Guidelines for preparing children for school. Preparing for school, part 15 Download manuals for preparing a child for school

Tasks for a child of 6-7 years old, aimed at express preparation for school: the study of a soft sign, types of lines and angles, the development of thinking and mental counting, the development of speech and attention.

Learning to read. Introduction to "b"

Target: the formation of reading skills, acquaintance with a new letter.

Material: worksheet. Card with b. Cards with the words - DUST and DUST, MOL and MOL.

In Russian there is a sign that denotes the softness of a consonant - a soft sign. A soft sign is not a sound.

The teacher shows a card with a soft sign.

- A soft sign is a special sign. A soft sign is just a signal to the mouth and tongue - to say SOUND differently.
- b almost always softens, like a pillow.

The teacher shows cards with the words:

  • dust, dust
  • mole - mole.
  • Children circle the letter with a finger along the contour, "remember the letter."

    What letter is written on the worksheets at the top left? (b).
    - Write b with your finger in the air.
    - Draw patterns on the letter b.
    - Circle and complete your own b.
    - What does b look like?

    Learning to read. soft sign

    Target: the formation of knowledge of the image of the letter.

    Material: worksheet. Plasticine.

    Let's make a soft plasticine sign.

    Now listen to a poem about a soft sign:

    Read the poem on your own. Learn it by heart at home.

    Learning to read. Words with "b"

    Target: the formation of reading skills.

    Material: worksheet.

    Read the words. Underline the b in the words.

    Dictation. Offers

    Target: the formation of writing skills, the development of coding ability.

    Material: worksheet.

    Write a sentence under dictation:


    Put stress on the words.

    What is at the end of a sentence? Circle the dot.

    Mathematics. Lace work. Repeating all kinds of lines and angles

    Target: Consolidation of the concepts of "closed", "open", "straight", "curve" lines. Repetition of all types of angles (straight, acute, obtuse). Repetition of the days of the week. Fixing graphic images of numbers.

    materials: each child - beads, a lace with a knot at one end. Three laces. Ball.

    The teacher throws the ball to the children, asking questions and giving assignments:

    - Count from 1 to 5.
    - Count from 4 to 8.
    - Count from 7 to 3.
    - Name the neighbors of the number 5.
    - Name the neighbors of the number 8.
    - What are the lines? (Straight lines, curves, closed, open).
    - What is a cut? (This is a piece of a line, part of a line).
    - What are the angles? (Acute, straight, blunt).
    - How many days are in one week? (Seven). Right! Now we will string beads on a string, like days for a week, and pronounce each day of the week in order.

    The teacher distributes laces (with a knot at one end) and beads to the children and suggests, putting the beads on the lace, repeat the days of the week after it in order:

    - Monday (children repeat "Monday" in chorus, putting the first bead on the string).
    - Tuesday (put on the second bead, repeating the second day of the week in unison).
    - Wednesday... Etc.
    - Well done! Samodelkin sent each of you three shoelaces and wrote tasks. I will read and you will do:

    1. Turn the first lace into a straight line (put a lace on the tables in the form of a straight line), turn the second lace into a curved open line (lay), and turn the third lace into a curved closed line. (They put it.) An adult checks who did not cope - draws answers on the board, reminding what a closed and open line is.

    2. Second task: turn the first lace into an acute angle, the second into a right angle, and the third into an obtuse angle. (Children do. Then the adult draws on the board - the children check themselves).

    3. Fold the first lace into an oval, the second into a triangle, the third into a circle.

    4. Last task: fold the first lace into the number "1", the second into the number "6", and the third into the number "3". What letter does the number "3" look like?

    Development of thinking. Game "What is superfluous?"

    Goals: the development of logical thinking, the systematization of ideas about the world around us, the development of the ability to group objects according to a common feature.

    materials: Ball.

    Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn, calling 4 words. The task of the child is to name an extra word and explain his choice.

    Word groups:

  • Cloud, sun, star, flower. (A flower, since it is not in the sky).
  • Bus, trolleybus, refrigerator, car. (A refrigerator is not a vehicle).
  • Rose, tulip, birch, violet.
  • Cucumber, yogurt, carrot, tomato.
  • Cat, dog, tiger, cow.
  • Shoes, socks, boots, boots.
  • Skis, sleds, rollerblades, skates.
  • March, April, May, September.
  • Grasshopper, nightingale, fly, spider.
  • Rope, ribbon, snake, lace.
  • Circle, ball, triangle, square
  • Doll, frying pan, saucepan, ladle, etc.
  • Mathematics. Verbal counting

    Target: Counting within 10.

    materials: each child - cards with numbers.

    Listen to how many times I clap my hands, and hold up a card with a number greater than two. (The teacher claps his hands 5 times, the children must raise the card with the number "7").

    Listen to how many times I stomp my foot, and hold up a card with a number less than two units. (The teacher stomps 7 times, the children raise the card with the number "5"). You can ask one of the guys to comment on their answer, helping him if necessary. The child says: "You clapped your hands 7 times, and the number that is less than seven by two units is five").

    Well done! Now listen to how many times I hit the pen on the table, and raise the number greater by 1 unit. (Knocks the pen on the table 9 times, the children raise the number "10").

    To make it harder for you to ask... Listen to how many times I ring the bell, and show the number less than three units. (Rings the bell 9 times, children show a card with the number "6").

    Tasks can be simpler: listen to the claps and show a number equal to their number or more / less by 1 unit.

    Mathematics. Introduction to the concept of "Cylinder"

    Target: Count within 10. Introduction to the concept of "Cylinder".

    materials for each child: Cards with numbers. For each table: A rubber turnip or a heavy object, a set of unsharpened pencils. For the teacher: cylindrical objects: sausage, pencils, jars, glue stick, etc.

    The teacher puts cylindrical objects on the table: a glass, a sausage, a cylinder hat, a cylindrical jar, an adhesive pencil, etc.

    - Guys, what do all these items have in common? (All of these items have a similar shape.)

    If children find it difficult to answer, you can ask leading questions:

    - Maybe the objects are made of the same material? Maybe they are the same color? Size? Forms? When the children answer the question, the adult summarizes:
    - This shape is called a cylinder, and objects of this shape are called cylindrical. The word "cylinder" in ancient Greek meant a roller that could be rolled on the ground.

    The teacher distributes cylinders to the children and offers to roll them on the table or on the floor. Children make sure that the cylinders roll.

    - In the old days, when there were no cars and cranes, people moved heavy objects with the help of cylinders. So the grandfather and the woman, when they pulled out the turnip, realized that they themselves would not bring it home.
    - We need cylinders! - said the grandfather.
    - Where can we find them? Grandma was surprised.
    - Let's cut down a few trees, take their trunks - and we get cylinders!

    And so they did. They cut down several trees, cleared them of branches, and cylinders turned out. Imagine that pencils are peeled tree trunks. (Children receive a set of unsharpened round pencils ("tree trunks") and rubber turnips (or other "heavy" objects). Think about how you can use cylinders to move a Turnip or any other heavy load from one end of the table to the other?

    Children express their suggestions, an adult helps to come to the idea that the Turnip is placed on top of the pencils, the pencils roll, moving a heavy object. The kids are trying it out.

    Mathematics. Examples

    Target: development of thinking operations.

    Material: worksheet.

    Fill in the missing characters to make the examples correct.

    Development of attention Cups

    Target: development of the properties of attention.

    materials: worksheet, pencils.

    Find all the cups in the picture.

    How many cups did you find?

    The development of speech. Writing options for the ending of a fairy tale

    Target: development of thinking, speech, fantasy.

    materials: No.

    The teacher asks one of the children to tell the tale "Ryaba the Hen".

    - Guys, are you sorry that the mouse broke the golden egg and upset the grandmother and grandfather? (Yes).
    - Or maybe it could be different? The testicle might not have broken, do you think? (Could). Let's come up with a different ending for this tale - where the testicle did not break. How could this happen?
    (Answer options.) The teacher encourages children to fantasize with leading questions. If the children are silent, the adult himself begins to fantasize aloud, connecting the children to the discussion:

    Options for continuing the story:

    1. "... the mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell, but did not break, because it had a strong shell and it fell on the straw. The grandfather and the woman realized that this testicle was not beating, went to the hen and said: take it , hen, my testicle back - we can’t do anything with it. The hen took her golden egg and brought out of it a chicken - not a simple one, but a golden one! The chicken grew by leaps and bounds, and soon became a golden cockerel that could grant wishes ... "

    2. - And how else could this fairy tale end? "... The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke ... Then the hen laid them another golden egg. The old people took it, broke it, the grandmother kneaded the dough and baked Kolobok. And they sold the golden shells and bought a fur coat for the grandmother, and for the grandfather hat for the winter. Etc.

    Then, summarizing:

    - Guys, what ending did you like the most - the one that was or one of those that we came up with? Why?

    Development of thinking. What is superfluous?

    Target: development of mental actions of analysis-synthesis, generalization

    1. Wolf, fox, bear, rabbit.

    2. Lynx, wild boar, hare, elk.

    3. Panther, leopard, tiger, bear.

    4. Lion, buffalo, giraffe, donkey.

    5. Wolf, hedgehog, eagle, fox.

    Preparing the hand for writing. Cell copying. Dog

    Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet.

    Copy the dog in the cells.

    Drawing with paints. Bear

    Target: development of graphics functions. Development of creative thinking, imagination, development of the basics of modeling, consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes (circle, oval, semicircle). Developing the ability to work with paints in the "sticking" technique.

    materials: a sheet of paper, brown gouache paint, a brush, a glass of water, a napkin, a pencil, a finished sample.

    - Let's draw a bear using only circles, ovals and semicircles in drawing.
    - What should I draw on a bear? (Head, body, legs). Right, but how many paws does a bear have? (Four paws).
    - Thank you. So, I draw on the board, and you draw on a piece of paper.
    - First you need to draw a large vertical oval. It turned out the body of a bear.
    - Then you need to paint a circle on top. The circle is his head.
    - Then draw 4 ovals, which will be the paws of the bear.
    - Now let's take care of the head. On top of the circle, draw two semicircles - it turned out ... (Ears!)
    - Draw a horizontal oval inside the circle - the muzzle of the bear. Above the oval are three circles: the bear's nose and eyes. And in the oval itself we draw a semicircle - we get a clubfoot mouth.

    Then draw the claws on the paws and take brown paint.

    - To depict the fur of a bear, you need to put the paint with pokes.
    - The drawing of the bear is ready!

    The teacher assigns homework to the children.

    The unbreakable foundation of a successful future is good schooling. It is necessary to prepare for secondary education with high quality, and to start doing this already in the senior and preparatory group of the kindergarten. The best preparation for school - 6-7 years, aimed at the comprehensive expansion of the child's knowledge.

    What should a child of 6-7 years old entering school know and be able to do?

    Admission of preschoolers to the general education class is similar to a real exam. In the process of a short interview with a teacher-psychologist, the following are determined: the level of development of the child, the ability to retell the text, reading and writing skills, mathematical knowledge and the ability to think logically.

    Preschool preparation for school

    Development of attention and memory

    By the age of seven, it is important for a child to form "arbitrary" attention. Its peculiarity is that a preschooler can concentrate on the object of action, not desire, and do what is needed, instead of what one wants.

    To demonstrate readiness for school, the child must know:

    • Your full name (with surname and patronymic), names of parents, place of residence (name of the country, city, street, house and apartment).
    • Major domestic and wild animals, birds;
    • Plants, holidays, common professions and sports;
    • Shapes and colors;
    • Differences in sizes (smaller and larger), sounds (vowel, consonant), sides (right and left).

    The control tasks also include:

    • "Find differences" (from 3 to 5);
    • “Name it in one word” (banana, apple, pear - fruits);
    • "Find an extra item" (potato, carrot, apple, cucumber).
    • Tell what is the difference (spring from autumn).
    • Name the current season and explain its features.

    Important! The development of attention and memory is also tested on the child's ability to retell the material heard and restore events in the correct sequence.

    Reading and literacy

    Children of senior preschool age should listen, understand and fulfill the requirements of the teacher, know the letters and be able to compose them into syllables and short words, be able to perform tracing and hatching exercises, depict printed letters and some written elements in full.

    Teaching a child to read

    In kindergarten, kids are taught:

    • Isolate a certain sound from different words.
      - Clap your hands when I call the sound "C": poppy, braid, house, juice.
    • Find the position of a sound in one word (is it at the beginning, middle or end).
      Where is the "S" sound? Catfish (at the beginning).
    • Determine the sequence of sounds in a short word.
      - What is the first sound in the word "juice" - "s". Name the second sound - "o". The third is "k".
    • Divide short words into syllables.
      - Pa-pa, ma-ma, pa-ma.
    • Find differences between hard and soft sounds, deaf and voiced, consonants and vowels.

    In their native language, a preschooler should be able to:

    • Form singular and plural nouns;
    • Use prepositions and possessive pronouns in the correct context;
    • Form a diminutive form of nouns and a possessive form of adjectives;
    • Match nouns and numbers correctly.

    Verbal counting

    The development of mathematical thinking in the future first-grader is also important. By the beginning of school education, the child should be able to:

    • Count within two tens;
    • Say the numbers in reverse order (from 10 to 1);
    • Know the neighbors of the first ten numbers;
    • Find the place of a certain number in a row;
    • Keep count of objects, both by ear and by touch;
    • Decompose large numbers into two smaller ones, and, conversely, add one larger one from two smaller ones;
    • Be able to add and subtract within the first ten, as well as cope with the simplest exercise based on these mathematical operations.

    First grader at the blackboard

    Important! Often, according to the results of an "interview" with a preschool child, the revealed level of development turns out to be much lower than it actually is. This may be due to excitement in front of an unfamiliar adult, fear of repeating a question, or peculiarities of the nervous system and psyche of the child.

    To prevent a similar situation with tasks for preschoolers, when preparing for school, the baby should be taught:

    • communicate with adults, and not just with their peers;
    • answer questions on various topics and also ask them;
    • overcome shyness and timidity.

    How much should a future first grader study

    According to the time approved in the federal state educational standards (FSES), in the preparatory group of the kindergarten, children do no more than 25-30 minutes in one “lesson”. At this time, the organizational moment (collection of children, acquaintance with the type of proposed activity) and summing up the results of the lesson are already included.

    Group lesson in kindergarten

    How to prepare for school - rules and requirements

    In the concept of preparing a child for the first grade, there are 4 main criteria:

    1. Physical readiness. Studying at school is associated with a great load, both psychological and physical. If the physical abilities of a preschooler are not developed to the right extent, this can adversely affect the entire time of his education. As a rule, already when filling out a child's medical record, doctors study problems in the functioning of the body and give advice on special forms of education or visits to specialized schools.
    2. The development of intelligence. By school age, children are not enough to be able to count and read. The readiness of the intellect for further learning is reflected in special skills and abilities (concentration, ability to generalize, good fine motor skills, attention), in developed logic. A future first grader needs to be able to answer questions in detail and ask them in response, retell the text in their own words and compose a story based on visual material. These skills indicate sufficient development of speech.
    3. Social adaptation. A child of the senior and preparatory group, after visiting the kindergarten, fully masters the laws of the groups, learns to play both the role of a leader and the role of a student, obeying and fulfilling the requirements of the elder.
    4. Psychological readiness. Often, children want to go to school as soon as possible in order to get a beautiful portfolio and “play” live at school. However, real readiness is reflected in the child's desire to develop his cognitive need, the still unconscious desire to take his place in society. Therefore, the main element of preparing for school for preschoolers is considered to be the formed ability to learn.

    Preparing for school - developing reading tasks for children

    A list of interesting tasks aimed at developing reading skills, retelling, the ability to generalize and highlight the main thing, as well as teaching a child to read and write:

    Help the bunny get foodLearn to distinguish a sound from a number of wordsHelp the bunny get to the carrot. He can only go to those items that have the letter "L" in their name.
    Reading without speakingThe ability to match letters and numbers, the development of reading skillsAn abbreviated Russian alphabet is presented, under each letter of which there is a number from the first ten. Short words are selected from this alphabet, for each letter of which the child must make a certain number of claps.
    Tongue twisters and short tongue twistersThe development of speech, a clear and clear pronunciation of soundsClean tongues and tongue twisters are selected for any letter with various vowels / consonants.

    For example, to work out the sound “C”, syllables are used - SA, CO, SU, etc.

    Pure tongue - SA-SA-SA, an OSA sits on the leg.

    SU-SU-SU, I will find LiSU in the garden.

    Preparing for school - developing tasks for children in mathematics

    Young mathematicians in developing tasks perform subtraction actions only within the first ten, and addition - within 20.

    Note! Oral counting occurs both in the usual order and in reverse.

    countingDevelopment of attention, counting within 20Count the number of dots on the cube and write down the answer.
    PostmanDevelop addition skills in a preschoolerThree numbers are written on the envelope, and one is missing. Together they add up to the number circled. Find the missing number.
    DaisiesFinding the sum of a number, the method of substitution and estimationThe task presents a chamomile with six petals. It is necessary to color only 3 petals so that together they make up the number indicated in the center of the chamomile.
    UmbrellaThe ability to solve the simplest examples and match them with a specific color or shadeSolve small examples and color the umbrella with the color that matches the answer.
    CastleDevelop sorting skills, streamline knowledge about various geometric shapesHow many triangles are in the castle?
    How many rectangles are in the castle?
    How many ovals are in the castle?
    And how many squares?

    Tasks for the development of mathematical skills in children

    Preparing a hand for writing - recipes with riddles for schoolchildren

    The most important role in teaching a preschooler belongs to the development of hands. At school, a lot of time is devoted to writing, with insufficiently formed fine motor skills, by the end of the school day, the child will feel tension in the hands. And this, in turn, will affect the formation of handwriting.

    Note! The cycle of training of the senior and preparatory groups includes the use of various educational copybooks.

    As a rule, small sheets with exercises that require tracing or hatching act as copybooks for preparatory groups. They can be found online or purchased in bookstores.

    In order not to get lost in the variety of material presented on the network, not to buy and print poor-quality work by unknown authors, a list of good copybooks was compiled to help prepare children for writing:

    • ROSMEN, Complete preparation of the hand for writing - copybooks in the amount of 8 pieces (from 400 rubles * for the entire set);
    • Bortnikova's prescription for children from 6 years old (30 rubles *);
    • ROSMEN “I write and draw by dots” - a lot of positive feedback (60 rubles *);
    • ROSMEN “I draw lines and stroke” (60 rubles *);
    • Complex prescriptions "Getting ready for the letter" (from 185 rubles *)

    The sequence of classes to prepare the hand for writing should be as follows:

    • Learning to draw various lines (ordinary - horizontal and vertical, oblique, wavy);
    • Drawing shapes: circle and oval, square and rectangle, triangle and rhombus;
    • Next, the elements of individual letters or numbers are studied;
    • Preparing a hand for writing

      Remember that the main task of adults remains. Many parents think that a child counting up to 100 will not be interested in peers who have barely mastered the first two decades by that time. However, good preparation for school will help the child feel confident, which means that he will study with great interest and dedication.

      *All prices are valid on 28.04.2019

    We publish nine tasks with sheets for printing - to prepare for school from notebooks of the Japanese KUMON series, which are used by children in 46 countries of the world. Today we will teach the child numbers and shapes, add and subtract using simple examples. Easy and fun!

    But first - advice for parents: how to teach your baby to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

    How to hold a pen

    There are several ways to teach your child how to hold a pen or pencil correctly. Here is one of them. It is difficult for a child whose fingers are not yet strong enough to hold a pencil correctly. Teach him this gradually so that he does not lose interest in writing.

    1. Help the child place the index finger and thumb at a right angle, as shown in the figure. Place the pencil on top of the groove between these fingers and at the same time on the bent middle finger.

    2. Now have the child squeeze the pencil between thumb and forefinger.

    3. Compare with the drawing to see if your child is holding the pencil correctly.

    Activities for preschoolers

    1. Draw a line from 1 to 5 through all the numbers in order, calling them out loud.

    2. Write the number 4 and say it.

    3. Find and circle shapes that look like the pattern.

    On this page, the child needs to find circles of different sizes among other shapes. If it is difficult for him to cope with the task, describe the circle to the child. Say, for example, that a circle is like a ball.

    4. Write the missing numbers in the table, and then perform the addition.

    5. Subtract. Solve each example!

    6. Draw a line from the arrow (↓) to the asterisk (*) that will connect all the reels.

    7. Color the mouthwash cup and toothpaste tube.

    In this task, you need to color the mouthwash cup and the toothpaste tube. When the child finishes the work, say: “The boy is just great for brushing his teeth before going to bed! And you will brush your teeth today too.”

    8. Do the addition.

    Tatiana Brodskaya

    "Formation of elementary mathematical representations" with in-depth study for children in the preparatory group.

    Tasks for individual work with each child.

    materials: a notebook in a large cell (12-18 sheets, a ballpoint pen, colored pencils.

    preschooler performs the exercise and, together with the teacher, checks for correct execution, which allows in the future to select tasks difficulty or repetition.

    Data tasks allow the teacher to observe the dynamics logical thinking,development motor skills of the hands of preschoolers.

    These fun activities are great for kids!

    Exercises included: writing numbers, the order of sequences of numbers and signs, connecting numbers by dots, "find the number", hatching in geometric shapes and much more.

    This is an exciting journey that preschoolers look into the world"Schools".

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    Target: to give a general concept of human speech, the formation of positive motivation for cognitive activity. Formation of graphic skills. Repetition and writing of letters A, O, U, Y, I.

    Material: hedgehog, cat, dog, worksheet. Cards with letters A, O, U. Pencils.

    - Here-knock-knock! Oh, guys, who is coming to us? (show children a hedgehog)
    - Hedgehog, why did you come to us?
    - Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu!
    - Guys, did you understand anything that the hedgehog said?
    - Hedgehog, repeat again.
    - Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu!
    - Nothing is clear.
    - Meow meow meow.
    Oh, who came to us? (teacher pulls a cat out from under the table)
    - Woof woof woof.
    Oh, who else is coming to us? (teacher pulls a dog out from under the table)
    - Guys, did you understand what the animals told us? (no) And I didn't understand.
    - Do you understand me? (Yes). Come on, let's play on the carpet.
    - Let's jump, stomp, clap. You understand me, because we have human speech, with the help of it we communicate with you.

    The teacher asks the children to name an action in turn. Children call and perform it together with the teacher (we will dance, spin, etc.).

    - You speak and everyone understands you too. Why do we need speech? To communicate. But what if people are far from each other? You can write a letter. Writing is also speech, which we write down using letters. We will learn how to competently master our speech: speak correctly, write words and sentences, and also read!
    - Listen to the words that I will tell you now: STORK, ABC, ARKA. What sound do these words begin with? That's right, from the sound of A.
    - And this is the letter that stands for the sound A. (The teacher shows a card with the letter A). Circle the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
    - Now listen to the following words and name the first sound: CLOUD, DONKEY, WASPS.
    - What sound did you hear? Sound O. And this is the letter O, which means the sound O in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter O). What does this letter look like?

    - Today we will remember one more sound and letter. Listen to the words and highlight the first sound: UM, DUCK, MUSCLE.
    - What sound did you hear? This is the sound U. And this is the letter U, which stands for the sound U in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter U).
    - Circle the letter Y with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
    - And now we will write all these letters!

    Children in the worksheets circle the letters A O U. The teacher makes sure that the children move from left to right and from top to bottom, not skipping letters in the lines.

    - Listen to the words that I will tell you now: NEEDLE, TURKEY. What sound do these words begin with? That's right, from the sound of I.
    - And this is the letter that stands for the sound I. (The teacher shows a card with the letter I). Circle the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
    - Now listen to the following words and name the same sound that occurs in each word: SOAP, BULL, LYNX, SKI.
    - What sound did you hear? Y sound. And this is the letter Ы, which means the sound Ы on the letter. (The teacher shows a card with the letter Y). What does this letter look like?
    - Circle the letter with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
    - Circle the letters Y, Y on the worksheets.

    Children in the worksheets circle the letters Y, I. The teacher makes sure that the child's hand moves from left to right and from top to bottom, not skipping letters in the lines.

    Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Sound And


    The teacher invites the children to name what is drawn in the pictures.

    - Color the objects whose names begin with the sound I.
    What pictures will you color? Why?
    - Pronounce the words so that the sound Y can be heard well.

    Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Place of sound Y in words

    Material: worksheet, colored pencils.

    - I know, and you know that there are no words that begin with the sound Y.
    - But in words this sound is often found. It can be heard in the middle or at the end of a word.
    - Make up your own words with the sound Y, and say where the sound is, in the middle or at the end.
    - If the sound Ы is in the middle of the word - put a dot in the middle of the line with a red pencil, if at the end of the word - at the end of the line.
    - Thank you guys for introducing Masha to the sounds and letters Y, I.

    We draw the attention of children that in the word skiing the sound Ы is in the middle and at the end of the word.

    Number row. Count up to 20

    Let's count to 20 with you. Get your pens ready. We will clap our hands with you and count together in chorus for each clap.

    The teacher counts with the children.

    Mobile game. Days of the week

    Children become in a circle.

    On Monday I swam (depicting swimming)

    And on Tuesday I painted. (Depicting drawing)

    On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time, (we wash our faces)

    And played football on Thursday. (Running in place)

    On Friday I jumped, ran, (jump)

    I danced for a very long time. (circling in place)

    And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

    I rested all day. (Children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

    Mathematics "Equality and Inequality"

    Target: to form the ability to understand quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them down using the signs "equal" and "unequal".

    materials: a bowl with 5 apples and 5 carrots per child (either wooden or cut out of cardboard), signs = and, 2 plates per child. Bunny is a toy.

    1. Harvest.

    - Let's help the bunny harvest.
    - Place 1 apple on one plate and 1 carrot on the other. How many apples? How many carrots? (One by one). So apples and carrots are equally divided.
    - In order to show that the number of items is the same, the "equal" sign is used.

    The teacher shows the sign to the children.

    Put this sign between the plates.

    - It turned out one is equal to one.
    - Put another apple on a plate with an apple. Is it possible to leave an equal sign? (No)
    - Why? (Two is not equal to one).
    - Right. In order to show that the number of items is not equal to each other, the sign "unequal" is used.

    The teacher shows the appropriate sign.

    What is the difference between the signs "equal" and "unequal"?
    - Let's put an inequality sign between the plates now.
    - It turned out two is not equal to one.
    - Put another carrot on the plate. What sign should be placed? (Equalities)

    The children read the text on their own.

    - And now put the carrots and apples on the plates yourself and put the desired sign between them, read the entry.

    2. The teacher gives out a worksheet.

    Look at the task with carrots. Put an equal or inequality sign between the carrots.

    The world. Vegetables and fruits

    Target: development of mental actions of analysis-synthesis, generalization.

    Material: replicas of vegetables and fruits that are in a bag, two bowls.

    The teacher organizes the game on the carpet.

    Masha decided to make riddles for us, listen to them and answer the questions.
    - What is more in the forest: fir-trees or trees?
    - What is more in the garden: vegetables or potatoes?
    - Who is more in kindergarten: girls or children?
    - Masha brought us a bag, let's see what's in it.

    The children take it in turns to take the item out of the bag and name it.

    - Oh, how many vegetables and fruits were in the bag.
    - Let's put the vegetables in one bowl, and the fruits in another.

    Children name and sort vegetables and fruits.

    - Well done, we all laid out with you.

    Massage break. My little finger, where have you been?

    We dress and remove the spring ring on all fingers in turn.

    My little finger, where have you been?

    With the nameless - cabbage soup cooked,

    And with the middle - ate porridge,

    With index sang.

    And the big one met me

    And treated me to candy

    The big one on the right danced

    And he invited me to dance.

    Index on the right

    He led us on a campaign with the whole crowd.

    The middle brother carries a backpack,

    The nameless one walks like this.

    And the little finger began to play,

    Invite brothers to listen. (Clap your hands to the rhythm of the poem)

    One two three four five!

    Development of thinking. Combinatorics. Bunny's houses

    Target: the development of combinatorial thinking.

    Material: worksheet, pencils.

    - The bunny has two houses. See how the bunny decided to paint the walls of the houses.
    - First, let's look at a house with geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle.
    - We will help the bunny to paint the walls of the house, and for this we need to finish the figures so that they do not repeat in the lines. (If the children do not have an idea about the concept of "line", then the teacher explains).

    The teacher, together with the children, makes the first line so that the essence of the task becomes clear to them.

    Children independently "paint" the walls of the second house.

    The development of speech. Unfinished story "Button"

    Target: development of imagination, development of speech.

    materials: text that is read aloud to children.

    “Once upon a time there was a pushpin. Once it fell into the hands of an evil boy, who began to put it on the guys’ chair. When they sat down on the chair and jumped up as if stung, the boy laughed disgustingly. Here..."

    Think about what you would do if you were a Button. The story should begin like this: "I, Button, came up with this..."

    Mobile game. Charging - warm-up

    Children stand in a circle.

    To begin with, we are with you

    We only turn our heads. (Slow head rotation)

    We also rotate the body. (turns right - left)

    We can do this, of course.

    And now we sit down. (We squat)

    We understand very well -

    Need to strengthen the legs

    One two three four five!

    Finally stretched

    Up and to the side. (Sipping)

    Have caved in. (Leaning forward)

    Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Days of the week

    Target: the formation of knowledge about the days of the week, the formation of temporary representations.

    The teacher with the children repeat the days of the week in chorus, while bending their fingers.

    - How many days of the week? Why do you think we need to know the names of the days of the week?

    Then the teacher asks each child the name of the days of the week and helps if necessary.

    - And now, let's play a little with the days of the week! If yesterday was Friday, then today...
    Before Thursday was...
    - Every Sunday we go to the park and yesterday we went too. What day of the week is today?
    - In the morning I came to work, and I will return home ...

    Mathematics. Equality and Inequality

    Target: continue to learn to understand the quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them down using signs.

    materials: bowl with 5 circles and 5 squares per child, equal and not equal signs, 2 plates per child, doll.

    Let's help the Masha doll lay out the figures.

    Place 2 circles on one plate and 3 squares on the other. What sign should be put equal or unequal? (unequal) Why? (Because 3 is greater than 2). Read the entry. (Two is not equal to three).

    In the same way, we compose 5 more equalities or inequalities.

    Finger gymnastics. Animals

    Good animals are friends (the fingers of the hands are connected in a "castle").

    Small hares are friends (rhythmic touch of the little fingers of both hands).

    Beavers are friends in the lake (rhythmic touch of the ring fingers of both hands).

    Mosquitoes are friends in the sky (rhythmic touch of the middle fingers of both hands).

    Cute hedgehogs are friends, (rhythmic touch of the index fingers of both hands).

    Even cubs are friends (rhythmic touch of the thumbs of both hands).

    That's how they played

    Run through the forest! (hands down, shake hands)

    Preparing the hand for writing. Wavy lines. beds

    Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

    Material: worksheet (see above), pencils.

    Outline the wavy lines.

    The teacher assigns homework to the children.


    Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again

    Goodbye, goodbye, you are very good.

    Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again.

    Goodbye, goodbye - let's have fun!
