Sir brownie, treat yourself to my sweets and drink delicious wine.”

Going on vacation, be sure to talk to the spirit of the house, which will remain on the farm. So that trouble does not happen during your absence, you need to say: “Owner-father, look after the housing, and I will buy you some goodies.” When you return home, be sure to say hello.

"Brownie's Diary"

As you can see, there is nothing terrible in the image of a brownie. As a rule, these creatures try not to catch the eye, and are also real protectors of the family in which they live. This original image is used in his book "The Brownie's Diary" by the author Evgeny CheshirKo. A young man describes the daily life of a modern brownie who managed to make friends with a cat and a puppy. Together, this trio finds themselves in various funny situations, from which they find the most ridiculous way out. But despite the humorous genre of the book, each line contains a hidden meaning, a message to the reader, which makes the author's work even more interesting.

Brownie is a kind soul of the house. This creature takes care of the people living here, can take care of livestock and help the owner or mistress in household chores, but only if they are hardworking. He also guards cash reserves and does not like it very much when money is thrown to the wind to no avail.

If the family moves to the city, many make sure that the brownie begins to live in their apartment. To do this, they take the owner's hat, go around the whole an old house and persuade the brownie to go with them to a new home. You need to speak affectionately so that the spirit is not offended and agrees to move.

In ancient times in Rus', a guard and protector of the house lived in every house. they called him in every way - and the owner, and the brownie and homemade. Its essence does not change from the name. In principle, this is a creature, or entity, designed to protect the house from all sorts of misfortunes. Brownie loves hard-working people and housewives who keep the house in order. A man should work in the field, and a woman should cook, wash, clean and look after the children. If this is what happens, the brownie will definitely help the owners unnoticed. He will find the lost thing and put it in a conspicuous place, he will save the child from trouble. Information about the brownie living in the family is passed from father to son.

Everyone knows that for the brownie they always leave milk in a saucer and something tasty. This creature loves to eat pies. At night, when the owners calm down and fall asleep, the brownie comes out from behind the stove, where he is in the daytime and bypasses his possessions. If he sees that the husband and wife have worked hard, but did not have time to finish some things, he can help them. Home spirits can be mischievous - children's toys will be mixed up, they will frighten a cat, but they never cause serious harm. minor annoyances sometimes family spirits are delivered - their children or nephews, who, due to their youth, have not yet acquired their own home.

No matter how many fairy tales and stories there were, the whole truth about brownies is not known to anyone. all information about them begins with the word: "they say." So each person has their own idea of ​​these creatures. Some people consider them to be evil and scary spirits. However, you should know that the brownies act cruelly only with the negligent. If the owner did not plow the field in time, and did not sow grain, but only drinks brew and asks for food, the spirit may try to choke him in the middle of the night and throw him out of bed. It does the same with a lazy hostess. By this, he makes it clear that it is time to get to work, otherwise hunger will come in winter.

To reconcile, however, with the brownie is not at all difficult. He will like it if the hostess puts a beautiful rag next to his saucer. But even more to my liking, when the owner and the hostess take up their minds, they begin to work diligently, and put money in a money box, and not squander it in vain. Then the domestic spirit will stop punishing them, and will help as much as possible.

Each housewife tries to appease the brownie, put him a tasty piece for food. Sometimes, if one believes that this spirit male then pour him a glass of vodka. What does the brownie do if he loves his home, and the owners? Protects people living in the house from misfortunes, looks after animals. When there are horses on the farm, the house elf tries to groom and cherish them. In some cases, for some reason, he may dislike the horse and then drives him around the stable all night, not allowing him to eat or rest.

It also happens that the brownie begins to consider himself not an assistant in all matters, but the owner of the house. In order to survive objectionable people, he is even able to provoke a fire. If such things happen in the house, you should put the spirit in its place, be strict. The owner takes a belt or whip in his hands and goes around the whole house, quilting on the walls and furniture. At this time, you need to strictly speak so that the brownie does not play pranks, does not get angry, but diligently does his job and does not interfere with people. But basically, after all, the domovik benefits, and does not harm. Sometimes he warns of misfortune, sending prophetic dreams. By solving them, people can avoid various troubles.

You can see the brownie with your own eyes only on a clean Thursday. On this day, he sits in the attic behind the chimney. At other times, it is possible to notice the spirit only with peripheral vision. It seems that someone shaggy ran nearby, but nothing can be said for sure. Sometimes children are shown a brownie, the description of it, in most cases, is based precisely on their stories. They say that this is a short, shaggy creature with dark hair, round eyes, movable arms and legs. It is believed that he talks with children and even answers their questions. The older the children get, the less often this happens.

In some regions of Russia, even now they consider the brownie to be one of the ancestors, who is assigned to the living as an assistant. In pagan times, this creature was the guardian of the family, the protector from dark forces. When Christianity came, the house was called a demon for some reason. Priests warn against communicating with him, urge to make a cross and read prayers if the brownie begins to play pranks. How it all fits together, it is not known whether the pagan spirit reacts to Christian symbols at all, hardly anyone can say.

In pagan times, the brownie was considered the god of the hearth. He was worshiped and sacrificed in the form of bread and milk. Christians declared him a demon, like other pagan gods. However, even now the domovik is loved, revered and fed. In response, the home spirit guards the peace of the house.

Brownie - one of the ancient amulets household. If he loves the owner of the house, then he helps him in every possible way. Sometimes, however, the spirit can get angry with a lazy and negligent man. In this case, punishes - strangles, beats at night. Some even get bruises from it.
