Geography presentation on the topic "natural zones of Eurasia". Altitude zonation (vertical zonality) Mountains of southern Siberia altitudinal zonation presentation

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Examination homework I. Put in the appropriate columns + 1. Moisture deficiency (less than 150 mm/g) 2. Artemisia-cereal vegetation prevails. 3. The ratio of heat and moisture is close to optimal. 4. Humidity coefficient in the zone varies from 0.6 - 0.8 at the northern border to 0.3 in the south. 5. The zone occupies the south of the European part and Western Siberia. 6. Sparse vegetation is sensitive to the proximity of groundwater. 7. Some animals hibernate in summer. 8. One of the forms of ecological imbalance is overgrazing. 9. Modern look - agricultural landscape with artificial forest plantations. Natural zone Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Forest-steppes Steppes Semi-deserts Deserts

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II. Find a match (Write in a notebook) Soils Natural zone Problems Chernozem Forest-steppe Moisture deficit (250 mm/g) Serozem Deserts Water and wind erosion Chestnut Semi-deserts Droughts, dry winds, dust storms Gray Steppes Salinization

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III. Check the first task 1. Moisture deficiency (less than 150 mm/g) 2. Artemisia-cereal vegetation prevails. 3. The ratio of heat and moisture is close to optimal. 4. Humidity coefficient in the zone varies from 0.6 - 0.8 at the northern border to 0.3 in the south. 5. The zone occupies the south of the European part and Western Siberia. 6. Sparse vegetation is sensitive to the proximity of groundwater. 7. Some animals hibernate in summer. 8. One of the forms of ecological imbalance is overgrazing. 9. Modern appearance - agricultural landscape with artificial forest plantations. Natural zone Question number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Forest-steppes + + Steppes + + + Semi-deserts + + Deserts + +

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Question number 1 Check the second task Find the match (Entry in a notebook) Soils Natural zone Problems Gray forest-steppes Water and wind erosion Chernozem Steppes Droughts, dry winds, dust storms Chestnut Semi-deserts Moisture deficiency (250 mm/g) Serozem Deserts Salinization

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Purpose: To deepen knowledge about altitudinal zonality - the main pattern of change natural conditions in the mountains; Tasks: To form an idea of ​​altitudinal zonality in the mountains of Russia; Reveal cause-and-effect relationships in altitudinal zonality. Get acquainted with the manifestation of altitudinal zonality in various mountains; Consider the influence of mountains on human life, health and economic activity.

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Altitudinal zonality- this is a natural change in natural conditions, natural zones, landscapes in the mountains Altitudinal zonation of the Caucasus Altitudinal zonation of the Urals

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Compare Southeast and northwestern part of the northern slope of the Caucasus. Draw diagrams in your notebook

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Practical work: Compare and explain the differences in the altitudinal zones of the two parts of the Urals. I option "Polar and Northern Ural» II option "Polar and Southern Urals"

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One of the main reasons for the violation of the horizontal location of the RoW is the MOUNTAINS. Reason: - with

height changes individual components of nature, and hence the entire PC. When rising up, the air temperature decreases, and the amount of precipitation increases, therefore, air humidity, soil cover, and the organic world change.

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For every 100 meters you go up, the air temperature drops by 1 degree, and vice versa.

When descending 100 meters, the temperature rises by 1 degree.

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The higher the mountains, the more natural zones in a given territory. Life in the mountains is subject to change

natural processes. Changes in these processes are felt by everyone: it is colder here, the pressure is lower, there is less oxygen, more ultraviolet rays. The boiling point of water changes with altitude.

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Up to a height of 3000m, a person feels normal. Above 3000m, problems begin even for

trained athletes.

3000 meters

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But still man mastered the mountains!

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    The first to pay attention to the relationship of climatic conditions with the horizontal - latitudinal

    distribution of vegetation on the plains and vertical in the mountains:

    Alexander Humboldt Petr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky Lev Semenovich Berg

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    Altitudinal zonality is a natural change in natural conditions, natural zones, landscapes in

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    "Multi-storey" depends on 1. The height of the mountain2. geographical location mountains (so most of all

    belts in the mountains located in the tropics, the smallest in the Arctic Circle).

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    Feature: Each belt encircles the mountains on all sides, but the tier system on

    opposite slopes will differ dramatically.

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    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Natural zones of Eurasia Eurasia is not only a museum of climates, but also a museum of natural zones

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    Arctic deserts are typical for many islands of the Arctic Ocean (Franz Josef Land, the northern island of Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya, the northern ones from the New Siberian Islands and partially Wrangel Island). On the mainland, they are found only in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. The climate in this area is very severe, eternal snows and glaciers are widespread. Most of the animals Marine life(seals, walruses, polar bears, arctic foxes). arctic desert

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    The tundra stretches in a continuous strip from west to east of the mainland in the northern part. It is similar to the tundra in many ways. North America, but there is no musk ox here, because he died. On the Taimyr Peninsula they are re-bred (from Canada). The most numerous inhabitants are reindeer, lemming, arctic fox, wolf, and many birds. Tundra

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    Zone coniferous forests(taiga) stretched from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean. Climatic conditions in the zone change from west to east, so the species composition of trees is different. In the west, pine and spruce prevail on podzolic soils; in Western Siberia, under conditions severe waterlogging fir and Siberian cedar grow, in Eastern Siberia larch is common on permafrost-taiga soils, and on the Pacific coast - dark coniferous taiga from Dahurian larch, fir, Korean cedar. In the taiga there are many valuable fur-bearing animals (sable, ermine, marten), among large animals - elks, brown bears, lynxes, many birds. Taiga

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    Mixed and deciduous forests located only in the west and east temperate zone, it does not form a continuous band. For European broad-leaved forests, oak and beech, maple and linden, hornbeam and elm are most characteristic. Animals The world of forests is in many ways similar to the taiga. The main decoration is a mighty bison forest bull. In the east, in a monsoon climate, there is a process of mixing of northern and southern species. Birch and bamboo coexist here, vines and wild grapes climb through the pines, Brown bear can meet a tiger, and in Japan there are monkeys. Manchurian walnut, Amur velvet, oak, linden grow. Mixed and broadleaf forests

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    They are located in the central parts of the mainland, where the amount of precipitation decreases and evaporation increases. Steppes are treeless spaces with grassy vegetation, under which fertile chernozem soils are formed. They are almost completely plowed up, and only in the reserves are their natural landscapes presented. Of the animals, rodents predominate (ground squirrels, voles, mice). In the past, there were wild horses - tarpans, and wild bulls - tours. Forest-steppes and steppes

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    Semi-deserts and deserts of the temperate zone Semi-deserts and deserts of the temperate zone lie in the central parts of the continent, where there is very little precipitation, hot summers Cold winter. Vegetation (wormwood, saltwort, sandy sedge) is sparse, there are areas of deserts with loose sands. The only woody plant is saxaul. It has no leaves, instead of them there are scales, so the saxaul looks like a dry, dead tree. Among the animals, reptiles and rodents predominate, falling into hibernation for the winter. Previously, there were wild donkeys-kulans, Przhevalsky horses, wild camels.

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    They are located in the western part of the subtropical zone. Thanks to mild and wet winters, plants grow here all year round, but the lack of moisture during the period of the most intense solar radiation has led to the development of adaptations in plants that reduce evaporation. The vegetation is represented by forests of evergreen holm oak, wild olives, noble laurel, pine, cypress, myrtle, strawberry tree. The zone is characterized by brown and red-colored soils, which are fertile and suitable for the cultivation of subtropical crops. Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs

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    Deserts and semi-deserts of the subtropical zone Subtropical deserts and semi-deserts are located to the east of the Caspian Sea, in the highlands of Western Asia. The nature of the tropical desert zone resembles the nature of the deserts of North Africa. Of the vegetation, there are especially a lot of ephemera, which, during the period of short spring rains, have time to go through the entire development cycle. Antelopes, hyenas, fennec fox and others live here.

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    Evergreen monsoon forests In the east of the subtropical zone there is a zone of evergreen variable-moist forests. Forests consist of species of bay leaves, camphor trees, magnolias, tung trees, bamboo thickets (giant grass up to 10 m high) growing on yellow earth and red earth soils. There are almost no wild animals left. There are deer, wild buffaloes, tigers, leopards, the Himalayan bear, many monkeys, incl. gibbons. The most famous animal - the giant panda - the emblem of the World Fund wildlife(WWF).

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    On the islands of the Arctic and along the coast of the North. Arctic ca. stretch arctic deserts and tundra, framed from the south by a narrow strip of forest-tundra. To the south - taiga (mainly dark coniferous in the west and light coniferous in the east), changing to the south with mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes and steppes. Lut, Deshte-Kevir, and others), in Wed. and Center. Asia (Karakum, Kyzylkum, Gobi, Takla-Makan), in the South. Asia (Tar). Semi-deserts and deserts are especially well expressed in the Arabian Peninsula (Nefud, Rub al-Khali). In the subtropics of the West. Asia - Mediterranean vegetation in East. Asia - monsoon mixed and broad-leaved forests. In tropical latitudes, East. and Yuzh. Asia - monsoon deciduous forests and savannas, on the windward slopes of the mountains - evergreen forests. In equatorial latitudes (mainly in Indonesia), multi-tiered swampy forests are hylaea. Why is everything expressed in Eurasia natural areas peace? Since Eurasia is the largest continent. Since, in Eurasia, various climatic conditions. Since, Eurasia is washed by all 4 oceans of the Earth.

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    Features of the distribution of natural zones in Eurasia: Eurasia is located in all climatic zones northern hemisphere. In Eurasia there are all types of natural zones of the Earth As a rule, the zones are elongated from west to east But the complex structure of the surface of the mainland and atmospheric circulation Uneven moisture different parts mainland Complex zonal structure - natural zones do not have a continuous distribution or deviate from the sublatitudinal distribution A large percentage of altitudinal zonality.

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    In addition to sparse moss-lichen vegetation, perennial cold-resistant grasses (sedge, cotton grass, dryad, buttercups, dandelions, poppies, etc.) are widespread in the tundra. The view of the tundra blooming in spring makes an indelible impression on the variety of colors and shades that caress the eye to the very horizon. Tundra and forest tundra Types of tundra shrub tundra, moss-lichen tundra

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    Forests formed by trees with small leaves - aspen, birch, gray alder. Temperate forests. Taiga Light coniferous taiga Dark coniferous taiga tree species can form pure (spruce, larch) and mixed (spruce-fir) stands. The taiga is characterized by the absence or underdevelopment undergrowth (because there is little light in the forest), as well as the monotony of the grass-shrub layer and moss cover Trees with large broad-leaved leaves and solid wood- oak, linden, maple, ash, beech. They dominate in the southern part of the forest zone. forest animals

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    Subtropics of the Mediterranean. MEDITERRANEAN, natural country, including the islands and peninsulas of the Mediterranean m. and the territories of Eurasia and the North adjacent to it. Africa. Special climate: Warm rainy winter, Hot dry summer,

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