April signs by day. Folk omens for April Folk omens in April for the summer

April got its name from ancient Rus', then he was called "berezozol", which meant evil for birches. At this time, they were engaged in harvesting birch sap, after which deep wounds remained on the birches. In some regions, this month was called "pollen", since it was at this time that the first flowers bloomed.

About the weather

Morning mist always means waiting for clear, sunny weather. The people said that if the cumulus clouds did not disappear by the evening, then the weather would deteriorate sharply and it would rain.

In the morning there was cloudy weather, which cleared up by lunchtime, but by the evening clouds appeared in the sky? The weather will be sunny all tomorrow.

Bird cherry blossomed in April - wait for frost, and if golden yellow bells bloom, warm days will come soon.

Fog on the water in this spring month spreads - to clear weather, and rose up - it will rain. And when the April rain begins in large drops, it will not last long. Sparrows, ruffled, sit? It's going to rain soon.

Jackdaws sit on the tops of trees - this is warm, in the middle of the tree they hide - to frost. If the rooks are screaming, gathering in groups and fussing over their nests, the weather must change. If spring birds arrived in the second half of the month, then there will be no more cold weather.

The southwest wind in April portends a long bad weather, and if the larks sing long and often, clear weather without precipitation will continue for another week. True, if you don’t hear them in the morning, it should rain soon.

Can you hear the frog chorus all through the April night? The weather is going to be clear all next day. When a lot of cobwebs fly at the end of April, the summer will be sultry. It is hot during the day and cool at night - for good weather.

Popular observations say that if there was a thunderstorm during the first days of the month, then the summer is expected to be warm and dry. If the first April rain is accompanied by thunder, this year there will definitely be good harvests of cereals and berries.

Warm April nights portend a good autumn harvest. Also, if a clear starry sky is often seen at the end of the month, the harvest this year is expected to be rich.

When April was rainy, there will be good shoots of sown crops in May. Also, the April rains are signs that the summer will be a large number of mushrooms and nuts.

Notes for every day

  • April 1 is Daria's day. There are no stars visible in the sky at all - the coming days will be warm and sunny, and what the weather is like during the day, the same will be on October 1.
  • April 2 is the day of Fotinya Well. If the ice has not yet melted on the rivers, there will be very few fish in the waters this year.
  • April 3 is the day of Cyril Katanik. The mother-and-stepmother blossomed and the first mosquitoes appeared - to heat, the ice did not begin to descend - the fishermen will not see the spring catch.
  • April 4 is the day of Vasily Solnechny. They looked where the streams from the drops flowed - they did not build a house in that place. At dawn, the girls guessed by the sun, if it has a red halo, there will be a good harvest.
  • April 5 - Nikon Day. First spring thunder with snow that has not yet come down - by a cold summer. If the waves on the river go against the current, expect rain and worsening weather.
  • April 6 is the day of Jacob and Zakhar. Snow fell that day - for a good harvest of buckwheat. A warm night means spring will be quick and warm.
  • April 7 - Annunciation Holy Mother of God. Warm night - the whole month will be warm, cold day - frost will stand for another 7 days. Raw day to mushroom summer.

  • April 8 is the day of Gabriel Blagovest. If there is still snow on the roofs, it will last another 30 days. If the bird cherry has blossomed, then potatoes can be planted.
  • April 9 is the day of the Holy Matrona. It was considered to quarrel on this day bad omen Then you can't make peace. In the morning, the lapwing screams - to clear weather.
  • April 10 - Illarion's day. Gather coltsfoot. Thick fog in the morning portends a good harvest of vegetables, fruits and cereals.
  • April 11 is Saint Mark's Day. Heavy rain or downpour for a good harvest of oats this year, a lot of birch sap - for a rainy summer.
  • April 12 is the day of St. John of the Ladder. Domovoy was furious and outrageous, he was coaxed in all sorts of ways. The bees have flown out of the hives, which means it will already be warm.
  • April 13 is the day of Hypatius the Wonderworker. Sunny day - to prolonged heat, morning fog - to rain, the wind subsided - to frost, rain in the morning - to wet summer.
  • April 14 - Marin's day. Suddenly the ice came down - the last two weeks of the month will be warm.
  • April 15 is the day of St. Titus the Icebreaker. The river overflows its banks - expect a good grain harvest and early mowing.
  • April 16 is Nikita's day. A merman wakes up, and a treat was brought to him. Long peals of thunder - expect bad weather in the coming days.
  • April 17 is the day of Osip. The cricket sang, which means it's time to start field work, the cranes flew in - to be warm.
  • April 18 - Fedulov day and Fedora Anemones. They opened the windows wide, made drafts to drive the dampness out of the house. A warm windless day with a cool night - to warm weather in the near future.
  • April 19 is the day of Eutyches and Jeremiah. If this day is quiet and sunny, there will be a good harvest of spring crops.
  • April 20 is Akulina's day. It was believed that if on this day the frost is combined with the sun, there will be an excellent harvest of bread.
  • April 21 - Rodionov's day. Sunny day - the summer will be good, warm, and if it is cloudy or raining on this day, it will rain all summer.
  • April 22 is the day of Vadim Klyuchnik. The weather is unstable - droughts are expected in the summer, and it is warm on this day - in the first days of May it will get a little colder.
  • April 23 is the day of the Holy Martyrs Terenia and Pompius. Rainy day - dry summer. Young spiders have appeared, which means it will soon be warm.
  • April 24 is the day of Antipas Polovod. They predicted the upcoming weather and harvest, sowing and planting work was not carried out that day. If there is still ice on the river, the summer will be rainy and cold.
  • April 25 is the day of St. Basil the Monk and Basil of Pariah. The willow blossomed - the rest of the spring will be cool.
  • April 26 - Thomas Day. The medusa blossomed. The oak has blossomed - the summer will be warm, and if there are a lot of acorns left on it, autumn and winter will be early.
  • April 27 is Saint Martin's Day. Arranged the bride and went to get married. Wet and dirty - to a good arable land.
  • April 28 is the day of the Apostles Aristarchus, Puda, Trofim. Working late - inviting misfortune to the whole family. A clear day in the evening dragged on by clouds - to the imminent bad weather and rain.

  • April 29 is Irina's day. If the day is clear, warm and the alder has blossomed, then buckwheat will please with its harvest.
  • April 30 is the day of Zosima the Beekeeper. Planted parsley and carrots. What kind of bread the bee sits on - such a crop of grains is more and wait. Which plant or tree will land more bees - this will be the most productive this year.

April wedding

April is an amazing month when, together with nature, human feelings awaken and boil. A wedding in April portends difficulties in the first years of life together, but if the newlyweds manage to overcome everything and maintain their attitude towards each other, then their future life will be filled with happiness, stability and prosperity.

If you decide to get married on April 1, then everything is in order with a sense of humor, because it’s not in vain that they say: “Marrying on April 1 means having fun all your life!”. Such a holiday will definitely be remembered for a lifetime and not only for the newlyweds, but for all guests.

Three rains in April and one in May are worth a thousand rains.

Cold April brings bread and wine. If the first days of April are windy, in June there will be heavy rains.

Notes April 1st. Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria Dirty Holes. The ice-holes are muddying on Daria. They noted: if spring water flows to the Darya with noise, there are good herbs, and when it is quiet, bad grass will grow.

Signs 2 April. Photinia Samaritan. If the day of Photinia is not frosty, and the birds start mating games- the summer will be warm.

Signs April 3rd. Nikita the Confessor. By this day, according to folk signs, the ice from the reservoirs was supposed to come off. If he has not yet descended, the fishermen will not see any spring fishing!

Signs April, 4. Vasily Solnechnik. If the sun is in red circles on Vasily Warm, according to popular beliefs, there will be a rich harvest. Icicles hang from the roofs, scales fly off the fir trees.

Signs 5th of April. Day of Nikon. Finches flew to Nikon. On this day, the birds were attracted to their porch and fed with bread crumbs, grain and seeds.

Signs April 6th. Zachary Postnik. On this day, the peasants cleansed the huts and yards from evil spirits, burned fires outside the yards, went around the huts in circles. They hung a wet towel in the yard at night. If it dries up, the year will be fruitful, but if it remains wet or freezes, the summer will be wet and early frost will occur at the end of summer. In addition, April 6 was the day of memory of the Monk Eutychius and the martyr Jeremiah. Folk omens April was not advised to sow spring crops (oats, buckwheat, millet) if this day was rainy, and be sure to sow them if the day is good. It was also customary to sow peas on this day.

Signs April 7th. Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. Spring overcame winter, although the famous Annunciation frosts are also known. If wind, frost and fog - by the harvest year. If the Annunciation is frosty and cold, expect forty frosts in the morning.

Wind, hoarfrost and fog on the Annunciation foreshadowed a fruitful summer, rain - a rich harvest of rye and mushrooms, frost - a harvest on the bridle, a thunderstorm foreshadowed a warm summer and a harvest of nuts, but good sunny weather foreshadowed a formidable and fire-dangerous summer. If the night is warm on the Annunciation, spring will be early.

Noticed: spring before the Annunciation - a lot of frost ahead.

Signs April 8th. Gabriel Blagovestik. The peasants, noticing the bright sunrise that day, removed all the sledge harness and said: “On the day of Gabriel, turn the shafts out of the sleigh.”

Signs April 9th. Matryona Nastovitsa. On this day, the remnants of the snow melt and the lapwing and bunting arrive. They said: the lapwing screams in the evening - by the clear weather, the oatmeal sang - leave the sleigh, take the cart (now you need to move only on wheels).

Signs April 10th. Hilarion. If on April 10 the sun is blood red at sunrise and then hides in the clouds, rain is possible during the day. If the voice of the cuckoo is heard on this day, then the frosts are over. The mother-and-stepmother has blossomed - wait for the warmth soon.

Signs 11 April. Cyril, Martin's day. It was believed among the people that if the geese went out on the ice that day, then there would still be cold. The explanation for this sign is very simple: the main feeding place for geese in cold times is considered to be just a reservoir, so when they arrive before the onset of heat, they go out onto the ice, feeling that they will have to feed here for a very, very long time.

Signs 12th of April. Ivan Lestvichnik. The beginning of woodcock thrust (the beginning of mating games). If the draft suddenly stops - wait for a cold snap or snow soon.

Signs April 13th. Fire. The peasant woman, born on this day, carried coal in the field, made a fire, burned last year's grass.

Signs 14th of April. Mary of Egypt. If the flood of rivers is on Mary of Egypt, then there will be a lot of grass. If the ice comes off suddenly (quickly) - the year will be easy, good.

Signs 15 April. Tit Icebreaker, Poly carp. People monitor the state of ice on the rivers. If the ice floats on the river, then the year will be good, and if it sinks, it will be difficult. Beekeepers began to listen to the hives - whether the bees began to buzz.

If hollow water spills from Marya onto Polikarpov, then we must wait for large grasses and early mowing.

Signs 16 April. Nicola Icewalker. If in the morning of this day frost suddenly formed - it was a symbol of the warm beginning of summer.

Signs April 17th. Joseph the Songwriter. From this day crickets wake up. A crane gives its voice to Joseph for the first time. On this day, go out into the street, turn to the cranes, as to the defenders from all evil.

Signs April 18th. Fedulov day. Fyodor Vetrenitsa. April pouted his lips - the greenhouse blew. The crickets wake up.

Signs 19 April. If Eutychius becomes furious, beats with the wind - grief to the peasant: the ear will be knocked down. On Eutychius, a quiet day - for the grain harvest.

Signs 20 April. Rain on Akulina - viburnum will be good if yarovina (spring grain, especially oats and barley) is bad.

On Akulina the birch turns green. On Akulina, hard frost and sun - to the harvest of bread and buckwheat.

Signs April 21. Rodion and Ruth. Rodion Turn out the shafts. First field trip. If the meeting of the red sun with a good month is a clear day and good summer, and if thin - bad weather and a bad summer.

Signs 22 April. On this day, springs and springs were bypassed. Underground water, we open the spring ways for you!

Signs 23 April. Terenty Marevny. If the sun rises red in a foggy haze, the year will be grain-bearing. If it rolls out from behind the mountains, the mountains that are in the palm of your hand, you will have to plow up the winter field and sow with vernal.

Signs April 24th. Antip Polovod. If the rivers do not open, then the spring is late, which means that the summer should be expected to be bad. If the water has not spilled so far, it means that the summer will be cold, and there will be practically no harvest. Antip without water - bins without grain. If it is frosty in the morning and it snows in the afternoon, then it will be cold for a whole month. If a blizzard - cold spring. Nettle shoots appear.

Signs 25th of April. Vasily Parisky. Antip pours water on the floodplains, Vasily gives a couple.

Signs April 27th. Martin Lisogon. According to popular beliefs, the raven releases one-year-old crows to new nests.

Signs April 28th. Memorial Day of the Holy Apostle Pud. Previously, the day fell in the middle of the month and, according to the proverb, "cut it in half." On this day, beekeepers had special concerns: it was customary to expose the hives from the winter premises to the air. “On St. Pud, get the bees from under the bush,” that is, from the omshans. On Puda, viburnum and mountain ash open their buds.

Signs 29 April. Irina (Arina) Nursery. On this day, they paid attention to what grows in the forest. If there was a lot of plantain, then everything will be fine this year.

Signs April 30. Zosima the Bee. Bees are taken to the apiary with sentences. They noticed: what kind of bread the bee went to, that one will be good for grain. If the bees sit on a cherry blossom, cherries will be born, if not, there will be no cherries. Warm rains in April, and especially at the end of the month, are a blessing to the fields.

April is approaching - a month of contrasts, when the bright sun gives way to drizzling rain, when drops begin, but there is still snow in the forest (and can lie until May itself), when green grass is already breaking out from under the snow, snowdrops are blooming, and sometimes snowfall begins again . It is not for nothing that even the folk omens of April are mostly associated with the weather this spring month. What are the folk signs of April? And what is the origin of the name of this month?

History of the name of the month

The very name of the month "April" comes from the Latin "aprecus" or "aperire" (there is still no consensus). “Aprecus” in Latin means “warmed by the sun”, “Aphrodite’s month”, and “aperire” means “to open”, that is, the month when the first grass begins to break through, spring actually “opens” and flowering begins.

The Romans devoted all their months to various gods, and April was dedicated to the goddess Venus (or the Greek Aphrodite) - the goddess of love and beauty. In addition, with the advent of April, the season dedicated to the gods opened and is the longest among the Romans (19 days). During these 19 days, all judicial institutions were closed.

In different European countries April had its own names, and there was even an opinion that the name of the month was based on the name of the Easter holiday. In Rus', April was called "pollen", "snow-driving", "aquarius", "caddis", "berezozol", etc.

And each name of April in Rus' reminded of natural features during this period, which, as already mentioned, is the basis of folk signs of April.

It is the folk signs of April that tell us that this month the snow finally melts and grass and snowdrops cut through:

  • "April is snowing - the snowdrift is burning,"
  • April picks up water, opens flowers,
  • "April streams wake the earth"
  • "February is rich in snow, April in water."

But, despite this, folk signs of April warn that this month is very fickle and the bright warm sun can always be replaced by cold:

  • "Do not break the stove - it's still April in the yard",
  • April is neither colder than March nor warmer than May,
  • “April is hoarse and blowing, it promises warmth to a woman; and the man looks: there will be something else,
  • “April will deceive, let you down under May. And the month of May, ah, ah, is both warm and cold.

In addition, April was considered an important time to start field work, which could not but be reflected in the folk signs of April:

  • "April care will drive you off the stove"
  • "April does not like the lazy, he loves the nimble"
  • “The deeper you sow in the spring, you will be with bread in the winter,”
  • "Wet April is good arable land."

Well, what are the folk signs of April without predicting the weather for the future? According to the April weather, it was mono to predict what awaits us ahead:

  • “In April it is wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - to a warm summer, to the harvest of mushrooms”,
  • "Thunderstorm in early April - to warm summer and a harvest of nuts,
  • “At the end of April, there are warm rains - for the harvest”,
  • “What is the weather like on April 1, it will be like this on October 1”,
  • "It's hot during the day in April, and cool at night - for good weather,"
  • “The night of the Annunciation (April 7) is warm - the whole spring will be the same”,
  • “In April, spring finally overcomes winter: the snow cover completely disappears in the city, the first mosquitoes appear. But if the swallows have not yet arrived, the whole spring will be cold.”

Folk signs of April by day

Literally for every day of April there are signs that help predict the weather for the future, the richness of the harvest, or some other natural phenomena. Popular signs of April, distributed by day, help you navigate the long list of signs and know what you should pay attention to on a given day.

This day was popularly called “Daria Dirty Holes”, because it was on April 1, according to popular beliefs, that the snow began to melt actively. An important folk sign of April on this day was this: “If spring water comes to the Darya with noise, there are good grasses, and when it’s quiet, bad grass grows.” Most likely, this was due to how saturated the earth was with water. If the waters flow noisily, then there is a lot of water, and it will fertilize and moisten the earth well, and if the waters flow quietly, then there are few of them.

This day was popularly called the day of Photinia. There is such a folk sign associated with this day: “If the day of Photinia is not frosty, and the birds start mating games, the summer will be warm.”

This is the day of Nikita the Confessor, by which, according to popular signs of April, the ice from the reservoirs was supposed to come down. If he has not yet descended, the fishermen will not see any spring fishing!

This day in Rus' was called Vasily warm, and the folk signs of April associated with this day said: “The dawn sun in the sky on Vasily warm in red circles - this year there will be a good harvest of vegetables.”

Among the people, this day was the day of Fedul - and any natural phenomena were mentioned with the involvement of his name. For example, if it was sunny and warm, they opened all the windows and said: "Fedul came - the greenhouse blew." If it was cool that day, they said: “Fedul pouted his lips.” Popular signs of April include such a pattern, noticed by people in the old days: “Siverko (north wind) blows to Fedul, it pulls warm from Fedul.”

In addition, April 5 in Rus' was also Nikon's day, when, according to popular signs of April, finches arrived. On this day, the birds were attracted to their porch and fed with bread crumbs, grain and seeds.

April 6 was the day of Zechariah the Faster. Folk signs of April, associated with this day, advised on this day to clean the house “from evil spirits”, wash and clean, burn fires outside the yards and go around the huts in circles. And at night it was necessary to hang a wet towel in the yard to look at it in the morning. If the towel dried up in the morning, then, according to folk signs in April, the summer was expected to be fruitful, if not, then it would be very rainy, at the end of which frost might even appear.

In addition, April 6 was the day of memory of the Monk Eutychius and the martyr Jeremiah. Folk signs of April did not advise sowing spring crops (oats, buckwheat, millet, etc.) if this day was rainy, and be sure to sow them if the day is good. It was also customary to sow peas on this day.

April 7 was the day of the Annunciation and was accompanied by big amount various folk signs of April. According to folk signs of April, swallows were supposed to fly to the Annunciation, otherwise the spring would be cold. If on the Annunciation the snow had not yet fallen from the roofs of the houses, it was not worth waiting for it to fall in the field until May 6 (Egorya).

In general, a lot of folk signs are connected with the Annunciation:

  • “There are 40 cold matinees left from the cold Annunciation” (that is, even if April 7 is cold, the cold morning is not left to endure for so long),
  • "Thunderstorm on the Annunciation - for a warm summer or a harvest of nuts",
  • "It's raining on the Annunciation - in the summer there will be a lot of mushrooms and a good harvest of rye",
  • “The sun shines brightly on the Annunciation and it is cloudless - there will be thunderstorms in the summer”,
  • “If by the Annunciation the birch leaves are already appearing, and the alder is still naked, then the summer will be very sunny and warm,”
  • “On the Annunciation, clouds with obscure contours, layers, halos - to a change in the weather”,
  • “If there is wind, hoarfrost and fog on the Annunciation - wait for a fruitful summer”,
  • “If it’s frosty on the Annunciation, there will be a lot of milk mushrooms in the summer.”

According to folk signs in April, on the Annunciation it was impossible to comb your hair too carefully to prevent it from falling out, and it was also forbidden to work. Such a popular sign of April resulted in a saying: “A bird does not nest on this day, a girl does not weave a braid.”

Among the people, it was the day of Rodion, dedicated to observing the "meeting of the sun and the month" (that is, in the morning hours). According to popular signs of April, if this meeting was good, it means that the day will be clear, and the summer will be warm. If this meeting was rainy, a rainy day was also expected, and the summer was rainy.

April 9 is the day of Matryona Nastovnitsa. According to popular signs of April, on this day the remnants of the snow crust descend and the lapwing and bunting arrive. There was such a popular sign of April, associated with knitting needles: “The lapwing screams from the evening - to clear weather”, “Oatmeal sang - leave the sleigh, take the cart” (that is, now it was necessary to move only on wheels).

If on April 10 the sun is blood red at sunrise and then hides in the clouds, rain is possible during the day. According to another popular sign of April, if the voice of the cuckoo is heard on this day, it means that the frosts are over.
Popular signs of April also include the following:

  • “The road is collapsing on Rufa, the snow has melted, there is mud all around - neither drive nor pass”,
  • "The mother-and-stepmother has blossomed - wait for the warmth soon."

Folk signs of April call this day Martin's day. It was believed among the people that on this day the geese would go out onto the ice - then there would still be cold. The explanation for this sign is very simple: the main feeding place for geese in cold times is considered to be just a reservoir - therefore, when they arrive before the onset of heat, they go out onto the ice, feeling that they will have to feed here for a very, very long time.

On the same day, the time of the fox rut begins, when the foxes begin to move from old holes to new ones. According to popular signs of April, by the 11th, chicks already appear at the crows.

According to folk signs in April, it was on this day, on average, that the draft of woodcocks (breeds of birds) began. If there is no draft yet, or it suddenly stops abruptly, this can be regarded as a symbol of an imminent cooling or even snowfall!

In addition, April 12 is the day of Ivan Lestvichnik. And folk signs of April mean baking special cookies on this day - ladders - to call for rain.

April 13 was called in Rus' "Fire". On this day, the fireman - that is, the peasant woman, who had a birthday that day, collected all the coals in the house, carried them to the field, made a fire and burned last year's grass.

On this day in Rus' was the day of Mary of Egypt (Mary, light the snow). On this day, according to popular signs of April, the ice from the reservoirs and the snow from the fields completely disappeared. If this did not happen, the year promised to be difficult. And if the ice came down and a flood began, it was worth waiting for the rapid growth of young grass.

Usually, by this day, the peasants no longer had stocks of sauerkraut - the most important ingredient in cabbage soup and simply delicious food, so April 14 was called "empty cabbage soup". On this day, it was customary to eat those very “empty cabbage soup”, “fasting” in this way - after all, Mary of Egypt was also the patroness of repentant fornicators and harlots on doomsday and also, she herself judged those who did not repent.

In addition, folk signs of April on this day also suggest the beginning of the brownie's wakefulness after hibernation. And so that the brownie was satisfied - the people believed that on this day it would be good to deceive their household members in some way!

Another mystical folk sign of April is related to the fact that, according to ancient legend, the old raven on this day releases the crows, who are one year old, into a separate nest so that they begin an independent life. And the raven was considered a very respected bird among the people - after all, he lived for 300 years and, as it was believed, was a bird of things.

The people called this day Titus Ledol and Polycarp. According to popular signs of April, if at this time good weather and a clear sky means that the summer will be warm and fruitful. On this day, crows actively croak and capercaillie scream.

But there are also negative sides to this day. For example, by April 15, all stocks of bread are already depleted, so there is even such a popular sign of April: “The crow croaked, croaked, but the peasant Polikarpov croaked for a day.”

This day is called Tit the Icebreaker, because right now the people monitor the state of ice on the rivers. If the ice floats on the river, it means that the year will be good, and if it sinks, it will be difficult. By this time, according to popular signs of April, the water is already actively spilling.

On April 15, beekeepers began to listen to the hives - whether the bees began to buzz, and if the region was warm, the hives were even put outside.

This day in Rus' had several names associated with the same phenomenon - the maximum flood of rivers and lakes. On April 16, they called Nikita Vodopol and Irina-urvi (cut) the coast. And even if by this day the ice had not yet broken, the folk omens of April delivered their verdict: there will be no good fishing.

And if the ice did break, the fishermen tried to insure themselves, for which they sacrificed a horse to the Waterman. To do this, the most unsightly horse was bought from the gypsies, which then went into the river with the words: “Here you are, grandfather, a housewarming present: love, favor our family.” Popular signs of April explain this by the fact that, in this way, the fishermen tried to appease the Waterman, so that he would give them more fish and lure fish from nearby lakes and rivers.

And if frost suddenly formed in the morning of that day, people rejoiced, as it was believed that this was a symbol of the warm beginning of summer.

On this day, the peasants made their first trip to the field, and also predicted summer weather. What morning it was that day - so the summer promised to be, according to popular signs of April.

April 24 in Rus' was considered the day of Antipas (Anton) Polovod. If the water has not spilled so far, it means that the summer will be cold, and there will be practically no harvest. Popular signs of April directly promise:

  • "Guess about the bread by the antipov water,"
  • Antip without water - bins without grain.

This day in Rus' was called Arina - play ravines. The fact is that, according to popular signs of April, the water in the ravines during this period ran quickly and cheerfully. That was the key to a good harvest this year. If the water in the ravines froze, the harvest was expected to be poor.

On this day, they paid attention to what grows in the forest. If there was a lot of plantain, it means that this year everything will be beautiful!

In Rus', each month of the year had a sufficient number of signs that were confirmed in real life. A vivid example of this is the above folk signs of April. Try to observe the weather and other factors throughout the month - and perhaps you will see for yourself that the signs of April can really be used to predict the future. Let so far only in terms of weather and productivity!

The calendar for April says that this month is famous for water. The second month of spring got its name not by chance: according to popular belief, the earth dies at this time. In ancient Rus', April was called a span, and spring itself was called a span. The month foreshadowed the imminent onset of summer, a riot of greenery, colors, symbolized a new life.

Today, April consists of 30 days, but before the reform of Julius Caesar, it consisted of only 29. Among the ancient Romans, April was dedicated to the goddess Venus. At this spring time, the longest (19-day) festivities season dedicated to all the gods opened in Rome. Absolutely all judicial institutions were temporarily closed in the city. Many old folk signs of April were also associated with the holiday of Vesta (on the 28th) - the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth and fire.

Popular signs of April say: April is a sly and a rogue, he manages the weather in his own way. Wind, sudden heat, fog, frost, thaw, rain, hail - all these phenomena in April can quickly replace each other. Starry nights at the end of the month promise a good autumn harvest, strong winds at the beginning of the month - warm weather.

In April, wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - to a warm summer and a harvest of nuts.

If in April the surface of the snow is rough - by the harvest.

Wet April is good arable land.

Early rise of bees - to the red spring.

A lot of juice flows from a birch - to late autumn.

Birds make their nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer.

When the birch leaves before the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is ahead of the birch, the summer will be wet.

A lot of Khrushchev - to drought.

The first booming thunder - to vigorous bread.

The first thunder in the north wind is a cold spring, in the east it is dry and warm, in the west it is wet, in the south it is warm (northern part of Russia, Siberia).

A lot of cobwebs are flying - the summer will be hot.

In the cold spring - hailstorm summer.

Ducks scream and splash - to the rain.

In April, wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - to a warm summer, to the harvest of mushrooms.

A thunderstorm in early April - to a warm summer and a harvest of nuts.

At the end of April there are warm rains - for the harvest.

It is hot during the day in April, and cool at night - for good weather.

April 3rd. A sign for fishermen - “Ice will not pass on Nikita the Confessor - all spring fishing will come to naught!”

April 6th. Memorial Day of the Monk Eutychius and the Martyr Jeremiah. According to ancient signs, “On Eutychius, the day is quiet - to the harvest of early spring crops!”, “Yerema-flying rages, threatens with the wind, even if it’s not this early spring season, you won’t collect seeds!”

16 April. Nikita Vodopol. Rivers are spilling. Fishermen have noticed before that if the ice does not go, then the fishing will be bad.

April 18th. Fedulov day. According to signs, on this day the first real warmth comes and crickets wake up.

20 April. Memorial Day of St. George the Confessor of Mytilene. Hard frost and sun on this day - to the harvest of bread and buckwheat.

April 21. Rodion and Ruth. This day was considered the first day of departure in the field. They noted: if the dawn is clear, then the summer will be good, if it is gloomy, then the summer will be rainy.

April 23. Yuriev day. They noted: “If the moon is young on St. George's Day, then the sowing of spring crops will be even. Early frosts are expected, and if the moon is damaged, you can not hurry with sowing - there will be no frosts until late autumn.

April 29. Irina (Arina). "Irina - play ravines." They looked: if during the day the water ran cheerfully in the ravines, and by the evening it froze, then the harvest would be bad.

April 30. Zosim Solovetsky, Zosima Pchelnik. Protector of beekeepers. By this time, both birch and alder are already blooming. The old people watched: if the birch leaves in front of the alder, then wait for a dry summer, and if the alder in front of the birch, then the whole summer will be wet.

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The name of the month comes from the Latin word Aprilis, which is considered to be related to the verb aperire - "to open". Whether this is true or not, the verb describes what happens in nature this month in the best possible way: the earth opens from under the snow, and where the climate is warmer, buds bloom on the trees.

In a word, April is the month of the next awakening of nature after a sleep that lasted all winter. In the ancient Roman calendar, April was the second month of the year and had 29 days; he took fourth place after the reform of Julius Caesar. The Romans dedicated this month to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. In the Slavic calendar, April had the names "bloom" or "bloom" - it is clear why, because it is in this month that the first flowers appear after a long winter.

In April, the days become noticeably longer and warmer, although it is considered the rainiest month of the year.

Usually, Easter falls in mid-late April, and on the first of April it is customary to joke and laugh at each other, because in many countries this day is celebrated as April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day, which has not yet become a national holiday anywhere.

Notes for April

➣ If the first days of April are windy, there will be heavy rains in June

If on the Annunciation (April 7) there is snow on the roofs, then it will lie until Egory Veshny - the feast of the shepherds (May 6)

Annunciation without swallows - cold spring. If on this day the first thunder rumbles in the morning, the summer will be moderate, if at noon and on the south side - warm and fertile, in the evening - the summer will be hot, but the autumn will be cold.

A lot of juice flows from a birch - by a rainy summer and late autumn

Birds build nests on the sunny side - by the cold summer

Clear weather on Ionna Lestvichnik (April 12) portends a rainy summer, cloudy - a dry summer

When the birch leaves in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is in front of the birch, the summer will be wet.

If the April rain starts in large drops, it will not last long.
