What to do with black chanterelles. Black chanterelle - the most mysterious and mysterious mushroom

Black chanterelles belong to category 4 edible mushrooms, they are also called tube or horn funnels. They are widely distributed in the European part of Russia, western and Southern Siberia and in the Far East.

Black chanterelle - a little-known and mysterious mushroom

Description of the mushroom

The black chanterelle is fully consistent with its name: the fruiting body is black or black-gray, the shape resembles a tube.

The cap diameter is from 3 to 8 cm, the edges are wavy, the surface is black, turning brownish in dry weather.

The flesh is also black gray tint, fragrant and pleasant to the taste. The stem is hollow, rigid, narrowed at the base, about 1 cm in diameter, height from 5 to 12 cm, covered with a wax coating along with the underside of the cap.

Mushrooms usually grow in colonies.

Useful properties and contraindications

The fruiting body is rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium, but it is dietary product. The protein content is 28.3%.

Also, black chanterelle includes vitamins A, D and group B. Like other mushrooms, it is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity of the digestive system.

Where to grow and when to harvest

The most productive places: Karelia, Kaliningrad, Pskov and Tver regions, Altai, Southern Urals and Siberia. Collected from mid-June to the end of October. Despite such a long time period that allows you to bring home these gifts of the forest, nevertheless, according to experienced lovers of "silent hunting", August-September are considered the months when you can collect the richest "catch" of these incredible mushrooms.

The black fox grows not only where they usually look for the yellow one. She prefers to settle on clay and calcareous soil in moist deciduous and mixed forests, in open sunny areas with big amount fallen leaves.

Forms mycorrhiza with spruce and broad-leaved species: oaks, lindens and hazel.

It is also often found on the sides of paths and ditches, in mountainous areas.

Due to the black color, it is difficult to notice the mushrooms, but not far from one specimen, you can find a whole clearing, because. they grow in large colonies.

In order not to look for funnelworms for a long time next year, you should use this technique: soak the caps of several mushrooms during the day, break them into small pieces and scatter them in a promising place. Sowing should be watered with the resulting infusion.

You can confuse a black chanterelle with only two types of mushrooms: a wavy chanterelle and a gray chanterelle, and only from a distance. Coming closer, you will see that a smooth collar will be noticeable on the wavy one, while the gray one has vein-like plates.

How to cook

Only the tubular funnel of the fruiting body is used for food, the rough base of the stem is removed. The easiest way to do this is on the spot - in the forest, so as not to carry home what will be thrown away anyway.

Black fox is used in fried and stews, soups, sauces and condiments. It goes well with mushroom pasta in a creamy sauce and risotto. It also goes well with wine when preparing sauces for meat.

IN European countries this copy is very much appreciated, it is considered a delicacy product, and the French even call it “truffle on a leg”.

You need to cook for 20-30 minutes, during which time the fruit acquires a more saturated black color.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

During cooking, part of the pigments from the fruiting body of the black chanterelle comes out into the water and the broth acquires a color that resembles oil in hue. Therefore, people who first encountered these mushrooms should not panic. Drain the broth, rinse the mushrooms (optional) and fry as usual.

To prepare the soup, you can take both mushroom powder from black chanterelles and dried halves. They need to be soaked for 2 hours. cold water and then cut into pieces.

And when dried, the mushroom aroma intensifies, so the mushroom is dried for future use. It is better to do this in an electric dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ° C.

Mushrooms are pre-broken or cut lengthwise into two parts. Thus, it is easier to remove debris and snails from the tube, which love to climb there. This simple operation will allow the drying process to go faster.

Use in medicine

If you intend to independently prepare a preparation based on chanterelles at home, then you should definitely contact a specialist for recommendations.

Also, thanks to the research of Western scientists, it was revealed that the polysaccharides contained in the mycelium are endowed with antitumor abilities.

Black chanterelles - tasty and pretty rare mushrooms. They contain many useful components, which is why many lovers of quiet hunting are so eager to harvest a whole crop.

For some reason, many are convinced that wonderful things or phenomena are somewhere far away, in foreign lands, but they cannot be nearby. So they think about unusual-looking mushrooms that they cannot grow in the neighboring forest behind the house ...

In fact, strange mushrooms can be found anywhere - and in the native woods, including. Only often a mushroom picker, seeing an unfamiliar mushroom, calls it a toadstool and kicks it dismissively. Not knowing that quite often among unfamiliar mushrooms come across edible and tasty.


A fungus grows in the forest called the horn-shaped funnel (it is also often called the black horn, funnel-shaped funnel, horn-shaped craterellus). And to mushroom pickers, it is better known as black chanterelle. In appearance, it fully justifies the name - indeed, it is very similar to a coal-colored funnel, standing on a leg with a cap torn into small shreds (in young mushrooms, the edges of the cap are whole and bent). Such a sad color gives the element contained in the product called melanin.

The height of the mushroom is 10 centimeters.

The hat - the inner part of the funnel, is the surface of a gray-black color, if the mushroom is young, then the presence of a brownish tint is obligatory, the diameter is 3-6 centimeters. WITH outside gray-white in color, all dotted with tubercles, wrinkled. When spores ripen, it acquires a bluish color. When cooked, it becomes jet black.

Every mushroom, whether edible or not, has plates or similar structures. The vortex has nothing of the sort.

The leg is very short - 8 millimeters long, tapering towards the base, the color is the same as that of the cap. The pulp is grayish-ashy, tender, the structure is thin, the taste of mushrooms, it smells like fresh mushrooms, the aroma of dried mushrooms even intensifies.

Places of distribution

The black fox grows mainly in deciduous, less often mixed forests. temperate zone in the territories of Eurasia and North America both on the plains and in the mountains. Prefers open to light moist soil, rich in limestone and clay, under beeches, maples, hazel and oaks, using fallen leaves as soil and humus. growing large groups, forming whole colonies. Growth begins in early summer, with the onset of the first month of the year until the end of autumn, the largest harvest can be harvested in late August - early September.


Of the many species of chanterelles that grow in the forest, the hornwort can be considered the most delicious mushroom. Although it belongs to the last - the fourth taste category, but in some countries Western Europe(France, England), on the North American continent (Canada) it is considered the same delicacy as rare morels or truffles. For dishes, only a mushroom cap (funnel) is used, because the legs are rather rough, rubbery (poorly chewed) and not very tasty. Hats are cleaned of earth and other forest litter, dried for the winter or washed in plenty of water, and then fried - either individually or with vegetables and potatoes, boiled nutritious soups, stewed. Black chanterelles also make very fragrant and tasty sauces. Dried mushroom (by the way, the pulp of dried black chanterelle becomes lighter when dried) is ground into powder and used as a seasoning. Also, the horn-shaped funnel, like other types of chanterelles, is also eaten raw, sprinkled with salt.

Often, the hornwort is confused with another species of the chanterelle family - with a gray chanterelle. It is also gray on top and black on the bottom. They differ from each other in a sign that has already been discussed - the funnel-worm completely lacks plates. The convoluted funnel is also similar to the horn-shaped funnel, but its colors are much lighter - closer to yellow, and the hat is a little more dissected.

Other names for funnelwort

This unusual mushroom very strongly resembles musical instruments - a pipe protruding from the ground or a horn. True, their appearance is quite scary and depressing. Therefore, the Germans call this delicious, but having a frightening appearance, the mushroom "pipe of the dead." In England and France, the attitude towards the mushroom is more loyal and supportive, the French, along with the British, call it simply and tastefully - "cornucopia". In Finland, they didn’t invent anything too much and called the funnel “black horn”.

Medical uses and properties

The funnel has a lot of phosphorus, contains calcium and a little bit of potassium. The mushroom is very suitable for those who are on a diet - the protein content in it is only 28%. And the contained polysaccharides make it possible to prevent the sarcoma from growing, if any.

I met black chanterelles for the first time in 2018. Before that, I not only didn’t know them, but I didn’t even see them in the forests - apparently, they are far from being found everywhere. Although, even if they grew in those forests where I walk, it hardly occurred to me to take them in my hands - they look painfully ominous ... But this summer, reports began to come from everywhere that they were actively collected - suddenly black chanterelles have become popular. Then they sent their photo to my blog, posting them in the comments. They also said that the mushroom is a delicacy ... In general, it became interesting to get to know them!

And here, during a hike in the north Leningrad region, along the border with Karelia - we suddenly stumbled upon large crops of this mushroom in this far corner of our region. Collected, tried, tested. And now, with a clear conscience, based on our experience, we can talk about a new edible mushroom we now know! So, get acquainted - Black Chanterelle mushroom!

First of all, I want to say that you should not look for information about her on the Internet. There is almost none of it, all that is written is a repeated reprint of the same text, where sometimes other words are added for visibility. Moreover, the original text is very likely written off from the descriptions of other mushrooms. All that can be known is that in Europe it is called "the pipes of death", that it is a delicacy, that it is edible, and that it is best to dry it and make sauce from the dry powder. Little content and not interesting. Therefore, I present my experience.

These chanterelles are similar to ordinary ones in shape, but gray-black. This distinguishes them from false chanterelles, which are only yellow, like real ones, so you can’t confuse black with a bad mushroom. Plus, it's hollow inside!

To the touch, it looks like either grass or cabbage - because it is empty and light. Crumbles easily. Must be collected carefully. This is very different from the real yellow chanterelle, which is dense and strong. It has no special flavor described in numerous online articles, it has no taste either - all this is a common lie to draw attention to the text. It smells and tastes like a mushroom. The main thing is that it is edible. I warn you right away - when cooked, it forms a decoction of an ominously black color, like oil, so people who are not familiar with the mushroom can be pretty scared. It is better to drain the broth, and then fry the boiled chanterelle in a pan, like ordinary mushrooms.

Grow very profusely at times! You can pick up a whole bag at once! Moreover, it will not weigh almost anything: an empty chanterelle inside is like porous chocolate by weight. This is both the pros and cons of the mushroom. The downside is that with its small mass - it will not work to fill its belly. But there is a plus: a light and fragile mushroom is easy to chew, which is important for those who have dental problems. In addition, mushrooms are a difficult product for the stomach, many people do not digest them well, but the black chanterelle will be a dietary mushroom, because it is easily digested and will not create heaviness in the stomach. Well, you can also finely chop it, and sprinkle it on top of the dish, as sprinkled with herbs or parsley

In general, the mushroom tastes good, I recommend collecting it - I liked it! I just warn you right away - you will have to tinker with it. The fact is that leaves, sticks, particles of earth and sand are clogged into its voids. I washed it five times, and still, when cooking, some fragments of twigs and grains of sand appeared in the broth. But then you can eat a tasty and light mushroom that does not cause heaviness!

Our tourists also tested the black chanterelles on themselves - and they didn’t complain either!) In the future, we should try not only to fry, but also to dry, in order to still make a sauce out of it, as recommended on the Internet. And also check if one of them delicious soup, which has such an eerie black color. Well, a few words about the places where we met them during the trip. Every time it was mixed forests near lakes, that is, quite wet. But in dry pine forests, on hills - we did not meet them.

Page, dedicated to nature And beautiful places Petersburg and Leningrad region:

The Spaniards claim that the best mushroom places are located in the forests at the foot of the Pyrenees. The variety of mushrooms in the markets is unaccustomed to amazes even worldly-wise Russian mushroom pickers. Today we will undertake to cook mushrooms with a frightening name trompetas de la muerte - in translation it means "pipes of the dead".

These are black chanterelles, almost unknown in the CIS countries. Black chanterelles are a real delicacy that haute cuisine chefs value along with truffles for their bright aroma and unusual taste: dried black chanterelle powder is used as a seasoning, fresh mushrooms are added to risotto, fish dishes and even bread.

Black chanterelles: a recipe from Catalonia

We offer a Catalan recipe for black chanterelle soup with foie gras - dishes with amazing aroma and taste.

  1. We clean the legs of black chanterelles from the remnants of the earth and thoroughly rinse the mushrooms in running water.
  2. Pour a couple of glasses of vegetable or mushroom broth into a deep saucepan. The amount of liquid should be calculated so that it barely covers the mushrooms.
  3. Bring the broth to a boil, put the black chanterelles and a slice butter. It must be remembered that black chanterelles are considered conditionally edible, so they should be boiled for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Then take a large grater and a piece of ready-made foie gras in the form of a pate or a whole liver.
  5. Grate foie gras into our soup, mix lightly and immediately serve it to the table.

Of course, the presence of foie gras can be confusing, but this incredibly easy-to-make dish is also called "peasant mushroom soup."

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