Four denarii taro combined. Combined with other cards

Map image description

In the center of the card is a young boy, a prince or a king. He sits on a dais and thinks about something. With each foot, the young man leans on a pentacle, the young man embraces one pentacle with his hands, another pentacle is inserted into the crown on his head young man. Behind the young man is a beautiful city, symbolizing the earthly power and empire of the king. The atmosphere is calm, the sky is clear and transparent.

The impression of the Four of Pentacles: fear for the safety of one's property, money, concern for the current situation. Attempts to maintain the status quo.

Direct position interpretation

Keys: practicality, guarantee, moderation of income, stability and reliability of the financial situation, ownership of property. Satisfaction with little. Fear of losing what is in your hands. Fear for the safety of the acquired. Profitability. Confidence in yourself and tomorrow. Satisfied position. prosperity. Receiving an inheritance or a good gift.

Now in the life of a fortuneteller there has come a period of prosperity and a time of a stable position.

The efforts made will be justified, and a decent payment for your work will come to you. You have confidence in yourself and your abilities, faith in tomorrow. Your status is stable, the quality of life is improving, material wealth satisfies you.

You will achieve your dreams, your plans will come true. You will achieve what you want, but in addition to this, you will also receive a stable position, while maintaining the previously achieved. Your position will allow you to enjoy your life and not think about the future.

Your life is quite predictable, but for that it is devoid of unnecessary worries and anxieties, calculated moves will allow you to foresee almost everything. This predictability brings you peace and security, enjoyment of life and a strong state of affairs.

A person is accustomed to rely only on himself and use only his own resources. Calmness, seriousness, responsibility, confidence - strengths person. He is good at settling problems and can lead others, but is unable to resolve a situation that was not planned or different from the standard position.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: self-confident person, selfish, greed. Anxious states, limited by the framework of one's thinking, expectations of something, obstacles in the way, confrontation. Stinginess, both monetary and emotional. Limitation. closed position. Fixation on personal interests and results. Obsession with money. Losses in the financial sector, unstable state of affairs. Decreased income and earning opportunities. Indecisive person, lost control over the situation. Dissatisfaction with one's position, difficulties in business.

Problems in the financial sector, difficulties with property, a distorted attitude towards money. The Four of Pentacles reveals the following issues of human character:

  • The constant race for profit, money, profit.
  • Greed, snobbery
  • Fear of losing property and money.
  • Stinginess or overspending.

From this we can conclude that a person is mainly interested in his financial situation and money. Other people, such a person evaluates by the thickness of their wallet, property and appearance. A person is always haunted by quarrels and conflicts on money grounds.

Your attitude towards money creates problems not only for you, but also for those around you. Focusing on money will not lead to good. On the one hand, it seems that everything is calculated and taken into account, but in fact, as a result of loss, a decrease in income, lack of opportunities to earn money, problems in relationships with family and friends. You deliberately turn away from everyone and lock yourself in the money sphere. There is a great risk instead of joy to experience loss and loneliness, when no one will come to the rescue.

Tip: change your attitude towards money, profit and benefit, do not chase after all possible and impossible ways to earn or win money.

Four of Pentacles in Health

Circulatory problems. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Flat feet, skin problems, the problem of removing toxins from the body.

Direct position. a person's condition is stable, global problems not with health, but if you continue to overload yourself, then the most various diseases. You need to rest, walk in the fresh air. Household chores can wait a bit.

Reversed position. The body needs rest and cleansing. Be careful what you eat, maybe you should switch to proper nutrition or at least reduce the consumption of starchy foods and other harmful products. Check the vessels and be careful with excess weight.

Four of Pentacles in relationships

Direct position. A person is satisfied with his position, and he is not ready to wear any adjustments, so there may be isolation or unwillingness to make contact and talk. stable and serious relationship a person is not as important as a stable financial position. And if we are talking about choosing a career or a relationship, then a person will choose a career and money. A person's own habits are more important than building relationships. Own integrity and satisfaction of their needs - this is the first and main task of a person.

Reversed position. Cooling feelings in a couple. Fear of responsibility. Jealousy, sense of ownership. Trying to hold on to something, but not willing to compromise and let the relationship develop.

Conflicts are possible on the basis of money, disorganization of home comfort. There are too many inconsistencies and secrets in a relationship.

Four of Pentacles in action

Professions: cashier, treasurer, storekeeper, accountant, supply department worker.

Direct position. The person has achieved a prosperous position, both in the field of work and financially. Everything that has been achieved has been acquired as a result of painstaking and diligent work. A stable financial position, do not worry about the decline in profits or the deterioration of business. In work, things go on as usual, everything is planned and thought out.

Reversed position. Deprivation of a comfortable position. Shaky financially, instability, many questions are in doubt. Inattention, stressful situation.

It is impossible to foresee everything, but it makes sense to prepare, analyze the situation and draw the necessary conclusions.

Four of Pentacles about the current situation

Direct position. It is necessary to use our resources rationally, set rigid frameworks and plans, and adhere to these guidelines. Only targeted spending is needed, the rest can be deferred. The card makes it clear that the situation is stable, the situation is stable and there is no need to worry about trifles.

In the construction of something new, whether it be a house, a relationship, a job, you invest maximum effort, while calculating your steps several moves ahead. Completion of the started business, completion and summarizing the intermediate result.

The energy received should be directed in the right direction, and not spent on meaningless ideas and plans that cannot be implemented, at least for now.

The key phrase of the Four of Pentacles: Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky. Take care of your savings.

Advice. It is necessary to put everything in its place and lay it out on the shelves. Your soul and your property need your protection from outside encroachment and interference in your way of life. Learn from the mistakes of others, learn from what is happening.

Reversed position. The situation is unstable. Your position can be shaken at any moment. All problems come from your inability to handle money. Excessive spending, senseless investments, stinginess - that's what you should think about. Your desire for control prevents you from creating a plan of action, so you lose sight of not only small problems, but also difficult moments.

Tip: when making decisions, remove emotions, control yourself first of all. Learn to compromise and give in when you see that the win is not yours.

After drawing the Four of Pentacles, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do you control in this moment? How can you be sure that everything is in your hands?
  • What resources do you have? How do you spend your resources?
  • What are you a master at?
  • How to stabilize the situation?
  • What are your fears? What are your losses? Experience from past situations.
  • What or who is trying to deprive you of what you have acquired?
  • When can you tell yourself that you have enough of everything, that it makes sense to stop?
  • What is security for you?

Four of Pentacles Ideas:

  1. The desire to control everything from the surrounding space to the smallest events.
  2. Always adequately and soberly assess the situation.
  3. All resources are used rationally.
  4. Responsibility is recognized.
  5. Following the created plan.

Card advice in divination by one card. It is not worth the risk today, it is unjustified. Do not forget about caution and discretion, in pursuit of the result, you can miss the details. Something may not go according to plan, so be prepared to act according to the circumstances and adapt to the situation, or turn the situation in your favor. Don't stop at one question. Be careful in communicating with others, do not blindly believe in what you are told.

Four of Pentacles combined with the Major Arcana

  • With a joke Relaxed state, serenity.
  • With a magician Accumulation of resources for something of their own.
  • With the high priestess. Hiding information for good purposes.
  • With the empress. Financial control.
  • with the emperor. Family funds, business.
  • with the hierophant. A callous person.
  • With lovers. Jealousy in a relationship. Feeling of ownership.
  • With a chariot. Spend the accumulated funds.
  • With strength. Accumulated forces, untapped potential.
  • With a hermit. Stagnant position.
  • With the wheel of fortune. position instability.
  • With justice. Unpaid debt.
  • From the hanged man. Unjustified victims.
  • With death. Savings quickly dissipate.
  • With moderation. Cost balancing, savings.
  • With the devil Dependence on money.
  • With a tower of lightning. Bankrupt. Failure to pay obligations.
  • With a star Dream savings.
  • With the moon Security only seems to you.
  • With the sun Investments bring income.
  • With court. Your past investments are starting to pay off.
  • Peace. Foundation laying.

Four of Pentacles Combinations with the Suit of Wands

  • With an ace. Accumulation of money. It is also worth keeping track of your spending.
  • With a deuce. Voluntary refusal from favorable opportunities.
  • With a trio. Expansion of the boundaries of the review.
  • With four. Achievements.
  • With five. Self-interest.
  • With six. Sole proprietor.
  • With seven. Pulling something to your side.
  • With eight. Taking over something.
  • With nine. Conflicts, selfish attitude.
  • With ten. A stagnant situation.
  • With a page. Lack of knowledge.
  • With a knight Waste of savings.
  • With the queen. Self-interest.
  • With the king. Enterprising person.

Four of Pentacles combinations with the suit of cups

  • With an ace. It's time for a holiday.
  • With a deuce. The position is in your power.
  • With a trio. You are a leader through self-confidence.
  • With four. Position stabilization.
  • With five. Difficulties will pass.
  • With six. Think health.
  • With seven. Stress and depression, rest is needed.
  • With eight. Arrange your personal life.
  • With nine. Travel, trouble.
  • With ten. Create an action plan and then act.
  • With a page. The stability of the situation may be shaken.
  • With a knight Don't make sudden changes in your life.
  • With the queen. You do not accept the fact that others influence you.
  • With the king. Hostility from a loved one.

Four of Pentacles combined with the suit of swords

  • With an ace. Minor problems can grow into big problems if you don’t mind your own business on time.
  • With a deuce. The inability to adequately determine the situation.
  • With a trio. It is necessary to show restraint.
  • With four. Control over relatives, they need it.
  • With five. progress and income.
  • With six. Relationships come first, careers come second.
  • With seven. You are not interested in the result, lack of desire to work.
  • With eight. Hold back your emotions.
  • With nine. You are being used for their own purposes.
  • With ten. Deception and lies, be careful.
  • With a page. Do not suspect and do not blame everyone indiscriminately.
  • With a knight Inadequate attitude to criticism.
  • With the queen. Clarity and consistency in actions.
  • With the king. Mystery of things.

Four of Pentacles combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • With an ace. Self-deception. Control is not on your side.
  • With a deuce. It is necessary to harmonize relationships and careers.
  • With a trio. Soberly assess the situation, remove the emotional background.
  • With five. It is impossible to predict everything, but you can prepare a little.
  • With six. Relationships take on a different form.
  • With seven. The collapse of plans.
  • With eight. Luck is on your side.
  • With nine. Opportunity to build relationships.
  • With ten. anxiety states.
  • With a page. Pay attention to the weaknesses of others.
  • With a knight Irregular position.
  • With the queen. Share positive emotions.
  • With the king. There is always time for change.

Description of the Four of Pentacles Tarot Card

On the Four of Pentacles tarot card, you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. This symbolizes the property of the fortuneteller and everything that belongs to him by right. Only human behavior here is not caused by greed, but by a sense of the need to protect one's good from encroachment.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles Tarot card in divination and layouts

Direct card position

The Four of Pentacles in the upright position symbolizes over-caution, the desire to keep values, unwillingness to share, greed. Such an attitude is essentially hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that there is only one step left to stagnation. If the Four of Disks finds itself in a position that requires just such behavior, then this means that at the moment it is necessary to concentrate, limit oneself in something, retreat, or, having taken up the matter, no longer let it out of one's hands. If the question in fortune-telling concerns something new (ideas, plans, deeds, etc.), then in this case the card advises to focus on the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand the details, get the right idea and evaluate the limits of what was conceived .

Reversed card position

Once in an inverted position, the Four of Coins symbolizes disorganization, excessive workload, too rigid limits. When it comes to money and wealth, then Arkan means stinginess or, on the contrary, extravagance, those extremes that do not allow a person to have consistently satisfactory material security.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the Four of Disks shows that the person holds on to his position, or at least expects it to guarantee stable income and well-being. The card predicts that many problems will soon be resolved, order will be restored and business (work) will return to normal.

Reversed card position

The Four of Pentacles Tarot card, which appeared upside down, indicates improper organization of activities, overstrain, excessive physical effort that may arise due to the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. Everything conceived can go to waste due to stress or apathy. Sometimes the inverted Four of Coins speaks of external factors that can have, if not fatal, but still a tangible and rather unpleasant effect on professional activity fortuneteller.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Health is stable, but requires compliance with the regime.

Reversed card position

It is necessary to conserve strength.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Four of Coins indicates that the person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with predetermined patterns of behavior. He "clings" to a partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of Pentacles indicates a relationship based on the submission of one partner to another and imposed strict rules, the material dependence of one partner on the other.

Reversed card position

Once in an inverted position, the Four of Disks indicates conflicts and disagreements that arise due to lack of money and disorder of life; portends quarrels in connection with the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes it reports the material interest of a partner in a relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Describing a person, the Four of Pentacles indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property.

Reversed card position

The inverted Four Denarius speaks of a conservative person who hides from everyone in his own boring and unpromising, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, little world.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Four of Pentacles as a Card of the Day

Today you are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will end up with something that is exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future, or is it still concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Card advice Four of Pentacles in divination and layouts

Remember to learn from everything that happens, especially if it's a negative experience.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that, when it appears in a reading, can tell a lot about a person's financial situation. She is a symbol of financial stability.

Take a look at the classic depiction of the four denarii on the Rader-Waite cards. You see a stern, detached man who convulsively clutches a coin in his hands. Another crown rises above his crown, and his legs rest on two pentacles. The associations are bright and well traced. Money is a symbol of power, but it enslaves a person, makes him dependent, greedy, miserable and cruel at the same time. What emotions does this card evoke? It symbolizes wealth, but the theme of greed is visible to the naked eye.

In this article

The meaning of the card in a broad sense

A person tries to control everything, to keep everything in his hands, but at the same time he loses best qualities. Obsessed with money, does not notice missed opportunities, lives for profit.

If 4 Pentacles surround positive cards, it encourages action, gives a chance for financial well-being and a favorable outcome. Negative cards signal that you should focus on one thing, and not scatter energy over trifles. Option: in pursuit of profit, you forget about spirituality.

Direct position

The main message is financial well-being, a passion for hoarding, collecting banknotes for the sake of owning them.

Common interpretations of the 4 Denarii that fell out in the scenario.

  • You are closed to communication, do not have warm feelings for family and friends.
  • Live only for the sake of work, not paying attention to the available pleasures.
  • You do not know how to spend money usefully and are greedy for little things.
  • The card speaks of stinginess, money-grubbing, hoarding in the worst sense of the word.
  • In the layouts for choosing a life path, it can mean banking, financial organizations.
  • A positive value is the ability to save, a prudent approach to housekeeping, reasonable, thoughtful spending.

The interpretation of the symbolism of the card depends not only on the surrounding cards. Each fortuneteller puts her own thoughts, emotions and associations into the interpretation. Be prepared for the fact that the position of the questioner may not coincide with the opinion of the soothsayer. Therefore, some tarologists speak of the positive meaning of the four of Coins, while others speak negatively about the symbol.

If you look closely at the image, it becomes clear: the person in the picture is angry and causes negative emotions. Few people like misers and greedy people.

Reversed position

He says that the questioner is completely dependent on material wealth. For him, there is nothing but a thirst for profit. The negative qualities of the four Denarii are enhanced in the reverse state.

The symbol says that a person is unable to part even with a small amount. It seems to him that everyone around him is coveting the fortune accumulated over many years. He does not save, but denies himself simple pleasures.

  • The card gives out a bad mood, suspicion, bordering on insanity.
  • Diseases - because of the unwillingness to spend money on treatment.
  • It can mean a meager salary, a loss in business, a bad investment in banking, or a loss on the stock exchange.
  • Strained relationships in the family, pressure on neighbors, total financial control, the desire to have a complete account of spending.
  • Mental stinginess, emptiness, inability to empathize, lack of empathy, emotional deafness.

The appearance of the 4 of Pentacles in the reverse position is a signal, reconsider your outlook on life and be attentive to your health.

Value when divining for business and work

If the card appears in a job spread, consider how the effort is worth the cash reward. Perhaps you are underestimated in your former job. Alternatively, a person simply does not want to change anything, does not want to grow professionally, gain new experience and knowledge.

The card signals that it's time to change. This applies to both the place of work and the type of activity. Remember how long you were interested in additional information on your profession; When was the last time you upgraded your skills?

Most often, this card appears in the alignment of people engaged in routine, uninteresting work that brings neither joy nor profit.

But, probably, the person is satisfied with the established ritual of actions. Then he decides whether to look for a new place or not.

Take a look at the adjacent cards. If they point directly to the need for change, follow their advice. So, the Tower that appeared next to the 4 Pentacles suggests that it is time to break the usual way of life. Moreover, it will change regardless of the desire of the questioner. It's just time.

The meaning of fortune-telling for relationships

Based on the symbolism of the Four of Pentacles, it is easy to guess that when divining about relationships, it takes on a negative meaning. Keywords:

  1. Ownership instincts.
  2. Pettiness and suspicion.
  3. stinginess and stinginess of emotions.
  4. Painful jealousy.

A card dropped in a direct position indicates an unwillingness to share a partner with others. It's not about intimate relationships. Most likely, the person is jealous and not ready to accept the inner circle of his wife or husband. Such marriages are closed to outsiders: no friends, fun parties, joint trips and meetings.

Option - your relationship is at an impasse. One of the partners does not want to develop and move on. Stagnation in feelings and emotions. Routine devours relationships, they are on the verge of collapse.

In the layout for the prospects of marriage, the card literally means a union of convenience. In such a tandem, one buys the love and attention of another with the help of financial well-being and expensive gifts.

In the reverse position, the card signals the beginning of a new stage. A person dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs begins to rebel against the usual way of life. The partner will either have to change or step aside.

In a literal sense, the inverted 4 of Pentacles is quarrels and conflicts over money. The collapse of the family budget, disagreements over large and small purchases, inability to manage the household.

People and places

In layouts that involve determining a place, the 4 Denarius card indicates institutions related to finance. This is an exchange, a bank, an office. When divining by the type of human activity, the card of the four Coins most often falls out to middle-class bank clerks, petty officials and other people associated with cash flows.

Can mean government agency involved in the calculation of benefits, pensions, benefits.

Psychological state and personality portrait

Depending on the direct or reverse position of the significator, they speak of positive and negative qualities of a person.

In the classical position, the card falls to stingy and boring people. They do not know how to enjoy life, they see a catch in everything, they count pennies and demand a report on spending.

From the point of view of psychology, such people experience difficulties in communication, suffer from excessive suspicion.

If this significator card fell out to a potential partner, beware. Reproaches of extravagance, greed and pettiness - this is a portrait of a future husband or wife. Consider whether such a satellite is needed.

In an inverted position, 4 Coins with a head gives out a cheerful spender. With such a partner, money quickly flows through their fingers. With him, too, you will not build a stable future.

The key personality traits are extravagance, gambling addiction, thoughtless waste of funds.

Classic combination with Major Arcana

The Major Arcana affect the meaning of the Four of Pentacles, highlight the main character traits, and indicate fateful events.

  • Jester and 4 Coins - inability to manage the household, carelessness, recklessness. The meaning of the combination: money is despicable pieces of paper.
  • The magician and the four - fundraising for the project. Smart financial management. Calculating the situation a few steps ahead.
  • The High Priestess, who appeared next to the 4 of Pentacles, says that important information is being hidden from you.
  • The Empress urges to control spending and keep a diary of income and expenses. This way you will avoid losing money.
  • The emperor next to the four coins is a good sign. The family income will be considerable.
  • The hierophant speaks of a callous nature that does not know how to empathize. Option: hard business.
  • Lovers next to the four Denariyev warn of the partner's possessive intentions.
  • The chariot portends big expenses.
  • Strength calls for the accumulation of potential for a decisive breakthrough in business.
  • The hermit, who appeared next to the Pentacles, indicates stagnation, lack of prospects, apathy, loneliness.
  • Wheel of Fortune and 4 Coins - luck is unpredictable. No one will give a guaranteed result.
  • Justice warns of the need to repay debts.
  • The Hanged Man speaks of unreasonable and wasteful spending that will not pay off over time.
  • Death and the four are reminiscent of the futility of efforts and instability. In a global sense - financial collapse, default, ruin.
  • The devil and the four are a symbol of stinginess, greed, money-grubbing and greed at any cost.
  • Tower and 4 of Pentacles - you are on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • The star says that there is no need to save up for pipe dreams. Set aside money for real projects.
  • The moon is illusions, inability to conduct financial affairs, excessive gullibility to partners. Don't let yourself be fooled.
  • The sun is a great sign if it appears next to the Denarius. Money luck is not far off. Feel free to invest even in risky business, they are worth it.
  • Court and 4 are good prospects.
  • Peace and Denarii mean that the family has a stable financial situation.

Classic combination with cards of the same suit

Own suit doubles the value of any card. But do not forget about the upright and inverted position.

Combination of 4 Pentacles with your suit.

  • Ace of Pentacles and Four - you will have to fight for a place under the sun in order to strengthen your current position.
  • Two and 4 - uncertainty, doubt.
  • Troika - protection of interests, intellectual property, projects and inventions.
  • Five - greed, rudeness, stinginess.
  • Six predicts the appearance of a patron or sponsor.
  • Seven warns that money must work. Don't keep them under your pillow.
  • Eight says that a person is not interested in his activities. He only goes to work for the money.
  • Nine and four denarii warn of a dangerous dependence on money. Option - marriage of convenience.
  • Ten and four - unwillingness to share.
  • The page betrays an inveterate snob, boasting of his financial position.
  • The Knight of Pentacles and the Four predict control over the situation.
  • The Queen of Pentacles appearing next to the 4 indicates wealth. It is possible to receive an inheritance from an unexpected source.
  • The king characterizes a person as an inept master who has a lot of money, but no mind.

The 4 of Pentacles is a card of stability. But do not make a cult out of money. Otherwise, they will enslave the owner.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Heaven and Earth - this can be said in a nutshell about the combination of Swords and Pentacles.

Combination of 4 Pentacles with the suit of Swords.

  • The Ace of Swords and the Four of Pentacles is a symbol of work on oneself and victory over shortcomings.
  • Two - you have to defend yourself, defend interests, protect what you have acquired.
  • Three - do not be upset because of someone else's greed. Don't judge people, have pity on them.
  • Four of Swords plus Four of Pentacles - in front of you is a real miser who counts every penny.
  • Five says that you may encounter an encroachment on personal interests and property. Guard the borders.
  • Six betrays a cowardly and timid person. Option: you have to give up positions because of cowardice.
  • Seven warns of cunning on the part of partners, impure thoughts. Option: you yourself are not without sin.
  • Eight - routine, boredom, apathy, lack of prospects at work.
  • Nine - you are a prisoner of illusions, break the vicious circle. Take a sober look at your financial situation. Option - unreasonable fears of losing what you have acquired.
  • Ten - major losses, collapse.
  • The page warns that it is impossible to lose vigilance. The enemies are up to something behind the back of the questioner.
  • The knight calls to act decisively, boldly, not to think about public opinion.
  • Queen - a smart, but prudent woman will appear in life. Option - a wise boss, mentor, boss.
  • The king is a man endowed with great powers. Greedy and cruel.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Water nourishes the Earth and gives her strength - the traditional combination of Pentacles and Cups.

Combination of 4 Pentacles with the suit of Cups.

  • Ace and four say that the questioner loves money very much. This in itself is not bad, but do not forget about the soul.
  • The Two of Cups advises to keep the family budget prudently. Beware of reckless spending. Option: a person who carefully controls expenses.
  • Three portends a holiday organized only for the initiated. Option: You will gain access to high society.
    The four betrays satiety with life, dissatisfaction.
  • Five says that you will have to part with part of what you have acquired, get ready for disappointments and losses.
  • The Six reminds us of the need to protect borders. Option: a person had to go through a lot before he reached his current well-being.
  • Seven is a sign of greed. Do not forget about the need to share, otherwise you will lose everything.
  • Eight - a difficult financial situation, temporary poverty, financial difficulties.
  • Nine - bright prospects, the fulfillment of a dream. Option: long-awaited major purchase.
  • Ten betrays the tight-fisted head of the family, who does not want to share income with loved ones.
  • Page and Four of Pentacles - before you is a boastful, empty person.
  • A knight is callousness, a lack of empathy. Be careful with such a partner.
  • The queen with four symbolizes a person who thinks only about his own benefit.
  • The king warns - be afraid of selfish friends and acquaintances. They give bad advice.

Classic combination with the suit of Staves

What does the combination of Earth and Fire predict?

Combination of 4 Pentacles with the suit of Staves.

  • In combination with Ace, the four means that a person should save money to fulfill an old dream.
  • Two symbolizes missed opportunities. Conscious rejection of benefits.
  • Three - increase capital, now is the right time for this.
  • The Four of Pentacles and the Four of Staves guarantee financial achievement.
  • Five warns of disagreements over money matters.
  • The Six says that you will have to deal with problems alone. Option: everything is in your hands.
  • Seven and four give out a desire to seize the initiative.
  • The appearance of a figure eight next to 4 Coins is an inheritance.
  • Nine - selfish plans of rivals.
  • Ten promises stagnation in business, financial difficulties.
  • Page - you are at an impasse. We need new ideas.
  • Knight - be careful with spending, there is a high probability of losing money.
  • Queen - self-interest, envy, suspicion.
  • The king indicates an enterprising and active partner. Option: you lack precisely these qualities in life.

Do not take the interpretation of each combination literally. Try to evoke your own associations in the subconscious. Draw parallels with reality, trust your intuition, use life experience.

The value of divination for health

When guessing for health, pay attention to the position of the Four of Pentacles and the combination with other Arcana.

In the upright position, 4 Pentacles says that a person treats health with care. He does not necessarily have reasons for this, most often it is banal suspiciousness and caution.

In the reverse position, the card indicates the presence of chronic diseases, a gloomy mood, and problems at the somatic level.

The Four of Pentacles cannot be interpreted unambiguously. A person himself must clearly see the line between reasonable frugality and pathological stinginess. Remember: the passion for hoarding deprives you of peace of mind, alienates you from people, makes you gloomy and withdrawn.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that is a symbol of stability, tranquility, finance and good health. But in an inverted position, it can be very negative, as it symbolizes a lack of income, unrest and loss.

In the article:

4 of Pentacles Tarot - Meaning

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes concern about things to come. Often this manifests itself in fear of change, greed or greed. Such an attitude to life is very improvident, since an uncontrollable desire to keep everything in one's own hands is not only in vain, but also contradicts the natural course of events.

Surrounded by positive cards, the four means only good events, breaking your shell in which you hid for a while, the manifestation of your skills, desires.

In addition, the card says that today the most important thing is to focus on a specific goal, and not be sprayed on everything. Otherwise, you will miss out on everything that is dear to you.

Direct position of the four coins

Astrological meaning: the magical attribute symbolizes Saturn, which is located in the second house and means preoccupation with future events. The main symbol of this card is wealth, material wealth, the accumulation of money.

Most often, people who get this card are obsessed with their financial condition, dependent on profit. Basic interpretation:

  • closeness from people, lack of emotions, possessiveness, a person is jealous of his friends, relatives, loved ones;
  • fundraising, banking, the desire to accumulate strength and funds, at the same time spending practically nothing, receiving funds from the tenant, living on a small pension or salary;
  • the card also symbolizes a rather stingy, conservative person with established views on life, who does not consider it right to waste his money, energy, emotions;
  • in general, the magical attribute warns that you should save money, not waste it, but you should not be stingy when acquiring something important, because the stingy pays twice.

Reversed meaning

In an inverted position, the four of pentacles indicates that the person in front of you is absolutely dependent on material wealth, this is a temptation to the power that money gives. Such a person will deny himself everything just to increase his fortune.

At the same time, the worst thing is that even if he accumulates a certain amount, he will still not be able to spend it, as he will grieve about every coin spent. General interpretation:

  • poor health, illness, as a person postponed going to the doctor until the last, saving on himself;
  • low salary, decaying business;
  • pressure on loved ones, saving on loved ones and family members, authoritarian attitude;
  • such a person is greedy, stingy not only in the material sense, but also cruel to other people's experiences.

4 of Pentacles tarot - meaning in relationships

This person is most likely in a marriage that is quite strong and seems successful from the outside. Spouses are confident in each other, family life calm, reliable, natural events.

Behind all this lies an attempt to live according to some patterns, a person is very afraid of being alone, abandoned by his beloved, so he clings to him in every possible way.

But such relationships, which imply trust, are replaced by some kind of artificial, contractual, filled with concern, fear.

work area

The Four of Pentacles indicates that a person is trying to keep his position by any means. He is not ready to develop in order to move to a new level, but he literally clung to a job that brings him a more or less stable income.

This is a conservative attitude of life, but if from the outside such a situation seems unfavorable, the person himself enjoys such a course of circumstances.

For him, this is an opportunity to protect himself from troubles, unforeseen and unpleasant circumstances. Such dependence on habits can actually bring pleasure to a person.

Personality card

In the subconscious of a person who has fallen four denarii, there is a certain fix idea, a prejudice that does not allow him to develop himself. In order to return joy and success to your life, you need to get rid of such stubbornness and narrow-mindedness.

In the personality layout, the four should be understood as advice, a call to abandon the ideas that you had before, if you learn to perceive new views, failure will bypass.

Four of Pentacles - Combination

In order to get a complete picture during divination, you need to pay attention to the combination of 4 of Pentacles with other Tarot cards. In this case, the main interpretation may change. The value of the four denarii with a map:

  • - greed, which will lead to collapse;
  • Mag - you have the opportunity to start your own business;
  • High Priestess - be careful not to talk about your plans;
  • Empress - the accumulation of material wealth, profit;
  • Emperor - cost control;
  • - it is necessary to be more callous;
  • Lovers - possessiveness;
  • Chariot - you will have to use the savings deferred for later;
  • Strength - the need to accumulate energy;
  • - financial stagnation;
  • Wheel of Fortune - instability;
  • Justice is a fraud;
  • The Hanged Man is a vain sacrifice;
  • Death is bankruptcy;
  • Moderation - balance in everything;
  • Devil - temptation, dependence on money;
  • Tower - financial fraud;
  • Star - you can fulfill a dream;
  • Luna - hand over the reins of government to other hands;
  • Sun - making sudden profits;
  • Judgment - it's time to reap the rewards;
  • The world is an accumulation of money.

The Four of Pentacles is not the most positive card, but it says that by learning how to properly manage your fortune, you can not only increase it, but also spend it the way you want.


Four Denarius in combination with other Tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - stinginess leading to ruin.
With the "Mage" card - collect resources to start your own business.
With the card "High Priestess" - do not let information come to light.
With the card "Empress" - control over spending, making a profit.
With the "Emperor" card - the accumulation of funds in the family, business.
With the Hierophant card - show callousness.
With the card "Lovers" - possessiveness in a relationship.
With the card "Chariot" - "break the piggy bank."
With the card "Strength" - to accumulate strength, energy.
With the Hermit card - stagnation.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - inertia leading to instability.
With the card "Justice" - do not repay the debt; cheat money.
With the Hanged Man card - vain sacrifices for the sake of accumulation.
With the card "Death" - the accumulated will go to dust.
With the "Moderation" card - finding a balance in spending and the desire to save.
With the card "Devil" - material dependence; hoarding.
With the Tower card - bankruptcy, ruin; financial Pyramide; mismanagement; embezzlement.
With the Star card - save for the sake of fulfilling your dreams.
With the Moon card - capital is in unreliable hands; dubious investment.
With the "Sun" card - investments that make a profit.
With the "Court" card - investing in the past is bearing fruit.
With the "World" card - lay the foundation; collect the required amount.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova " great book combinations".

Four denarii (pentacles, coins) in a direct position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and lane - The long-awaited honor, award, prize
Priestess - Intuitive vision, penetration into the search for new solutions
Empress - Gift of Fate
Emperor - Gifts from the authorities
Priest - Gifts from Father
Lovers - Greed, stinginess. Focus on difficulties
Chariot - Gifts from afar
Justice - Fear of change and not in vain...
Hermit pr and lane - Fear of the inevitable
Wheel of Fortune - Gifts that are especially dear to you
Strength - Bribe at the household level
The Hanged Man - Abusive Attention
Death - A bribe needed to advance your cause
Temperance - Meaningful time, academic success
Devil - Sad Circumstances
Tower - Return of debt
Star - Mercy must be shown to you
Luna - A gift from a fan
Sun - Birth of twins - girls
Court - Golden hands. Tailoring
Peace - Gift from a friend
Jester - Stupid Gift

Four denarii (pentacles, coins) upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Swords - A gift from a relative for the purpose of reconciliation
3 of Swords - Useless Gift
Knight of Pentacles - Useful gift
