How to take egg protein correctly. Egg protein

Eggs have been unfairly criticized for decades, when in fact they are one of the healthiest foods in general. But why egg white useful in bodybuilding?

Eggs are considered one of the main products in bodybuilding - they are useful for absolutely everyone who needs high-quality protein, including for muscle gain, but not only. Egg protein is indicated for people intolerant to soy and dairy products. In general, egg protein can be a huge help for any fitness-related task. But first, it doesn’t hurt to find out all the pros and cons of this “natural supplement.”

Mode of production

Typically, egg protein supplements are made by separating the egg white, drying it, and turning it into a powder. Sometimes egg yolk is also included in the resulting mixture, although most supplements use only the white (also called egg albumin). If you see the term albumin, it means that most of the fat from the protein has been removed through filtration.

Pasteurization of the yolk is a highly precise process, like a surgical operation. It is similar to pasteurization of dairy products: microbes are killed by exposure to ultra-high temperatures for a very short duration. However, protein - the main “weapon” of a bodybuilder - remains untouched.


Egg protein stimulates muscle growth by accelerating muscle protein synthesis, which has been confirmed in university studies. This is due to the high concentration of leucine (about 9%). Leucine is one of the main amino acids responsible for stimulating muscle protein synthesis after eating. The only protein source that has more leucine than eggs is whey. Moreover, egg protein is more anabolic than soy and even whey. It increases lean muscle mass more than both of these protein sources.

The body absorbs egg protein at the same rate as whey protein, which itself is very fast. After consumption, plasma amino acid levels rise rapidly. Muscle cells are sensitive to changes in amino acid levels, so a rapid increase in levels causes a powerful anabolic response.

But eggs are far from just bodybuilding. Research at Saint Louis University has shown that consuming egg whites satisfies hunger and reduces appetite, making them beneficial for weight loss. Further, egg white contains a large number of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.

Egg protein can help people with lactose and dairy intolerance. It contains almost the same amount of leucine as whey protein (though a little less - 9% versus 11%).

The daily intake of egg protein depends on a large number of factors, including body weight. Whether it is taken alone or in combination with other protein sources also plays a role.

Let's say you weigh 90 kg and take egg protein alone. To enhance the anabolic response, take 30-40g. This can be done at any time of the day, although most people take it before and after workouts. McMaster University has shown that even 5 grams of egg protein after exercise improves protein synthesis and muscle recovery. However, the best result is achieved with a dose of 20–40 g.

The other side of the coin

As with almost all protein supplements, egg allergies can occur. If this applies to you, you will understand it very quickly. Symptoms include such unpleasant consequences as gas, bloating, diarrhea and general gastrointestinal upset. In addition, egg white makes gas more smelly due to its high sulfur content. So don't eat a double dose of eggs before a date.

Expert opinion

In nutrition, egg white is often called the ideal protein because of its good amino acid composition. Using mixtures based on egg whites is safer than eating eggs themselves, especially raw ones.

Most often, when talking about, people imagine dairy, protein shakes. In fact, milk is far from the only source of protein. Today there are also soy and casein, complex proteins. Egg is far from taking first place in this row, but in vain, because it is the best and effective product For . Today we will discuss with you its advantages and disadvantages so that you can easily make your choice.

Standard of sports nutrition

Many athletes do not question whether serious physical activity protein. Egg or some other - this is the second question that needs to be resolved together. And the first argument we would like to cite is the statement of nutritionists. They claim that egg white is the standard among all types of proteins. The biological value of the product is 100%, so it is recommended for athletes whose shoulders bear enormous loads. Egg protein is relatively cheap and has an ideal amino acid composition. In addition, it does not contain lactose, which means it is suitable for athletes of any level.

Why exactly egg whites In order for muscles to grow and the body to have enough energy even with high activity, it is necessary to consume a lot of protein, and without unnecessary ballast, which is fat. Therefore, for a long time, athletes, even starting to train at home, try to eat more eggs. This is the most effective method Get the protein you need without overloading your body with calories. However, it must be borne in mind that a raw egg is only 50% digestible, a boiled egg is about 85% digestible, and only egg protein can be digested 100%. It turns out that in order to get your daily dose of protein, you need very little of it. This is also used by those who want to lose weight, because protein ensures satiety for a long time.

Egg protein or whey protein? Despite the availability of information, athletes today continue to face this difficult choice. In fact, a lot depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product, so pay attention first of all to the packaging. More recently, athletes used only egg protein. Reviews suggest that even today it has not lost its popularity among professionals. There are a number of reasons for this. This product is an excellent source of protein, with its help muscle fibers are growing faster than with anything else on the market today. Therefore, the results of your training will be noticeable much faster. It is easily digestible and provides the body with energy, and also has a long breakdown period. That is, even after training, the muscles will be provided nutrients. It does not contain harmful components such as lactose, cholesterol and fats; it is completely natural and safe. It contains unique amino acids with a high sulfur content. Excellent taste qualities make it one of the best supplements. The only downside is the high price.

Whey protein Whey has replaced egg protein, captivating athletes primarily with its speed of absorption. These are leaders of their kind, which instantly provide a tremendous boost of energy to the muscles. But there is also a minus here: whey proteins are eliminated from the body just as quickly, so you need to take them quite often. It is an amazing source of amino acids, which are essential for building muscle mass. In addition to amino acids, there are a lot of peptides and calcium. Whey proteins have another property: they increase protein synthesis in the body.

To summarize, we can say that both whey and egg proteins are extremely important for sports nutrition, both of them are easy to prepare and digest, and have a natural and harmless base.

Famous brands

If you choose the best egg protein, then, of course, you need to collect information about the leading companies and brands. One of the most famous is Egg Protein from the company Optimum Nutrition. This is a high-quality product from a world-famous sports nutrition manufacturer. One serving contains 110 calories, 2 g of carbohydrates and 24 g of protein mixture. The protein does not contain lactose, which means it is ideal for people with lactose intolerance. The cost of one package (908 g) is approximately 2990 rubles.

The second most popular is Egg White Protein from Body First. This is another amazing brand that is considered the benchmark for quality. One serving of the product contains 75 calories, 0.9 g of carbohydrates and 16 g of protein. A large number of vitamins and amino acids support the body under the most severe stress. The cost of one package (454 g) is 2100 rubles. As you can see, egg white is quite expensive. For this money you can buy much more whey protein. But professional athletes often trust proven egg whites.

If you have the time and desire to experiment, you can make egg whites at home. For this you will need a lot of eggs, so buy several trays in advance. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, just collect enough plastic pallets and find a suitable drying cabinet. The idea is simple: eggs are beaten in a blender and the resulting mass is poured into a tray in a thin layer. Now it needs to be put out to dry. You can make a wooden lattice and
install it above the central heating system. You place the pallets on it, and the hot air will do its job. Others place them on the refrigerator, as close to the wall as possible. The heat from the compressor will become a drying cabinet. Soon the egg film will crack and can be collected in a mayonnaise bucket.

It is better to store the crushed powder in the refrigerator. It will take approximately 25 eggs to fill one jar (330 g of powder). All that remains is to grind it - and you can use it for its intended purpose. Just one tablespoon will replace two eggs. This protein powder can be used by athletes and is also great for culinary creations. Before use, just mix it with water and let it brew for about 10 minutes. It is especially good if such a powder is made from homemade eggs that are not stuffed with “chemicals”.

Let's sum it up

Egg protein is the best nutrition for an athlete who wants to achieve results, but at the same time cares about his health. Despite all the benefits of whey proteins, it gives much faster and better results. Muscles grow faster, and the athlete remains cheerful and in a good mood. Their price is higher than all others, but the result is worth it.

Eggs are one of the most familiar and common sources of protein in human nutrition. All elements of an egg, and among them there are proteins, fats, microelements and amino acids, are perfectly absorbed by most people. Therefore, it is no surprise that egg white has become a valuable raw material for the production of protein.

Egg white - what is it?

Eggs can be positioned as dietary product, they contain a large amount of easily digestible protein, a small amount of fat and they can be suitable for sports nutrition, but, as with most products, in order to get the required amount of valuable protein, you will have to eat a lot of eggs and get not only protein, so egg is used in sports nutrition protein.

What is egg protein - it is a powdered product obtained from egg white albumin, freed from other components, in fact, filtered pure protein. When processing egg whites, fat is first removed from it, and all possible microbes are destroyed under the influence of high temperature. The result is egg protein, the composition of which consists entirely of protein. With this processing, amino acids and trace elements are completely preserved in egg white, as in raw protein.

Egg protein - pros and cons

Egg white protein has all the necessary qualities for use in sports nutrition. It contains 9% leucine, a highly valuable amino acid that directly affects protein synthesis in muscles. But this is not its only advantage, in addition:

  • has high anabolism;
  • It increases dryness better than other proteins, which allows you to successfully use egg protein for drying:
  • such a protein is completely free of fat, which protects blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • absorbed very quickly and almost completely (up to 93%);

There are some points that you should pay attention to when consuming this protein:

  • it is necessary to clearly calculate the dose, otherwise there is a danger of overloading the liver and kidneys;
  • if physical activity is insufficient when taking protein, excess energy nutrition will be stored in the form of adipose tissue;
  • individual intolerance to egg protein occurs.

Which protein is better - egg or whey?

Egg protein is an excellent solution in case of lactose intolerance to milk protein, if it is impossible to take whey protein. It turns out that the choice of one or another type of protein should be based on personal taste, financial capabilities, and individual perception of the product. If you have a choice, then comparing which is better - egg protein or whey, you can notice that:

  • the leucine content in egg protein is 9% slightly less than that of whey protein – 11%;
  • but the amino acids of egg white are absorbed over a longer period and the blood is saturated with amino acids longer;
  • Unlike egg protein, whey protein is not completely free of fats and carbohydrates;
  • whey protein is excreted faster and has to be taken more often;
  • For all its advantages, in terms of cost, egg protein is significantly higher than whey protein.

How to take egg protein?

Egg protein intake is calculated individually. This type of protein tends to affect the kidneys and liver in case of overdose. Calculation of the daily norm is carried out taking into account weight, physical activity, it is accepted in pure form, but more often in a complex composition of other species. Approximately 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight is taken. The received dose is divided into 3-4 doses. Studies have shown that taking egg protein after training, even at a dose of 5 g, perfectly restores muscles. Optimal norm post-workout intake is considered to be 20-40 g.

Egg protein for weight loss

One of the advantages of egg white is its ability to promote weight loss. Some diets are based on this property. But with such diets, it is recommended to eat only the white without the yolk, so taking egg white for weight loss becomes a more rational solution. This can be explained by such properties as:

  • egg white is completely free of fat and cholesterol;
  • Protein intake suppresses hunger during a strict diet:
  • Egg white amino acids stay in the blood longer, promoting optimal metabolism, and maintaining the desired blood sugar level;
  • inhibits weakening of the immune system during

Egg protein - rating

Producing egg protein is difficult, so the price of such a product cannot be low. This may explain that few companies produce pure egg whites. More often these are global sports nutrition brands. Their ranking is as follows:

  1. Optimum nutrition.
  2. Dimatyze.
  3. Pure protein.

When buying egg protein, you must remember that this product cannot be cheap and do not fall for the trick of some manufacturers offering products at a reduced price. If you decide to use the best egg protein, do not try to save money and purchase products from well-known manufacturers from trusted suppliers.

Egg protein - contraindications

The main contraindication for taking egg protein is individual intolerance. In this case, it is possible that egg protein will cause harm in the form allergic reactions. Signs of such reactions may include diarrhea, increased gas formation, and increased flatulence. The unfavorable effect of egg whites can be expressed by the unpleasant odor of the gases released, this is caused by the increased sulfur content. If there is no intolerance, then others negative consequences There is no benefit from taking egg whites.

Typically, protein shakes are used as a supplement to sports nutrition, but milk is not the only source of protein.

In practice, it has been proven that egg protein is more effective and better. But it has both positive and negative sides.

Most athletes, during physical activity on the body, use in their nutrition program different kinds proteins. Experienced nutritionists claim that egg white protein is the best among other proteins, having one hundred percent value in its composition.

It contains useful valuable amino acids and is lactose-free, which helps cope with extreme stress and meets the needs of athletes of different levels. And its price is relatively cheaper than other types.

To actively increase muscle mass, a person needs to consume a sufficient amount of protein foods and less fatty additives. That is why novice athletes include the use of chicken eggs, which helps increase protein levels.

It has been proven that raw eggs are absorbed only by 80%, and egg protein - by a full 100%. Protein also suppresses hunger, which helps you lose extra pounds.

Different views on egg white

There are pros and cons to egg whites. From positive aspects There is a lot to note:

  • highly balanced composition of amino acids;
  • absolute absence of fat;
  • Quite easy to prepare and consume the cocktail. It is much easier to drink a certain dose of egg cocktail than to peel and consume about six boiled eggs(minus the yolk).

The main limiting factor, that is, the negative side of egg protein, is the high cost of the product.

But if a person is not constrained by a financial situation, then it is undoubtedly worth choosing this one. A fairly high concentration of dry melange can lead to discomfort.

Egg powder

Egg protein powder is a highly concentrated food product made from ordinary chicken eggs. Its mass is dried simultaneously, that is, both the white and the yolk, its shelf life is much longer than that of ordinary raw eggs.

To produce egg powder, only selected, shelled chicken eggs are taken. Next, mix the yolks and whites thoroughly until smooth. This mixture is filtered, after which it is sterilized from possible microbes. The product is then dried using hot air. This produces excellent, healthy egg powder.

Simply put, egg powder is an excellent substitute for a chicken egg, without being inferior in composition to anything.

Powder is popular in production confectionery and in the production of semi-finished products. You can buy it in a regular supermarket, and it is stored strictly in a dry place where moisture does not enter.

Per hundred grams of product there are 542 kilocalories and fats do not exceed 30 percent. The composition of egg powder includes protein, carbohydrate and a small amount of fat. So approximately 300 grams of powder will replace one kilogram of chicken eggs. This product is also good for the skin and helps strengthen and grow hair.

So what should you choose?

Despite the huge amount of available information, people are interested in the question: what to choose?

Of course, the manufacturer of the product and its quality play a big role. Today, powdered eggs instead of protein remain popular.

Muscle fibers are built up much faster, thanks to the excellent source of protein, the results from exercise come faster and are more noticeable. It is very easily absorbed by the body, charging it with positive energy.

After a power load, the muscles are provided with beneficial nutrients for a long time.

How to use egg powder

Egg powder retains its nutritional properties for a long time and is quite easy to use. It does not have unnecessary impurities and additives, the homogeneous mass is colored light or bright yellow. The smell and taste of melange resembles the natural aroma of eggs.

In addition to all this, egg powder must meet certain standards for all indicators and dissolve well in any liquid. If there are small lumps in the composition, they can easily be broken into powder.

It is wise to add egg powder to various dishes during the cooking process. To ensure that the powder is thoroughly dissolved, it is best to sift it through a fine sieve and pour it into a container with cold water(water can be diluted with milk 1:1).

Leave the mixture for a maximum of 40 minutes for complete swelling, then add salt to taste and use immediately: prepare an omelette, add to the baking dough. It is important to know that powder that has already been diluted cannot be stored.

Photo of egg white

Egg protein is not so common among sports nutrition consumers, and not all manufacturers produce it. Why, isn’t an egg the most bioavailable source of amino acids? Perhaps the reason is cost or composition. Let's figure out in what cases it should be consumed, how, and what egg protein supplements exist.

Egg protein is obtained during the production process from eggs, egg albumin. Although the egg itself has a broad amino acid profile, some are significantly lost during production. This is because, unlike whey, egg white is subjected to high temperatures due to the product’s predisposition to salmonellosis, therefore the protein is partially destroyed and ultimately loses some of its properties.

Pros and cons of egg white

Main advantages:

  • It has a rich amino acid composition compared to other supplements.
  • Slowly absorbed, providing a constant supply of amino acids, preventing the destruction of muscle tissue.
  • Does not contain lactose or fat.
  • Mixes easily in water and milk.
  • Suitable for taking at night due to long absorption.


  • Often calls side effects in the form of constipation, therefore additional consumption with fiber is necessary if the manufacturer does not include it in the product.
  • The long breakdown of proteins does not allow the product to be consumed solo after training or after sleep for emergency prevention, compared to or.
  • Not suitable for athletes.

Which protein is better - whey or egg?

These two products should not be compared. Athletes need each equally, and as is usually the case, the complex contains several products that differ in action. If whey is absorbed faster, excellent for closing, then egg albumin can be compared with in action. The last two types are suitable for consumption at night.

Top 5 Best Egg Proteins

Optimum Nutrition - Gold Standard 100% EGG

The protein powder of the world-famous brand includes the entire spectrum of essential and essential amino acids. Eating one serving replaces eating seven egg whites. The cost in stores varies from 1790 – 3030 rubles per 908 grams.

Dymatize Nutrition - Elite Egg Protein

One 32.5 gram serving contains 110 calories, 24 g protein, 5 mg cholesterol, sodium, potassium, 3 g carbohydrates. The product is completely fat-free and is suitable for both gradual weight loss and weight gain. A 910 gram package costs approximately 2,750 rubles.

Sci-Fit - 100% Egg Protein

The product contains 100% egg albumin, which can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 100% Egg Protein contains no fat. A 28 gram serving contains: 24 g protein, 2 g carbohydrates, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium potassium, 5 mg cholesterol. A 2.27 kg can costs about 3,500 rubles.

Pureprotein – Egg Protein Base Line

The domestic manufacturer did not leave athletes without high-quality egg protein, devoid of lactose, containing fiber, wheat germ, a minimum of fat and cholesterol. Plus all essential amino acids, contains 21 grams of protein per 35 g serving. The cost for 600 g is 650-790 rubles, and for 1000 g – about 1500 rubles.

Scitec Nutrition Egg Pro (930 g)

One 30 g serving contains 95 calories, 1.8 g carbohydrates, 22 g protein, salt, sugar, 50 mg taurine. The product is completely fat free. The approximate cost for 930 grams is 1940 rubles.

How to take egg protein

To increase muscle mass, unfortunately, egg protein should not be the only protein; it should be supplemented with amino acid complexes or fast-acting whey protein.

  1. That's why after training Egg protein can be consumed after taking BCAAs 20 minutes later.
  2. Second portion must be taken before bed.

On rest days:

  1. one serving is also taken before bedtime;
  2. and the second at any time for prolonged release of protein.

For weight loss, egg white is not the most desirable product, because the complete absence of fats does not yet cover the presence of carbohydrates. Thus, it is not advisable to consume it before bed, but before and after training, if the athlete is not cutting, it can be left as an additional source of protein.


Like any product that has its pros and cons, egg protein is not a universal remedy for all purposes. It can be used when gaining weight, but when losing weight it is better to purchase full cycle amino acids, BCAAs or. And if you have lactose intolerance, he will the best option, compared to plant protein.

Athletes from the USSR were rightfully considered the best in the world. Moreover, in those days it was very difficult to get foreign sports nutrition; domestic sports pharmacology was not yet as developed as it is today, and in fact no one knew what egg protein, milk or soy protein was. But coaches and the athletes themselves understood the benefits of protein for the growth and development of muscle mass, so they consumed homemade cocktails. Even then it was known that eggs were one of the richest foods in protein.

Now there is no longer such a need to overload the body big amount eggs, consuming fats, carbohydrates and other substances along with protein. You can simply purchase ready-made, pure protein extract in the form of a mixture as part of sports nutrition.

It should be noted that the protein was first discovered precisely thanks to this product by the scientist Antoine de Fourcroix, who discovered in the 18th century the denaturation of this substance when heating egg components. And at the beginning of the 19th century, their amino acid profile was isolated through hydrolysis. Since then, the properties of albumin (egg white) have been carefully studied and researched, and subsequently began to be used in sports nutrition as the most valuable for the health and development of muscle mass of athletes.

Indeed, a whole egg contains a complete complex of amino acids, and their absorption is almost one hundred percent.

It is impossible to answer which protein is better, egg or whey, the only disadvantage of the first is the higher cost due to the complexity of the production technology and high prices for raw materials. They are usually used in combination, in multicomponent mixtures, although egg supplements can also be purchased as an independent product.

Among the advantages of egg white, it should be noted:

  • Significant benefits of the pumping effect
  • No lactose residues
  • Healthy cholesterol is contained in the concentrate, and egg protein isolate contains practically no impurities, which makes the product universal for taking during weight loss or for gaining weight
  • Speedy recovery due to high amino acid digestibility
  • Energy boost throughout your workout
  • Adjustment of cognitive functions
  • Mass content useful substances- vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals

In order for the supplement to have the maximum effect, it is important to know when to take egg protein and what it can be combined with.

Egg protein is digested in 2 hours. This is an average speed, between whey (1 hour) and casein (5-8 hours). It refers not to slow, but to fast proteins, so again, you cannot compare whether casein or egg protein is better. It can be taken an hour before training or between meals. At the same time, whey in the morning and after training, as well as casein at night, will perfectly complement it.

Like any other protein mixture, it comes in the form of concentrate, isolate and hydrolyzate, depending on the degree of purification. So, for weight loss, egg protein is bought in the form of isolate or hydrolyzate, because it is almost a 100% purified product. To gain weight, egg protein can be purchased in a concentrated extract - despite the content of fats and carbohydrates, it is perfectly digestible and provides daily calories without fat deposits.

Typically, a standard serving is 20-30 grams of the mixture diluted in liquid, but it is important to follow the instructions on the product packaging, which indicate how to take a specific manufacturer's egg protein and in what dosage.

Best Egg Protein

To choose the best egg protein, you can consult a trainer or take a look at the short list of the most popular mixtures for 2015:

  • 100% IRONMAN Egg Protein. domestic product. It is characterized by low cost and a powerful pumping effect when consumed correctly.
  • EGG PROTEIN Pure Protein. Just 1 kg of mixture can replace 315 whole eggs.
  • EGG PRO Scitec Nutrition. A delicious protein, recognized by consumers as one of the best in its category.
  • Elite Egg Protein Dymatize. The careful formula of the product and the highest bioavailability of the additive allow it to get into the TOP of the most popular and effective egg proteins.
  • Gold Standard 100% EGG Optimum Nutrition. A reliable and affordable protein product for quality training.
  • 100% Egg Protein Sci-Fit. optimal absorption time, affordable price And highest quality raw materials.