South Korea. Climate of south korea Annual rainfall in south korea

Climate South Korea- moderate monsoon. This type is typical for East Asia. It affects the vagaries of the weather also in the DPRK, Japan, Northeast China. IN winter time dry and cold air comes, which "travels" from Eastern Siberia, in summer - cool and humid with Pacific Ocean. Jeju Island stands apart, where the climate is subtropical.

Features of the seasons

The people of Korea consider the climate to be the dignity of their country. They pride themselves on the fact that they have four well-defined seasons, smoothly replacing each other. Oleg Kiryanov mentions this in his book "Korea and Koreans". Koreans consider their country's climate special. Perhaps the proximity of Southeast Asia, where there are only two seasons - dry and wet, affects. According to Koreans, all four seasons are a gift that only selected countries deserve.


The climate of Korea is really quite pleasant. Koreans believe that spring comes with the arrival of swallows and cherry blossoms. Spring weather is mild and sunny, the whole space is immersed in fragrant flowers. Temperature environment+10 - +20. It is customary to go out into nature or take a walk in the park, admiring spring landscapes. This period is loved by the people, but short - from April to May, two months.


Recently, the climate on the Korean Peninsula has changed due to global warming, it has become milder. Coming into its own, summer brings heat and stuffiness. The thermometer reaches +25 - +30. Abundant atmospheric moisture comes along with oceanic air masses. From the second half of June, the rainy season begins, which is called "plum" - they coincide with the ripening period of this fruit.

Thunderstorms don't stop. Until the beginning of August, they are very strong. Cyclonic storms pass by the country, which increases rainfall. For 1.5 months, 60-70% of the annual precipitation falls. In combination with high temperature rainy weather creates a kind of "steam room" in the country. Most of all "gets" the southern coast, as well as the islands of Jeju and Ulleungdo. This is where the most precipitation falls.


The climate of South Korea differs depending on the region. But in general, in September, the rainy season finally ends. Autumn pleases not only with mild weather, but also with beauty. Along with spring, Koreans consider it the best time of the year. The carpet of colorful leaves, the bright color of the trees - all this is impressive. The autumn period is October and November.


What is the climate in South Korea and is it comfortable in winter? The answer is also very nice: winter period dry, clean blue sky, light frost. Jeju Island, it seems, winter bypasses: from +1 to +3 degrees. In other regions of the Republic, the temperature is lower: from -2 to -5. Air currents come from the interior of the continent. Since the monsoon is characterized by low temperatures and dryness, 10% of annual precipitation falls in 4 months.

The hottest month is July (about +31), the coldest month is December (-4). The difference between them is significant, especially in the northern regions. For example, in Seoul, this difference reaches 28.3 degrees.

Climatic conditions of the regions

The climate of South Korea varies in different parts of the country. For example, you can compare Seoul and Busan, between which the distance is small - 400 km. But they are located on opposite ends of the country. Busan is located at sea ​​coast: The city is cooler in summer than Seoul, and warmer in winter.

The amount of precipitation per year also varies. In the north falls from 900 mm, in the south - from 1500 mm. But you cannot guess the exact figure and intensity of rains. Even knowing the climate in South Korea, it is not always possible to guess the amount of precipitation. For example, up to 3 typhoons pass over the country every year, causing floods. There are dry years and rainy years when the average is exceeded by 30-50%. Because of this, droughts and floods occur, which are not at all happy with local farmers.

And yet the climate on the Korean Peninsula is conducive to the cultivation of heat-loving crops: peanuts, sesame, cotton. In the north of the country the climate is more severe. Snow falls here annually, and the thickness of the snow cover is often a meter. In the southern territory, snowfalls are rare, not every year. If they fall out, they don't last long. For example, in Seoul - about a month, in Daegu - 17 days, in Busan - up to a week.

Due to the pronounced expression of the seasons, a clear cycle of seasonal changes has been established, which the locals are guided by. Since ancient times, there has been an agricultural calendar, which was associated with different periods of the year. For example, with “bread rains” or “great heat”.

The climate of Korea is a mixture of continental and maritime climates. The four seasons clearly follow one another, and if summer is characterized by heat and humidity, then winter is characterized by cold and dry weather.

four seasons

Summer The hottest months of the year are June-August. The average temperature in August is 25.4℃. This is the perfect time to relax by the sea. The beach season falls on July-August. Winter The coldest time of the year is from December to February. In the north of the peninsula average temperature during these months it drops to -8℃. The temperature on the south coast at the same time is 0℃. This is the time for winter sports or for contemplation winter scenery. In the mountainous regions located in the eastern part of the country, there is a lot of snow, so ski resorts are everywhere in winter. The ski season in Korea lasts from December to February. Spring and Autumn From March to May in Korea, spring, and from September to November, autumn. At this time, the weather is neither hot nor cold, ideal for outdoor recreation. There are more rainy days in Korea in spring than in autumn. But the weather is mild, and nature pleases with its beauty: young greenery and spring flowers. Spring in Korea is the best time for walking. Korean autumn is clear, the air is clean. This is the best time to spend time in nature. During this time of the year there are numerous sports events and regional festivals.


The annual rainfall in Korea is 1.260 mm. From June to early September, over 50% of the annual precipitation falls in the country. The climate of the Korean Peninsula is characterized by monsoon rains, which begin in the second half of June and go until mid-July.

Natural disasters

Characteristics of Natural Disasters in Korea Geological natural disasters such as earthquakes are rare in Korea. Most natural emergencies are represented by meteorological natural disasters. These include typhoons, heavy rains, heavy snowfalls, unprecedented warm winters and crop-destroying cold in the summer. Typhoons Each year, about 28 typhoons occur in the North Pacific. Of these, two or three sweep over Korea, often bringing with them a lot of trouble. Heavy rains Heavy rains cause damage mainly in summer. There is currently an upward trend in heavy rainfall events. Floods Although river levels are well regulated in Korea by multifunctional dams, it happens that due to heavy rainfall or prolonged monsoon rains, rivers overflow their banks.

Before going on a trip, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the climate and weather in Korea. Basically, a temperate climate similar to Russia prevails in this country. But there are also areas of the country where a subtropical monsoon climate dominates. In South Korea, the seasons are clearly felt, which allows you to choose the right time for you to travel.


In summer, it is very hot and humid in Korea, the air warms up to + 35 ° C. Due to the proximity of the sea, the season of heavy rains takes place in summer. It usually starts at the end of June and can drag on until the end of July. Every year, South Korean weather forecasters compile an analysis of meteorological observations, which talks about the duration of the rainy season in Korea.


In Korea, autumn lasts from September to October, the temperature during this period is from + 25 ° C to + 12 ° C. Many tourists prefer to visit Korea in the fall, as the country has a warm and dry climate. During this "golden" period, the parks and streets of the country fascinate with their splendor of colors. Many Koreans, gathering families, go hiking in the mountains.


Winter in the land of "Morning Calm" is dry and cold. It lasts from the end of November to the end of March, in the south of the country the winter period ends at the end of February. The air temperature in winter in different parts of the country usually ranges from + 2 ° C to - 10 ° C. Winter in Korea good time for lovers of ski resorts. During this period, you can enjoy snowboarding and skiing.


Spring is one of the most mesmerizing seasons in Korea. Spring here is warm and sunny, it lasts from April to May. The prevailing air temperature is from +8° C to +24° C. During this period, the most long-awaited and amazing spring event takes place - sakura blossoms in Korea and many other trees and flowers. A large number of tourists come from all over the world to see this exciting action.

South Korea has long been popular among residents Russian Federation. Increasingly, domestic tourists are choosing the country of "morning freshness", abandoning the annoying Egypt, Greece and Bulgaria. Often they visit beaches, ski resorts and directly the capital - Seoul. However, it should be noted that Korea is exotic, which not everyone can afford. The same expensive countries can be called Japan, Australia and the Philippines. Most of the travelers, choosing among the listed states, still prefer South Korea. What is it that attracts Russian-speaking tourists? Bullfights, many varieties of tangerines, skyscrapers, toilets controlled by special remotes, open access points to the Internet and sauerkraut which has long become a national dish. All this can be found on the territory of an interesting and diverse Korea. Do not be afraid of all of the above. The state is open to any tourists who can choose a recreation area for themselves: monasteries, pagodas, slopes, beaches. Holidays in South Korea, reviews of which are excellent, will appeal to many, if not all.

Tourists in Korea

South Korea has long been ranked among the most safe countries in the world. However, as they say, the medal has two sides. The republic ranked first among all states in terms of the number of deaths as a result of car accidents. That is why tourists should be as careful as possible. In addition, even with the fact that the country is calm, it is still not recommended to walk alone through the parks at night and alleys.

The locals treat tourists well. However, there may be some problems with understanding (communication), as not everyone knows English.

Shopping in the Land of the Morning Calm

The largest stores are open from 10:30 to 20 pm. Smaller scale outlets start their day much earlier and end late at night. All necessary conditions have been created for shopping in Korea. There are specialized areas, many markets, arcades, department stores and centers, duty-free shops are open. Spending holidays in South Korea, you definitely need to visit popular outlets.

The most common souvenirs include paintings, various goods made of wood, dolls, fans, and so on. Quite a lot of interesting items decorated with mother-of-pearl can be found in stores. Since we have already talked about shells and other things, it should be said that Korea is the only state on Earth where only women are engaged in the extraction of valuable items from the bottom of the sea.

General information about the rest

The Republic of Korea is famous for its ski resorts and beaches. It has a huge cultural heritage that it is proud of. All available recreation areas are suitable for those who want to relax and escape from problems, as well as for those who come for active adventures. In winter, the following ski resorts are the most popular: Muju, Phoenix and Yongpyeong. Often tourists visit local festivals.

Concerning summer period, they gained fame. They have many beaches, near which there are shops, restaurants. If a tourist comes with a child, then relaxation on Jeju Island should be preferred, but if without, Busan and Namsan will do. South Korea will seem very interesting to every tourist. beach holiday will be described in more detail below.

Those who love sightseeing trips can come to the state at any time from September to November. It is this period that is considered the most favorable for various educational activities. If a tourist just wants to walk the streets of Seoul and admire the beauty of the scenery, you need to come to Korea from mid-March to June.

Climate in Korea

Most of the country is in the temperate region. climate zone, so the change of seasons and their influence is felt quite strongly. Traditionally, spring and autumn are short, not cold. Most of the warm days fall between March and May. Summers are often extremely hot, with average temperatures reaching +35°C in some parts of the country. Frequent rain. Chanma (or monsoonal rainfall) begins in June and lasts until July. August is also hot. Autumn is considered the most pleasant and comfortable season in Korea, as there are slight winds and the weather is dry. In winter, the average air temperature reaches -10°С, and there is little precipitation.

It is best to visit a country like South Korea from April to October. A beach holiday, the season of which opens during this period, will definitely give an unforgettable experience. Ski resorts open their "doors" for tourists from November to mid-spring.

western sea

If a tourist decides to stay in Seoul and wants to enjoy the beach, you can pay attention to the western border. This is where Taecheon Beach is located. A mud festival is most often held on its territory. The Western Sea, on the coast of which the beach is located, is shallow, the waves are small. The sand is soft but coarse. Relaxation in mud baths is available.

south sea

Traveling to a state such as South Korea is considered popular. Rest on the sea is one of the common activities.

Haeundae is considered to be the best beach in Korea. In summer it is so crowded with both locals and foreigners that it is difficult to find a free place. But it's not worth getting upset about it. The southern coast is rich in islands, which you can quickly get to and have a good rest. One of these must be called Jeju. It is popular due to its interesting and picturesque view, which will allow you to have a good vacation in South Korea. The water is emerald in color, there are black rocks, sand of different shades. And not far from the beach you can find a cave, near which exotic plants have sprouted. There is also a waterfall and a botanical garden. One can visit the village which has traditional houses. The coast on Jeju is more suitable for those who prefer outdoor activities. This is due to the fact that the sea is restless here, and the waves are rather big.

East sea

The east coast is in great demand among tourists, as it offers beautiful and picturesque views. Many travelers suggest giving preference to Sokcho Beach. It became popular due to the fact that it is located on the coast. East Sea, which has clear waters. A pine forest is located nearby, and the sand covering the surface of the earth is snow-white. Not far from the beach is Seoraksan Park, on the territory of which there are mountains. You can also go to Chodo. This island is popular with fishermen. In general, holidays in South Korea by the sea, reviews of which are very good, are the most popular. Especially on the east coast.

Sanho beach

This beach is also popular among Koreans. Located on Udo Island, Sanho makes you feel like you're in Hawaii. Sand white color, turquoise water. Such a place is suitable for a wedding or just a romantic getaway in South Korea. At sea, prices are much higher than in the city, so you should buy all the accessories (towels, swimwear) in advance.

Gujora beach

On the island of Geojedo, Gujora Beach is the most popular. The land is connected to Busan by a unique "bridge". The bay is as quiet as possible. Sand covering the wide beach small sizes. If you don’t want to spend too much time outside of Busan, but have a desire to retire, this beach will be a great solution.

Getting to the coast is easy. This can be done either by ferry or by bus.


Busan has its own beach. It is considered as calm as possible during "rush hour" (in summer). The fact is that the beach is located far from the city center, so it is not in great demand among the local population. However, tourists are not uncommon. After all, everyone likes to relax in a country like South Korea. Rest on the sea will give a lot of sensations.

You can get to the beach either by bus or by taxi. It will also be easy to walk.


Another beach located in Busan. It will allow you to have a good rest in South Korea. In terms of size, it ranks second in the city. It offers a beautiful view of the bridge connecting Busan with another island. You can get to it using the metro.

The sand on the beach is fine, the climate is favorable. Next to it you can find theaters, exhibitions, museums. The fact is that the beach is located in the cultural center of the village. Of course, cafes and restaurants are nearby. There are bars and nightclubs.

"Korean wave"

Korea means getting to know the local culture. The "Korean Wave" was the name given to the spread of local musical traditions to other countries of the world. K-pop has gained the most popularity in Southeast Asia. Previously, only music belonged to such art and the “wave”, but now cinema, cuisine, and so on are considered to be such art. A sufficient number of local actors have long been filmed abroad, mainly in America, which indicates success. Some were able to break into Hollywood. It is safe to say that Korea clearly has someone to show and something to be proud of.

Food cost

Any tourist will want to eat while spending holidays in South Korea. Let's look at the prices below. In inexpensive cafes, the average cost per dish is about the same: from 7 to 12 thousand won. If you buy food in the parks, you will have to pay a little more. The cost is fully justified, because the dishes are usually large, have special snacks. Water is not sold in the cafe, it is issued free of charge. Coffee will cost 5,000 won, the same amount will have to be paid for various rolls, cakes or burgers.

In Myeongdong (one of them you can buy sweets. For example, ice cream will cost about 2 thousand won, cotton candy - the same.

Entertainment cost

If you need to get to any attraction, you can always use the metro. If desired, it is allowed to buy a single ticket, although it will be more profitable - a transport card. It sells for 2,000 won. If you buy it at the airport, it will come out a little more expensive, about 4 thousand rubles.

The fare depends on the distance of the "travel". Average fares: 450 won for a child with a transit card, 1,000 won for an adult. Holidays in South Korea by the sea, the prices for which are high, even despite the considerable expenses, will bring a lot of impressions.
