Chemically dangerous object definition. Chemically hazardous objects (CHOO), their groups and hazard classes


In Russia, there are more than three thousand six hundred chemically hazardous facilities, and one hundred and forty-six cities with a population of more than one hundred thousand people are located in areas of increased chemical hazard.

Today's release of toxic substances in Moscow belongs to the category of the so-called. non-catastrophic incidents exceeding the norms for the content of any substance in the atmosphere. But humanity has experienced a huge number of man-made emergencies associated with chemicals. Here are 8 of the biggest...

1. Seveso, Italy

In 1976, an accident occurred at a chemical plant in the Italian city of Seveso, as a result of which an area of ​​more than 18 km2 was contaminated with dioxin. More than 1,000 people were injured, and mass deaths of animals were noted. The liquidation of the consequences of the accident lasted more than a year.

2. Flixborough, England

On June 1, 1974, an accident occurred at a chemical plant in the UK in the city of Flixborough at the Nipro plant, which was engaged in the production of ammonium. In terms of its power, the explosion was equal to the action of a 45-ton TNT charge if it had been blown up at a height of 45 meters from the ground. As a result of the incident, 55 people died and 75 were injured.

3. Suzhou, China

In China in September 1978, as a result of an accident at a chemical plant in the city of Suzhou, 28 tons of sodium cyanide got into the river. This number is enough to kill 48 million people, but the Zhongguo Qingnian Bao newspaper reported that the death toll was only 3,000.

4. Bhopal, India

One of the most significant global chemical disasters of the 20th century was the explosion at the Union Carbide plant, which occurred on December 2, 1984 in Bhopal (India) and led to the poisoning and death of 4035 people. More than 40 thousand people suffered. From a cloud of 43 tons of toxic gas of methyl isocyanate (the toxicity of methyl isocyanate exceeds the toxicity of phosgene by 2-3 times), which escaped from the territory of the plant, an area 5 km long and 2 km wide was contaminated.

5. Sandoz plant, Switzerland

On November 1, 1986, a fire broke out in a warehouse of a chemical factory in Switzerland. During the extinguishing of a fire, about 30 tons of agricultural pesticides spilled into the Rhine. Millions of fish died and drinking water was contaminated.

6. Yaroslavl, Russia

In 1988, during a railway accident in the city of Yaroslavl, there was a spill of heptyl, which belongs to the AHOV of the first toxicity class. About 3 thousand people were in the zone of possible defeat. About 2 thousand people and a large number of equipment took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident.

7. Jonave (USSR, Lithuania)

In 1989, a chemical accident occurred in Jonava (Lithuania). About 7 thousand tons of liquid ammonia spilled over the territory of the plant, forming a lake of poisonous liquid with a surface of about 10 thousand square meters. m. From the resulting fire there was an ignition of a warehouse with nitrophoska, its thermal decomposition with the release of toxic gases. The depth of distribution of contaminated air reached 30 km, and only favorable meteorological conditions did not lead to the defeat of people.

8. Mexico

In August 1991, 32 liquid chlorine tanks derailed in Mexico during a railroad accident. About 300 tons of chlorine were released into the atmosphere. About 500 people were injured in the contaminated air distribution zone, of which 17 people died on the spot. More than a thousand people were evacuated from nearby settlements.

What to do in the event of a dangerous release of chemicals

All this poses a serious danger to people, given the high population density in cities. Therefore, even “after the end of the chemical alarm,” experts advise:

  • not to eat fruits and herbs from the garden or any products offered for sale in the open air;
  • do not eat eggs, as well as the meat of livestock and poultry, slaughtered after the announcement of the alarm in the infected area;
  • do not drink both well water and tap water, since both the source and the water supply may be contaminated;
  • avoid drinking milk obtained after an alarm;
  • eat canned food or purchased before the disaster.

What to do in case of a chemical accident. Video EMERCOM of Russia

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Chemicals and biological preparations of natural and piece origin, which are manufactured in Ukraine or imported from abroad for use in the household and at home, which adversely affect the life and health of people, animals and plants, must be entered in the state register of potentially hazardous chemicals and biological preparations.

According to the International Register, about 6 million toxic substances are used in agriculture, industry, and everyday life in the world - 60 thousand of which are produced in large quantities; about 500 substances that belong to the group of potent toxic substances (SDN) are toxic to humans.

Particularly dangerous are accidents at enterprises that produce and store SDYAV, explosive and flammable materials, these include:

Plants and combines of the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries;

Enterprises equipped with refrigeration units (dairies, meat processing plants, refrigerators) that use ammonia as a refrigerant;

Enterprises for the production of fertilizers and plastics.

Objects of management on which SDYAVA is used are potential sources of technogenic danger are chemically hazardous objects.

As a result of an accident at a facility where SDYAV is produced or used by service personnel and the population living near the facility, farm animals, crops may be affected by toxic substances.

The release (spill) of hazardous chemicals at chemically hazardous facilities that can lead to death or chemical injury to people is defined as an accident at a chemically hazardous facility. In the event of an accident, mass destruction of people, animals, agricultural plants and plantings can occur.

Chemically hazardous facilities (enterprises) include:

1. Factories and combines of the chemical industries, as well as individual installations and units that produce or use SDYAV.

2. Plants (or their complexes) for the processing of petroleum products.

3. Production of other industries that use SDYAV.

4. Enterprises that are equipped with refrigeration units, water pumping stations and sewage treatment plants that use chlorine or ammonia.

5. Railway stations and ports where chemical products are concentrated, terminals and warehouses at the end points of the movement of SDYAV.

6. Vehicles, containers and bulk trains, tank trucks, river and sea tankers that transport chemical products.

7. Warehouses and bases, which contain stocks of substances for disinfection, deratization of storage facilities for grain and products of its processing.

8. Warehouses and bases with stocks of pesticides for agriculture.

The main causes of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities are:

Organizational mistakes of people;

Malfunctions in the system of control and safety of production;

Breakdown of components, equipment, pipelines, tanks or individual parts;

Damage to the system for starting and stopping the process, which can lead to an explosive situation;

Malfunctions in the control system of technological process parameters;

Acts of sabotage, deception or sabotage of production personnel or others;

The effect of the forces of nature and man-made systems on equipment.

Significant accidents can occur when a large amount of chemically hazardous substances escapes (releases). This can happen for the following reasons:

In case of loss of energy, failure of machines and mechanisms;

Leakage of chemically hazardous substances from pipes;

Use of poor quality materials;

Occurrence of exothermic reactions due to failure of safety and control systems;

Rupture of hose connections in the unloading system;

Polymerization of chemically hazardous substances in storage tanks.

Factors of damage in case of accidents at chemical facilities are:

Chemical damage to people, farm animals;

Contamination of terrain, soil, water, crops, food, feed and air.

In Ukraine, there is 1810 economic facilities where it is stored or used in the production process about 283 thousand tons potent substances, including 9.8 thousand tons of chlorine, 178.4 tons of ammonia.

These objects are distributed according to the degree of chemical hazard.

First degree more than 75 thousand people) – 76 objects.

Second degree chemical hazard (in zones of possible chemical contamination, in each of them lives from 40 to 75 thousand people) - 60 objects.

Third degree chemical hazard (in areas of possible chemical contamination, each facility is inhabited by 40 thousand people) – 1134 items.

fourth degree chemical hazard (in areas of possible chemical contamination, at each facility does not go beyond the facility boundary) – 500 objects.

In the zones of possible chemical contamination from these objects lives about 20 million people.

321 administrative-territorial units are assigned to reliable degree of chemical contamination:

The first degree includes 154 administrative-territorial units (more than 50 % residents).

The second degree includes 47 administrative-territorial units (where 30% to 50% of the population).

The third degree includes 108 administrative-territorial units (where it resides from 10 to 30% of the population).

On the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region: - chemically hazardous cities - 5 are (Dneprodzerzhinsk (I), Dnepropetrovsk, Nikopol, Krivoy Rog, Ordzhonikidze (III degree) chemically hazardous objects 47):

1st degree 2 (Nitrogen facilities and Verkhnedneprovsky mining and metallurgical plant);

2nd - 7 objects;

3rd - 38 objects.


Ammonia pipeline "Tolyatti - Odessa";

Gas pipeline "Orenburg - Shchebelinka - Odessa";

Oil pipeline "Lysichansk - Dnepropetrovsk - Zaporozhye".

There are 2345 potentially dangerous objects and territories in the region 1253 can be identified as objects with the greatest risk, including 306 objects belongs to the group І risk.

The total area of ​​predicted chemical contamination as a result of accidents at chemical facilities may be 742 km 2 in affected areas may be up to 3199.8 thousand people. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, chlorine is 2 thousand tons, ammonia is about 59 thousand tons.

In the region there is a problem with the disposal of unsuitable, prohibited for use and unknown pesticides, which are available about 750 tons And 184.734 million tons industrial toxic waste.

The safety and control rules strictly regulate the production, transportation and storage of SDYAV. But accidents, catastrophes, fires and natural disasters can lead to the destruction of industrial buildings, warehouses, tanks, pipelines, technical lines. In addition, SDYAV can get into the environment: on the ground, various objects, air, spread to settlements. This can lead to mass poisoning of people and farm animals.

Potentially dangerous is the storage, accumulation and elimination of chemical weapons.

In Dnepropetrovsk: 1 meat processing plant - 200 tons of ammonia, the depth of destruction is up to 5 km;

2. PO Dneproshyn: 40 tons of ammonia, depth of destruction - 3 km;

3. Pridneprovskaya hydroelectric power station - 23 tons of hydrochloric acid, the depth of destruction is 1 km

4. Pumping and filtering station Kosmicheskaya street - 1 ton of chlorine.

5 Pumping and filtering station Kaidaki depth of destruction - 1.5 km.

The scale of possible consequences and accidents at chemical facilities depends on:

XOO type;

Type of SDYAV, their properties, quantity and storage conditions;

The nature of the accident;

Weather conditions and other factors

In case of accidents with the release of SDYAV, the following three (3) groups of damaging factors can be formed:

1. A cloud of contaminated air with certain concentrations moves a considerable distance from the accident area. Infection of the terrain and objects in the distribution zone of the cloud of most SDYAV does not occur.

2. If an accident is accompanied by a fire, a smoke cloud may form, containing new chemical products newly formed as a result of thermal decomposition and sublimation, protection from which may require the use of special protective equipment.

1. When extinguishing a fire, some of the toxic products can get into water bodies and make them and the water unsuitable for consumption. In rivers, downstream water may become contaminated for as long as 50 km or more.

Ammonia pipeline "Tolyatti - Odessa"- these are two pipes with a diameter of 355 mm buried in the ground at a depth of 2 m. Every 5 km there are authorization posts (automatic shutdown). In the event of an ammonia pipeline rupture, 250-300 tons of ammonia can be released into the atmosphere along the full cross section.

A cloud with an absorbing concentration spreads in the direction of the surface wind to a depth of up to 13 km (with a width of 13 km) with a lethal concentration of up to 2.5 km. The total length of the ammonia pipeline in the Dnepropetrovsk region is 276 km (6 districts).

The action of the population in the event of the release of ammonia from the ammonia pipeline.

1. If the smell of ammonia (ammonia) appears, upon notification of the danger that has arisen due to an accident on the ammonia pipeline, it is necessary to move away from the highway as soon as possible away from the direction of movement of the ammonia cloud by 1 - 2 km.

2. If you feel a strong smell of ammonia, you should press a cloth (cloth bandage) abundantly moistened with water or 5% citric acid solution to your nose and mouth and get out of the cloud of ammonia.

3. If a cloud of ammonia caught you in the field and you did not have time to leave the danger zone, you should cover your nose and mouth with a cloth, it is best to lie on the ground moistened with water, press your face against it, trying to inhale air from the ground itself. After leaving the gassed area, you should inhale fresh air, warm water vapor, and seek medical help.

4. If the cloud caught you indoors, you must tightly close windows, doors, chimneys. Close cracks with wet rags, doors and window openings with wet blankets or sheets. Protect the respiratory organs with bandages moistened with water or 5% citric acid solution. Do not leave the premises until a message is received that the ammonia content in the atmosphere has decreased to safe limits.

Options for protecting the population from SDYAV

1. In the case when there is enough time before the start of infection ( 1.5 - 2 hours) or there are gas masks, they carry out an urgent evacuation of residents from the danger zone along the shortest routes (the decision on evacuation is made by the territorial headquarters of the CP).

2. Most often, it is advisable for the population to stay in their homes, if possible, to rise higher third floor(ascent to fourth floor reduces damage to 7 times) - this is for SDYAV, which are heavier than air (including chlorine). Go down if SDYAV is lighter than air.

In all cases, windows, doors, as well as ventilation ducts and chimneys are sealed, tightly hung with sheets (2 - 3 at a time) or blankets moistened 5 % baking soda solution or water.

3. In the premises is until a special order (by radio) of the territorial headquarters of the civil defense of the city (district) according to the calculation of the evaporation time (depending on weather conditions from 1 to 15 hours- average 3 – 6 hours).


Chemical production is growing – growing in line with human needs, along with the increase in the production capacity of countries (the fact that the harmful chemical industry has moved from rich to poor countries only exacerbates the problem). At least a third of all enterprises in the world deal with chemicals - they produce them or use them in their technological processes. Do not forget that chemically hazardous substances do not stop moving through the territories by road, rail, pipeline transport for a second. Accidents cannot be avoided. In Russia, about 50 (in the world every day about 20) accidents with the release of hazardous chemicals occur annually due to the failure of outdated equipment and the lack of security monitoring systems, and this is especially true for military facilities. And although such accidents are almost always localized immediately, there are cases with a huge number of casualties and irreparable damage to the environment: this, of course, is the release of methyl isocyanate at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal (India) in 1984, when about 3000 people died and 200 thousand were affected, an accident at a chemical plant in Italy in 1976, when an area of ​​18 km² was completely contaminated with dioxin, a railway accident in Yaroslavl with a heptyl spill in 1988, to eliminate the consequences of which 2000 people were involved.

Only in the North-West region there are 145 enterprises dealing with hazardous chemicals. The largest of them are the Phosphorit plant in Kingisepp, Azot in Novgorod, a chemical plant near Vologda, from St. Petersburg this is a liquid chlorine distillation station in Yanino, providing all water treatment facilities of the city.

Thus, it becomes clear that one way or another all of us are concerned with the problem of chemical safety, and in order to somehow protect ourselves, it is necessary to remember at least the most elementary information about the main AHOV (chlorine, ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, etc.) and have a concept, what kind of assistance to provide to the victim in case of poisoning.

The purpose of this work is to provide basic information about a number of chemically hazardous substances (physical and toxicological characteristics, effects on the human body), about first aid and means of protection against these chemical substances. The paper also provides information on chemically hazardous objects, their classification and the most important aspects for the prevention and elimination of accidents.


An object of the national economy, in the event of an accident at which and during the destruction of which accidental chemically hazardous substances (AHOV) can be released into the environment, as a result of which mass damage to people, animals and plants can occur, is called a chemically hazardous object (CHOO).

In the regions of Russia where chemical weapons are stored, a comprehensive survey of the environment and the state of public health is being carried out. It is generally recognized that the destruction of chemical weapons remains one of the important conditions for ensuring the safety of people and the state of the natural environment.

The problem of industrial safety has become much more acute with the advent of large-scale chemical production in the first half of our century.

The basis of the chemical industry was the production of a continuous cycle, the productivity of which has, in essence, no natural limitations. The continuous increase in productivity is due to the significant economic advantages of large plants. As a result, the content of hazardous substances in technological devices increases, which is accompanied by the emergence of dangers of catastrophic fires, explosions, toxic emissions and other destructive phenomena. The safety of the operation of chemically hazardous facilities (CHO) depends on many factors: the physical and chemical properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and products, the nature of the technological process, the design and reliability of equipment, the conditions for storage and transportation of chemicals, the state of instrumentation and automation, the effectiveness of emergency protection equipment, etc. In addition, the safety of production, use, storage and transportation of SDYAV to a large extent depends on the level of organization of preventive work, the timeliness and quality of scheduled preventive maintenance, the preparedness and practical skills of personnel, the system for monitoring the state technical means of emergency protection. The presence of such a number of factors on which the safety of the operation of chemical weapons organizations depends makes this problem extremely complex. As the analysis of the causes of major accidents accompanied by the release (leakage) of SDYAV shows, today the possibility of accidents cannot be ruled out.

HOOs include:

· Enterprises of the chemical and oil refining industries;

· Food, meat and dairy industries, cold storage plants, food bases with refrigeration units, in which ammonia is used as a refrigerant;

· Wastewater treatment plants using chlorine as a disinfectant;

· Railway stations with sludge tracks for rolling stock with highly toxic substances, as well as stations where SDYAV is loaded and unloaded;

Warehouses and bases with a supply of chemical weapons or pesticides and other substances for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization;

Gas pipelines.

Hazardous chemicals are stored and transported in special hermetically sealed tanks, tanks, tanks, etc. At the same time, depending on the storage conditions, they can be in a gaseous, liquid and solid state of aggregation. In the event of an accident, the release of a gaseous substance leads to very rapid contamination of the air. When liquid hazardous chemicals are spilled, they evaporate and subsequently contaminate the atmosphere. During explosions, solid and liquid substances are dispersed in the air, forming solid (smoke) and liquid (fog) aerosols. All hazardous substances that infect the air enter the body through the respiratory system (inhalation route). Many can cause lesions by penetrating through unprotected skin (clotted lesions) as well as through the mouth (oral lesions through ingestion of contaminated water and food). In case of accidents at chemical weapons facilities, mass inhalation injuries are most likely.


The release of hazardous chemicals into the environment can occur during industrial and transport accidents, during natural disasters.

Causes such accidents:

Violations of safety regulations for the transportation and storage of toxic substances;

Failure of units, pipelines, depressurization of storage tanks;

Excess of standard stocks;

Violation of the established norms and rules for the placement of chemically hazardous facilities;

Reaching full production capacity of chemical industry enterprises, caused by the desire of foreign entrepreneurs to invest in hazardous industries in Russia;

Increasing terrorism at chemically hazardous facilities;

Depreciation of the life support system of the population;

Placement by foreign firms on the territory of Russia of environmentally hazardous enterprises;

Import of hazardous waste from abroad and their burial in Russia (sometimes they are even left in railway cars).

About 20 chemical accidents are registered every day in the world. One of the biggest disasters of the 20th century was the explosion in 1985 in India, in Bhopal, at the Union-carbide enterprise. As a result, 45 tons of methyl isocyanate got into the environment, 3,000 people died, 300,000 became disabled.


As a result of accidents and disasters at the HOO, site of chemical contamination. The area where mass injuries of people can occur or occur is called the focus of chemical damage.

The hazardous chemical contamination zone is characterized by high mobility of the boundaries and concentration variability in almost any part of the chemical contamination zone (CCZ), people can be affected.

The depth of distribution of contaminated air depends on the amount of release (outflow) of hazardous chemicals and the conditions for the formation of the ZKhZ (wind speed, degree of air stability). The most favorable conditions for the formation of a zone of maximum size are inversion air currents at a wind speed of 3-4 m/s.

The duration of the damaging effect of AHOV in the zone depends on its properties, air and soil temperatures, which determine the degree of vertical stability of the atmosphere. The duration of chemical contamination is determined by the time limits for the manifestation of the consequences of the accident.

The size of the zone of chemical contamination and the duration of dangerous contamination are determined using the "Handbook for assessing the chemical situation."

Depending on the degree of chemical hazard, accidents at chemical facilities are divided into:

· for accidents of the 1st degree, associated with the possibility of mass destruction of production personnel and the population of nearby areas;

· in accidents of the II degree, associated with the defeat of only the production personnel of the HOO;

· chemically safe in case of an accident, in which local foci of hazardous chemicals are formed, which do not pose a danger to humans.

Chemical accidents can be local (private), facility, local, regional, national and, in rare cases, global.

Ways of defeat in the zones of infection can be different. Injuries are possible before putting on protective equipment (90-100%) and injuries when contaminated food and water are consumed. An indirect damaging effect is possible: a decrease in the efficiency and intensity of performing labor tasks in protective equipment, forced time spent on eliminating the consequences of an accident, as well as a decrease in working capacity due to the psychological impact of the fact of a chemical accident.

In case of accidents at CSO, AHOV damage should be expected in 60-65% of victims, traumatic injuries - in 25%, burns - in 15%. At the same time, in 5% of the victims, the lesions can be combined.


An emergency card must be issued for each SDYAV indicating its number in the UN registry (ammonia No. 1005), degree of toxicity (ammonia - 4), basic properties, explosion and fire hazards, danger to humans and the PPE used. Some substances that are considered harmless, at a certain concentration, are potent poisons. So, hydrochloric acid up to 30% density (less than 1.15 g / cm3) does not create a danger of hydrogen chloride concentration, and 8.5% is sold in pharmacies as a gastric medicine.

Some chemicals that are components of lubricants, dielectrics, fungicides for wood processing, heat transfer fluids, etc., acquire new chemical properties after long-term use and become potent poisons. So, for a long time in transformer oil, sovtol was used as a dielectric - a transparent viscous liquid, colorless or yellowish, containing from 42 to 54% chlorine. This is a toxic substance of the 2nd hazard class. Permissible concentration of sovtol in the dielectric is 1/50,000,000 share. After 15-20 years of operation of transformers and capacitors, cases of respiratory tract injury with a fatal outcome among workers began to be observed when handling these installations. It turned out that, pulsing for a long time in the body of the units, the dielectric comes into contact with plastic, metal, transformer oil acquires dangerous properties: oil vapors are lethal and similar in destructive power to mustard gas, they even have a similar smell of garlic.

In connection with the emergence of private industries and commercial firms, the problem of storage and disposal of hazardous chemical substances has become topical. Therefore, the heads of enterprises are obliged to submit information to the emergency commission of the district (city) in the event of an accident at a facility with the release of SDYAV and other environmentally harmful substances when:

the presence of injured and dead;

· Exit of OHV to the sanitary protection zone exceeding more than 50 MPC;

the threat of damage to the population;

Foreign smell of water more than 4 points.

An analysis of the structure of enterprises producing or consuming SDYAV shows that, as a rule, an insignificant amount of toxic chemical products is used in their technological lines. A significantly larger amount of SDYAV is kept in the warehouses of enterprises. This leads to the fact that in case of accidents in the workshops of the enterprise, in most cases, there is local contamination of the air, equipment of the workshops, and the territory of enterprises. In this case, the defeat in such cases can be received mainly by production personnel.

It should be noted that a significant amount of various flammable substances, including SDYAV, is usually concentrated at industrial facilities. In addition, many SDYAV are explosive, and some, although not combustible, pose a significant fire hazard.

This circumstance should be taken into account in the event of fires on
enterprises. Moreover, the fire itself at the enterprises can contribute to
release of various toxic substances. Therefore, when organizing work to eliminate a chemically hazardous accident at an enterprise and its consequences, it is necessary to evaluate not only the physicochemical and toxic properties of SDYAV, but also their explosion and fire hazard, the possibility of formation of new SDYAV during a fire and, on this basis, take the necessary measures to protect personnel involved in the work. For any emergency, the stages of occurrence, development and decline of danger are characteristic. At the HOO in the midst of an accident, as a rule, several damaging factors can act - fire, explosions, chemical contamination of the area and air, and others. The action of SDYAV through the respiratory organs more often than through other routes of exposure leads to the defeat of people.

From these features of chemically dangerous accidents it follows that protective measures and, above all, forecasting, detection and periodic monitoring of changes in the chemical situation, notification of enterprise personnel should be carried out with extremely high efficiency. Localization of the source of SDYAV entry into the environment plays a decisive role in preventing mass destruction of people. The rapid implementation of this task can direct the emergency into a controlled channel, reduce the release of SDYAV and significantly reduce damage.

A feature of chemically hazardous accidents is the high rate of formation and action of damaging factors, which necessitates the adoption of prompt protective measures. In this regard, protection against SDYAV is organized as far in advance as possible, and in the event of accidents, it is carried out as soon as possible. Protection against SDYAV is a set of measures carried out in order to eliminate or minimize the damage to personnel and preserve their ability to work.

The set of measures to protect against SDYAV includes:

· engineering and technical measures for the storage and use of SDYAV;

· preparation of forces and means for liquidation of chemically hazardous accidents;

Teaching them the order and rules of behavior in the conditions of occurrence

Provision of means of individual and collective protection;

daily chemical control;

forecasting zones of possible chemical contamination;

Warning (alert) about the imminent threat of SDYAV;

· temporary evacuation from threatened areas;

chemical reconnaissance of the accident area;

search for and provision of medical assistance to victims;

localization and liquidation of the consequences of the accident.

The scope and procedure for the implementation of protection measures largely depend on the specific situation that may develop as a result of a chemically hazardous accident, the availability of time, effort and funds for the implementation of protection measures and other factors.

First of all, protection against SDYAV is organized and carried out directly at the HOO, where the main attention is paid to measures to prevent possible accidents. They are both organizational and engineering in nature and are aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes of accidents, minimizing possible damage and losses, as well as creating conditions for the timely localization and elimination of possible consequences of an accident.

All these activities are reflected in the plan for protecting the object from SDYAV, which is developed in advance with the participation of all the main specialists of the object. The plan is developed, as a rule, textually with the application of the necessary diagrams indicating (explaining) the location of the object, the forces and means of eliminating the consequences of the accident, their organization, etc. It consists of several sections and determines the preparation of the object for protection against SDYAV and the procedure for eliminating the consequences of an accident.

In the section of organizational measures of the plan for protection against SDYAV, the following are reflected:

Characteristics of the object, its divisions (workshops) available at the SDYAV object;

assessment of the possible situation at the facility in the event of an accident;

organization of identification and control of the chemical situation at the facility in everyday conditions and in case of an accident, the procedure for maintaining forces and means
chemical reconnaissance and chemical control;

organization of notification of the personnel of the facility;

organization of shelter for the personnel of the facility in the protective structures available at the facility, the procedure for maintaining them in constant readiness for sheltering people;

organizing the evacuation of the facility personnel if necessary;

the procedure for equipping and using non-military formations
Civil defense at the facility to eliminate the consequences of the accident;

organization of the cordon of the lesion, the procedure for providing medical care, the forces and means involved for this purpose;

organization of management of the forces and means of the facility during the liquidation of the accident and its consequences, the procedure for using the forces and means arriving to assist in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident

· the procedure for submitting reports on the occurrence of a chemically dangerous accident and the course of liquidation of its consequences;

organization of providing the personnel of the facility and non-military formations of the Civil Defense with personal protective equipment and liquidation of the consequences of the accident, the procedure and terms for their accumulation and storage;

· organization of transport, energy and logistical support of work to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

In the section of engineering and technical measures of the plan for protection against SDYAV, the following are reflected:

placement (equipment) of devices that prevent the leakage of SDYAV in the event of an accident (shut-off valves, overpressure valves, thermostats, bypass or discharge devices, etc.);

· the planned strengthening of structures of containers and communications with SDYAV or the installation of fences above them to protect against damage by debris of building structures in case of an accident (especially at fire and explosion hazardous enterprises);

Placement (construction) under storage facilities with SDYAV of emergency
tanks, bowls, traps (emergency barns) and directed drains;

dispersal of stocks of SDYAV, construction of buried or semi-buried storages for them;

· equipment of premises and industrial sites with stationary systems for detecting accidents, meteorological observation means and emergency alarms.

The plan also provides for measures to eliminate accidents at each site with SDYAV, indicating the responsible executors from the management of the facility, the forces and means involved, their tasks and the time allotted for the work. As necessary, the plan for protecting the object from SDYAV is adjusted. It should be noted that the effectiveness of the listed measures of protection against SDYAV largely depends on the degree of preparation for the protection of forces and means of eliminating the consequences of the accident. At the KhOO, local warning systems for facility personnel are created in advance.

Warning systems include warning equipment and maintenance personnel. Notification of the fact of a chemically hazardous accident (signal "Chemical alarm") is carried out by operators, dispatchers and duty officers of the HOO. Warning systems should be able, depending on the situation, to transmit signals selectively:

For individual divisions (workshops) of the HOO;

For all XOO.

Pre-designed notification schemes should determine the procedure for notifying facility personnel both during working and non-working hours.

Electric sirens, radio broadcasting network and internal telephone communication are used to notify the personnel of the working shift of the facility where the accident occurred.


The organization of liquidation of chemically hazardous accidents depends on their scale and consequences. Chemically dangerous accidents, based on the length of the boundaries of the distribution of SDYAV and their consequences, are proposed to be divided into the following types: local, local and general.

Local accident- an accident, the chemical consequences of which are limited to one structure (unit, installation) of the enterprise, lead to contamination of air and equipment in this structure and create a threat of damage to the production personnel working in it.

local accident- an accident, the chemical consequences of which are limited to the production site of the enterprise or its sanitary protection zone and pose a threat of injury to the production personnel of the entire enterprise.

General average- an accident, the chemical consequences of which extend beyond the production site of the enterprise and its sanitary protection zone with excess of threshold toxodoses.

The elimination of the consequences of a local accident is carried out by the forces and means of the enterprise where the accident occurred. For this purpose, enterprises of large-tonnage production and consumption of SDYAV have special full-time gas rescue teams and non-military formations (combined teams, teams, groups).

A gas rescue squad, as a rule, consists of three platoons: operational, carrying a permanent four-shift duty and designed to eliminate accidents and save people; safety assurance, which checks compliance with safety requirements at workplaces, in workshops and assists in the implementation of these tasks in the enterprise; technical, whose task is to provide the workshops of the enterprise with protective equipment and their verification.

In each workshop of the enterprise associated with the production or consumption of SDYAV, there are emergency emergency teams (groups).

Management of the liquidation of the consequences of a local accident at the enterprise is carried out by the headquarters for emergency operations, headed by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

The set of measures to eliminate the consequences of chemically hazardous accidents includes:

forecasting the possible consequences of chemically hazardous accidents;

· Identification and assessment of the consequences of chemically hazardous accidents;

implementation of rescue and other urgent work;

elimination of chemical contamination;

Carrying out special processing of equipment and sanitation of people;

providing medical care to the injured.

Prediction of the possible consequences of chemically dangerous accidents is carried out by calculation and analytical stations. The data obtained are used to take urgent protective measures, organize the identification of the consequences of an accident, and carry out rescue and other urgent work.

Identification of the consequences of the accident is carried out by chemical and engineering reconnaissance. The composition of the forces and assets involved in reconnaissance missions depends on its nature and scale. Intelligence data is collected at the headquarters of the management of the liquidation of the accident (extraordinary commission). On their basis, the consequences of the accident are assessed, and a plan for their elimination is developed.

Rescue and other urgent work is carried out in order to save people and provide assistance to the injured, localize and eliminate damage, create conditions for subsequent work to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

Elimination of chemical contamination is carried out by degassing (neutralization) of equipment, buildings, structures and terrain in the accident area contaminated with SDYAV, and is carried out in order to reduce the degree of their contamination and exclude people from being affected.

Special processing of equipment and sanitization of people is carried out at the exit from the infection zones and is carried out in order to prevent
defeat people SDYAV.

The effectiveness of these activities depends on the timeliness and quality of their implementation.

Medical care is provided to the injured in order to reduce the threat to their health, to reduce the impact of SDYAV on them.

The implementation of a set of measures to eliminate the consequences of chemically hazardous accidents requires a clear organization and confident management of their implementation. In a chemically hazardous accident, the head of work to eliminate its consequences is obliged to:

assess the chemical situation, determine the boundaries of the contamination zone,
take measures to mark and cordon it off;

identify people who have been exposed to SDYAV and organize the provision of medical care to them;

· develop a plan for liquidating the consequences of the accident, in which, depending on the scale and nature of the chemical contamination, set out: a brief description of the consequences of the accident and conclusions from the assessment of the chemical situation; the sequence of work and the timing of their implementation; methods of degassing (neutralization) SDYAV; organization of control over the completeness of degassing (neutralization) of the area, equipment, buildings, structures and transport; organization of medical support; safety requirements; organization of management and the procedure for submitting reports on the progress of work.

As a rule, work begins with a reconnaissance of the accident area, during which the following are determined:

1. the scale of the accident and the general procedure for its liquidation;

2. possible scales of distribution of the liquid and vapor phases of SDYAV;

3. fire-prevention condition of the area of ​​forthcoming works;

4. scope of evacuation work;

5. the required number of forces and means for the work;

6. places of concentration of forces and means of liquidation of the consequences of the accident;

7. tasks for clearing the ways of approach and access to the accident site;

8. meteorological conditions and places for organizing a base, command posts, issuing protective equipment, food, etc.

Based on the results of the reconnaissance, tasks are set for the forces involved in the work. At the same time, the following tasks are envisaged, the list of which, depending on the specific situation, may be specified:

1) identification and control of the zone of distribution of vapors of SDYAV;

2) notification and evacuation from the infection zone;

3) providing medical assistance to the injured;

4) organizing the cordon of the accident zone and the spread of dangerous concentrations of SDYAV;

5) elimination of fires, ensuring explosion and fire safety of the work being carried out;

6) clearing and clearing of approaches and entrances to the accident site;
7) elimination or limitation of the leakage of SDYAV from damaged containers and their
spreading on the ground;

8) pumping or collection of SDYAV into reserve tanks;

9) organization of degassing (neutralization) of SDYAV in the center of the accident;

10) organization of degassing (neutralization) of equipment involved in the work;

11) sanitization of persons participating in the work.

A communication system is being created to guide the forces and means involved in the elimination of the consequences of a chemically hazardous accident.

It should be noted that work to eliminate the consequences of chemically dangerous accidents should be carried out under any meteorological conditions, at any time of the day, and, if necessary, around the clock. In this case, the work is organized in shifts.


1. Work must begin immediately after the decision to carry it out

2. It is necessary to use personal protective equipment for respiratory organs and skin. For respiratory protection, filtering industrial gas masks of the brand KD (gray color of the box), M (red) and respirators RPG-67 KD, RU - 67 (KD), as well as cotton-gauze bandages moistened with a 5% solution of lemon (acetic ) acids. It must be remembered that conventional filter gas masks do not protect against chemically hazardous substances.

3. Rubber suits, rubber boots and gloves are used to protect the skin.

4. Preliminary reconnaissance of the emergency facility or zone is necessary (clarification of the presence and concentration of substances, the boundaries of contamination).

5. Rescue operations are carried out with the provision of assistance to the victims, the evacuation of the injured to first-aid posts.

6. Localization, suppression or reduction to a minimum level of impact of damaging factors is carried out.

7. Carrying out search and rescue operations. When rescuing victims at the CSI, it is necessary:

Release them from damaged blocked premises or from under the rubble of destroyed buildings and technological systems;

Stop exposure of their body to OHV through the use of personal protective equipment and evacuation from the affected area;

Provide first aid. First aid for chemical damage includes the rapid cessation of exposure to a poisonous substance by removing drops of the substance from exposed surfaces of the body, washing the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as restoring the functioning of important body systems by restoring airway patency, artificial ventilation of the lungs, indirect heart massage. If necessary, you can apply bandages to wounds and immobilize injured limbs, and then evacuate the affected to the place of medical care and subsequent treatment.


A chemically hazardous substance (CSU) is usually called a simple substance or chemical compound, the release of which into the environment can lead to the formation of a lesion focus, as well as environmental pollution.

An emergency chemically hazardous substance (AHOV) is a substance of inhalation action, the release or spill of which can cause massive damage to people and contamination of the natural environment.

In the contaminated area, chemicals can be in a drop-liquid, vapor, aerosol, gaseous state. Vapor and gaseous substances form infected cloud co. If the density of matter in the cloud is high, it will spread near the surface of the earth, if the density is low, it will quickly dissipate in the atmosphere. The danger of a vapor or gaseous cloud is not limited to its toxicity, as there is a danger of its ignition. The ignition of such a cloud occurs at concentrations exceeding 1.5-3.0x x!04 mg/l, while the lethal concentrations of chemically hazardous substances in the atmosphere are much lower (less than 102 mg/l). It follows from this that, under equal conditions, clouds of toxic substances are dangerous at much greater distances from the point of release than clouds of combustible gases. Thus, the zone of chemical contamination includes 2 territories: the one directly affected by the chemical and the one over which the contaminated cloud has spread.

Chemicals by hazards and toxicity ti effects on the human body are divided into 4 classes in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76, with change No. 1 of 01.01.82:

1) extremely dangerous - a lethal dose of 50% - less than 0.5 g / m3;

2) highly hazardous - up to 5 g/cm3;

3) moderately hazardous - up to 50 g/cm3;

4) low-hazard - more than 50 g/cm3.

All hazardous chemicals are divided into fast and slow acting. With the defeat of high-speed poisoning, the picture develops almost immediately, and with slow-acting - a latent period - several hours.

The contamination of the area depends on the resistance of chemicals, which is determined by the boiling point of the substance. Unstable have a boiling point below 130°C, persistent - above 130°C. Unstable ones infect the area for minutes or tens of minutes, and persistent ones - from several hours to several months.

Unstable high-speed - ammonia, CO;

Unstable slow acting - phosgene, nitric acid;

Persistent high-speed - aniline, organophosphorus;

Persistent slow-acting - dioxin, tetraethyl lead.


By the nature of the impact chemically hazardous substances on the body are divided into the following groups:

1) suffocating with cauterizing effect - chlorine, phosgene;

2) general poisonous substances - hydrocyanic acid, carbon monoxide, cyanides;

3) suffocating and general poisonous - with a cauterizing effect - fluorine compounds, nitric acid, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides;

4) neurotropic poisons - organophosphorus compounds, carbon disulfide, tetraethylene lead;

5) neurotropic and suffocating - ammonia, hydrazine;

6) metabolic poisons - dichloroethane, ethylene oxide;

7) disturbing metabolism - dioxin, benzofurans.

Harmful substances can enter the body in three ways (knowledge of the ways determines the measures to prevent poisoning):

through the lungs when inhaled - the main and most dangerous path, since due to the large surface of the pulmonary alveoli and the small thickness of the alveolar wall in the lungs, the most favorable conditions are created for the penetration of gases, vapors and dust directly into the blood. During physical work or stay in conditions of elevated air temperature, when the volume of breathing and the rate of blood flow increase sharply, poisoning occurs much faster;

through the gastrointestinal tract with water and food or from contaminated hands, Fat-soluble substances are best absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Most of the chemicals that enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract enter the liver, where they are retained and neutralized to a certain extent;

through intact skin by resorption - substances that are highly soluble in fats and lipoids penetrate (for example, many medicinal substances and substances of the naphthalene series). The degree of penetration of chemicals through the skin depends on their solubility, the size of the surface of contact with the skin, the volume and speed of blood flow in it. When working in conditions of elevated air temperature, when blood circulation in the skin increases, the number of poisonings increases. Oily, low-volatile substances pose the greatest danger, as they linger on the skin for a long time, which contributes to their absorption.

The fate of harmful chemicals entering the body is different:

Inert substances (e.g. gasoline) not under are fighting transformations in the body and are excreted unchanged;

postponed in any organ (lead and fluorine are deposited in the bones);

enter into reactions oxidation, reduction, etc. . As a result of chemical transformations, most poisons are neutralized, but sometimes more toxic substances are formed (for example, methyl alcohol is oxidized to very toxic formaldehyde and formic acid).

If the release of a substance and its transformation in the body is slower than the intake, then the substance accumulates in the body and can act on organs and tissues for a long time. In connection with the growth of urbanization and the development of industry, conditions are created for the entry of several harmful chemicals into the human body at the same time, which contributes to their combined action on the body. The combination can be of three types:

synergy - one substance enhances the action of another;

antagonism - one substance weakens the action of another;

summation - the effect of substances in combination is added up (for example, if there are vapors of two substances in the air, the MPC for each of which is 0.1 mg/l, then in combination they will have the same effect on the body as 0.2 mg/l of the substance).

The most important characteristic of a chemically hazardous substance is toxicity, which is the degree of toxicity and is characterized by an acceptable concentration and toxic dose.

Permissible concentration- this is the amount of a substance in the soil, air or water environment, food and feed, which can cause a negative physiological effect in the form of primary signs of damage (while working capacity is maintained).

Maximum allowable concentration(MPC) of a chemical compound in the external environment according to I.V. Sanotsky (1971) refers to such a concentration, when exposed to the body periodically or throughout life, directly or indirectly (through ecological systems or through possible economic damage), there is no somatic or mental illness or changes in the state of health that go beyond the limits of adaptive physiological fluctuations detected by modern research methods immediately or in the long term of the life of the present and subsequent generations.

Toxic dose is defined as the product of the concentration of a chemically hazardous substance in a given place of a chemical contamination zone by the time a person stays in this place without protective equipment.

Poison called a chemical component of the environment that enters the body in a quantity (quality) that does not correspond to the innate or acquired properties of the organism, and therefore is incompatible with life. Action of poisons on the body can be both general toxic and specific:

sensitizing - causing hypersensitivity;

gonadotropic - action on the sex glands;

embryotropic - effect on the embryo and fetus;

teratogenic - causes deformities;

mutagenic - action on the genetic apparatus;

blastomogenic - tumor formation.

Poisons cause acute or chronic poisoning. Acute poisonings are predominantly household, and chronic ones are professional in nature. At ost rum poisoning a symptom complex develops with a single intake of a large amount of a harmful substance into the body. chronic poisoning occurs gradually with repeated or repeated intake of a harmful substance into the body in relatively small quantities.

Threshold of acute action- the smallest concentration of a substance that causes statistically significant changes in the body with a single exposure.

Threshold of chronic action- the minimum concentration that, under chronic exposure, causes significant changes in the body.


The effect of toxic effects depends on the amount of AHOV that has entered the body, its physicochemical properties, duration and intensity of intake, interaction with biological media (blood, enzymes). In addition, the effect depends on gender, age, individual sensitivity, routes of entry and excretion, distribution in the body, as well as meteorological environmental conditions.

AHOV, along with the general one, have selective toxicity, i.e. they pose the greatest danger to a particular organ or system of the body. According to selective toxicity, there are:

· cardiac with a predominant cardiotoxic effect (many drugs, plant poisons, metal salts - barium, potassium, cobalt, cadmium);

· nervous, causing a violation of mental activity (carbon monoxide, organophosphorus compounds, alcohol and its surrogates, drugs, sleeping pills);

· hepatic(chlorinated hydrocarbons, poisonous fungi, phenols and aldehydes);

· renal(heavy metal compounds, ethylene glycol, oxalic acid);

· blood(aniline and its derivatives, nitrites, arsenic hydrogen);

· pulmonary(nitrogen oxides, ozone, phosgene).

The toxic effect under the action of various doses and concentrations of hazardous chemicals can manifest itself in functional and structural (pathomorphological) changes, i.e. toxicity manifests itself in the form of threshold doses and concentrations. But the result can be the death of the organism in the case of lethal concentrations.

Lethal (lethal) doses of DL when introduced into the body (or lethal concentrations of CL) can cause single cases of death or the death of all organisms. Mean lethal doses and concentrations (DL50, CL50) are used as indicators of toxicity. The mean lethal concentration of a substance in air is the concentration of a substance that causes the death of 50% of experimental animals after 2-4 hours of inhalation exposure (mg/m³). The median lethal dose when injected into the stomach (mg / kg) is designated as DL50g, when applied to the skin - DL50k.

The danger of poisons can also be judged by the values ​​of the thresholds of harmful action (single, chronic) and the threshold of specific action).

The threshold of harmful action is the minimum concentration (dose) of a substance, under the influence of which changes in biological parameters at the organismal level occur in the body, which go beyond the limits of adaptive reactions, or latent (temporarily compensated) pathology.

The nature of the impact of harmful substances on the body and general safety requirements are regulated by GOST 12.0.003 - 74, which subdivides substances into:

Toxic, causing poisoning of the whole organism or affecting individual systems (CNS, hematopoiesis), causing pathological changes in the liver, kidneys;

irritant, causing irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, lungs, skin;

sensitizing, acting as allergens (formaldehyde, solvents, varnishes based on nitro and nitroso compounds);

mutagenic, leading to a violation of the genetic code, a change in hereditary information (lead, manganese, radioactive isotopes);

· carcinogenic, causing malignant neoplasms (cyclic amines, aromatic hydrocarbons, chromium, nickel, asbestos);

Influencing reproductive (childbearing) function (mercury, lead, styrene, radioactive isotopes).

The danger of AHOV for contamination of the surface layer of the atmosphere is determined by their physical and chemical properties, as well as their ability to go into a damaging state, that is, to create a damaging concentration or reduce the oxygen content in the air below an acceptable level. All AHOV (SDYAV) can be divided into three groups based on the boiling point at atmospheric pressure, critical temperature and ambient temperature; state of aggregation of AHOV; storage temperature and operating pressure in the vessel.

The 1st group of AHOV has a boiling point below -40ºС. When ejected, only a primary gas cloud is formed with the probability of an explosion and fire (hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide), and the oxygen content in the air (liquid nitrogen) is also sharply reduced. When a single container is destroyed, the duration of the gas cloud does not exceed 1 min.

The 2nd group of AHOV has a temperature above the ambient temperature. To bring such hazardous chemicals into a liquid state, they must be compressed and stored refrigerated (or under pressure at normal temperature) - chlorine, ammonia, ethylene oxide. The release of such AHOV usually gives a primary and secondary cloud of contaminated air (OSV). The nature of infection depends on the ratio between the boiling points of AHOV and the air temperature. So, butane (boiling point - 0 ºС) in hot weather will be similar in action to AHOV of the 1st group, i.e. only the primary cloud will appear, and in the cold - the 3rd group. But if the boiling point is lower than the air temperature, then in the event of the destruction of the container and the release of AHOV, a significant part of it may turn out to be in the primary WZV. At the same time, significant air hypothermia and moisture condensation can be observed at the accident site.

The 3rd group of hazardous chemicals is characterized by a boiling point above 40ºС, i.е. all AHOV, which are at atmospheric pressure in a liquid state. When they are poured out, the area is contaminated with the danger of subsequent contamination of groundwater. Liquid evaporates from the soil surface for a long time; the formation of a secondary cloud of pollutants is possible, which expands the affected area. The most dangerous AHOV (SDYAV) of the 3rd group, if they are stored at elevated temperatures and pressures (benzene, toluene).


Next, I will give a description of some of the most common hazardous chemicals, because in order to successfully carry out measures to protect against potent toxic substances and eliminate the consequences of their impact, it is necessary to know their physical and toxic properties.

Chlorine- a poisonous gas, almost 2.5 times heavier than air, often used in pure form or in combination with other components. At a temperature of about 20ºС and atmospheric pressure, chlorine is in a gaseous state in the form of a greenish-yellow gas with a sharp unpleasant odor. It vigorously reacts with all living organisms, destroying them. Liquid chlorine is a mobile oily liquid, which at normal temperature and pressure has a dark greenish-yellow color with an orange tint and a specific gravity of 1.427 g / cm³. At a temperature of -102ºС and below, chlorine hardens and takes the form of small dark orange crystals with a specific gravity of 2.147 g/cm³. Liquid chlorine is poorly soluble in water, and chlorination of water at the disinfection facilities of the water utility is carried out only with gaseous chlorine. The production of gaseous chlorine (hydrogen and alkali) is based on the electrolysis of table salt. This is a complex complex: brine preparation, its purification, evaporation, electrolysis, cooling, gas pumping. A dry mixture with air explodes when the chlorine content is from 3.5 to 97%, i.e. mixtures containing less than 3.5% chlorine are non-explosive. The most dangerous in terms of explosive force are mixtures in which chlorine and hydrogen are in a stoichiometric ratio (50 to 50%). Such mixtures explode with the greatest force, and the explosion is accompanied by a strong sonic boom and flame. The initiator of an explosion of a hydrogen chloride mixture (except for an open flame) can be an electric spark, a heated body, direct sunlight in the presence of contacting substances (charcoal, iron and iron oxides). Wet chlorine causes severe corrosion (this is hydrochloric acid), which leads to the destruction of tanks, pipelines, fittings and equipment.

An emergency situation in the workshop can occur when the water supply, electric current is suddenly turned off, an explosive mixture is formed, chlorine (gas) enters the production room, pressure is created in the hydrogen collector during electrolysis, in the event of a fire. In all cases, a workable light or sound signaling of these situations is required, and hydrogen compressors should automatically stop.

Railway tanks, tanks, barrels, cylinders should be filled only by weight with careful control of the mass of empty and filled containers, since liquid chlorine increases in volume by almost 0.2% when heated by 1 ° C, and with an increase in pressure for every 100 kPa, its volume decreases by 0.012%, i.e. in a vessel filled with liquid chlorine, an increase in temperature by 1% leads to an increase in pressure by 1500-2000 kPa. The rate of filling vessels with liquid chlorine is set at the rate of 1.25 kg per 1 liter of capacity.

On metals, except for tin and aluminum, dry chlorine has almost no effect, and in conditions of moisture it exposes them to severe corrosion. At a concentration of chlorine in the air of 0.1-0.2 mg / l, a person causes poisoning, a choking cough, headache, pain in the eyes, damage to the lungs, irritation of the mucous membranes and skin. The victim must be immediately taken out to fresh air (only in a horizontal position, because due to pulmonary edema, any load on them provokes an aggravation of the situation), warm, allow to breathe with vapors of alcohol, oxygen, wash the skin and mucous membranes with a 2% soda solution in within 15 min.


Ammonia- a colorless gas with a sharp suffocating smell of ammonia. A mixture of ammonia vapor with air at a volume content of 15 to 28% (107-200 mg/l) is explosive. The explosion pressure of an ammonia-air mixture can reach 0.45 MPa with a volume content of ammonia in the air above 11% (78.5 mg/l). In the presence of an open flame, its combustion begins. At a pressure of 1013 GPa (760 mm Hg), the boiling point is -33.3ºС, solidification - 77.9ºС, ignition - 630ºС.

Ammonia belongs to substances of asphyxiating, neurotropic action. It acts on the formation and transmission of nerve impulses. Ammonia vapor is lighter than air. Solubility in water is greater than that of other gases, it is transported in a liquefied state in tanks under a pressure of 28 atm.

· the maximum allowable in the working area is 0.0028%;

does not cause consequences within an hour 0.035%;

life-threatening 0.7 mg / l or 0.05-0.1%%

The value of 1.5-2.7 mg / l or 0.21-0.39% causes death in 30-60 minutes.

Ammonia causes damage to the body, especially the respiratory tract. Signs of its action: runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, pain in the eyes, lacrimation. When liquid ammonia comes into contact with the skin, frostbite occurs, burns of the 2nd degree are possible. The affected person should be transported in a horizontal position. Artificial respiration cannot be done. It is necessary to provide warmth and peace, to breathe humidified oxygen. Rinse skin, mucous membranes, eyes for at least two minutes with a 2% solution of boric acid or water. In the eyes, drip 2-3 drops of albucid solution, into the nose - warm olive or peach oil, inside - milk with Borjomi or soda.

3.2.3 Prussic acid

Hydrocyanic acid(HCN) and its soybeans (cyanides) are produced by the chemical industry in large quantities. It is widely used in the production of plastics and artificial fibers, in electroforming, and in the extraction of gold from gold-bearing ores. Under normal conditions hydrocyanic acid is colorless. Clear, volatile, flammable liquid with a bitter almond odor. Melts at -14ºС, boils at 25.6ºС. The flash point is -17ºС. Vapors of hydrocyanic acid with air form explosive mixtures at 5.6-40%. Hydrocyanic acid is one of the strongest poisons, leading to paralysis of the nervous system. It enters the body through the gastrointestinal tract, blood, respiratory organs, and with a high concentration of its vapors through the skin.

It is poorly adsorbed by activated carbon; it is necessary to use industrial gas masks of grades B, BKF, which have special chemical absorbers. The poisoning effect of hydrocyanic acid depends on the amount and rate of its entry into the body: 0.02-0.04 mg / l are painlessly tolerated for 6 hours; 0.12-0.15 mg / l - life-threatening after 30-60 minutes; 1 mg/l and above lead to almost instantaneous death. The damaging effect of hydrocyanic acid is due to the blocking of iron-containing cell enzymes that regulate their oxygen consumption. It is miscible in all manifestations with water and solvents.


Sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide) obtained by burning sulfur in air. It is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, at normal pressure it becomes liquid at a temperature of -75ºС, 2.2 times heavier than air. It dissolves well in water (under normal conditions, 40 volumes of gas dissolve in one volume of water), forming sulfurous acid. It is used in the production of sulfuric acid and its salts, in paper and textile production, in fruit canning, and for disinfection of premises. Liquid sulfur dioxide is used as a refrigerant or solvent. The average daily maximum allowable concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere of a settlement is 0.05 mg/m³, and in a working room - 10 mg/m³. Even a small concentration of it creates an unpleasant taste in the mouth and irritates the skin, causes coughing, pain in the eyes, burning, lacrimation, and burns are possible. At higher concentrations, hoarseness, shortness of breath and rapid loss of consciousness will appear. Possible fatal outcome.

First aid: remove the victim to fresh air, rinse the skin and mucous membranes with water or a 2% solution of baking soda, and eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes.

In case of air contamination with a damaging concentration, isolate the danger zone, remove strangers, work only in protective equipment. Depending on the concentration of sulfur dioxide, industrial gas masks of grades B, E, BKF or insulating gas masks are used (if its concentration is unknown). Protect the spilled liquid with an earthen rampart, do not allow water to enter it (when extinguishing a fire). Provide isolation of liquid sulfur dioxide from reservoirs, water supply and sewerage systems.


Heptyl (hydrazine, diamide, unsymmetrical demethylhydrazine)- A fuming liquid with an unpleasant odor. Melts at +1.5ºС. Soluble in water, alcohols, amines, insoluble in hydrocarbons. Hygroscopic, forms explosive mixtures with air, in contact with asbestos, coal, iron is capable of self-ignition. Heavier than air. Decomposes in the presence of a catalyst or when heated above 300ºС. Refers to extremely hazardous substances (hazard class 1). MPC in the air of the working area is 0.1 mg/m³. It is most often used as a combustible component of rocket fuel.

When spilled, it penetrates deep into the soil (more than m) and remains unchanged for up to 20 years. Penetrates into the body through the skin, mucous membranes or by inhalation (in the form of steam). Threshold toxodose - 14 mg / m³, short-term permissible concentration - 6 mg / m³, life-threatening - 100 mg / m³, lethal - 400 mg / m³. Causes temporary blindness (up to a week), burns on the skin, when absorbed into the blood leads to disorders in the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, blood (destruction of red blood cells and anemia). Excitation, muscle weakness, convulsions, paralysis, decreased heart rate, acute vascular insufficiency, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, possible damage to the kidneys and liver, coma are recorded. When leaving a coma, there may be psychosis with delusions, auditory and visual hallucinations for several days.

The presence of heptyl in the air is determined by a photometric method or using indicator tubes for heptyl.


The nitrogen industry ensures the release of more than 50 types of agricultural products (ammonia, mineral fertilizers, caprolactam).

Nitric acid has a density of 1.502 g/cm³. Its vapors are 2.2 times heavier than air. Miscible with water in all respects with the release of heat. It is very hygroscopic, strongly "smokes" in air, acts on all metals, except for "noble" ones and aluminum. Organic materials ignite, releasing nitrogen oxides, which have high damaging properties. When acid enters turpentine or alcohol, an explosion occurs. Toxic doses: damaging - 1.5 mg / l, lethal - 7.8 mg / l. Poisoning occurs in acute and chronic forms.


Many technical fluids such as solvents, antifreezes, brake fluids, methyl alcohol, tetraethyl lead, dichloroethane and others have a fairly high toxicity.


Methyl alcohol (wood alcohol or methanol) CH3 OH is a colorless liquid that smells indistinguishable from ethyl alcohol. Boiling point 64.7°C. Poisoning is observed when ingested for the purpose of intoxication, with a fatal dose of 30-100 g. Methyl alcohol acts as a whole molecule, causing a picture of alcohol intoxication, and then its oxidation products, which are formaldehyde and formic acid, causing acidosis and a violation of oxidative processes. Formaldehyde causes optic nerve degeneration and blindness.

When using large doses (100-300 ml) of methanol, a state of intoxication and stunning appears, then a coma, collapse and death quickly sets in. The most common is a delayed form of the lesion, when, after intoxication, a state of "well-being" occurs for several hours or up to 1-2 days. Then suddenly there is a headache, anxiety, pain in the epigastric region, weakening of vision, shortness of breath, cyanosis, muscle adynamia, dilated pupils, complete loss of vision and coma. Death may occur with symptoms of depression of the central nervous system and collapse. With favorable outcomes for life on the 2-3rd day, the coma disappears and the patient recovers, but blindness remains due to atrophy of the optic nerve. Diagnostic signs are the detection of formic acid in the urine, blurred vision, a rapidly developing state of stunning, and the presence of a latent period after intoxication.

When providing first aid, it is necessary to remove the poison from the stomach as soon as possible, causing vomiting, then send the patient to the first-aid post, where it is necessary to do a gastric lavage through a tube, followed by giving an adsorbent (activated charcoal).

In the future, repeated gastric lavages with a 2% solution of bicarbonate of soda are recommended for 2-3 days, since methanol is slowly oxidized and excreted through the gastrointestinal tract for a long time. Bloodletting should also be done. To combat acidosis and hypoxia, it is necessary to give oxygen, intravenously inject up to 300-500 ml of a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution, and then give 2 g orally every 1-2 hours until the urine is alkaline. Otherwise, symptomatic treatment: cardiac drugs and stimulants (camphor, caffeine, corazole or cordiamine, ephedrine, strychnine). Also shown is the introduction of glucose with ascorbic acid (up to 500 mg), vitamin B] (5% solution of 1 ml), nicotinic acid (1% solution of 1 ml).

Treatment with ethyl alcohol is recommended and used, which can inhibit the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase and reduce the oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde. The patient is administered intravenously drip. method up to 1 liter of 5% ethyl alcohol solution in 5% glucose solution, and then give to drink 20% ethyl alcohol solution 50 ml 6-8 times a day for the first 3 days.


Ethylene glycol is a clear, odorless, sweet-tasting, oily liquid found in some brake fluids and antifreezes.

Poisoning practically occurs only when taken internally for the purpose of intoxication. There was a case when 15 people were poisoned by ethylene glycol, of which 5 died due to anuria and coma. A dose of ethylene glycol in 50 ml is toxic, and 100-200 ml can cause fatal injury.

The mechanism of action of ethylene glycol is explained by two factors. At first, it, like dihydric alcohol, has a narcotic effect and can cause death as a result of coma and depression of the central nervous system. Ethylene glycol is then oxidized in the body to oxalic acid, which causes acidosis and hypoxia. In addition, oxalic acid combines with calcium, forming water-insoluble calcium oxalate, which causes the development of necronephrosis, blockage of the renal tubules, anuria and uremia.

When taking antifreeze or brake fluid containing ethylene glycol, after 30-40 minutes, a state of intoxication (euphoria) occurs. Then, in severe cases, after 2-12 hours, a coma develops and death occurs with symptoms of depression of the central nervous system, repeated vomiting, anuria, and a progressive drop in blood pressure. In milder cases, headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, repeated vomiting, drowsiness or agitation, dilated pupils, cyanosis, tachycardia, hypotension, leukocytosis, protein and red blood cells in the urine, and abdominal pain are observed. This condition is sometimes referred to as the cerebral stage of poisoning.

First aid is to induce vomiting. When providing first medical aid, the most important is the possible rapid and complete removal of the poison from the body by abundant gastric lavage with the adsorbent and bloodletting, as well as symptomatic treatment (cardiac agents, oxygen, heat). Further treatment should be carried out in therapeutic hospitals.

For treatment, it is recommended to administer magnesium sulfate (25% solution of 5-10 ml intramuscularly or intravenously), which can react with oxalic acid, forming soluble salts, and reduce uremia. To combat acidosis, it is necessary to inject 50-100 ml of a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution intravenously and as a drink (2% solution). The introduction of sodium thiosulfate (25% solution up to 50 ml intravenously as an antitoxic agent), glucose (40% solution of 20-40 ml each) and vitamins (ascorbic acid, B1) is also shown. To combat anuria and uremia phenomena, the use of an artificial kidney is most effective.


Dichloroethane is a colorless liquid with an odor of alcohol or chloroform. It almost does not dissolve in water, the boiling point is 80-87ºС, the freezing point is 37ºС, it is used as a solvent and for the preparation of degassing solutions. It can penetrate the body through the skin, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract. Vapor concentrations above 0.05 mg/l are considered toxic. Especially dangerous is ingestion, in which a dose of 20-100 ml is fatal. Dichloroethane has a local effect on the skin and mucous membranes, as well as a resorptive effect on the central nervous system.

When exposed to the skin, burning and blanching are noted, which is replaced by redness within a few hours. With inhalation damage, weakness, headache, dizziness, burning of mucous membranes, nausea, vomiting, cough, pain in the heart, cyanosis, and darkened consciousness are noted. The inhaled air has a specific smell. Lethal outcomes are rare.

The use of dichloroethane inside is very dangerous, which mostly ends in death. In this case, after 5-10 minutes (sometimes after 1-2 hours), dizziness, weakness, pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting are observed. There is also euphoria or a stunned state. Soon there is jaundice, an enlarged liver, bloating, often diarrhea with an admixture of blood, in severe cases - anuria, then loss of consciousness and a coma occur. Death can occur in the first two days with the appearance of depression of the central nervous system and collapse.

If dichloroethane comes into contact with the skin, remove contaminated clothing and wash the body with clean water.

In case of oral poisoning, it is necessary to do gastric lavage with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution as soon as possible, it is also recommended to do bloodletting with further infusion of glucose.


Tetraethyl lead (TES) is a colorless oily liquid with a sugary-sweet smell. TES is used for ethylation of gasolines as an antiknock agent in car and aircraft engines, provides more uniform combustion of gasoline without explosion and lengthens the engine life. Produced as an ethyl liquid containing 56% TES and a dye.

TES penetrates the body in the form of vapors or in liquid form in all possible ways, without any local irritating or inflammatory effect, and is an extremely toxic substance. The maximum permissible concentration of its vapors in the air is 0.000005 mg/l.

The most dangerous poisoning with ethyl liquid is when it comes into contact with the skin, exposure to vapors, or ingestion, but poisoning with leaded gasoline is also possible. Due to the high danger of ethyl liquid, gasoline is centrally ethylated.

TES is a psychotropic poison that causes disruption of nervous activity, as well as vegetative disorders. Having penetrated into the body, it selectively accumulates in the central nervous system, inhibits the activity of acetylcholinesterase and the activity of pyruvic acid dehydrase. Lead is excreted from the body very slowly and has pronounced cumulative properties.

The clinic of TES lesions is characterized by great polymorphism depending on the dose, time of exposure, age, characteristics of the organism, etc. There are acute, subacute and chronic poisonings of varying severity.

Acute severe poisoning TES is characterized by the development of delirious psychosis. Weakness, euphoria, fear, sometimes depression, sleep and memory disturbances appear. A characteristic triad develops: bradycardia, hypotension and hypothermia. Characteristic toxic psychosis: auditory, visual and tactile hallucinations, often of a frightening nature, delusions of persecution, sometimes violence and aggressiveness. In severe cases, death is possible on days 2-6 with the appearance of a sharp psychomotor agitation, collapse, coma, pneumonia. In more favorable cases, the outcome of poisoning can be persistent psychoses, mental degradation, and disability.

Subacute poisoning develop more slowly, with a hidden period of up to 2-5 days, then a typical picture of hallucinatory psychosis develops with the appearance of the above triad of symptoms. Such poisoning is possible with extensive dousing of the skin, as a result of which symptoms of acute psychosis may develop after a certain time. When leaded gasoline is ingested in large doses, burning and pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting appear. After 5-7 hours, symptoms of the action of TES are observed.

Chronic poisoning develop during prolonged contact with leaded gasoline or ethyl liquid, as a result of inhalation of small concentrations of vapors, skin contact or ingestion in small doses. They are characterized by a gradual increase in the severity of clinical manifestations.

Prevention of poisoning TPP consists in strict technical safety rules when handling ethyl liquid and leaded gasoline. Mandatory medical examinations of employees once every 3 months, blood and urine tests.

First aid. If TES gets on the skin, immediately wash these areas with clean gasoline or kerosene, and then with warm water and soap. Soaked clothes and linen are degassed with a 10% alcohol solution of dichloramine or chloramine, or an aqueous lime emulsion. If TES enters through the mouth, it is necessary to rinse the stomach abundantly with a 0.2% solution of chloramine or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution, give an enveloping agent (mucous decoction, protein water) and a saline laxative.


Occupational diseases caused by exposure to harmful substances include acute and chronic intoxications with damage to organs and systems: toxic damage to the respiratory organs (bronchitis pneumosclerosis), toxic anemia, toxic hepatitis, toxic nephropathy, toxic damage to the nervous system (neurosis-like conditions), toxic damage to the eyes (cataract), conjunctivitis, toxic damage to bones (osteoporosis, osteosclerosis). The same group includes skin diseases, metal, fluoroplastic (Teflon) fever, allergic diseases, neoplasms.

There is a real possibility of developing occupational tumor diseases, especially of the respiratory organs, liver, stomach and bladder, leukemia with prolonged contact with distillation products of coal, oil, shale, with compounds of nickel, chromium, arsenic, vinyl chloride. Occupational diseases are also caused by exposure to industrial aerosols from mixed dust, from plastic dust.


Improvement of the air environment is achieved by reducing the content of harmful substances in it to safe values ​​(not exceeding the MPC values ​​for this substance), as well as maintaining the required microclimate parameters in the production room. It is possible to reduce the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area using technological processes and equipment in which harmful substances are either not formed or do not enter the air of the working area ... For example, the transfer of various thermal installations and furnaces from liquid fuel, the combustion of which produces a significant amount of substances, to a cleaner one - gaseous, and even better - the use of electric heating.

Of great importance is the reliable sealing of equipment, which excludes the ingress of various harmful substances into the air of the working area or significantly reduces their concentration in the area. To maintain a safe concentration of harmful substances in the air, various ventilation systems are used. If the listed activities do not give the expected results, it is recommended to automate production or switch to remote control of technological processes. In some cases, personal protective equipment (respirators, gas masks) is used to protect against the effects of harmful substances in the air of the working area, but this significantly reduces the productivity of personnel.

To remove harmful substances from the sources of their formation, local exhaust ventilation is used. The use of local exhaust ventilation devices almost completely removes dust and other harmful substances from the production area. Local ventilation devices are made in the form of suction. These are exhaust hoods, exhaust panels, airborne exhausts and other devices or fume hoods, casings, chambers, as well as a number of other devices, inside which there are sources of release of harmful substances.

In the production room, constant monitoring of the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area is necessary. Sampling for the determination of these substances is usually carried out at the workplace at the worker's breathing level. For control, various methods are used (filtration, sedimentation, electrical), new methods for measuring the concentration of dust in the air of the working area using laser technology.

Determination of the concentration of harmful substances present in the air in the form of vapors and gases can be carried out using portable gas analyzers of the UG-1 or UG-2 type.

The main individual means of protecting the human respiratory organs from harmful substances are divided into filtering and insulating.

In filtering devices, polluted air inhaled by a person is pre-filtered, and in insulating devices, clean air is supplied through special hoses to the human respiratory organs from autonomous sources or after regeneration. Filtering devices (respirators and gas masks) are used at a low concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working area (no more than 0.5% by volume) and with an oxygen content in the air of at least 18%.

One of the most common domestic respirators (valveless respirator SHB-1 "Petal") is designed to protect against the effects of fine and medium dust (used to protect against dust if its concentration in the air of the working area is 5-200 times higher than the MPC value)

Industrial filtering gas masks are designed to protect the respiratory organs from various gases and vapors. They consist of a half mask, a hose with a mouthpiece, a filter box filled with absorbers of specific harmful gases or vapors. Each box, depending on the absorbed substance, is painted in a certain color.

Insulating gas masks are used in cases where the oxygen content is less than 18%, and the content of harmful substances is more than 2%. There are autonomous and hose gas masks. A self-contained gas mask consists of a satchel filled with air or oxygen, a hose from which is connected to a face mask. In hose insulating gas masks, clean air is supplied through a hose to a face mask from a fan, and the length of the hose can reach several tens of meters. Isolating gas masks of IP-4, IP-5 brands, with the help of a regenerative cartridge, regenerate exhaled air for reuse.

To protect against chlorine, you can use industrial gas masks of grades A (the box is painted brown), BKF (protective), B (yellow), G (half in black, half in yellow), as well as civilian gas masks GP-5, GP-7 and children. If they are not there, then a cotton-gauze bandage moistened with water, and preferably with a 2% solution of baking soda.

From ammonia protects a gas mask with a different box, brand KD (gray) and industrial respirators RPG-67KD, RU-60MKD. They have two interchangeable boxes (left and right). They have the same markings as gas masks. It must be remembered that civilian gas masks do not protect against ammonia. In extreme cases, you must use a cotton-gauze bandage moistened with water or a 5% solution of citric acid.

Respiratory protection against hydrocyanic acid is provided by industrial gas masks of grades B (yellow) and BKF (protective color), as well as civilian gas masks GP-5, GP-7 and children's.

If hydrogen sulfide is present in the atmosphere, it is necessary to use industrial gas masks of the KD (gray), V (yellow), BKF (protective) brands or RPG-67KD and RU-60MKD respirators, civilian gas masks GP-5, GP-7 and children will also protect. Civilian gas masks GP-5, GP-7 and children's PDF-2D (D), PDF-2Sh (Sh) and PDF-7 reliably protect against hazardous chemicals such as chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, tetraethyl lead, ethyl mercaptan, phenol , furfural. To expand the capabilities of civilian gas masks according to AHOV, an additional DPG-3 cartridge has been developed for them. Complete with DPG-3, the above gas masks provide reliable protection against ammonia, dimethylamine, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, hydrochloric acid, ethyl mercaptan, nitrobenzene, phenol, furfural, tetraethyl lead. One can give such an example. If civil and children's gas masks protect against chlorine at a concentration of 5 mg / l for 40 minutes, then with DGP-3 - 100 minutes. Civilian and children's gas masks do not protect against ammonia at all, then with DPG-3 - 60 minutes.

To protect against hazardous chemicals in the focus of the accident, personal skin protection equipment (SIZK) of an insulating type is mainly used. These include an insulating chemical suit (KIKH-4, KIKH-5). It is designed to protect the fighters of gas rescue teams, emergency rescue units and civil defense troops when performing work in conditions of exposure to high concentrations of gaseous hazardous chemicals.

A protective emergency kit (KZA) is also used. In addition, a protective insulating kit with a Ch-20 ventilated space under the suit.

We should not forget about such skin protection equipment as the FZO-MP filtering protective clothing set, ZFO-58 protective filtering clothing, and the OZK combined-arms protective kit.

For the population, improvised means of protecting the skin, complete with gas masks, are recommended. These can be ordinary waterproof capes and raincoats, as well as coats made of dense thick material, wadded jackets. For legs - rubber boots, boots, galoshes. For hands - all types of rubber and leather gloves and mittens.

In the event of an accident with the release of hazardous chemicals, GO shelters provide reliable protection. Firstly, if the type of substance is unknown or its concentration is too high, you can switch to complete isolation (third mode), you can also stay in a room with a constant air volume for some time. Secondly, the filter absorbers of protective structures prevent the penetration of chlorine, phosgene, hydrogen sulfide and many other toxic substances, ensuring the safe stay of people. In extreme cases, when gases that are heavier than air and spread along the ground, like chlorine and hydrogen sulfide, spread, you can escape on the upper floors of buildings by tightly closing all the cracks in doors, windows, and batten down the ventilation openings.

You need to leave the infection zone in one of the directions perpendicular to the direction of the wind, focusing on the readings of the weather vane, the waving of the flag or any other piece of matter, on the slope of the trees from the open area. In the speech information about the emergency, it should be indicated where and on which streets, roads it is advisable to go out (leave) so as not to fall under the infected cloud. In such cases, you need to use any transport: buses, trucks and cars.

Time is the deciding factor. It is necessary to leave your houses and apartments for a while - 1-3 days: until the poisonous cloud passes and the source of its formation is localized.

The population should always be prepared for such emergencies. For this, classes are held at the place of work, study and residence. As a result, each person is obliged to acquire a certain amount of knowledge and skills in the use of means and methods of protection, to know the main characteristics of specific hazardous chemicals, how to protect food and water from contamination, what needs to be done in the apartment to prevent the penetration of toxic substances into it. It is especially important to clearly follow the rules of behavior in areas of chemical contamination, competently provide self- and mutual assistance in case of damage, skillfully help children in ensuring their safety.

Usually, at chemically hazardous facilities, special leaflets are developed for this, which indicate data on the properties of hazardous chemicals and signs of damage, information about what people living near such enterprises should know and be able to do, how to protect themselves, family and loved ones.


AHOV can enter the human body through the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes. When ingested, they cause violations of vital functions and endanger life.

According to the rate of development and nature, acute, subacute and chronic poisonings are distinguished.

Acute poisoning is called poisoning, which occurs after a few minutes or a few hours from the moment the poison enters the body. The general principles of emergency care for lesions of AHOV are:

Termination of further intake of poison into the body and removal of non-absorbed;

Accelerated excretion of absorbed toxic substances from the body;

The use of specific antidotes (antidotes);

Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy (restoration and maintenance of vital functions).

In case of inhalation intake of hazardous chemicals (through the respiratory tract) - putting on a gas mask, removal or removal from the infected area, if necessary, rinsing the mouth, sanitizing.

In case of contact with hazardous chemicals on the skin - mechanical removal, the use of special degassing solutions or washing with soap and water, if necessary, complete sanitization. Immediately flush eyes with water for 10-15 minutes. If toxic substances have entered through the mouth - mouth rinsing, gastric lavage, the introduction of adsorbents, bowel cleansing. Before gastric lavage, life-threatening conditions, convulsions are eliminated, adequate ventilation of the lungs is provided, removable dentures are removed. The victims, who are in a coma, the stomach is washed in the supine position on the left side. Probe gastric lavage is carried out with 10-15 liters of water at room temperature (18-20 0C) in portions of 0.5-1 liters using a system consisting of a funnel with a capacity of at least 0.5 liters, a connecting tube, a tee with a pear and a large gastric probe. An indicator of the correct insertion of the probe is the release of gastric contents from the funnel, lowered below the level of the stomach. Washing is carried out according to the siphon principle. At the moment of filling with water, the funnel is at the level of the stomach, then it rises by 30-60 cm, while the water from the funnel pours into the stomach. The funnel then descends below the level of the stomach. The washing water that has entered the funnel from the stomach is drained into a container specially prepared for this, and the procedure is repeated. Air must not enter the system. If the conductivity of the probe is disturbed, the system is clamped above the tee and several sharp compressions of the rubber bulb are performed. The stomach is washed to "clean water". After washing is completed, an adsorbent is introduced through the probe (3-4 tablespoons of activated carbon in 200 ml of water), a laxative: oil (150-200 mg of vaseline oil) or saline (20-30 g of sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate in 100 ml of water) .


Appendix 2

Classification of harmful substances

Appendix 3

Maximum allowable concentrations of a number of harmful substances

According to GOST 12.1.005-88, all harmful substances are divided into classes according to the degree of impact on the human body: 1 - extremely dangerous, 2 - highly dangerous, 3 - moderately dangerous, 4 - low-dangerous. The hazard is set depending on the MPC value, the average lethal dose and the dose of acute or chronic action.

Appendix 4

Maximum allowable concentrations of certain harmful substances (mg/m³) in the atmospheric air of populated areas

The maximum (one-time) concentration of MPCmr is the highest of the 30-minute concentrations recorded at a given point for a certain period of observation, the threshold of reflex action.

The average daily concentration of MPCs is the average of the number of concentrations detected during the day or taken continuously for 24 hours, the threshold of toxic action.

MPC (g/m³ or mg/l) of certain substances for water bodies

Rationing of the water quality of rivers, lakes and reservoirs is carried out in accordance with the “Sanitary rules and norms for the protection of surface waters from pollution” No. 4630-88 of the Ministry of Health of the USSR for two categories of water bodies: I - for household and drinking and cultural purposes and II - for fisheries purposes.

Harmful production factor

Essay on life safety

Organization of the funeral of the practice 5

Essay on life safety

Fire hazard analysis and development of fire protection measures for the painting process

Today, chemically hazardous substances are used in large volumes in household, agricultural, and industrial sectors. All of them are highly toxic and pose a threat to people and nature. Next, consider the most common emergency chemically hazardous substances.

The nature of the threat

Emergency chemically hazardous substances (AHOV) are used in production, processing, for transport and other needs. When they leak, air, water, animals, people, plants, soil are exposed to infection. In the event of an accident of chemical hazardous substances at the enterprise, a threat is created to the life of not only people who are directly within its boundaries. Toxic compounds that can move quickly with the wind can create a kill zone for tens of kilometers. In Russia, catastrophes occur every year, as a result of which chemically hazardous substances are released. At the same time, with the development of industry and technology, the threat only increases.

Hazardous chemicals and objects: general information

The largest reserves of toxic compounds are concentrated in oil refining, metallurgical, defense, meat and dairy, and food industries. In large volumes of AHOV are contained in chemical and pharmaceutical plants. Toxic compounds are present at trade and warehouse bases, at housing and communal services enterprises, in various joint-stock companies, at cold storage facilities. The most common hazardous chemicals are:

  • Hydrocyanic acid.
  • Benzene.
  • Sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide).
  • Ammonia.
  • Hydrogen fluoride and bromide.
  • Methyl mercaptan.
  • Hydrogen sulfide.

Processing features

Under normal conditions, chemically hazardous substances in most cases have a gaseous or liquid state. But in the process of production, use, processing, during storage, gaseous compounds are transformed. By compression, they are brought into a liquid state. Due to this transformation, the volume of hazardous chemicals is significantly reduced.

Toxicity characteristic

As indicators of the harmfulness of compounds, categories such as the maximum allowable concentration and toxodose are used. The limiting norm is the volume, daily exposure to which for a long time does not provoke diseases and any changes in the human body. The maximum allowable concentration is not used when assessing the danger of an emergency, since in case of an emergency, the duration of the toxic effect of hazardous chemicals is quite limited. Toxodose is a certain amount of a compound that can cause a toxic effect.


Under normal conditions, this compound is a yellow-green gas with an irritating, pungent odor. Its mass is greater than that of air, approximately 2.5 times. Because of this, chlorine accumulates in tunnels, wells, basements and lowlands. This compound is consumed annually in the amount of 40 million tons. Transportation and storage of chlorine is carried out in steel tanks and railway tanks under pressure. When it leaks, acrid smoke is formed, which irritates the skin and mucous membranes. The maximum permissible content of the compound in the air:

  • 1 mg / m 3 - in the workshop of the enterprise.
  • 0.1 mg / m 3 - single maximum concentration.
  • 0.03 mg / m 3 - average daily concentration.

Life-threatening exposure to chlorine for 30-60 minutes at a concentration of 100-200 mg/m 3 is considered.


Under normal conditions, this compound is present as a colorless gas. Ammonia has a pungent odor, a small mass (lighter than air, twice). When released into the atmosphere, forms smoke and explosive mixtures. Ammonia is highly soluble in water. The world production of this compound is up to 90 million tons annually. Ammonia is transported in a liquefied state in pressurized tanks. MPC in the air:

  • The maximum single and average daily concentration is 0.2 mg/m 3 .
  • In the workshop of the enterprise - 20 mg / m 3.

A threat to life is created at a concentration in the air of 500 mg / m 3. In such cases, the likelihood of death from poisoning is high.

Hydrocyanic acid

This clear and colorless liquid has an intoxicating odor similar to that of almonds. At normal temperatures, it is highly volatile. Hydrocyanic acid drops quickly evaporate: in winter in an hour, in summer - in 5 minutes. MPC in the air - 0.01 mg / m 3. At a concentration of 80 mg / m 3 poisoning occurs.

hydrogen sulfide

This colorless gas has an unpleasant and very pungent odor. Hydrogen sulfide is twice as heavy as air. In case of accidents, it accumulates in lowlands, first floors of buildings, tunnels, basements. Hydrogen sulfide is very polluting water. When inhaled, the compound affects the mucous membranes, and also negatively affects the skin. Among the first signs of poisoning, one should note headache, photophobia, lacrimation and burning in the eyes, cold sweat, vomiting and nausea, as well as a taste of metal in the mouth.

Features of the disaster

As a rule, in case of emergency with the destruction of the container, the pressure decreases to atmospheric pressure. As a result, hazardous chemicals boil up and are released as an aerosol, vapor or gas. The cloud formed directly when the container is damaged is called the primary cloud. Dangerous chemicals contained in it spread over a fairly long distance. The remaining volume of liquid spreads over the surface. Gradually, the compounds also evaporate. Gaseous hazardous chemicals released into the atmosphere form a secondary cloud of damage. It spreads over shorter distances.

Damage zones

These are territories that are contaminated with harmful compounds in concentrations that pose a threat to human life. The depth of the affected area (the distance over which air with hazardous substances will spread) will depend on the level of hazardous substances. Wind speed is also important. So, at flows of 1 m/s, the cloud will move away from the place of emergency by 5-7 km, at 2 m/s - by 10-14 km, at 3 m/s - by 16-21 km. With an increase in air and soil temperature, the evaporation of toxic compounds increases. This, in turn, contributes to an increase in the concentration of substances. The type (shape) of the infection zone also depends on the air flow. So, at 0.5 m / s it looks like a circle, 0.6-1 m / s - like a semicircle, 1.1 m / s - like a sector with a right (90 degrees) angle, 2 m / s and more - as a sector with an angle of 45 degrees.

Features of the defeat of settlements

It must be said that structures and buildings in the city heat up faster from the sun than in the countryside. In this regard, in large settlements there is an intensive movement of air. This contributes to the fact that hazardous substances penetrate into dead ends, basements, courtyards, on the first floors of houses, creating high concentrations there that pose a serious threat to the population.

Chemically hazardous objects(XOO) - these are objects, in the event of an accident at which or during the destruction of which people, farm animals and plants may be injured, or chemical contamination of the natural environment with hazardous chemicals in concentrations or quantities exceeding the natural level of their content in the environment.

The main damaging factor in case of an accident at a CSO is chemical contamination of the surface layer of the atmosphere; at the same time, contamination of water sources, soil, and vegetation is possible. These accidents are often accompanied by fires and explosions.

Emergencies with the release (threat of release) of hazardous chemicals are possible in the process of production, transportation, storage, processing, as well as in the event of deliberate destruction (damage) of objects with chemical technology, warehouses, powerful refrigerators and water treatment facilities, gas pipelines (product pipelines) and vehicles serving these facilities and industries.

The most dangerous accidents are at enterprises producing, using or storing toxic substances and explosive materials. These include plants and combines of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industries.

Of particular danger are accidents on railway transport, accompanied by a spill of transported highly toxic substances (SDN). These are toxic chemicals that are widely used in industry, agriculture and transport and are capable of leaking from destroyed (damaged) technological tanks, storage facilities and equipment to lead to air pollution and cause massive damage to people, farm animals and plants.

Among the numerous toxic substances used in industrial production and the economy, chlorine and ammonia are the most widely used.

Chlorine It is a yellow-green gas with a pungent odor. It is used in cotton mills for bleaching fabrics, in the manufacture of paper, the manufacture of rubber, and at waterworks for water disinfection. When spilled from faulty containers, chlorine "smokes". Chlorine is heavier than air, so it accumulates in low-lying areas of the area, penetrates into the lower floors and basements of buildings. Chlorine is highly irritating to the respiratory system, eyes and skin. Signs of chlorine poisoning - a sharp pain in the chest, dry cough, vomiting, pain in the eyes, watery eyes.

Ammonia- a colorless gas with a pungent odor of ammonia. It is used at facilities where refrigeration units are used (meat processing plants, vegetable bases, fish canning plants), as well as in the production of fertilizers and other chemical products. Ammonia is lighter than air. Acute ammonia poisoning causes damage to the respiratory tract and eyes. Signs of ammonia poisoning - runny nose, cough, choking, lacrimation, heart palpitations.

In addition to chlorine and ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, phosgene, carbon monoxide, mercury and other toxic substances are also used in production.

Hydrocyanic acid- colorless liquid with a smell of bitter almonds. This chemical is widely used in chemical plants, plastics, plexiglass and artificial fiber factories, it is also used as an agricultural pest control agent. Hydrocyanic acid is easily miscible with water and many organic solvents. Mixtures of its vapors with air can explode. Signs of poisoning - metallic taste in the mouth, weakness, dizziness, anxiety, dilated pupils, slow pulse, convulsions.

Phosgene It is a colorless, highly toxic gas. It is distinguished by the sweet smell of rotten fruit, rotting leaves or wet hay, it is heavier than air. This substance is used in industry in the production of various solvents, dyes, medicines and other substances. In phosgene poisoning, as a rule, four characteristic periods are observed. First period- contact with a contaminated atmosphere, characterized by some irritation of the respiratory tract, a sensation of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, slight salivation, coughing. Second period observed after leaving the contaminated atmosphere, when all these signs pass quickly and the victim feels healthy. This is a period of latent action of phosgene, during which, with external well-being, lung damage develops within 2-12 hours (depending on the severity of intoxication). For third period rapid breathing, fever, headache are characteristic. An ever-increasing cough appears with copious secretion of liquid foamy sputum (sometimes with blood), pain in the throat and chest is felt, the heartbeat increases, nails and lips turn blue, and then the face and limbs.

The fourth period characterized by the fact that as a result of the development of the lesion, pulmonary edema occurs, which reaches a maximum by the end of the first day and lasts for approximately two days. If during this period the affected person does not die, then from the next day his gradual recovery begins.

Carbon monoxide- colorless gas, in its pure form, odorless, slightly lighter than air, poorly soluble in water. It is widely used in industry for the production of various hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. Carbon monoxide as a by-product when using oil, coal and biomass is formed during incomplete oxidation of carbon in conditions of insufficient air access. Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning- headache, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements and reflex sphere, a number of shifts in mental activity, reminiscent of alcohol intoxication (euphoria, loss of self-control, etc.). Reddening of the affected skin is characteristic. Later, convulsions develop, consciousness is lost, and, if emergency measures are not taken, a person may die due to respiratory arrest and heart function.

Mercury- liquid silvery-white metal, which is used in the manufacture of fluorescent and mercury lamps, measuring instruments (thermometers, barometers, manometers), in the production of amalgams, means that prevent wood decay, laboratory and medical practice. Symptoms of mercury poisoning appear after 8-24 hours and are expressed in general weakness, headache, pain when swallowing, fever. Somewhat later, soreness of the gums, abdominal pain, gastric disorders, and sometimes pneumonia are observed. Possible death. Chronic intoxications (poisoning) develop gradually and last for a long time without obvious signs of the disease. Then there is increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, apathy, emotional instability, headaches, dizziness. At the same time, trembling of the hands, tongue, eyelids develops, and in severe cases, the legs and the whole body.

Chemical reconnaissance devices are used to determine the presence of toxic substances in the air, on the ground and on various objects. One of them is a military chemical reconnaissance device (VPKhR). A description of the composition and principle of operation of the VPKhR is given in Chapter 2.

The presence of some SDYAV in the air (such as chlorine, ammonia, and some others) and their concentration can be determined using a universal portable gas analyzer UG-2.

In the event of an accident at a chemical plant and the appearance of toxic substances in the air and on the ground, a civil defense signal “Attention to everyone!” - sirens, intermittent horns of enterprises and special vehicles, and radio and television broadcast messages from local authorities or civil defense (GO).

The main measures to protect personnel and the public in case of accidents at chemical facilities:

■ use of personal protective equipment and shelters with isolation regime;

in the use of antidotes and skin treatments;

■ observance of regimes of behavior (protection) in the contaminated territory;

■ evacuation of people from the contaminated zone that emerged during the accident;

■ sanitization of people, decontamination of clothing, territory, structures, transport, equipment and property.

The personnel and the population working and living near the chemical protection facility should know the properties, distinguishing features and potential danger of SDYAV used at this facility, ways of individual protection against damage by them, be able to act in the event of an accident, provide first aid to those affected.

Workers and employees, having heard the warning signal, immediately put on personal protective equipment, primarily gas masks. Everyone at his workplace must do everything possible to reduce the disastrous consequences of the accident: ensure the correct shutdown of energy sources, stop units, devices, shut off gas, steam and water communications in accordance with the conditions of the process and safety regulations. The personnel then take shelter in prepared shelters or leave the contamination zone. When announcing a decision on evacuation, workers and employees are required to appear at the prefabricated evacuation points of the facility.

Employees included in the emergency rescue formations of civil defense, upon a signal about an accident, arrive at the collection point of the formation and participate in the localization and liquidation of the source of chemical damage.

When receiving information about the accident and the danger of chemical contamination, residents should wear personal respiratory protection (Fig. 3.2), and in their absence, use the simplest means of respiratory protection (handkerchiefs, paper napkins, pieces of cloth moistened with water) and skin (raincoats , capes) and take cover in the nearest shelter or leave the area of ​​​​possible chemical contamination.

If it is impossible to leave the dwelling (if the cloud has already covered the area of ​​​​residence or is moving at such a speed that there is no time to leave it), the home premises should be sealed. To do this, tightly close doors, windows, ventilation and chimneys. Curtain entrance doors with blankets or thick fabric. Seal cracks in doors and windows with paper, adhesive tape, adhesive tape or plug with wet rags.

When leaving the dwelling, you should close the windows and vents, turn off the electric heaters, gas (extinguish the fire in the stoves), take the necessary things from warm clothes and food.

You need to leave the zone of chemical contamination in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind. You should move quickly across the contaminated area, but do not run, do not raise dust and do not touch surrounding objects, avoid tunnels, ravines, hollows, where the concentration of toxic substances is higher. All along the path of movement should

use respiratory and skin protection equipment. After leaving the infection zone, you need to remove outer clothing, rinse your eyes and open areas of the body with water, rinse your mouth.

toxic substances, exclude any physical activity, take plenty of fluids and contact a medical professional.

When providing assistance, the victims should first of all protect their respiratory organs from further exposure to toxic substances. To do this, put on a gas mask or cotton-gauze bandage on the victim, having previously moistened it with water or a 2% solution of baking soda in case of chlorine poisoning, and in case of ammonia poisoning with a 5% solution of citric acid, and evacuate him from the infection zone.

In case of ammonia poisoning, rinse the skin, eyes, nose, and mouth with plenty of water. Put two or three drops of a 30% sodium sulfacyl solution into the eyes, and olive oil into the nose. Artificial respiration is prohibited.

In case of chlorine poisoning, rinse the skin, mouth, nose with plenty of 2% solution of baking soda. Give artificial respiration if breathing stops.

In case of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, if it enters the stomach, immediately induce vomiting. Rinse the stomach with clean water or a 2% solution of baking soda. Give artificial respiration if breathing stops.

No specific therapeutic or prophylactic agents have been found against phosgene. Phosgene poisoning requires fresh air, rest and warmth. Under no circumstances should artificial respiration be given.

In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, let ammonia be inhaled, apply a cold compress to the head and chest, if possible, let's inhale moistened oxygen, and if breathing stops, do artificial respiration.

In case of mercury poisoning, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach through the mouth with plenty of water with 20-30 g of activated charcoal or protein water, then give milk, egg yolk whipped with water, and then a laxative. In case of acute, especially inhalation, poisoning, after leaving the affected area, it is necessary to provide the victim with complete rest, and then hospitalize.

In order to exclude the possibility of further damage to the population in an accident with the release of toxic chemicals, a whole range of works is being carried out to degas the area, clothes, shoes, and household items.

Three methods of degassing are most often used: mechanical, physical and chemical. Mechanical methods involve removing toxic chemicals from the area, objects, or isolating the contaminated layer. For example, the upper contaminated layer of soil is cut off and taken to specially designated places for burial, or it is covered with sand, earth, gravel, crushed stone. Physical methods consist in the treatment of contaminated objects and materials with hot air, water vapor. The essence of chemical degassing methods is the complete destruction of toxic chemicals by their decomposition and conversion into other non-toxic compounds using special solutions.

Decontamination of clothing, footwear, household items is carried out in a variety of ways (ventilation, boiling, steam treatment), depending on the nature of the contamination and the properties of the material from which these items are made.
