Proper nutrition - where to start? How to eat right: advice from a nutritionist. How to stick to a healthy diet effortlessly

- Food is a metabolic booster. The more often we eat, the better the metabolic processes in the body work. That is why all nutritionists strongly recommend fractional meals (every 2-2.5-3 hours).

- The serving volume should be 250-300 g for women, for men - about 400 g. This applies even to the most healthy food: it is naive to believe that a bucket of berries will do you good. Even fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods should be in the aisle of the prescribed volume.

Recommended for every meal add lipotropic substances(substances that contribute to the normalization of lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the body, stimulate the mobilization of fat from the liver and its oxidation). Products with lipotropic action include spices (turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, ginger, fenugreek), oils (milk thistle, sesame, pumpkin, linseed, walnut), seeds (linseed, sesame), nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, cedar, almonds) .

In the human diet all nutrients must be present: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water.

Must comply correct water regime. Drink 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after. The daily norm of water for a person is calculated by the formula: for 1 kg of weight - 30 ml of water. During the day, you need to drink little by little, and not immediately half a liter. In heat or physical activity the daily rate of water increases by 20-30%.

There is such a thing as food biorhythm. There is food that ideally "works" only in the morning, and in the evening there is no benefit from it. And vice versa. More on this below.

A balanced human diet should look something like this :


In the morning, a person needs energy, so we eat healthy carbohydrates, such as cereals. It is better to give preference to gluten-free - buckwheat, rice, corn; of the more expensive - quinoa, amaranth.

We add lipotropic additives to the porridge: 1 tablespoon of any oil, 1 tablespoon of spices and sprinkle with any seeds (all from the list above).


Before lunch, safety for the figure is allowed to consume carbohydrates, which include vegetables, fruits and berries. Therefore, for a second breakfast we take 250-300 g of berries or fruits (approximately 3 small apples or a large plastic glass of berries will turn out).


In the afternoon, from carbohydrate stimulation of metabolism, we turn to protein. Lunch - may be the most saturated and voluminous meal (women are allowed to increase the portion to 300-350 g), since at this time a sufficient amount of enzymes have already accumulated in the stomach that can process any food. So it is better to plan any feasts for lunch time. Or if you want to give yourself a slack - do it in the afternoon.

And if you eat normally, choose meat, fish and vegetables.


Fermented milk products are recommended for an afternoon snack: kefir, sourdough, yogurt, fermented baked milk - all without sugar, since in the afternoon you need to limit yourself to the maximum in the use of carbohydrates.

Also, nuts are perfect as a snack, but their portion should be 30-40 g (a handful).


We eat light protein for dinner. It can be cottage cheese, white cheese (mozzarella, feta), fish, eggs, seafood. Legumes (beans, lentils, peas) and mushrooms are also good choices. These products can be supplemented with vegetables, but not starchy ones (avoid potatoes, carrots, zucchini in the evening).

To the main methods of treatment overweight and obesity include adherence to a diet with a high content of fiber, vitamins and other biologically active components, limiting the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates, and exercise.

Diet table number 8, recommended for obese people, is aimed specifically at reducing subcutaneous fat and improving metabolism. Note that this diet is indicated for patients who do not have concomitant diseases of the digestive system, liver and of cardio-vascular system requiring special diets.


The total calorie content of the diet is 1800-2000 kilocalories. The diet is designed for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, however, in combination with an increase in physical activity, this type of diet allows you to lose weight by 2-2.5 kg per month.

The main emphasis in this diet is on limiting the consumption of sugar and foods containing it, fast-digesting carbohydrates, animal fats, and foods that stimulate appetite.

The maximum amount of salt is 5 grams per day, you can drink up to 1 liter pure water. Butter is not prohibited, but limited in portions - up to 15 g per day. Added to meals vegetable oils. Consumption flour products limited to 150 g per day, but if the weight does not go away for a long time, then the amount of bread and other flour products is reduced to 100 grams.

For cooking, you can use boiling, poaching, stewing, steaming, occasionally baking and frying without adding fat is allowed.

You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day.

What is impossible?

Subject to therapeutic diet number 8 from the menu should be completely excluded:

  • white bread, rich and puff pastry;
  • strong broths, milk soups, including pasta, rice or semolina, potato soups, bean first courses;
  • fatty meats and fish, fatty sausages and sausages, smoked products, meat and canned fish;
  • fat cottage cheese, cream, salty cheese;
  • meat and cooking fats, fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, spices and spices;
  • rice, semolina, pasta, and all legumes;
  • all salted and pickled vegetables;
  • grapes, bananas, raisins, figs, dates;
  • sugar, sweets, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly, cocoa, chocolate;
  • grape and other sweet juices, sweet kvass, alcohol.

What is possible?

Therapeutic diet number 8 allows a lot of products, that is, dietary restrictions can not be called too complicated. In particular, you can:

  • Products from wholemeal flour, rye and wheat bread with bran. Serving - 150 g per day.
  • Soups can be cooked predominantly vegetarian, using vegetables and cereals in small quantities. Several times a week, vegetable soups are allowed in low-fat meat or fish broth with meatballs. Serving - 250 g per day.
  • For a side dish, it is best to eat raw vegetables, all varieties of cabbage, fresh cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips and carrots. You can cook dishes from boiled and steamed, baked vegetables. But dishes from potatoes, beets, carrots, swedes, green peas are allowed in limited quantities - no more than 200 g per day. Also, for a side dish, you can use crumbly cereals from buckwheat, barley and barley groats.
  • You can cook oatmeal, cook pasta, casseroles, puddings with the addition of vegetables and fruits, but remember - you can eat such products in small quantities.
  • Lean meats are allowed, cooked in a piece, followed by stewing, baking or frying. Beef, veal, chicken, rabbit and turkey meat - you can, but a maximum of 150 g per day. Beef sausages, boiled tongue, liver are also possible, but also limited. From fish you can only low-fat varieties and not more than 150 g per day. Mussels, shrimps are allowed, but not more than 200 g per day.
  • Once a day, you can eat 1-2 eggs, boil them hard-boiled or prepare protein omelettes with vegetables.
  • Milk, kefir, curdled milk and other fermented milk products, as well as low-fat cottage cheese are allowed on the menu. You can also low-fat sour cream and mild cheese.
  • From appetizers you can vinaigrettes, salads from fresh and pickled vegetables ( pickled vegetables be sure to rinse), vegetable caviar, seafood salads, meat or, soaked herring, beef jelly, low-fat ham are allowed.
  • Unsweetened fruits, berries, jellies, mousses, compotes without sugar.
  • Gravy on weak vegetable broths and broths, you can add herbs, vanillin and cinnamon when cooking.
  • Tomato and white sauce with vegetables.
  • From drinks, you can tea, coffee, both black and with milk, juices from vegetables, unsweetened fruits and berries, rosehip broth.

Sample menu based on 1800 kcal per day


  • Muesli with dried fruits and skim milk (200 ml)
  • Stewed carrots (200 g)
  • Slice of fat-free cheese
  • Hibiscus tea
  • Snack: melon (200 g)


  • Vegetarian soup from sauerkraut(250 ml)
  • Rye bread (30 g)
  • Bulgarian peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice, stewed with vegetables (tomatoes, onions, carrots) (300 g)
  • Cranberry juice (200 ml)
  • Afternoon snack: 2 pears (200 g)


  • Rice (150 g) with seafood (60 g)
  • Vegetable salad (lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, green onions) with vegetable oil (200 g)
  • Rosehip decoction (200 ml)

Recipes for the treatment table

Protein omelet with spinach


  • 3 squirrels
  • ½ cup milk
  • 70 g frozen spinach
  • 30 g suluguni cheese
  • 1 st. l. ghee

Step 1. Fry the spinach in butter.

Step 2. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, add milk and beat again.

Step 3. Pour into hot pan with spinach, stir.

Step 4. Leave for a minute over high heat so that the omelet grabs. Then reduce the heat to medium and cover with a lid.

Step 5. Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

Vegetarian cabbage soup


  • ½ fork cabbage
  • 200 g sauerkraut
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 liters of water
  • salt and pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • greenery

Step 1. cabbage, tomatoes, onion, pepper and carrot wash, peel, finely chop.

Step 2. Place vegetables in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cook until carrots are cooked.

Step 3. Salt, pepper and add bay leaf for 10 minutes. Add greens before serving.

The vinaigrette


  • 1 beetroot
  • 4 things. potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 pickles
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Step 1. Boil hard boiled eggs. Boil beets, potatoes and carrots until tender.

Step 2. Cool everything and cut into cubes.

Step 3. Dice pickled cucumbers, drain the liquid.

Step 4. Mix everything, season with oil. You can add chopped greens.

jellied fish

Photo: One million menus

  • 2 kg red fish
  • 2 onions
  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 Bell pepper
  • celery root and parsley
  • 1 packet of agar agar

Step 1. Fill head and fins cold water, bring to a boil over medium heat and cook over low heat for three hours. Remove foam all the time.

Step 2. After an hour, add carrots, onions, celery and parsley root to the broth. Half an hour later - put the chopped pieces of fish. Cook for another half an hour, then take out the fish, bones, and vegetables.

Step 3. Select the meat from the soup set and chop it finely. Cut the fish into nice pieces too.

Step 4. Put on the bottom of the dishes, where you will make aspic, decorate with slices of boiled carrots, herbs, bell pepper, lemon.

Step 5. Strain the broth 2-3 times. Introduce agar-agar into it. Pour broth over fish and vegetables. Put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Beef tongue with green beans


  • beef tongue - 500 g
  • green beans - 350 g
  • 1-2 tsp mustard

Step 1. Coarsely chop the green beans and boil in salted water for 4 minutes.

Step 2. boil beef tongue better for a couple.

Step 3. Serve tongue with mustard and bean garnish.

Peppers stuffed with seafood and vegetables


  • 8 peppers
  • 500 g seafood cocktail
  • 3 carrots
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 300 g cheese
  • black pepper, salt
  • odorless vegetable oil

Step 1. Peel the peppers from the seeds and fry in a pan on all sides in vegetable oil.

Step 2. Let the oil drain and gently peel off the skin, you can under running cold water.

Step 3. Defrost seafood.

Step 4. Peel and finely chop the vegetables, grate the carrots.

Step 5. Fry vegetables, separately fry seafood with a clove of crushed garlic.

Step 6. Mix seafood and vegetables, add crumbled cheese, pepper.

Step 7. Stuff the peppers with the finished mass, bake them in the oven.

There is only talk around that you need to eat right, but what exactly is meant? The following tips will tell you where to start and how to eat right so that the body is healthy and strong.


Choice of healthy foods

    Balanced diet. For healthy eating a balanced balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, vegetables and dairy products is required. The diet should satisfy the body's need for vital vitamins and minerals. Aim for a diet that is 30% vegetables, 20% fruit, 20% carbohydrates (starchy foods like wheat, rice, and corn), 20% protein (found in meat, beans, and legumes), and 10 % - dairy products.

    Regularity. Don't skip meals. Be sure to eat breakfast, which kicks off your metabolic processes early in the morning (metabolism slows down at night as you long time did not eat). You should also try to eat at regular intervals to maintain a supply of strength and energy for daily tasks.

    Avoid high calorie drinks. It's a great idea to switch to water and low-calorie drinks (like coffee or black tea). Sweetened soda or juice contains a lot of calories, but you won't feel full when you eat them. In fact, such drinks only quench your thirst, while pumping the body with calories.

    • But do not refuse freshly squeezed juice, such drinks are acceptable.
    • If you cannot refuse juices and at the same time want to reduce the calorie content of drinks, dilute them with water (30% or more). Once the taste gets used to the change, you can increase the proportion of water.
  1. Eat less unhealthy fats and empty calories. Reduce the total amount of unhealthy enriched fats and trans fats in your diet. These fats are abundant in chips, margarine, and many packaged and frozen foods. It is desirable to reduce the consumption of "empty" calories, i.e. foods that contain only calories without a corresponding amount of other nutrients(e.g. white bread, chips and candy). Taking both types of foods will lead to weight gain or reduce the proportion of healthy foods in the diet.

    More foods with a high concentration of nutrients. Strive to eat foods high in vitamins and vital nutrients. These foods include citrus fruits, dark greens (such as kale or spinach), grains ( brown rice, quinoa, etc.), pure proteins(lentils, chicken), as well as calcium-rich foods such as low-fat pressed cottage cheese.

    The right amount of food

    1. Eat only when you feel hungry. For many people, the desire to eat occurs at 9, 12 and 18 hours. In general, this is a good schedule for regular meals, but do not forget that if you don’t feel hungry, you don’t have to eat. Also, you should have something to snack between meals if you feel hungry in between (just choose a healthy snack). If you torture yourself with hunger between main meals, the thirst for satiety increases, which can cause you to overeat during meals.

      • Learn to identify physical hunger. Don't eat just because you're bored! Remember that the feeling of hunger is a signal of the need for food that occurs in the stomach.
      • Eat slowly and stop eating when you satisfy your hunger rather than feeling full. After eating, the stomach should not seem empty, but it should not be stuffed to capacity. If you feel it is tightly packed, you overate. Get in the habit of eating slowly so that you can stop when your hunger is satisfied and your stomach is not yet full. As a rule, the signal "no longer hungry" occurs in the brain 20 minutes after the start of the meal.
    2. Optimal serving size. Measure the amount of food with the volume of the stomach. For most people, it is equal to the volume of a fist, and if you fill it with 10 times more food, negative consequences can't be avoided. With constant overeating, the walls of the stomach stretch, and if the same amount of food is taken in several doses, the stomach will maintain its size and a person needs less food to feel full.

      • Count calories to help control portion sizes. The daily requirement of an average adult is 2,000 calories.
      • Don't worry too much about the number of calories in a particular meal. For a person, the total number of calories received per day is important. You can decide for yourself whether to take your norm in two doses or divide it into several small approaches (determine the number yourself). But in general, it is better for metabolism if the processing of incoming substances is divided into several large cycles.
    3. Counting calories. Calories are fuel for the body. When you overeat, your body will store some energy in reserve to use the reserve on a cold rainy day. This is what causes the extra weight. Calculate your daily calorie intake to see if you are on/off your target. Adjust your calorie intake and energy expended if you need to limit overeating or lose weight.

      Drink plenty of water daily. It is very important. Sometimes the feeling of thirst is confused with the feeling of hunger. Also, your liver and kidneys will appreciate a quality water supply. You can add a slice of lemon, lime or orange wedge to give the water a taste (foodies even drink water with cucumber wedges to celebrate the exquisite freshness of the drink)!

      • For the average adult, the daily water intake is 8-10 glasses (2+ liters), although individual requirements may be higher or lower.

    Formation of the right mindset about nutrition

    1. Don't let the low-fat dieters fool you. For normal life, you need a sufficient amount of protein and a lot of fats (including Omega-3 fats, the main source of which is fish fat and olive oil). Also remember that a variety of healthy foods (including fruits and vegetables) are high in carbohydrates while still being healthy. Don't be fooled by introducing a diet that completely eliminates any of the key nutrients.

      Smart meal. To please yourself with something tasty, it is not necessary to eat cookies and sweets. There are a huge number of healthy foods that can replace the usual sweets. Try frozen Greek yogurt instead of ice cream. Strawberries are a good alternative to candy. And the peanut butter banana sandwich is just as good as desserts like the candy bar.

      Avoid sweets altogether. You should know that you will be able to eat them from time to time in certain situations: a neighbor's birthday, grandma's Christmas dinner, a chocolate bar presented by your boyfriend, or a dessert prepared by the children. And, of course, leave yourself the opportunity to violate general rule on rare occasions to feast on. The key to success is to indulge in sweets only on those exceptional occasions. If you eat sweets constantly, during special occasions you will overeat.

      Don't eat huge portions in restaurants. In a fashionable establishment, there is a very great temptation to gobble up a large portion of a gourmet dish, especially if your own cooking skills leave much to be desired. It must be remembered that in most restaurants too big size portions. Don't eat so much at one time! Ask the waiter to bring you half of the portion and have the other wrapped for takeaway so you can taste it again tomorrow. You can also order an appetizer instead of a regular meal, just be mindful of the portion size.

    • Sometimes sounds in the stomach do not occur due to hunger, but in the process of digesting food. You need to learn to recognize these signals. Hungry urges are usually louder and are distinguished by long pauses: "Urrr", ... pause (from a few seconds to a minute), "Urrr". The likelihood of hearing the voice of the intestine increases if you skip breakfast.
    • Remember that feeling hungry and having a good appetite are not the same thing. Sometimes the desire to eat is caused by the fact that you only want to enjoy the taste, although there is no real hunger (in this case, the stomach behaves quietly, there are no cramps).
    • Eat MED-LEN-NO! Enjoy the taste of every serving! This will help you enjoy your food more quickly and reduce your calorie intake without depriving yourself of enjoyment. Your brain “registers” each portion of impressions received, and over time, it will want to eat at a slow pace. To fully experience food and develop a habit, you need to consciously eat in this mode for at least 21 days.
    • Fruits, vegetables and nuts are tasty and nutritious foods. To control hunger, eat every day a large number of these products.
    • A trick to fool (or delay) the urge to eat: If you have a craving for a snack (especially an unhealthy snack) before your main meal, take some toothpaste and brush your mouth and tongue gently (no need to put too much pressure on your teeth, it hurts your gums). This procedure will turn on the mechanism of automatic antipathy to the desire to eat, since the taste buds have received a portion of the signals from the taste of the toothpaste. Use this trick to kill (or delay) the urge to eat until you get home or somewhere where you can have a healthier regular meal. And as a bonus, you get fresher breath.
    • Don't compare yourself to actors or models. Most people will never look as perfect as the screen stars. Of course, if you have enough money and time to afford to work with a personal trainer and nutritionist, you can also build a model figure, but this requires many hours of hard work every day. Therefore, it is better to leave unfulfilled dreams in order to focus on a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
    • Sometimes the feeling of hunger is confused with the need for fluids. Satisfy your thirst with water or juice, and the feeling of hunger will also disappear. Learn to just drink and not drink any food. And remember that drinking too much water is really hard.
    • Ask yourself "Is this hunger or am I bored?"
    • During dinner, place an extra plate on the table to save some food for breakfast. Usually you eat the whole portion, but today you should cut back a little from the second dish to avoid possible satiety.
    • Also remember that the desire to drink during meals may mean that you have eaten enough.
    • Stick to the rules! These tips are for the long term. You need to change your lifestyle, and not perform a few temporary procedures.
    • To slow down your absorption rate, try eating with chopsticks. Of course, it will take some time to learn, but this is a very effective trick.
    • To learn how to eat more slowly, try to lower the cutlery after each bite. Do not lift the fork/spoon while the previous portion is still being chewed.
    • Look for information on various (!) dietary websites, the library, or ask your therapist.
    • Adherents of Ayurveda will insist that cleaning and rubbing the mucus on the tongue stimulates the digestive tract, speeding up the response to hunger, but mouthwash is enough to use this method to delay or kill the desire to eat.

The food you eat has a significant effect on your health and quality of life. From the article you will learn how to start eating right, lose weight and improve your well-being.

While it’s easy enough to start eating right, the rise of popular “diets” has led to some confusion.

We present a detailed guide on how to start eating right to lose weight, based on the latest scientific findings.

Why should you eat right?

A growing body of research continues to link the development of many serious illnesses to poor nutrition.

Proper nutrition can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer or heart disease, which are among the leading causes of death worldwide.

A healthy diet can positively impact both brain function and physical performance. It has a positive effect on all cells and organs.

If you are involved in sports or physical training, then a healthy diet is, without a doubt, very important in achieving the desired results.

Calories and energy balance of the body

Where to begin proper nutrition? Of course, counting calories. IN last years less importance was given to calories. Although you can replace sweets with sugar-free jams and other low-calorie foods.

Calculating your calorie intake and eating enough of them is key to proper nutrition.

If you consume more calories than your body “burns”, they will be stored in the form of muscle mass or fat. If you consume fewer calories than you use, then you will lose weight.

How to start proper nutrition for weight loss? If you want to lose weight, you will need to create a calorie deficit.

If, on the contrary, you are trying to gain weight and build muscle mass, then you will have to consume more calories than your body uses.

The concept of macronutrients

There are 3 types of macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Where to start proper nutrition in relation to these nutritional elements - then make sure that they are present in your diet.

They need to be consumed in large enough quantities. They provide your body with calories and perform a number of important functions.

Here are some of them.

  • Carbohydrates: There are 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates. They are abundant in foods containing starch (for example, bread, pasta, potatoes). Fruits, legumes, juice, sugar and some dairy products are also rich in carbohydrates.
  • Squirrels: 1 gram of protein has 4 calories of energy. The main sources of protein are meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes, some vegetarian food alternatives such as tofu (Japanese bean curd).
  • Fats: 1 gram of fat has 9 calories of energy. The main sources are nuts, seeds, oils, butter, cheese, fatty fish and meat.

The concept of micronutrients

Micronutrients are essential vitamins and minerals for the body that we need in slightly smaller doses.

Here are the most important ones.

  • Magnesium. It plays an important role in over 600 processes in the cell, including energy production, function nervous system and muscle contractions.
  • Potassium. This mineral is important for controlling blood pressure maintaining the balance of fluids in the body, the functioning of the nervous system and muscles.
  • Iron. Its most important function is the transport of oxygen in hemoglobin. Also, iron is very important for improving the state of the immune and system and brain functions.
  • Calcium. Is an important structural component bones and teeth, as well as one of the key minerals for the heart, muscles and nervous system.
  • Vitamins. All vitamins (from A to K) play a very important role in the functioning of the cells of our body.

All vitamins and minerals are "essential" micronutrients. This means that the body must receive them from the outside in order to live.

The daily requirement for each nutrient may vary slightly for different categories persons. If you eat right and your diet includes both animal and plant foods, then you are likely to get enough micronutrients and you do not need additional supplements.

It is very important to eat natural food

You should strive to ensure that 80-90% of the diet is natural food, minimally processed.

If the product looks unnatural (as if it was "made in a factory"), then you should refrain from buying it.

It is believed that natural food contains more nutrients and fewer calories. Modified foods, on the other hand, contain more "empty" calories. Their large consumption in food threatens with obesity and the development of various diseases.

How to switch to proper nutrition

Everything about proper nutrition for beginners cannot be disassembled in one article. But it's worth starting out the right products. Try to base your diet on the following "healthy" foods.

  • Vegetables should form the basis of the diet. Vegetables are low in calories and rich in beneficial micronutrients and dietary fiber.
  • Fruits are important sources of antioxidants and micronutrients that have a positive effect on health.
  • Meat and fish have been major sources of protein throughout evolution. They are very important, although vegetarian and vegan diets have become popular in recent times.
  • Nuts and seeds are one of the best sources of fat available and also contain important micronutrients.
  • Eggs considered one of the healthiest foods. They contain a powerful combination of proteins, fats and micronutrients.
  • Dairy, such as yogurt and milk, are inexpensive and healthy sources of protein and calcium.
  • food containing starches. For those people who do not follow a low-carb diet, foods such as potatoes, cereals, bread can serve as sources of beneficial elements.
  • Peas and beans are an excellent source of fiber, protein and micronutrients.
  • Beverages. The bulk of the liquid should be consumed in the form of water (not just tea and coffee).
  • Herbs and spices contain many beneficial nutrients.

Food to avoid

When switching to a healthy diet, it is important to understand what foods can not be eaten with proper nutrition. If you are going to follow the advice in this article, then the amount of junk food in your diet will decrease.

There is no food that should be excluded forever. But the use of certain dishes is permissible only in special cases.

  • Sugar based products. Foods high in sugar, especially sugary drinks, increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • modified fats. Also known as hydrogenated fats, they increase the risk of many diseases, particularly heart disease.
  • Refined carbohydrates. Foods such as white bread contribute to overeating, obesity and metabolic diseases.
  • Vegetable oils. Despite the apparent usefulness, it is worth remembering that vegetable oils can upset the balance of omega 6-3 fatty acids in the body.
  • Low fat foods. Often marketed as a health food alternative, these foods are high in sugar to enhance the taste.

Why is portion control important?

The balance of calories consumed and used by the body is a key factor in weight control and a healthy diet.

If you control the portion size of the food you eat, you are more likely to avoid overeating.

Even though natural foods are much easier to overeat than processed foods, it is nevertheless possible.

If you have accumulated a lot of excess seed and are trying to lose weight, then it is especially important for you to control the size of food portions.

There are many fairly simple strategies for this.

For example, you can use smaller plates and take less food the first time. And for a supplement, come back no earlier than 20 minutes later.

Another popular method is to measure portion sizes with your hand. A standard serving should contain about a fist of carbs, ½ palm of protein, and ½ thumb of “healthy” fats.

How to tailor your diet to your goals

First, estimate your calorie needs based on your activity level and target weight.

This is a fairly simple rule: if you want to lose weight, reduce the number of calories you consume. If you want to gain weight, then consume more calories than your body uses according to your calculations.

Below is a calorie calculator to help you figure out how many calories you should be consuming daily, as well as links to 5 free useful websites and apps to help you keep track of your calorie and nutrient intake.

If you have no time to count calories, then just try to follow the rules discussed above, in particular - watch your portion sizes and try to eat natural, least processed food.

If you have a deficiency of some substances in the body or the risk of developing it, then take this into account when compiling your proper diet so as to try to compensate for this deficiency. For example, vegetarians or people on other diets that restrict certain food groups have an increased risk of developing some nutrient deficiencies.

Try to eat a variety of food in terms of composition, color, etc. This will maintain the necessary balance of macro- and micronutrients.

On this moment There is a lot of debate about which diet is better: low-carb or low-fat? The truth is that it is determined individually for each person.

Studies have shown that athletes and people trying to lose weight should provide several more proteins. A low carb diet can work wonders for weight loss in people with diabetes 2nd type.

How to switch to pp and not break down

A little information on how to switch to proper nutrition and not break down. Here's a good rule of thumb: if you can't imagine yourself still sticking to your chosen nutrition program in one, two, or 3 years, then it probably isn't right for you.

It often happens that people go on strict diets, which they eventually cannot follow. At the same time, they never develop long-term habits of eating right.

There are quite a lot of frightening statistics that people who stick to a diet very quickly reaccumulate their excess weight.

As always, the best option is the golden mean. If you do not have any diseases that involve limiting the use of any food, then you should not impose a strict ban on any food. As always, what is forbidden becomes the most desirable. Thus, you can negatively affect long-term results.

The basis of your diet should be natural, minimally processed food (up to 90%). if you also watch your portion size, then this will allow you to achieve excellent results.

This is a much healthier approach than eating up to 90% processed foods and only 10% real food.

As the name suggests, supplements should be used as a complement to a proper diet.

Incorporating nutrient-rich foods into your diet will help fill the deficiency of certain substances and cover your daily needs.

However, studies have shown that several types of food supplements can still have a positive effect in certain cases.

One of them is vitamin D, which can be found in fatty fish. Sunlight is essential for its proper metabolism. Since we are often indoors, many people are deficient in vitamin D.

Supplements such as magnesium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids will also be helpful if there is a lack of dietary intake.

There are also biological supplements that increase physical performance. Creatine Whey Protein and beta-alanine have undergone a sufficient amount of research and are recommended by many for use.

Ideally, your diet should consist of foods rich in nutrients that will cover all the needs of the body. Then there will be no need to use food additives. But in reality, this, unfortunately, is unattainable.

If you are trying to fix proper diet, then additional biological supplements can help you move forward a little on the path to success.

Combine proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

Nutrition is not the only important aspect healthy lifestyle life.

Proper nutrition combined with regular exercise will allow you to be even healthier.

Adequate sleep is also very important. Research has shown that sleep is as important to health as proper nutrition and weight control.

It is also very important to drink enough water. Drink water as soon as you feel thirsty and maintain optimal fluid balance throughout the day.

Try to avoid stressful situations. Chronic stress is associated with the development of many diseases.

On a note

The strategies on how to switch to proper nutrition, described in the article, will help you significantly improve the quality of life.

They will help improve health, reduce the risk of developing diseases and help control weight.

Improper nutrition is the main problem of the appearance of extra pounds. Unfortunately, they do not come alone, but bring with them also various diseases. Gastritis and cholecystitis, metabolic disorders, skin and cardiovascular diseases, problems with the central nervous system, it is not without reason that a person is what he eats. But most often we think about what we put on our plate only when our favorite dress stops fastening. All other problems are usually attributed to external factors and treated exclusively with medication. What is proper nutrition? How to start your journey to health and longevity? Let's take a closer look at this issue today.

Relevance of the problem

It would seem that today supermarkets are simply bursting with variety. Every day you can choose for yourself only the most useful and delicious products. And doctors are faced with the fact that the problem of excess weight is becoming more acute every year. Maybe it's the lack of information? But it seems that the media constantly trumpets about what proper nutrition is. Where to start - it is this problem that becomes a stumbling block for most people. You need to somehow redraw your menu, get used to cooking without excess fat, reduce portions and increase the number of trips to the dining room. And there is not enough time. And here we are again, having run half-starved all day, we take a pack of semi-finished products in the store, while promising ourselves that everything will change from tomorrow.

You are not on a diet

And indeed it is. A diet is a short-term and rather serious restriction of the diet. At the same time, having completed the course, a person begins to make up for lost time and eat sweets with redoubled energy. So diets are to blame for all our troubles? Of course not. Any of them should be developed by a nutritionist, taking into account the tasks. At the same time, after the end of its term, it is extremely important to switch to proper nutrition. Where to begin? It is logical to assume that from the preparation of the menu.

Mode is the basis of health

The fast pace of life makes us increasingly refuse to cook homemade food. When to go grocery shopping and stand for hours at the stove, when you barely have time to just cook store-bought dumplings? Then we have to slightly change the wording written above. Where does proper nutrition begin? Off the regime! It is necessary to eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions. You need to have breakfast an hour after waking up, and dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the generally accepted schedule, especially if you get up very early or, conversely, late. Spread your meals over your waking hours.

Main stimulus

Not everyone knows how to eat right. And sometimes people, after reading hundreds of books, still continue to go to fast food cafes. What needs to be cleared up first? Mental and physical state man depends on what he eats. There is a direct relationship between diet and life expectancy. Bowel cancer has been proven to be directly related to long-term consumption fatty foods with a minimum of fiber.

Therefore, it is necessary to analyze your diet and completely redraw the list of purchases made. Proper nutrition involves the use of fresh products and minimal heat treatment, and this can only be ensured if you cook yourself. Therefore, you will have to carve out an hour of evening time for cooking the next day, and take something useful with you to work.

Useful products: what is included

The question is already on edge. Yes, everyone knows about the need to eat fish and lean meats, vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals. The body also needs dairy products. But we are faced with the fact that the shops sell frozen meat soaked in antibiotics, cottage cheese and cheese made from palm oil, butter, in which there is only margarine, although this is not indicated on the packaging. How to eat right if all foods are stuffed with chemicals?

Indeed, the question is complex, but there is a solution. Try shopping at weekend fairs. Here, farmers bring vegetables and fruits grown in their garden plots, as well as their own fattened and slaughtered animals. Proper, healthy eating starts here, not in supermarkets.

Balanced Diet

No matter how useful certain products (for example, apples) are, they cannot replace all the others. Your body must receive all the necessary fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This is another reason why proper, healthy eating is considered something very difficult. Just imagine endless tables in which the composition of this or that product is written, what goes with what and what does not. But our goal is not to fill our heads with numbers, but to explain in an accessible way how to combine products in the right proportions.

golden rules

Every day we should consume 5 food groups per day. These are meat and eggs, offal, cereals and grains, vegetables and fruits, milk and dairy products. Moreover, they should not enter the body all together. Ideally, if each of the five meals includes one product from each group.

You need to learn how to distribute food in the daily diet. For breakfast, it is preferable to choose cereals, grains or dairy products. Perfect for lunch meat products and fresh vegetables. For dinner, choose light but hearty meals. Is it fish or dairy products, vegetable stew or lean meat. For a snack, it is best to use fruits.

Only the first step is difficult

What is, becomes approximately clear. Now let's look at it from a practical point of view. We will be helped by the advice of a nutritionist, where to start proper nutrition. What is the most important thing in the process of eating? This is enjoyment. If you do not like the food, then most likely you will quickly refuse it. Therefore, first of all, look for among the useful products those that you love the most.

Proper nutrition at home begins when you choose to buy less flour and sweets and more vegetables and fruits. You can complete the design yourself. Olive oil instead of mayonnaise, veal, rather than pork or lamb, whole grain bread instead of buns. Note that you are not on a diet, you do not need to immediately set yourself up that you can no longer afford your favorite foods and dishes. Just their consumption should be reduced. If it's chocolate, then let it be expensive, with the maximum number cocoa. If the pie is own production, with fruit, on sour cream, not on margarine.

The first step in transitioning to a healthy diet is understanding what you are currently putting in your mouth and how it will be processed by the body. Instead of watching TV and mindlessly stuffing chips into yourself, try imagining this oil-soaked potato slice exuding fat right into your stomach. How modified fats and salt clog your blood vessels, cause obesity. Believe me, soon you yourself will not want to touch the chips. So, gradually, a person painlessly refuses store dumplings and sausages, sweet soda and much more.

Let's move on to the menu

It will be most convenient to immediately write down what you will be cooking in the next few days, and based on this, purchase products. Now you will have a useful basket and a clear plan for what you will serve to your family. When compiling the menu, it must be taken into account that the needs of a woman, a man and a child can be very different. The components of proper nutrition are healthy foods which we have already discussed above. Now let's think about what can be prepared from this.

Diet for the modern woman

Do not forget that this is the basis, the backbone. We will give you a sample of proper nutrition for a woman. The menu may change depending on how active you are.

Traditionally, we start on Monday. For breakfast, boil 200 g of oatmeal in water. Add one apple, a teaspoon of honey and 50 g of cottage cheese. For lunch, a portion (250 g) of soup. Today it can be cheese and vegetable salad. For an afternoon snack 1 banana, and in the evening 200 g of shrimp and a few cucumbers.

The second day begins with 200 g of porridge. Buckwheat would be an excellent choice. For second breakfast banana and persimmon. At lunch, 250 g of soup. For a change, you can cook from dried mushrooms, 100 g of steam cutlets and a little rice. For the second snack, coleslaw. And in the evening, please yourself with a vegetable casserole, adding 200 g of fish or mussels to it.

A sweet breakfast is the key to a good mood, so prepare 150 g of banana-curd casserole and 20 g of dried apricots. Second breakfast - 100 g of natural yogurt. For lunch, 250 g of soup and stewed vegetables. For an afternoon snack, 2 loaves of bread with jam, 1 apple and kefir. For dinner 250 g chicken breast and 100 g of vegetable salad.

So what do you think of the menu? Proper nutrition for a woman is not necessarily boring and hungry. Once a week, you can afford one forbidden dish, whether it be a sandwich with mayonnaise, a barbecue or a cream cake.

Nutrition for the strong half of humanity

If a woman needs more fermented milk products, then a man needs meat and cereals. Protein must be present in sufficient quantities, otherwise it begins to suffer muscle mass and also the heart. Therefore, proper nutrition for men necessarily includes meat and fish. In short, a man needs to eat carbohydrate-containing foods for breakfast, proteins for lunch, and complex carbohydrates for dinner again. Let's look at the example of one day:

  • Breakfast - whole grain porridge with milk, fresh fruit, green tea. Or scrambled eggs with tomatoes and basil, whole grain bread, fruit and yogurt.
  • The second breakfast should be regardless of the workload. This is a boiled egg or cottage cheese, bread, tea, yogurt.
  • Lunch is the main meal. You can choose lean meat with rice and vegetable salad. An alternative would be lentil soup, cottage cheese and bread. Or borscht, salmon and fresh vegetables.
  • An afternoon snack is also a must. This is a salad of vegetables, fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner - baked potatoes and shrimp salad, fresh fruit. In addition, it can be beef liver and cauliflower garnish, grain bread.
  • Before going to bed, kefir and fresh fruit.

And again, nothing complicated. Proper nutrition for men does not imply a hunger strike, rather, on the contrary. A varied diet allows you to maintain all organs and systems in order.

Do not forget that this is not a short-term diet, but proper nutrition. Recipes, menus - it's better to think over everything in advance in order to go to the store with a ready-made list. If there is something that you cannot live without, then write out these products in a separate list and distribute them evenly over all days of the week.

Food preparation too whole science. Avoid fatty, rich broths. Better vegetable soup and a separate piece of stew. Fried, flour, sweet - this is also a forbidden group. Once a week you can treat yourself to a pie, but not more often. It is best to stew, boil or stew foods. The diet should contain a large number of raw vegetables and fruits. Portions should be small. If you get hungry, it is better to have a few nuts or water with honey on hand. For example, 200 g of boiled chicken and 1 large cucumber is a completely normal dinner.
