Therapeutic use of radon waters for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Spa treatment for diseases of the heart and blood vessels Mineral water is good for the heart

Choosing drinks for vessels is not so easy. Many of traditional recipes really help strengthen the vascular wall and have a positive effect on their function. But it also happens that instead of benefit, we receive harm.


The body of a healthy person requires up to 2 liters water per day. Regular non-carbonated water without any additives is ideal for the body's needs. Lack of fluid leads to increased blood viscosity. At the same time, blood flow slows down, increasing the load on the blood vessels and heart. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, water is primarily needed.


Tea contains significant amounts of antioxidants. They prevent the formation and growth of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Drinking tea helps lower cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of blood clots, and prevents stroke and prevents the development of cardiac ischemia. It should be noted that green tea contains more antioxidants than black tea.

Drinks for pomegranate vessels

Pomegranate juice contains a large amount of useful substances: vitamins, polyphenols-antioxidants, organic acids. They help increase hemoglobin levels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, slow down the aging process, and strengthen the vascular wall and heart muscle. Regular use pomegranate juice helps reduce blood pressure. In addition, pomegranate has a mild diuretic effect, while providing our body with potassium.

The beneficial properties of pomegranate are maximized if you drink freshly squeezed juice.

Drinks for rosehip vessels

Rosehip decoction is very beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologists recommend rose hips to strengthen the vascular wall and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Rosehip decoction stimulates the process of hematopoiesis due to its ability to enhance the production of red blood cells. Rosehip also reduces arterial pressure.

Rosehip decoction contains a huge amount of vitamins (P, C, K, carotene, group B) and microelements, which are extremely beneficial for blood vessels in particular and the body as a whole.

For some diseases of the blood vessels and heart, rosehip decoction, on the contrary, is contraindicated (for example, endocarditis, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis).

Drinks for vessels made from sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn berries are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, E, P, K, folic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, choline, betaine, coumarins, fructose, glucose and phospholipids. The berries contain a large amount of acids (malic, citric, coffee and tartaric) and tannins. This modest-looking berry is not deprived of macro- and microelements and contains sodium, iron, magnesium, silicon, lead, aluminum, nickel, strontium, manganese, molybdenum.

Sea buckthorn strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them less permeable, stimulates tissue metabolism, and has an antioxidant effect.

Sea buckthorn berries can be used in any form; tea is prepared from the leaves.

Drinks for vessels made from currants

Each currant berry contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid. Fresh berries are of greatest value. Currants strengthen the nervous system, normalize heart function, and act as a sedative. In addition, it improves immunity, normalizes blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels, and is useful for atherosclerosis and anemia. It contains vitamin P (rutin), which strengthens blood vessels and maintains their working condition.

Housewives prepare juices, compotes, and jelly from currants. Even in this form, currants retain their beneficial features.

Not only berries are suitable, but also leaves of the bush. They make wonderful tea.

Citrus beverages for vessels

Citrus fruits are not only tasty, but also very beneficial for blood vessels. The most popular citrus fruits are orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, grapefruit, lime, pomelo and sweetie. Fresh juice from these fruits contains a lot of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help neutralize free radicals harmful to the walls of blood vessels. They ideally combine sodium and potassium, which take part in regulating the body’s water-salt balance and maintaining normal blood pressure. Citrus fruits contain large amounts folic acid, preserving the elasticity of blood vessels.


Like tea, coffee contains a large amount of antioxidants, which are beneficial for the vascular wall and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Also, the popularity of coffee as a remedy is due to the caffeine content in it. Caffeine is used in medicine to stimulate central nervous system and cardiac activity. It causes vasoconstriction, accelerates the pulse, and increases urination. However, it has a dual effect - in small doses, caffeine tones, and in large doses it depresses. Therefore, doctors advise limiting the dose of caffeine to 0.3 g per dose, which corresponds to 1-2 cups of coffee.

But all this applies only to a healthy body. For vascular diseases, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coffee is contraindicated. In addition, coffee abuse is a risk factor for the development of many diseases, including pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.


Red wine really dilates blood vessels and helps dissolve cholesterol plaques. Red wine also contains magnesium, which is necessary for heart function, iron and chromium, which help the body produce fatty acids. The antioxidant properties of red wine are also widely known. But to achieve this effect, you need to use a high-quality and natural product, and not cheap powdered wine. In addition, the benefits of wine are possible when consumed in small quantities - no more than 50 ml per day.

Wine for strengthening blood vessels is indicated only for healthy people whose body can cope with such an amount of alcohol without consequences. Red wine is strictly contraindicated if there are elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases.

Even healthy people Those who drink more than 300 ml of wine per day develop hypertension, suffer heart disease, and increase the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction. Considering all this, it is still not worth using wine for vessels.

Alcohol in small doses

There is an opinion that alcohol in small doses flushes out harmful cholesterol from blood vessels. At the same time, other researchers say that under the influence of alcohol, even in small quantities, there is an increase in vascular permeability and an increase in atherosclerotic changes. Many doctors agree that there are no harmless doses for alcohol, including wine. Therefore, using alcohol to strengthen blood vessels is not recommended.

coffee , drinks for vessels, rose hip , sea ​​​​buckthorn , currant , citrus , wine , alcohol in small doses,

Today, the level of development of medicine allows us to diagnose a wide variety of diseases using sophisticated techniques and carry out effective drug treatment and high-tech operations that return patients not only life, but also its high quality. At the same time, healthcare does not abandon the preventive direction, actively developing it and helping in the rehabilitation and maintenance of health for patients with various pathologies.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the most pressing problem of modern medicine, after all, the number of patients increases every year, the pathology “rejuvenates”, and even the entire arsenal of therapeutic measures does not always allow one to avoid complications, disability and death. To prevent many cardiac diseases and improve the health of people who are already ill, numerous cardiovascular sanatoriums have been created.

Sanatorium-resort treatment is especially popular among mature and elderly people. This is no coincidence, because over the years the risk of pathology increases significantly internal organs, and by retirement age the population no longer has one disease, but several, among which the most common are considered to be.

Cardiovascular sanatoriums usually offer a range of measures for the prevention and treatment of not only cardiac diseases, but also damage to other internal organs. This is justified, since many older people, in addition to heart disease, suffer from diabetes, digestive disorders, and chronic bronchopulmonary pathology.

In order for sanatorium treatment to be most effective, various therapeutic profiles are developed in the same sanatorium - cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, etc. Almost everywhere there are conditions for the correction of disorders of the spine and joints. A variety of Natural resources, helping patients improve their well-being and gain strength.

Why are sanatoriums needed?

Sanatorium treatment of pathologies of internal organs began to actively develop in the middle of the last century, quickly gaining popularity among people of all ages. This direction is very common in the countries of the post-Soviet space, but is practically not used in the West. This feature is related to the organization of the health care system as a whole.

In European countries treatment was and is carried out by doctors on an outpatient basis and in clinics, and the lifestyle is aimed at. Not everyone can afford paid medical services, and being on sick leave at home is not paid for, so Europeans are interested in maximizing their ability to work and health. Treatment takes place in medical institutions and rehabilitation centers, and rest and recuperation takes place in resort areas, parks, swimming pools, in nature and independently.

Soviet medicine was designed in such a way that diseases were not always cured in the hospital, and many patients required additional rehabilitation treatment, which they received in sanatoriums. Young people went to resorts not so much for treatment as for relaxation, because travel opportunities were limited.

Times have changed, but sanatoriums are still popular. Firstly, they provide an opportunity to relax, and secondly, to receive treatment for a number of diseases. It is no secret that many patients delay visits to the doctor for a long time, missing the moment when the disease becomes an irreversible chronic form. This is also facilitated by insufficient preventive work with the population, which is still not interested in maintaining health on its own, lifestyle, and active pastime.

The range of services provided by modern sanatoriums is constantly expanding in accordance with demand. Cosmetology procedures, various wraps, herbal baths, etc. are becoming in demand. Demand creates supply, and sanatoriums actively satisfy the needs of the most different layers population.

It is worth noting that in the post-Soviet space, the sanatorium direction does not aim to treat and cure, although many patients go there for this. The main purpose of staying in a sanatorium is prevention, general health improvement, and relaxation; therefore, a range of not only indications, but also contraindications for sanatorium treatment has been determined.

To improve the health of vacationers, sanatoriums mainly use natural resources - fresh air from ecologically clean areas, mineral water, therapeutic mud, favorable climate, which are actively supplemented by physiotherapy, physical education, and water treatments.

Who is sanatorium treatment indicated for?

Treatment in sanatorium conditions has its own indications, based on the profile of the institution. Sanatoriums for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases accept patients with:

  • ( , );
  • with damage to heart structures;
  • , peripheral bloodstream.

All these diseases must be compensated as much as possible and without exacerbation. Not allowed for treatment a patient with, when the pressure level is not corrected by taking medications, with or progressive angina pectoris, exacerbation of rheumatic heart disease. In these cases, it is necessary to undergo preliminary treatment in a hospital or at a local clinic. After normalization of well-being, test results and other examinations, the therapist recommends or allows the patient to go to a sanatorium.

Sanatorium treatment is contraindicated in some cases:

  • Exacerbation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Bleeding;
  • Acute infectious pathology.

Any acute manifestations of diseases of the cardiovascular system, be it a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack, require treatment in a hospital; sanatoriums are not able to provide adequate conditions and monitoring of the patient. Sanatorium treatment is also contraindicated with severe, starting from stage IIB, or paroxysms of tachycardia with frequent rhythm disturbances, with a heart rate of less than 50 per minute. If it is unclear, the clinic physician may prohibit a trip to the sanatorium, referring the patient to the hospital for examination and treatment.

It is believed that the optimal duration of stay in a sanatorium is 2-3 weeks, During this period, you can undergo all the necessary diagnostic procedures and a course of full treatment. In many sanatoriums, the patient can choose the length of his stay, having previously determined the dates of arrival and departure that are convenient for himself, but as a rule, the minimum is 14 days.

Treatment in a sanatorium can be paid or at the expense of the organization sending for treatment. In the first case, the vacationer himself sets the duration of treatment, and the list of procedures and conditions of stay depend on his ability to pay. In the second, the voucher is issued by the institution to its employee, partially or fully covering its cost.

The conditions of stay that modern sanatoriums offer are quite comfortable and can satisfy even the most demanding client. If you wish, you can choose a luxury single room with all amenities, and if it’s boring to relax alone, then there is always the possibility of staying in multi-bed rooms.

How to choose a good sanatorium?

Having set the goal of going to a sanatorium for treatment, potential vacationers begin to search for the most rational options. Some people prefer the mountain air of Transcarpathia or the sea and warm climate of Crimea, while others, on the contrary, do not want to dramatically change weather conditions and prefer a holiday in the middle zone. Many people find the long journey to their vacation spot unacceptable, so they want to find a sanatorium close to home.

Sanatoriums for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and other therapeutic pathologies are widespread in any climatic zone, so making a choice will not be difficult. The main point when searching for a suitable option, in addition to the quality of medical services, may be the comfort of travel and accommodation.

Among Russian citizens, the resorts of Crimea, Kislovodsk, and Belarusian health resorts are popular. Crimea attracts with warm sea air, Kislovodsk with mineral waters and mud, Belarus with its mild climate, picturesque nature and affordable prices.

Holidays in the Moscow region

Residents of Moscow and nearby regions who do not want to travel far from home for treatment can find an acceptable holiday option in the Moscow region. The advantages in this case will be the usual climatic conditions and short time spent on the road to a place of rest and treatment.

In sanatoriums in the Moscow region, you can undergo rehabilitation and treatment after a myocardial infarction, as well as operations on the heart and blood vessels (valve replacement, bypass surgery).

The main resource of health resorts near Moscow is a mild climate, picturesque nature, lakes and forests. Mineral waters, physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, and dietary nutrition are used for treatment. In sanatoriums, vacationers can be offered treatment with medicinal leeches, acupuncture, and effective psychotherapeutic assistance, because rehabilitation after heart surgery includes, among other things, restoration of the patient’s emotional state.

To diversify the recreation and leisure of clients, sanatoriums in the Moscow region offer the use of gyms, tennis courts, in winter you can rent skis, in summer you can go fishing. Various tourist programs are organized with visits to local attractions.

When choosing a sanatorium in the Moscow region, many pay attention not only to the list of services and the cost of stay, but also to the reviews of those who have already been there. Of course, it’s a shame to arrive and not find some of the entertainment activities offered, to find out about the additional fee for visiting the skating rink, to be faced with tasteless food and cold water in a swimming pool. To avoid this, vacationers rely on the opinions of people who have visited a particular sanatorium. Fortunately, using the Internet this is quite easy to do.

We will not dwell on sanatoriums with a bad reputation among vacationers, but will mention those that fully satisfied the tastes of their clients. Boarding house "Zarya", specializing in pathology of the heart and blood vessels, nervous, respiratory systems, spine and joints, offers comfortable living conditions, including for children, high-quality food, physiotherapeutic and water treatments, uses therapeutic mud and mineral waters. You can spend several days or just a weekend in a boarding house, the period is determined by the desire of the vacationer.

Podmoskovny sanatorium "Valuevo" provides rehabilitation services to patients who have undergone surgery on the heart and blood vessels. For this purpose, qualified personnel work, physiotherapy and water treatment are used, and cooks prepare dietary meals.

Sanatorium "Buran" also boasts positive impressions from its customers. Here you can treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels or simply relax in a quiet, cozy atmosphere with your family. Children are accepted from two years old, high-quality food and leisure activities are provided for vacationers.

Sanatoriums in Belarus

Holidays in Belarus are attractive due to the wide range of services provided, reasonable prices and quite comfortable conditions. The mild climate is suitable for the vast majority of cardiac patients, and the friendly staff will not leave any vacationer unattended.

Sanatoriums in Belarus annually receive more than one thousand not only citizens of the republic, but also foreigners who come there, among whom the lion's share are Russians. Vacationers are attracted by the location of sanatoriums in left-park ecologically clean areas, on the banks of rivers and lakes. In addition to quality treatment, the visitor gains strength by walking around the surrounding attractions and breathing fresh air. In many parts of the republic, mineral water is extracted, and “salt caves” have been created based on natural resources.

Among the health resorts in Belarus, it is considered the largest sanatorium "Bug", which in terms of the quality provided medical care and comfort of stay - one of the best. The institution is located in the Brest region and specializes in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory system, and spine. Vacationers are offered single and double rooms with all amenities, excellent food, and highly qualified medical staff.

With a high level of service that meets European standards, the sanatorium strives to adhere to an affordable pricing policy, providing discounts to certain groups of patients, pensioners, and families with children. It is no coincidence that among the clients you can meet not only citizens of the former Soviet republics, but also residents of Germany, Poland, Israel and other countries.

Large is popular sanatorium "Chenki", built right on the river bank near Gomel. Here you can undergo treatment of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and spine. The sanatorium offers comfortable conditions and a wide range of medical procedures, including balneotherapy, mineral waters, and a variety of cosmetology services. Mineral water is obtained on the territory of the institution, and the physiotherapy department is recognized as one of the best in the country.

At the Chenki sanatorium, much attention is paid to nutrition, which not only meets the needs and tastes of vacationers, but is also aimed at correcting existing disorders, including pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Holidays in Crimea

Fans of a warm sea climate will prefer the resorts of Crimea to the middle zone, which for many decades have been welcoming vacationers from various parts of Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space. Holidays in Crimea are attractive not only for medical services, but also for the great natural potential of these places. All kinds of healing mud, estuaries, and warm sea air can work wonders, restoring strength and energy.

Among the boarding houses of the Crimean peninsula, they are popular "Miskhor", specializing in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases. The institution provides many procedures - balneology, salt caves, mineral mud.

Yalta sanatorium named after Kirov will help in the treatment of not only pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, but also other internal organs. In addition to therapeutic procedures, including balneotherapy, mud therapy, massage, physiotherapeutic techniques, the vacationer enjoys a special climate, warm sea, admiring the beautiful nature.

Patients with pathology of peripheral vessels, rheumatism, arterial hypertension can choose health resorts in Evpatoria, among which are: "Primorye". The institution offers excellent conditions of stay, meals, including dietetics, various physical treatments, water and mud treatments, and climatic therapy. In addition to adults, here you can improve the health of children with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, who are admitted accompanied by adults.

Mineral waters of Kislovodsk

Kislovodsk sanatoriums are traditionally popular among residents of Russia and abroad due to the special mountain climate and mineral waters that are actively mined in this area. A large number of health resorts specializing specifically in diseases of the cardiovascular system are concentrated in Kislovodsk.

The resort areas of the Caucasus offer year-round recreation, allowing you to undergo a full examination of the heart and blood vessels and a full course of treatment. The sanatoriums employ highly qualified personnel and have the appropriate equipment high level. Prices for treatment may be slightly higher than in other regions, but according to reviews from vacationers, the costs are justified.

The main healing resources of Kislovodsk are mud, mineral water and mountain climate, which is well tolerated by people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Narzan waters have been extracted there for over 200 years and have proven themselves as an excellent remedy for treating pathologies of internal organs. Mineral water is used not only for oral administration; vacationers are also offered medicinal baths.

Among the sanatoriums in Kislovodsk, the client may prefer economy-class, mid-level and highly comfortable sanatoriums. Of course, the conditions of stay are reflected in the price, so everyone chooses a vacation not only according to their taste, but also their wallet.

Among economy level health resorts - sanatorium named after Semashko, which has been operating for almost a hundred years. Here you can treat pathologies of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, gynecological and urological problems. Mineral water Essentuki-4, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya is produced on the territory of the institution. Holidays with children, whose treatment is carried out from the age of 5, are possible; discounts on accommodation and meals are provided up to 14 years of age.

Among the high-level Kislovodsk sanatoriums we can note “Red Stones”, “Valley of Narzans”. These institutions provide services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases not only of the cardiovascular system, but also of other organs - the digestive tract, ENT organs, gynecological and endocrine pathologies.

On the territory of Kislovodsk sanatoriums there are tennis courts, walking paths, and libraries. You can improve your health by gym, swimming pool, sauna. For the comfort of vacationers, the Internet is available, there are parking lots, and hairdressers. Many sanatoriums are expanding the range of cosmetic procedures, thereby attracting representatives of the fair sex of all ages.

Video: sanatorium named after. G.K. Ordzhonikidze, Kislovodsk

In addition to those described, there are many other sanatoriums in different parts of Russia and neighboring countries; we have focused on only a few that provide services to cardiology patients. People with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels can also choose general therapeutic sanatoriums, where it is not necessary to undergo maximum amount medical procedures, because just rest, a change of scenery, fresh air, walks are also an important part of maintaining health.

When choosing a sanatorium, they usually focus on the price and list of medical services, distance from home, climate zone. Reviews from visitors are of no small importance, so it’s better to find out in advance how you can more information about the proposed vacation spot, so that only positive emotions await you in the sanatorium itself, and if there are surprises, then only good ones.

IN this moment Answers questions: A. Olesya Valerievna, candidate of medical sciences, teacher at a medical university

On the state of the human cardiovascular system. No less important for the heart and blood vessels is what we drink and in what quantity. What are the healthiest drinks for your heart??

The best drinks for the heart and blood vessels

Water is most important for the heart

The ideal drink for the heart is water, regular non-carbonated water without any additives. To a healthy body up to 2 liters of fluid per day is required. If a person is diagnosed with heart failure or hypertension, it is recommended to reduce its amount by about one and a half times. But you shouldn’t drive yourself to thirst.

Lack of fluid in the body leads to increased blood viscosity, and the heart requires much greater effort to supply blood to all organs of our body. This increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. In addition, thickened blood promotes thrombus formation, which is not far from a stroke.

Black and green tea are good for the heart

Both black and green tea contain large amounts of antioxidants. They help maintain the health of the cardiovascular system, preventing the formation and growth of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. It should be noted that green tea contains more antioxidants.

Drinking tea reduces the level of bad cholesterol, as well as the risk of blood clots and stroke, and prevents the development of coronary heart disease.

Drink only fresh tea. Heating and, especially, boiling kills its beneficial properties. Green tea is poured when brewing hot water(75-80 degrees Celsius), more fermented black tea - boiling water.

For quite a long time there was a prejudice about the dangers of coffee for the heart. However, research recent years showed that regular consumption of this drink reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 20-30 percent. Of course, this does not mean that you need to drink coffee all day long, as coffee lovers sometimes do. Drinking two or three cups of this aromatic drink during the day will reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Since coffee has a diuretic effect, it is necessary to increase the amount of water you drink in proportion to the amount of coffee you drink. It is also worth recalling the ability of coffee to slightly increase blood pressure.

Pomegranate juice for the heart

Pomegranate contains a huge amount of very useful substances: vitamins, organic acids, polyphenols-antioxidants. Drinking pomegranate juice is recommended for anemia, as it helps increase blood hemoglobin levels. In addition, pomegranate juice slows down the aging process, as it contains useful material prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strengthen the vascular wall and heart muscle. Regular consumption of pomegranate juice lowers blood pressure and is an easy and safe diuretic, while providing the body with potassium.

Only freshly squeezed juice has beneficial properties. To strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to drink one glass of pomegranate juice diluted with water (50:50) daily. It is also good to use carrot juice for dilution.

Rosehip decoction for the heart

Rosehip decoction is extremely beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. Cardiologists recommend it to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries and as a means of preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Rosehip decoction enhances the process of hematopoiesis, as it helps the production of red blood cells and helps lower blood pressure.

Rosehip decoction contains a large amount of vitamins (C, P, K, group B, carotene), microelements that are useful for all body systems.

Important: rose hip decoction has contraindications. These are diseases of endocarditis, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis. You should not drink rosehip decoction if you have gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Compotes and other drinks

A balanced source of vitamins, so necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, are compotes of fresh and dry fruits and berries, as well as freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. There is no need to add sugar to them.

Fermented milk drinks, which can also be considered food, should also be a mandatory element of your menu. The minimum norm is one glass per day.

Drinks harmful to the heart and blood vessels

Along with useful ones, on sale and on our table there are also harmful drinks. Moreover, they are harmful not only to the heart and blood vessels, but also to other organs and systems of our body. It is better to completely avoid these drinks. Among them:

  • carbonated drinks and lemonades;
  • juices from packages;
  • fermented milk drinks with sugar;
  • any industrially produced drinks with flavors, dyes and other additives.

Healthy drinks for the heart and blood vessels are not limited to the above list, but if you regularly consume at least those described in the article, the benefits for the functioning of the cardiovascular system will be undoubted.

Mineral water can be alkaline, low carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, sulfate, etc. It is also divided according to its ionic composition into hydrocarbonate, sulfate, chloride, which in turn are divided into calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc. All these ions are contained in mineral waters V large quantities, therefore they take an active part in metabolic processes in the human body, and also regulate acid-base balance in him. To a lesser extent, mineral water contains trace elements such as boron, bromine, iodine, iron, silicon, fluorine, arsenic, and organic matter, represented by humins, bitumens, naphthenes.

You can drink mineral water, take baths or do inhalations.

Drinking mineral water
Drinking mineral water internally is indicated for a fairly wide range of diseases. These include chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, biliary tract and pancreas - all in an inactive form and in remission (gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis, enteritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis), as well as in the postoperative period (diseases of the operated stomach, postcholecystectomy syndrome, etc.). In addition, drinking treatment is used for diseases of metabolism and endocrine organs ( diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout), for diseases of the genitourinary organs (urolithiasis, prostatitis).

It is advisable to drink mineral water directly from the source, as some is lost when poured into a vessel. The amount of water taken ranges from 1 tbsp. up to 1.5 glasses, the optimal dose is from 0.5 to 1 glass. It is recommended to drink mineral water on an empty stomach, in small sips and warm. You should hold a sip of water in your mouth for a while in order to prolong the reflex phase of the effect.

The course of treatment with mineral water usually lasts from 3-4 to 5-6 weeks. After 9-12 months, a second course of treatment is carried out.

The nature of the therapeutic effects of mineral waters is different. Depending on their composition, a certain type of water is used for diseases.

Chloride waters are salty, low-mineralized, they contain mainly chlorine and sodium. When taken, the secretion of gastric juice increases. They have an anti-inflammatory, laxative and moderate choleretic effect, retaining water in the body. The use of chloride water is indicated for diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological, gynecological, skin, cardiovascular system.

Sulfate waters contain sulfate, sodium, magnesium and calcium. When consumed, the acidity of gastric juice decreases and the functioning of the pancreas improves. They have a diuretic effect, have a laxative, choleretic effect, optimize the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and eliminate flatulence. Treatment with sulfate waters is carried out for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis with increased secretion, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis), inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypothyroidism).

Water with fluoride due to its content large quantity fluoride affects the growth and construction of bone tissue of teeth, nails and bones. They are used for dental diseases (caries, chronic periodontitis, etc.), delayed formation of callus,. Due to the fact that fluoride prevents the formation of stones and sand, water with fluoride is used for urolithiasis.

Siliceous waters have an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach, improve nutrition of mucous membranes and skin elasticity, and promote the elimination of uric acid. They are used for gastrointestinal, liver and gallbladder diseases, and diseases of the oral cavity.

Ferrous waters thanks great content iron in its composition has a general strengthening, antianemic effect.

Iodine waters activate the healing effect for,.

Bromine waters increase inhibition in the central nervous system and have a sedative effect. Their use is recommended for diseases of the nervous system (neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia), cardiovascular system, and metabolic diseases.

Carbon dioxide enhances the secretion and peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, improves absorption and tissue respiration. Hydrogen sulfide also increases secretion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Radon increases tone and stimulates the functional activity of the sympathetic nervous system, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the digestive and urinary tract, and activates tissue respiration in the liver.

Inhalations with mineral water
Another method of introducing mineral waters into the body is through inhalation. This method of administration has a local effect on respiratory system, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-spastic, anti-allergic effects. Due to the large area of ​​the bronchial tree and alveoli, the accumulation of mineral components in the lymphatic system of the lungs, the effectiveness of this method is very high. Inhalations are used to treat nonspecific and allergic diseases lungs and upper respiratory tract.

Mineral water baths
Mineral waters are used externally by taking baths. At the same time, mineral substances penetrate into the body through healthy, intact skin: radon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, iron, bromine and others, which affect the corresponding organs and tissues. This is how iron gets into blood cells, sulfuric acid into articular cartilage. Different mineral waters have a specific effect on the body for certain diseases. They can relieve spasm, pain, have an alkalizing, stimulating effect, and renew blood cells.

When carbon dioxide mineral waters are used externally, skin blood vessels dilate, blood pressure decreases, the contractility of the heart increases, and its work becomes easier.

Hydrogen sulfide waters regulate blood circulation, normalize the nervous system, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the reflex dilatation of blood vessels in the skin, redness is observed during and after a bath. These waters are indicated for rheumatoid polyarthritis and other inflammatory diseases of the joints, muscles, tendons, for the consequences of injuries and diseases of the peripheral nervous system, for diseases of peripheral vessels (such as obliterating endarteritis) in the inactive stage, diseases and diseases of the skin.

Radon waters have a gentle and mild irritation on the skin. They relieve pain, calm the nervous system, improve sleep and appetite, enhance recovery processes, lower blood pressure, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect. During bathing, the skin becomes pale due to the reflex effect of radon on the skin. Radon baths are used for diseases of the nervous system, gynecological inflammatory diseases, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Iodine-bromine waters are indicated for diseases of the circulatory system and nervous system; they have a beneficial effect on the functional state of the thyroid gland.

Siliceous thermal baths have a calming, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. When taking a bath, the pallor of the skin changes to redness.

The action of mineral waters stimulates the body's adaptation reaction to external irritating factors. In that complex process Regulatory organs and body systems take part. This helps stimulate the protective and immune forces.

Candidate of Medical Sciences

It is dangerous for children to drink mineral water if they do not suffer from diseases for which this water is indicated. I live and work in Essentuki and therefore, day after day, I observe how those who come to our balneological resort drink mineral water.

At Essentuki springs No. 4 and No. 17 I often see pictures similar to this: a boy of about five pours a large mug of mineral water, next to a girl drinks healing water from the same mug. Mothers look at their children with tenderness.

I approach and ask:

Why do you allow children to drink so much mineral water? What are they sick with?

Our children are healthy - answers one of the mothers.

But everyone drinks. The water is healing, and we drink a mug three or four times a day.

I had to have a conversation with them, explain that medicinal mineral water cannot be drunk according to the principle “the more, the better.” Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 contain 9 and 13 grams (per liter) of minerals and chemical elements, respectively. And if you drink more of this water than the doctor recommended, you can cause considerable harm to the body.

Chemical elements and free carbon dioxide contained in all medicinal mineral waters, if taken into the body in excess, can disrupt the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, bile formation and excretion, and acid-base balance in the body; mineral salts irritate the kidneys, bladder; sodium salts are especially harmful for those suffering from chronic nephritis, hypertension, and heart disease accompanied by edema.

It is very dangerous to give medicinal mineral water to children to drink if they do not suffer from diseases for which this water is indicated.

Self-medication with mineral waters is just as unacceptable as with medications.

But I have often observed how patients, while at a drinking resort, “prescribe” this or that water for themselves. This is especially true for those who rent a room in the private sector and do not go to the resort clinic.

Recently, walking along the lower alley of our city’s healing park, I saw a large crowd of vacationers at the “Essentuki Novaya” spring. They drank healing water in mugs. Curious, I asked several people if they only drink this mineral water. The answer was:

We drink Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17 before meals, and after meals we go to this source.

After some hesitation, one of the vacationers answered:

The water of all other sources is salty, and we ourselves decided: to prevent salts from being deposited in the joints, we should also drink this water - after all, it flushes the body well.

I had to explain that, firstly, neither table salt nor salts contained in mineral water are ever deposited in the joints, and that it is not salts that cause arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

And, secondly, those who wash down Essentuki No. 17 with Essentuki new water may consider that they spent time at the resort without any health benefits. After all, the new Essentuki water has a diuretic effect, and therefore it is usually indicated for those suffering from urological diseases.

And if it is drunk, for example, by a patient with chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, who is prescribed Essentuki No. 17, then his body is quickly freed from the beneficial mineral salts contained in this water. As a result, Essentuki No. 17 does not have a therapeutic effect.

In addition, those who drink much more mineral water than recommended cause the heart to work twice as hard; and in people with heart disease, edema also forms or intensifies.

And in general, everyone who is being treated at a balneological resort should drink water in the amount recommended by the doctor: no more and no less!

When leaving home, find out from your doctor whether it is worth continuing the mineral water treatment you started at the resort.

Thanks to technical improvements used in mineral water bottling plants, the loss of chemical elements is practically eliminated, and chemical composition, the quality of mineral water does not change during the bottling and transportation process.

It is saturated with carbon dioxide, which keeps it in a dissolved state. chemical elements, prevents the development of microorganisms in it.

Recently, mineral water has been treated with a silver solution for these purposes. Such water, when properly stored (with bottles lying down in a cool and dark room), retains healing properties almost unlimited time.

It has been established that the healing effect of bottled mineral water is not inferior to water taken directly from the source.

If mineral water overheats, add unheated water from a bottle and drink in small sips.

Warm mineral water reduces stomach pain, eliminates spasms, and helps eliminate inflammatory changes. It is absorbed faster, enters the liver, promotes rapid dilution of bile and its outflow.

Usually mineral water is drunk three times a day for 24-30 days, followed by a break for three to four months.

Indiscriminate intake of mineral water from time to time does not have a therapeutic effect.

Mineral water should be considered as a medicine created by nature itself, which is prescribed only by a doctor.

It must be taken strictly at the appointed time and in the indicated dosage.

Based on materials from the magazine "Health"
