Geographical position of the climatic zones of Eurasia. Climatic zones of Eurasia

Eurasia is the largest continent on the planet. The climate of the continent is very diverse. What is causing this? In what climatic zones is the continent of Eurasia located? Let's try to answer all these questions in our article.

Description of the mainland

Three quarters of the world's population live in Eurasia. This is not surprising, because in terms of size the mainland is the largest on Earth. It occupies 35% of the earth's land, and its area is about 54 million square meters. km.

The main part of Eurasia belongs to the Northern Hemisphere, while some islands that belong to the mainland are located in the southern half of the planet. In ancient times, two parts of the continent - Europe and Asia - were perceived separately. They were even considered different continents. Now the division between the European and Asian parts of the continent is carried out only conditionally. The boundaries for this are mountains (Ural mountain range), Kuma, Manych), seas (Caspian, Black, Mediterranean, Aegean), as well as straits (Gibraltar, Bosphorus, Dardanelles).

The continent is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic oceans. The extreme points of the mainland are Russian in the north, Malaysian in the south. The Portuguese Cape Roca is the extreme point in the west, and the Russian one in the east

Factors of climate formation in Eurasia

The fact in which climatic zones Eurasia is located was primarily influenced by: a significant length and geographical location. From north to south, the continent stretched for 8 thousand km, while covering a significant territory.

So, in what climatic zones is Eurasia located? Due to its location between the Arctic Circle and the equator, all belts are present on the mainland. The elongation of the mainland from west to east is the main reason for the amazing diversity of natural and climatic zones.

Relief is important. The continent contains some of the world's most extensive plains. Winters are cold in these areas, while summers are dry and hot. Numerous mountain systems of the mainland create barriers for air masses, preventing warm south winds from passing to the north, and cold and dry winds to the south.

A significant role in the formation of the Eurasian climate is played by ocean basins and indentation coastline. Along the edges of the continent, the marine type of climate prevails, in the interior - continental. Warm and cold currents in the oceans affect annual changes in coastal temperatures as well as precipitation.

In what climatic zones is the territory of Eurasia located?

We found out the main reasons for the formation of climate on the mainland. Now let's talk in more detail about the climatic zones in which Eurasia is located.

Arctic belt. It is located in the extreme north of the mainland, including the islands that are located in the Arctic Ocean. Dry frosty air, piercing winds and high atmospheric pressure are typical features of the Arctic climate zone. Air temperatures here throughout the year rarely rise above zero, precipitation is about 250 mm.

subarctic belt. It is distinguished by milder climatic conditions, it acts as a kind of buffer zone between the arctic and temperate zones. It occupies a strip of the northern part of the continent, including Iceland and part of Scandinavia. In summer, it is affected by moderate winds and the temperature does not exceed +20. In winter, cold arctic winds blow here, the temperature can drop to -50 degrees.

Temperate zone. It runs along the entire continent below. It occupies most of Europe and Central Asia. Within it formed Various types climate, which largely depend on proximity to the oceans. The seasons clearly follow each other, the temperature fluctuations during the year are very significant.

subtropical belt. It covers China and the Japanese islands, Iran, Armenia, Italy, Greece, etc. Winters are mild, cool and humid, and summers are hot and dry.

Tropical belt. Includes southwestern Asia and absent from Europe. It also has very warm winters.

Sat equatorial belt. Covers the Philippines and northern Sri Lanka. Humid air masses in summer are replaced by dry ones in winter.

equatorial belt. It occupies the southern part of Sri Lanka, the Malay Islands. Here prevails heat and heavy rainfall, and the winds bring humid sea air.


Most of the Eurasian continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere. This had a significant impact on the climatic zones in which Eurasia is located. So, on the territory of the mainland there are arctic, subarctic, temperate, subtropical, tropical, subequatorial and equatorial belts.

You will learn:

In what climatic zones is Eurasia located?

What types of climate have formed on the mainland


Main and transitional climatic zones and their features

The geographical position, the vast size of Eurasia and the complex relief determine the diversity of its climatic conditions. Eurasia is located in all climatic zones northern hemisphere, within which all types of the Earth's climate are distinguished.

1 Arctic and subarctic climate.

For the northernmost islands of Eurasia, and in the Asian part and for the coast of the mainland, which is adjacent to the Arctic Ocean, an arctic climate is characteristic. Dry and cold arctic air dominates here throughout the year.

The subarctic belt stretches in a narrow strip, capturing the island of Iceland, the northern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and gradually expanding to the east. The climate here is subarctic with long severe winters and relatively warm but short summers. Arctic air masses dominate in winter, and moderate air masses in summer. On the southern coast of the Barents Sea and the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula, winters are more humid and mild, and summers are cool, which is associated with the influence of the warm Norwegian current (an offshoot of the North Atlantic).

2 Types of temperate climate.

The widest and most massive part of Eurasia is located within the temperate climate zone (Fig. 1). Due to the elongation from west to east and the variety of landforms within it, there are four climatic regions.

The maritime climate area includes the extreme west of Eurasia along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, throughout the year, the climate is formed under the influence of air masses from the Atlantic Ocean. Summers are cool, winters are relatively warm. Precipitation falls throughout the year. During the passage of cyclones, the weather changes rapidly, with cold snaps in summer and thaws in winter.

In the east, to Ural mountains, there is an area of ​​temperate continental climate, moving from maritime to continental. As the distance from the ocean increases, the difference between summer and winter temperatures increases, winter becomes colder, there is less precipitation, and they fall mainly in summer.

A significant part of Asia beyond the Urals—Siberia and Central Asia—is located in the region of the continental climate, where continental air masses dominate all year round. During the long winter, the land surface becomes very cold, and overheats in summer, creating large temperature contrasts between seasons. Air masses from the oceans almost do not reach here, so there is little precipitation. The absence of snow in winter leads to freezing of the soil to a great depth.

In the east of Eurasia lies the monsoon climate region, which is characterized by sharp differences in temperature, precipitation and moisture in summer and winter. The summer monsoon brings moist air from Pacific Ocean so summers are warm and rainy here. The winter monsoon carries cold continental air from the interior of the highly chilled part of the mainland, where in winter

an area is formed high pressure. As a result, winters are dry and frosty, with strong winds.

4 Climate of subtropical, tropical, subequatorial and equatorial zones.

The subtropical climatic zone runs through the whole of Eurasia from the Iberian Peninsula in the west to the Japanese Islands in the east. There are areas of Mediterranean, continental and monsoon climate.

The area of ​​subtropical Mediterranean climate covers the territory of the coast mediterranean sea in southwestern Eurasia. IN summer period The Mediterranean is under the influence of tropical air masses, a dry hot weather. In winter, winds from the Atlantic Ocean bring humid air from temperate latitudes, so winters are rainy and warm (Fig. 2a).

In the central part of the subtropical zone, the climate is subtropical continental with hot summers, cold winter and little rainfall. In the east of the subtropical climatic zone, there is an area of ​​the subtropical monsoon climate with its characteristic seasonally wet precipitation regime (Fig. 2b).

The dry desert tropical climate of the tropical climatic zone is formed on the Arabian Peninsula, in the south of the Iranian Highlands, and in a part of the lowland along the Indus River (Fig. 2c).

In the east, the tropical zone is replaced by a subequatorial zone with a monsoonal climate. Such a shift of the subequatorial belt far to the north occurs due to the influence of monsoons with indian ocean. IN summer time on the peninsulas of Hindustan, Indochina, and the Philippine Islands, humid equatorial air brought by the monsoon dominates, so summer in the subequatorial zone is hot and very humid (Fig. 3, 4).

In winter, the territory of the peninsulas is influenced by the dry winter monsoon that blows from the mainland. As a result, in the north, the subequatorial belt borders on the subtropical. This is the only place on Earth where such a “neighborhood” is observed.

The equatorial belt covers the Malay Peninsula and most of the Sunda Islands. Equatorial air masses and low atmospheric pressure prevail here. Ascending air currents contribute to the precipitation of a large amount of precipitation - 1000-3000 mm per year, which are distributed evenly throughout the year. Constantly high air temperatures are kept at the level of +24...+28 °C.

1 Main

Eurasia is located in all climatic zones of the Earth. Most of the mainland lies in the temperate climate zone. It is characterized by a significant heterogeneity of climatic conditions when moving from west to east.

Only in Eurasia does the tropical climatic zone not form a continuous band; in Southeast Asia, the subtropical and subequatorial belts border.

Eurasia is dominated by territories with continental types of climate.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

1. In what climatic zones is Eurasia located? What is the reason for this? 2. In what climatic zones of Eurasia are several climatic regions? Why? 3. In what climatic zones are areas with a continental type of climate represented? What explains their presence? 4. Which climatic zone occupies the most

rice. 3. Cherrapunji is the wettest place on the planet. The town is located in India in the middle of a mountain valley in a kind of funnel at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. Monsoons from the ocean carry moist air, meet mountains on the way, and trying to overcome them, they give off a huge amount of moisture. The average rainfall is 11,430 mm per year. The record amount of precipitation was observed in 1861 - 22,987 mm! All precipitation falls in five months of almost continuous downpours. Then comes the dry season.

rice. 4. Climatic diagram of the subequatorial zone of Eurasia.

large area? 5. In what climate zone is Ukraine located? What type of climate is typical for its territory?

Practical work 11

Determination of climate types within the temperate climatic zone of Eurasia using climate diagrams.

1. Determine which types of climate in the temperate zone correspond to the climatic diagrams in fig. 1 paragraph. 2. Compose brief description every type of climate. 3. Give examples of mainland areas where each type of climate is common. Present your answer in the form of a table (in a notebook).

Practical task

Compare the set and placement of the climatic zones of Eurasia and North America using atlas maps.

This is textbook material.

Domogatsky. 7th grade part 2. Workbook

Test tasks

1. Within which climatic zone is located the largest part Eurasia?
a) subarctic
b) subtropical
c) tropical
d) moderate

2. Which of the listed peninsulas of Eurasia is located in a monsoon climate?
a) Apennine
b) Korean
c) Iberian
d) Scandinavian

3. In which of the listed regions of Eurasia is the annual amount of precipitation the least?
a) Arabian Peninsula
b) Lake Baikal area
c) the Indian subcontinent
d) Scandinavian Peninsula

4. Are the following statements true?

  1. The Pole of Cold of the Northern Hemisphere is located in the region of the sharply continental subarctic climate of Eurasia.
  2. The territory of Eurasia is located in all climatic zones of the Northern Hemisphere.

a) only the first statement is true
b) only the 2nd statement is true
c) both statements are true
d) both statements are wrong

5. Arrange the listed types of Eurasian climates in descending order of the annual amount of precipitation, starting with the largest.
a) monsoon temperate climate
b) sharply continental temperate climate
c) subequatorial climate
d) tropical climate


A) b)


6. Match extreme points Eurasia and the climatic regions in which they are located.

1) Cape Dezhnev
2) Cape Piai
3) Cape Roca
4) Cape Chelyuskin

a) arctic climate
b) Mediterranean subtropical climate
c) subarctic climate
d) equatorial climate


2 3 4


G) b)


Thematic Workshop

1. Complete the drawing of the monsoon process.

2. In one of the countries of Eurasia there is an ancient city. He stands on the shore not too major river which gave the city its name. If you swim along it, then very soon you can find yourself in a huge drainless reservoir. There are several weather stations in this city, some of which have been collecting weather information for over 100 years. According to the proposed data, construct a climatogram for this city and answer the questions.

1) In what climate zone is this city located?temperate continental climate
2) On what grounds did you determine the climate zone? Name at least two signs.

  • summer average temperatures reach + 18ºС - + 19ºС, that is, it is quite warm in summer;
  • winter average temperatures do not fall below -12ºС, that is, the winter is not very cold, quite moderate;
  • the amount of precipitation in both winter and summer does not differ much: in winter 40-60 mm, and in summer 68-80.

3) What is the name of the river on the banks of which this city is located? In what drainless reservoir can a lifebuoy thrown into this river end up?

The river on which the city is located is called the Kostroma River. It is indeed a small river. Its length is 354 km. Having overcome this distance of Kostroma, it flows into the Volga and carries its waters to the largest drainless lake on the planet - to the Caspian Sea. Therefore, if we throw a lifeline into Kostroma, sooner or later it will end up in the waters of the Caspian Sea.

4) What else can you tell about this city? Maybe you can even name the country in which it is located?

On the territory of Eurasia, quite a lot of cities are named after the rivers on the banks of which they are located: Warsaw, Terek, Tunguska, Sosva, Pechora, Kharkov, Amsterdam, Moscow, Kabul, Pyarnu, Barnaul, Bugulma, Okha, Luga and many many other cities, located both on the territory of Russia and abroad.

In our case, the city and the river Kostroma (the country of Russia) most closely match the proposed description. Kostroma is an ancient city founded in 1152. The city got its name from the name of the Kostroma River, on the banks of which the city was founded.

There are indeed several meteorological stations on the territory of the city of Kostroma. The very first of them was opened in 1883. She worked at a real school in the city. For more than a century of existence, the work of the station was interrupted only a couple of times for a total of 4 years. The station changed its location several times and is currently located in the village of Koryakovo. it is literally 1.5 km from modern borders Kostroma.

Cartographic workshop

1. Arrange geographical objects in the order of their location from the northernmost to the southernmost.
1) Indus River
2) Baltic Sea
3) Lake Baikal
4) the island of Sri Lanka
5) Scandinavian Peninsula
6) Yellow Sea
7) Himalaya mountains


2 3 6 7 1


2. "Shadowboxing".

No. p / p

Question How do you think?

How about really?

Which bay is located to the north: Bengal (1) or Biscay (2)?



2 Is Cape Piai located in the Northern (1) or Southern (2) hemisphere?



Which river is located to the east: Indus (1) or Ganges (2)?


Does the Euphrates river flow into the Persian Gulf (1) or the Red Sea (2)?



5 Which of the rivers is located to the north: the Yangtze (1) or the Amur (2)?



General features of the climate of Eurasia

Definition 1

Eurasia is the largest and highest continent on the planet, which is washed by all the oceans of the Earth, and most of it is located between the equator and the Arctic Circle.

The climate of this continent is very diverse - its northern part is cold, and the southern part, on the contrary, is extremely hot, the central regions are rather arid, and the Atlantic and Pacific coasts are mostly humid.

The main reason for this heterogeneity is related to the position of the mainland in all geographical zones Northern Hemisphere, which in turn leads to an uneven supply of solar radiation to the surface.

The second reason is different types circulation of air masses. Most of the mainland is under the influence of western transport. The tropical belt lies in the zone of action of the trade winds, and the extreme south and east are under the influence of monsoons.

The western transport of air masses intensifies in winter period At this time, Atlantic cyclones dominate the entire territory of Europe. As a result, the air temperature in the northern and southern regions of the mainland differs little and the zonal temperature distribution is disturbed.

Ready-made works on a similar topic

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This phenomenon led to the formation of an area of ​​high pressure, called the Asian High.

Continental moderate air masses from here spread in all directions. At this time, areas of low atmospheric pressure are formed over the Indian and Pacific oceans, so especially powerful air currents move here. This is the principle of dry and cold winter monsoons.

With the onset of the summer period, the western transfer of air masses weakens, and the zonal temperature distribution becomes more noticeable, which is manifested in the latitudinal strike of the July isotherms.

Picture 1. Climatic conditions Eurasia. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

The Indo-Gangetic lowland, isolated by mountain barriers on all sides, becomes the place where the highest temperature on the mainland is established, an area of ​​​​very low atmospheric pressure is formed here, called the South Asian Low.

The water surface of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, unlike most of Asia, is still cool in summer, so areas of high pressure arise above them, and air masses move from the oceans to land. This forms a powerful warm and humid summer monsoon.

The annual amount of precipitation on the mainland from its outskirts to the central regions naturally decreases and reaches its minimum. The reason is that the activity of western transport cyclones and monsoons is weakening, and the influence of dry continental air masses from the interior of Eurasia is increasing.

Climatic zoning of Eurasia

The belts and regions that stand out in the climatic zoning of Eurasia have the following types of climates: on the northern coast of the mainland in the polar belt, a severe arctic climate has formed. The temperatures of this belt vary from 0 degrees in summer to -40 degrees in winter, precipitation here falls from 100-200 mm, and sometimes less.

A narrow strip in front of the Arctic Circle is occupied by a transitional subarctic climate. Iceland is located within it, and part of the islands to the west of Scandinavia is the maritime region of the subarctic. Precipitation falls up to 700 mm. The winter temperature is -5…-10 degrees, and the summer is cold +10 degrees.

Approaching the Bering Strait, the belt expands. The July temperature here is not higher than +12 degrees, and the winters are harsh and long. There is also little precipitation - in the west, under the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, about 300 mm falls, and in the north-east of Siberia - less than 100 mm.

The temperate zone occupies large area. Its border runs from the southern coast of the Bay of Biscay in the west and reaches the northern part of the Korean peninsula and the middle of the island of Honshu. Winds of temperate latitudes dominate here throughout the year.

Within Russia, the belt is divided into three regions:

  • temperate continental,
  • continental,
  • monsoon.

The continentality of the climate increases from west to east of the mainland.

Within Europe, two subregions of the temperate zone are distinguished - northern and southern. In the northern subregion, summers are cool and short, with heavy rainfall, frequent fogs, and almost constant cloudiness.

In the southern subregion on the Atlantic coast, winters are mild without negative temperatures, and summers are moderately warm.

In the depths of the continent, summer is hot and humid, with a temperature of +22…+24 degrees.

A subtropical climate zone runs through the entire continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. It captures the southern part of Europe, the highlands of Western Asia, the northern part of Arabia, Tibet and the Yangtze basin. A feature of this belt is dry and hot air in summer and humid and warm in winter.

I must say that the climatic zones of the mainland are divided into smaller areas, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich depends on the proximity of water bodies and the nature of the relief. In the subtropics, zones are also distinguished:

marine Mediterranean - Apennine, Balkan Peninsula with hot summers and mild winters;

continental mediterranean - southern countries this subbelt, the western and southern coast of the Asia Minor peninsula. Both sub-belts are similar, the winter temperature here is +2 ... +12 degrees, precipitation is 500-600 mm, and in the mountains up to 3000 m;

continental covers the highlands of Western Asia and the north of Arabia. Annual temperature fluctuations here reach 90 degrees.

Tibet is an alpine subregion with dry and cold summers and little snow in winters. Precipitation falls in the east of the mountains, brought by the monsoons from the Pacific Ocean.

High humidity is characterized East End the Yangtze basin. Rains in the summer period bring monsoons from the Pacific Ocean, the amount of which varies from 700 to 2000 mm during the year depending on the relief.

The tropical belt also has its differences: the tropical trade winds - the Thar (Tar) desert, located in the southeast of Pakistan, the south of Arabia, the south of the Iranian highlands. During the year, tropical air masses dominate here, so summers are hot and winters are warm. Daily temperature fluctuations are high and there is an acute lack of precipitation, not exceeding 100 mm.

The Yemeni mountains are an exception - on the slopes falls from 400 to 1000 mm.

The transitional subequatorial belt occupies the island of Sri Lanka, two peninsulas - Hindustan, Indochina, southern China and other islands. In winter, dry air from the continent dominates here, and in summer, moist air from the Indian Ocean. The hottest time of the year is spring. Precipitation time - summer and autumn, i.e. dry and wet seasons alternate.

In the south of the mainland, on most of the islands and peninsulas, an equatorial belt has formed, where precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year. Their total number is 1500-4000 mm. Average annual temperatures are very high here.

Climatic anomalies of Eurasia

On this vast continent there are places whose climatic conditions are of great surprise.

For example, the third part of the Arabian Peninsula is the largest sandy desert in the world, located on the territory of the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen.

The temperature in this hot desert reaches + 56 degrees. The climate is very dry and rainfall is less than 3 cm per year.

Iran is home to the hottest place on the planet, the Dashti Lut Desert. In 2005, a thermometer recorded an air temperature of +70.7 degrees here. The desert attracts with the beauty of its dunes, reaching a height of 500 m.

There are also the coldest places in Eurasia - this is the village of Oymyakon, located on the territory of Russia. It is the real cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere. The village is located in a hollow where cold air flows in winter. The weather is calm, but this stagnant cold penetrates through and through. According to measurements, the temperature minimum is from -77.8 to -82 degrees. The difference between summer and winter temperatures reaches 104 degrees.

The highest temperature was recorded here in the summer of 2010 and amounted to +34.6 degrees. Snow in Oymyakon lies from 213 to 229 days. There are streams here that do not freeze at -70 degrees and there are icings that do not melt at a temperature of +30 degrees.

Remark 1

The wettest place on the planet is also in Eurasia - a small town in India called Cherrapunji. The average annual air temperature in it is +17.3 degrees. During the year, 12 thousand mm of precipitation falls in this town. There is no wetter place on Earth.

Sections: Geography

The course of the lesson is fully consistent and built in accordance with the requirements of an innovative form of student-centered learning. The student is recognized as the main subject of the learning process. During the lesson, the creation of the necessary conditions for recognizing the individuality of the student, his experience, the possibility of self-education, self-development and self-expression in the course of mastering knowledge is constantly traced. Conditions have been created for dialogue and polylogue, as well as situations for choosing educational tasks and forms for their implementation

Lesson Form- combined, with the use of research materials.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Coordinate independent work students, taking into account their personal characteristics, in order to create the most favorable conditions for their manifestation.
  • Think over the main types of communication, forms of cooperation between students, students and the teacher, taking into account personal interaction, equal partnership in the classroom.
  • In the conditions of student-centered learning, to provide each student, based on his abilities, inclinations, interests, subjective experience, with the opportunity to realize himself in the knowledge of the characteristics of the climatic regions of Eurasia and the climate of our territory.


  1. Using the subjective experience of each student about the climate, the ability to independently obtain information using maps, to form knowledge about the features of the climatic regions of the temperate zone of Eurasia.
  2. Encourage students to independently choose and use the most significant ways for them to study in-depth material about the marine, continental and monsoon climate types of Eurasia
  3. Stimulate the student to self-development and self-expression when choosing, performing practical tasks, problem solving.
  4. Help creative team in studying the climate of our area, its influence on economic activity population, taking into account the problems of pollution and protection of the atmosphere.
  5. Conduct reflection, assessment of acquired knowledge.


Map “ Climatic zones and areas of the world”,
- geographic atlases,
- textbook "Geography of the Belgorod region" Part I, M .: Education, 1980.,
- “Anthology on physical geography”, compiled by N.A. Maksimov.

During the classes

I. Frontal conversation:

What is the main reason for climate change?
- What is the largest climatic zone in Eurasia?
What are the climatic regions of the temperate zone?

List the causes that affect climate change from west to east: (the influence of constant winds, ocean currents, relief, massiveness of material, remoteness of the territory from the oceans - the growth of continentality).

II. Group work.

Teacher: using the climate characterization plan, characterize the climatic regions of the temperate zone:

  1. Nautical
  2. monsoonal
  3. Continental

The creative team, using maps of the Belgorod region, characterizes the climate of our area.

Characteristic plan.

  1. Belt, region.
  2. Position.
  3. Temperatures average January and July.
  4. prevailing winds.
  5. Annual amount precipitation and its regime.

Students characterize the climatic regions of the temperate zone of Eurasia.

Teacher: We have learned that the formation of climatic regions is greatly influenced by the massiveness of the material and its extent from west to east, therefore four climatic regions have formed in the temperate zone.

A significant role is played by constant winds, terrain, ocean currents and remoteness of the territory from the oceans.

Teacher: We will deepen our understanding of each climatic region of the temperate zone with the help of advanced tasks that our students have prepared from additional literature.

I want to dwell in more detail on the maritime climate of temperate latitudes. Now we will all visit “cheerful green England” together, as English poets have sung of their country from time immemorial. And in fact, nowhere you will find such a non-residential, caressing the eye of greenery. And the reason for this is the maritime climate. Moisture-saturated winds from the ocean hit the British Isles with heavy rains - they do not allow the rivers to become shallow. In London, half the days of the year are rainy, in the west and north of the country it rains even more.

The weather in England is very unstable, often deceives all expectations and becomes the most malicious violator of traditions. White winter with snow-covered cottages can only be seen on Christmas cards, often it turns into a string of endless rains.

Sometimes in November, when, according to the laws of nature, you expect wet or dense fog, golden, summer-like warm days suddenly fall out. The humid climate usually and gently explains the emerald color of the English landscape - meadows and trees, bushes and lawns. Fog and smog are frequent in England, which last for several days, adversely affect people's health and traffic. But, of course, after fogs and smog, sea air attracts the most. The sea is felt everywhere in England.

Why does England have a lot of rain throughout the year? (influence of warm current and constant westerly winds).
- What is education about? heavy fogs? (collision of humid warm air from the sea with colder air on land).
- What is smog? (mixture of mist and solid particles).

Together with me you will go to the east coast of Eurasia. There, the climate is influenced by other climate-forming factors and, of course, the climate will be completely different, gentle in the west. The main factor affecting the climate in the east of Eurasia is the monsoon winds, which, as you know, change their direction 2 times a year. I want to dwell on the summer monsoons in more detail.

When the monsoon rains come, a person is full of joy. And not only a person experiences these feelings and animals, and birds, plants.

With the arrival of the monsoon, monsoon showers come from the Pacific Ocean. They bring coolness to the earth, restore its beauty, fill ponds, streams, rivers with water. For another day, everything is covered with a green carpet, bushes and trees begin to sparkle with emerald foliage. Animals and birds waited for food, and, in short term from thin, exhausted, they become strong and well-fed. Shower doji come not for a day or even for a week, for the whole summer from May to September. Heavy rains not only enliven nature, but are also a moment of distress and anxiety for residents of coastal areas and those living in river basins. The water level rises strongly, filling the surrounding territories, floods come with rains, which often take the lives of people and animals, even at this time fishing stops, since work at sea is not possible, hurricanes and storms are planned, the wind blows from the sea to land.

Name the rivers that are influenced by monsoon rains (Amur, Songhua, Huang He, Yangtze, Indus, Ganges).
- What do you think, what pressure is formed over the territory? (low).

Creative group: characteristics of the climate of the Belgorod region (map page 19).

  1. Temperate continental climate, in which there are all seasons.
  2. South part Central Russian Upland.
  3. The temperature in summer is from +18.5 0 in the west to +19.5 0 C in the southeast.
  4. An area of ​​high pressure passes through the territory of the Belgorod region - the Voikov Axis. In the northern part, westerly winds predominate, bringing moisture, softening the climate, and south of the axis, eastern steppe dry winds, which act witheringly.
  5. The amount of precipitation is from 600mm in the west to 400mm in the southeast.
  6. IN winter time and in spring, the influence of Arctic air masses is possible, which bring low temperatures in winter and possible frosts in spring even in May, which can negatively and even disastrously affect crops.

The climate has a major impact on employment in agriculture. The territory of the Belgorod region is divided into 3 agro-climatic regions (map p. 23)

I region. These are the western and northern regions, the most moisture-provided. The conditions are favorable for the cultivation of spring, winter crops, grain crops, perennial grasses, sugar and fodder beets, potatoes and sunflowers, fruit and berry crops, and dairy and meat cattle breeding.

II region. These are the southwestern regions, which have a lower level of moisture but a high heat supply. Corn is grown here, for silage, sugar and fodder beets.

III district. These are the southeastern regions, more arid, steppe. Spring grain crops, corn for grain, essential oil crops prevail here. (anise, coriander, hops), meat and dairy cattle breeding and sheep breeding.

In what agro-climatic region is our village located? (2nd district)
- What crops are grown on the fields of the agricultural firm "Pushkarnoye"? (wheat, barley, beets, corn for fodder, sunflower, dairy and meat cattle breeding).

Report research work ecological squad.

The environmental team of our school, and its members are the students of our class, carried out local monitoring around the school about air pollution.

Impact on car air pollution. More than 100 cars drive along the school every day, if we take this into account, 1 car emits 1 kg of exhaust gases per day, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, lead compounds, sulfur compounds, etc. that affect health.

Qualitative assessment of air dust content.

  1. Conducted a qualitative assessment of the dust content of the air. The studies were carried out using adhesive tape. For a week the tape was covered with dust, but in different places the layer of dust was different. The most dusty part in front of the entrance to the school, least of all in the school garden. After all, trees have the ability to purify the air.
  2. Our detachment is fighting against spontaneous bonfires, which the villagers make in the fall after harvesting, and in the spring, cultivating their gardens.

Teacher: We have traced on the local material about the influence of various climate-forming factors on climate change, about how climate affects human economic activity, and we also see from the work of the environmental team: human activity is detrimental to the atmosphere, and at the same time affects health the people themselves.

III. Fixing the material.

Verification of the actual material.

  1. What are the winds that blow off the Atlantic Ocean called?
  2. What effect does the warm North Atlantic Current have on the climate of Eurasia?
  3. How does relief affect the climate of the Pacific coast of Eurasia?

Ability to work with diagrams.

  1. Describe using a map Tropical belt Eurasia (according to the plan page 312).
  2. Using a map, describe the climate of the Indian subcontinent
  3. Determine the type of climate from the climate diagrams.

Causal relationships.

  1. Which slope of the Ural Mountains will receive more precipitation? Why?
  2. Why did the Arabian Desert form on the Arabian Peninsula?
  3. Explain why the foothills of the Himalayas receive the most rainfall?

Creative application of knowledge.

  1. By map natural areas find the deserts of Eurasia and explain the reasons for this arrangement.
  2. Find on the map areas of the lowest temperatures and explain the reasons.
  3. Determine the types of climates of the following objects: Great Britain, Iceland, Kamchatka Island, explain the reasons for different temperatures.

Tasks for everyone:

Determine the type of climate from the description of the weather.

“Winter weather is unstable, sometimes frosts, sometimes thaws. Dry and frosty air cooled over the expanse of snow. It is even colder when the air masses come from the icy Arctic. The thermometer drops to -30 0 C, the snow creaks, no breeze, the sun in a clear sky is a red circle. But now the sky was covered with a gray veil of clouds, atmospheric pressure is falling, it is noticeably warmer. A damp wind is blowing, snow has fallen.

Where did the raw wind come from?
- What is it called?

IV. Summarizing.

What did you learn new today?
- What have you learned?
- How do you rate yourself?
