Why do puddles bubble when it rains. Consultation “What do bubbles in puddles mean when it rains? Signs for a girl

Unusual weather conditions attract people's attention and have their own meaning. According to popular belief, bubbles in puddles during rain predict heavy downpours or, conversely, better weather. This phenomenon also has a scientific explanation, which summer residents, gardeners and those who want to always be aware of meteorological changes prefer to trust. Why bubbles actually appear could be accurately determined by our ancestors.

Scientific explanation for the appearance of bubbles in puddles

Scientists explain rain with bubbles in puddles from a scientific point of view. This phenomenon is observed when atmospheric pressure drops, as it regulates the movement of cold and warm air fronts. On this basis, you can determine how many days the bad weather will drag on. If the pressure level has dropped and it is raining outside, it will most likely rain for a long time.

In addition to the pressure for bubble formation, raindrops need to be large. As they fall, they break through the tension of the water and form funnels from which the water comes out. Air particles fall under the edges of the funnels, as a result, bubbles appear on the puddles, their sizes depend on the size of the drops. The reason for the formation of balls also lies in the absence of wind. When the drops fall vertically and slap on the water, they do not disintegrate immediately, but turn into large and dense bubbles for a few seconds.

Folk signs and beliefs often help people predict the weather. Such predictions have been formed and tested for centuries and therefore they can be trusted. One of these predictions is the sign of bubbles in puddles during rain. This belief belongs to the category of weather, and can be useful both for gardeners and summer residents, and for those who like to spend time in nature and want to know in advance how long the bad weather will last.

Many people argue whether the formation of bubbles in puddles indicates prolonged rain, or vice versa, this means that the bad weather will end soon. According to the sign, the rain with bubbles will be protracted, and in extreme cases it may even last more than one day. Our ancestors knew that the formation of such a phenomenon as a bubble promises only prolonged bad weather and were absolutely right, because its formation requires a certain atmospheric pressure, which happens when rain clouds do not think to dissolve.

And this means that precipitation will fall for a long time. Atmospheric pressure, which regulates the movement of warm and cold air fronts, and explains how long a storm will last. If two extended and slow-moving fronts collided, it will not be possible to wait for the sun and heat soon.

So the sign about bubbles in puddles has a scientific justification, and not even one. Except atmospheric pressure, for a bubble to form, the raindrop needs to be large enough. Only in this case, she will be able to break through surface tension water.

Large drops, as a rule, occur during showers and thunderstorms, and this in itself indicates that bad weather can drag on. Although, there are exceptions to this rule, for example, in the southern regions, bad weather often begins suddenly and ends quickly.

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Summer, warm rain always causes a lot of positive emotions. Washing away road dust, it dilutes a hot sultry day with coolness and freshness. During such heavy rain, bubbles appear in the puddles, and this, it turns out, is a popular sign.

General interpretation

Large bubbles in the puddles predict a protracted bad weather. It can intensify or slow down, but it will take a long time to wait for its end.

For our ancestors, this was a direct order to strengthen the dams, make a shed for mowed hay, and repair the roof of the house in time. Many saw this as an opportunity to do household chores that required precision and slowness. Girls at this time could enjoy knitting, sewing and all kinds of needlework.

For a modern person, such a sign can change plans for a vacation. After all, no one wants to spend a summer weekend in a damp tent on wet grass. For those who were going on a long car trip, this will be a warning to observe the speed limit and be prepared for the erosion of river crossings. In general, in anticipation of a typhoon, it is better to refrain from traveling and come up with things to do in the office.

It is worth hoping for a cessation of precipitation if you see a rainbow in the sky by lunchtime - by the evening the rain will stop. Rainbow in the morning - precipitation will not pass in one day. And you heard birds singing during a downpour - expect an unexpected sun.

Spiders are very active, every now and then they begin to weave a web - which means a warm and dry climate will be restored.

We landed in a bubbling muddy puddle and got very dirty - get ready for a series of troubles that will haunt you for twenty-four hours. But you should not blame everything on bad luck, learn to stand up for yourself and declare your infringed rights.

If the water in the puddle is clean and settled, your gloomy mood will soon change to the opposite. The reason for this will be pleasant moments given by fate. Take advantage of the lucky streak and realize your plans. If there are no grandiose plans, be sure to create them and implement them decisively.

Stepping into a bubbling puddle with dry boots and getting them completely wet is a good sign for anyone looking for a new or additional source of income. From this day on, material well-being will begin to grow exponentially.

To fall into the gutter with sneakers or sneakers and get wet - there will be a reason to invite guests to the house. The company of friends will not bring a cozy and comfortable atmosphere to your home, but you will pretty much unwind and have fun.

Bubbles in puddles - what does a sign mean for men and women

For a young man or a girl to fall into a puddle of bubbles - you should be wary of bad companies. The sign indicates that you can easily be influenced dangerous people. The pressure can be so hard on you that you won't be able to handle it on your own. Do not neglect the help of relatives and friends. Identify your problem and ask for support in time.

For a business person to jump over the formed spontaneous stream means to cope with a risky situation that could threaten the loss of reputation and ruin. In this scenario, a girl will be able to avoid friendship with a mercantile and insincere person in the future. You will understand in time his mercantile interest in you and remove the spiteful critic.

Stepping into a puddle with bare feet and feeling cold - your joy today can turn into great grief and disappointment for you. Don't get overly dizzy with fleeting success if you public person. The more modest and restrained your image is, the less you will experience the consequences during adversity.

A young lady to fall into dirty and icy water with sandals is a harbinger of coldness in a relationship with a loved one. Your sad denouement of the novel will end with indifference and contempt for each other.

Seeing a huge puddle in front of you, which is bubbling from the rain, and not having a chance to get around it - you will soon have to get into a difficult situation, it will require you to be smart, assertive and optimistic. You will not rely on anyone, so rely solely on your own capabilities and potential forces.

To be standing in a puddle and not even notice how it happened - beware of being in a situation of complete ignorance of the real state of affairs. Perhaps your business has long fallen into decay, but in the hustle and bustle of everyday troubles you simply missed it.

For a married woman to wipe her clothes from mud drops of rain - there is a high probability of falling under suspicion of cheating on her husband. The reason for this is your frivolous behavior and actions that will become an occasion for gossip and slander.

A girl who is in search of a lover, such a sign warns against meeting with a dishonest boyfriend. You should not believe beautiful compliments and seductive speeches, in your case it may end up being used in your base interests.

With childish joy and fun, jumping through the puddles in the downpour - wait for the long-awaited vacation and have a good time. A strip of obstacles and hardships will easily be replaced by a carefree and easy life. Enjoy the moments spent in the circle of relatives and friends, visit your parents. After all, soon we will again have to gather strength and move towards new goals.

Watching the tapping of drops on the window glass and seeing how the summer rain instantly fills the puddles - according to legend, you will have to regret missed opportunities or benefits. But you can’t return the past, live in the present, boldly and persistently embodying what you believe in and what you aspire to.

Bubbles in the puddles are getting bigger and bigger - your capabilities will exceed all expectations. When planning something, do not underestimate the rate. Ambitious goals are what you deserve. Your experience, knowledge and qualifications will be enough to become successful and financially secure.

Running and stumbling in a downpour, but in time to feel someone's strong helping hand is a good sign. You will not find yourself alone in a difficult moment of your life. Relatives, relatives and friends are your reliable and proven circle of friends. Appreciate and cherish them.

Tatyana Ustyuzhanina
Consultation "What do bubbles in puddles mean when it rains?"

Everyone loves warm summer rain! How merrily its drops knock on the roofs, clapping on the broad leaves of burdock and pulling on delicate flower petals. Puddles spill on the asphalt, everything becomes clean and fresh. Fine!

And do you know why? Some people think that bubbles talking about the near end rain.Others believe: once bubbles appeared, the rain will be long. In fact, both are wrong. Appearance bubbles is explained by, What rain the drop hits the surface of the water and seems to bounce off it. This forms the thinnest water film, similar to a dome. Under this small dome of water, like under an umbrella, air remains. So on the surface of the puddle it turns out bubble.

In order to bubbles turned out to be noticeable and remained for a long time on the surface of the puddle, they themselves rain drops should be large. And such drops are in shower time, which usually ends. Therefore, many believe in the sign of an imminent cessation rain after bubbles. But why is there another sign - that bubbles promise a long rain? Perhaps this is due to the fact that after a heavy downpour, another one immediately begins. rain is lighter, but protracted.

There is atmospheric pressure on Earth. It is due to the fact that air presses on us. And it presses hard! We do not see the air, but the force of its pressure could even crush us. But that won't happen. Inside us, too, there is pressure, which is equal to atmospheric pressure.

Appearance bubbles in the puddles depends not only on the size of the droplets, but also on the air pressure. When it is high, large rain droplets hit the water surface and, repelled from it, form bubbles, and columns. This is how pressure is related to raindrops.

today you got the answer to your question: why in when it rains, puddles sometimes get bubbles.

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Folk signs and beliefs often help people predict the weather. Such predictions have been formed and tested for centuries and therefore they can be trusted. One of these predictions is the sign of bubbles in puddles during. This belief belongs to the category of weather, and can be useful both for gardeners and summer residents, and for those who like to spend time in nature and want to know in advance how long the bad weather will last.

Folk signs about bubbles in puddles

Many people argue whether the formation of bubbles in puddles indicates prolonged rain, or vice versa, this means that the bad weather will end soon. According to, the rain with bubbles will be protracted, and in extreme cases it may even last more than one day.

Our ancestors knew that the formation of such a phenomenon as a bubble promises only prolonged bad weather and were absolutely right, because its formation requires a certain atmospheric pressure, which happens when rain clouds do not think to dissolve. And this means that precipitation will fall for a long time. Atmospheric pressure, which regulates the movement of warm and cold air fronts, and explains how long a storm will last. If two extended and slow-moving fronts collided, it will not be possible to wait for the sun and heat soon.

So the sign about bubbles in puddles has a scientific justification, and not even one. In addition to atmospheric pressure, for the formation of a bubble, it is necessary that the raindrop be large enough. Only in this case, it will be able to break through the surface tension of water. Large drops, as a rule, occur during showers and thunderstorms, and this in itself indicates that bad weather can drag on. Although, there are exceptions to this rule, for example, in the southern regions, bad weather often begins suddenly and ends quickly.
