First sexual intercourse. Blood after the first intimate relationship

First sex for girls- this is not only the first sexual impression, but also the origin of female sensuality.

If a man does not show tenderness, tact and understanding, then a woman may develop an aversion to sexual intercourse and sexual coldness for the rest of her life. No matter how gentle and affectionate a man she meets in the future, there is little he can fix. Among frigid women, about half point to the rudeness of their sexual partner during the first sexual contact as the reason for their “coldness.” A virgin perceives defloration psychologically acutely - from panic fear and horror of what is happening (for example, during rape) to a joyful and grateful feeling of giving to a loved one.

You don't need to listen to what others say about first intimacy. It goes differently for everyone. The vast majority of women undergo defloration almost painlessly. The severity of pain depends on your internal mood; with fear, surprise, or mental discomfort, muscle spasms occur and pain occurs. If you are mentally prepared for this event, you want it and you want to experience it with this man, there should be no pain. Sometimes defloration is complicated by fear girls before the expected pain, and is accompanied by involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles, preventing the penis. If the girl relaxes, then everything will go easier. A man should act softly, gently, but confidently. Try to focus not on fear and physiological sensations, but on feelings for your partner. A lot depends on the environment - it should be familiar and relaxing.

The first sexual experience is the basis of female sexuality
The first sexual intercourse is sometimes unpleasant for a woman. When the hymen ruptures, she experiences pain that obscures all other sensations. During the second and third sexual intercourse, pleasant sensations may appear (provided that the woman’s psyche has not been traumatized by male tactlessness). At the very first sexual intercourse, a girl can receive satisfaction mainly from the caresses of a man. Defloration does not have to be done at once - if the pain is severe, it can be “divided” into stages - with an easily stretchable hymen, each attempt usually leads to an increase in the hole, and at the same time girls the fear of pain goes away. The partner’s rude insistence is unacceptable, because there may be serious consequences for future intimate life, aversion to coitus, vaginismus.

Defloration should only be done in a lying position. The pain can be reduced if coitus is performed in certain positions: the girl lies across the bed on her back, with her legs on the floor, and the man stands between her legs, leans on his hands on either side of her body and slowly performs introitus. An even more gentle position is when a girl, lying on her back, places a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under her buttocks, bends her legs at the knees, lifts them and presses them to her chest, which ensures maximum tension on the hymen and makes it easier to rupture. Don't forget to work your vaginal muscles.

Remember that each partner should take care to give each other more pleasure - this is the postulate of good sex. Centuries ago, bourgeois society of the Victorian era completely denied the very possibility that a woman could enjoy sex. "Close your eyes and think about England!" - this was the classic advice of a mother to her daughter on the eve of the wedding. The attitude - well-bred ladies do not move - invited “society women” to give themselves up passively, without movements, without emotions (in bed, as at a high society reception). In the 18th century, in the instructions for priests taking confession, it was written: “If the husband ejaculates before the wife has received satisfaction, then she is allowed to receive it by self-irritation of the genitals. It is not a sin if a woman touches the genitals before intercourse will cause sexual arousal in herself, which will help her get satisfaction during sexual intercourse.”
During the first coitus in women, as a rule, there is no lubrication and therefore it is recommended to lubricate the head of the penis with Vaseline, and if sexual intercourse is carried out with a condom, then with a water-based lubricant, for example Solcoseryl gel.

Defloration is usually accompanied by slight bleeding, although in approximately 10% of cases it is not observed. Consequential
I'm blood, wide?
According to a common tradition, it is proof of virginity. During this period, it is necessary to especially carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene of the genital organs. After rupture of the hymen, it is recommended to interrupt coitus and not resume sexual contact until healing. Normally, 3-5 days after defloration, the edges of the hymen and the remaining hymenal papillae heal and repeated sexual intercourse is painless.

American sexologists, based on many psychological tests and surveys, have compiled a “portrait of an ideal deflorator.” This is a man about 30 years old, he is quite experienced and sophisticated in the field sex; he is independent in life; he belongs to the sexual-psychological type “man-father”; he is well-mannered, has high intellectual abilities, is modest and caring in his dealings with women; he is a sexual altruist: his primary task is to please a woman, and only then experience sexual satisfaction himself; he is well built; he pays great attention to caresses in bed; he is calm, self-possessed and taciturn; he knows how to resolve conflicts; he is devoted; he has a good sense of humor. Also, the “experienced defloration master” prefers to bring his inexperienced lover to orgasm manually, using his finger and tongue, so that she understands what heights will open up for her in the future and knows what to strive for in the future. And then, after some time, he uses his strengthened “aggregate” and takes the “Bouquet of Innocence” from his partner, which she is ready to happily give away (forgetting about pain and blood), just to visit this very pinnacle of pleasure more than once.

At the beginning of sexual activity, it is better to protect yourself with a condom - from infections, even if you are confident in the man. A condom is a fairly reliable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. An important requirement is that the condom should be put on before the start and removed from the penis after the end of sexual intercourse, avoiding direct contact with the vaginal mucosa.

For first You can also use local chemical contraceptives - Pharmatex or Patentex Oval. These are vaginal products that provide an effect comparable to that of a condom - both in relation to pregnancy and in relation to infection. At the same time, they form foam, which replaces its own lubricant. To reduce possible pain, you need to take your time, but also not delay the insertion, and use good lubrication.

The likelihood of becoming pregnant or contracting an infection on the first night is no less than with any sexual intercourse. Your body will encounter foreign microbes for the first time and may develop vaginal inflammation or Bladder. Carelessness can lead to undesirable consequences: pregnancy or your partner can transmit sexually transmitted infections. It is very unpleasant to catch such a thing, especially the first time.
During unprotected sex, a woman becomes infected several times more easily than a man. That's how it works female body that it is easier for germs and viruses to penetrate it than into the penis. Besides, a large number of Sexually transmitted diseases in women are asymptomatic, which then increases the risk of all kinds of diseases and complications. Therefore, do not forget about intimate hygiene. After starting sexual activity, be sure to consult a gynecologist - be checked for infections, examine the cervix, and make sure there are no damages.
Television, movies, and pulp novels suggest that love lasts forever and that if you find each other, you will spend the rest of your life together. Alas, this is not at all true. Passion passes sooner or later, so sexual relations must be supplemented by other senses. This is respect, care, tenderness, understanding - all the feelings that make up love.

If a girl really believes that she has already matured and is ready to enter into an intimate relationship, then she needs to think, first of all, about safety. Firstly, no alcohol supposedly for relaxation; secondly, prepare comfortable spot, so that no one interferes at a crucial moment; thirdly, take care of the availability of contraceptives, that is, condoms. These issues must be discussed frankly, without any omissions. About 70% of teenagers who are sexually active do not use any kind of protection. You can often hear the following excuse from them: “We don’t do this very often.” Some people believe that the first sexual

The first wedding night is an unforgettable event in the life of lovers. Girls' attitude towards the first sexual intercourse is significantly different from that of men. Most of them are afraid of their first intercourse. They like caresses, hugs, kisses, tender words of their beloved man, but the upcoming sexual intercourse is often perceived with fearful caution. Therefore, the young man must take into account the girl’s feelings and experiences. He must be patient and persistent, gentle and always confident in his abilities. Reluctance to take into account the condition of your beloved, and sometimes gross violence, can cause her mental, and if she resists, physical trauma, often with serious consequences for her future intimate life (for example, the development of vaginismus or the formation of an aversion to sexual intercourse in a young woman). From time immemorial, millions of women have lost their virginity in the lap of nature, but today, in the era of civilization and antiseptics, more is required hygienic conditions. In short, the conclusion is simple: it’s best to do “this” at home.

The first sexual intercourse is, in some respects, an unpleasant experience, which allows one to further learn new secrets of sexual love. When partners decide to begin sexual activity together, they need, if possible, to limit foreplay, as it causes blood flow to the genitals, increasing the possibility of subsequent bleeding and increasing nervous excitability, which can lead to discomfort during the first sexual intercourse . It is difficult to expect that a woman, even if she is sexually developed, will be able to experience an orgasm during her first coitus, because pain, as a rule, blocks sexual arousal, although there are, of course, exceptions. Preliminary caresses before the first sexual intercourse should be gentle, imbued with warmth and love and less aimed at arousing erotic sensuality.

Choosing the right position during intercourse is important to reduce pain to a minimum during the first sexual intercourse. In the so-called normal position (lying on your back with straightened, slightly spread legs), the woman’s buttocks bend the bed, opening, first of all, the upper part of the entrance to the vagina - next to the urethra, just below the pubis. Straightened legs do not sufficiently open the perineal area and make it difficult to insert the penis into the vagina. When the muscles of the perineum are relaxed, the hymen is not tense, it sags freely, and you need to press on it with the penis for a long time until it, stretched to the maximum, ruptures. Pressure on the hymen causes pain, as is known, and in the so-called traditional, or normal, position, this process is delayed until the membrane ruptures. Heavily overgrown, or sieve, hymens can become an obstacle during the first sexual intercourse, especially if the partner is an inexperienced man (virgin). In situations where, despite repeated attempts, which only increase pain in women, it is not possible to break the hymen, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the increase in unpleasant emotions and fear has a very negative impact on subsequent mutual relationships between young spouses.

In this case, you should pay attention to two points. Firstly, during coitus, a man must act confidently, demonstrating a certain pressure and making decisions not only for himself, but also for his partner. At the same time, a woman should not lose her head from fear and not push her partner away too energetically, because her “heroic” defense, as a rule, is the cause of painful sensations, since the man has to make certain efforts.

It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that we are not talking about some unbearable pain and terrible bleeding, pictures of which arise in a running imagination, but about a light, maybe slightly unpleasant, painful sensation that lasts a second, if we ourselves, with our own We will not complicate the situation with rash actions. Moreover, we should not forget that choosing the correct position during coitus and tension of the hymen significantly reduces the moment of pain, reducing the sensation of pain to a minimum.

Before entering into sexual activity together, it would be a good idea to also take care to get rid of such ailments as inflammation of the vagina or intense secretion of mucus (leucorrhoea) from the genitals at a gynecological consultation. Virgins often experience inflammatory processes caused by various infections (Trichomonas, fungus, etc.). Infection with Trichomonas and fungus usually occurs when using a public bath or shower, when swimming in contaminated swimming pools, etc. In these cases, redness, burning and unpleasant itching appear in the genital area. If a woman does not get rid of inflammatory diseases before starting sexual activity, then the first sexual intercourse can be very painful. Inflamed wounds easily form on a swollen and reddened perineum, which causes an unpleasant, painful reaction when trying to tear the hymen. That is why, before getting married, a girl should definitely see a gynecologist.

Unpleasant sensations during the first period of sexual activity can also be caused by small tears of the hymen, which require some time to heal. Therefore, if the husband does not curb his temperament and does not show some restraint, then there will be no time for the healing of such small wounds that can become inflamed, swollen and bleed with every attempt at sexual intercourse. Daily (sometimes multiple) coitus can contribute to the appearance of painful sensations in a woman for several days or even weeks after the first intercourse, discouraging her from performing marital duties for a long time.

The iron rule for a man should be to resume sexual activity no earlier than a few days after the first intercourse, that is, after the hymen tears have healed. During this period, a woman can be advised to lubricate the perineum with glycerin after washing her genitals in the morning and evening: this measure speeds up the healing process. When the wounds are completely healed, when lubricated with glycerin, you will no longer feel a burning sensation or tingling sensation.

In the future, after healing of the hymen rupture, some painful sensations may occur during sexual intercourse, since it takes time for the skin tissue of the vaginal vestibule and the vagina itself to become accustomed to the pressure of the male penis and mechanical friction. Gradually, with reasonable doses of sexual intercourse, young spouses will gain experience and relevant skills.

On initial stage During sexual activity, it can also be recommended to systematically lubricate the perineum with lubricant or simply glycerin after washing, and immediately before intercourse, it is advisable to lightly lubricate the area of ​​the vaginal opening with a special vaginal lubricant.

To avoid painful coitus, before the first sexual intercourse, a woman should place a rolled-up pillow or sofa cushion under her buttocks so that the pelvis is slightly elevated. The woman should press her legs spread apart and bent at the knees as close as possible to chest, since in this position the upper part of the entrance to the vagina,
located close to the pubis and clitoris. The male penis rises and rests against the hymen in the lower part of the vestibule of the vagina and the perineal area. When the knees are wide apart and pressed to the chest, the hymen is maximally tense at the entrance to the vagina, which makes it easier to rupture quickly.

The first sexual intercourse is also complicated by the protective reaction of the partner’s perineal muscles. In this case, two groups of muscles are tensed: the first is the thigh muscles, trying to move the thighs closer to each other, and the second is the perineal muscles located between the sphincter anus and the lower border of the vaginal opening. The muscles of the perineum, powerful and elastic, form a kind of elastic roller, which, when tense, narrows the entrance to the vagina. These muscles, which have the ability to contract strongly, put pressure on the penis from below, pushing it up and bringing it closer to the pubis, which creates a situation characteristic of a lying position with straightened legs, that is, first of all, there is a danger of damaging the area of ​​the urethra and clitoris. Therefore, in the recommended position, the woman must consciously relax the muscles of the perineum.

Acute pain during sexual intercourse is caused, for example, by the unusual structure of the pubic bone.

The pubic bone in women with the right physique has the shape of a roll approximately the thickness of the thumb, which is curved and forms the pubic eminence. This bone hangs in a kind of arch over the entrance to the vagina, fused at its edges with the bones of the pelvis, and does not present an obstacle during coitus. In some women, the pubis has the shape of a flat saber-shaped strip 3-4 fingers wide, almost half covering the lumen of the vaginal vestibule. With this shape of the pubic bone, its lower edge becomes an obstacle, causing sharp pain when trying to insert the male penis into the vagina. It is felt especially strongly when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses the urethra against the sharp edge of the pubic bone. Painful sensations when pressing on the periosteum are very painful and, as a rule, are repeated with every attempt to resume sexual intercourse. All this contributes to the consolidation of a protective conditioned reflex and a woman’s negative attitude towards sexual life.

For painless coitus with a saber-shaped pubis, it is necessary to choose a position in which the wide plate of the pubic bone, partially covering the entrance to the vagina, could take a horizontal position, facilitating the insertion of the male penis into the vestibule of the vagina. The most comfortable position is the following: the woman places a rolled-up pillow or blanket under her buttocks so that the entire pelvis is raised, and the legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the chest. The advantage of this position is that the pelvic bones change their position, and the pubic bone is located horizontally; a woman can use her fingers to make sure that the sharp edge of the pubic bone has risen up, the obstruction at the entrance to the vagina has been removed and there is no painful reaction from pressing with her fingers. In short, by conducting this simple experiment, a woman herself will be able to determine whether the unusual structure of the pubic bone is the cause of her unhappiness in marriage.

Changing positions during sexual intercourse allows a woman to choose the most comfortable and painless one. A big role here is played by powerful and tense muscles of the perineum during coitus. When this group of muscles contracts in women with an unusual structure of the pubic bone, the penis is pressed against the sharp edge of the pubic bone, causing discomfort to the man. This protective reflex tends to become stronger, and often even after a change in position, a strong contraction of the perineal muscles makes sexual intercourse difficult.
Thus, along with changing positions, it is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the perineum. A woman should be able to relax them to facilitate the free entry of the penis into the vagina.

There are also women whose genital organs develop later than usual and at a slower pace. In most cases, such a woman “matures” during the first years of marriage. Sexual life becomes a kind of catalyst for her, accelerating the full development of her sexual apparatus. In women with an underdeveloped uterus and vagina, there is less activity of the mucous glands that moisturize the perineum, as well as insufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is necessary to prepare the vulva and vagina for sexual intercourse (this will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on blood circulation).

Such defects in the development of the genital organs will disappear as sexual activity continues, but only if the sexual relationship is truly fulfilling, that is, if the woman begins to experience orgasm during sexual intercourse. For women with delayed development of the reproductive apparatus, it can be recommended at the initial stage sex life use lubricants (lubricants) - lightly lubricating the area of ​​the vaginal opening with them. Reducing resistance and friction when inserting the male penis into it facilitates sexual intercourse, allows you to obtain sensual pleasure during coitus, thereby promoting blood supply and rapid “ripening” of the infantile genital organs.

In addition, another difficulty arises. The normal reaction of every person to pain is the desire to move away from the source of pain. During first coitus, a woman’s instinctive desire to interrupt sexual intercourse at the moment when she feels pain causes the hymen to relax, prolonging the painful sensations. Despite this reflex reaction, when mild pain appears, the woman must consciously move her pelvis forward, thereby reducing to a fraction of a second the duration of pain when the hymen is torn. By following this advice, you can cross the threshold of your sexual life almost painlessly.

The man may also be the culprit for the difficulties that arise during the first sexual intercourse. If a partner is timid, nervous, unsure of himself, afraid of seeming “unmanly” in the eyes of his beloved, then this naturally affects him. physical condition- he is unable to achieve a full erection of the penis, maintain sufficient rigidity and elasticity throughout sexual intercourse, delay the premature release of sperm before insertion of the penis into the vagina, etc. And if the partners have already known the “taste” of sexual pleasure, caused by caresses, they are accustomed to their nudity, gentle touches and kisses, then usually they are better prepared for any possible “surprises” during the first sexual intercourse and cope with them more confidently. A man who has managed to make sure that various caresses, kisses or superficial physical contact with his partner causes him to have a normal erection and ejaculation does not see much difference in his feelings during the first sexual intercourse. For him, this is essentially another step on the path of mutual knowledge of the secrets of the body. As for the position for a man, he can be in the traditional lying position, in which, lightly resting his knees on the bed, he holds the woman’s shoulders with his hands so as not to allow her to move away at the moment of feeling pain. However, a more preferable position is in which the man kneels between the woman's spread legs, holding her hips with his hands. In this position, he can control the situation rather than act blindly.

Difficulties with erection and premature ejaculation are gradually becoming a thing of the past,
just like the fear of losing virginity. These are signs of the times and modern conditions, facilitating the establishment of mutual contacts among young people, and we should not turn a blind eye to this. The nightmare of the first wedding night is already a history of morals. A situation when two people who practically do not know each other, whom parents and relatives carefully and reliably protected from any intimate contacts, are suddenly put in a position - accordingly without preparing for this - where she must silently endure pain, and not demonstrate her male strength, hardly needs compliments.

It should be borne in mind that the reason for rapid ejaculation and weakening of erection in a man is excessive sexual tension caused by prolonged sexual abstinence. Sexual caresses preceding the start of joint sexual activity (petting) counteract the excessive accumulation of sexual tension, weakening of erection and premature ejaculation. Easily excitable men can, by caressing their partner before the first sexual intercourse, experience an orgasm accompanied by the release of semen, which leads to a significant decrease in sexual tension. However, you should not worry too much, since after a short period of time the man, having resumed caresses, will feel that the erection of the penis has become more stable and lasting. In this situation, it is very important that the young wife behaves correctly. It is well known that reproaches and irritations from a partner contribute to a young man’s neurotic fixation on sexual problems, increase his fear of intimacy, and therefore the likelihood of repeated breakdowns with each subsequent attempt to perform sexual intercourse.

Conceiving on the first wedding night can hardly be considered the optimal option, although such cases are by no means uncommon. If the first wedding night coincides with menstruation, you need to know that intercourse during this period is undesirable.

Many young wives in the first months after marriage complain of unpleasant dryness in the vagina, which significantly reduces sensitivity and causes discomfort during intercourse - especially in the initial phase. The dryness of the vestibule of the vagina and the vagina itself is explained by the effect, so to speak, of “sexual arousal” and the paucity of foreplay. Such physical contacts the preliminary period, such as kissing, touching, caressing the breasts, various sexual games, as well as irritation of the clitoris, contribute to a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina, labia and clitoris. The flow of blood to the perineum and vagina leads to the secretion of mucus by the mucous glands, and at the same time interstitial fluid begins to seep through the walls of the vagina into its cavity. As a result of these changes, the vestibule of the vagina is moistened, and the labia minora open slightly, facilitating the insertion of the male penis. Thus, if a man can make his partner feel the fullness of sexual arousal, then this is quite enough to get rid of vaginal dryness.

In general, there is nothing complicated about the first wedding night, and at first it seems that there is no need to dwell on this topic. But let’s not forget that young people would like to study this problem more deeply, but do not know how and where to obtain the relevant information. A detailed analysis of the difficulties that arise in connection with the decision of partners to begin sexual activity together convinces us that information in this area is really necessary.

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– a very important and exciting event in the life of every person. Virgins often ask questions: “What should I do? How to prepare? This article will briefly outline recommendations that will help you overcome your fear of first sex.

First time

If both partners are inexperienced, each is afraid of disappointing the other and doing something wrong.

First, you should calm down and behave naturally: a good option would be to resort to breathing exercises, but it is extremely undesirable to drink alcohol - this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

If the time has come for a girl to have her first sexual intercourse, then prepare for it with all your might. Choose underwear that makes you feel confident and beautiful.

Discuss contraception with your partner. The most the best option For the first time, a condom will be used: it will protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

Don't focus on the fact that it will hurt, try to relax and enjoy it.

Be sure to speak young man about discomfort and if the pain is too severe.
Don't think about special techniques or fancy poses - these are for more experienced people.

If you already have experience in sex, and your boyfriend is a virgin, take the initiative. Do not judge the young man if he does something wrong, do not embarrass him with offensive remarks, but on the contrary, promote relaxation and instill confidence.

Teenage couple

Don't worry too much, but remember that this is a big step, so be gentle and careful and how you take your girl's virginity will determine her attitude towards sex. Much depends on the first man intimate life further.

Use foreplay: in an excited state, the first sexual intercourse is less painful.

If after entering the vagina there is no blood, do not start sorting things out with your beloved, questioning her innocence. Such cases are not uncommon, since the hymen does not always break the first time.

A virgin guy has it easier than a girl, so only one piece of advice is appropriate: be yourself, listen to your own feelings.

What happens after the first sexual intercourse

What everyone needs to know about what can happen after the first sexual intercourse. This experience should have an exclusively positive impression, so you shouldn’t drag it out for too long, and if something goes wrong, it’s better to put it off for another time so as not to upset yourself and your partner.

Another question often arises, not discussed earlier in the article: “when and with whom to start having sex?” It is impossible to give a definite answer, since, most likely, the young man himself will understand when “the time” comes. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse at a very early age and, best of all, “this” happens out of mutual love, with complete trust and understanding.

Remember that if there is a real feeling between you, no unsuccessful first experience will spoil the impression of each other. And, of course, you shouldn’t prepare yourself for the fact that the “first” will definitely be a “lump”. Love each other, good luck! Previously, we wrote about the dangers and how to avoid them.


Hello. I really hope for your answer to my delicate question. The situation is this - I’m 21, I’m not sexually active. Now we are dating a man who is 36, he does not know that I am a virgin. The fact is that before him, I was simultaneously dating a guy, and one day, after repeated attempts to get me into bed, when asked “do you (with this guy) have sex?” answered "yes, there is." Just to avoid harassment. The situation is complicated by the fact that the man goes on flights, returns “on edge”, will soon return again and will demand again. I lied actually because: I’m no longer a Lolita by age), and secondly, the man before me had a stormy relationship with an adult woman, there was love and, as he himself admitted, unforgettable sex. Against this background, I’m afraid to be branded as a complete log, which in essence I am, since I have no experience. And the question, in fact, is this: is it possible to hide your virginity if the hymen (as it seems to me) is partially or completely damaged (a tampon or 2 fingers can easily pass 11-12 cm). And in general - how to behave. There is attraction. I'm at a loss. Thank you.

Hello. Here's some gentle advice for you: respect yourself a little more than you do now - and there won't be any problems. Why does anyone care whether you are a virgin or not? Do you know how to do something or not? If you live together, you can get at least some GHOST rights to each other’s personal lives. But while you live separately, while he is caring for you, let him be content with what he is allowed to know. And hiding virginity is an absurdity that can only be achieved in a nightmare. Or is virginity a mutation? vice? shameful disease? a sign of depravity? What are you, girl... Besides, whether you say it or not, it still won’t add to your experience - the log won’t change, even if you call it a drilling rig. And how much of a log you are is something you yourself don’t know: it depends only on your ease of behavior and on the man’s requests. Phew, your letter made me tense. No, it’s true, girls hide their non-virginity - this can at least somehow be understood, although again: who cares who I lived with while YOU weren’t here? But hiding your virginity is absurd. To avoid problems (the man is hot, after abstinence, etc.), before intercourse, apply an intimate gel to the entrance to the vagina - sold in pharmacies without a prescription. So that if there is a hasty input, it won’t be unpleasant in the dry. And nothing else is needed - how much blood there will be and whether there will be any at all is unknown in advance. IF it happens, say so: - Dear, thank you, now I’m a woman... I didn’t say it because I didn’t want to worry. - - - And that’s it, the question is closed. And, once again: be more confident in yourself: men come and go, and if self-respect leaves, it may not return. Don’t adapt to what is unpleasant or unacceptable to you, and don’t let it get into your soul. Good luck!

The first sexual intercourse is an exciting process for a man and a woman. This has always been the case. True, the attitude towards virginity in different countries and it was different in different centuries. Some nationalities attached mystical significance to virginity (only virgins were priests or guardians of the cult of the gods). In other countries, virginity served as a kind of “quality test.” Somewhere, innocence meant shame (a signal that a guy or girl is not popular with the opposite sex).

In modern times, virginity is viewed more simply. It is not given special social significance; boys and girls themselves have the right to decide when they will have sexual intercourse. However, this has led to the fact that young people are confused, they have questions, the answers to which they are forced to look for themselves.

In this article we have collected common questions about first sex, its meaning for men and women. The answers will be given by experts - psychologists, therapists, gynecologists, urologists, sexologists. You will find out how long intercourse lasts for the first time, which position is best, how many guys and girls experience pleasure from first sex, and whether it is possible to get pregnant.

Answers to the main questions

  • Is there always blood?

According to surveys of gynecologists, only 7 out of 10 women experience bleeding during their first sexual intercourse. Moreover, in 15% of girls, hymen rupture occurs before the first sexual intercourse. This may occur due to excessive physical activity(when a child is sent to a sports section) or when a teenage girl starts using inappropriate tampons during her period. If the hymen is still intact, how much blood is released? Most often a couple of drops. Very rarely, a girl experiences severe bleeding.

  • Is the girl always in pain?

No. The main condition is that sexual intercourse must be preceded by preliminary preparation so that both the man and the girl achieve high level excitement. It is only because of the anxiety of her partners that a woman may not achieve arousal. Artificial lubricants - lubricants sold in pharmacies - will come to the rescue. How much do lubricants cost? Approximately 200–300 rubles – acceptable price, so anyone can buy lubricant.

  • Is it possible to identify a virgin externally?

Psychologists assure: no external signs partner's innocence. If a girl does not bleed, then after the first sexual intercourse a man may not realize her innocence. In some cases, girls, ashamed to admit their virginity, say that the blood appeared because of the onset of menstruation (which, by the way, can be true). So if a man or woman does not want to admit their inexperience, then, being confident and bold in their actions, they will not be able to give themselves away.

  • Is there a better pose?

The classic missionary position is considered to be the best option for debut sex between a man and a woman. Sexologists believe that this is due to psychological insecurity: the missionary position is the simplest, allowing you to hide the body if desired. In fact, there are no physical restrictions on the poses. True, you shouldn’t carry out sophisticated experiments from the Kama Sutra - if the experiment fails, your pride will be dealt a serious blow (inexperienced couples experience failures more acutely, not realizing that this is a one-time “failure”, not a diagnosis).

  • Sex won't work out, won't you like it?

Statistics show: in every third case, a girl does not like her first sexual contact with a man. How many girls experience orgasm the first time they have intercourse? Even less. Only 12% of virgins manage to experience orgasm. As for men, sexologists assure: in every sixth case, the first sex also does not give them the expected pleasure. Due to inexperience, anxiety, and excess hormones, premature ejaculation often occurs or sexual intercourse lasts too little time. How many? On average, the debut act lasts 40–90 seconds. You can get maximum pleasure from sex and control time only by gaining experience.

  • Risk of getting pregnant.

Surprisingly, in modern world There are still people who believe the myth that after the first sexual intercourse, pregnancy will not happen. Someone is sure: in a virgin woman, sperm are washed out with the blood, as during menstruation (which, by the way, is not true - you can also conceive a child during menstruation). Some people think that a virgin man has “immature” sperm. Both are nonsense. You can get pregnant with any sexual contact. This is why you should always use contraceptives when having sex.

  • Choosing contraceptives.

Doctors advise using condoms. Condoms are easy to use and inexpensive (young girls and boys, as a rule, do not have the means for expensive means of protection). Men are sometimes afraid that because of condoms the erection will disappear (the reason is decreased sensitivity), and they persuade the woman to use the method of interrupting sexual intercourse. This should not be done: due to inexperience, it is difficult for a guy to understand how long he can “hold out” before ejaculating. As for complex methods of protection (pills, vaginal rings, calendar tracking of dates), they are suitable for experienced couples.
