Conclusion on the topic of education in human life. The role of education in the life of modern man

Education plays a huge role in a person's life and it's hard to argue with that. Education is one of the main aspects of any person's life. Each person throughout his life learns something, new skills and experience are obtained. Without a minimum education, it is impossible even to buy a loaf of bread in the store. After all, for this you need to count the necessary amount of money.

The more educated a person is, the easier it is for him to understand himself and the world around him, to solve problems that periodically arise for everyone. An educated person can always give important advice to his friend or relative, and indeed help any person to understand his difficulties.

A high level of education allows a person to apply his knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, achieving more and more worthy results. Some people who have just finished school have to work all day without days off for a meager salary. And a person with a good education can work a little, but get a big salary.

An educated person has many more opportunities to get a well-paid and promising work, since such people always learn something new easily and with pleasure, and then make the most of the resources of their knowledge.

With an educated person there is always something to talk about, such people are usually sociable and interesting. They have many friends and business partners. So we can conclude that education plays a huge role in a person’s life, so it is very important to approach with all responsibility the choice of the institute you want to enter and decide what you are really interested in in life.

No wonder they say: Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. Lack of knowledge is darkness that obscures the gaze and does not allow to see the right path, all the possibilities and obstacles.

Together with the article “Essay on the topic “Education in human life” they read:

Essay "Education in my life"

Education is the foundation on which a person is built. Every person receives a secondary education by graduating from school. With the exception of people who are unable to learn due to any disease. Education is something a modern person cannot do without, to become a successful person, a businessman, a professional specialist in his field - namely professional, and not just who you are according to your diploma.

But is there enough knowledge that gives: school, college, institute, etc. No, of course. To become a truly educated person, in addition to what this or that educational institution gives us, we need additional knowledge that a person himself can get. The education of a person is not something that they give you ready-made, but also something that you yourself get, that is, self-education.

So what role does education play in my life? The question is very interesting and multifaceted, as I think, for any person. Each of us has repeatedly thought about the questions why I study, but it will come in handy for me, and often did not find an answer, and if I did, then after some time.

Education in my life plays one of the defining roles of the future. Without education, you cannot become what you really want, your choice is narrow, from the primitive to go to work, a low-paid worker to the fact that you can go downhill. The level of education is determined not only by the fact that you graduated from college or university, etc. .P. Education is determined by the person himself, that is, do I have enough knowledge in any area, or do I want to know more so as not to fall for “people’s laughter”, or for a scammer’s trick, etc. However, importance has a level of education in career ladder, when applying for a job, an employer can hire a person with a higher education than a person with a secondary special education, although the knowledge and skills of the second may be higher than that of the first.

We study not for grades, but for life. Education is sometimes like money: you need to have a lot of it, otherwise you will still look poor. In order to become a truly educated person, you need to constantly develop yourself, and not stop there. Education is like a goal, in order to get something - you need to achieve it, but if you don’t reach it, you stop, then you are doomed to failure, so it is in education. No wonder there is a saying "Live and learn". Education does not consist only of knowledge obtained in books, but it is also collected on the basis of a person's life experience.

In my life, education is one of the foundations of my future career ladder. Now I am studying in college, getting knowledge in my specialty, but in addition to college, I am self-educated, I try to learn something new from experienced teachers. But, my education will not end there, I will continue to develop both in the profession and by self-education, without which, in principle, it is impossible to become a professional in my field. But in addition to education, it is important to have a good upbringing and, of course, talent, because a good education, along with upbringing, is “talent”

Essay “Higher education: what does it give a person? Internet vs University»

Attitudes towards higher education in the CIS countries have paradoxically changed over the course of recent years 150. Either it was considered elitist during the period of the empire, then it was almost shameful during the times of the USSR, then again it was extremely necessary for success in the early 2000s.

I remember with what excitement we, schoolchildren, at the very beginning of the third millennium, our parents actively encouraged us to enter a university, how important it was to get on the budget, not only because of the high prices for contract education, but also because our parents still could not come to terms with the new idea for them after the collapse of the USSR that they have to pay for education. How much all good parents wanted their children to have an easier and more profitable job than they themselves, simple workers in factories, factories or hospitals. They dreamed that we were bosses, respected specialists. Therefore, it was considered completely unacceptable to send the child to study at a vocational school or technical school, except perhaps for those who studied very poorly. And we, graduates, for the last 2 years of study, cried over higher mathematics, improved our English and crammed history. And then they went together to enter universities, entered, unlearned, went free with diplomas and ... then the fun began.

Chiefs were mostly those whose parents had connections. Good specialists turned out to be much less in demand than people who can adapt, bend, and catch a wave. While we were studying for 5 years, our less gifted comrades, having spent a year or three in secondary specialized educational institutions, mastered the really popular, albeit not prestigious, professions of sellers, hairdressers, waiters, and then managers, marketers, merchandisers, couriers. Not burdened with a bright but illusory dream of a good prestigious job with a diploma of higher education and a sense of their elitism, they occupied those niches that were actually developing at that time - trade, service, transport. And very soon everyone realized that it was quite possible to get a decent salary there, much more than a laboratory assistant in production, an assistant in a department or a secretary in an office. Because they pay where there is something. And they pay for real work, for practical knowledge and experience, and not for high erudition, knowledge of art history or the ability to solve complex equations. This is how the world has changed over the 5 years that we spent as students behind the iron curtain of the classical university program.

Many fled even then - some permanently, some part-time. And, skipping part of the couples, they worked on the delivery of water or as a promoter of vodka in a supermarket. We looked down on them a little - they do not pull complex university subjects, they are not smart enough. It was only later, with a brand new diploma in hand, we tried to get a job at least somewhere where the salary was more than the minimum, already ready to work outside our specialty, and thereby lost the competition to our classmates who could boast of work experience ...

Those who wanted to earn a living, "scored" on their diplomas and mastered practical skills - manicure and make-up, repair and laying fireplaces, photography, tailoring and furniture making. Those who could, worked for themselves, for example, tutors. In short, they moved away from hovering in high school clouds and learned to do what others were willing to pay them for. Gradually, the desire for prestige in society slipped from us, we began to work and earn money, be responsible for our own schedule and income, and spend money on what we liked. It became clear how quickly the world and the labor market is changing, and how unrealistic it is to meet its needs if it takes five years to master new skills.

At about the same time, a hype began around new prestigious specialties that promised honor and income. And parents stopped sparing money so that their offspring would become lawyers, economists, translators, journalists, advertisers, specialists international law and trade. More precisely, those parents who, of course, had this money, stopped feeling sorry. What came of it? Those who had “thrusts” were able to find work in their specialty, those whose “thrusts” were the best occupied good positions. The rest of the economists stomped into sales assistants, lawyers settled on the necks of their parents who had taught them, translators went to marriage agencies. But journalists and advertisers were more fortunate - thanks to the growing need to sell goods, the advent of the Internet and the development of entertainment television, many of them actually found work in their specialty.

In general, the Internet has played an important role for many young (and not very, but ready to develop) specialists in terms of employment. Thanks to the World Wide Web, philologists, translators and journalists have not been left without work, who have found themselves in the field of writing texts for an endless and constantly growing set of sites. The Internet has raised the demand for programmers, designers and other IT specialists. Many of the first and good specialists, however, received the necessary knowledge not within the walls of universities, but on their own, but still on the basis of university training.

Representatives of very many specialties far from computer specialties have moved into the sphere of Internet specialists. Indeed, in reality, the point is not WHAT a person studied at a university, but the fact that he LEARNED TO LEARN there! A student who has successfully mastered any course has learned to extract and process information, analyze, conduct research and draw conclusions, as well as rationally spend time and energy, “get out”, mastered the main thing. This, in my opinion, is the greatest benefit that a higher education brings to a person. And at the same time, of course, this is not at all a reason to spend 5 precious years of youth, nerves and money on it just to get a diploma.

Thinking about higher education in our modern reality, its necessity, importance, I came to the following conclusions. Availability higher education does not guarantee a successful career in the specialty and high incomes, however, in some areas, the very presence of a diploma is simply necessary. For example, to work in medicine, education, government agencies, jurisprudence. There are many industries in which a “crust” is needed, but getting there is really only through pull, so you should think in advance if you have one. And there are those where a crust is also needed, but you can’t name a monetary specialty. These are teachers, and full-time psychologists, and preschool specialists. In this case, getting a higher education is worth it if a person feels a calling, love for such work, and is ready to put up with its relatively low pay. In addition, it is worth spending time on higher education for a person who is no longer a school graduate, has a profession, a job, and he needs a “crust” to move up the career ladder. It also makes sense to have higher education to develop your ability to learn and master information. Because, after all, a university program is a system, the understanding of which will be useful for general development intellectual abilities of a person and streamlining his horizons.

So learn something modern world very easy, educational information in the public domain - free and paid - the sea. The main thing now is experience, skills, abilities, and not theoretical knowledge. Almost every person who has set himself the goal of being able to do something for which money is paid can find a job both for his soul and for finances. A variety of books, articles, courses, seminars, webinars for every taste, for men and women of all ages is, of course, the most valuable gift of the Internet era. Therefore, if you are ready to study, work and earn, many doors are open for you.

I. Vastyanova

Naturally, the main answer to this question is the assertion that a person needs education in order to find Good work and provide high quality life. But of course, this is not the only answer, everything is much deeper. Education helps a person understand who he is and determine his role in the world, and also provides an opportunity to build relationships with others. After all, interaction with other people, communication, is an important aspect for the formation of personality and understanding of oneself.

The next few points most fully reflect the entire need for education. Awareness of this information will help to understand that education is the most important and integral part of everyone's life.

Happy and stable life

Education is the main key to success in life. A decent job and a positive reputation ensure a secure future and a peaceful life.

Money. An educated person has a much higher chance of becoming financially more successful than an uneducated person. Now everyone wants to be financially independent. Also, everyone will agree that money plays a very important role in the modern world and helps people survive and improve the quality of their lives.

Equality. In addition, everyone wants to see the world around them as fair and equal. Education, in turn, only contributes to this. It erases all boundaries of inequality between different classes and sexes in society. This topic is most relevant for women, because a quality education helps them fight for high-paying jobs on an equal basis with men.

Self-development. The process of education makes the human brain work and thus encourages the receipt of information from various external sources. This gives a person the opportunity to be independent and wise, as well as be able to make independent decisions.

The embodiment of dreams into reality. What is your life purpose or a dream? To be rich? Popular scientists? status person? If a person has a desire or dream, education is a very effective tool that helps to identify and recognize this cherished goal or dream and bring it to life. The exception is athletes who achieve their goals through their physical capabilities, but often it is education that helps to recognize their goals and take a number of effective measures to achieve them.

A safer and more peaceful life. Education greatly influences the human understanding of what is good and what is bad. A person with education always easily understands the seriousness of the consequences in case of wrong/illegal actions committed by him. And it is precisely such people who are much less involved in something anti-moral or anti-social. Often, people without education have no clear understanding of their actions and responsibility. Education is an important, vital factor that helps to provide a society with a safe and peaceful life.

Self confidence. Many people in society determine the level of knowledge by the quality of education. An enlightened person is always much easier to be taken seriously and understood. Often, people without education have difficulty formulating their own thoughts and self-doubt does not allow them to be respected in society. The bonus of education is self-confidence, which erases boundaries and allows you to express yourself and your position clearly and accurately, without being distracted by unnecessary constraint or ignorance.


We all live in a society in which there is a set of public/tacit rules by which all members of society coexist. It is assumed that everyone goes to school, university, work and becomes a full cell of society. Undoubtedly, an extremely important factor in the life of everyone in a society is to make some kind of contribution to the development and well-being of this society.

An educated person is the most important cell on which society rests and flourishes. These are the people who take an active part in public life and try their best to improve it.

Economic development of the state

The literacy rate of the population of the USA, Japan and Australia is very high. These countries are certainly prospering, because their per capita income indicators are extremely high. The underdeveloped countries, on the other hand, have very low level literacy and the majority of the population lives below the poverty line. Thus, a very simple conclusion is drawn: education is vital for the well-being of the state and its citizens.

Don't let yourself be deceived

Education protects a person from deceit and fraud. Being aware of the nearness of this or that segment of the population, criminals are increasingly trying to cheat them and take advantage of it. Being deprived of any right or signing any paper are all tricks that ignorant people fall for, often without even realizing the consequences. Education helps a person to be more aware of such situations and avoid them, knowing clearly their rights and freedoms.

Summarizing all these facts, it should be noted that education not only helps to organize your life and make it better. It gives you the opportunity to explore the world around you and draw the necessary conclusions. Self-education also accompanies self-knowledge and helps answer many questions about work, love and existence in general, which a person asks himself in huge quantities throughout his life.

In addition, a diversified person will have much greater success in society. After all, he will be aware of a wide range of different information, which will make him attractive to much more of people. And demand, in turn, makes a person happy and gives a desire to live. It is extremely important to feel important and necessary, because self-affirmation allows you to expand your boundaries and move forward, becoming more and more educated and making your dreams and goals come true.

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The role of education in human life


1. History of schools

2. The history of the development of education in the village of Novonikolaevskaya

3. The role of education in human life

3.1 Sociological survey of the adult population of the village

3.2 The level of education of the inhabitants of my street

3.3 Students on the importance of education





Education is one of the main aspects of any person's life.

Every person learns something all his life. The more educated a person is, the easier it is for him to understand the world around him, to solve the problems that arise for each individual person in life.

If a person has high level education, then he can apply his knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, using various information resources. It would seem that everyone should strive to get a high education. In fact, not everything is so simple. Many people do not aspire to have a high education, or even believe that education does not matter in Everyday life. This is especially true for schoolchildren, who, for the most part, do not want to study at all. In means mass media many articles about the decrease in the motivation of school education in connection with reforms in education and in the economic life of the country as a whole. Therefore, this topic is relevant today as it has always been.

Goal of the work: to find out whether a person needs to get an education, how a different level of education has affected the lives of people living in our village.


1. Get acquainted with the history of the emergence of schools: where and when they appeared.

2. Find out when schools appeared in our village and how the level of education of the village residents changed.

3. Conduct a sociological survey among the residents of the village who have different education, age and social status.

4. Find out what level of education the residents of the street where I live have.

5. Find out how modern schoolchildren assess the importance of education, what kind of education they would like to have.

Research methods: sociological survey, questioning, interviews, comparison and analysis of the obtained statistical data, work with the materials of the school museum.

1. History of schools

How did the first schools appear?

The Greek word "schole", from which the word "school", which is available in almost all languages ​​in one form or another, originally meant "to spend free time, to be idle, to procrastinate, to delay, to do something during leisure." This is one of the arguments in favor of the theory according to which schools first arose not for education, but in order to close two categories of the population against each other - the elderly and children, who were not suitable for hunting or labor and only interfered with the able-bodied.

In order to preserve the family and its values, the elders needed to teach the children everything they knew themselves, so that the children could cope with the problems in the future. Young people had to study in order to preserve the traditions, knowledge and experience of the group.

Thus, the idea education» is much older than schools. But with the invention of literacy, schools became a necessity. Special training was needed to master the letters. And the existence of letters made it possible to accumulate and transfer knowledge at a level unattainable by that time.

Everyday life in the family could not provide such an education. Therefore, a special institution was required to deal with this. And that was the school.

Where did the first schools originate?

A school is a place where several people, usually children, come together to acquire certain knowledge and skills. No one knows when the first schools appeared. We only know that already five or six thousand years ago there were schools in Egypt, perhaps in China and in some other countries. The Greek and Roman schools were the forerunners of all modern schools and colleges. But even in Greece many years ago there was a time when one student was brought to one professional teacher. There were no schools or classes then. Later, Greek speakers and philosophers, to whom students came and who had to travel a lot in order to give people knowledge, began to create some kind of school. The great Greek philosopher Plato was the first teacher to organize education in what he called "the academy". The term of study there was 3-4 years. Ancient schools were usually located on the grounds where the military trained or held parades. These places were called gymnasiums. Later, Aristotle created his own school and called it a lyceum. Around the year 250, the ancient Greeks realized that students should be taught grammar, so special grammar schools. Still later, the Romans adopted their system of education from the Greeks. Roman schools were more similar to modern ones. Believe it or not, students went to Roman schools with the same reluctance that we sometimes go to modern ones. The students had to get up early, memorize complex rules, a foreign language and, in addition, behave appropriately. The disobedient and lazy were flogged with rods!

It was only in the 18th century that the idea that education could change the individual and society began to spread. And only almost a hundred years ago, education began to be considered the right of every child.

2. The history of the development of education in the village of Novonikolaevskaya

At present, all children are studying, attending schools and other educational institutions. Education is universal and compulsory for all children up to the age of 18. But it was not always so. Even 100 years ago, only a few studied, and even then they received only elementary education. The first mention of a school on the territory of our village is found in archival documents for 1890. This year, at the stanitsa gathering, it was decided to file a petition for the transformation of the village of Angelinsky, which belonged to the village of Starodzherlievskaya, into an independent village and call it Novonikolaevskaya. The request was granted and August 5, 1891 became the date of formation of our village. The historical reference indicates that the village was public school with 21 boys and 3 girls. The teacher was Bazhan Ivan Ivanovich. The total number of inhabitants in the village was about 1700 people.

Later, a parochial school appeared. Only after the revolution of 1917 did all children get the opportunity to study. At that time, the population of the village increased to 4304 people. In the 1920s and 1930s there were two schools in the village: an elementary school and a secondary school (now No. 12), the number of students in them was about 288, and 6 teachers worked. To eliminate illiteracy among the adult population, an educational program was organized, in which 120 people studied annually. In 1920, the village had 29% of the literate population, and in 1930 this number exceeded 50%.

In 1928 - 30s, another primary school was built on the northwestern outskirts of the village. In 1933 on the basis elementary school, located in the center of the village, a seven-year school was opened. The first graduation of 19 students took place in 1936. In 1952, a secondary school was established on the basis of the seven-year school. In 1966, the high school received a new building. Of the 27 teachers who worked at the school, 13 had higher education, the rest had specialized secondary, incomplete higher education, or studied by correspondence. There were 375 students in the school, and in 1968 - 612. In 1991 a new school building was built in the center of the village. There were 780 students. Now we study in this building. From an interview with the director of the school, Likhacheva Nina Vladimirovna, I learned that now there are 412 students in our school, the teaching staff is 32 people, 30 of them have higher education, and two have specialized secondary education. 65% of teachers are graduates of our school, including the principal and three of his deputies. Of the 21 service personnel, 20 are graduates of our school. In 2008, the school became the winner of the national project "Education" and received a grant of 1 million rubles. (Appendix 7, fig. 11.).

Over the past 20 years, more than 30 of our graduates have received pedagogical education in the universities of our region, but only 8 people came to work at our school. Two more work in a children's rehabilitation center located in our village. The rest found work in the cities of the region or in large villages and work, basically, not in their specialty. They did not want to work at the school. Meanwhile, most of the teachers in our school are people of retirement and pre-retirement age. The question arises: who will teach children in the village in 5-10 years? After all, no one will come to work from the city to us.

3. The role of education in human life

Communicating with my classmates and peers, I noticed that many of them consider education not mandatory for a person, but it is more important to arrange their personal lives. I think that thanks to the knowledge gained in the process of studying, one can make a career, create a good and strong family, and be in demand in modern life.

Today, the labor market makes very high demands on the level of education. Even in rural areas, a person with a complete secondary education is preferred to the position of a laborer. It is believed that the higher the education, the more responsible a person will be in his duties. It is probably not in vain that universal compulsory secondary education has been introduced in our country. By the way, in Japan it was introduced at the end of the 19th century. Communicating with my peers, I began to notice that more than half of my class did not pay due attention to their studies, from the age of 14 young people became more and more interested in personal life: that is, boys, girls, discos and more. They believe that their parents will pay for their studies and that they will get a diploma from any educational institution easily. But what about study? After all, she is calling card In human life. The acquired knowledge opens the way to life, gives more opportunities for self-improvement, which helps in later life. After all, you can succeed in everything, that is, be cheerful and interested in the above, and succeed in your studies, but there are very few such people.

Many of my peers believe that they are already quite old, they can drink alcohol, smoke, they want to show that they do not depend on their parents in anything. Education is not so important for them. In the future, such people begin to regret that they did not study when they had the opportunity. After all, even having a diploma, you need to confirm that you are able to perform certain duties. Otherwise, you will just be fired from your job. There are professions where a low level of education can cost the lives of other people. For example, a doctor or an air traffic controller. There are many such examples. I think that first of all it is necessary to get good knowledge. To do this, you need to study well at school, so that there is a basis for further education.

3.1 Sociological survey of the adult population of the village

Looking at the attitude of my classmates to study, I decided to find out how adults relate to study. What role does education play in their lives? For this, a questionnaire was compiled of 16 questions. (Appendix 1) A total of 43 people were interviewed. Of these, 7 men and 36 women. By age: 20% - up to 30 years; 16% - from 31 to 40 years; 40% - from 41 to 50 years old and 24% - over 50 years old.

49% of respondents completed full high school(10 or 11 classes); 16% - 7 or 8 grades and 35% did not answer this question. "Good" finished school 51%. 58% graduated from our school No. 12, 14% from other schools in the region, 7% from schools outside the region; 21% - did not indicate the school.

Most of the respondents - 56% believe that the school gave them a high level of knowledge, 42% believe that it was average, and only one indicated a low level of school knowledge. Almost half of the respondents chose their profession themselves (Figure 6).

74% of respondents participated in school, regional and other olympiads and competitions; 63% of them believe that it helped them in their further studies and in life, because. contributed to the expansion of horizons, taught to think, find the right solution, not get lost in a new environment, strive to be ahead, achieve the best results in everything. All noted that after school they studied at other educational institutions. These are various universities: KubSU, KubGAU, Armavir, Slavic, Maikop pedagogical institutes and others. Many graduated from technical schools, colleges, as well as vocational schools. Professions of the respondents: teacher - 17 people; accountant - 7 people; economist - 2 people; engineer - 3; livestock specialist - 3; cook - 2; as well as: librarian, agronomist, manager, beekeeper, merchandiser, chemist, locksmith, builder and electrician.

79% of respondents work in their profession (or worked before retirement), 14% work outside their profession, because there is no such work in the village and 7% did not answer this question. Most of the respondents have been working in the same place for many years. Work experience, depending on age, ranges from six months to 39 years. 79% did not change their profession, 16% changed because they could not find a job in their specialty or they were not satisfied with the working conditions, salary, etc. (Fig. 10). To the question: are you satisfied with your profession? we received the following answers: (Fig. 5).

People live permanently in the countryside. We asked why? 56% answered that it was the circumstances, 35% that it was their choice and 9% did not answer this question. (Fig. 9)

Then we asked if the opportunity to live in the city presented itself, would you take advantage of it? 63% answered no, 25% - yes, and 12% - I don't know (Figure 7). Despite the fact that most of them live in the village because of the circumstances, they do not want to leave for the city. For 65% of them, their life in the village is connected with their education, with their profession, for the rest it is not connected (Fig. 8).

3.2 The level of education of the inhabitants of my street

Continuing the sociological study of the inhabitants of my street, I asked about their level of education and received the following results, which I presented in a table (Table 1.) 64 adults live on our street. Of these, 23% have higher education; 26% specialized secondary (technical schools, colleges); 38% - secondary, and then almost all acquired specialties in vocational schools, courses, etc. 12% have incomplete secondary education. This is a retired grandmother (she is almost 80 years old), she worked all her life as a milkmaid. Another 7 people aged 35 and older who at one time did not want to study after finishing the 8th or 9th grade. All of them do not have permanent jobs. In the summer, they go to work for hire for seasonal work for private entrepreneurs (digging potatoes, picking strawberries, fruits, etc.) or doing their own housekeeping at home.

Table 1. The level of education of residents of Bolnichnaya Street as of January 1, 2012


Total residents on the street

Of these, they do not temporarily reside (they live in Krasnodar, Novorossiysk), incl. children

Of all residents - children (under 18 years old)

Adults - able-bodied (from 18 to 55 women and 60 years old men),

specialized secondary

lower secondary

illiterate (disabled)

Pensioners (from 55 women and from 60 years old men),

including education:

specialized secondary

lower secondary

not literate

3.3 ShkElders on the meaning of education

To find out the opinion of schoolchildren, I conducted a survey among students in grades 8-10. In total, 100 people out of 120 students answered.

Despite the fact that almost all of my classmates and peers do not take their studies seriously, do not always prepare homework, do not listen to teachers during lessons, are distracted by extraneous activities (especially on mobile phones), still 89% of schoolchildren indicated that without school it is impossible to do without the fact that schooling is vital. (fig.1) school education highly paid job

To the second question, how many years it is enough to study at school, the answers were distributed as follows: 45% of schoolchildren think that it is necessary to finish 11 classes, 48% of schoolchildren think that 9 classes are enough, and 7% believe that it is possible to study 5-7 classes and enough. (Figure 2)

To the question: what kind of education should a modern person have, 36% answered that it is higher, 48% - secondary, 6% - secondary specialized, and only 4% believe that education is not necessary, you can live without it.

Meanwhile, only 26% of schoolchildren plan to receive secondary education, 7% - secondary specialized, 16% - have not yet decided, but 37% plan to receive higher education. And only one student answered that he did not want to study (Fig. 3).

We asked: what efforts are you making already now to achieve the goal? 38% answered: “I study” and “I go to school”. The second answer is more suitable, because. many do not study, namely “go to school”. “I study well” and “I study conscientiously” - answered 20%. “I don’t make any effort,” 14% answered. The rest called: visiting extra classes participation in olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, sports competitions, etc.

Q: Where would you like to live? 68% answered that they want to live in the city, because there are more opportunities, more work, what is beautiful there. 27% are going to live in the village and 5% "do not know yet" (Figure 4).

The answers to the last question are very different: 8 people want to be a doctor, 8 - an economist, 4 - a teacher. 3 students each want to become a cook, a policeman, a builder, a gas and electric welder, a lawyer, a driver. 2 each - psychologist, stylist, pharmacist, manager. They also named the professions of an electrician and a social worker, an agronomist and a conductor, a technologist and an architect, a mechanic and a programmer, a sailor, a locksmith and others. And 22% have not yet decided who to become, what profession to choose. Comparing the answers to different questions of one student, sometimes you get very interesting results. For example: a student believes that it is enough to study at school for 9 years, a modern person needs a full general education, and he plans to get a higher education and live in the city. It follows from the answers that almost everyone considers education a necessary condition for their life and plans to get it. Meanwhile, talking with the director of the school, I found out that only 30% of students in grades 8-10 study at grades 4 and 5. And there are those who have deuces in a quarter in one or more subjects.


Starting the study, I studied the literature and Internet materials on the topic under study. I got acquainted with the materials of the school museum, visited the Kalinin regional archive. Then she conducted a sociological survey among the population of our village: teachers, employees of the board of a local agricultural enterprise. I asked to answer the questions of some residents of our street, relatives. I asked the principal of our school. Conducted student surveys. Analyzed all information received. Compiled brief description development of education in our village. After considering all the answers of the respondents, I came to the following conclusions:

During the formation of our village there was only one school in which only 24 students studied, education was practically inaccessible to the majority of the population of the village.

After the 1917 revolution, all children were given access to education, but initially they were only taught to read and write. There were three small schools in the village.

In 1933, the school became a seven-year school for the first time, and in 1952 it became secondary. Later, gradually, all schools were merged into one (now No. 12). Education became universal compulsory secondary.

Most of the teachers and almost all the staff are graduates of our school number 12. All the teachers who have come to work in the last 20 years have graduated from our school.

Adults in our village have a fairly high level of education. They got it thanks to the good knowledge that the school gave them.

More than half of the people who answered indicated that they were satisfied (morally) with their profession, it brings them joy, but only 30% were materially satisfied.

Despite the fact that more than half of all respondents live in the village “by coincidence”, still 63% do not want to leave for the city (if the opportunity presents itself). for the majority, life in the village is connected with their education and profession.

Although many schoolchildren consider education not obligatory for a person, they study somehow, often “under pressure”, they still understand that in modern life one cannot live well without a good education and in the future they plan to get a high education and a prestigious profession.

Thus, the level of education has always been very important for a person. And today, when science, technological progress, the development of economic, social and cultural life is going very fast, when information has become available to everyone, it is easy to “lag behind life” if you do not have a good education.

Residents of the village, with a high education, are teachers, educators kindergarten, employees of the local hospital, children's rehabilitation center, managers and specialists of the agricultural enterprise Kubanagro-Priazovye, the Yuviks-Kuban plant, UOS, trade enterprises, administration rural settlement etc. Some people work at st. Kalininskaya, in the administration of the municipality Kalininsky district, at enterprises and organizations of the regional center. They have a higher cultural, and often material, level. An educated person has more opportunities to get a highly paid and promising job, since such people easily learn everything new, make the most of the resources of their knowledge. It is interesting to talk and communicate with an educated person. An educated person is sociable, he has a wide circle of contacts, a large number of friends, business partners. And according to statistics, it turns out that an educated person lives longer.


1. Historical reference administration of the Novonikolaevsky rural settlement.

2. Materials of the school museum on the history of the village of Novonikolaevskaya.

3. Materials of the Kalinin regional archive.


Sample interview questions on the topic “The role of educationI and professions in a person's life "

Name, age.

In what year, what school did you finish, how many classes. How successful (optional).

What do you think, what level of knowledge did the school give you: low, medium or high? Explain why you think so.

Did you participate in olympiads and other intellectual competitions at school? With what result (optional).

Did participation in olympiads, etc., help? in further studies, in life?

Did you attend vocational schools after graduation?

What educational institution, faculty did you graduate from? At what year? What specialization did you acquire?

What or who influenced the choice of profession?

Did you work (does work now) in the profession you have received?

If not, why not?

Who is currently working? Work experience in this profession.

Does your profession satisfy you: financially, morally?

Have you ever had to change profession (study in another educational institution for another major). If yes, why?

You permanently live in the countryside. Is it your choice or is it just the circumstances?

If you had the opportunity to live in the city, would you take it? Why?

Is your life in the village connected with your education, profession?

Answer the questions: Questionnaire for schoolchildren.

1. Do you consider going to school a vital necessity or can you do without school?

2. How many years do you think it takes to go to school to be able to go to work and earn a living?

3. What kind of education should a modern person have in order to be in demand in life and earn enough for himself and his family?

4. What kind of education do you plan to get in your life?

5. What efforts are you already making to achieve this goal?

6. Where would you like to live: in the city or in the village, why?

7. What would you like to work as?

Figure 1. Distribution of schoolchildren's answers to the first question.

Figure 2. Students' answers to the second question.

Figure 3. Distribution of students' answers to the third question.

Figure 4. Answers to the sixth question.

Figure 5. Answers to question 12.

Figure 6. Answers to question 8.

Figure 7. Answers to question 15

Figure 8. Answers to question 16

Figure 9. Answers to question 14.

Figure 10. Answers to question 13.

Figure 11. Interview with the director of the school Likhacheva Nina Vladimirovna.

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