Cuba season for holidays at sea. Tourist season in Cuba by months

The climate of Cuba allows you to relax in its resorts throughout the year, but there are high and low seasons. Let's find out when is the best time to go on vacation to Cuba. Find out about the weather by months, water and air temperature, tourists' reviews of a beach holiday.


Water and air temperature. This is the coolest month of the year: in Havana and Varadero +25°C during the day, +16°C at night, water temperature +24°C. Trinidad is 2 degrees warmer. Sometimes winter comes cold front, and the temperature drops immediately by 5-10 degrees.

Weather. There is no rain, the sea is warm, but because of constant winds being on the seashore is not so pleasant, and tourists prefer the lounge area near the pool.

Reviews of tourists. Rest comfortably by the pool. When a cold front approaches, you will need to wear a jacket.


Water and air temperature. In February in the daytime +26...+27°C, at night +16...+17°C, water +25°C. Sometimes a cold front comes in February, and the air temperature drops to + 20 ° C, but usually this phenomenon lasts no more than two days.

Reviews of tourists. The weather is not hot and pleasant - suitable for beach holiday and excursions. In February, it is better to relax in Cuba with children.

(Photo © Antonio Cinotti / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. The weather is excellent: during the day + 28 ° С, at night + 20 ° С, the water in the sea is + 26 ° С.

Weather. Cool pleasant weather for beach joys and excursions. It is still dry during the day, sometimes it rains at night, the wind is moderate.

Reviews of tourists. The weather in March is favorable for all types of holidays in Cuba! Some tourists believe that it is better to fly to Freedom Island during this month - it is warm, low humidity and almost no precipitation. Comfortable to rest with children and the elderly.


Water and air temperature. In April, there are rarely cold snaps: during the day +29°С, at night +19...+21°С, water +26...+27°С.

Weather. The rainy season hasn't started yet moderate wind and low air humidity at the level of 60%, the water is clean and transparent.

Reviews of tourists. In April, the weather is great for a beach holiday in Cuba, excursions and trips around the island.


Water and air temperature. It is already hot in May: during the day the air temperature is +30°С, at night +20...+23°С, the water in the sea is +27°С.

Weather. This is the border month of the beach season in Cuba. It's getting hotter, but the breezes make the heat bearable. It rains about 3-10 days a month (depending on the region of the country), but mostly at night or in the evening. There are cloudy days or hours. The sea is perfectly clean, without jellyfish and algae.

Reviews of tourists. Rains do not interfere with the plans of tourists. Vacationers calmly sunbathe and explore the island, go on excursions. At this time, you can catch a cheap last-minute tour, and hotel prices are dropping.

(Photo © ashu mathura / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Water and air temperature. Summer comes to Cuba with showers, and to the southwest also with hurricanes. The heat intensifies: during the day +32...+34°С, at night +21°С, water +27°С.

Reviews of tourists. Near climatic conditions calmer. There you can relax without fear of storms and hurricanes. However, tourists write that it is still very hot and the sea is hot.

Consider for a holiday - there is beach season almost all year round!


Water and air temperature. The air temperature during the day is +32°С, at night +22°С. Water +28°С.

Weather. During the day it is hot and stuffy due to high humidity, it can rain for several hours in a row, turning the beach into a dirty mess.

Reviews of tourists. The most cheerful tourists prefer to rent a car and run away from the rain. Others simply do not fly to Cuba at this time.


Water and air temperature. August is the hottest month in Cuba. During the day +32...+34°С, at night +23...+25°С.

Weather. In the morning good weather, you can sunbathe and swim, but in the afternoon it usually rains.

Reviews of tourists. The sea is stormy and a good wave rises - it's a sin not to take advantage of this if you want to try surfing.

(Photo © photohu / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


Water and air temperature. During the day +30...+32°С, at night +22°С, water +28°С.

Weather. In September, it is better not to rest in Cuba if you do not tolerate heat and humidity. About 10 days a month it rains in the evening or in the afternoon. The sea periodically storms, but there are many days when the weather is clear and sunny. There are strong winds that sometimes develop into destructive hurricanes.

Reviews of tourists. Hurricanes should not be afraid - they may not be. Most often they fall on the Pinar del Rio region, so tourists are not advised to go there.

The Dominican Republic is a neighboring country of Cuba. Read about holidays in these countries.


Water and air temperature. The heat subsides, it is already easier to breathe: during the day + 28 ... + 30 ° С, at night + 20 ° С, water + 27 ° С.

Weather. Season it's raining on the wane, tropical showers turn into intermittent rain, but the likelihood of hurricanes is still high.

The island of Cuba attracts tourists not only with its revolutionary surroundings, but also with its magnificent nature, gorgeous beaches stretching into the emerald warm sea, a lot of attractions and entertainment for every taste and budget. You should definitely visit here at least once to feel the sweet taste of freedom after a couple of glasses. famous Cuban cocktails, wander through the noisy streets of Havana, explore the colonial architecture of Trinidad, stop by the port city of Sanfuegos or sunbathe on the white sandy beaches of Varadero, the list of interesting places can be continued for a very long time.

Summer on the island lasts all year round. But it’s worth planning your vacation, taking into account the fact that in some periods the rest may not be very comfortable for unprepared tourists: the air temperature and humidity go off scale, and sometimes tropical cyclones hit the island. Consider the holiday season in Cuba by months: when is the best time to go and what can you see.

Do Russians need a visa to Cuba?

To begin with, it is worth noting the documents required to visit the country. It is noteworthy that Russians can rest on the island without a visa. You can stay here up to 30 days.

The list of documents required to enter the country is quite small: a valid passport, round-trip air tickets and an insurance policy. Independent tourists may be asked to confirm their ability to pay.

Each traveler must have with him an amount of $ 50 per day. On the way back, at the airport you will have to pay an airport tax ($25).

There are regular Aeroflot flights from Russia to Cuba. You can also get with transfers using the services of foreign airlines. The flight from Moscow to the capital Havana will take about 13 hours. if you save depends on the carrier, of course, but we recommend comparing different options.

Briefly about the climate of the "island of freedom"

What should tourists know about the climate of the island? The climate of Cuba is determined by its location. The country is located just south of the Tropic of Cancer, on the border caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and the weather is strongly influenced by sea currents and northeast trade winds.

The climate on the island is tropical and humid. Average annual temperature on the island 29°C. The hot air is softened by the influence of the sea and the ocean, and the trade winds also carry moisture, penetrating almost all corners of the island. Therefore, in summer the heat is quite moderate - average temperature here it is about +28°C, and in winter it is also warm and comfortable (about +22).

The beach season in Cuba does not stop even for a day. The water temperature does not drop below +22°C even in winter. In summer, the sea heats up like fresh milk - up to + 30 ° C.

The climate in the country as a whole is not diverse. Only two periods are pronounced here: dry (from November to April) and the rainy season (from May to October).

From June to November, there are quite strong hurricanes on the island, most of the precipitation falls in the form of tropical showers. The rest of the time in Cuba it is quite fresh and comfortable, especially on the coast, the wind brings coolness here. And in the interior of the island it is still quite hot and humid.

When is the season in Cuba and you can swim

The tourist season in Cuba starts from november. At this time, the trade winds recede, the showers subside, and the humidity of the air after the peak indicators of the rainy season decreases, although it remains quite high. Mostly showers are already short-lived and go only at night. During the day, the thermometer rises to 29-31°C, and the water temperature drops to 25-26°C.

However, in November it starts to get dark earlier, after 5 pm. In the evening, the air cools down, the breezes bring coolness to the coast. After sunset, the temperature can drop to + 17 ° C, so warm clothes will not interfere with tourists. There is still a possibility of manifestation of cyclones, manifested by strong winds, the sea or ocean can be stormy. However, travelers always have a way out - to rent a car and go to the opposite coast of the island.

In the capital Havana at this time it is most comfortable and not very hot. On November 16, Saint Cristobal (Christopher Columbus) Day is celebrated here. You can, together with the locals, go around the sacred tree three times on the territory of the El Templete chapel and make a wish.

In general, November is a great time for surfing, diving, beach holidays, all kinds of excursions and independent exploration of the island. Prices for tours in November are not the highest, but operators almost do not offer last-minute tours either.

Decemberofficially opens the high season in Cuba. Tourists literally fill the island, which affects the pricing policy. Ticket prices begin to rise, and in the second half of the month they increase two to three times. Installed perfect weather for swimming and beach holidays: it rains once a month, and the sweltering heat finally subsides. During the day, the air warms up to an average of +27°C, and by night it drops to 20°C. The sea is very often even warmer than the air: 24-25°C.

In general, December is one of the coolest months in Cuba. The reason is the strong winds from the north, which can cool the air quite a lot. In some areas, the temperature can drop to 16-18°C at night. So don't forget to bring warm clothes. by the most comfortable resorts in winter are Varadero and Santiago de Cuba.

On windy or rare rainy days, you can safely go on excursions. December is rich in events. The key holiday for which travelers from all over the world come here is the New Year. Here he is met with a real scale, in the evening carnival processions take place in all cities. And yes, Cubans dress up a palm tree for the holiday, and at midnight they raise glasses with a Cuba Libra cocktail.

January -most cold month in a year. But this does not stop tourists in any way: there are almost no places in hotels, and the beaches are full. It is traditionally warmer in the south and southeast, here the temperature during the day rises to 27-29°C. A little cooler in Havana and Varadero (+25°C). The water temperature is almost equal to the air, but if the wind starts to blow from the Atlantic, sunbathing on the beach becomes not very pleasant. Sometimes a cold front comes in winter, and the temperature immediately drops by 5-10°C. So a jacket on such days will not hurt.

What to do when the wind brings coolness? Return to the hotel to the pool or go to explore the island. By the way, in Cuba there are as many as nine sites (including several cities) included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

And in January, Cubans celebrate one of the main public holidays. New Year"flows" into the Triumph of the Revolution - the Day of the anniversary of the victory of the 1959 revolution and the liberation of Cuba from the dictatorial regime. The holiday is celebrated on a grand scale: parades, processions and concerts. In the same month, the festival of Cuban culture "Cabildos" starts in Havana.

Februaryit is also one of the most "forgiving" months for tourists who are not accustomed to the tropical climate. Residents actively come here to relax European countries. The air is still quite dry, and there is almost no rain. The average air temperature is very comfortable (26-27°С), water temperature is +25°С. As in the rest winter months, there are also cold snaps up to 20 ° C, but they are quickly replaced by warm days.

If you have chosen the end of February for your vacation in Cuba, then do not miss the International Cuban Cigar Festival. These days there are fairs, exhibitions dedicated to one of the main local products. All the action is accompanied by concerts. Wealthy tourists come to Cuba specifically to buy especially valuable varieties of cigars at auctions.

IN March the thermometers begin to creep up to +30°C, and thanks to the sea breeze, the daytime heat and humidity are not felt yet. It also gets warmer at night (20-22°C). There will be practically no rain on the island this month. Therefore, March is a great time to sunbathe on the beach, work out water sports dispute, try to catch swordfish on a fishing trip or go on excursion routes. But it should be borne in mind that the prices for holidays in Cuba are still high.

April- the final of the high season in Cuba. This is the perfect month to take a break. As in March, the temperature of air and water is gradually rising, but moderate wind and low humidity are very comfortable for tourists. There are also no sudden changes in temperature. After sunset, you can safely go for a walk, the temperature at night does not fall below +22°C. Besides, in In April, large-scale festivals are held in many large cities. By the end of the month, the flow of tourists will subside, the hotels will be empty, and the locals will start preparing for the rainy season.

Rainy season on the island

IN May Cuba is smoothly rebuilding for the rainy season, which has not yet come into its own. This is a border, but far from a bad month for a holiday in the country. Right now you can find relatively. It's getting hotter, but the breezes ease the heat. It does not rain every day, they are intense, but they end quickly and do not bring much inconvenience. The sky clears up and the sun comes out again from behind the clouds. Air warms up to 30-32°С, water - up to 28°С. The sea is almost perfect: there are no jellyfish or algae.

Junecomes to Cuba in showers, and in some areas - even hurricanes. It is one of the peaks of the rainy season. Daytime temperatures reach 32-35°C, the water warms up to 27-29°C. Heavy rains flood the city streets, and the terrible heat subsides only after sunset. Red flags appear on many beaches, warning of the possibility of meeting jellyfish or sinophores that appear in the coastal strip after storms.

IN July o a fresh breeze can easily turn into a strong wind. During the day it is hot and stuffy due to high humidity. Even the sea does not save: the water temperature rises to 30 ° C. Sunscreen, skin-protecting clothing and hats are a must in this kind of weather. Rains can start quite suddenly and pour for several hours, flooding entire streets and turning beaches into a mess.

Despite this, there are a lot of tourists in Cuba. The reasons lie not only in low prices, but also in the fact that it is at the time of the year that a large number of various events: festivals and carnivals. So in the second half of July starts the famous carnivals in Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Actions are accompanied by costume processions, musical performances and incendiary dances. Wrapped in enchanting costumes, participants have fun, drink and dance from morning to night.

IN august You can swim and sunbathe only in the morning. It may rain in the afternoon, accompanied by strong winds. During the day it is better to have a siesta and not go out in the sun until four in the afternoon: you can get burned even in cloudy weather. This is the hottest month of the year. During the day the temperature rises to 34°C, at night it does not fall below 23°C.

And although the probability of storms is below average, traveling in Cuba in August is not worth it. Humidity at this time of the year literally rolls over, so not everyone can endure the heat. In addition, at this time there is a peak of mosquitoes, midges and other midges. Excursions and sightseeing in such weather risk becoming a torment. Therefore, from entertainment it is worth choosing those that take place not under the scorching sun: museums in Havana, tastings in restaurants.

Septemberin Cuba replete with unpleasant surprises. The heat begins to gradually subside to 31-32 °C but the air is literally saturated with water. Air humidity exceeds 78%. As a result, rest risks turning into torment.

Water temperature stably keeps at the level of 26-29°С. The sea periodically storms, strong winds sometimes develop into real hurricanes. However, most often hurricanes affect only western part islands, and only echoes reach other regions. That is why tourists are not recommended to visit the province of Pinar del Rio and the island of Cayo Largo. Sea cruises at this time are very dangerous, and sightseeing walks through the streets in stuffy conditions are incredibly difficult. The only thing that remains for tourists is to relax on the beach in between surf and rain.

IN October inclement weather begins to subside. Once every two or three days, showers flood the island, but they end as suddenly as they begin. On the coast, small tornadoes or hurricanes can still occur. The terrible heat passes by mid-autumn, and the temperature drops to 28-30 ° C. Approximately the same temperature near the water - up to 29 ° C. It is coolest on the north coast and in the capital. In October, in Cuba, a beach holiday can already be alternated with small excursions and trips. But it is still worth refraining from going out into the open sea. Instead, you can visit numerous festivals: the International Festival of Contemporary Music in Havana, sometimes smoothly flowing into a guitar festival, the Rumba Festival in Matanzas, or the largest ballet festival in the western hemisphere.

When is the best time to go to Cuba

So let's sum it up. When is the best time to go to Cuba?

The high season from November to April is optimal and suitable even for weather-dependent people and families with small children. But the prices here are quite high, and on New Year's Eve the cost of tours just rolls over. More acceptable offers can be found at the beginning and at the end of the season. This is a good time for all types of recreation: both beach and sightseeing.

In summer, vacation prices can drop by 30-50%. However, not everyone can endure heat and high humidity, and walking in the fresh air risks turning into torment. Buying a tour turns into a roulette: you can guess or not guess with the weather. But it is in the low season that the most interesting festivals and carnivals take place on the island. If your choice still fell on autumn, choose hotels carefully: they should not be too close to the sea, have pumping stations in case of flooding. The indoor pool will also be a plus - here you can relax even if it's stormy outside.

Cuba is the most favorable for Russian tourists, as they can rest on the island without a visa for 30 days. Despite the fact that Russians do not require a visa, when entering the country, in addition to a passport, at the border control they are required to present tickets to reverse side. In addition, each tourist must have a certain amount with him, at the rate of $ 50 per day. Those who are going to visit this sunny country are interested in , how long is the season in Cuba, when is the best time to relax.

Climate in Cuba

Cuba is famous for the fact that two seasons prevail on the island: drought and rainy season. Precipitation can fall for three hours, and then a whole day of sunny weather. Many are interested in when the season is in Cuba for a beach holiday. You can relax here even in October, when the rainy season ends. After all, they do not go all day, but only a couple of hours a day. The rest of the time you can lie on the beach under the scorching sun.

The climate of Cuba is tropical, softened by sea currents. The average annual temperature is 29°C. In summer it rises to 35°C, and in January it does not fall below 19°C. However, the water temperature even in winter fluctuates between 24°C and 28°C.

Based on this, it becomes clear when it is better to go to Cuba to rest. The tropical season starts in November and ends in April. During this period, the sun shines on the island of Freedom for 8-10 hours, and then it rains for a couple of hours. After that, the air becomes fresh and clean.

The rainy season starts in May and ends in October. However, even at this time, eight hours of sunshine are not excluded.

The daytime temperature is kept at 30°C, and at night - 23°C. At the same time, the water temperature always remains within 24°C. During the rainiest period, hurricanes begin, although they are fickle and pass quickly. Tourists are already used to this phenomenon, so hurricanes do not scare anyone.

If you talk about when it is better to fly to Cuba to relax, then sunbathe better in summer, but just swim in the sea, you can in any season. best month For holidays in Cuba, tourists consider March. During this period, all the beaches are filled with vacationers, because in March the water becomes so warm that you don’t want to leave it. In addition, in the spring, rains are extremely rare - no more than three days per season. In the spring in Cuba, it is not only pleasant to relax, but also not to go on excursions, seeing local attractions.

Cuba is one of the Caribbean countries with the possibility of beach holidays and water sports and entertainment all year round.

Diving, snorkeling, surfing, fishing, complete with a rich excursion program of this revolutionary country, will leave a lot of impressions from your vacation. The free spirit of the country, soaked in cigars and rum, attracts thousands of domestic tourists to Cuba every year, even despite the long flight and expensive tours.

The entire territory of Cuba is dominated by a tropical climate with a slight difference in temperatures on the east and west coasts. The east is usually warmer.

Like most tropical countries, Cuba has 2 seasons:

  • dry (November to April)
  • humid with the possibility of hurricanes (May to October)

Winter Cuba


The first month of the calendar winter welcomes tourists with dry and warm weather. The air temperature is kept at 28-30 degrees, and the water does not fall below 25-26 degrees.

This is one of the highest tourist seasons in Cuba, so the flow of tourists is quite large. Quiet and calm beaches can be found, but they will definitely not be deserted in December.

The climate is so favorable without stuffiness and heat that you can actively engage in all kinds of water sports and go on interesting excursions to the former pirate possessions.

There are no hurricanes this season and the sea is almost always calm. However, if you want to go surfing, it is better to go to the north of the country to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

In addition to the wonderful weather, Cuba can please tourists with bright incendiary festivals and holidays. At the beginning of the month, the famous international festival of Latin American cinema takes place in Havana, and in mid-December, before the advent of Christmas, you can listen to jazz music at the Jazz Plaza festival. After that, the country massively celebrates the New Year, ending with fairs.


January, although considered the coldest month, is actually very comfortable for a beach holiday. The air temperature drops by a couple of degrees, and the water is still at around 24-26 degrees. In the evenings, the sea can be even warmer than on land.

The lowest temperatures can be rare cooling down to 22 degrees. Precipitation practically does not fall, and January will still delight tourists with clear weather.

To diversify the beach and sightseeing vacation, you can go to the theater festival " Jornada Villanueva with costumed performances and masquerades.


At the end of winter in Cuba, cool winds can blow from the north, which lowers the overall temperatures by a couple of degrees.

However, even then the sea temperature is kept at around 24 degrees, and the air warms up to 26-28 degrees.

During this period, the surfing season begins.

The incessant rebellious atmosphere of Cuba attracts with its spirit and love for freedom, so at the end of the month it's time to go to tobacco festival"Havana cigar" and appreciate all the benefits of a holiday in this country.

Spring Cuba


In March, the temperature begins to rise and no longer drops below 28-30 degrees. The sea also warms up significantly and is not as refreshing as when relaxing in the winter months.

The rainy season is still far away, so the whole month the bright sun shines in the resorts, and there is not a cloud in the sky.

In March, you can still enjoy all kinds of water sports. You can go to exotic fishing, because every season is characterized by fishing various types marine life or go on a yacht cruise.


April ends the dry season in Cuba, so if you're planning a spring vacation, don't put it off until the end of the month. In April, the rains are still insignificant and do not exceed 3-5 days per month.

Strong winds begin to blow from the north, bringing clouds, but these are most often short-term showers.

For some tourists, bathing in tropical rain is part of an exotic getaway. In the sea at this time it is warmer than on land, and diving, even in rainy weather, has not been canceled.

Despite the trade winds and rains, the temperature continues to stay at around 30 degrees. Throughout the month, various festivals are held in major cities, so when you go on excursions, you will definitely get to some bright event on Liberty Island.


During this period, there is a chance to relax in relative calm and fairly budget.

Showers are rather short-lived and fall on evening time, so this will not interfere with a beach holiday, as well as excursions. Rains only slightly refresh the hot temperature, which reaches 30-32 degrees and lasts until sunset.

Cloudy weather can confuse tourists, but even then you should not go out without sunscreen, because the ultraviolet level in May is one of the highest in the year.

Despite the similar climate throughout the country, the western regions are still cooler due to the northern winds.

In May, great entertainment will be visiting fruit and tobacco plantations, as the fields and forests are covered with dense greenery due to rain.

The northern beaches attract many surfers, while the south is calmer and ideal for exploring. sea ​​depths. During excursions you can go to Trinidad, recognized by UNESCO world heritage or to the province of Holguin for the May fair.

Summer Cuba


In June, the wet season continues in the country. However, the rains are perceived rather not as an obstacle, but as a salvation from the heat.

Temperatures during this period can rise to 35 degrees, and the water warms up to 29 degrees.

Rains more often fall in the afternoon, but are very plentiful, so they often cause floods.

Hurricanes are rare, but strong winds do not really bypass the island. However, this only attracts wave lovers to the beaches of Cuba.

Due to the heat and humidity, it is not comfortable to make excursions to cities and sights.

Due to the low tourist season on the beaches of Cuba, you can really relax and enjoy the unity with nature. On June 14, the whole country celebrates the birthday of Ernest Che Guevara. In Havana, the grandiose festival of chariots "Carrosas" takes place.


In July, temperatures continue to rise along with the number of rainy days, reaching up to 13 days by the end of the month. However, prolonged rains are not typical for Cuba even at the peak of the wet season.

The scorching sun and ultraviolet in cloudy weather does not leave Cuba in the summer months, so tourists should stock up sunscreen with an SF factor of at least 30.

After relaxing on the beach, you can have fun at the "Fiesta del Fuego" fire festival with music, salsa and fireworks in Santiago de Cuba.


August is considered the hottest month of the year, when even the water reaches 30 degrees.

Due to severe storms, swimming in the sea may not be safe, as jellyfish and other poisonous inhabitants of the deep sea are washed ashore.

Therefore, immediately after a storm, it is better not to swim in the sea or go to protected beaches, where possible danger is monitored.

Autumn Cuba


September can greet tourists with hurricanes and high humidity, complete with hot temperatures. Such weather may not just be tolerated by the elderly and children.

At this time, trips to Cuba are sold at a very low price, which attracts young people. The water temperature reaches 29 degrees in September and the weather is more like summer.


The whole of October in Cuba will be rainy and flooding is possible. During this period, it is better to choose hotels in the interior of the island with indoor pools.

Temperatures are still quite high and rarely drop below 30 degrees. by the most interesting event month on the island will be the International Havana Ballet Festival.


In November, the wet season ends, and it rains no more than 5 days a month. But strong winds continue to blow from the north.

If you are fond of surfing, then you should go to the north coast, and if you want to swim calmly, then perfect place there will be resorts on the Caribbean coast.

The water temperature in November continues to stay at 28 degrees, but the air cools slightly. As rainfall decreases, daylight hours also decrease. In the last month of autumn, it gets dark already around 5 pm, so all long trips around the island must be planned in advance.

It is worth visiting the FIHAV International Fair and the Havana Jazz Festival, which also hosts the celebration of St. Cristobal's Day in honor of the navigator Columbus.

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In summer, autumn, winter, spring - when is the best time to relax in the resorts of Cuba

Do you want to relax in a place where the sun shines 330 days a year, and where the sea temperature is not lower than +22 degrees all year round? Yes, in such a place you do not need to rest, but to live! Guess which country we are talking about? Yes - this is distant and sunny Cuba, with its incredible beaches, with its gorgeous landscapes and leisurely life. If you are going here on vacation, you should find out when it is better to relax in Cuba, and at what time of the year here Better conditions for a beach holiday. It is also important to know where best beaches and resorts where best view at sunset and, ... in general, we read the article and then you yourself will find out everything.

Winter in Cuba is the peak of the tourist season

Most tourists visit the island of freedom in winter. In December, January and February, most hotels are booked for weeks ahead, and finding a free room here is very problematic. A large number of tourists are affected by the weather, which is just sunny and Christmas and New Year holidays.
Since December, the average daytime temperature rises to +26 degrees. At lunchtime, the air warms up even more and you can often see about +30 degrees on thermometers. In January and February, the weather conditions do not change fundamentally. During the day it is still sunny and warm, and almost without precipitation. Rains in winter are rare and short-lived.

As for the night temperature, it is sometimes cool here at night. On average, all winter at night in Cuba is about +18 degrees, but there are exceptions in both directions. Maximum temperature at night it can be higher than plus twenty-five degrees, and the minimum sometimes drops to +12.
Tourists love to enjoy the sunsets on the local beaches. If you are going to see a stunning picture and see the sun over the horizon, you should wear warm clothes. Still, the evening and night weather is a little colder and therefore you will be much more comfortable in warm clothes.

Spring in Cuba - a smooth end to the beach season

With the onset of spring, the beach season in Cuba continues. In March and April people swim and sunbathe here. In May, you can also swim and sunbathe, but only if the weather allows, which begins to deteriorate.
In March, the temperature slowly rises. It is already becoming habitual to see +30 during the day. In April, the air warms up a little more and +33 +35 degrees during the day is a common occurrence.
But not only the temperature is changing, the whole climate is changing. Winds begin to blow, which raise waves on the sea and drive clouds from afar. At the beginning of spring, rains are not so frequent, but there are already more of them than in winter.

Closer to May, the rain becomes more and it is no longer a fine drizzle, but a tropical downpour. On average, it can last 3-5 hours, but it also happens that it rains for a day or even two. In general, according to statistics, in the spring it rains 4-5 days in each month. Therefore, even when you come to rest in May, you can relax on the beach and enjoy the sunny weather.

Summer in Cuba - few tourists, low prices

There are really few tourists in Cuba in the summer, and prices are reduced by up to 60%. This is due to the bad weather. With the onset of the summer months, the wet season begins in Cuba. Heavy rains flood the streets of cities, rainwater throws garbage into the sea, and winds with waves bring jellyfish to the shore.

If it were not for frequent showers and strong winds, then in the summer it would be a pleasure to relax on the island. After all, the air temperature almost never drops below +35 degrees, and the sea warms up to +28 degrees. But rain ruins everything.
Usually heavy rain starts in the afternoon, and in the morning the sun shines and a few tourists rush to the beach. You can spend time on the beach until lunch, and after that it is better to leave it. Even if it happens that there will be no rain, the sun is very active these days. It shines so that it burns the skin and you can get burned or sunstroke. It is advisable to spend lunch hours in a shelter from rain or from the sun.

Showers begin in the afternoon and stop in the evening. Tourists again rush to the seashore to swim and relax. We do not recommend doing this, because after a heavy downpour and wind there are a lot of jellyfish on the shore. Their bites are painful, and some jellyfish are completely dangerous to humans. In the evenings, if the weather is good, it is better to go for a walk. Visit the tour. Come back to the beach the next morning.

Autumn in Cuba - rains end, tourists return

At the beginning of autumn, in September, the weather is almost the same as in summer: it also rains, the humidity is high and normal rest is hardly possible.
In October the weather becomes more predictable. It becomes noticeably less rainy, the winds subside, and tourists begin to re-populate in local hotels. The second month of autumn belongs to the wet season, but in the second half of October everything is different here.
In November, the conditions for a beach holiday are completely ideal. During the day, the temperature is at the level of +26 degrees, at night it is about +20 degrees. The water in the sea is +25, and the sea itself becomes calm and clean.
In November, vacation prices go up again, and it is already becoming a problem to find free rooms in hotels on the ocean.
