High content of iron in foods. Products with iron

Iron is an element that is vital for work human body. The lack of essential trace elements in the body causes not only discomfort, but can also lead to significant health problems.

Iron deficiency can occur as an independent disease, or as a symptom of one of the many diseases. Today, almost all people, regardless of gender and age, suffer from anemia. One of the reasons for the appearance is the lack of iron from food. To exclude the likelihood of such a disease is quite simple, you need to choose proper nutrition and include the most iron-rich foods in your diet.

In this article, we will consider what a lack of nutrients entails and what foods can provide a normal level of this element in the body.

Why does the body need iron?

A person with an average weight of 60-70 kilograms should contain 4 milligrams of iron in the body. A small content of this microelement in the body does not mean that its deficiency will not affect the work of internal organs. Iron directly affects the functioning of cells, and is also involved in metabolism and providing tissues with oxygen.

Enzymes, which also include iron, are involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. This element is also the main component of hemoglobin. The latter consists of a protein molecule of globin and a heme embedded in it, in the center of which there is an iron ion that interacts with oxygen and participates in its transportation throughout the body, thereby ensuring its vital activity.

The protein myoglobin, which contains a supply of oxygen in muscle tissue, also includes iron, which, in addition, is contained in more than 70 enzymes. With a lack of iron, the body's defenses decrease, metabolism is disturbed, immunity weakens, etc.

Deficiency of this trace element in the blood, bone marrow and depot leads to anemia.

Iron absorption into the body occurs through the duodenum and jejunum, where food absorption is reduced to 1-2 mg per day.

First of all, the absorbed amount of the substance saturates hemoglobin, and only after that it saturates all other enzymes. A normal hemoglobin level does not mean that the body is iron deficient. With the gradual exhaustion of microelement reserves in the liver, anemia occurs. To cure this disease and make up for iron deficiency is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is quite difficult to overcome anemia with the help of products, since the percentage of content and absorption from the total amount of nutrients from food is quite small. Treatment of anemia requires a course of treatment. Food will help only for the prevention of anemia, but not as the main treatment.

The norms of iron intake depending on the gender of a person and age differ as follows:

    Children - 6.9 to 14 mg per day.

    Women - from 14 to 50 years old should use up to 12 mg per day, for women over 50, the rate is reduced to 8 mg. During pregnancy, the rate increases to 30 mg per day.

    Men - over 18 years old, the intake rate is 8 mg.

Vegetarians in addition to these norms need to add an average of 1.8 mg.

It is known that of the total amount of food, the percentage of iron absorption is only 10%. Therefore, even if you eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, they may simply not be absorbed.

Causes of iron deficiency

Iron deficiency can occur for several reasons:

    insufficient intake of iron-containing foods through food;

    poor digestibility in the intestine;

    increased microelement consumption (in athletes, vegetarians, pregnant women, with blood loss, etc.);

    an increase in demand with insufficient compensation of nutrients (gradual depletion);

Signs of iron deficiency or excess

The lack of the latter in the body can be visually expressed by the following signs:




    increased heart rate;

    decrease in body temperature;

    decreased immunity;

    cracking of the corners of the mouth;

    the desire to eat inedible foods (chalk, earth, etc.).

Lack of iron leads to anemia (anemia) and even more serious consequences: the appearance of a tumor, metabolic disorders, etc.

Excess can also bring Negative consequences, in this case, the excess amount of the microelement is debugged during internal organs. The maximum allowable amount of iron per day is 45 mg.

Signs that there is an excess of iron in the body are:

  • weakness;

  • change in skin pigmentation;

    bowel problems;

    weight loss.

An excess can threaten the appearance of a tumor, diabetes, arthritis, liver failure.

Foods rich in iron

Foods containing iron can be divided into two types:

    heme - products of animal origin (found in meat, liver, kidneys, etc.);

    non-heme - plant products (vegetables, fruits, etc.).

Heme products have the highest content of useful trace elements, but their digestibility is an order of magnitude less.

List of foods with the highest iron content per 100 grams:

    Pork liver contains 20 mg, beef - 7 mg.

    Meat of dark varieties: rabbit - 4.5 mg, veal - 2.9 mg, lamb - 3.1.

    Legumes: beans 60 mg, peas 9.4 mg.

    Spinach contains 13.51 mg.

    Cereals: buckwheat - 83 mg, oatmeal - 55 mg, wheat - 54 mg.

    Nuts: peanuts - 5 mg, walnuts - 30 mg, hazelnuts - 55 mg.

    Mushrooms - 35 mg.

    Sea cabbage - 16.0 mg.

    Seafood: shellfish - 68 mg, mussels - 6.7 mg, oysters - 9.2 mg.

    Fish: anchovies - 2.9 mg, sardines - 2.8 mg.

    Dried fruits: peaches - 16 mg, raisins - 14 mg, plums - 13 mg, dried apricots - 12 mg.

    Cocoa contains 11 mg.

    Cheese: skim milk 37 mg, Swiss cheese 19 mg.

    Rosehip - 11 mg.

    Fresh fruits: apricot - 4.0 mg, apple - 2.5 mg, pear - 2.3 mg, nectarine - 4 mg.

The above list of products cannot be ordered by the amount of the trace element, because the highest iron content in 100 grams of food is not always easily absorbed. For example, you cannot eat 100 grams of cocoa or rose hips. A set of dishes that include iron-containing foods, the list of recipes is constantly updated. One or more dishes should combine various components, so meat products still contain protein, and vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and acids.

Which foods promote and which hinder the absorption of iron

You should know that for better absorption of iron in food, you also need to eat foods rich in vitamin C and folic acid. These substances are found in large quantities in vegetables and herbs.

In addition, there are foods that must be consumed separately, because they cannot be absorbed together with iron. These foods include calcium-rich dairy products (milk, sour cream, yogurt), tea and coffee, and foods rich in vitamin A (hematogen). Do not confuse pure vitamin A and carotene (A1).

iron deficiency during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the work of the whole organism is rebuilt. The consumption rate of all vitamins and microelements, including iron, is increasing significantly. This is due to the fact that the body of the expectant mother provides oxygen and other enzymes not only to herself, but also to the developing fetus.

However, the use of many foods during pregnancy may be contraindicated. These foods include liver, tongue, and certain types of sea ​​fish. Iron-containing products for pregnant women and their optimal amount of consumption should be agreed with the attending physician.

Iron deficiency in a breastfeeding mother

Childbirth itself involves a lot of stress. During childbirth, a woman may have blood loss, metabolism or kidney function will be disturbed. After childbirth, the woman's body is in an exhausted state and needs a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Iron-containing foods for pregnant and lactating mothers should be of high quality and fresh. Everyone knows that nursing mothers must adhere to a diet, since a child may become allergic to certain foods.

The recovery period after childbirth takes from 3 to 6 months, at which time the body makes up for the lack of necessary substances. For a newborn, the only source of nutrition and vitamins is mother's milk. Most of the incoming substances go to breast milk. In such a case, the woman may also experience an iron deficiency. The lack of the latter and anemia can be dangerous for both mother and child. Iron-containing foods for a nursing mother should also be on the menu every day.

Anemia in children

From birth, the child's body grows and develops. Constant growth requires providing the body with vitamins and minerals. Anemia as a separate symptom accompanies many childhood diseases. Any pediatrician with complaints of a child of weakness and dizziness will write out a referral for a blood test. The latter shows the content of hemoglobin in the blood, if these figures are low enough, then it is necessary to start treatment. This treatment may include both medication and dietary advice.

Iron-containing foods to increase hemoglobin in a child should be included in the daily menu. Children are very picky eaters, so parents have to pick up food. Iron-rich foods are not always to the taste of babies. In this case, you should choose an alternative to one product to another. Meat products you can replace soy, unloved cereals should be made sweet with the addition of fruits, etc. As mentioned above, it is not recommended to eat calcium-rich foods along with iron-containing foods. Milk and dairy products are best given separately.

With food, the microelements we need get into the human body. Iron has a special role in the functioning of vital systems. To avoid its deficiency, foods containing iron should be constantly present in the diet.

Iron plays an important role in the body

The greatest amount of iron (Fe) is contained in the blood (about 71%). Here, the trace element is part of the erythrocytes, is responsible for the capture of oxygen, its delivery to all organs, as well as the movement of carbon dioxide into the lungs (for further excretion).

In addition, the substance is responsible for a number of other important functions:

  • is an integral component of hemoglobin and myoglobin;
  • actively participates in hematopoiesis and intracellular metabolism (synthesis of cholesterol, elimination of poisons, redox processes, energy metabolism);
  • helps to strengthen the body's defenses;
  • helps the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
Iron is involved in the growth of the body, in the formation of the stratum corneum of the skin and its derivatives (hair and nails).

Iron performs many functions in the body

Daily iron requirement for humans

Depending on age, gender and physical characteristics, the body's need for an important trace element may differ and amount to:

  • for women - 15-21 mg per day;
  • for men - from 8 mg;
  • for children - 5-19 mg (depending on age);
  • for pregnant women (starting from the 6th month of gestation and another 3-4 months after childbirth) - 32-37 mg per day;
  • for nursing mothers - from 24 to 36 mg.

It is important to remember that not only iron deficiency is dangerous for the body, but also its excess. Therefore, the maximum allowable daily dose of such a trace element should not exceed 46 mg.

Top iron foods

The trace element Fe is found in food of animal origin (heme iron) and in plant foods (non-heme iron).

Table "Rating of foods rich in iron"

The human body absorbs heme iron better and faster. If you eat beef chicken breast, mussels, oysters, then from 100 g of the product you can get 4–4.2 g of already absorbed Fe. This amount of non-heme iron is found in 175 g of boiled beans or 35 g of sesame (pumpkin seeds).

List of foods for iron deficiency

Iron deficiency in the body negatively affects the general condition of a person, threatens with anemia and disruption of the process of cellular respiration. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it disrupts the normal functioning of all organs and can harm the fetus. Therefore, it is important to include iron-rich foods in your daily diet.

Vegetables, legumes and greens

Among plant foods, the largest sources of iron are:

  • bakery products;
  • legumes - beans, lentils;
  • vegetables - beets, cabbage (cauliflower, white), celery, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, forest mushrooms.

Legumes are high in iron

Iron of plant origin refers to inorganic Fe. For its assimilation, vitamin C is required, which is abundant in cherries, figs, citrus fruits, and onions.

Fruits, dried fruits and berries

Most useful minerals contain:

  • apples, pears;
  • peaches;
  • blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, black currants;
  • bananas, dates;
  • pomegranate.

A considerable amount of iron is contained in rose hips and dried fruits (dried apricots, dried apples, pears, figs, raisins).

Peaches are not only tasty, but also healthy for the body.


The diet for anemia should include fish and seafood.

The elements with the highest iron content include:

  • mackerel, herring, carp, burbot, cod;
  • mussels, shrimp;
  • caviar chum salmon.

IN chicken fillet contains a lot of the element Fe

Iron is best absorbed from beef meat, then pork. Although the liver is the leader in the content of this microelement, the percentage of its absorption into the blood is lower.

Milk and dairy products are sources of calcium (Ca), but they contain almost no iron in their composition. Ca interferes with the normal absorption of Fe, so it is better to exclude such food from the diet for a while. If this is not possible, then to increase hemoglobin, foods with iron and calcium should be consumed at different times and at a large interval.

Dairy products interfere with iron absorption

Cereals and legumes

With anemia, it is useful to eat buckwheat. Of the cereals, it holds the record for iron content.

Many important trace elements are found in:

  • wheat
  • millet;
  • oatmeal.

Among legumes, beans and peas are distinguished, a lot of iron is also found in lentils. It must be remembered that the percentage of assimilation of such Fe is the lowest - 1–3% (cereals) and 6–7% (beans), therefore, when special diet the amount of an important substance should be constantly monitored.

Nuts and seeds

To increase hemoglobin during pregnancy, it is useful to eat nuts with a high iron content. The leaders are almonds, hazelnuts and pistachios. There is a lot of such an element in pumpkin seeds. They are especially useful for children, as they not only increase the level of Fe in the blood, but also help get rid of helminthic invasions, strengthen the immune system.

Iron foods include:

There is a lot of iron in coconut, especially dried, as well as in Brazil and walnuts.

Herbs and plants

In a diet with iron deficiency, not only plant and animal products should be present.

The richest sources of Fe are herbs and plants in dried form, which are used in the form of spices and spices:

  • thyme;
  • basil leaves;
  • marjoram;
  • dill;
  • celery seeds;
  • Bay leaf.

A lot of Fe is found in dill

Ground ginger and sage, cilantro, parsley, paprika, and fennel seeds are all elements that contain a huge amount of iron. They complement staple foods in a healthy diet not only palatability, but also a high percentage of useful trace elements.

These herbs and plants are added to teas, decoctions can be brewed from them and healing infusions can be prepared. This contributes to both an increase in hemoglobin and a general strengthening of the whole organism.

Vitamins containing iron

It is not always possible to eat properly and fully meet the body's need for iron. In order to avoid a shortage of such important element doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes. They contain not only Fe, but also additional useful substances (vitamins C, B12, copper, zinc, folic acid), which help iron to be better absorbed.

Table "Pharmacy preparations with iron"

In order not to provoke an excess of iron, all vitamin complexes are prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient's condition.


There are several diseases in which the abuse of iron can aggravate the patient's condition.

These include:

  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • liver disease;
  • negative disorders in the spleen caused by alcohol abuse;
  • severe disturbances in metabolic processes.

In the case of intensive intake of Fe into the body, serious malfunctions of vital systems can occur, which is fraught with consequences.

Do not abuse foods with iron in liver disease

Prevention of iron deficiency

To prevent iron deficiency in the body, you need to follow basic preventive measures.

  1. Eat foods high in Fe (beef liver, beans, spinach, lentils, nuts, chicken eggs, fish, seafood).
  2. Refuse coffee, strong tea and dairy products - they reduce the absorption of iron in the blood.
  3. Food containing a large number of an important trace element, supplement with products with folic and ascorbic acid, copper and zinc. They contribute to the rapid and better absorption of iron.
  4. Control the amount of fluid in the body. To prevent dehydration, drink more fruit juices and plain water.
If stick simple rules and monitor your condition, then a deficiency of a useful substance can be avoided.

In the human body, iron plays an important role - it is responsible for transporting oxygen to all organs and systems, taking part in many vital functions. important processes. The lack of such an element negatively affects the patient's condition (the mechanisms of hematopoiesis are disturbed). This leads to a delay in growth and development (in children), anemia and disruption of the normal functioning of the whole organism. To avoid dangerous consequences, it is important to constantly replenish the need for iron by eating foods with a high content of it.

Most often, people begin to worry about iron-containing foods when anemia develops. However, iron deficiency can be manifested not only by a decrease in hemoglobin. With a lack of iron in your diet, you may experience unpleasant symptoms such as increased fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, and headaches. Adding iron-rich foods to your diet can improve your well-being. Below we have placed a table of foods high in iron.

However, it is necessary to understand that the iron that comes to us with food can be of two types:

Plant iron /non-heme/ is found in plant foods, vegetables, fruits, cereals;

Iron of animal origin /heme/ - as the name implies, iron from blood hemoglobin - is most found in red meat, fish, and poultry.

Heme iron is best absorbed by the body. So iron from meat is absorbed by 20-22%; iron from fish by 10-11%; from plant products by only 1-6%. Therefore, if you are a vegetarian or follow a plant-based diet, the amount of plant foods with a high iron content should be significantly larger, since such iron is less absorbed by the body.

Signs of iron deficiency in the body:

- palpitations with minor
- difficulty breathing;
- pallor and dryness of the skin;
- deformation and fragility of nails;
- migrating pains and pains in the heart;
- headache and dizziness;
- emotional lability;
- perversions in nutrition especially
children /chalk, soil, sand/;
- obesity.

Norms of iron intake depending on gender and age:

Children: 1-3 years - 6.9 mg per day

3-11 years - 19 mg

11-14 mg - 12 mg

14-18 years - 15 mg

19-50 years old 18 mg

Over 50 years old - 8 mg

Pregnant - 30 mg per day

14-18 years - 11 mg

over 19 years old - 8 mg.

Foods High in Animal Iron

The product's name
pork liver 20,2
chicken liver 17,5
beef liver 6,9
beef heart 4,8
pork heart 4,1
beef meat 3,6
lamb meat 3,1
pork meat 1,8
chicken's meat 1,6
turkey meat 1,4
oysters 9,2
mussels 6,7
sardines 2,9
black caviar 2,4
chicken yolk 6,7
quail yolk 3,2
beef tongue 4,1
pork tongue 3,2
tuna (canned) 1,4
sardines (canned) 2,9

Plant foods high in iron

The product's name Iron content in mg per 100 g
wheat bran 11,1
buckwheat 6,7
oatmeal 3,9
Rye bread 3,9
soy 9,7
lentils 11,8
spinach 2,7
corn 2,7
peas 1,5
beet 1,7
peanut 4,6
pistachios 3,9
almond 3,7
Walnut 2,9
dogwood 4,1
persimmon 2,5
dried apricots 3,2
dried prunes 3
pomegranate 1
apples 0,1

The opinion that the most iron is found in grants and apples is not true. 100 grams of these fruits contain no more than 1 and 2 milligrams of iron. In addition, this iron is of plant origin, and it is absorbed worse.

Table of foods high in iron per 100 grams

Iron (mg)

Iron (mg)


Nuts (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts)



Parsley (root)

egg white

Pork liver

White bread

Calf's liver



Beef kidneys


Wheat flour


sea ​​fish

Mushrooms fresh

dried mushrooms

Breast milk


dried pear


Caviar caviar

Black currant

turkey meat


sea ​​cabbage




Pumpkin seeds


Rye bread


wheat bread





Rose hip


cow's milk

Egg yolk

beef tongue


Dried apples

Beef brains

Chicken egg

What threatens the lack of iron in the body

Constant feeling of tiredness, weakness and headaches may indicate anemia. Most often, along with a calcium deficiency in the body, there is a lack of iron. Since most of it is in red blood cells, which only live for 120 days, iron stores need to be replenished all the time. This is especially important for women who lose twice as much of this element within a month as men.

The body absorbs only 8% of the iron contained in food or tablets. IRON may be low if: you drink a lot of coffee or tea; - you take aspirin, polopyrine for a long time; - the body lacks vitamin C, copper, manganese, cobalt, which facilitate its absorption from the digestive tract.

Of the 716 girls selected for research, 112 showed iron deficiency in the body. He has not yet reached the level where you can talk about anemia. A series of trials at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore
showed that those girls who were given 260 mg of iron per day (in tablets) improved their results in concentration and memorization of words. The choice of girls for research is explained by the fact that they
suffer from iron deficiency during puberty.

Iron supplements should not be taken in unlimited quantities. This can cause damage to the digestive tract or even poisoning the body. Do not give iron to children or take it during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. But a diet enriched with iron is absolutely safe. Never causes signs of poisoning in adults and healthy children. The richest in iron are liver, kidneys, meat, cereals, beans, oatmeal, egg yolks, dried apricots, nuts, spinach, nettle leaves.

Iron is one of the most important trace elements for human health. Therefore, you need to know which vegetables and fruits contain iron in order to never suffer from its lack. Let's study in detail why we need this substance and from what products it can be obtained.

The main function of this mineral in the body is the formation of hemoglobin. This is a protein that is involved in the transport of water and oxygen atoms to all organs and tissues of our body. With a lack of hemoglobin, there is a lack of oxygen, which leads to constant fatigue, and subsequently to serious illness.

Iron also performs the following functions:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • participates in metabolism;
  • responsible for the production of DNA;
  • ensures the growth of the body.

One of the most common consequences of iron deficiency is. Its main symptoms are constant weakness, problems with thermoregulation, mental and physical development, deterioration of mental abilities, memory. Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to these problems, considering them to be the consequences of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to a deterioration in the condition. If anemia is suspected, it is recommended to consult a therapist, and at the same time start using more products with a high iron content.

As you can see, this mineral is really necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. The norm of its consumption (per day):

  • woman- 18-20 mg;
  • man- 8 mg;
  • to kid- 8-10 mg;
  • teenage boy - 10 mg;
  • teenage girl - 15 mg;
  • pregnant woman - 30 mg.

This element is especially needed by pregnant, lactating women, children, the elderly, as well as women during menstruation. It is also important for people who have recently had any disease, who have lost blood, donors. So everyone needs to know which vegetables and fruits contain iron.

Vegetables rich in iron

Vegetables are one of the most common types of food on our table. Let's look at the ranking of vegetables for iron content.

These foods should definitely be eaten every day to avoid health problems:

  1. Dried- 9 mg / 100 gr. Convenient, delicious healthy food. Add sun-dried tomatoes to salads, soups, side dishes - this will make the menu more interesting. Also, eat them separately from other products - this is a snack that will not harm the figure, but at the same time enrich the body with iron.
  2. Spinach- 3.5 mg / 100 gr. Greens, which few people like, are very useful. It is especially difficult to feed spinach to children. Get creative - find or come up with recipes where spinach will be an element of a delicious, beautiful dish.
  3. Swede,- 1.5 mg / 100 gr. These familiar vegetables are also rich in important minerals. In addition, the substances contained there help strengthen the immune system during the cold season.
  4. Cauliflower, - 1.4 mg / 100 gr. Beets are one of the most popular products in our latitudes, but not everyone has appreciated cauliflower. We recommend using both products to enrich the body with vitamins, minerals, iron in particular.
  5. Brussels sprouts, celery - 1.3 mg / 100 gr. Brussels sprouts are a storehouse of nutrients, including vitamins,. Celery is not inferior to her in terms of usefulness.
  6. Radish- 1 mg / 100 gr. The familiar radish is a healthy, nutritious vegetable rich in vitamins, including iron. In summer, it can even be grown on the windowsill in the apartment, and crispy salads with it are a great dish option.

It is impossible not to mention sea ​​kale even though it is not a vegetable. Kelp - the absolute champion in iron content (16 mg per 100 g). In addition, like other seaweeds, it contains a large amount of iodine and other beneficial substances. Even if you've never cooked kelp before, it's easy to get started - there are many recipes, from soups and salads to seaweed desserts.

Fruits with the highest iron content

Fruits do not contain as much iron as, for example, meat or seafood. However, including them in the diet will not require a special change in tastes - in the rating below, everyone will find a fruit that they like. Just eat more of them - so you will avoid many problems. In addition, the content of useful substances in fruits is important for vegetarians and vegans, who often receive less of this important trace element.

  1. - 3.2 mg / 100 gr. Dried fruit, which is not only rich in iron and other useful substances, but also allowed even for diabetics. Dried apricots can be found in stores at any time of the year, making them a great substitute. fresh fruit in winter.
  2. Quince, raisins- 3 mg / 100 gr. Fragrant quince pleases the inhabitants of the southern regions in summer, and raisins in winter. It is believed that it is useful to eat these products not only fresh - dried quince, raisin compote will help maintain health.
  3. Persimmon- 2.5 mg / 100 gr. A wonderful fruit with a pleasant taste will give your body not only iron, but also other essential trace elements, such as vitamin C, antioxidants.
  4. - 2.3 mg / 100 gr. This sweet, beloved by many fruit contains a lot of important trace elements. With its constant use, you can not be afraid of hemoglobin deficiency.
  5. - 2.2 mg / 100 gr. All familiar apples also became part of the rating. This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to replenish necessary stock iron without resorting to dietary changes or buying exotic foods.
  6. cherry plum- 1.9 mg / 100 gr. A plum-like fruit is not always found in markets or stores. It is recommended to eat cherry plum both fresh and dried.
  7. Melon,- 1 mg / 100 gr. At one reading of these words, an association comes to mind - summer! Most of the inhabitants of our latitudes have these delicious, juicy fruits are associated precisely with the summer season, when fresh pomegranates, melons, watermelons appear on every table. Pamper yourself and children with them more often - and you will avoid health problems.

People who do not like or fundamentally do not eat iron-rich and seafood often fear anemia. However, you can replenish the balance of this substance even with the help of all your favorite fruits and vegetables. The portion of iron contained there will help to avoid many problems.

The role of iron in ensuring the normal functioning of the body can not be overestimated: this element is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and contributes to a stable metabolism. Iron is not produced by the body, and its loss can only be replenished with the help of food or medications. TO medicines you need to resort only to the doctor's prescription, but a balanced diet allows you to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients and micronutrients.

There are several misconceptions among the people about how much iron is in food. The most common - there is a lot of iron in fruits with a red color (beets, pomegranates, red apples, etc.). To some extent it is, but there is a big difference between the actual amount of iron in the product and its absorption by the body.

What foods are high in iron? Veal liver and seafood are leaders in this area. According to the table, iron in food is contained in such quantities (per 100 g of product):

1. Liver:

  • Veal - 14 mg;
  • Pork - 12 mg;
  • Chicken - 9 mg;
  • Beef - 5.8 mg;
  • Beef - 3.1 mg;
  • Lamb - 2.6 mg;
  • Turkey - 1.6 mg;
  • Pork - 1.8 mg;

3. Seafood:

  • Shellfish - 27 mg;
  • Mussels - 6.7 mg;
  • Oysters - 5.4 mg;
  • Shrimp - 1.7 mg;
  • Canned tuna - 1.5 mg;
  • Fish - 0.8 mg.

There is a lot of iron in foods of plant origin, namely:

1. Legumes:

  • Peas - 7 mg;
  • Beans - 5.8 mg;
  • Soy - 5.2 mg;
  • Lentils - 3.3 mg;
  • Corn - 2.9 mg;
  • Cauliflower - 1.6 mg;
  • Chinese cabbage - 1.3 mg;
  • Potato - 0.9 mg.

Among the greens, parsley (5.6 mg), spinach (3.0) and celery (1.5 mg) contain a large amount of iron. And among the fruits, dried fruits are rich in iron (prunes, raisins, dates, dried apricots), pomegranate, persimmon, apples, apricots, bananas, etc. There is also a lot of iron in nuts, whole grain cereals, wholemeal bread and berries (blackcurrant, strawberries, blackberries, etc.).

Iron in food: how it is absorbed by the body

Iron in foods of plant origin is in the so-called inorganic form, so it is poorly absorbed by the body. What follows from this? The fact is that in the tables the iron content in various products is indicated without the features of its absorption by the body. However, scientists have long proven that this microelement in plant products is absorbed only by 8-15%, while iron in organic form (in animal products) is absorbed by 40-45%.

This information is especially relevant for people professing a vegetarian, raw food diet or observing a long fast. Vegetarians and raw foodists are most at risk of iron deficiency because they do not consume animal products and cannot fully meet the body's needs. Is there a way out? Nutritionists advise for better absorption of iron to use plant foods containing vitamin C, or to eat two types of iron-containing foods (vegetable and animal) at the same time, for example, meat with vegetables, which significantly improves the absorption of the inorganic form of the trace element.

The use of tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, red wine, dairy products, chocolate reduces the absorption of iron from foods, as they contain a large amount of polyphenols and calcium. Iron is also poorly absorbed in case of problems of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic inflammation, low acidity of gastric juice, bleeding ulcers of the stomach and intestines.

Iron deficiency: symptoms

With insufficient intake of iron in the body, a disease such as iron deficiency anemia can develop. Symptoms of the disease:

  • General weakness;
  • Rapid fatigue, drowsiness;
  • Headache, dizziness;
  • Rare fainting;
  • Dry, flabby skin with cracks;
  • Brittle nails;
  • Hair loss;
  • muscle weakness;
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal.

Norms of iron intake for different age groups.

For women:

  • From 14 to 18 years - 15 mg per day;
  • From 18 to 50 years - 18 mg per day;
  • Over 50 years old - up to 8 mg per day.

For men:

  • From 14 to 18 years - 11 mg per day;
  • From 18 years old - 8 mg per day.

Women of childbearing age must especially strictly monitor the sufficient intake of iron with food, since due to the physiological characteristics of the body, they lose it much more than other categories of the population. With age, the need for iron intake decreases, and nutritionists advise older people to limit meat consumption to 2 times a week.

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