How to make protein. Protein shake at home

Every person needs correct and healthy eating . However, unfortunately, in modern world it is not easy to choose products that meet the required quality standards and do not harm the body. Homemade protein shakes help fight nutritional deficiencies. They are not only a complete source of protein, but also enrich the body with many useful vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin C and so on. Protein shakes are indispensable for intense physical activity.

The value of proteins

Squirrels are the building blocks of a living organism, they play an important role in all processes of human life support. There is a huge number, in which it is provided mainly protein nutrition. This is because proteins are the main building blocks for muscle tissue. In addition, they speed up metabolism and control hunger. Among other things, proteins control sugar levels in the blood and help to avoid its abrupt changes.

Thanks to a balanced diet with enough protein, you will be able to , put your body in order, improve your body.

Why is it important to take protein shakes before and after training?

If you are regularly engaged in gym, then you need to know that in order to increase the effectiveness of strength exercises, you need to take protein shakes before and after training.

Why is it important to drink a protein shake? before training? The point is that during exercise your body is under stress. Thanks to the timely intake of protein (about one hour before training), you will provide yourself with the necessary stock of amino acids for productive training. In addition, if the cocktail is based on milk or juice, then this will give you an extra energy. In this case, you can not be afraid of fatigue.

After training timely delivery is also very important. protein nutrition. It was at this time that the so-called protein-carbohydrate window(about half an hour after exercise), when the body most needs a certain amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Recipes for protein shakes for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, then you need to increase the amount in your daily diet. proteins and balance content fats and carbohydrates. It can be done at no extra cost for special sports nutrition, at home. Protein shakes will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. Besides, liquid food better and faster digestible, . Proteins do not allow the body to lose muscle mass when losing weight, which is very important if you want to achieve beautiful and harmonious forms. These cocktails can replace meals(for example, a snack or dinner), or arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week.

The following are best for weight loss protein shake recipes:


  • 400 g reduced fat cottage cheese
  • - 400 g fruit (excluding high-calorie bananas and plums)

How to make baked milk at home:

Since this cocktail is best suitedFor unloading days , then the approximate number of products is indicated for the whole day.
Mix the ingredients and grind them with a blender. If you takedifferent fruits, then this will make your cocktail even more useful and fortified. The best for the preparation of "Sybarite" are suitable: apples, cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries, kiwi, peaches, oranges, grapefruits. You can add a littlejuiceor low calorieyogurt(sugarless).
The indicated amount is best divided into 5 doses during the day. Cocktail "Sybarite" contains the daily amount of protein needed female body as well as fiber and vitamins.

"Chocolate Protein Shake"

  • 2 tablespoons cottage cheese
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon natural cocoa (mix in a little hot water)
  • 150 ml. reduced fat milk
  • optional: cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate or coconut flakes

This cocktail is perfect fordessert.

"Oatmeal Protein Shake"

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal(fine grinding)
  • pour them with a glass of warm milk with a fat content of not more than 2.5%
  • 0.5 grated apple
  • 1 tablespoon low-fat cottage cheese
  • if desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey, but the calorie content of the cocktail will increase slightly.

Mix everything well, you can beat with a blender. This cocktail is perfect.for breakfast- tasty, satisfying and good for digestion.

Protein shake recipes for mass gain

Some people also dream of coping underweight- it's not always easy. They can come to the aid of special cocktails that contribute with the help of essential nutrients. Contributes to weight gain quality, otherwise a large number of rolls and fatty meat can only lead to an increase in body fat. muscle mass builds up well combination of protein and "right" carbohydrates. Healthy carbohydrates are found, for example, in bananas, honey, dried fruits, cottage cheese, nuts, cereal flakes.

"Banana cocktail"

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of milk

"Chocolate cocktail"

  • 50 grams full fat cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of warm milk
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa
  • 20 grams of grated chocolate
  • chopped nuts

Protein shake recipes for intense physical activity

With intense physical activity the need for a complete protein for the body increases significantly. After all, protein helps muscles recover faster. Its deficiency may not have the best effect on the quality and effectiveness of your workouts. Before training It's best to take a high carb smoothie like Banana as it will help you energize and fight off fatigue. After training it is best to prepare yourself a light protein shake, with low-fat cottage cheese or milk, low-calorie fruits. Skimmed milk powder can also be used for these cocktails. It will enrich its composition with proteins without excess carbohydrates and fats.

"Light protein shake based on powdered milk"

  • 2 tablespoons fat-free cottage cheese
  • 150 ml. reduced fat milk
  • 100 grams of fruits or berries
  • 2-3 tablespoons of powdered milk

We looked at options for ready-made recipes for making protein shakes. However, here a huge room for culinary creativity, you can create your own drinks, knowing the basic principles of their preparation.

  1. So, first you need to choose base for a cocktail. The most common, healthy and delicious basics:
    - skimmed milk
    - unsweetened low fat yogurt
    - homemade yogurt with skimmed milk (based on Narine or Evitalia starter cultures)
    - soy or almond milk (their advantage is lower cholesterol content)
  2. Then select second main proteiningredient. It could be:
    - cottage cheese (low-fat and unsalted)
    - raw egg (it must be thoroughly washed before preparing a cocktail)
    - nut or almond butter
    - skimmed milk powder
    - protein powder (sports nutrition)
  3. After that, add your favorites to the cocktail.fruits or berries, they will enrich it with vitamins, trace elements and fiber:
    - bananas
    - citrus fruits
    - apricots
    - strawberry
    - blueberry
    - cherry
    - kiwi
    - watermelon

If you've ever been involved in strength training, then you probably understand the feelings of those who head home after training and experience a complete lack of strength. Or maybe you yourself felt weak during sports and did not understand what it was connected with? Or maybe not only during classes? The thing is that a person needs a certain amount of nutrients every day: fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary that all health parameters be normal, by the way, read here about whether it is possible and. It is very important. You need to make sure that you get all of them in the norm - yes, watch your diet. But those who are concerned about their weight and strive to work on it (add or drop it) should pay special attention to how much protein their body receives per day. To get enough of these elements, using a protein shake at home will help you. Let's take a look at what a protein shake is and how to make one at home.

Perhaps someone was surprised to hear that a protein shake can be easily made at home. Why? Because for most people, the word "protein" is associated with inorganic chemistry, which is taken by professional strength athletes. However, for such people, the surprise was that "protein" in English means "protein". Therefore, do not be alarmed: by making a protein shake at home, you show that you control the level of protein in your body, and nothing more. Before we talk about how to make a protein shake, let's mention who needs this protein shake the most. .

Who needs a protein shake?

If you, for one reason or another, decide to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates, then you need to replenish this with proteins so that the body has strength. This will help the protein shake, the recipe of which will be given below. In general, the level of protein intake depends on how much we are exposed to loads and stresses.

Most of all, strength athletes, such as powerlifters, bodybuilders, weightlifters, as well as those who are engaged in hard physical labor, need protein the most. In the process of exertion, the muscles of our body are damaged, but within 1-2 days they are restored, while becoming larger and stronger. But where does the body get building materials? Protein is a muscle builder. In fact, muscles are made of it. Therefore, power sports athletes are advised to make a protein shake so that the body has something to build up damaged muscle fibers. So, as you can see, protein is needed by both those who are passionate about losing weight and those who are building muscle. Now let's talk about how you can make a protein shake at home.

How to make a protein shake at home?

Before you start mixing the ingredients, calculate how much protein you need for you. How to define it? Depending on your goal and loads, count from 1 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. That is, if a person weighs 100 kg and is engaged in power sports, then he needs to make a protein shake in such a way that it contains 250 grams of protein. Drink all this not at once, of course, but throughout the day. I think this is clear.

Now the recipe for a protein shake: there is none! Really, you just need to know what ingredients to use and mix with whatever you like. Personally, I bought protein powder, mixed it with milk and raw egg. Then add some flavoring additive and you're done! You can also use other products containing protein: cottage cheese, soy milk and so on. By mixing them, we get a great protein shake, suitable for a variety of purposes!

Recipe 1

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • cottage cheese (1 pack or 180 g)
  • milk (600 ml)
  • bananas (2 or 3)
  • nuts (50 g)
  • honey (2-3 tablespoons or to taste)

Bring to a homogeneous consistency with a blender. Remember that a protein shake is a complete meal, so drink it between meals.

Recipe 2


  • milk or kefir (250 ml)
  • banana (half)
  • oatmeal (2-3 tablespoons)
  • cinnamon.

You can also add natural yogurt and ice cream.

Grind with a blender and drink in the morning. Experiment also with adding other products: cottage cheese, strawberries and other berries, kiwi, cocoa, natural yogurt, coconut flakes, vanilla and even coffee.

Recipe 3


  • kefir (500 ml)
  • cottage cheese (250 or 300 g)
  • cocoa powder without additives (5 tsp)
  • water (100 ml)
  • sweetener.

Dilute cocoa and sweetener with water, bring to a boil. Cook for a minute, stirring constantly, then cool. Add the chocolate mixture to the mixed mass of cottage cheese and kefir and beat until smooth. Drink after cooling.

Recipe 4


  • milk (250 ml)
  • egg (1 pc.)
  • sugar (1 tsp)

You can beat with a blender with a whisk attachment. As always, replace sugar with honey and milk with kefir if desired. If you want to make your protein shake more satisfying and healthy, add chopped walnuts.

Recipe 5


  • cottage cheese (200 g)
  • juice (100 ml)
  • kefir (100 ml)
  • persimmon (you can also banana)

Combine, turn into a cocktail and enjoy.

Every athlete knows the feeling when after a workout it seems that there is no strength left at all. Beginners often wonder why this is so. The point is to support your body with nutrients every day. Regardless of whether you take sports nutrition or not, it is extremely important to monitor your diet and get the necessary proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food.

This aspect is especially important in the process of gaining muscle mass or, conversely, working on getting rid of extra pounds. You can quickly and effectively replenish the deficiency of proteins in the body with the help of a protein shake. We are sure that you will also easily find protein at home, because it is found in the most common foods.

The level of protein intake is highly dependent on physical activity and the stress we put on our bodies. So it will be the norm from 1 to 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight . If a person weighs 100 kg and regularly engages in strength training, he needs to consume 250 g of protein daily. This amount is divided into servings throughout the day. Homemade protein will also be a real salvation if, for some reason, your sports nutrition has abruptly ended or there is no way to purchase it yet.

Cooking Protein at Home, Basic Ingredients

  • Milk. This is the main ingredient of any protein shake, in addition, other powders and mixtures can be dissolved in milk. As part of milk up to 3% protein, 2-3% animal fat.
  • Powdered milk. To prepare homemade protein, you can use whole or skimmed milk powder. For active athletes, we recommend using skim milk.
    • Whole milk powder: proteins - 25%, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 36%;
    • Skimmed milk powder: proteins - 36%, fats - 1%, carbohydrates - 52%.
  • Egg powder. Contains egg protein, but at the same time there are fats in the composition. Compound: proteins - 45%, fats - 37%, carbohydrates - 7%, water - up to 8%.
  • The cheese is fat free. Absorbed quickly. Composition: - proteins - 18%, fats - 1-5%.
  • Bananas. The perfect product to give a protein shake a sweet taste and the right amount of carbohydrates, fiber. Composition: 1.5% protein, 21% carbohydrates, 0.5% fat.
  • Nuts. Nuts contain vegetable protein, which is not inferior in importance to the animal.

The whole cooking process comes down to the optimal combination of ingredients and the removal of the desired proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Products are mixed with a blender until smooth.

Delicious protein recipes at home

Protein recipes at home do not contain any exotic ingredients that would be difficult to find in the supermarket. By knowing how to make protein from available foods, you can always have a protein shake on hand for post-workout recovery.

Protein from a protein drink will strengthen muscles and also speed up metabolism. That is why recipes for making cocktails should be remembered not only by ectomorphs (people with a thin physique who find it difficult to gain muscle mass), but also those who want to lose weight. Women over 30 are advised to pay special attention to recipes with protein, as muscle tone begins to weaken at this age.

When taking protein shakes, it is important to remember that the body also receives protein from food. Drink them slowly, slowly. Sweet ingredients will give you strength, ensure the supply of endorphins and are guaranteed to cheer you up.

Eliminate components from the recipe that can provoke you allergic reaction. Some people have an individual protein tolerance. Do not replace a full meal with a protein shake. Of course, you can't ignore training. By itself, muscle mass after taking the protein will not increase.

Nowadays it is quite easy to buy sports supplements: even if you do not have a store nearby sports nutrition, you can always buy the right sports nutrition on the Internet. Nevertheless, the question “how to make protein at home” still remains relevant. You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Why might you need to make protein at home?

As mentioned earlier, buying the same protein is now easy (provided, of course, that you have money for sports nutrition). However, the protein may run out at the wrong time (after a workout, for example) and you will need to get by before buying a new one with some kind of analogue. In such a situation, you can prepare the protein at home, using the available products.

Also, even in our time, there are still a large number of people who believe that proteins are “chemistry”. And even these people, when playing sports, need a lot of protein. Thus, they can make protein from their own products at home, and not worry about their health.

Also, a situation may arise when there is no cash for sports nutrition. Provided that you have the usual products (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.) available, you can cook the protein yourself, at home.

Two types of proteins that can be prepared at home.

People who want to make protein at home can be divided into two groups:

  • The first group is looking for a recipe on how to make a protein powder shake at home. Those. they already have the protein mix on hand and are wondering what kind of shakes they can make with it.
  • The second group is looking for protein shake recipes that can be made at home with common ingredients, without the use of powdered protein powder.

In this article, we will give recipes for both groups.

How to make whey protein at home

Whey protein is the most interesting of the proteins, because. has the highest biological value (has the most optimal amino acid composition and is best suited for athletes). Replace whey protein at home with something else will not work. If you still need protein from regular products, you will find recipes at the end of the article, but they will not be related to whey protein.

1. Whey protein chocolate shake (at home)

You will need:

150 g (1 scoop) chocolate flavored whey protein

40 gr (4 teaspoons) Nesquik cocoa

To begin, heat the milk in a saucepan on the stove or in the microwave until hot, but do not bring to a boil. Pour the hot milk into a blender/mixer/shaker. Add in protein powder and cocoa. Stir until smooth.

2. Peach whey protein shake (at home)

You will need:

400 ml peach juice or nectar

100 grams canned peaches

Remove the peaches from the jar (no syrup is needed for the cocktail), cut into small cubes. Pour peach juice into a mixer/blender/shaker, then add chopped peaches and protein. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

3. Banana protein shake

You will need:

150g (1 scoop) Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein

500 ml milk (preferably skimmed or not very fat (up to 2.5%))

2-3 bananas

Load everything into a mixer / blender / shaker and mix until smooth.

How to cook protein at home from natural products (recipes)

As a liquid for a cocktail, at home, the following are used: milk, water, juices, kefir, drinking yoghurts.

The main sources of protein are: milk, cottage cheese, boiled egg whites (raw should not be drunk).

Now there will be recipes for protein shakes from natural products, without the use of protein concentrate in powder.

Recipe number 1.

You will need:

500 ml milk (preferably skimmed or not very fat (up to 2.5%))

2 boiled egg whites

200 grams of jam or jam (strawberry, strawberry or any other)

Boil the eggs and separate the yolks. Squirrels cut into small cubes. Bananas are also cut into cubes. We load all the components into a mixer / blender / shaker and mix until smooth.

Recipe number 2.

You will need:

250 grams of cottage cheese (preferably low-fat)

500 ml of kefir (up to 2.5% fat, but fat-free is better)

150 gr fruit syrup or jam

Recipe #3

You will need:

500 ml milk (preferably skimmed or not very fat (up to 2.5%))

200 grams of cottage cheese (preferably fat-free)

200 ml chocolate syrup

200 gr ice cream

Bananas cut into cubes. Mix all components until smooth.

Protein is the best known sports supplement. It is widely used in bodybuilding to gain muscle mass and maintain it during the drying period. Such sports nutrition is necessary not only for performing athletes, but also for ordinary people who work out in the gym. After all, with its help you can quickly get the nutrients that are required for recovery after a workout. These cocktails can be easily prepared at home.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with a weight loss recipe:"I threw off 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew for the night ..." Read more >>

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    The benefits of natural protein shakes

    Protein is often consumed by athletes engaged in strength training - for weight gain and muscle growth. This supplement will also be useful for weight loss, if you want to maintain muscle mass and get rid of fat during drying.

    The composition of the protein includes a large amount of protein - 20–30 g, some carbohydrates and a couple of grams of unsaturated fats. In addition, this supplement contains various amino acids necessary for the restoration of ligaments and joints.

    In sports nutrition stores, protein can be purchased in powder form.

    You can replace the finished powder by preparing the protein at home from ordinary products. Such a cocktail is absolutely harmless to the body.

    In addition, the natural supplement has a more pleasant taste that does not bother over time. After all, every day you can cook a protein shake at home according to a new recipe.

    cooking recipes

    If the goal of training is to lose weight, it is desirable that the protein mixture, prepared by oneself, contains as few carbohydrates as possible.

    In addition, it is worth trying to exclude fats that interfere with the absorption of protein. Therefore, if dairy products (milk or cottage cheese) are used, they must be fat-free.

    Milk, cottage cheese, banana

    You can easily make a protein shake at home. classic recipe.For this you will need the following ingredients:

    • 200 ml of 1% milk;
    • 50 g fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 2 boiled egg whites;
    • half a banana;
    • 1 tablespoon of honey;
    • 1 teaspoon olive oil.

    All components must be mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency. The cocktail can be poured into a shaker to make it convenient to carry it with you.

    The volume of the prepared portion will be 350 ml. The composition will contain approximately 22 g of protein.

    Powdered milk and kefir

    You can take milk powder and kefir as the basis for a homemade protein shake. For cooking you will need:

    • 50-60 g of powdered milk powder;
    • 200 ml low-fat kefir;
    • a teaspoon of sugar;
    • 1 tablespoon of any jam.

    A cocktail is also prepared in a blender. The volume of the serving at the exit is 280 ml. Protein content - 25 g.

    orange juice and yogurt

    For lean people who find it difficult to gain weight, it can be advised to prepare a cocktail with a high content of carbohydrates. For this you need:

    • 250 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
    • 100 ml of milk with a low percentage of fat;
    • 1 banana;
    • 100 ml of yogurt with a small percentage of fat.

    By mixing all the ingredients in a blender, you can get about 500 ml of a protein-carbohydrate mixture. This serving contains approximately 8 g of protein and 33 g of carbohydrates.

    Curd with cinnamon

    Spice lovers will love this flavorful cinnamon protein shake. To prepare it, you need to mix the following ingredients:

    • 50 g fat-free cottage cheese;
    • 50 g of soy concentrate or milk powder;
    • 300 ml liquid skim milk;
    • a few pinches of cinnamon.

    This blend is high in protein - 33g per 400ml serving.

    Sprouted wheat with nuts and honey

    You can use this to make a homemade protein shake. useful product like sprouted wheat. It helps speed up metabolism and cleanse the body of harmful substances.

    To get a cocktail, you need to mix the following components:

    • 50 g of sprouted wheat;
    • 5-6 cashew nuts (can be replaced with others);
    • 200 ml fat-free kefir.

    Nuts and sprouted wheat can be pre-ground in a coffee grinder, and only then mix all the ingredients in a blender.

    The result is a 270 ml serving containing 23 g of protein.

    Time of receipt

    Take a prepared protein shake 15 minutes after your workout. This will allow you to quickly get enough protein, which is the building material for muscles.

    You can drink a portion of the cocktail 30-40 minutes before training. This will give a boost of energy and prevent catabolic processes that destroy muscles.

    During an active set of muscle mass, protein should be additionally consumed immediately after waking up, when the body needs nutrients. It would be useful to drink a portion of the cocktail before going to bed to protect the muscles from destruction at night.

    On rest days, you can drink protein between meals when you can’t eat normally. The number of servings per day will depend on the person's weight and protein requirements.
