Review of a cocktail for building muscle mass: composition, results, reviews. Review of a cocktail for building muscle mass: composition, results, reviews Whey protein KSB 55

is a protein powder (dietary supplement) that, when diluted in water, turns into a drink that promotes growth muscle tissue. The composition stated by the manufacturer on the packaging is a balanced complex of vitamins, microelements and protein, the basis of which is whey protein (which is quite good if your goal is an active gain of muscle mass).

Looking ahead, we would like to note that the protein presented to us for review is a typical representative of whey protein with all its pros and cons.

Although the main disadvantage of this type of sports nutrition has always been the relatively high price. But in this case, the cost of the drug is affordable - below we will look at the reasons. I would also like to warn you against the fabulous stories circulating on the Internet about the wonderful properties of this drug: many of these stories are frankly exaggerated and divorced from reality. Every person who has visited the hall at least a little understands that sports nutrition It works effectively only in conjunction with high-quality and regular training.

It is known that during intense training, our body needs to receive 2-3 g of protein per 1 kg of its own weight. Whey-type proteins are distinguished by the fact that they quite effectively “feed” the muscles to the specified level. In addition, whey protein, compared to other animal and plant proteins, contains greatest number branched chain amino acids BCAA. In addition, whey protein has an amino acid composition as close as possible to muscle tissue. If you train 3 times a week or more, protein will also be useful for recovery between trips to the gym.

Composition of KSB 55

As a rule, the normal price of protein is from 1200 to 1800 rubles (depending on purchase prices and the availability of promotions/discounts).

Effective training to you!

Most people who go to the gym do not have the opportunity to buy expensive proteins in sports nutrition stores. But it is clear that taking additional protein is simply necessary if you want to build muscle mass. In this case we are talking about WPC (whey protein concentrate).

As you understand, there are no beautiful jars, nothing is really sealed and there are no expiration dates. Unless, of course, you take a 25 kilogram bag, but not everyone needs a bag, right?

In other words, when you buy sports nutrition in bulk, you risk much more than buying a sealed jar in a store. What is the risk using the example of KSB:

  1. Under the guise of KSB, you get some other powder that costs a penny. As a rule, such a powder will not pass the usual boiling water test.
  2. The package can contain all sorts of things, including KSB. But how much is there? If you mix it correctly and a little, you won’t even notice and it’s difficult to check, except for analysis in the laboratory.

How to avoid getting scammed?

It's sad to admit, but the situation is dire. And it all starts with normal stores that sell Atlant. For example, Atlant New formula 80% costs 40-50 UAH per kg. Despite the fact that the raw material for protein (WPC - 80%) costs 2-3 times more. It is clear that in such situations, the finished protein cannot cost less than the raw material itself, i.e. KSB. This is a real scam. But sellers usually say that Atlant is of low quality, and not that there is almost no protein there. Personally, in my city of Atlanta, it is safely sold in sports stores right in the city center. And what can we say about people who work without a store, and most often do not see the buyer at all (payment to a Privatbank card, sending by Nova Poshta - that’s the whole scheme).

List of requests on the Internet for the sale of CSB

  • When you purchase 6 kg of protein KSB + 3 kg you receive as a gift. 97 UAH per kg. But if you take 6+ 3 for free, then the cost is generally 65 UAH per kg.
  • KSB 80% ( Whey Protein— Belarus) — from 99 UAH/kg. This is the one that Shchuchinsky. I spoke with one of these sellers through a contact. There is no way to legally introduce it. I ask how he gets it. He responded that there are ways out, there are companies in Ukraine that take directly from the factory and he takes from these companies. I asked what kind of companies they were and whether he did any tests. Well, that’s all, the conversation is over. And he also threw off a picture of the label from the bag, so it says that it was produced in 2010, despite the fact that the shelf life is 6 months. And most importantly, there is a lack of Shchuchinsky in Belarus itself. And everything in Ukraine is 99% a scam.
  • KSB 120 UAH/1 kg. And pictures where Progel 800, etc. is beautifully packaged in a 1kg bag with a sticker. This is like the Dutch KSB. Moreover, I have seen packages where the first word contains the error Texitron, but where the correct word is Textrion. And there was a precedent when the seller said that this was the official packaging. But the manufacturer does not make such packaging!!! The manufacturer of this KSB is packaged in 25 kg bags.

The presence of such packaging indicates the creation of a small production with counterfeit KSB.

There is also something like this, for example

  • WPC 80% protein Holland-160 - UAH/kg - this could be true, purely theoretically. At least for the price. But here you need to look for reviews, check the seller in every way.

You understand the situation now.

What is the way out of the situation?

He alone is to find a person who works honestly, who is checked and double-checked, who values ​​​​his reputation, and when any mortal can influence the reputation of this person.

I’ll also add my own experience. How they cheated us with Shchuchinsky KSB

The DES company - sold Shchuchinsky KSB in 15 kg bags for 70 UAH per kg. The certificates were sent, photos of the bags were sent. A joint trial purchase of a bag and testing of the product was organized. It turned out to be powdered milk. It does not curdle in boiling water, it tastes like powdered milk. Basically powdered milk! The company was completely frozen, they say it can’t be, it’s definitely KSB, etc. As a result, their certificates were made in Photoshop, in bags of powdered milk, which certainly does not cost 70 UAH per kg. And the company this moment sells the same KSB - milk powder at the same price.

Maybe there are other KSBs that can cost less?

Yes, there is information that in the USA there is KSB at a price of $5.5 per kg. There is only one condition - 50 tons for purchase.

Otherwise, Milei is often encountered and Lactomin has been encountered. Officially, no one imports or sells them to Ukraine. But there is an official importer in Moscow.

What can we see from their prices?

Lactomin 80 in 20 kg bags

  • 20 kg (1 bag) - 9000 rub. (450 rub / kg) - approximately 2384.10 UAH per bag or 119.21 UAH per kg
  • From 40 kg (2 bags) - 8750 RUR/bag. (437.5 RUR / kg) - 2317.88 UAH or 115.76 UAH per kg
  • From 100 kg (5 bags) - 8600 RUR/bag. (430 RUR/kg) 2278.14 UAH or 113.91 UAH per kg.

Regarding Milei, a temporary restriction has been introduced on the import of products from the Milei plant. And it is still not on sale. Before that, I heard that with a good purchase of a couple of tons from the factory, the price of Miley was about 9 euros per kg.

As you understand, according to KSB, retail sales can be with a markup of 20-40 UAH per kg. So no Mileev and Lactomin in pure form, with normal expiration dates it cannot be for 100 UAH, and for 120 UAH too. Using the same Lactomin, through a contact I again found a person who sells it for 97 UAH per kg.))) Scam everywhere.

Despite the fact that these KSBs from Moscow are not delivered to Ukraine, only as it was written if there are “our own” conductors and in order to transfer them through them. But what is the point of such prices if we have Dutch KSB at the same prices or in the end even lower?

By the way, in April I bought a bag of Dutch from an official importer in Kyiv. The price is 11 euros, according to their exchange rate (which is always higher than bank ones), it turned out to be 118.58 UAH per kg. With delivery and all expenses it came out to 124.5 UAH per kg. But as I understand it, there is no point in bothering with a bag if you can buy KSB for 135-145 UAH per kg and, as a rule, each kg will be separately packaged, which is very convenient and of course you can take as many kg as you want (at least 0.5 kg :)).


In sports nutrition in bulk and in particular with WPC, deception is everywhere. And judging by how dishonest sellers have proliferated, most likely very, very many people unknowingly buy such products and let these sellers make a lot of money. And therefore you need to do business only with carefully selected people, with a certain reputation, with a lot of reviews and with the best prices.

Forum, djlex05, user of the Old-Timers group

KSB-80 is a whey protein concentrate produced by JSC Shchuchinsky MSZ (Belarus). The production of this product was launched back in 2009 and it consists of 80% protein. This product has both advantages and disadvantages, and its use may be accompanied by various surprises that are worth talking about.

Composition of KSB-80

100 grams of protein contains:

  • 80 grams of protein.
  • 2 grams of carbohydrates (lactose).
  • 10 grams of fat.
  • Energy value – 418 calories.

The composition of KSB-80 is characterized by increased granularity, which indicates its poor digestibility compared to world analogues. The color of KSB-80 has a yellow tint, which indicates increased fat content. If you believe the information, then when purchasing protein directly from the factory, there may be a shortage of product in bags of 100 to 400 grams.

The production of KSB-80 involves the use of whey concentrate, which is extracted using ultrafiltration technology. The produced product is placed in bags weighing 15 kilograms. The product is stored at temperatures from 0 to +25 degrees and air humidity of about 85%, but no more.

Purchasing whey concentrate

In fact, KSB-80 is a raw protein that should not be consumed by athletes in the form in which it is produced. It is intended for cooking food additives, which are included in sports nutrition complexes. Finished protein components have a high price compared to raw protein. In this regard, many athletes are interested in purchasing raw protein. Regarding KSB-80 from a Belarusian manufacturer, purchasing it is quite problematic. Most athletes note its lack even in Belarus itself, not to mention Ukraine or Russia. Despite this, the sports nutrition market is characterized by the presence of KSB-80, which is offered at suspicious, albeit favorable prices. Some businesses are doing this, knowing that there is a shortage of this product in the sports nutrition market.

Some athletes decided to purchase such a suspicious product and were disappointed in it, since there was no protein in the mixture at all. Some athletes were luckier - they purchased powdered milk. As a rule, such trade is carried out by mail and the client is not able to make claims against the supplier of the goods. Therefore, they prepare mixtures whose composition is unknown and can harm the athlete’s health. In fact, a product such as KSB-80 exists in the form of non-counterfeit products that can be purchased directly from the factory, although this is not at all easy to do, given the fact that Belarus is a separate state. If you buy protein from unfamiliar and unverified persons (intermediaries), then there is a high probability of buying a low-quality product.

Reviews of KSB 80

If we analyze most of the reviews, we can conclude: reviews of the KSB-80 are mostly negative. Since most athletes purchase protein from intermediaries, such a mixture either contains no protein at all or very little of it. IN as a last resort, you can buy regular milk powder. The good news is that no one was harmed by this product. This factor served as the basis for most negative reviews. Those athletes who dealt with the original KSB-80 note its quality and effectiveness. But it is not possible to purchase it legally in Ukraine or Russia, since it is not supplied.

Real KSB-80, which is produced by the Shchuchinsky MSZ, is considered a certified whey protein concentrate, but purchasing it is problematic, since all products are exported. By purchasing it from intermediaries, you can actually get a “pig in a poke.” There are also positive reviews on the Internet that are associated with people who are involved in its implementation. To avoid having to pay twice, it is better to buy any product from trusted suppliers.

The Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, in the part where they talk about sports nutrition and are not afraid of the word “protein,” suddenly began to seethe. At every step I began to come across a magical combination of letters and numbers - "KSB-55". It was not difficult to decipher it - it turned out that at least the first page of the search engine results is full of sites and reviews praising the newcomer - TO on concentrate WITH whey B Christmas tree 55.

KSB 55 in a package

We didn’t even check what was going on in the second and beyond. What I saw was enough to make me dig a little deeper and get acquainted with this, as reviews say, magical product. And then quickly introduce it into your sports diet - they write that without this you will not be able to lose weight or grow a more or less decent bicep. They dug and then stopped. Why? Here's why.

Composition of KSB 55

  • The first thing that interests an athlete or a weight-loss gym goer when he is looking for something for himself is the composition and content of the powder. nutrients, mainly protein. It was not possible to obtain this information in any way. Everything that the manufacturer and seller considered necessary to communicate is packaged in the title. The powder is a concentrate, and the protein is whey. And this, by the way, has not been confirmed by anything, since full list ingredients not available. If everything is so good, why hide it?
  • The very form of protein production - concentrate - is not at all an ideal option for good protein. Concentrated protein undergoes the simplest purification; too many impurities remain in it, and it is absorbed rather slowly compared to other forms - isolate and hydrolysate. Isolate is still considered the best option for sports nutrition, and hydrolyzate is ideal, but it is quite expensive.
  • If the product were really very good, this point could be neglected. However, the name contains a mysterious number 55, the meaning of which the manufacturer did not bother to explain. Typically, the numbers on a can of protein mean either the percentage of protein in a unit of powder, or how many percent it consists of a certain type of protein (in the second case, 100% is usually written on the packaging in large numbers). For example, the name of the protein bar CFM 34 means that 100 g of the treat contains 34 g of protein. And the inscription on the package 100% egg protein means that the protein contained in the sports drink is 100% egg. This is common practice.
  • If it works in this case, then in the vaunted KSB-55, out of 100 g of powder, only 55 g is protein, and this is simply negligible. Perhaps it makes no sense to use such a product at all - the market is full of much more powerful protein mixtures. Based on the protein content in the powder, this product could pass for - there is protein from 15 to 50%, but the composition is enhanced by many other substances that promote effective weight gain. However, KSB-55 is positioned precisely as a protein mixture, and it is recommended to drink it both for men in the mass-gain period and for women at the stage of losing excess fat. Gainer can be taken only in the first case. In the second, it is completely contraindicated - the weight will inevitably increase.
  • But the interesting thing is that it seems that the number 55... just doesn't mean anything! Because, according to the manufacturer, 100 g of KSB-55 contains 70 g of protein. So what is 55? There is no answer... But there is a reason to take a closer look at the nutrient content. The most interesting things are concentrated here.

Composition of KSB 55, taken from the site selling it (click to enlarge)

The composition, frankly speaking, is not the most brilliant. The author of these lines happened to have a can of protein mixture on hand - albeit an isolate - and had something to compare it with. A meticulous reader may say here: “Aha, fraud! How do we know what kind of fake protein is there?” Let us immediately reassure everyone who is attentive - not a fake, but the most ordinary one.

Not expensive and not cheap, not the most popular, but quite famous brand. Which we will not name, precisely so as not to create the appearance of manipulation and fraud. In general, it’s a pretty good protein mixture. By the way, it is used to reduce body weight. A colleague who was in the process did not drink it - “it contains carbohydrates.” Although such a mixture would be suitable for the mass-gaining period.

So, KSB-55 versus a can of anonymous protein from a black box in a sports nutrition laboratory website. 100g of secret jar isolate contains 74g of protein, 7.5g of fat and 7.6g of carbohydrates. That is, the most dangerous thing - carbohydrates - is three times less in the control powder than in KSB-55.

Yes, we repeat, our jar contains isolate - but it is excellent for use both during periods of weight loss and for gaining muscle mass. What would cause an athlete to choose a powder with 22 grams of carbohydrates when the market is full of products that significantly exceed its nutritional content? It seems like a rhetorical question.

And now is the time to laugh, because all our calculations and calculations make no sense. The dosage in which it is proposed to take KSB-55 does not pose any threat to even the most severe cutting - and, accordingly, no benefit to the muscles. Because it's absolutely amazing - 1 tsp. for 200–250 ml of liquid. Yes, you didn’t think so – one teaspoon. That is, 4–5 g of dry powder.

Let's calculate how much protein an athlete will get if he drinks a cocktail on the water. A serving of KSB-55 will provide 2.8–3.5 g of protein – just enough for 1.5–2 kg of weight. Because the rate of protein consumption during the mass-gain period, according to various estimates, is 1.5–2.5 g per 1 kg of weight. Those who are losing weight should also consume about 2 g.

For comparison, one serving of our Secret Protein Jar contains 22 grams of protein, which is a decent portion for one meal. 22 g and 3 g – there is a difference, isn’t it? It’s funny that if you mix KSB-55 with milk with a fat content of 1.5% (200 ml), it turns out that there is more protein in the liquid than in the powder - 5.5 g can be obtained only from the milk part of the cocktail. 100 ml of such milk contains just 2.8 g of protein - this is the lower limit of what gets into a teaspoon of the mixture.

But for the manufacturer this is not an argument. Not only did he make an absolutely useless product, but he also asks crazy money for it! Let us clarify: when purchasing any sports nutrition, it is convenient to calculate the price per serving. Due to the different volumes of packaging and the amount of product required to prepare one serving, it can be difficult to navigate. Calculating how much you will have to pay for one appointment solves this problem.

According to the information posted, again, on the official website, one package of KSB-55 contains 10 servings. You can buy it at a promotional price - 1200 rubles. plus delivery. That is, excluding delivery (although you still have to pay for it - it’s impossible to buy a miracle product in a sports nutrition store), one serving will cost 120 rubles. Isn't it a little expensive for a product that has the same amount of protein as low-fat milk?

The full price of KSB-55, by the way, is 2500 rubles. per package, but it looks like they don’t sell it for that kind of money. While the text was being written, the countdown on the clock ticking towards the end of the action was reset three times to 17 days 59 minutes 59 seconds. The fact that time is also calculated in hours has apparently been forgotten here. And the promotion is unlimited.

But let's get back to our portions. A control isolate from a black box website in the first online store that the search engine showed costs 1,350 rubles. There are 30 servings in a jar. That is, one - note, full-fledged and low-carbohydrate - will cost 45 rubles. The difference between a serving of “dummy” and a full-fledged protein shake is 2.7 times. In our opinion, this is a real scam.

Arguments in favor of KSB-55

On this topic one could develop a discussion the size of War and Peace. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to just a few comments. Taken together with what has already been said, this will be more than enough to draw conclusions.

Results growth chart

Allegedly a graph of the growth of results when using KSB-55

A very strange drawing. If at least weeks are delayed on the time scale, then on the second there are steadily growing percentages of growth of conditional results. But what exactly? Strength? Endurance? Citing the institution that conducted the research is out of the question.

Exploitation of myths

Very funny

The most important of which is oh! It seems that the last time the author of these lines heard such a tale was 10 years ago. Since then the fashion has been healthy image life, it seems, managed to convince everyone who doubted for even a minute that this was impossible. Fat and muscle - absolutely different types fabrics human body, like tooth enamel and nerve fibers. If a person who presents himself as an expert in the field of sports says that muscles will replace fat, he is a deceiver and a fraud.

Vitamins, microelements and energy

There are no comments here - not a single word is said about how much or what was put into the powder.

Amount of protein

It is insignificant and will not provide results. But if it suddenly turns out that the product actually does something to the body, this is a reason to be wary - there is nothing in it that could change the figure towards a slender and athletic one.


Separately, we note the advertising campaign that unfolded around the KSB-55. It perfectly demonstrates who this product is really aimed at. The target audience– people who have absolutely no understanding of sports nutrition and believe that protein literally causes the body to become covered with spectacular lumps in the right places, and fat literally burns with a blue flame.

Fake review #1

Pumped up on KSB!

For example, this young man claims that he managed to notice the “first results” of taking the mixture. But in the photo - the result of long months of gaining weight, and after that - drying. Look how the muscles on the arms, legs and abdomen are drawn, how the veins in the lower abdomen stand out. This guy definitely works long and hard, and KSB has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Fake review #2

Click to enlarge

This young man claims that he trained for a long time and to no avail, and with the help of super protein he gained 3 kg in the first week and 10 kg in a month. Boring physiology experts say that a beginner is able to “grow” 1–1.5% of his original weight in the first month of training. An experienced fighter is unlikely to be able to jump above 0.5–1%. But a guy who, by his own admission, has been practicing since childhood, faces no more than 0.25–0.5%. So, according to the most optimistic estimates, handsome Andrei in life weighs no less than a ton.

Fake review #3

Click to enlarge

And this is where... mom comes into play! The trouble is, the son did not grow and did not grow. The guy is 20 years old and still has no muscle mass. Going to the beach with such a son is bad for the heart: he bleeds when the girls don’t look at the boy. And all because there is no relief... It’s good that my mother’s friend is well versed in sports nutrition and weight gain. She helped me out and recommended a panacea.

Other mothers, it happens, touch the sports drink only when the jar is empty - it is convenient to store cereals and other useful household items in it. But not everyone is lucky enough to be modern mothers. If you are lucky enough to buy protik or beceash, don’t even think about consulting with a muscleman from the gym. Better ask your mom, really.

Fake review #4

Malysheva defending protein!

And the last ironclad argument and the ultimate truth is Elena Malysheva. A wonderful doctor from TV, a master of artistic circumcision (remember that story with the girl in golf?) and an authority for every self-respecting jock. KSB-55 sellers also rushed to get her photo and “recommendations.” True, they overplayed it a little. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the potential consumer is being deceived here too. The website address is not eMalysheva, but eRNalysheva - two small letters rn are very similar to one m.

Review of dietary supplements for building muscle mass based on whey protein concentrate: composition, properties, results, recommendations for use, reviews.

The content of the article:

The KSB 55 cocktail is a protein powder (dietary supplement), diluted in water, it “turns” into a drink that promotes the growth of muscle tissue. This is a balanced complex of vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the basis of which is whey protein. WPC 55 (whey protein concentrate) is a particularly valuable product for men who are keen on strength training to create beautiful body. It quickly, effectively, and safely makes muscles strong and toned. People who are overweight, have large fat deposits, and those who lack “density” can make their body slimmer with the help of a protein dietary supplement: the product will help them remove excess subcutaneous fat and build up missing muscles.

  • Review of a similar product for bodybuilders - sports nutrition for quick recovery after training and gaining muscle mass.

What is the price of KSB 55 and where to buy?

Our blog site does not sell anything, we made a description of the product and showed a photo of what the product looks like in reality, we do not cooperate with anyone on sales, so please do not write anything to us regarding sales, delivery and payment. If you want to buy whey protein concentrate KSB 55, then go to the official online store using the banner picture below:

One package contains only 100 grams of powder, it is enough for 8-10 doses. That is, if you have 3 workouts a week, then one pack is enough for a week. In order to feel the result, it is advisable to buy 4 packs. After a month of training regimen and taking KSB 55, you will be able to draw conclusions - it is worth taking further or there is no result. As a rule, 99% of consumers are delighted.

approximate price protein shake KSB 55:

  • in Russia - 1190 rubles
  • in Ukraine - 249 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 6990 tenge
  • in Belarus - 280,000 Belarusian rubles.
  • in Moldova - 400 lei.

Properties of a protein shake

Regular sports training undoubtedly helps the body become slimmer: calories are burned and muscles are strengthened. But this process must take place constantly, first so that the body becomes sculpted, and then in order to maintain it in such a toned state. The dietary supplement KSB 55 will safely help double the process of burning accumulated subcutaneous fat, forming a slender figure, and making your arms and legs stronger.

A protein shake is a source of energy; it contains purified protein and multivitamins that provide energy. This complex helps you withstand prolonged stress in the gym, makes you more resilient, and also helps you stay alert for a long time.

KSB 55 is a complex of natural products that fill the body with additional microelements and vitamins, and therefore support health. You can prepare the concentrate yourself and use it according to the recommendations - it’s simple.

The basis of KSB 55 concentrate is whey protein. This is the most biologically valuable product obtained from whey. In all respects, it is superior to all other proteins, therefore it is actively used for the production of protein mixtures (for athletes). It is very easily absorbed (almost 100%), and its amino acid composition is similar to the acids that make up muscle. Now it is clear why this particular component of the human body begins to grow so quickly.

In addition to rapid absorption, KSB 55 improves immunity, lowers blood pressure, and prevents the occurrence of cancer.

The protein shake also contains extracts of wheat germ, eleutherococcus and viburnum, and a multivitamin complex.

100 g of KSB 55 contains 412 kcal, of which:

  • fat 5 g
  • carbohydrates 22 g
  • proteins 70 g

Results from whey protein concentrate

Certainly, fat man If you're overweight, you won't be able to quickly become like Apollo - it will take more time, and most importantly, regular exercise and drinking a protein shake. For normal people the result of muscle strengthening and growth will become noticeable already in the 3rd week. It should be noted that progress will not stop there: the effect will increase with each workout. Over and over again, sports activity and the use of KSB 55 will increase the volume of trained muscles.

Although this dietary supplement is considered a cocktail, it is sold as a concentrated powder for dilution in liquid. It is not difficult to prepare: take 200-250 ml of water and dilute a tablespoon of KSB 55 protein powder in it. This procedure should be done immediately before use.

Take the drink 35-40 minutes before you enter the gym and begin strength training.

You will have to dilute another portion of the KSB 55 protein shake to consolidate the effect and achieve a better anabolic effect, but only after physical activity. You need to drink it half an hour after leaving the gym.

The powder can be diluted with any juice, as long as you like the whey protein concentrate KSB 55!

There are no contraindications, the only exception being the body’s personal intolerance to the components of the cocktail.

Whey Protein Reviews

Although the KSB 55 product is an innovation, there are quite a lot of positive reviews about it. Who would not be helped by this protein shake - very little. As a rule, there is only one minus - the expensive cost of the goods. People (men and even women, by the way) write about quick and visible achievements, about a slim body, about the quality of the product, about the benefits of whey protein concentrate, and share their achievements in forums. Here are some of them:

Alexander, 28 years old

I worked a lot in gym both with a trainer and on my own, but I couldn’t achieve the same result as with a protein shake for years. Just a month ago, a fellow trainer said about KSB 55 that it contains easily digestible protein and a completely harmless composition. I looked for negative reviews about it, but didn't find any. I started trying it on myself and now I see the result: I am turning from a skinny, almost muscleless skeleton into a normal man with strong arms. My friend assures me that the result will not go away, and the cocktail will continue to help my muscles get stronger. I really hope so.

Fedor, 29 years old

I am one of those people who believe that you need to lose weight first and then work on building a beautiful body. So I lived for 10 years: I was either losing weight, or trying to strengthen my muscles... it turns out there is a whey protein cocktail that is easily digested while burning fat and strengthening muscles. I’ve been using it for three months now, it’s expensive, but effective. Everything is elementary: a glass of KSB 55 before training and a glass after - I lost weight, “dried out”, acquired a beautiful slender body and now with me are not dinner lovers, but smiling beauties.

Sergey, 41 years old

Before drinking the protein shake, I felt flabby, and even after training in the gym I could not achieve the desired definition. Fatigue increased. I began to think about leaving the “rocking chair”, but the men supported me and gave me the necessary advice to purchase pure protein concentrate, i.e. KSB 55. Positive Feedback it turned out to be enough about it and, without particularly worrying about my health, I began to drink a glass of protein shake before exercise. Now I see the result: how my abs were clearly defined in my youth, my biceps bulge, my chest and strength do not leave me after training.

Andrey, 34 years old - sent a photo and this review personally
