Acute bronchitis breathing wheezing shortness of breath. Shortness of breath with obstructive and acute bronchitis: treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that develops on the bronchial mucosa. Shortness of breath with bronchitis is the main symptom in the development of a pathological process in the respiratory system. Thus, they give a signal that they do not have enough oxygen.

Such a complication can accompany the patient not only with a strong physical activity, but also at daily activities. Especially active shortness of breath manifests itself during an exacerbation of the disease. Then the person is disturbed by pain in the area chest. There is tightness in the chest with every breath. With chronic bronchitis, a person constantly feels a lack of air, suffocates. At times, shortness of breath increases.

Reference! In patients with bronchitis, the respiratory rate increases significantly. In children up to a year, the number of breaths / exhalations grows up to 70 times in 1 minute. Adults have more than 18. It all depends on the degree of neglect of the disease.

Doctors distinguish several types of shortness of breath:

  • expiratory. The person inhales easily, but exhales with difficulty. In this regard, the duration of exhalation increases.
  • Inspiratory. This type of shortness of breath is characterized by difficulty in breathing. It is very difficult for a person, but exhaling, on the contrary, is easy.
  • Mixed dyspnea.

Also, shortness of breath with bronchitis in an adult has 4 degrees of severity:

  • 0 - disturbs a person only after strong physical exertion.
  • 1 - the attack begins to disturb when walking or lifting.
  • 2 - a person has shortness of breath even when walking and slight wheezing already appears.
  • 3 - shortness of breath does not allow a person to even walk slowly.
  • 4 - shortness of breath torments a person even during meals.

The last level is the hardest. People who have it have difficulty moving around the room.

Diagnosis of shortness of breath in bronchitis

Before treating shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child or adult, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination.

  1. At the first meeting, the doctor should collect detailed information for the medical history.
  2. After that, a biochemical and clinical analysis of blood, urine, sputum is prescribed.
  3. The patient undergoes an ultrasound or CT scan.
  4. A bronchoscopy is performed, during which the bronchi are examined.

Only after the results of all studies are available, you can begin to treat the disease.

First aid for shortness of breath in children

It is important for parents to understand that shortness of breath with obstructive bronchitis in a child is a very dangerous symptom. The following signs indicate the development of shortness of breath:

  • pallor;
  • noisy breathing with wheezing;
  • whistles on exhalation.

Difficulty in breathing is provoked by a sharp narrowing of the bronchioles, their edema and spasms.

If the slightest signs of respiratory failure were noticed, you should consult a specialist. But, before his arrival, you must:

  • seat the patient, and support the back with a pillow;
  • constantly talk with him on abstract topics;
  • change into loose, light clothing that does not interfere with breathing;
  • provide access to fresh air, however, control that there is no hypothermia;
  • increase the humidity in the room, if there is, turn on the humidifier;
  • make inhalation with humidified oxygen, be sure to monitor your breathing.

In order to reduce the attack and prevent complications, you need to give the child pills. In this case, the use of a nebulizer will be very effective. With it, you can do inhalation, thereby stopping the attack.

Help with shortness of breath in adults

Shortness of breath in an adult may occur due to bronchospasm. In such cases, the following actions should be taken urgently:

  • take an antibiotic to suppress the activity of the infection;
  • massage to provoke the discharge of sputum from the bronchi.

If symptoms only increase, bronchospasmolytics should be given.

Reference! In no case should you self-medicate. This can make things worse!


Doctors say that the treatment of shortness of breath with bronchitis should be comprehensive. It should include the fight against the true causes of the disease, and not just the elimination of its symptoms.

Also, as a preventive measure, bad habits avoid contact with the allergen.

Basically, to cure bronchitis it is necessary to use antibiotics. They will destroy the bacteria that provoke inflammation in the bronchi. And for a better discharge of sputum, drugs are used:

  • reflex action. Such medicines improve the discharge of secretions, dilute sputum.
  • Mucolytics, which act on the secret, make it liquid.

When bronchodilator drugs are needed, they are prescribed:

  • β-agonists - Salamol, Arubendol, Partusisten.
  • Methylxanthines - Durophyllin, Theobiolong.
  • M-cholinolytics - Arutropid, Ipravent.

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies can also be used to treat shortness of breath with bronchitis in an adult. With their help, you can ease the attacks of suffocation. And what is most pleasant in this case, the negative impact on the body is minimal. We offer several effective recipes:

  • To prepare a decoction, you need to take 10 gr. hawthorn and pour them 250 ml. boiling water. Then put everything in a water bath and leave for 25 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave to cool for 1 hour. The course of decoction therapy is 10 days. Use three times a day, 45 ml. decoction.
  • To cook a decoction of lemon balm, you need to pour raw materials into 800 ml of boiling water. Then close the lid and leave for 2 hours. We take 45 ml before meals. 5 times a day. To improve the result, it is allowed to add a little honey.
  • Pour oatmeal with boiled milk, and put in the oven for 2 hours. Such porridge should be eaten at 250 gr. before bedtime.

Shortness of breath after bronchitis

What to do if all the symptoms of the disease have long disappeared, and shortness of breath after bronchitis remains? Unfortunately, shortness of breath can provoke various pains in the chest area. Usually they are provoked by the recovery process, which can take a very long time. And in order for recovery to come, as soon as possible, you should adhere to the following simple rules:

  • a person should constantly engage in light physical activity. However, it is worth making sure that there is no increase in breathing.
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • the patient's diet should be enriched with vitamins;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

The main goal of all the above rules is to improve blood circulation in the bronchi and stimulate sputum discharge. Once again, it is worth recalling that each stage of treatment must be agreed with the physician and take place under his strict guidance.


It is possible to relieve shortness of breath in obstructive bronchitis and prevent complications only if the following recommendations are observed:

  • you need to go to the hospital immediately after the first signs appear, and do not wait for the onset of a cough;
  • in order for recovery to occur, it is necessary to provide a temperature of 20 degrees and a humidity of 60% in the room as soon as possible.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep the phlegm from drying out. After all, coughing - main process for the recovery of the respiratory tract.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that it is necessary to treat shortness of breath with bronchitis in a complex manner. After all, it does not appear separately. And as soon as harmful microorganisms from the respiratory tract are destroyed, it will immediately disappear.

Shortness of breath with bronchitis is one of the symptoms of the inflammatory process that occurs in the lungs and bronchi, which begin to experience a lack of oxygen. Shortness of breath manifests itself with minor exertion, during an exacerbation of bronchitis, with its acute, obstructive form. In chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath is constant, manifests itself on the rise, and can progress.

This phenomenon is often found in bronchitis in children. Toddlers begin to act up, refuse to eat. Constantly tormented by cough, stuffy nose, voice becomes hoarse, the child breathes with difficulty.

Treatment of shortness of breath is aimed at eliminating cough, facilitating breathing by prescribing inhalations, medicinal herbs, steam baths. With obstructive bronchitis, the tissue of the bronchi is subject to modifications, which affects the immune system. His support at this stage of inflammation is simply irreplaceable.

Why does bronchitis develop?

Bronchitis is an infectious disease caused by pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci. It develops due to the formation of a viral, atypical or bacterial microflora in the lungs. Atypical causative agents of bronchitis are considered to be chlamydia, the life cycle of which takes place inside cells densely populated by bacteria. Sometimes, but less commonly, bronchitis occurs as a result of a fungal infection in the body.

Often, different kinds of pathogens are present together, since viruses get inside create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The immune system is not susceptible to various infectious diseases, reduces its activity, inflammation begins to progress. People over the age of 50, smokers, alcohol abusers, and workers in hazardous industries are most prone to developing these infections: weakened immunity simply stops fighting them.

How can you recognize bronchitis?

The main symptoms are cough, dry, wet sputum, shortness of breath when lifting heavy objects. Sputum with bronchitis often leaves a green color, which indicates the bacterial origin of bronchitis. A viral atypical infection is characterized by a dry, irritating cough.

In acute bronchitis, the cough is manifested by attacks, the head often hurts, rises heat, chills, increased sweating. The patient quickly gets tired, working capacity decreases. Breathing becomes hard, scattered, with wheezing when listening, with moderate and severe disease, shortness of breath occurs, pain when coughing in the sternum. Acute bronchitis lasts up to 14 days, then, if left untreated, it becomes chronic, the symptoms can last for quite a long time.

In the chronic form, sputum discharge is scanty, but shortness of breath after minor physical exertion is constant. Either a remission occurs, then in the off-season, with hypothermia, the symptoms reappear. During periods of exacerbation, shortness of breath, coughing, the amount of sputum discharge increases, and the temperature rises.

How does bronchitis appear in children and during pregnancy

Symptoms are similar: cough, shortness of breath, intoxication of the body. If the child has shortness of breath, then you should immediately consult a doctor, there is a suspicion of bronchial asthma. If obstructive bronchitis occurs several times a year, you should see an allergist for the necessary diagnosis for allergies.

It is good to treat bronchitis in children with inhalations, drugs for expectoration and dilatation of the bronchi. Inhalations are carried out with the addition of antibacterial drugs dioxidine, furacilin 0.5%, furacilin 0.02%. These funds are recommended for children, they do not have side effects, quickly relieve spasms, facilitate breathing, and eliminate attacks of shortness of breath.

The symptoms are the same, but the treatment is different, many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy. Tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, aminophylline should not be taken by pregnant women. Can be taken as directed by a doctor and in moderate doses Vilprafen, it is safer, quite antibacterial. It is better for pregnant women with bronchitis to do inhalations, they will not bring harm to the fetus.

How to treat bronchitis

First, a sputum analysis is given, the color of the smear is determined. Cellular elements are counted by cytology. If the disease has become protracted or chronic, an additional sputum culture is taken for analysis to determine sensitivity to certain antibiotics.

External respiration by spirography is examined in obstructive bronchitis. With shortness of breath, shortness of breath, bronchodilators are prescribed (berodual, ventolin, salbutaml). In chronic bronchitis, it is possible to conduct bronchoscopy, concomitant diseases in the lungs.

With a recurrence of bronchitis, an x-ray examination, fluorography, radiography, CT is prescribed.

Treatment for bronchitis is prescribed only by a doctor. Since bronchitis is often masked by other, more serious diseases. Anti-infective drugs, drugs based on penicillin macrolides, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, vitamins are prescribed to increase immunity. If bronchitis is not severe, then drugs are used in the form of tablets, treatment at home is possible.

In a severe form of the disease, injections cannot be dispensed with, the methods can be combined as directed by the doctor. If bronchitis is caused by viruses, antiviral drugs (cyprofen, Genferon, viferon) are prescribed. The course of admission is 10 days.

Expectorants are also needed (ACC, Bromhexine, Mukaltin, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Fluimucil, Fludite). It is recommended to all patients, including children under 1 year old, erespal. It relieves inflammation well and quickly, increases sputum production.

With shortness of breath, bronchodilator drugs (teotard, teopek, aminofillin) are indispensable. Sold in tablets and inhalations, aerosols: berotek, salbutamol, berodual.

How to deal with shortness of breath with pneumonia at home? With bronchitis, you should drink more liquids, alkaline fruit drinks, hot milk, Borjomi. Proteins and vitamins should be included in the diet. Nebulizers can help make breathing easier. Inhalations are carried out for 5-10 days with the addition of Ringer's solution, mineral water. After such procedures, sputum leaves faster, inflammation and shortness of breath are relieved.

It is important during this period to adjust your lifestyle so that the infection does not go further into Airways. If necessary, hazardous production should be changed to a cleaner place.

Smokers should also think about their health.

Treatment folk remedies

How to get rid of shortness of breath in folk ways:

  • Herbal collections. Collect a collection of plantain, coltsfoot, linden, oregano, licorice, thyme and prepare a decoction. Pour a mixture of 1 tablespoon of boiling water 0.5 liters, leave for 2-3 hours, take half a cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Steam inhalation. You can breathe over hot boiled potatoes, but it is often not worth using the method: you can burn the mucous membrane and aggravate the already severe course of the disease.
  • Goat milk, koumiss. It is good to drink 1 glass of drinks several times a day for a long time.
  • Pass onion with honey (1x1) through a meat grinder, take 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day up to 2 weeks. It is good to use if there are no stomach problems. To activate the immune system, you can use antioxidants, which include only natural ingredients.
  • Outbreaks of bronchitis can be avoided if you follow the rules of personal hygiene, carry out timely vaccinations.

    Constantly, especially in the off-season, you need to maintain, nourish your immunity. Beware of hypothermia, harden the body and breathing exercises. Be healthy!

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis occurs in a patient against the background of an acute or chronic feeling of lack of air. Patients begin to complain of shortness of breath, which is accompanied by a significant frequency of inhalations and exhalations. Also, patients say that it becomes quite difficult for them to breathe.

    Shortness of breath has another name - dyspnea. Note that shortness of breath is a symptom not only of bronchitis, but also of many other diseases (for example, diseases respiratory system). Shortness of breath with bronchitis is characterized by the fact that breathing noticeably quickens, inhalations and exhalations change their depth. The ratio of the duration of inhalations to exhalations also changes.

    Currently, doctors distinguish three main types of dyspnea, namely:

    • expiratory - the patient has significantly prolonged exhalations, he often complains about difficult exhalations;
    • inspiratory - with this variety, only breaths cause difficulties for the patient;
    • mixed - the patient is faced with problematic inhalations and exhalations, therefore, his breathing is significantly hampered.

    That is, the division into types occurs depending on which particular problematic phase of breathing is observed in the patient at the moment.

    With a disease such as bronchitis, the development of shortness of breath occurs due to the narrowing of the airways.

    Breathing in the chronic course of the disease is complicated, both during the period of exacerbation of the disease, and during the remission stage. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by a mixed variety of dyspnea. But acute bronchitis has such basic signs of shortness of breath as the accumulation of sputum in the airways, bronchial spasms,. In the acute course of the disease, shallow breathing can be caused by painful sensations in the chest (during inspiration).

    Features of dyspnea from the type of bronchitis

    Different forms of the disease occur with different symptoms. Shortness of breath most often appears with a more severe development of the disease.

    Acute bronchitis

    Dyspnea rarely appears in a simple acute course of the disease. The occurrence of shortness of breath usually indicates the likelihood of complications (for example, pleurisy or pneumonia). It can also speak of overgrowth. painful process into the chronic stage. But in a small child, dyspnea appears quite quickly. It is worth the baby only, as it already becomes difficult for him to breathe.

    Chronic form of the disease

    In the chronic course of the disease, most patients are prone to shortness of breath. Dyspnea can occur either temporarily or permanently. Sometimes patients feel the presence of moderate painful manifestations in the chest area (this is felt only with deep breathing). The more often exacerbations of the disease occur, the more often it is more difficult for the patient to breathe.

    From time to time, the patient may develop asthma attacks. After the stage of exacerbation of the disease, a violation of full breathing is likely.

    Obstructive bronchitis

    In the obstructive form of the disease, the lumen of the bronchi begins to clog with a viscous substance (sputum). The patient has signs of stenosis and deformation of the bronchial tree. This is what causes severe shortness of breath in patients. In addition, there is a narrowing of the airways, and the bronchial walls begin to swell. This occurs under the influence of spasms of the muscle layer and the resulting inflammatory reaction. Exhalations become more elongated, and are accompanied by characteristic whistling sounds. Bronchial rales of the patient can be heard even at a short distance.

    Dyspnea is more pronounced in the morning periods of the day, and is significantly reduced after coughing, which is accompanied by sputum. The wider the spread of the pathological process in the patient, the more dyspnea can progress. With an obstructive form of the disease in a child, dyspnea begins to develop quite quickly and is often expiratory in nature.

    Allergic type of disease

    The occurrence of dyspnea is activated after the patient comes into contact with the allergen that provokes the disease. Attacks come in different forms of severity, ranging from very weak shortness of breath to suffocation. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to eliminate the exposure to the allergen.

    Bronchitis with asthmatic component

    When diagnosing this type of disease in a patient, one must be immediately prepared for the appearance of dyspnea. After all, the main mechanism of its development is bronchial spasm. The bronchial lumen is significantly reduced, which leads to difficult exhalations, therefore, this can develop into attacks of suffocation. Increased dyspnea, especially in a child, is fraught with the development of the disease into bronchial asthma. That is why timely treatment is so necessary.

    Features of manifestation in children

    Bronchial dyspnea develops much faster in a child than in an adult.

    The reason is the narrower lumen of the bronchi in a child. Therefore, even a minimal amount of sputum can cause breathing problems in a child. A high probability of shortness of breath in a child, if he has bronchial obstruction or bronchial spasms. We also note that the smaller the age group of the child, the more dangerous for him shortness of breath. Since treatment that is not applied on time leads to very serious complications.

    Danger signs

    There are several dangerous signs shortness of breath, which should be paid special attention, since they need emergency help:

    • dyspnea arose quite abruptly, has a rapidly increasing pace, the patient complains of pain in the chest;
    • seizures become more frequent and prolonged;
    • character, the patient becomes suffocated.

    Sudden and severe shortness of breath most often indicates the development of complications of diseases such as pleurisy.

    Dyspnea may be accompanied by pain in the chest area. Patients with such symptoms need only inpatient treatment. What to do if the patient's dyspnea attacks become more frequent or longer? You need to see a doctor urgently. The sooner a specialist prescribes treatment, the more likely it is to avoid negative consequences. Asphyxiation is dangerous due to the occurrence of oxygen starvation, so the patient needs a mandatory drug treatment. After the first signs of shortness of breath in a child, you should immediately call a doctor.

    Initial Help

    What to do if a patient (especially a child) develops an acute attack of shortness of breath? You have to act fast enough to avoid choking. Remember that timely treatment will save you from various complications. So, after detecting an attack, your actions should be as follows:

    1. dial the ambulance phone number, and call the doctor at home;
    2. with an allergic nature of the attack, try to quickly eliminate the allergen;
    3. seat the patient or create a higher position if the patient is lying down, this can be done using regular pillows or a rolled blanket;
    4. unfasten the patient's clothing that restricts his breathing;
    5. the patient needs fresh air - open the window in the room;
    6. carefully monitor the frequency and duration of inhalations and exhalations;
    7. if the patient already has an inhaler (prescribed by a doctor), use it.

    After the ambulance doctor has arrived, you must immediately inform him of the following data:

    1. probable cause of the attack;
    2. duration of dyspnea;
    3. accompanying symptoms: discoloration of the skin, pain in the chest, loss of consciousness, and others;
    4. frequency of inhalations and exhalations;
    5. steps you have taken yourself;
    6. medicines that the patient has recently taken.

    Actions of paramedics

    If the attack continued until the arrival of the ambulance doctors, then their likely actions would be as follows:

    • conducting oxygen therapy - for this, doctors use an air mixture that contains oxygen (from forty to sixty percent);
    • for bronchial spasms, emergency treatment consists in the use of fenoterol inhalation, doctors also use a nebulizer and sometimes you have to repeat the procedure again, do this with a break of several minutes;
    • in especially difficult cases, doctors administer prednisolone intravenously, the usual dose is about 100 mg;
    • if shortness of breath is accompanied by chest pains, the patient is hospitalized, this must be done to determine the exact diagnosis, in this case, the patient is treated in a hospital setting.

    Treatment of residual manifestations

    What should be done if shortness of breath persists, and the main symptoms of bronchitis are almost gone? Dyspnea sometimes affects the aggravation of pain in the chest when breathing. This is often caused by the regenerative process in the bronchi, after an illness. Recovery process can take quite a long period of time. In order for the treatment of the patient to be much more effective and faster, follow these simple recommendations:

    • the patient should engage in feasible physical exercises, just make sure that physical activity does not lead to difficulty breathing;
    • smoking is strictly contraindicated for the patient;
    • the patient must comply with a complete diet;
    • massage;
    • physiotherapy activities.

    The main goal of medical procedures is to improve blood circulation in the bronchi, and to remove sputum from the patient's body. Remember that the treatment process should take place exclusively as prescribed by the doctor, as well as under his direct control.

    Dyspnea is an acute or chronic feeling of lack of air that occurs in a person, difficulty in breathing, accompanied by an increase in the frequency of breathing. Patients complain that it is difficult for them to breathe. Another name for shortness of breath is dyspnea. This is a very important symptom that accompanies a number of diseases - from cardiovascular to pathology of the respiratory system.

    Mechanism of dyspnea

    With shortness of breath, breathing quickens, inhalation and exhalation change the depth and ratio of the length of inhalation to exhalation. There are several types of dyspnea, depending on which phase of breathing suffers the most:

    • expiratory (it is difficult for the patient to exhale, the exhalation is lengthened);
    • inspiratory (difficulty in breathing is noted);
    • mixed (difficulty inhaling and exhaling).

    In diseases of the bronchi and lungs, the main mechanism for the development of dyspnea is the narrowing of the airways. Breathing in chronic bronchitis can be difficult both in the acute phase and in remission. The main mechanisms of dyspnea in acute bronchitis are:

    • accumulation of sputum in the airways;
    • bronchospasm and bronchial obstruction;
    • Shallow rapid breathing may be caused by chest pain during inhalation.

    Chronic bronchitis differs from acute by other mechanisms of development of shortness of breath:

    • as a rule, dyspnea has a mixed character;
    • in addition to stenosis and obstruction of the bronchial lumen, there is the development of pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and symptoms of heart failure.

    Not every time bronchitis is accompanied by the same symptoms, and shortness of breath is inherent in its severe forms.


    Shortness of breath rarely accompanies simple acute bronchitis. As a rule, the appearance of dyspnea indicates the development of complications (pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.) or a chronic process. When bronchitis develops in a young child, shortness of breath appears quickly enough.


    Shortness of breath is observed in most patients. It can disturb intermittently or constantly, sometimes there is moderate pain in the chest with deep breathing. The more exacerbations of the disease, the more often it is difficult for the patient to breathe, sometimes asthma attacks may develop against this background. Perhaps the appearance of respiratory failure after the end of the exacerbation phase.


    With obstructive bronchitis, the lumen of the bronchi is clogged with viscous sputum, stenosis and deformation of the bronchial tree is observed, therefore, this type of disease is characterized by severe dyspnea. Additionally, the airways are narrowed by swelling of the bronchial wall as a result of an inflammatory reaction and spasm of the muscle layer. Expiration is lengthened and accompanied by a whistling noise. Wheezing with bronchitis can be heard even at a distance. Characterized by an increase in shortness of breath in the morning and a decrease after coughing, accompanied by sputum. In addition, dyspnea can gradually progress as new sections of the bronchi and lungs are involved in the pathological process. With obstructive bronchitis in a child, shortness of breath develops quickly and has an expiratory character.


    The appearance of shortness of breath provokes contact with the allergen. Attacks can be of varying severity - from mild dyspnea to suffocation. Treatment will not be effective if exposure to the allergen continues.

    Bronchitis with asthmatic component

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis with an asthmatic component is observed quite often. The main mechanism of its development is bronchospasm. A decrease in the lumen of the bronchi leads to difficult exhalation and can develop into suffocation. The development of shortness of breath with such bronchitis in a child is dangerous by the transition of the disease to bronchial asthma, mandatory treatment is necessary.

    The development of shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child occurs faster and more often than in an adult. The reason for this is the relatively narrow lumen of the bronchi. Even with a small accumulation of sputum, the child may experience respiratory problems. Dyspnea is especially likely to develop in obstructive bronchitis, broncho-obstruction and bronchospasm. The younger the child, the more dangerous for him attacks of shortness of breath, they can lead to serious complications.

    Warning signs

    Some features of shortness of breath require emergency care:

    • shortness of breath appeared suddenly and is growing rapidly, severe chest pain worries;
    • attacks become more frequent, lengthen;
    • expiratory nature of dyspnea, the appearance of suffocation.

    The appearance of sudden and severe shortness of breath may indicate the development of dangerous complications of bronchopulmonary diseases (pneumothorax, pleurisy). Dyspnea may accompany chest pain. Requires hospital treatment. With the increase and lengthening of attacks of shortness of breath and with obstructive bronchitis, it is also necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Asphyxiation attacks are dangerous for the development of oxygen starvation and require the mandatory prescription of medications. When shortness of breath occurs in a child, you should immediately call a doctor.

    First aid

    With the development of an acute attack, especially in a child, it is necessary to act quickly, since dyspnea can turn into suffocation. Timely treatment will help to avoid complications.

    1. Call an ambulance.
    2. If the attack is allergic, eliminate the allergen.
    3. Have the patient sit or provide an elevated lying position.
    4. Loosen clothing that restricts breathing.
    5. Open a vent or window to let in fresh air.
    6. Monitor the frequency and depth of breathing.
    7. If the diagnosis has already been established and the patient has an inhaler prescribed by a doctor, help him use it.

    The doctor must be told:

    • possible cause of the attack;
    • episode duration;
    • what accompanied the attack (discoloration of the skin, chest pain, short-term loss of consciousness, etc.);
    • frequency of respiratory movements during an attack;
    • what measures were taken, which inhaler and at what dose were used;
    • whether the treatment of exacerbation of bronchitis was carried out, with what drugs.

    If the attack does not end by the time the ambulance arrives, the doctor's actions will be as follows:

    • oxygen therapy (an air mixture with an oxygen content of 40 to 60% is used);
    • in case of bronchospasm, inhalation of fenoterol (0.5 ml) is carried out using a nebulizer or inhaler, if necessary, a second dose is possible after five minutes;
    • in severe cases, intravenous administration of prednisolone at a dose of 90-120 mg is possible;
    • hospitalization for diagnosis (mandatory if chest pain has joined with shortness of breath) and treatment.

    Sometimes dyspnea persists when the main symptoms of bronchitis have already disappeared. Dyspnea can be exacerbated by mild chest pain when breathing. The cause of these symptoms is the recovery process in the lungs and bronchi after an illness, which can take a long time. The implementation of simple recommendations can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and speed up the recovery process.

    • moderate physical activity, in which there is no difficulty in breathing, an increase in its frequency, as well as the absence of chest pain;
    • exclusion of smoking, including passive;
    • good nutrition, vitamin therapy (as prescribed by a doctor);
    • massage and physiotherapy;
    • sanatorium treatment in specialized institutions.

    Treatment of shortness of breath after bronchitis should be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, since this symptom may indicate an unfavorable course of the disease. Dyspnea, accompanied by chest pain, requires special attention.


    To improve the drainage function of the bronchi, a vibration, percussion massage has a good effect. During this procedure, tapping movements are combined along the chest and back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs with deep breathing or pronouncing vowel sounds.

    Treatment with the use of vacuum massage significantly improves blood flow and improves bronchial patency, reduces inflammation.

    Classical massage is carried out in the chest area from the lower edge of the costal arch to the neck. During the massage, the area where the heart is located is avoided.

    During the massage, it is important to ensure that severe chest pain does not appear and the respiratory rate does not increase, there is no difficulty in breathing. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood flow and eliminate stagnant processes in the lower parts of the lungs.


    After consultation with a physiotherapist, treatment can be prescribed:

    • thermal procedures (mud therapy, paraffin therapy, ozocerite applications, etc.);
    • impulse currents (improve the patency of the bronchi, relaxing the muscles of their wall).

    The main goal of physiotherapeutic procedures is to improve blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs, to promote sputum discharge.

    The danger of bronchitis is not only the possible development of pneumonia. Symptoms of bronchial inflammation are sometimes severe and can threaten the patient's life.

    One of the most dangerous symptoms is shortness of breath, which can turn into an asthma attack. In children, this condition is considered critical and often requires hospitalization. Why does shortness of breath occur with bronchitis and what to do if a person has difficulty breathing?

    Shortness of breath (dyspnea) is a symptom that accompanies almost all forms of bronchitis.

    When shortness of breath, the patient experiences a feeling of lack of air, which is not associated with some psychological fears.

    With bronchitis, air exchange is really disturbed and cannot fully meet the needs of the body.

    To solve the problem, a compensatory mechanism is activated - breathing quickens. At the same time, the doctor also notices a change in the depth of inhalation and exhalation, which is diagnostic for him. Dyspnea may also be accompanied by wheezing, whistling, or other noises.

    Acute lack of air can lead to an attack of suffocation and even be fatal.

    The cause of shortness of breath is usually narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which can occur due to spasm or blockage with sputum.


    There are such types of dyspnea:

    1. Expiratory. It is difficult for the patient to exhale air.
    2. inspiratory. Difficulty arises when inhaling. Often this happens when the lumen of the bronchi is closed by sputum. The oxygen that a person inhales does not completely enter the lungs, which provokes a feeling of lack of oxygen.
    3. mixed. Difficulties arise both when inhaling and exhaling.

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis

    By the nature and the very presence of shortness of breath, the doctor can make an assumption which part of the airways is inflamed and which processes are disturbed. Features of shortness of breath in different courses of bronchitis:

    1. Acute bronchitis. May not be accompanied by dyspnea. The respiratory tract is in a healthy state and is able to compensate for the dysfunction that occurs in the focus of inflammation.
    2. Chronical bronchitis. Chronic infection can lead to destructive changes in the tissues of the respiratory tract. If this happens, the bronchi are not able to carry out full-fledged air exchange and the body receives less oxygen. Shortness of breath with this course of bronchitis, as a rule, is permanent. In the initial stages of the disease, dyspnea can only appear with increased physical activity or excessive activity. However, after several attacks, it begins to cause discomfort to the patient even when walking calmly or at rest.
    3. Obstructive bronchitis. Always accompanied by shortness of breath. It is especially dangerous for children under one year old. With such a course, it is difficult for the patient to breathe, and suffocation becomes a real threat. The doctor notices a lengthening of the exhalation and whistling sounds.
    4. Hemorrhagic form is a serious condition and is necessarily accompanied by shortness of breath. This symptom appears due to blockage of the lumen of the bronchi with pus.

    Some noncommunicable diseases also cause inflammation in the bronchi and shortness of breath:

    1. Allergy. Upon contact with an allergen that enters through the respiratory tract, the mucosa begins to actively secrete sputum, and a spasm occurs in the muscle layer of the bronchi. This mechanism leads to shortness of breath.
    2. Bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by an expiratory type of shortness of breath and a constant narrowing of the bronchial lumen.

    In a child, the appearance of shortness of breath requires special attention. Due to the anatomical structure of children's airways, which are narrower and shorter, hospitalization is often recommended for babies.

    With rapid breathing in a child, you need to call a doctor as soon as possible and get instructions from him than to relieve an attack if the situation recurs.

    Shortness of breath after bronchitis

    It happens that the patient has recovered, but the feeling of lack of oxygen continues to disturb. During the illness, inflammation provoked pathological changes in the airways, the recovery of which will take time.

    As the mucosa and other tissues regenerate, the symptom will cause less and less discomfort. If shortness of breath after bronchitis does not impair the patient's quality of life, reception medicines Not recommended. Plentiful drinking, herbal teas, humidified indoor air, and fortified food will help speed up healing.

    How to relieve shortness of breath

    The patient's life depends on how timely and correctly they will help him with an asthma attack. In children, you can notice the onset of an attack by rapid breathing - the depth of inhalation and exhalation changes, as well as their frequency.

    In children, such episodes occur more often and happen much faster. The younger the child, the more dangerous this condition. The actions of parents in any doubtful situation and suspicion of suffocation should be as follows:

    1. Immediately call " ambulance».
    2. While the doctors are traveling, the patient must be seated or laid so that the head is higher than the body.
    3. Provide access to fresh air - open windows, go outside. An alternative might be to turn on the water in the bathroom so that the child breathes in moist air.
    4. An inhaler with saline or a special medicine (if the doctor has already prescribed such a drug) can help relieve an attack.
    5. You can not leave the child alone - panic will only increase the spasm of the airways.
    For adult patients, the steps will be the same. The main thing is to provide access to cool and humid air, which will help to hold out until the doctors arrive. If there are bronchodilators at home (theophylline, salbutamol), you can use them to relieve an attack.


    It is possible to facilitate breathing and make up for the lack of oxygen both with drugs and other methods. Below are a few options available for each patient:

    1. Medications. Means such as Ephedrine, Theophylline, Eufillin will help expand the bronchi.
    2. Folk remedies. An infusion of 0.5 liters of honey, 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic will help relieve shortness of breath. Take it until full recovery at night.
    3. Physiotherapy and massage. Such procedures will help to remove sputum, which will expand the lumen of the airways and reduce shortness of breath. Warming ointments for bronchitis will improve blood circulation in the focus of inflammation and enhance the fight against infection.
    4. Inhalations. Even the most common inhalations with saline or mineral waters will help to moisturize the airways well and separate the dried mucus from the bronchial walls. Do such inhalations using a nebulizer.
    5. Emergency help. Inhalers with fast-acting bronchodilators (Ventolin, Berotek) relieve spasms in critical situations, such as choking or an attack bronchial asthma. However, you can buy them with a prescription, which must be written by a doctor. Patients with