Gardening advice. Useful tips for summer residents, gardeners and gardeners

Tips for gardeners and gardeners
Every gardener who loves his job is ready to do everything to grow healthy and beautiful plants without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find vegetables and fruits that would ripen without the use of chemicals, but then all the value of food is lost. But before the advent of all these harmful substances, people somehow managed without chemistry. We have collected for you recipes of natural fertilizers proven over the years and methods of pest control. These brilliant tips will make your yard look like a Garden of Eden!

1) Sometimes old apple trees stop blooming, so they need to be stimulated a little. Hammer in fruit tree nail and it will bloom. In India, gardeners do the same with coconut trees. This procedure is absolutely harmless to the tree.

2) If the plant sheds flowers, buds and ovaries, magnesium sulfate (epsom salt, magnesia sulfate) will help you. It is a natural mineral that is extracted from sea ​​water. The result is almost instant.
Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. sulfate in a liter bottle of warm water and shake well. Spray the plants once every two weeks from the beginning of flowering until the time you collect the fruits.

3) Iron is necessary for plants to grow, with its deficiency, their leaves turn yellow. This is usually due to excess phosphorus in the ground. Place some rusty nails in water and spray the plants with it. This will help you quickly resolve the issue.

4) Soda fights fungal diseases best. In 3 liters of warm water, dilute a tablespoon of soda and spray the plants with this liquid. Water should completely cover the plant and drain into the soil.

5) Milk is very useful for plants. Some housewives inject milk with a syringe directly into the stem of the plant. Diluted milk can be sprayed on the root zone and foliage. Be sure to dilute the milk and don't use it too often.

6) Copper coins prevent fungus. Bury a few coins in the ground around the plant and the copper will kill the fungal spores.

7) Use sugary sparkling water as an insect trap. Leave some soda in the bottle and hang it on a fruit tree. This method is not recommended for use during the flowering period.

8) Wood ash is good for the soil where asparagus, broccoli, beans, beets grow. Fertilize roses, azaleas, rhododendrons with coffee grounds.

9) This advice may sound funny, but plants love music. Studies show that jazz and classical music have a beneficial effect on the condition and growth of plants. This trick is used even on the famous vineyards.

10) Advice for gardeners who cannot stand gloves on their hands: wet your hands with water and thoroughly lather them with ordinary laundry soap until dry and you can get to work. They did the job and thoroughly washed away all the dirt. A film of laundry soap will keep your hands while working with the ground and subsequently, after washing off, your hands will be clean and soft. Laundry soap is a good antiseptic.

11) As you know, you need to plant plants at a certain distance from each other. Use a measuring tape to measure the desired length and make a mark on the shovel handle. Now it will not be difficult to measure the distance - a shovel will help out when there is no tape measure at hand.

12) Do not neglect this important point, as a mark of plants - sign where what grows. Tags are very convenient, now you will not forget which plants grow in your beds. And don't confuse them with weeds. Pieces of old tiles are great for making plant name plates. An option for real aesthetes: write the names of your favorite vegetation on the pebbles. Maybe even in Latin!

13) Don't forget to protect the plants from sudden frosts - cover them with pots at night when the temperature drops significantly. This will save the seedlings from hypothermia.

14) Aphids are the scourge of all summer residents. It is necessary to use means that protect the garden from aphids, but if it does appear, do not despair. Scotch tape will help remove aphids from affected plants in one fell swoop. Wrap your hand in duct tape, sticky side up, and begin a conscientious cleansing of the garden.

15) Tomatoes and cucumbers need enough water to develop and bear fruit normally. The right amount is crucial: if there is too little moisture, the plants will dry out, if there is a lot, they can begin to rot at the roots.
An ordinary plastic bottle will help you take care of a decent irrigation system.

To begin, cut off the bottom of the bottle and poke some holes in the lid. Then simply insert the bottle upside down into the ground and fill it with water. Irrigation system is ready! Plants will take as much moisture as they need, no frills.

16) Vegetable broth is the best fertilizer! The water in which the vegetables were cooked should be added to your garden - everything will grow by leaps and bounds.

17) Seeds will germinate without problems, even if their shell is very hard - just remember to put them in a cup of warm water overnight. This is especially useful for beans!

18) Some seeds need to be germinated before being planted in the ground. In a pot, the conditions for germination are ideal, the seeds germinate and take root. But when the seed is in the ground, it begins to act adverse factors- from insects to temperature changes. Make a protective shell out of cardboard for your favorite plants!

Using a toilet paper roller, you can protect the seeds in the ground from external influences. Cardboard decomposes in the soil, so it does not need to be dug up later. Transplant the seeds in such a convenient roll directly into the ground.

19) Caring for plants that love to curl requires special diligence. The main task is to make the flower bed well-groomed without losing comfort for greenery.

20) A regular chute is an excellent basis for growing strawberries and other similar crops. Cut the gutter into pieces with a regular hacksaw. Make small holes in the bottom for water. A rich harvest in such conditions is guaranteed!

The Root Growth Promoter will help root formation on cuttings of really difficult rooted plants. Strong roots will allow young seedlings to get more nutrients from the soil, they will grow faster, bloom and bring a good harvest.

Root Growth Stimulants

1. Honey
Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 1.5 liters of water. Dip the cutting into honey water for 12 hours (about one third of the plant should be in water).

2. Potato
Remove the eyes from a large potato, make an incision in it and place the stalk in it. Don't forget to water your potatoes! The stalk will give roots very quickly, because potatoes are an ideal nutrient medium.

3. Aloe juice
Place the cutting in water and add 7-10 drops of aloe juice to it. Aloe juice will not only help the roots grow, it will provide the future plant with good immunity.

4. Willow water
Put a few willow twigs (you can also use wild rosemary and poplar) in water and wait for the roots to appear. Take out the branches and place the cuttings in the same water. This tool works great!

5. Yeast solution
Prepare a yeast solution: 100 mg of yeast per 1 liter. Soak the cuttings in it for a day, then place them in plain water.

After stimulating the growth of the roots, the plants can be safely planted in the ground. These are proven by more than one generation folk remedies. Young shoots of plants will delight you with their strength and magnificent views!

How to equip a garden

21) Make a special barrel to collect rainwater and use it to water the plants.

22) Kill weeds with your own non-toxic spray, which contains 4 liters of vinegar (9%, not 70% (!) 250 g of table salt and 1 tbsp. dishwashing detergent. Spray weeds with it on a hot day.

23) Use egg shells to grow seedlings and fertilize the soil (scatter crushed shells around the site).

24) Diapers can be used to keep moisture inside the plant pot.

25) Various animals, such as squirrels, do not like the smell of soap. And with the help of a soapy solution, you can fight aphids.

26) Tea bags in fertilizers will add nutrients.

27) Citrus zest will help get rid of aphids and mosquitoes.

28) Sprinkling plants with coffee grounds will keep them safe from hares and squirrels. In addition, the thick gives additional nutrients seedlings.

29) Plastic forks can keep animals out of the garden.

30) Make a small greenhouse for the seedlings.

31) Sprinkle the area with bittersweet or Epsom salt. This will make the plants more dense and blooming.

32) Use potatoes to grow roses from cuttings.

33) Make a small wooden box balcony garden.

34) Water the plants using plastic bottles with holes.

Garden Ideas in Photos

35) Fire of flowers, on which flower soup is cooked

36) Car flower garden

37) You can make guides for growing cucumbers or beans from old bicycle wheels

38) Ideas for using logs

39) Wooden Train

40) Original idea

41) Cement Potted Hands

42) From an old barrel and pallets

43) Interesting gate

44) A place to store keys from an old painted rake.

Simple ideas for using old tires: get creative!

45) A table on the summer terrace made of old tires.

46) Comfort seating options

47) Garden Sculptures

Great decoration: to make large cups, stock up on paint and old tires.

Such a frog will decorate any yard.

Beautiful and easy to make swan.

48) Idea for children's sandbox

49) Place for a dog
Put a soft pillow inside the big tire and it will become your dog's favorite place.

50) Original Bicycle Tire Mirror

51) Unusual umbrella storage idea

* * *
With these tips, your garden will be the best in the area. You will certainly be asked for secrets, so it’s better to immediately share them with your neighbors in the country.

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It happened! You have finally become the proud owner of six, and maybe more acres. Now is the time to figure out what needs to be done on the site and in what order. What to build? What inventory to buy? What to plant? In order not to step on your own rake, it makes sense to study someone else's practical experience.

To begin with, the site needs to be put in order, remove debris, decide what and where to plant. The layout of the site should be carried out taking into account the illumination and the type of soil, because each culture is more or less demanding on these two factors. Also on the site it is necessary to put an outbuilding for inventory (if you do not plan to store everything in the house) and organize a compost pit - a lot of organic waste will be generated during the work. The "pit" can be made in the form of a box or a "well", preferably with a lid.

Decide on the illumination of the area. Cucumbers, radishes, legumes, and beets grow well in partial shade. Here you can plant onions, parsley, mint. The sun is simply necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants. They need not only light, but also a lot of moisture, so sandy soils that do not hold water well will have to be sprinkled with black soil. As an option, planting will have to be carried out in deep beds, furrows. But on clay soils, the beds should be made raised.

The width of the beds may vary depending on the species grown. But as a standard, during the initial planning, ridges with a width of about 0.6 meters are broken. Row spacing is needed between the beds in order to process the crops, as well as for their normal growth. The row spacing is about 1 meter.

What to grow for a beginner gardener

Garden crops can be divided into two large groups: unpretentious and those that require careful care. You should not immediately take on whimsical ones - cucumbers, cabbage. Of course, they are the ones you most want to see on your table as “trophies”. But it is better to start with carrots, beets, garlic, radishes, green peas. They practically do not get sick, do not require frequent watering and grow almost on their own. In addition, if you do not plan to live in the country, then crops that require a lot of moisture will simply wither away.

Do not forget that there is such a thing as the compatibility of garden crops. This is due to the fact that some species consume the same nutrients from the soil, and often the "neighbors" simply do not have enough of them. In addition, you need to attract insects for pollination, so it is worth planting honey plants next to cucumbers, for example, chives.

Proper alternation of beds is important not only for the proper growth of garden crops. There are species among plants that will protect the crop from pests. Celery saves cabbage from butterflies, tomatoes protect country crops from moths and aphids, beans from the Colorado potato beetle. So that pests do not encroach on strawberries, the “plantation” can be thinned out with a bed of onions, dill, thyme or parsley.

Conclusion: Proper alternation of crops in the garden is the key to a bountiful harvest.

The topic of the neighborhood of plants on the site is quite extensive and deserves not only a separate article, but a whole book. So before planting a particular crop, you need to study what it loves, with whom it gets along well, what diseases it suffers from and what pests it attracts.

Competent mixed planting of strawberries with onions

You also need to carefully consider the choice of variety: it should take root well in your climate and on your type of soil. With a complete lack of experience, you can turn to your neighbors in the area: they have probably already decided which type of potatoes and tomatoes grows best in your area.

When to plant

For each vegetable, fruit, seedling, there is a time for sowing seedlings, for planting in a greenhouse, for planting in the ground (we advise you to study the section on our portal dedicated to).

Novice gardeners, who have not yet acquired a greenhouse (a temporary structure without a foundation) or a greenhouse, constantly keep in mind the most important question: when can I sow seedlings and plant certain crops in the ground? Of course, it is worth making adjustments for climatic conditions in a particular region, but in general the picture looks like this:

Flower lovers:

Garden work by season

The title "cottage resident" is not just a statement of the fact of owning a piece of land. It really is a way of life. In summer, and in spring, and even in winter period gardener will find something to do. Each month has its own tasks.

  • January. Plan plantings, purchase fertilizers, seeds, drugs for diseases and pests, shake off snow from bushes and trees, wrap unpainted trunks with nylon or propylene from mice and hares, in severe frosts - rake snow into tree trunks, feed birds to avoid pecking buds.
  • February. It's time to buy soil for seedlings, sort out bulbs, sow celery, sow peppers, tomatoes, eggplants at the end of the month.
  • March- troublesome time for the gardener-gardener. At the beginning - the time of sowing heat-loving varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants. It is also time to sow petunias, snapdragons, marigolds and some other flowers, plant seedlings of some types of trees. At the end of the month - picking seedlings. On the site, it is necessary to carry out drainage work, sanitary pruning, spraying, prepare beds for winter sowing.
  • April- the most responsible time. Drainage works, spraying and preparation of beds continue. It is necessary to feed the bushes, prepare the potatoes for sowing. You can sow early greens - watercress, radish, parsley, dill. If the end of April is warm and the seedlings are ready, you can plant tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.

Video - spring work in the garden

  • May- landing time. We fight pests, but do not spray the trees with mineral fertilizers, prepare and plant seedlings, plant apple trees. If the soil has warmed up to 13 ° C, then you can plant potatoes. We sow onions, garlic, parsley, turnips, sorrel, radishes and carrots. Toward the middle or end of the month, it is time to sow melons, legumes, cruciferous (cabbage). Planting cucumbers.
  • June. If you have not planted potatoes yet, then there will be a lot of work. We spray young ovaries of trees, bushes, fight weeds, pests, birds. We pinch raspberries, sow heat-loving plant varieties, fertilize cucumbers, melons, and berry bushes. We pluck the “shot” onion and garlic. We spud and spray a potato plantation. Processing tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • July. It's time for the first harvest! You also need to remember about feeding shrubs, processing potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers. It is worth protecting the pepper from soaking. IN last days Months do not forget to open the tomatoes.
  • August. We support fertilizing shrubs, heat-loving trees. We fight late blight in tomatoes, protect peppers and cucumbers from rotting. A layer of soil must be removed from onions and cabbages in order to preserve the fruits. You can plant winter garlic. We harvest berries, process strawberries, preparing them for frost. We remove the roots of fruit trees.

Video - autumn work in the garden

  • September. At the beginning of the month, you can plant strawberries. It's time to dig potatoes, cut and harvest flower bulbs. We harvest root crops, plant heat-loving shrubs, whiten trunks from hares.
  • October. We fill the root circles of trees, bushes with leaves, weeds, spraying, if necessary, watering, top dressing. We plant suitable types of trees, bushes.
  • November. We carry out the last feeding of trees and bushes, we fight lichens, we process the beds from bacteria, we cut off the stems of perennials, we cover roses.
  • December. We sort through the harvest, check the storage conditions, knock snow off trees and bushes, read interesting books for gardeners.

So in any month there will definitely be a job for a real owner, and this list of works is far from complete.

garden tools

To carry out operations for the processing of the garden and vegetable garden, you will need a lot of tools. All garden tools can be divided into several groups:

  1. For tillage.
  2. For trimming trees and bushes.
  3. For harvesting.
  4. To remove weeds.

1. The main garden tool, of course, is a shovel. They are of two types:

  • with a rounded blade - used for digging, work at shallow depths;
  • bayonet shovel - needed for work on hard ground.

From bulky tools you will also need:

  • rakes - for final tillage, loosening, cleaning leaves;
  • chopper (hoe or flat cutter) - for tillage with grassy cover, weeds, hilling, loosening, breaking up clods of earth;
  • scythe (lawn mower) - to remove thickets of grass, weeds;
  • pitchfork - for digging, transshipment of grass, hay.

From a hand tool you will need:

  • hand shovel - useful for working with a separate plant (digging up during transplantation and others);
  • hand rakes for loosening;
  • hand forks for digging roots, loosening.

2. To process trees and shrubs, you also need your own tool. The list is small:

  • manual pruner for trimming excess branches;
  • a small ax for cutting down plantings;
  • short hand saw for removing branches of medium thickness;
  • garden shears (brush cutter) for forming the crown of a shrub.

3. For harvesting root crops, the following are used:

  • large and manual shovels;
  • ladder (not a tool, but a valuable fixture);
  • garden knife (used mainly for assembling melons);
  • potato digger (useful on a large plantation);
  • manual cultivator (fruit picker) for harvesting fruits from trees.

4. The following tool can be used to control weeds:

  • shovel;
  • scythe or sickle;
  • hand forks;
  • secateurs;
  • chopper;
  • rakes are manual and large;
  • root remover.

Valuable tool root remover

Also, in the course of gardening work, one cannot do without buckets, bags, wheelbarrows (stretchers). So the shopping list will be quite extensive.

And that's not it

There are a lot of tricks and wisdom in gardening. Separate articles deserve diseases and pests, as well as ways and means of dealing with them. At first, it can be difficult to decide on plant varieties. You need to protect your beds and garden from freezing, getting wet, drought ... In a word, you will have to gain serious theoretical experience so that everything goes smoothly in practice, and the harvest is the envy of friends and acquaintances.

Video - tips for beginner gardeners

The useful tips collected here will help summer residents and gardeners this season.

1. Blooming garden

In order to avoid unnecessary hassle associated with planting flowers, it is better to buy seeds that can be immediately planted in the ground on the site. These flowers include poppies, cornflowers, dahlias, daisies, lilies, roses, chrysanthemums. These plants will not require much care and will delight you with lush flowering in the second half of summer.

2. Climbing plants

Climbing plants are perhaps the simplest and at the same time beautiful decoration of the garden plot. Pots with climbing plants and trellises can be placed on the veranda, against the walls of the gazebo or near the fence.

3. Ash

Wood ash is an affordable fertilizer for plants and soil. Sprinkle it on the soil under the most vulnerable plants to protect them from aphids, cruciferous fleas and cabbage mites, cabbage flies, codling moths, cutworms, slugs and snails.

4. Use of the stump

Instead of spending a lot of energy uprooting an old stump, use it to create a small table that will become a favorite place for family gatherings in summer time of the year.

5. Colorado beetle remedy

To get rid of the Colorado potato beetles, which spoil the potato crop from year to year, a solution of dry mustard, water and vinegar will help, which should be sprayed on the leaves of plants after rain or in dry weather. Mustard powder can also be sprinkled on strawberry, tomato, and cabbage beds to control slugs, caterpillars, and aphids.

6. Sprouting seeds

Use hydrogen peroxide to speed up the germination process. For example, cabbage seeds soaked in peroxide will germinate in 12 hours, and beets and tomatoes in a day.

7. Aphid remedy

Nettle infusion will help to cope with harmful aphids, mercilessly devouring the stems, leaves and fruits of plants. To prepare a miracle cure, pour two kilograms of nettle leaves with a bucket of water and leave to infuse for a day. Pour the resulting infusion into a spray bottle and use to treat the most vulnerable plants.

8. Healthy onions

Before planting onions, generously fertilize the soil for the proposed beds with spent and dried tea leaves. Such a simple and affordable tool will enrich the soil with essential minerals and trace elements and subsequently get a rich and healthy harvest.

9. Banana peel

Banana skins are a colossal source of potassium and phosphorus, which plants need for health and growth. Shredded fresh or fried banana peel can be dropped into the soil or the skins can be infused in water and watered with this solution of the plant. Such simple manipulations will help to quickly reanimate and improve even the most frail plants.

10. Epsom salt

Epsom or Epsom salt is an effective and very affordable fertilizer that can be purchased at a pharmacy for literally pennies. Before planting seedlings, sprinkle salt on the beds and dig up the soil. The sulfate and magnesium contained in this remedy will make the plants strong, healthy and blooming.

11. Irrigation system

Plastic bottles with small holes dug into the ground will greatly facilitate the process of watering plants and provide them with enough moisture even during a drought.

12. Soap solution

Spray plants with soapy water to protect them from aphids and rodents.

13. Remedy for fungus and pests

Pour four cloves of garlic with boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour, after which, add it to the water for irrigation in the proportions of 1 tablespoon of tincture per liter of water. Such a trick will get rid of pests and protect plants from fungus.

14. Mosquito repellent

Lemon tree will become not only an exotic detail suburban area, but also protect it from the invasion of mosquitoes. Such advice will be especially relevant for people whose plots are located near rivers and reservoirs.

15. Coffee grounds

Spent coffee grounds are an excellent natural fertilizer that contains a large number of nitrogen, magnesium and potassium. The use of such a fertilizer in the garden will make the soil breathable, enrich it with minerals and trace elements necessary for the growth and development of plants, and also scare away some pests.

16. Weed control

Do not waste time and energy on the daily fight against weeds that now and then appear on the beds. Instead, prepare a simple solution of vinegar, salt, and dish soap. With the resulting remedy, treat all the weeds on a hot day and get ready to forget about them.

17. Hanger

Did you buy new rakes? Do not rush to get rid of the old ones, it is better to use them to create a convenient hanger for storing small garden tools, gloves and hats.

18. Hose container

A long garden hose running along or lying to the side can cause a fall or serious injury. A large container with a hole will help solve the problem. For these purposes, you can use a copper planter, a large pot, trough or box.