How to fall in love with Libra. Libra man in love and relationship with him

Libras are very fickle in love and often look for the ideal of their love throughout their lives. Moreover, over time, the criteria for an ideal satellite may change.

Libras don’t always know exactly what they want, so it’s very difficult for them to choose a specific communication strategy. They prefer that the partner guess and feel their preferences and desires in this moment. It is for this reason that it is difficult to choose an algorithm for sequential actions with representatives of this Sign. Nevertheless, if you want a representative of the Libra sign, you will have to learn how to solve this algorithm.

How to make a Libra woman fall in love with you?

Libra women tend to constantly express their criticism and dissatisfaction with their partner. You need to clearly understand that your chosen one, depending on her mood, can have completely different preferences. Try to change, to show completely different feelings - diversity in relationships is very important if you do not want your partner to get bored. If you want to fall in love with a Libra woman, then you will have to learn to understand her true mood and desires, because she has no definite preferences. Libra loves experiments, provocations, testing the strength of feelings. If your companion at some point provokes a quarrel and talks about breaking up relations, it is worth understanding that at the moment she wants you to stop her, to prove by any means your love and sincerity in intentions, but does not want you to give her time to think. Libra tends to always take responsibility for the partner, but not themselves. Therefore, you need to have great patience, understanding and not be offended by critical statements addressed to you in order to maintain and manage relationships. These women love romantic deeds but do not show their value in the relationship. It is important for them that you tell your friends about the status of the relationship, but they do not show it and do not require it. If you want to charm a Libra woman, you should emphasize the status of your chosen one in all possible ways: introduce you to your parents, tell your friends that this is your lady of the heart, emphasize her status in public places Oh.

How to make a Libra man fall in love with you?

To fall in love with a Libra man, you need to understand that he will compare you with other companions and talk openly about it. Such a man chooses the most worthy girlfriend who is ready to put up with his shortcomings. As you know, Libra tends to make decisions for a long time and make a choice between two chosen ones. They value not so much sexual attractiveness as understanding and lack of jealous feelings. If a man tells you that he is returning to his former companion, he wants you to take an active part in his life and demonstrate how and why he is important to you. What Libra thinks, feels and does are completely different things, and you need to understand this. In order for such a man to choose you, you will have to go through a series of tests and provocations. Libras always doubt and provoke their partner's actions so that he takes the initiative and fights for the relationship. Libra men tend to love triangles because they prefer women to compete for their attention. If you want to win the love of Libra, then you will have to enter into an active struggle and demonstrate all your virtues. To make Libra fall in love with you, it is important to give up jealousy and start actively fighting for your feelings. Representatives of this Sign prefer to be conquered, fought for love and showed their attention to their person.

How to make a Libra man fall in love with you.

If you are head over heels in love with a man whose zodiac sign is Libra, and do not know how to take the first step to make him fall in love with you, then this article is definitely for you. No, we will not talk about love spells and other magical means. We are talking about very real things.

Every day on TV and radio we hear all kinds of horoscopes. Someone believes in it, and someone is neutral, not betraying it of great importance. But when it comes to love, why not try? So, today we bring to your attention interesting information about Libra men and, of course, we will tell you how to win the heart of these gallant gentlemen.

Libra man: what is his character

Representatives of this zodiac sign are unbridled merry fellows and optimists. Due to their qualities, they are always in the spotlight and are everyone's favorites.

  • If your company has a Libra man, then you can forever forget about sad gatherings and silence, such people should truly be called the soul of the company and nothing else.
  • It is also worth noting that these are very educated, with good manners, courteous individuals. The Libra guy will never allow himself the luxury of being unloved by someone. For these people, it is simply unacceptable to be in the shadows.
  • Despite their sociability and sometimes excessive activity, representatives of this sign are excellent friends and advisers who will never tell your secrets to someone else. You can easily open your soul to such interlocutors, without fear of being deceived and ridiculed.
  • Men of this sign are not afraid of difficulties, so if you turn to them for help, they will always respond and be happy to help.
  • The Libra man is a rational person who always thinks logically, discarding all emotions and personal experiences.
Character Libra
  • Sometimes excessive boastfulness can be noticed behind the representatives of this sign, but with all this, such a quality of these people does not carry any negativity. Libra does not tolerate any criticism and condemnation of their person, so if you are a lover of criticism, then you are unlikely to find a common language with Libra.
  • These people are very balanced personalities, it is because of this quality, before making any decision, Libra will definitely consider all the pros and cons. “Measure seven times, cut once” - this proverb fully describes the approach of such men to solving any cases.
  • It is worth noting the fact that Libra cannot imagine his life without communication. They strive to maintain friendly relations with everyone with whom this is possible in principle, and can experience a lack of communication with people quite strongly. Thus, these men assert themselves and realize their full potential.
  • It is also impossible not to say that the representatives of this sign are real fighters for justice, which is why they will never offend the weak and will not let anyone else do it.
  • These people are insanely generous individuals. Neither friends, nor acquaintances, let alone relatives and friends will never lack attention, gifts and surprises from these charming and attentive men.

So, now, perhaps, let's move on to at least interesting question. In order to win the heart of a lover, you first need to know which girls he likes and why. That is what we are going to talk about now.

What kind of girls does a Libra man like?

It's worth saying that hallmark of these charming and refined natures is their charisma. Men - Libra can easily fall in love with almost any girl, but there is no need to expect a special initiative from them.

  • For representatives of this sign is very important the appearance of a woman and her natural beauty. The chosen one of Libra must take care of herself, her appearance and wardrobe in order to please the eye of her man. By natural beauty in this case, we mean the ability of a girl to be amazing without a ton of makeup on her face, and even in tracksuit because the process is not important to these men, the result is important to them.
  • Libra man will definitely give preference mature, wise and balanced women. This sign does not like and does not know how to scandal and sort things out, he simply does not see any point in this. It is for this reason that these guys choose ladies who know how to cope with their character and who know how to compromise as companions.
  • Despite his willingness to help everyone and always, the Libra man is a rather indecisive person, so his companion should be enough strong-willed and self-confident. These guys need a woman who, if necessary, will support, tell you what to do, and in some situations even take full responsibility. This feature does not say in any way that Libra always stands aside when making any decision, it only says that they need a girl who will be able to give them confidence in themselves.
  • Representatives of this sign hate any criticism addressed to them, so if you are a fan of making comments and giving advice, then when you are not asked for it, think about whether you can change your principles for the sake of your beloved.

  • Libra guys are dreamy and romantic natures, so they will always look for that woman who will not only be able to appreciate this quality of theirs, but she herself will not lag behind. They like girls who know how to surprise them: a romantic dinner on the roof of the house, a bath prepared in advance for him, or an invitation to a date will always be appreciated.
  • Representatives of this sign love proactive women. You should not wait until this guy himself shows interest in you and confesses his feelings, as this moment may not come at all. Yes, such timidity is, perhaps, one of the few qualities of Libra that can repel fans from them.
  • Of course, the chosen ones of these smart and gallant men should be no less educated. Girls who want to get the location of the representatives of this sign should work on themselves daily. Develop in yourself not only intelligence, but also personal qualities.
  • Also, the Libra man really does not like it when someone restricts his freedom and personal space. Therefore, learn to be unobtrusive and know how to give such a partner all the freedom of action at the right time.

As you can see, the guys of this sign are quite demanding on their chosen ones, but believe me, if you manage to fall in love with a Libra man, you will be the most beloved woman in the world, because it is this sign that knows how to make her soul mate happy.

What compliments do Libra guys like?

Since representatives of this sign love justice, you should not give them too far-fetched compliments. Of course, like any other person, they will be pleased to hear the words of flattery addressed to them, but everything should be in moderation.

  • The Libra man is a gallant gentleman who loves and knows how to speak beautiful words, but he also loves to have these words spoken for him. In this case, the argument that only girls love compliments, and real men do not need it, should be forgotten as an absurd stereotype. Tell him: "What a gallant gentleman you are."
  • Such a guy will be pleased to hear compliments regarding his intelligence and wit. And the words of flattery on this occasion will be very appropriate, because Libra always takes care of their development and education. Tell your partner, "You are the smartest person I know."

Support and Praise Libra
  • Know how to praise him for his great sense of humor and ability to cheer up even on the gloomiest day.
  • Support his desire to be fair and honest. And remember that these qualities are important to him in his chosen one, so do not try to prevaricate souls or hide something from Libra. Tell your loved one: "Your justice and honesty helps you in work and life."
  • Representatives of this sign love it when their undertakings are supported and have a genuine interest in them. Therefore, if your lover wants to open a shop for romantic trinkets, and you think that this is a stupid idea, keep your opinion to yourself, or at least do not impose it on a man. Instead, support and tell me how best to turn this idea into reality.

How to attract attention and please a guy and a Libra man?

It will be very difficult to find a more attentive, charming, gallant and courteous boyfriend, which is why representatives of this zodiac sign win women's hearts with such ease. By the way, the Libra man is very amorous, which undoubtedly doubles your chances of winning.

  • The attention of any guy is attracted primarily by those women who watch their appearance and manners, Scales are no exception. Therefore, before you come up with your cunning plan to conquer this handsome man, take care of yourself. Pay attention to the little things: a new hairstyle, a manicure, a new dress - all this will play into your hands.
  • If your meeting takes place in a company, the Libra man will definitely pay attention to how you behave and whether you know how to present yourself correctly and profitably. Try to be discreet but friendly at the same time.
  • Do not try to please him at first sight, and even more so do not follow him around. This sign does not like obsession very much, so when he sees this trait in you, he will not just stop communicating, he will not start it. But we need a completely different result, right? Therefore, it is better to listen to our advice.

Like Libra
  • In principle, it is not so difficult to please a representative of this sign, because we have already mentioned his love of love, but it will be a little more difficult to fall in love with him.
  • Show initiative and patience - maybe then this man will become yours. Do not forget to share his interests, accept him as he is and, of course, show him that you are interested in him, as well as cute - and then, after a while, your sympathy will grow into something more.

How to make a Libra man fall in love with a woman of a certain zodiac sign?

We have all heard about the compatibility of people, depending on the sign of their zodiac. What do you think, do these assumptions have a right to exist? To believe in them or not is up to you, but such information certainly will not be superfluous.

Libra man and Aries woman

  • Say that the marriage of these two signs will be unstable is to say nothing. The Aries woman is too straightforward and demanding, she can often criticize the man - Libra, which is extremely bad for his attitude towards the chosen one. Even despite his feelings, sooner or later a man will not withstand the onslaught of this strong-willed woman and, most likely, will end the relationship.
  • In terms of sex, this union can be strong enough, thanks to the passion that is inherent in the Aries woman.
  • In order for this couple to be able to build a long and happy relationship, the Aries woman must learn to give in to her chosen one and be able to restrain her emotions.

Libra man and Taurus woman

  • The compatibility of this pair is almost 100% because they are combined general views for life and interests. Sometimes a Taurus woman who loves money can reproach a Libra man for his far from brilliant career, which can hurt this indecisive guy, but, as a rule, their feelings are stronger than possible resentment.
  • In "bed matters" these two are more than fine, because both Libra and Taurus love good sex and know how to give pleasure to their partners.
  • In order for these relationships to be even stronger, the Taurus woman must be able to support her lover and exclude criticism of him.

Libra man and Gemini woman

  • The attitude of the representatives of these signs can be more successful if they are of a free character, because the Libra man will never be able to come to terms with such a character trait of this woman as love of freedom. In turn, the Gemini girl will be very annoyed because of the slowness of her partner.
  • Thanks to the emotionality of these two people, their sex life can develop quite well.
  • If the Gemini woman nevertheless decided to win the heart of this charming man, then she just needs to learn to appreciate the comfort of home.

Libra man and Cancer woman

  • These relationships can safely be called solid. The views on life and life of the representatives of these signs are very similar, which helps them get along well with each other and be not only loving spouses, but also friends.
  • The sexual compatibility of this couple is quite good, because they respect each other's preferences and always strive to take them into account.
  • The relationship of these two will develop much faster and brighter if the Cancer woman learns to be a little more determined and proactive.

Libra man and Leo woman

  • The proud Lioness is often dissatisfied with the success of her lover, which can pretty much spoil these relationships. Girls of this sign love a luxurious life, and if their partner cannot provide this for them, then certain problems may arise.
  • Thanks to the sensitive and passionate nature of the Lioness in terms of sex, this union is doing well. They know how to take into account the interests of each other and love to give pleasure to their partner.
  • If a Leo woman decided to build a relationship with such a man, she will have to work hard to change her character at least a little and learn to reckon with her partner's opinion.

Libra man and Virgo woman

  • In this union often there are difficulties since the sociable Libra man cannot come to terms with the isolation of his partner, however, thanks to the ability of the Virgo woman to smooth out conflicts, relationships can be very long.
  • In sex, these two are not the best lovers, but if their feelings are strong enough, then anything is possible.
  • The Virgo girl needs to learn to be more emotional, because this is what the Libra guy lacks in this union.

Libra man and Libra woman

  • In principle, the marriage of these people can be successful, but at the same time, conflicts are possible at the household level.
  • IN sexual life everything is going great for Libra, because they know well what exactly a partner expects from them and are ready to fulfill these desires.
  • In order for this couple to build not only long-term, but also happy relationships, they certainly need to learn how to find a solution to the problem that would suit both.

Who suits Libra?

Libra man and Scorpio woman

  • In this relationship, there will be absolutely all emotions. Passion, love, tenderness, rage and even hatred - all this will quite possibly be present in the family life of this couple. But, despite this, the union of these signs is always considered an ideal, since they know how to get along well with each other.
  • In bed, these are wonderful lovers: the Scorpio woman drives the Libra man crazy with her tenderness and sensuality, and he, in turn, adds a drop of passion to these relationships.
  • In order to win this guy, the Scorpio girl must come to terms with the fact that her lover has such a quality as indecision and not try to change it.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman

  • This union will never be called boring. Complete opposites of each other, who can be great friends, spouses and lovers - that's how we would characterize this couple.
  • As a rule, it is the warm and tender relationship between these partners that has a positive effect on their sex. In this regard, they completely satisfy each other.
  • This marriage will be successful if the couple learns to appreciate what is. Any desire of each of the partners to change something in the chosen one can find a very negative response.

Libra man and Capricorn woman

  • To say that understanding and peace will reign in these relations is to lie frankly. The Capricorn woman is too straightforward, which, of course, will bring Libra great discomfort. That is why there is no guarantee that a few months after the start of a relationship, a man will simply stop them.
  • In sexual terms, everything is quite ordinary. It is impossible to say that it will be a bright and passionate relationship, but in principle, if there are feelings, such an outcome will suit both partners.
  • In order to conquer the Libra man, the Capricorn woman must be moderately categorical and decisive, remember, everything should be in moderation.

Libra man and Aquarius woman

  • Mutual understanding and calm - that's what these relations will be built on. By the way, the union of these signs can be quite strong, because they perfectly complement each other and know how to share the interests of a partner.
  • The sexual life of this couple will be quite diverse and vibrant. After all, these two are distinguished by emotionality and the desire to enjoy everything they do.
  • The main thing that a woman should do in this union is to become more domestic and learn how to equip a joint life.

Love with Libra

Libra man and Pisces woman

  • The relationship of this couple will be quite comfortable and stable. Both are dreamers by nature, they know how to share each other's interests. Most likely, such a marriage will become quite strong and happy.
  • In bed, these signs completely satisfy each other. A sensual Libra man will appreciate such a partner, because she will give him what the representatives of this sign need so much - love and tenderness.
  • The only thing you can wish for a Pisces girl is to be more open and sociable in these relationships.

From the foregoing, a very unambiguous conclusion can be drawn: a Libra man can build relationships with almost any woman, for this you just need to interest him. And to do this with the help of our tips will be quite easy and fast.

How to understand that a Libra man is in love?

To understand if a Libra man is in love with you, you need to carefully listen to what he says. Remember, if this gallant gentleman really feels sympathy for you, you will never hear any comments or criticism addressed to you.

  • Because Libra is very gentle and romantic nature, then during falling in love they are ready for anything, just to surprise their beloved. Only their indecision can become a hindrance.
  • If you notice that a man not only talks a lot, but also listens to you carefully, be sure that he cares about you.

Fall in love with Libra
  • It is also worth noting that the Libra guy in love starts joking twice as much, thus, as if inviting his chosen one to him.
  • Based on the fact that Libra loves to dress beautifully and stylishly, we recommend paying attention to whether his wardrobe has changed. If he is in love with you, he will try his best to improve his appearance: a new fashionable hairstyle, an elegant suit or the purchase of fashionable accessories - all this can indicate his state of love.

All you need to understand if your lover has any feelings for you is to learn to listen and hear what and how he says.

How to seduce a Libra man?

Everything is pretty simple here. Enough has already been said today about what Libra likes, what attracts them, and what repels them. Therefore, show your imagination, add a little female cunning and the guy of your dreams simply cannot resist.

  • The temptation of representatives of this sign is a delicate matter. First of all, be patient. Yes, the man of this sign is slow even in this.
  • Don't be a bore. Libra loves people who know how to have fun, but remember - it's good that in moderation.

Seduce Libra
  • Of course, take care of your appearance. It would be nice to be “at the parade”, believe me, the Libra man will certainly appreciate it.
  • These men are very fond of proactive women, so show this quality. Most importantly, do not forget that you need to keep a certain distance so that the guy does not regard this as an attempt to take away his personal space and freedom from him.

Use these simple and unpretentious recommendations and you will definitely succeed.

What does a Libra man like in bed?

It is worth saying that, despite its timidity and shyness, this sign is very fond of carnal pleasures.

  • As a rule, a loving man of this sign will first try to please his partner. Therefore, with the right attitude, such a guy can make an excellent lover.
  • Tactile sensations for Libra are also very important. Take note: these guys love to be stroked, hugged, kissed and caressed.

  • Foreplay is very important to them. Unlike many other signs, Libra is very sensual and tender, so they never miss this stage and try to make everything as pleasant as possible for their partner.
  • Libra will never be against experiments in sex, so feel free to invite them to try new things: new places, poses.

How to keep a Libra guy?

Let's just say that this is not an easy question. However, there are still some tips.

  • So, remember once and for all: the Libra man cannot be rushed and pushed to make any decisions. Save him from this, if you are not satisfied with his slowness - take the initiative in your own hands.
  • Don't try to make Libra jealous of you. Rest assured, you will easily achieve your goal, but this step will play a trick on you. It is unlikely that the Libra man will be in a relationship with a lady for a long time, which gives him a reason for jealousy.
  • Representatives of this sign love peace and comfort. Make sure that in your relationship there is an abundance of this - and then you will not have to hold anyone back.

What to give a Libra man?

These men are very generous by nature. They love to give gifts and they also love to receive presents.

  • Let's start with clothes. Since these guys are still fashionistas, a new fashionable little thing can be a great gift. You should not just forget that when choosing clothes, you should be guided by the preferences of your partner, and not your personal ones. If you are not sure that you can please your lover - give him a certificate for the purchase of clothes, so you definitely will not lose.
  • Hobby. Well, of course, you probably know all the hobbies of your loved one, otherwise he would simply not build a relationship with you. Use your knowledge and give him a present for the soul. Based on the fact that many men of this sign are creative people, a camera, a set for creativity or some kind of tool can be a good gift (of course, if you are sure that this gift will bring the guy pleasure).
  • Accessories. Libras adore all sorts of beautiful things that complement their image well. Therefore, feel free to give them beautiful and expensive umbrellas, hats, cufflinks will also be an appropriate gift.

Gift for Libra
  • Well, representatives of this sign love to take care of themselves, this cannot be taken away from them. A good perfume will be a chic gift for them. Do not save on such presentations, as Libra will easily understand this and may not perceive it quite correctly.
  • Who among us does not like to relax? There are such? The answer is very obvious. Therefore, as a gift to Libra, you can present tickets to a weekend tour or, if possible, give a ticket to warm countries. Another plus of such a present is that you can go on this vacation together and fully enjoy each other. Consider the fact that these men love leisure. Diving, skydiving, karting - all this can also be an unforgettable gift for your beloved.

So, today, women in love with Libra men have certainly learned all the secrets to win their hearts. Dear ladies, do not forget only that any guy, despite all his preferences and tastes, will always appreciate her individuality in a woman. Therefore, always be yourself, use our advice, connect your imagination to this process and never hide your emotions. Thanks to these unpretentious recommendations, you will definitely find a common language with your lover and find real female happiness.

Video: Libra man in a relationship

The vast majority of men born under the zodiac sign Libra are extremely unbalanced and unpredictable people, extremely incomprehensible to society. The mood of such men is changeable, literally like the weather. So, for example, a warm and affectionate sun of good mood brightly shines on a man’s face, then suddenly, for no reason at all, a gusty squally wind will fly in and literally blow everything away, making a scandal ... After another half an hour, the sun can shine again. And this can happen several times a day. Moreover, the very owner of such an extraordinary character is not at all embarrassed by such sudden mood swings, the Libra man, simply, always knows how to find an explanation for them, sometimes apologizes and continues to behave in the same way, as if nothing had happened.

We would even say that only lovers of peppercorns, or thrills, can seriously think about how to win such a man as a Libra man. However, most of the stronger sex born under this sign are not evil guys at all. Libra men are simply unnecessarily quick-tempered. Well, what are the guys going to rage here, and they will calm down soon. So actually, why not start a relationship with them, which means, why not sort out the issues of conquering the heart of one of those? Moreover, you can’t command a woman’s heart. So let's get started...

Qualities of character that distinguish men of the Libra sign

First of all, it must be understood that despite such an unstable character, every man of the Libra sign still strives for some stability and at least for relative balance in his life. The Libra man is a recognized dreamer who wants to be always surrounded by only the most nice people and the most beautiful things. Although a man desires something, but at the same time, he may not always be able to keep such pleasant people nearby. After all, when a man born under such a controversial sign is dissatisfied with something, believe me, he is able in some cases to arrange a truly ugly scandal, even with breaking dishes, etc.

Naturally, in this way this man is able to set against himself literally everyone who was initially drawn to him, to whom it is possible, but five minutes ago he was cute. However, all Libra men are very quick-witted and, which is not unimportant, they know how to recognize all the lowlands and filthiness of their actions. This is probably why these men are usually quickly forgiven, clearly understanding that such outbursts of rage can be explained only by some uncertainty of the Libra man in the absolute reliability of a particular situation.

Actually Libra men are not leaders by nature. They absolutely do not like and do not accept a sense of responsibility, these men, for the most part, tend to shift problems, and the search for their resolution, on the shoulders of others, and, as a rule, people close to them. Men of this zodiac sign prefer to immediately obey the existing circumstances, and not at all actively fight against them. At the same time, the men of this sign are always reinsurers who, as they say, try to lay straw literally wherever this can be, possibly. Libra men, as a rule, are extremely cautious in their actions, which, nevertheless, does not prevent these men from time to time from making a fuss, losing their temper and committing careless and rash acts. As a rule, then these men again try to fix everything and arrange everything in peace and harmony. Believe it or not, they can even overstep some of their own principles for the sake of forgiveness.

Simply put, Libra men usually have a hard time with their women. And, nevertheless, all the same, men of this zodiac sign almost always have plenty of ardent fans. Yes, it’s actually not surprising at all - Libra men, as a rule, are very elegant, always eloquent and, believe me, they know how to look after wonderfully, liking women. To admit the truth, seducing another young lady, these men do not always consider it possible to set themselves the goal of extending relations with her to some degree of seriousness. Such suitors will look closely, analyze all the time, weigh, and think for a long time. And only then, after the expiration of time, they can decide to terminate the relationship, realizing that all this at this point in time is completely useless to them. Actually, then such men move away from that woman, who just yesterday could be called almost the only deity in the world and something incredibly valuable in their lives.

So how do you actually manage to tame these ever-elusive elusive migratory birds?

How to be able to conquer a man born under the sign of Libra?

Since the men of Libra always have a certain number of ladies close to their throne in stock, the young lady who seriously and for a long time hopes to conquer such a man will really have a hard time in such a serious competitive struggle. For complete success, a woman needs to be able to become a completely irresistible person, and attention, which will be incredibly expensive. Literally every detail of your wardrobe, literally every word spoken, and even the slightest gesture should always be optimally adjusted, really outstanding and incredibly harmonious. Remember, a man of this sign can only be truly interested in that girl who will surpass all other women in literally everything. Libra men will need a brilliant beauty who, in addition to her beauty, will be smart, who will be able to support almost any small talk, even on the most complex topics that are not entirely familiar to her. Indeed, otherwise this young man, even for a superficial and light affair, not to mention a romance, is unlikely to be able to decide with her.

As we actually noted earlier, the man of the Libra sign is not at all a leader, not a hunter and, of course, not a conqueror with women. Therefore, you, dear young lady, will have to conquer this man on your own. Although it will be necessary to act in this case not at all impudently, but as delicately as possible and no less carefully. So it would be best to start with fairly long, but not drawn-out, interesting conversations, for example, about art, perhaps about politics, about cinema, or literature. The most important thing is to be able to demonstrate to the Libra man your erudition, your intellect and, of course, your competence in the issues that you will discuss.

If, moreover, you manage to show off subtle humor and wit, then this gentleman will be incredibly delighted! However, do not rush to consider this delight as your final victory over him, believe me, this is a victory in one small battle, and the conquest has not yet happened unambiguously. In order for this man to make at least some decision, he will need quite a lot of time. And of course, to use all this time, not at all celebrating your initial triumph, but constantly looking closely at such a difficult person in essence and also gradually picking up the key to his soul and daily squeezing your exclusivity, beauty and mind. Nevertheless, your triumph in the end can still turn into the same complete and unconditional defeat, and all because of the unpredictability of this sign, alas.

In general, a young lady who intends to win the heart of a man like Libra should try to find out exactly all his tastes and preferences. A woman needs to be aware of everything and what kind of books this man loves, and of course what kind of music he listens to, what he doesn’t like, and where this person likes to spend his free time and much more, in general, everything that they can find. But it is necessary to find out such information as if by chance, without frightening him and without showing too much interest. Libra men usually hate it when a woman makes them feel like some kind of game for which a targeted hunt has been announced.. Later, when you get to know this person a little, after a while, you will be able to hint to him and your special attitude, first to his interests, and only then directly to him as a man. And imagine it is likely that this man himself will rush to the attack. Naturally, then your plot can begin to develop quite favorably, especially if the young lady does not allow herself to allow any frank tactlessness or negligence.

In essence, if a girl manages to find the right approach to the Libra man, then next to this man she will be able to feel quite comfortable. As a rule, his incredible impulsiveness can be easily regulated by her counter manifestation of absolute calmness and even some gentle sensuality of a woman. Of course, it would be better for a girl who does not have great patience and a calm disposition with representatives of this indefatigable sign not to get involved initially. After all, these men are not proactive, and do not know how to make their own informed decisions, they are predisposed to some kind of reflection and completely unexpected, rather powerful outbursts of anger. And this may mean that unrestrained, mentally unstable, nervous women will simply not be able to endure such a man next to them for a long time. Only a balanced, self-confident young lady, soft, but strong, will be quite capable of condescendingly treating such antics of her beloved, and continue to be absolutely happy with the Libra man.

Men born under the sign of Libra are real handsome men with a charming smile. Guys at first glance give the impression of soft and flexible people, but they also have a metal core. These are people of uncertainty, duality.


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They love to argue, and these disputes arise out of the blue. If the opponent says one thing, Libra will say something else, but as soon as the opponent agrees with the opinion of Libra, the guy will accept the original version of his interlocutor.

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    Astrological characteristic of the sign

    Libra men belong to the air element, they are ruled by the planet Venus. The duality of this constellation is manifested in stones: hard diamond and soft opal. The seasons are autumn and spring with their changeable weather, the metal is copper, the symbol is scales that sway with every movement. Such fluctuations can be traced in the behavior of representatives of this sign. They are able to stay awake without getting tired, then "turn off" and fall into melancholy.

    Since childhood, these guys dream of love. It was Libra who invented romantic relationships, to which they pay maximum attention. They remain gallant gentlemen until their advanced years of life, because their feelings are superficial and fabulous. Men of this sign are able to have several novels at once only because they are not able to refuse any of the contenders for their heart.

    As a professional in love relationships, the Libra guy remains an amateur in spiritual matters all his life. This side is practically of no interest to him, since he does not intend to spend his strength on unraveling the girl's inner world. He loves aesthetics, is an excellent diplomat, is able to reconcile people, and always avoids conflicts. Problems and in-depth analysis of any situation are alien to him, because he is above the circumstances. The guy is not able to make decisions on his own and does only what he sees fit.

    He is characterized by the following qualities:

    • indecision;
    • uncertainty;
    • diplomacy;
    • conflict-free;
    • elegance;
    • talent;
    • ease;
    • mobility;
    • striving for spiritual development;
    • romance;
    • superficiality;
    • callousness;
    • lack of compassion;
    • changeability;
    • upbringing;
    • aesthetics;
    • disgust;
    • accuracy;
    • irresponsibility;
    • generosity;
    • delicacy;
    • cheerfulness.

    Libra men are characterized by the duality of nature even more than the same air sign Gemini. You should not hope and rely on this guy, because he is able to let you down at the most crucial moment. Attempts to explain to a man his unworthy behavior will cause sincere bewilderment and confusion. He thinks he did nothing wrong. He did not have malicious intent, the frivolity of his sign is to blame.

    What kind of women attract a Libra man

    Conquering the heart of a Libra man is both easy and difficult at the same time. The main condition for his harmonious life is beauty in all its manifestations, especially visual ones.

    How to get attention

    To please a Libra guy at first sight, it’s enough to dress well and put every part of your body in perfect order. This applies to manicure, hair, makeup. Graceful gait, excellent figure and high heels will be a definite bonus. The representative of this sign will not be able to miss such an exquisite lady. He is constantly attracted and attracted by beauty in life, so the outer shell is a priority in relation to the inner world. The girl should be devoid of complexes, because modest shy simple women will not attracthis attention.

    Very important point is the sociability of a woman and her education. If in a company she behaves at ease, knows how to demonstrate her oratorical skills, erudition and sense of humor, the guy will not let her out of his sight. He will go out of his way to get attention by adjusting his clothes or engaging in conversation. These guys know the secrets of seduction from an early age. They are able to charm any girl they like, so the fair sex only needs to interest the Libra guy.

    A woman should be sociable, but not too malleable. Libra has many fans and they are all ready to follow the guy to the ends of the world. If you immediately agree to spend the night with him, the man will not condemn, but will consider it easily accessible. The guy quickly loses interest in such girls, he goes in search of a more mysterious lady. It is advisable to demonstrate your intelligence to Libra, intrigue and say goodbye. A man will definitely figure out how to lure a girl into his networks, because he knows how.

    How to please a guy

    To please the Libra guy and seduce him, you need to give him visible freedom, but imperceptibly control his behavior. The Libra man is not inclined to independent decision-making. A woman is recommended to constantly remember this and try to do it for him. But to present everything in such a way that the guy considers it his own initiative.

    What a Libra guy likes in a girl:

    • Beauty. Libra values ​​natural yet perfect beauty. A girl needs to remember that her grooming is the key to a relationship. Lack of manicure or disheveled hair can cause a guy’s bad mood and further separation of the couple.
    • Style. Since the girl is dealing with a real aesthete, she must feel the style and relevance in choosing clothes. A guy will never like a vulgar, provocatively dressed girl with bright makeup.
    • Sensuality. It also matters for seducing a guy. Libras have never been puritanical, so they prefer sexy, sensual and seductive girlfriends. Femininity and emancipation will help you easily catch a guy in the net.
    • Conflict-free. A man loves calm, soft and conflict-free women. The air representative is not inclined to sort things out, quarrel and conflict even on the most serious issue. He does not tolerate such relationships. The chosen one should have similar priorities.
    • Vitality. The Libra man is a real optimist who loves life and enjoys all its benefits. A girl should be on the same wavelength with him. If she allows discontent, irritability and melancholy in her behavior, she will never be able to please a guy.
    • Accuracy. The Libra man is a pedant, so the girl needs to keep clean.

    To please a Libra guy, you need to be light and airy. Until the relationship has reached a more serious level, it is recommended to indulge in romance and not delve into problems. They need to be addressed as they come, and not prevented in advance. There is a good chance of avoiding them altogether.

    What is not allowed in a relationship with a Libra man

    A distinctive feature of the representative of this sign is unpredictability in his views and actions. If today a guy is in love and wants to get married, tomorrow he may be disappointed and disappear forever.

    It is characteristic that Libra will not even explain. The girl will never know what exactly influenced his decision to leave.

    Character traits that are not allowed in behavior withguy:

    • unkemptness. If a woman looked impeccable on the first date, and then waved her hand at herself, the man would prefer to leave right now.
    • Lack of contact. Women dealing with Libra are encouraged to respond to the guy's desire to communicate. This can be a telephone conversation, correspondence by correspondence and meetings. The man will not wait long for the answer of the chosen one, he will go in search of a new love.
    • Obsession. The other side of contact is obsession. It is allowed to call or write to the guy, but only occasionally. He needs privacy (he needs to weigh the situation), and red herrings and endless control can cause resentment in a guy.
    • Claims. You should never criticize, scold or make claims to the representative of the sign of Libra. He will not put up with such behavior of a woman.
    • Trying to change a man. The Libra man is a person who cannot be remade. The desire of a woman to subordinate him to her rules or lifestyle will not lead to anything good. He will act in the usual way - he will leave.
    • Lack of interest. An inquisitive guy will be close to a girl who is able not only to share his interests, but also to surprise a man. She should easily agree to his proposals, contribute her ideas and move forward together.

    The Libra guy is able to live his whole life with a girl without making her a marriage proposal. This is due to his doubting nature. If the relationship lasts a long time and there is a desire to formalize it, a woman is recommended to take the initiative into her own hands. If she is next to such a man, it means that she has enough mind and intellect. She will be able to correctly and delicately convince the guy of the need for such a procedure. Subsequently, he will be grateful for the right decision made for him.

    How to make a guy fall in love

    To fall in love with a representative of the sign of Libra, you need to tune in to his wave. Never raise your voice, avoid a showdown, do not limit his freedom, but also do not let him go too far. This is not such a difficult task, since having such a life partner is worth a lot. He has many negative character traits, but the positive ones far outweigh the scales. If a girl matches his ideas of beauty and femininity, the guy is ready for her a lot.

    A loving representative of the air sign will give expensive gifts, entertain in all available ways and surround him with his gallantry and care. He will communicate with other women, but he will never allow himself to change the chosen one. The girl also should not abuse the freedom provided. The Libra guy is not jealous, but he cannot forgive betrayal. To attract the attention of a guy, it is enough to affectionately turn to him.

    He is very contact and draws inspiration from such communication with his chosen one. If you use his own techniques (tenderness, affection, calmness, etc.), you can fall in love with a guy for the rest of your life. Time will pass, but a man will always remember those times when the relationship was just beginning. Passion and love will forever remain in the memory, even if love is gone forever.

    To win a married Libra man, a girl needs to try hard. Guys of this sign sometimes allow themselves to cheat on their wives. At the same time, they feel remorse, but they cannot help themselves. They are not ready to leave the family and betray the woman who has lived with them for many years. Such cases are rare exceptions. Girls are advised to leave this empty idea and look for another companion. Making such a decision for Libra is an overwhelming task that they will not cope with.

    How to keep an air representative

    It is worth looking at the element of the Libra sign and understanding that it is almost impossible to hold air by force. Therefore, it is necessary to discard attempts to act assertively and willfully, since such a number will not work here. A man loves a calm, comfortable life, which is devoid of emotions and unpleasant surprises. If a woman is calm about his shortcomings, a happy couple is waiting family life. A guy should always feel free. With a reasonable and affectionate approach from his wife, he himself will refuse the opportunity to change, find interests outside the family or retire.

    A man will strive to a clean house, will gladly provide his wife with an unforgettable vacation, and will acquaint her with all the latest art. He will not hesitate to allow decisions to be made for him, will not spare money for his wife. No one will ever take her place: mother, children, mistress (if this happens). To do this, the companion must take the following actions:

    • Try to become like a man's mother. The representative of the Libra sign is very touching to his mother. She is the ideal woman for him. It is very important that the chosen one resembles her mother in character and appearance, and also be on friendly terms with her.
    • Trust the guy. To remain loved and desired forever, you must completely trust a man. He will definitely appreciate it.
    • Maintain constant communication. A man dreams of freedom, but wants to constantly feel the care and attention of a woman. Being at a distance, it is recommended to communicate by phone or Skype, write touching SMS. This eternal romantic does not feel age and loves to be in a state of love.
    • Get creative with everyday things. To achieve harmony in family relationships for many years, it is necessary to arrange your house in full accordance with his tastes. From poorly matched tones or incorrect placement furniture for a guy can spoil his mood.
    • Be very careful. If there is no order in the house, there is dust and dirt, this will cause a break in relations. Scales are so clean that they cannot physically survive such a phenomenon.
    • Show economy. The way to the heart of the Libra man lies through the comfortable environment of his home. This tasty food, clean and stylishly furnished home.

    To keep a Libra guy by correspondence, a girl needs to wrap herself in a halo of mystery, especially at the dating stage. The more he is interested in a mysterious interlocutor, the more chances there are for the development of relations. Innate curiosity will make a man want to communicate in order to find out more about a girl. In the future, the chosen one needs to be sincere and open, but not in a hurry to immediately reveal all the secrets.

    Astrological Compatibility

    Representatives of the sign Libra live well with those girls that they liked on their first dates. If a woman does not disappoint him, a man is ready to be with her for the rest of his life.

    The problem sometimes lies in the different temperaments that are characteristic of certain signs of the zodiac. It is recommended to consider a compatibility table that will allow the Libra guy and girls who want to connect life with them to decide:

    Zodiac sign Description
    AriesLibra man and Aries woman will like each other at first sight. The girl has a bright appearance, she is educated and educated. Her original approach to all things (apartment furnishings, entertainment, hobbies) is highly valued by a guy. These people find mutual understanding, their intellectual conversations can last forever. Partners are great in sex. A girl should be more consistent, because her explosive temper sometimes interferes with communication with a restrained man. All other issues they can solve without problems. Aries loves to dominate, and the Libra guy is happy to cede this right to her when it helps to establish comfort in his life. Pair compatibility is about 60%
    TaurusThe compatibility of this pair reaches almost 70%. This is a union of two people who differ in temperament, but have much in common in their views and habits. They are united by the desire to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house. They are great at working and having fun. In sex, the couple is also compatible, because people feel each other perfectly and know how to get mutual pleasure. The discrepancy arises from the difference in temperaments. Home conservative Taurus girl likes to spend most of her time at home. She is frugal and practical, which cannot be said about the guy. He strives for everything new, does not like to stay in one place for a long time, he is used to having fun and tries to diversify his vacation. The guy is absolutely indifferent to money, he is generous and wasteful
    TwinsThis is a wonderful couple, the harmony in the relationship of which is approaching the 75% mark. Both partners are representatives of the air element. They are easy-going, intelligent, romantic, well-mannered. Their interests completely coincide, the same can be said about their views on life. Spouses respect the personal space of everyone, do not suffer from excessive jealousy and do not dramatize reality. The sense of humor of representatives of the signs of Libra and Gemini is so developed that they can communicate in the original, only they understand the language. In sex, both partners feel great. They have the same preferences, the same temperament and there is an opportunity to get mutual pleasure. The only drawback in the union of these people will be the unwillingness to take responsibility. They are both a little superficial, so they need an assistant in the person of close relatives or friends.
    CancerThe rather high compatibility of a pair of Libra men and Cancer women allows you to build the right relationship. This will be especially felt in the initial stages. A woman loves romance very much, she has a sense of taste, she knows how to create the necessary surroundings and comfort in her home. The guy appreciates these qualities and with pleasure perceives such a manifestation of feelings. At first, sex will bring pleasure to both partners. A gentle, sensual girl and an affectionate, attentive guy will become excellent lovers. Later, a Cancer woman will not find a very sexual partner enough, she will begin to dream of a passionate man. Cancer is also a great owner and jealous. She will not be able to watch the freedom-loving spouse and will try to tie him to the family and home. The guy will not like it, so the wife needs to change her tactics of behavior
    a lionThe compatibility of the pair of Leo and Libra is about 70%. This is because the partners complement each other. They are very close regarding entertainment and recreation. Both love to travel, visit expensive establishments, appear in public and receive guests at home. Attitude to material values they are approximately the same. In everyday life, a wonderful combination develops when an active and strong Lioness becomes a leader and guides her husband along the right path. A man learns from her confidence, reasonable riskiness and determination. A woman draws tenderness, affection and romance from her partner. The disadvantage can be strong pressure from the partner. The temperamental, fiery Lioness will easily break a man with her pressure. The difference in temperaments will also affect sex. The girl needs to remember this and try to become softer.
    VirgoCompatibility of partners fluctuates around 65%. First of all, this harmony refers to domestic issues. The spouses have a mutual desire to create comfort in their home. They are scrupulous about order, cleanliness, they devote a lot of time to important little things. A woman is able to teach a man practicality and rationality, her man - tenderness and femininity. But further in the relationship, significant friction is possible. The girl will not put up with the irresponsibility and lack of punctuality of her husband. The guy hardly tolerates the causticity and captiousness of his partner. Sexual life is also subject to trials. Jealousy and suspicion does not allow the girl to relax even during sex. The guy does not get pleasure, because he is alien to the puritanical perception intimacy. The couple needs to work on the relationship to get closer
    ScalesRepresentatives of the same sign are a great couple for a harmonious life together. The similarity of interests, priorities and desires become even stronger every year. People turn not only into a harmonious married couple, but also into wonderful friends, colleagues and like-minded people. They lack a sense of commercialism, both strive for spiritual growth and physical development. In sex life, the couple is completely perfect, as everyone gets what they want from this relationship. Spouses practically do not have conflicts and quarrels, but it is this fact that becomes dangerous for their health. By respecting each other, people hold back emotions within themselves, which leads to a violation nervous system. They need to relax at a distance. But this is the only union that allows betrayal, because the spouses understand each other as much as possible.
    ScorpionThis couple has different views and opposite temperaments, however, they can significantly improve each other's personal performance. The compatibility of their marriage is about 70%. IN living conditions this tandem is able to achieve high results. A woman will teach a man to be courageous, responsible, hardy. The guy will give the girl care, tenderness and warmth. They both know how to hide their emotions and not splash them out. But sometimes this quality becomes detrimental to people's health. The second way out of these emotions will be a violent showdown. But the couple has an understanding of the importance of marriage, so they will be able to cope with their claims. Experts recommend voicing all questions in a tactful manner. IN sexual relations the pair represent the perfect match
    SagittariusThis is an ideal couple, the harmony of which reaches 90%. These people light up with the fire of love at first sight. They are so suitable for each other that every day their union becomes stronger. People do not want to leave even for a minute, because it brings them experiences. Everyone admires and envy this couple. Partners should pay less attention to the stories of ill-wishers and trust only each other. In bed, the leader is likely to be a woman. But a man will take it with pleasure, because he will have the opportunity to experiment. The only drawback can be the lack of freedom, which each of the partners strives for. They should let go of their soulmate for a while. This action will give everyone additional energy, which will then be directed to harmonious relations in the family.
    CapricornThe pair of Capricorn woman and Libra man has many contradictions. They need to constantly work on their relationship in order to compensate for each other's shortcomings. Harmony does not even reach 40%. A romantic and sophisticated man is not able to put up with a domineering and down-to-earth woman for a long time. He endures for a long time, because he is a diplomat and a peacemaker, but then the patience bursts. The gap will be stormy and painful if the partners are not able to pronounce all the nuances in a calm mode. A woman needs to get away from her melancholy mood and allow her husband to live a full life. Her constant control, jealousy and perseverance can put an end to the guy's calmness. The girl is recommended to learn to enjoy life, and Libra will gladly help her with this.
    AquariusA pair of Aquarius women and Libra men are practically made for each other, since their compatibility is 96%. This is the maximum that is possible in all respects. People at first sight feel the kinship of the soul, because they belong to the same element. They have a constructive relationship in everyday life, business and love. They complement each other best qualities. They are both distinguished by loyalty and devotion to their partners. They value personal space, they know how to have fun. Since they have the same attitude to work, the spouses distribute it reasonably and with understanding. They treat material values ​​​​with the same indifference, but they know how to earn money and make their home comfortable for themselves and numerous guests. The sex life of this couple is full of romance and mutual pleasure.
    FishThe compatibility of a Libra guy and a Pisces girl is just over 50%. Relationships must be constantly worked on, since spouses have a danger of being misunderstood by their soulmate. The guy treats life easily and naturally, the girl constantly goes deep into high matters and lives in her own world. She thinks about the meaning of life, about the lack of harmony in it, but does not want to do anything to change the situation. On the shoulders of the guy falls all the responsibility for the family and relationships in general. The Libra guy is not ready for such a load, he likes to be under someone's reliable protection himself. Also, a man is not able to empathize and understand the changeable mood of his partner. She can quickly tire him with her behavior. In the sexual life of the couple, everything will turn out fine, since two original and romantic personalities will be able to give each other maximum pleasure.

The love of the stronger sex is very different from the love of women. They are more secretive, laconic, indecisive. For them to show their feelings means to show weakness and subordination to the weaker sex, which they will never do. That is why you can recognize true feelings by his behavior. The signs of the zodiac will help you with this, by which you can determine. So, if you have a Libra man in front of you, how to understand that he is in love?

In contact with

Representatives of this zodiac sign have a refined aesthetic taste. They pay attention to the appearance, hobbies and character of their partner. Libra values ​​calmness, grace in relationships. All boorish disassembly is not to their liking. Cavaliers of this type want to meet a lady in the truest sense of the word. By their standards, the lady of the heart should be a smart, sophisticated, determined person, she should accept Libra with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Dishes not washed on time, dirty floors, layers of dust can drive Libra crazy. The main thing for them is that order and cleanliness reign everywhere.

Like any person, a representative of this zodiac sign has a number of positive and negative qualities.

Among the positive qualities of character can be identified:

  • modesty;
  • friendliness;
  • kindness
  • justice;
  • grace and good taste;
  • sociability.

The main features of a man born under the sign of Libra

Among the shortcomings, the most noticeable are:

  • frequent doubts that do not allow a final decision to be made;
  • self-doubt and self-doubt;
  • misunderstanding;
  • impatience;
  • laziness, etc.

This sign of the zodiac shows that its representatives are characterized by thoughtfulness and balance. Before making a decision, they think for a long time, calculate different options. They are efficient and, having a goal in front of them, they will go to it no matter what. In any case, the result will be achieved.

However, indecision, fear of taking the first step can cause loneliness. Representatives of this sign are more prone to self-doubt, unwillingness to make a final decision. It is very important for Libras to have a partner who will do it for them.

Although Libra is indecisive, they can definitely calculate everything in advance. There is no doubt that such relationships will be strong and lasting.

How to understand that he is in love with a woman?

Any lover can be bitten sooner or later. How to understand that a Libra man is in love if he is emotionally secretive? they will be happy in the truest sense of the word, their eyes will burn, they will become distracted, excited. The girl will not be able to help but notice a special, reverent attitude towards herself, signs of attention.

If a Libra man is in love, his behavior becomes uncharacteristic for this sign. Romanticism, attention, unusual actions speak for themselves. He can write a poem or a poem, send a card or flowers.

Libra men know how to care, give gifts, fill up with compliments of their chosen ones. This attention continues after the wedding. You can be sure that good attitude, attention, surprises will accompany your relationship for a long time. Libra can renew their feelings, and this is their undoubted plus.

How can a girl understand that a Libra man is in love?

  1. First, he becomes more sociable, cultured and attentive. Frequent visits to theaters, restaurants and other public places will please his chosen one. After all, Libra will not spare money for his soul mate.
  2. Secondly, such gentlemen will want to share every minute with their beloved, talking about their thoughts and desires. He just needs female attention, a manifestation of interest in himself.
  3. Thirdly, the fullness of feelings and romance, the admiration of a partner, the manifestation of the fullness of one's feelings persists throughout the relationship. Perhaps this is not love at first sight, but he will certainly respond to the feelings of a woman in the same way.

Signs of a Libra in Love

When you look closely at him, you will immediately notice the signs of a Libra man in love. This:

  • frequent calls: the main thing for him is to hear the voice of his beloved, even if there is nothing to talk about;
  • will openly show interest in the girl, in her health, the past day;
  • will begin to pay attention to their appearance, go to the gym, beauty salons, update their wardrobe - all this indicates the love of Libra men;
  • begins to actively joke, entertain his chosen one.

Perhaps he hides his feelings?

Libra knows how to beautifully look after, this cannot be taken away from them. But what if he is afraid to take the first step? How to understand that a Libra man is in love if he hides his feelings?

In this case . They will see interest in themselves and begin active actions, this gives them confidence. You need to share interests with him, show your feelings for him. How, then, to understand that the Libra man is in love with you?

The most indecisive and laconic representatives of Libra are those born in the year of the bull. When meeting, they talk little, behave constrainedly.

If a Libra man is a bull, how to understand that he is in love? Everything is very simple, such men may not talk about love, but excessive fussiness, excitement will betray all feelings. In appearance, decisive, confident Libra becomes the slave of his partner. Without knowing it, they betray themselves.

If you study the character, behavior and manner of communication of Libra, it will be very easy to understand their love. A woman of the same sign will be able to understand the chosen one well. These couples understand each other perfectly, their peace, serenity helps to build a lasting relationship. If a Libra man, how to understand that he is in love with a Libra woman?
