Holiday season in Greece. Best time to go to Greece

To make your vacation a success, you should not only choose a good travel company, but also the right time for the trip. The holiday season in Greece is quite long, but each type of holiday has its own period. If you want to go for swimming or sunbathing, excursions or visit the carnivals, you should find out in advance about the different periods of the holiday season in Greece.

Tourist season in Greece

Conventionally, three main periods can be distinguished: beach, ski and period. The time when the swimming season begins in Greece falls at the beginning of May. The water is completely warmed up, and the air temperature is kept at 25°C. It is from the beginning of May to the beginning of September that you can safely plan your vacation if you want to swim and bask in the sun.

When the swimming season in Greece ends, the water temperature begins to gradually drop and the time for winds comes. The wind season in Greece most often begins in August, but by September it is no longer so noticeable. The temperature is gradually decreasing, the heat subsides.

Velvet season in Greece

When autumn comes and we start to take out umbrellas, the most chic period begins there. It is in September that the time to relax with children and family is the most favorable. This is a period of warm sea without sweltering heat. You can safely lie on the beach without a crowd of tourists and plunge into the warm, but not overheated sea.

There are noticeably fewer vacationers, but there are more fruits and various walks in historical places! Winds gradually begin to subside towards the end of the month. In October, the weather is still mild and the velvety swimming season in Greece continues. The water temperature remains at 20-25°C, so you can safely take your swimwear with you.

The rainy season in Greece starts around November. The temperature is still at 25°C, but the precipitation is noticeably more. From about the second half of November, the rains begin to pour constantly and you will no longer be able to swim or walk around the sights.

Beach season in Greece

The period from the beginning of May to the first half of June is the most favorable swimming season in Greece. There is no strong influx of tourists yet, the water has time to warm up, and the heat has not yet arrived. If your vacation falls in the middle of summer and you are afraid of intense heat, feel free to go to the islands of Crete or. At the height of the swimming season in Greece, these areas are noticeably cooler than the rest of the coast.

By the way, if your vacation falls in the spring, then you can go to Crete. There, the beach season starts earlier than in other parts of Greece, and already in April you can plunge into the warm water.

High season in Greece

Between June and September, the time begins when the influx of tourists is very large. That is why the prices here are much higher than in the rest of the time. But for people to whom the heat is not easy, this period is even contraindicated. The temperature can reach as much as 40°C, and water does not save at all, since its temperature rarely drops below 25°C.

Holiday season in Greece: time for active tourists

If lying idle in the sun isn't a vacation for you, then choose the time for excursions, skiing or carnivals. Acropolises, monasteries and temples you can see in late spring or early autumn. Around the beginning of May or the end of April, there are already very warm and you can safely walk around all the historical places.

The ski season starts here in December. It lasts until mid-spring. There are about 20 centers in Greece, where you will be offered decent quality slopes, equipment for rent and comfortable rooms. winter period it's also a time of huge sales, so six weeks of big discounts is another reason to go on holiday.

You can get to the carnivals from January during Lent. The festivities there are really colorful, a lot of spectacular shows and traditional rituals. You can also get to fairs and fun celebrations in March and February.

It may seem that the questions “When is the best time to go to Greece?” and “When does the season start in Greece?” are the same in meaning. It wasn't there. The very question “When is the best time to go to Greece?” meaningless, if you do not specify why - in order to relax at sea, for active rest or in order to visit this country at minimal cost.

When does the season start in Greece and is it worth going at this time?

Traditionally, the season in Greece begins on the tenth of June. However, as in all of southern Europe, where beach holidays are popular. However, what is the high season in Greece? Is this really the best time to go to Greece? The high season is the time when everything is high: hotel prices, the number of people on the beaches, air and water temperatures, the cost of tours and flights.

The only plus of this time is a very warm sea. And if you choose when it is better to fly to Greece for a seaside holiday (including with children), you can also consider the high season - that is, the period from mid-June to mid-September.

When does the season start in Greece? When the number of parked cars at the beaches increases three times, and the number of vacationers - six.

If you are interested in excursion programs or walks, it is better to choose a more comfortable time in terms of weather. After all, in summer the air temperature in Greece rises above 30 degrees, and some islands (for example, the Cyclades archipelago) have practically no trees, and there will be nowhere to hide from the sun in the middle of the day!

When is the best time to go to Greece if you want to see the country?

If the question is: “When is the best time to go to Greece to have an active vacation?”, You need time just before the start of the high season and immediately after its decline.

The time before the start of the high season - and we are literally talking about three weeks - is characterized by the fact that these days the weather is excellent and comfortable at +26 ... +28 degrees, the water has already warmed up, and hotels have not begun to shamelessly raise prices. Basically, this is the very end of May (after the 25th) and the first two weeks of June.

If you go to Greece immediately before the start of the season and immediately after it ends, then such houses can be rented two and three times cheaper than in summer.

For us, the time when it is better to go to Greece to relax on the sea is inexpensive - the first weeks after the recession of the high season. This is the second half of September and the whole of October. The weather at this time is magnificent, and the sun is as it should be: you can still sunbathe, and during walks you don’t cover yourself ten minutes later. For those who like to travel independently and actively, there is also good news: ferries at this time of the year run frequently and almost uninterrupted.

1) You need to carefully select the dates of your trip to Greece if you definitely want to swim in the sea: follow the forecast for water and air temperature, study sites with weather archives (link at the end of the article). If the water is warm on any day in summer, then before the start of the season and at the end of it, you can come to Greece either before the water warms up or after it has already cooled down.

2) On the islands, buses begin to run less often, and some routes are completely closed. Part of the ferry flights are also canceled as demand decreases. Leaving, as we wrote above, is not a problem, but it is already difficult to get on the flights of the most budgetary companies.

On Mykonos, there were practically no problems with buses during the low season, but on Milos, most of the routes around the island were canceled.

When is the best time to go to Greece to be cheap?

It is logical that if in the high season in Greece a trip to this country will cost the most, then in the low season it will be the cheapest. What is the low season in Greece? Since this is a country beach holiday, the low season in it is the time when you can not swim. Even if you're a seasoned walrus, you still can't. In addition, the low season in the Greek islands is a time of strong winds.

We believe that you should not go to Greece between the end of December and the end of February, unless this trip is not for show and not for fur coats. There is another good time when you can go to Greece cheaply, without losing the quality of your holiday - April and May. These months are ideal for enjoying Greek architecture: even on the most popular islands, you will walk, if not alone, then certainly not among the crowd. As for the Greek nature, then ... It just so happened that the Greek islands are far from tropical in terms of greenery, so you will lose a little 🙂

Greece is attractive to visit at any time of the year. Not only beach holidays are well developed here, but also sightseeing, skiing, etc. When deciding when it is better to relax in Greece, you should rely on what type of holiday is planned. Depending on this, you should choose a direction.

When to go to Greece for a beach holiday?

Beach holidays in Greece are especially attractive. It is always warm here, and the clear sea simply beckons. The season begins in Greece in early May and lasts until the end of October. However, if the vacation is planned for May, then it is better to go to the southern part of the country. It will be warmer here and you can have a good rest. In the northern part at this time it can be cool. The average air temperature in May will be around +26-28 degrees. If it’s cold to swim, you can take time for a cultural program.

June is considered the best month for relaxing on the beach in Greece. At this time it is already warm, but not too hot. On average, the temperature will be +30 degrees, and the water in the sea will warm up to +24. In June, you can go to almost any beach in Greece. Vacationers can safely soak up the sun. Rest at this time is also suitable for couples with children. You don't have to worry about them getting too hot.

Temperatures rise much higher in July and August. It can reach up to +40 degrees. At this time, the peak of the beach season comes, because the water warms up to +26 degrees. If the heat is too exhausting, you should go on vacation to the northern part of the country. Ideal, as sea breezes will lower the temperature.

Begins in September-October the Velvet season. This is a very good time for relaxation. It is not so hot anymore and there are much fewer tourists. In addition, it is easier to breathe, because the air is permeated with sea monsoons. Only at the end of October the temperature drops to +20 degrees and it starts to rain.

When to go to Greece to get to the carnival?

In addition to summer beach holidays, it is interesting to get to Greece during carnivals. They usually take place after the celebration of the New Year and last January to February. Carnivals are noisy entertainment and events. To look at the fun show and take part in it, you can go to Kastoria in January after Christmas. For three days, the inhabitants of this city act on the streets. They dance and sing, dressing up as fairy-tale characters. All tourists can take part in such an event, as well as participate in a traditional ritual to exorcise evil.

If the vacation falls in mid-January, then you can go to Patras. Another interesting carnival will take place here, which will last for about a month. In addition to dancing and masquerade, this holiday is interesting with exciting games in which everyone can take part. First of all, the game attracts in a treasure hunt quest. Similar celebrations are also held in Athens, Naousa and Thessaloniki. The carnival season ends in February.

Carnival in Patras

When to go to Greece for a ski resort?

In addition to beautiful beaches and attractive nature, Greece also has ski resorts. They operate in winter months, so if you can take a vacation at work at this particular time, do not be upset.

All ski resorts are well equipped and equipped for vacationers. There are only high-quality slopes with lifts. Instructors will teach beginners to ride. If you don’t have your own equipment for this, you can rent it at rental points that always work on the territory of the resort. IN winter time especially should be paid attention to the choice of hotel. You can not save and choose comfortable accommodation to have a good rest and relax. During the winter months, the spa treatments offered by most hotels are especially attractive. After a day spent in the fresh mountain air, they will be especially in demand, because you really want to relax.

The purpose of visiting Greece in winter can also be shopping. At this time, many stores hold grandiose sales. At the same time, the prices for many things and goods are so low that you can buy branded products for a very modest amount. The beginning of such sales happens on January 6 and lasts for two weeks.

When to go to Greece for excursions?

Greece is also interesting for its sights, nature and local traditions. Despite the fact that you can go on an excursion regardless of the season, it is better to go here in the spring. At this time, there will be no too tiring heat, in which you will not want to watch anything. Thanks to the climate, there won't be too much rain here. Even in March, which in many countries is considered a cold and rainy month, it will be pleasant here.

Acropolis in Athens

Spring nature in Greece is very beautiful. Trees and shrubs bloom here, and the air is saturated with the scents of flowers. It is very pleasant to walk in the sun, so you can see many interesting places. In addition, in the spring you can get to interesting celebrations. Thus, Independence Day is celebrated in Greece in March. Once here at this time, you can see colorful parades and plunge into their fun.

In March and April, you can go to see historical shrines. By contacting the tour desk, you can book a more suitable tour. In general, there are a lot of such routes, so you can spend the weekend with benefit and learn a lot about a foreign country.

When is the cheapest time to visit Greece?

A trip to Greece may not be as expensive as it might seem. You can save a lot if you know at what time the tickets will cost less. As in any country, prices for tours here depend on seasonality. Of course, the most expensive months will be when you can relax on the sea. The peak of the beach season is in July and August. If you want to save money, you should exclude these months from your choice and consider options for an earlier or later vacation. Since you can swim already at the end of May, it is quite possible to purchase vouchers for this time. In addition, the best time for swimming is September or early October.

As for ski resorts, the highest prices for tours will be during the period new year holidays. Therefore, do not try to get here at this particular time. You can wait until Christmas is over in Greece and go skiing at the end of January or February. If you plan to go to Greece on excursions to see the country, then it is better to purchase a ticket on spring months. At this time, its cost will be minimal.

You can save on a tour ticket if you buy it in advance. So, for example, to get to beach resort in the summer months and not overpay for it, a ticket must be purchased before the end of April. In this case, they will cost 20 - 30% cheaper. This is the most successful option, however, it is not suitable for everyone. You can also try to purchase a burning tour. However, this is only possible if a Schengen visa is open.

Thus, everyone will be able to choose what suits him, depending on his interests and finances. Everyone has different preferences and goals, so many tourists come to Greece all year round.

A beautiful country of Olympic gods and magical legends, where past and present are intertwined, where ancient civilizations and events of the past remind of themselves at every step. A country in which the sun constantly caresses, trees and flowers bloom. Three warm seas washing it allow you to enjoy the beach season almost all year round. And this is not a fairy tale, this is Greece. And the question is not surprising: when is it better to go to Greece by sea?

Warm subtropical Mediterranean climate with very little rainfall and prevailing clear sunny weather (more than three hundred sunny days a year). Spring in Greece is warm, dry and extraordinarily beautiful. Everything around is blooming, and the air is filled with a heady aroma. This is the best time for those who decide to come to the country to admire the ancient Greek monuments of culture and architecture, spend time on excursions and hikes.

Summer on the peninsula is hot and dry. The average temperature is +27-30°С. Although it rises to 40°C, dry air with low humidity and refreshing sea winds make it easy to endure hot weather.

It doesn't matter if you have a vacation autumn. Sleeping heat, comfortable temperature, ideally warmed up to + 24°C water are waiting for you in September. The average temperature does not rise above +30-35°C. And even in October, the weather pleases vacationers. The rains are coming late autumn and in winter.

Winter in Greece attracts tourists with its beauty and softness.. Even in January average temperature fluctuates around +10°C. Frosts in winter occur only in the mountains. Here they are essential for those who like to ski.

Mild warm spring and autumn, hot summers make Greece even more attractive both in terms of tourism to visit ancient architectural monuments, cities and natural beauties, and in terms of sea and mountain recreation.

The beach season starts in April-May, depending on the area. The southern islands of Rhodes, Crete, Corfu, Karpathos, Patmos and others are the first to meet vacationers. Gradually, the rest of the resorts are filled with guests. In autumn, the beaches of the same southern islands are the last to empty. This usually happens in October, while in the central and northern regions the season closes at the end of September. The bathing season replaces the excursion one. And this series does not stop all year round.


Let's look at the four seasons in Greece in more detail.

Rest in the spring

If you are looking not so much to swim and sunbathe, but to see world-famous sights and enjoy the beauty of nature, then March and April are the perfect time to travel. Especially if you are traveling with children.

The water temperature is not yet suitable for swimming, but the air temperature, lush flowering vegetation and air saturated with incredible aromas spoil you. An endless variety of the most diverse excursions for every taste and budget are waiting for you in this amazing country. In April, you can already swim on the southern islands: Crete, Kos, Corfu, Rhodes, Karpathos, Paros and others, and in May the beach season begins in almost all resort areas. April weather differs little from March. The air temperature already warms up to +23-25°С, and the water temperature reaches +19°С. This month is also beautiful with its flowering and good for all sorts of excursions.

Vacation in summer

Summer in Greece begins in May, and with it the beach season opens. Therefore, if you are planning a vacation at sea ─ it's time to go. For families with children, it is better to choose May and June for a trip, when it is still not so hot. The water is certainly not the warmest, but it is quite possible to swim and enjoy bathing.

May and June good option recreation is a combination of beach holidays and sightseeing. In addition, nature has not yet lost all its spring beauty. The weather in June is hot, but at the same time comfortable due to low humidity. The water warms up to a pleasant +24°C. Ideal time to relax with children.

July is the hottest month for a reason. Best time go to rest for those who easily endure and love the heat. The scorching heat is relieved by refreshing sea breezes, and in July the winds from the north bring coolness. But the water temperature is above +25°C and allows you to bask in the water as much as you like.

These months are the peak of the beach season and the heat of + 35-45 ° Celsius does not bother those who want to relax. But local residents and beachgoers intolerant of intense heat travel in July and August to the northernmost island in the Ionian Sea ─ Corfu. Although it is the most expensive, the air temperature here is five degrees lower than on the continent.

Autumn vacation

A wonderful time for relaxation comes from. The heat subsides, the average temperature is set at 30-35 degrees, as in June. The water remains heated by the summer heat up to 24-25 degrees. Do not hesitate to choose this particular month if you have small children. It gets colder in the northern resorts at the end of September, but all the rest celebrate their “velvet” season. Prices this month are still quite high.

October ends the beach season. However, this does not mean that hotels are closed and there are no vacationers by the sea. The weather still quite often gives warm almost summer days, and the tan is amazing and even. Prices do not bite and if you want to give yourself an unforgettable vacation that combines swimming and visiting famous monuments and cities, do not doubt the correctness of your decision.

Rest in winter

Greece is not only a country of warm seas and golden beaches. Here you can have a great rest in winter. Those who like to walk through the snow-covered forest, enjoy the magnificent panoramas of snow-covered mountain peaks, go skiing should go here in winter. Ski resorts Greece is not inferior in its beauty to the Alpine ones, and the names are no less intriguing. Here is a list of some of them:

  • Parnassus
  • Arachova
  • Vermio
  • Vasilitsa and others

In addition to skiing, you can visit the Orthodox monasteries of mountain Hellas, visit the original mountain villages and unforgettably celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve in Greveni, the nature of which delights everyone who enters this fabulously beautiful corner.

Holidays with children in Greece

When deciding when it is better to go on vacation to Greece with a child, you must consider the age and health of your children. If you have Small child or he does not tolerate heat well, it is undesirable to buy tickets and book hotels in July and August. Take a vacation in the second half of May, June or September. The air and water temperature will be optimally suitable for children. In addition, you will be able to acquaint them with the historical and cultural sights of the country.

Where to stay in a comfortable holiday season?

The wonderful climate and the southern seas have turned Greece and its islands into one huge resort. It is impossible to cover all the places of recreation and attractions that shimmer like bright pearls on the map of this amazing country. Here is a list of the most loved and preferred among residents and tourists:

  • Halkidiki;
  • Peloponnese;
  • Zakynthos;
  • Crete;
  • Rhodes;
  • Corfu;
  • Alexandroupolis;
  • Santorini;
  • Skiathos;
  • Paros;
  • Vigla;
  • Mykonos;
  • Evia and others

A few words about some of the above resorts will help in making a decision: where, after all, and when to go on vacation to Greece.

Chalkidiki─ the favorite resort of foreign and local vacationers. The resort won its recognition and fame thanks to its beaches with velvety golden sand, stretching for almost 500 kilometers, the unique air of pine forests and clean water Aegean Sea. It is rightfully considered the most environmentally friendly in all of Greece and ranks at the top of the list. the best resorts Europe.

The history and legends of Halkidiki captivate the spirit. According to legend, the rivals of the Olympic gods lived here - the titans. And it arose in the place where the god of the sea Poseidon dropped his trident in one of the battles with the titans. The shape of the peninsula really resembles a trident. Three "fingers" have their own names: Athos - a holy place with 20 monasteries, where thousands of pilgrims come, the other two - Kassandra and Sithonia, where hotels and restaurants are located. Those who prefer a relaxing holiday, appreciate the beauty of nature, seek here. Perfect for vacationers with children.

Mykonos is located at the "crossroads" of sea routes in the southern part of the Aegean Sea. The island is named after the ancient Greek hero. And according to the well-known myth of Hercules, he performed one of his feats here, exterminating the giants who turned into stony rocks. The colorful panorama of the island consists of picturesque windmills, white houses, sea blue and a colorful harbor. Refreshing trade winds weaken the effect of the exhausting summer heat. And stormy night life is a symbol and business card of this resort.

Favorite of many tourists Peloponnese It is washed by two seas at once: the Ionian and the Aegean. This is the place of the Olympic gods and games, adventures and exploits of ancient heroes, the legendary cities of Sparta and Mycenae. Well-preserved fortresses and sights, excellent sandy and pebble beaches, comfortable hotels win the hearts of everyone more tourists.

Island Crete is the southernmost island of Greece. Here the beach-swimming season lasts the longest ─ from April. Great amount water activities, a large number of discos, the hospitality of the locals and relatively inexpensive vacation attract students and vacationers with an average income.

Zakynthos famous for its unique beauty of the sea, white sand, pristine beaches, the famous water park, sea birds and animals. Families with children and also young people from many European countries rest here.

What about prices?

Of course, when planning a vacation, tourists first of all coordinate it with their budget. Greece has a variety of hotels and offers holidays for every taste and budget. If you want to relax "cheap and cheerful", you should plan a trip for this for the so-called "low" or "small" season, which occurs at the end of March and April, the end of September and October, as well as in the winter months. On the coast, many resorts are open all year round, have indoor pools and provide an equally interesting range of entertainment.

Holidays in Greece can be simply amazing and full of events and adventures. The country is incredibly rich in ancient monuments, sights of other eras, Orthodox churches and monasteries, so it will be a pity to waste the time allotted for the trip, just lying on the beach. Even before leaving, it is important to choose the right travel agency and correctly plan your trip. Greece has a long season, however, there is a time for each type of holiday. If you are interested beach option and attending diverse cultural events and carnivals, it makes sense to ask about the weather conditions in different months.

The most abundant tourist influx

Framework tourist season the country is pretty standard. This is from early May to early September. During this period, you can swim and get a golden sun tan. The water masses are completely warmed up, and the average temperature during the day will be about 25 degrees.

The wind season lasts from August to September, and then their intensity gradually decreases. In autumn the temperature gets lower, as does the heat.

Relatively speaking, tourist time can be divided into a beach option, a period for skiers and a time ideal for all kinds of shopping.

Months for active recreation

If lying on the beach is not enough for you, you should choose carnivals, the richest excursion programs, activities water sports sports.

In order to see the numerous temples, monasteries and ancient acropolises, it makes sense to choose autumn or spring. The heat will not prevent you from enjoying cultural riches and expanding your spiritual horizons.

December is the beginning of the ski season, which will last until mid-spring. There are about 20 bases in the country decent level with trails of varying difficulty, comfortable hotels and the opportunity to be trained by an experienced instructor and take necessary equipment for rent.

The season of the most large-scale sales. Prices here will reach a minimum level, and discounts will please with their impressiveness, and therefore all shopping lovers will be able to please themselves.

From January and during Lent, it will be possible to take part in colorful carnivals, giving a sense of celebration and unceasing fun. Here you will see many diverse magic shows and interesting rituals. In March and February, there are many fairs in the country where you can buy something truly unique.

Magic moments of the velvet season

Somewhere in the fall, raincoats and umbrellas begin to be found in closets, and in Greece, the magical period of velvet climatic conditions the season when the climate becomes milder and the atmosphere cozier. Crowds of tourists will already subside from the beach, and it will be possible to lie down and enjoy the warm sea without the exhausting and exhausting heat.

In October, the temperature is still pleasant and, one might say, even ideal. True, the water temperature can decrease by about 5 degrees. From November it starts to rain. In the middle of the month, they will become so plentiful that it will become completely impossible to lie on the beach or fully see the sights. Temperature regime will still stay at 25-27 degrees.

tourist peak time

The tourist peak or high season is observed from June to September. The influx of tourists will be incredibly large, and prices are often prohibitive. For people who can hardly stand the heat, it is better to go to Greece in the spring or in October, because during the tourist peak the temperature can reach 40 degrees. In any case, it will rarely go below 25 degrees.
