Signs by which you can. What are good and bad omens

Signs- it is an integral part of the soul of all mankind and its roots go back to the distant past - in the era ancient world. Signs created on the basis of centuries of experience were the most important information for our ancestors. For example, they predicted a storm or bad weather, a rainy day or clear weather.

But there was one more importance and people, without any questions there, for their part, obeyed the phenomena of these signs and looked at them as "SIGNS OF FATE". Signs predicted to a person his future - distant and near; could predict other pleasant or unpleasant gifts of fate.

What has survived to the present day cannot be called signs. Speaking in a serious language, then a complete nonsense was formed from a combination of various signs of different times and peoples.

In addition, there began to appear "signs of our time", which, apparently, arose in the minds of individuals stoned to complete delirium.

Signs and beliefs are perceived as something so inviolable and not amenable to logical analysis, because HAVE A LITTLE KNOWN CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP OF DIFFERENT PHENOMENA.

Nonsense, but a person is also able to independently choose signs in which he can believe and in which he cannot.


Signs are so deeply rooted in humanity that people "see a clear connection" life with signs, formed proverbs: "Do not notice and do not give" or "Without signs and no move."

In our current world, in the information age, no one really knows how justified the meanings of these signs are, how much they affect the level and quality of human life - but ALL PEOPLE BELIEVE IN SOMETHING.

Many people know that you should always believe only in the good, and not think about the bad at all. You need to believe in those signs that bring good luck, and in "bad omens" you don't have to believe. That's right, why clog your head with destructive thoughts.

NOW WE'LL SEE HOW BAD MAN IS MISTAKEN, assuming that having "good ones" signs he is significantly "facilitates" my life, I’ll just give a non-standard example on this score:

A man with empty buckets crosses the road and goes: to the water column; from a garbage container; simply carries the purchased empty buckets home.

Another person, noticing empty buckets (or a bucket), reflexively stops and:

a) waiting for someone to pass instead of him.

b) crosses the road on another street.

c) will wait until the buckets are full (on the water column)

In the first and second versions, he arrives "Right", He "avoided" from .

In the third variant, he arrives much "correct" than in other cases. Crossing the road to a man with full buckets, he "attracts" good luck and fortune for today.

If you logically understand, then success, luck, luck "is in buckets" and preferably poured to the top. Bad luck and failure too "buckets", only in empty ones.

Another similar sign. The black cat ran across the road. A person, noticing a poor animal, reflexively stops ...
Read points a) and b) in the sign with buckets.

The key point in these two signs is that it stops reflexively. What is this?

The instinct of self-preservation? What is there to be afraid of? After all, they don’t walk along the road with a bomb, and it’s not a grenade that rolls across the road.

THIS IS NOT AN INSTINCT - THIS IS IN FRONT OF THE UNKNOWN. You may not believe in omens, but the fear drawn by you based on the meanings of the signs will still force you to slow down for a moment.

As you can see, even if you do not believe in omens, but you know their meaning, they still influence your life.

If you did not know about these signs, you would not pay even a little attention to them.


If the right eye itches, then this is to. What if itchy left eye? Logically speaking, this is unfortunate. If the eyelash fell from the right eye, then this is good news. And if from the left eye? Logically - to the bad news. If you get up in the morning with your right foot, then the day will be successful. And if the bed will stand in such a way that, getting up from the bed, the left foot will be the first to touch the floor? Logically, failures, bad luck are the constant companions of such a person.

He boasted of something - spit 3 times over his left shoulder. For correctness, also knock 3 times on the pieces of wood.

Then somersault, squat, do push-ups, blink your eyes, move your ears.

We don’t know much, we don’t know exactly why this or that sign arose, but we STUPIDLY BELIEVE AND FOLLOW THE WAY OF A MILLENNIUM AGO, accurately interpreting the meanings will take in his own life.

OBS - One Granny Said - Millions of people heard. Hundreds of thousands of people believed. Thousands of people now live in, afraid to do something wrong, and now they calculate their every step. A thousand people began to live better, thinking that they made their lives much easier thanks to "knowledge".

This is really a super guide to life, a book-protector from bad luck and failures.

By the way, the advice for every day from this book, at the request of a person I know, did not insure me from robbery.

SIGNS CONTROL HUMAN LIFE, SIGNS INCLUDE THEIR OWN RULES, we often have to act and do as some sign requires.

Signs they put their conditions on us, and we, without guessing and without thinking, are just victims of the prevailing circumstances.

According to your faith, it will be given to you - says a quote from the bible.

What you believe is what you get.

You can also take into account the fact that a person does not believe in all signs at the same time, but there are a great many of them. A person believes in those signs that:

b) have religious ties

c) those that he just likes


Where is the guarantee that the rest of the signs and beliefs, with their ignorance, affect the level and quality of our life. Where are these guarantees? There are no guarantees.

If you don't know - YOU ARE FREE from this "knowledge". You have a choice, and you are in no way dependent on the pressure of ancient authority. You act as you see fit or as your inner voice, subconsciousness tells you, but certainly do not dictate the rules of beliefs and folk signs.

But it so happened that from an early age we learn to believe in all sorts of things. folk omens, starting, for example, with stepping on a crack in the asphalt with the words: "Whoever steps on the line will destroy Lenin" ("Hitler will love" another variant).

Mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, other people with their moral teachings have made their contribution to folk signs, superstitions and beliefs since childhood. The subconscious of a child does not distinguish truth from fiction, it believes everything that comes in, and this information at the subconscious level subsequently controls the life of an adult.


Of course, you should always believe only in the good, and if you believe in folk signs, then it’s better in "happy" from which you feel positive emotions.

Believing, for example, that you should always leave a little money in your wallet "for divorce" You thereby focus on profit rather than loss.

But agree with me that believing in any good omen, you will somehow have to accept the fact that if you do not observe this omen next time, you may be overcome by some anxiety on a subconscious level. And if you still find a causal relationship, you will become dependent on signs.

It can also be emphasized that some "good ones" and very many "bad" signs force us to do just that, and not otherwise, but the finale is always to ensure that nothing bad happens. This is very similar to a trick, someone cunningly invented for our subconscious.

Of course, it is natural for a person to believe in various prejudices, since he believes that there is some meaning in them, but rather, THIS SERVES SOME REASON TO JUSTIFY YOURSELF AND YOUR MISTAKE.

omens, folk omens


The beliefs and superstitions of the Russian people are a truly rich heritage, which was collected bit by bit by our ancestors. It will seem to many that folk signs are already outdated and these are just “grandmother's tales”. But in fact, Russian beliefs carry a lot of meaning. Paying attention to folk superstitions, you can achieve great success and achieve prosperity in life.

Russian signs arose a very long time ago, they originate in the days of pagan beliefs. People sought to deduce patterns, they analyzed their own observations, compared the events that occurred with their consequences. Soon ideas about good and evil spirits, good and bad omens appeared.

The Russian people have always been considered superstitious. Traditional folk beliefs that have come down to us from ancient times have been tested by many generations. They have undeniable power and help us solve various problems every day, avoid failures. Listening to Russian superstitions, you can protect yourself from many problems.

Many signs have come down to us, daily helping us to solve certain issues. Folk signs for every day of the week give a person the opportunity to properly plan the whole week and protect themselves from possible failures and troubles. Below are a few useful tips by days of the week:

  • On Monday, it is not recommended to plan long-distance trips or make any important decisions. You should not lend money, so as not to remain at a loss for the whole week. Start this day with good, kind deeds and positive emotions. This will set the tone for the entire week. Monday is great for cleaning the house.
  • All the most important and responsible things are recommended to start on Tuesday. Everything started on this day is solved much faster and is doomed to great success. Borrow and repay cash on Tuesdays, omens are not advised. There is an increased chance that you will be completely penniless by the end of the week. Tuesday is a great day for gift giving.
  • New business should not be started on Wednesday. It is best not to take serious steps on this day and not to take responsibility. Try to spend this day calmly, without any changes.
  • On Thursday, it is recommended to shop for the house, fill the refrigerator. Products bought on Thursday retain their freshness much longer and are more useful. This is an auspicious day for the return of debts. In ancient times, young girls treated the guy they liked with something tasty. They did this in order to evoke young man sympathy and affection. Thursday has always been the most favorable day for making important decisions. Words spoken on Thursday usually come true. Therefore, be careful with your promises and making wishes.

  • If dreaming from Thursday to Friday good dream tell close person, it will definitely come true. Washing your hair has been considered a good omen for married women since ancient times. Our ancestors believed that it attracts well-being and happiness in married life. However, you should not cut your nails on this day. On Friday, you should not engage in active work or arrange a feast before lunch. Previously, Russian women on this day did not touch sewing, cooking and cleaning the house, as it was considered a women's day, and a woman had to devote all the time to herself.
  • It is considered an excellent day for negotiations and making important decisions. Also, this day is perfect for marriage. Since ancient times, it was believed that the business started on Saturday would be a great success and bring happiness. Therefore, the traditional day for marriage is Saturday. It is best to change bed linen and wash it on Saturdays. Bathing pets on this day is also considered a good omen, which helps to attract wealth and good luck.
  • On Sundays, it used to be customary to throw a handful of sugar out the window. This was done to attract good luck and a sweet life. It was considered auspicious if on Sunday a woman walks around the house barefoot, as this attracts wealth and prosperity. It is a good omen if a bird knocks on the window on Friday - this means that an unmarried girl will soon get married or a child will appear in the house.

The most common beliefs

Russian superstitions, based on daily observation, carry a very great meaning. For example, scattered portends a quarrel in the family. But why did this sign come about?

In fact, salt used to be an expensive product, and only wealthy people could afford to buy it. Those who were not rich were very careful about salt and tried to save it. And if someone in their family spilled salt, then the rest of the household attacked him with reproaches. To avoid a quarrel, it is recommended to take a pinch of spilled salt, throw it over your left shoulder and laugh at the same time.

We were often told from childhood: “Don’t whistle in the house, there will be no money!” If we turn to Russian beliefs, then whistling in the house is a failure. Mariners have always tried not to whistle on their ships, as the whistle, in their opinion, called for a strong wind.

In the old days, people were very careful with, tried to wear things very carefully. Great importance It was given to clothes sewn by hand, as it was believed that it retains the warmth of the dressmaker's hands and protects from the evil eye. According to beliefs strongest defense clothes were on the wrong side, so putting things on inside out was considered unacceptable: in this case, a person lost protection.

Signs about nature are also quite common, especially folk signs associated with trees. It was believed that the tree is a sacred source of strength, that it is able to protect a person from failures and hardships. Until now, when people hear some words that they do not like, they knock three times on wood. Thus, a person, as it were, wants to convey information to the tree so that in response it protects him from negativity.

It used to be customary to protect the threshold of your house from negative impact, so passing anything over the threshold was strictly forbidden. As an exception, it was allowed if the person's foot was on the threshold. Until now, people do not shake hands with each other, do not hug, do not pass anything to each other across the threshold.

Among the Russian people, one of the most revered places in the house was. Celebrations, meetings, resolution of important issues - everything happened around a large table. Each member of the family was assigned a place at the table. Salt was always present on the table, which was considered the most important and valuable product. The meal was not to be defiled. It was believed that sitting on the table brings poverty to the family.

Often, when we go on a trip, we are told: "Let's sit on the path." But have you ever wondered why this sign arose? In the old days, going on a long journey was quite dangerous. On the way, a person could meet predatory animals, criminals, adverse weather conditions.

There was a sign that a girl who wants to get married as soon as possible should not sit opposite the corner of the table. However, the girls came up with an “antidote” to these words and began to say in response: “But there will be a groom with a corner,” which meant that the future husband would have his own separate housing.

Even modern people every day they try to pay attention to signs and signs, sometimes the family has its own short calendar of folk signs. In order not to miss your luck, you can purchase a calendar of wills for all occasions or a Russian folk calendar of beliefs and will accept for the whole year. Folk signs associated with nature carry a very deep meaning and can help a person in many ways. By folk calendar You can plan your actions for the whole year in advance.


December notes:

  • There is a lot of frost in December - you should expect a rich harvest.
  • Strong winds - to severe frosts.
  • Clouds are floating from north to south - soon the sun will appear and it will be warm.
  • The rooks have not yet flown away - the winter will be warm.
  • Bullfinches arrived in December - the winter will be very frosty.
  • If the fur coats of the hares did not become snow-white, there were spots on them, then the winter will be short and warm.

January signs that have come down to us:

  • With a frosty January, a long, hot summer should be expected.
  • If the whole of January is warm, then this is a cold spring.
  • With a frosty January, strong winds and storms should be expected in February.
  • The more severe the frosts in January, the warmer July will be.
  • In January, a mole will come out of its mink - cold weather is expected in May.

February signs to help determine the upcoming weather:

  • In early February, the snow begins to melt - the harvest will be average.
  • With very strong colds in February, a hot summer is expected.
  • With dry and frosty February, a hot August should be expected.
  • Lots of frost – there will be plenty of honey during the summer months.
  • At in large numbers bright stars frost should be expected.
  • If the stars are dim, then a thaw will soon come.


March signs:

  • Thunder sounded in March - this is for the cold.
  • Lightning without thunder portends a dry summer.
  • During a rainy month, a poor harvest is expected.
  • Icicles do not have emptiness inside - which means that the harvest will be good.
  • With rough snow in March, a rich harvest should be expected.
  • And with a smooth snow surface, there is a high probability of a poor harvest.
  • In March, the snow melted early - the summer will be wet.

April notes:

  • April turned out to be very wet - there will be a lot of mushrooms.
  • There are many thunderstorms at the beginning of the month - the summer will be quite hot.
  • April starry nights portend a great harvest.
  • The harvest will be incredibly rich if warm rains come in April.
  • Birch gives a lot of juice - the summer will be rainy.
  • The swallows have not yet arrived - most likely, the whole spring will be damp and cold.

May signs:

  • May turned out to be very cold - the summer will be fruitful.
  • May is damp - we should expect June without precipitation.
  • Frequent hail speaks of a hail-breaking summer.
  • Oak leaves unfolded in May - to a cold snap.
  • The birch blossomed in May - in a week, wait for the flowering of lilac and bird cherry.
  • A lot of cranes - this is a drought.


June notes:

  • I went out in the evening - we should expect excellent weather.
  • Frequent fogs portend a large number of mushrooms.
  • The nightingale sings its songs throughout the night - the next day there will be wind.
  • With warm June nights, beautiful weather is expected.
  • A lot of ants gather around the anthill - which means that the whole next week will delight you with good weather.
  • Red clouds in the evening portend wind, and clouds portend rain.
  • If the mountain ash blossomed by the end of June, then the autumn will be long.

July notes:

  • If July is too hot, then December will be frosty.
  • With absence morning dew rain is expected tonight.
  • It started to rain a little in the morning - the day will be warm and clear.
  • With a large amount of sorrel in July, a warm winter should be expected.
  • Swallows fly too close to the water - it means that it will rain soon.
  • A lily that has not risen above the water is also for the rain.

August notes:

  • The first ten days in August are calm and constant weather - the winter will be snowy and long.
  • In the morning, the fog does not dissipate for a long time - the whole day will be clear and warm.
  • Dry August - to a warm autumn.
  • With frequent thunderstorms, a long autumn should be expected.


September notes:

  • Thunder rumbled in September - the whole autumn will be warm.
  • With a dry September, a warm winter is expected.
  • Abundant web - Indian summer is expected.
  • In September, birch leaves turned yellow ahead of time - spring will be early.
  • Cranes fly too high and sing their songs - the weather will be good for a long time.

October notes:

  • October turned out to be warm - the winter will be frosty.
  • In October, frost came - the winter will be long and cold.
  • Thunder rumbled in October - the winter will be warm and short.
  • From what date the first snow will fall in October, from the same date in April the real spring will come.
  • The moon is in circles - we should expect a dry summer.

November notes:

  • Snowy November - early spring will come.
  • If in November the sky is clear and cloudless, then you should expect a cold December.
  • In November there is a lot of snow - the harvest will be good.
  • Dry November - to a meager harvest.
  • In November, mosquitoes appeared - the whole winter will be warm.
  • Hares come too close to the village - a very cold winter should be expected.
  • Most of the ducks did not fly away - the winter will be short and warm.

Write your opinion

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism The New Year is a wonderful holiday that both adults and children enjoy equally. Ritual of making wishes new year's eve with its roots in... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Since ancient times, a horseshoe has been considered a talisman that brings good luck, wealth, love, prosperity to the house, it will be a family amulet. But myself... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism In this article we will consider signs associated with a broom. Signs about a broom in the house If the twig jumped out of the broom, the sign says - wait for the news ... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Fishing for real fishermen is not just a hobby, it's a way of life. Therefore, from time immemorial they adhere to the same customs and, like people to ... >>>>>

@ Ksenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism "If looks could kill..." How often do we use this expression to describe someone's sharp or hateful bad look? This is k... >>>>>

@ Ksenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Signs associated with the number 13 We know that the number 13 in signs by numbers is called the devil's dozen, and this does not contribute to popularity in any way ... >>>>>

@ Ksenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism It is a bad omen when a young man gives his girlfriend yellow flowers, - this is to separation. Whites are considered according to signs about flowers a symbol of love. Not... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Perhaps some folk signs should be taken more seriously. Many are based on the observations and conclusions that our ancestors made, and they do not ... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism If we are awake, we can control our gestures and postures, then in a dream we are completely deprived of such an opportunity. And here is something about the position in which in ... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Everyone knows the old, like the world, belief - spilled salt will lead to a quarrel. Does everyone think about whether this is true, and where did that ... >>>>>

@ Ksenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism A child, especially a small one, is subject to constant troubles: either he falls, or someone jinxes him, but to be honest, without all the mysticism p... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Signs about the dead and funerals According to signs, seeing a funeral is a change in life. If you gape and crossed the road of the funeral process ... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism Folk beliefs about the color of a cat A black cat living in the yard protects from evil spells and evil eye. When moving to a new apartment, you should... >>>>>

@ Xenia Razumovskaya, author of books on astrology, healing and esotericism What folk signs indicate the treasure It is believed that in the place where the fern blooms on the day of Ivan Kupala, the treasure is buried. In the old days, those who wish ... >>>>>

There are many superstitions associated with church holidays. With the help of folk beliefs these days, our ancestors could determine the upcoming weather, next year's crops, and also what kind of life awaits them.

The meaning will take

On this Great and Bright Church Feast, Christians were especially observant. Any change or event could become a harbinger of life changes. So, let's find out what folk signs for December 17 have come to us since ancient times:

  1. Saint Barbara the Great Martyr is the protector from sudden and violent death. Therefore, on this December day, all Christians went to church and prayed to her. According to popular signs on December 17, Saint Barbara helped all Orthodox who prayed to avoid sudden death without repentance. It was this that was considered by the people the most terrible sin.
  2. Prayed to St. Barbara and all the women who wanted, but could not get pregnant. After all, the Holy Great Martyr was primarily a protector of women. They turned to her with a request to give the children good health and well-being in life.
  3. Our ancestors firmly believed in folk signs on December 17 that Santa Claus begins to walk the earth on this day. As soon as he took a deep breath and blew, the whole earth was covered with snow and frost. Therefore, according to popular superstition, it was impossible to leave the house on this church holiday. It was believed that anyone who breaks this rule can freeze or get lost.

What Not to Do

  1. Long sleep. Anyone who sleeps for a long time on this day will walk sluggish and drowsy all year.
  2. On this holiday, the Advent fast was in effect, so it was forbidden to put meat and fatty dishes on the table. It was allowed to eat porridge, lean borscht and other lean dishes.
  3. It was also forbidden on this day to bleach, paint and do any other daily work, with the exception of cooking. The only thing that was allowed was embroidery. After all, the Great Martyr Barbara herself was a needlewoman and, according to popular beliefs, embroidered robes of Jesus Christ.
  4. It was forbidden to quarrel and swear on this day. As popular superstitions say, in a family in which there was a discord, a bad relationship could last all year.

weather notes

Among the people there are several folk signs for December 17, according to which Christians determined the upcoming weather:

  1. A clear frosty day outside the window foreshadowed stable frosty weather for the coming week.
  2. If the sky is full of stars on December 17, then the next day will be cold. Cloudy skies means there will be a slight warming soon.
  3. Smoke from the chimney rises to the top in a column - there will be severe frost in the coming days. If smoke spreads along the ground, warming is coming.
  4. Red sunset - to windy and clear weather the next day.
  5. Cloudy weather on December 17 means it will soon snow.
  6. A warm day on this bright church holiday portends a rich flax harvest next year.
  7. Sunny and calm weather on this day promises severe frosts in the coming week.

Other signs

On this day, girls and women dressed beautifully, braided their hair and went to the ice-hole to get cold water. Lean porridges were boiled on water, left in a saucepan overnight. And in the morning, according to the crust formed, they determined the well-being in the family, and what the harvest would be like. As folk superstitions say, a whole and thick crust promised great happiness and a bountiful harvest for the family.

On the day of the Great Martyr Barbara, the girls plucked shoots from young cherries and put them in a vase of water. According to popular beliefs, if such branches bloomed for Christmas, it means that the girl will soon get married, and her family life will be happy and prosperous.

Since Saint Barbara is the protector of women, the marriage concluded on this day will be happy and strong.

In the old days, every person knew the signs for the house. Observance of household superstitions promises good luck and money, prevents troubles and helps to predict the future without guesswork. We recommend following the precepts of the ancestors and joining the folk wisdom.

Household superstitions - the meaning of the threshold

In Slavic signs about the house, the threshold was identified with a portal to another dimension, the boundary between the world of spirits and familiar reality. From here take the roots of superstition about the treatment of infants. The patient is allegedly forever handed over to the sorceress through the threshold, then they take him out of the window, meeting him like a new addition to the family. wedding omen advises the groom to carry the bride over the threshold. If she stumbles at the entrance to the house, happy life you can not wait.

It is impossible to talk and pass things (especially money and bread) over the threshold - to a quarrel. To level the sign, you need to step over it with one foot. The road superstition recommends saying the last words before leaving before leaving the threshold so that there are no delays on the way.

Do not sit on the threshold - lure bad rumors about yourself. Single belief promises difficulties in love affairs. Do not stand for a long time at the entrance, through open door leave happiness and well-being. Old people say that one who stands on the threshold of money and happiness closes the road to the house. Pregnant women are in danger in the form of evil spirits, so expectant mothers were forbidden to stand at the entrance to the house and sit on the threshold.

When going on business, step over the threshold with your right foot to attract good luck. Do not eat at this time, you risk getting a demon in your neighbors. To drive away an unwanted guest, seat him with his back to the exit. Soon he will remember urgent matters and say goodbye to you.

Notes about windows

Throw trash out the window bad idea. Angels sometimes look through it, you can offend them. When the window is opened by a gust of wind, divine messengers warn of something good. Sitting on the windowsill - to loneliness. This refers not only to failures in personal life, but also to the absence of friends, poor relations with colleagues and relatives.

The curtain torn or fell - the hostess of the room will quarrel with her friend. If the window is broken or cracked, the protection of the apartment is weakened. You are threatened by an evil sorcerer or evil spirit. The first consequences will concern communication with people.

In an apartment with windows facing north, few people stay for a long time. Sometimes this sign has a positive meaning - the most inveterate sloths in such a house may have a craving for travel or another reason to spend less time at home. But more often we are talking about heavy energy, which repels residents.

Kitchen beliefs

Bake - heart of home, the place where magic is born. If the hearth has not been used for a long time, it should be crossed before kindling. And in general, fire is supposed to be kindled with prayer. It flares up quickly - which means that the spirit of an ancestor or a brownie is nearby. Do not sit on the stove while cooking, otherwise the food will spoil. A brick fell out of the fireplace - to trouble. The “color” of the energy at home primarily affects the state of the hearth.

Sprinkle salt - to the scandal. But another belief advises throwing three pinches over the left shoulder to stop the argument. Scattered sugar - to a pleasant surprise, reconciliation, good luck.

Do not store crockery with cracks or chips. It brings misfortune and brings disharmony into the energy of the house. Needed for needlework - take it to the barn, superstition is not considered its living quarters. Do not be discouraged, the dishes beat for happiness.

Borrowed a bucket, pan or other container - return them full. According to signs, to return an empty bucket - to desolation and poverty. The more you give, the more you will receive from the universe.

Do not forget to leave treats for the brownie in the most secluded place in the kitchen. He will help with the housework, warn of trouble, protect from evil spirits and witchcraft. Sweets, porridge, pastries with honey are suitable. In honor of the holiday, you can leave a little wine.

Dining table and tablecloth

The kitchen table in rustic magic plays the role altar, desktop for witchcraft affairs. Direct his energy to your benefit. In order to acquire your own housing, often hold on to the corner of the table.

Sitting on the table - lose wealth. For a girl, they acquire additional meaning - they will forget how to cook deliciously. Leave shoes on the table or put your feet on it - to the gallows. A cat lying on the table - to the death or departure of one of the household members. “One of the tenants is lying down” - this is how the ancestors spoke about it.

Lending a kitchen table to neighbors or giving it to a young family is not forbidden by superstition. Just cover it with a tablecloth and give it away with it, otherwise poverty will come to the house where the table will be. You can not seat guests at an uncovered table. If someone from the household is late for dinner, shake the tablecloth over the table, and all obstacles in his path will disappear. You can store coins under the tablecloth, it attracts wealth.

While eating, do not knock on the table and dishes with cutlery, otherwise your teeth will ache. When you receive guests, put the spoons with the notch down so that outsiders cannot interfere in your personal life. If during the feast two spoons end up in one dish, there will be a wedding soon.

An unmarried girl must not sweep crumbs off the table with her hand, otherwise she will remain an old maid. The young man is also not worth it - the wife will be bald. Do not do this with paper napkins or a newspaper, you will invite scandals into the house. Use a sponge or cloth.

Bread is the head of everything

There are many signs about bread. They take it with their hands, it is not supposed to prick with a knife or fork, so as not to drive away happiness. You can’t eat from a knife at all, so as not to spoil your character.

When cutting, you can not leave the notched edge against the wall - all friends and acquaintances will turn away from the owner of the house. If the product crumbles and breaks during cutting, expect marital disagreements.

Bread is not “poked” into the salt shaker and a knife is left in it so that hungry times do not come. It is impossible to throw away the leftovers of baking, God will punish with hunger and poverty. Feed them to animals or birds. Undereating or underdrinking, throwing food away are bad omens in most Russian regions.

Culinary beliefs

Egg and chicken dishes are useful for newlyweds, in the old days they were eaten to conceive a child quickly. But do not forget to crush the empty shell so that the devil does not start in it. Watch the eggs while they cook. They crack at the guests.

Baked apples burst - expect good news. The owner who confused salt with sugar or vice versa can also count on good news. But he will have to come to terms with the fact that for another three days the food he cooked will be tasteless.

Forgetting to add spices is a nuisance. The sooner you correct the mistake, the less difficulties will fall on your head. Pancakes and cereals burn to the scandal in the family. In order for dishes, especially festive ones, to succeed, quarrels should be avoided.

Signs in the bedroom

Signs about mirrors do not advise keeping them in the bedroom. Especially if the mirrors are damaged. Cracks open the way for dark entities that are not averse to feeding on the energy of homeowners. Guests from mirror dimensions can harm the psyche and biofield of residents.

Another unwanted accessory for the bedroom - stuffed animals and horns. They radiate the energy of death and violence. Signs do not recommend leaving cold boiled water in the bedroom at night. It teases the demons. In the room where they sleep, it is not supposed to dry umbrellas, to tears. But it’s worth keeping them there, then there will always be “good weather” in the house.

The TV has no place where the husband and wife sleep, this is a divorce. Ficus has a bad effect on the physical side of love. Beliefs also accuse him of problems with conception. Ficus is also contraindicated for unmarried people, it will drive away boyfriends.

Home plants disappear where the spouses sleep - the marriage will not last long. This is one of the signs of damage or evil spirits. Call a priest, bless the house. And then start flower "women's happiness", which will neutralize the harm already done and protect the relationship. Also suitable is hibiscus, a flower that revitalizes relationships and returns passion.

The elephant is a symbol of family and fertility. Put a figurine depicting him in the bedroom of the newlyweds, and they will not have problems conceiving. To receive one as a gift with a covenant to put near the bed - for an early pregnancy. Seashells are best avoided as they negatively affect the health of sleepers.

Folk omens about house cleaning

Having garbage from the house of an enemy, you can damage it. Therefore, in the old days, rubbish was burned in a furnace or buried away from prying eyes. You can not dispose of garbage after sunset - to poverty. According to other signs - to the death of the owner of the house. It's better to clean up during the day. It should be clean at night, after sunset angels go home, look after their wards. The mess will offend them. Not cleaned in bad weather.

Do not wash floors after guests leave, wash them out of the house forever. The sign can be used to get rid of annoying visitors. "They block the road" and for good purposes - the mother of the bride washes the floor after her departure to the groom's house, so that she lives happily in a new place and does not aspire back.

Brooms and brooms in the old days were considered sacred objects. They can both heal and protect from evil, and ruin life - depending on whose hands they end up in. Keep the broom handle down and you will be protected from the evil eye. There can be only one broom in the house, sweeping with two sweeps out the positive energy of love, luck and money. People say: "You will scatter wealth in foreign corners." The old broom is supposed to be burned outside the house, and only after that buy a new one.

They sweep and wash the floor towards the kitchen so that the bins are full. The hostess, rushing to the front door, will lose her beauty and youth. You can't clean up when you're in a bad mood. And the result will not please, and quarrel with someone from home. If a girl does not know how to sweep, she will swear with her husband after the wedding.

The state of the mirror reflects the energy of the apartment. Therefore, do not keep it dirty, wipe it as often as possible. After cleaning, do not walk with an empty bucket, bring bad luck to those who meet along the way.

What to expect if "imagining"?

A lot can be imagined, and not all of this portends something. But if you happen to see a flickering light in your windows when no one is at home, expect happiness. Angels have marked your home with their presence.

To see a brownie - to grief. According to legend, the domovikha (wife of the brownie) cries at night before a misfortune in the family. Can you hear her crying? Get ready for the worst.

Knocking on the window at night is a sign of the death of a relative. But you can trust her only if there were not even traces of the visitor on the street. If this happens more than once, think about which of the deceased relatives you have undeservedly offended. He demands an apology. This interpretation is especially true if light steps are heard after a knock.

A night knock on the door also portends death. In the old days, it was believed that it was the Grim Reaper himself who knocked with the handle of his scythe. But do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive guests after sunset. Use your eyeball. If no one is there, don't open it. Better sprinkle the door with holy water and read "Our Father". If the door was opened out of ignorance, consecrate the apartment. If unknown people knock at night on the door or window of the house where there is a seriously ill person, one can give up hope of his recovery.

A strong knock can be emitted by branches or raindrops. Such sounds warn of the impossibility of starting a new business. Delay with the implementation of ideas. If insects hit the glass, a scandal can happen.

What not to do at home

The sign that forbids whistling in the apartment has many meanings. Some promise a lack of money, others - separation from one of the household members. The latter can expect both a long-awaited departure and death. Another superstition says that whistling is a witch's technique for summoning devils. An ordinary person does not have to expect good from them.

Don't stand near red corner(places where icons hang) in a headdress. This big sin, he will definitely be punished. You can not store a broom near the images. The Bible and other sacred texts are not left where they eat and sit - on tables, sofas, chairs.

It is undesirable to pour water (water plants, wash, etc.) first thing after waking up. This is how luck is spilled, destined for a new day. You must not sing before breakfast, otherwise after dinner there will be a reason for tears.

Avoid accepting animals as a gift, they will not take root. Give the donor at least a few coins. Even a symbolic payment negates the negative meaning of belief. Steal a cat - to poverty, take it from the street - to prosperity.

Reeds are not allowed in the apartment. Along with this plant comes the evil spirits living in the swamp. It provokes illness and brings bad luck.

After the 50th anniversary, do not build a house for yourself. It is permissible to help children build and live in the house they have built for you. You can participate in the construction of housing for several generations.

Home and family signs keep the secrets of the happiness of bygone generations. They will tell you how to preserve marital relations, peace and comfort in the house, the calm energy of the home. Follow folk signs at home, and you will be successful in the workplace.
