Mans intellect of the future main page. Projects of the All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future

"Experience of cooperation with the All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future"".

I would like to start my speech with some of the requirements imposed by the Federal State Educational Standards on the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education.

So, in order to ensure the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education in an educational institution for participants educational process conditions should be created to ensure the possibility of working with gifted children, organizing intellectual and creative competitions, scientific and technical creativity and design and research activities.

The Federal State Educational Standard also imposes requirements on the personnel conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education, among which the level of qualification and continuity are distinguished professional development teaching staff educational institution.

A huge help in the implementation of the above requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is provided by our cooperation with the All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences (abbreviated as MAN) "Intellect of the Future", on the website of which I came in September of the last academic year, when I was looking for competitions for design and research work in English for junior schoolchildren.

Going to the UMC website in the section “Olympics and competitions”, I found a link to the All-Russian competitions “Youth. The science. Culture” and “Young Researcher” and thus ended up on the official website of the Minor Academy of Sciences “Intellect of the Future”, which is presented on the presentation slide and reads like this: , which in translation from English means "The future for you."

Presented to your attentionSite's home page . Thisportal of the National educational program "Intellectual and creative potential of Russia" . Within the framework of the program, subject distance competitions-olympiads are held in various subjects for students of different ages, competitions for research and creative works By various directions science, technology, culture, tournaments, forums, festivals, scientific conferences schoolchildren and various competitions for teachers.

The main page presentssite system in the following areas:

National Education Program website "- here you can find information about the competitions "Erudites of Russia", "Constellation of Talents", "Intellectual and creative marathon", "KIT - beauty, intelligence, creativity", All-Russian Tournaments, Forums and Festivals, International educational projects and much more.

All-Russian Correspondence Competitions-Olympiads "

All-Russian Correspondence Competition " "

All-Russian competitions of research works of students ,

Website " ", dedicated to the winners of the competitions of the Program


Scientific and educational electronic journal " "

(where you can order a printed collection in the area of ​​interest with materials from forums, conferences and teacher articles).

Each section presents detailed description events, the timing of their holding and requirements for the design of works, describes how to send materials to correspondence competitions. Payment documents with details are also posted, since for participation in the event it is necessary to pay the registration fee, which goes to check the work, review and issue a diploma or certificate, which is sent to the home postal address.

What are the results of our cooperation with the IAS "Intellect of the Future" for the last academic year ?

    Participation in the All-Russian Correspondence Competition "Young Researcher» with design works in the nominations «English language», «ecology» and ethnography. According to the results of the competition, we have prize-winners and winners who were awarded diplomas of laureatesIAndIIIdegree.

    Participation in the All-Russian Internet Exhibition of Student Achievementswith design and research work in the nominations "Linguistics (English)", " The world", "Story". Children were awarded certificates of exhibitors, and teachers - diplomas of project leaders. Materials of submitted works are posted on the website of the Internet exhibition and are available for public use.

    Participation in the All-Russian open correspondence competition "Intellect Express" in the nomination "Mysteries of the English language, 3-4 grade. 5 people took part in the competition, two were awarded diplomas of winners for 3rd place and 3 people were awarded diplomas of laureates for 5th place.

    Participation in the All-Russian internal forum "Pedagogical Olympus",held from June 29 to July 4 in Anapa. The project has a loud name - "Pedagogical Olympus". This means that everyone who wants to reach heights can take the first step towards their pedagogical Olympus!

And now, dear guests, I suggest you go on a short trip to Black Sea coast sunny resort town Anapa, where you can relax on the beach, soak up the warm sun, swim in the sea, walk around the city or along its embankment, attend a concert famous composer(for example, Grigory Gladkiy) and combine a pleasant stay with your professional activity, becoming an active participant in the All-Russian Forum "Pedagogical Olympus".

So, let's get acquainted with its organizers and some participants.Main organizer all events isLyashko Lev Yurievich, Chairman of the All-Russian Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future", Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.Next to him in the photo forum leader Olga G. Panchenko , Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the AIC and PPRO. In another photo, the secondforum leader, Fedorovskaya Elena Olegovna - Deputy Chairman of the IAS "Intellect of the Future" for scientific and methodological work,Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at SUGTI.

In the conference hall you will find a list of all the settlements where the forum participants came from, which numbered more than 50 people. The participants of the forum were teachers of all subjects, deputy directors, methodologists, university teachers and employees of preschool institutions. Among the participants of the forum were both young teachers (under 25 years old) and honored teachers of Russia.

But at the same time, any teacher could speak at the conference, even if he did not announce the topic of the speech in advance and did not participate in correspondence competitions for teachers. I was such a participant.

Already after the first day of classes, having felt the benevolent attitude of the organizers and leaders of the seminar and after listening to several reports, I decided to present our school and summarize the experience of our methodical association teachers of a foreign language, and in particular their experience, on the topic “Project and research activities of younger students in the field of English”.

Forum participants could qualify for the All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences "Intelligence of the Future" award in the nomination"Pedagogical Excellence" in the amount of 30,000 rubles. Category winners"New Generation" (up to 25 years old) were nominated for the President's Award to support talented youth (1st place - 60,000 rubles, 2nd place - 30,000 rubles).

All active participants of the forum, that is, all those who presented their work experience, were awarded laureate diplomasIAndIIdegree, and ordinary listeners received a certificate of participation in seminars.

All forum participants receivedstate-recognized certificate of short-term advanced training in the amount of 72 hours on the topic "Research activities of teachers and schoolchildren in a changing education."

Forum materials willpublished in the Internet magazine "Academician", printed magazines "Intellect of the Future", "Additional Education and Upbringing", "Researcher", "Gifted Child" and others.

At the forum you can meet many talented, creative teachers who love their profession from different parts of our country. Unfortunately, Moscow turned out to be not the most active participant in the summer forum, it was represented by only 2 people, myself and Olga Ilyinichna Pavlova, a French teacher at school No.

I would like to complete our “journey” to the city of Anapa to the “Pedagogical Olympus” with a newforum motto who was born on the day of the award:

“Come to the summer forum again! Invite your wife, colleague, husband!”

Analyzing the results of my cooperation with the IAS "Intellect of the Future" for the year, I found a lotpositive sides :

    The all-Russian level of competitions, olympiads and conferences is confirmed by the availability of documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates).

    The teacher has the opportunity to improve his qualifications and obtain this state-issued certificate.

    The teacher has the opportunity to publish his materials in electronic and printed journals and receive a supporting certificate.

    Good preparation for certification. Rich material for the portfolio of any teacher.

    Exchange of experience with colleagues.

    Increasing students' motivation for the subject.

    Huge opportunities for the realization of the abilities of highly motivated and gifted children.

    Rich material for a student's portfolio in various subjects.

There are, of course, negative points :

    Payment of registration fees for participation in events.

    Spending a sufficient amount of time on the correct, according to certain requirements, registration and sending of competitive materials.

But, in my opinion, these two negative sides overlap with those "pluses" that I listed above.

In this regard, we plan to continue our cooperation with the IAS "Intellect of the Future" in the future.

For the 2012-2013 academic year, we have identified the following areas for ourselves :

For students:

    Participation of children in the correspondence competition of design and research work "Young Researcher".

    Participation of children in the face-to-face conference of design and research work "Young Researcher".

    Participation in the project "Knowledge and Creativity" (competitions for English language"Erudite" and "Island of Mysteries").

    Participation in competitions of the Intellect-Express project in English.

For the teacher:

    Participation in All-Russian competition"Educational Potential of Russia" in the nomination "Unleashing the potential of a person in primary school” on the topic “Research activities in elementary school” or “Project method in elementary school”.

    Participation in the All-Russian open correspondence competition "Pedagogical Council" in the nomination " Modern lesson" With methodological developments interdisciplinary lessons.


    Participation in the summer forum "Pedagogical Olympus" (June 2013), to which not one person, but a group of teachers plans to go from our school, as primary school and subject teachers.

IAS "Intellect of the Future" is included in the Federal Register of Youth and Children's Associations that enjoy state support.
The Minor Academy of Sciences works together with the Non-Commercial Partnership - the Center for the Development of Education, Science and Culture "Obninsk Policy", the companies "Rosintal" and "Technology of Success".
The organization cooperates with the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, with the Russian Academy of Education, with the Agency strategic initiatives, with many leading Russian universities.
The mission of the organization is to involve schoolchildren in intellectual and creative and design and research activities, to identify new effective ways for the development of education. Among its ranks are five laureates of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, more than 150 expert scientists who evaluate research, design, creative and Olympiad works. The status of the organization is all-Russian. There are branches and coordinating centers in most regions of Russia. Thousands of children annually for 30 years participate in correspondence and internal competitions. Join now!

Introducing the international team competition "Cool School"

The competition is designed in accordance with modern educational trends.
1. The competition offers tasks in the Russian language, mathematics, biology and tasks for non-standard, creative thinking- it teaches to work in interdisciplinary fields.
2. One of the key competencies of the future is creativity. A separate block is devoted to this direction.
3. In the competition it is allowed to use any literature, use encyclopedias and Internet resources. The ability to work with information is also one of the key competencies of the future.
Participants of the competition: teams of students from 1st to 11th grade.
Time of the competition: from 10 to 25 October 2017.

Holding a competition
The tasks are designed to be completed within 40 minutes at school, possibly both after school hours and in one of the specially allocated lessons.
Any number of teams created on the basis of class teams can take part in the competition from each school.

Awards and promotions
The results are summed up in two categories:
1) by class:
The best class teams are awarded the titles: Best class”, “Successful class”, “Initiative class”, “Active class”.
2) by schools:
in accordance with the number of points scored, the titles are awarded: Best School”, “Successful School”, “Initiative School”, “Active School”.
Information about educational organizations that have received the title of "Best School" will be published in the media.
For educational organizations from which took part in the competition the largest number participants, special incentives are established.

The main projects of the IAS "Intelligence of the Future"

For teachers

Webinars, distance courses, seminars, the annual pedagogical festival in Sochi modern education: experience, innovations, prospects" (September), annual forums "Education: a look into the future" (October), "Pedagogical Olympus" (July), competitions, conferences for the exchange of experience, publication of articles in the registered electronic journal "Academician".

Popular Projects for Students

Russian competition "Knowledge and Creativity"
The competition has been running for over 15 years. For students from 1st to 11th grade, Olympiads are offered in almost all school subjects.

Russian competition "Intellect Express" - a competition in various subjects for students from 1st to 11th grade. Test tasks are offered.

The Russian competition "KIT" ("Creativity, Intelligence, Talent") invites all schoolchildren to go beyond the usual school subjects and plunge into the world of creativity, puzzles, ciphers and a wide variety of secrets.

International project Smart planet
Competition "Smart Elephant"
Students from grades 1 to 11 are invited to complete Olympiad assignments in Russian, mathematics, biology or English within an hour, at school, in the classroom or immediately after the end of the lessons. Assignments are received by the coordinator, printed out and issued to students for one hour. The results are posted on the website. The results of the competition are already determined within three days. Diplomas are available in electronic form.

Russian competition "IQ-champion"
The most modern competition, the execution of tasks takes place on a computer for a limited time. Quick summing up, a large selection of contests. All results are stored in personal account. Here are the awards and achievements. "Modern children - modern competitions!" - this is the motto of the project "IQ-champion". For all ages, tasks have been developed both in basic school subjects and interdisciplinary ones.

Russian competition for preschoolers "Firefly"
"Game, creativity, development" - three keywords, which are guided by experts in the preparation of tasks for preschoolers. The competition expands the boundaries of knowledge, teaches to cooperate with adults, instills the skill of serious work with texts.

The Russian competition "Evrikum" is the first step towards research work: you need to find answers to questions by first performing a given experiment. The competition meets all the standards and requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Russian competitions for research and design work, conferences
Competitions for research and project work of students are held for all ages and end with final conferences, which are distinguished by a rich educational program - in addition to defending the work, schoolchildren participate in team games, master classes, and meetings with interesting people.
- "Young Researcher" - for students in grades 1-4, final on January 9-12 and 23-26;
- "Steps into Science" - for students in grades 5-8, final April 25-27 and May 10-12;
- "Youth, science, culture" - for students in grades 9-11, final on March 28-30;
- "Scientific potential" - for students in grades 10-11, final April 11-13;
- "Creation and Creativity" - for students in grades 1-11, final on December 5-8.

Summer projects of the IAS "Intelligence of the Future"
During the summer, Sochi hosts summer projects for all ages: Eureka, Young Explorer, Young Intellectuals, Steps into Science-South, Youth, Science, Culture-South, and others.

Upcoming Russian tournaments, championships
Championship "Cognition and Creativity-Junior" (1-4th grade), October 28-31.
Tournament "Cool team", Sochi, Krasnaya Polyana, October 30 - November 3.
Championship "Cognition and Creativity", including tournaments: mathematical, biological and ecological, historical, linguistic (in Russian language and literature, in English), computer, in robotics, in geography - November 14-16.
Tournament "Intellectual Initiative" - ​​November 17-19.

All-Russian children's public organization Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future"
Type public organization
Location Russia Russia: Obninsk, Kaluga region
Key Figures Lev Lyashko, Tatiana Lyashko, Anatoly Romanov
Industry additional education, science, youth policy
Website www. the future for you.rf

Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future"- All-Russian public organization. The Presidium of the Central Council of the organization is located in the city of Obninsk.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    In 1984, Lev Yuryevich Lyashko, with a team of like-minded people, created the Obninsk Scientific Society of Students, and since 1986 he began to hold scientific conferences for students “Youth. The science. Culture” (a sign patented by MAN), which, over time, became interregional, and then All-Russian. The Interregional Children's Scientific Creative Non-Governmental Organization (DNTO) "Intellect of the Future" was founded. In addition to conferences, the organization began to implement a number of educational projects, such as competitions "Knowledge and Creativity", tournaments "Eureka", Festival of Sciences and Arts "Creative Potential of Russia", etc.

    In 2006, the charter of the organization was changed and it became All-Russian, also adding to its name "Small Academy of Sciences" (Which corresponded to the plan of a member of the Central Council, the founder of the first in the history of the USSR MAN, which was in the Crimea - I. I. Braginsky).

    The All-Russian Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future" is included in the Federal Register of Youth and Children public associations who enjoy state support in accordance with the Federal Law of July 28, 1995 No. 98-FZ “On State Support for Youth and Children's Public Associations”. (See the letter of Rosmolodezh No. AP / 1637-07 dated 06.28.2011).

    Currently, ODOO MAN "Intellect of the Future" operates at the national level (it has branches in 57 subjects Russian Federation), the organization implements the National Educational Program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia", which includes a system of competitions, tournaments, conferences, festivals and forums. Representatives of all 83 regions of Russia participate in the projects of the program. The program "" and its individual projects have repeatedly been awarded state grants.

    In the 2009/2010 academic year, the organization held 390 All-Russian Correspondence Competitions (including nominations for individual subjects and age groups). During the 2009/2010 academic year, 89939 people participated in the correspondence projects of the program, more than five thousand were involved in the program educational institutions Russia from 1600 cities and villages.

    Organization goals

    1. Organization and coordination of scientific, creative, educational and cultural activities for the creative, intellectual and spiritual development children and youth, preservation and development of the potential of the Russian education system.
    2. Identification, support for the development of intellectually gifted children in Russia through the National Educational Program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia" (a set of correspondence, distance and face-to-face events and a system of measures aimed at creating and developing the country's creative and intellectual resource).
    3. Development and transmission of the ideas of science-oriented education of schoolchildren in Russia.
    4. Creation of a permanent system of research conferences for pupils, students and creative teachers, including: “Youth. The science. Culture” (Obninsk), “Youth. The science. Culture - Siberia" (Novosibirsk), "Youth. The science. Culture - North" (St. Petersburg), "Youth. The science. Culture - Ural" (Zlatoust), "Youth. The science. Culture - South" (Krasnodar Territory), "Youth. The science. Culture - Baikal" (Ulan-Ude).
    5. Development and implementation of a network form of interaction and communication in additional education children and adults.
    6. Support and coordination of creative teachers through a system of training and advanced training. Organization experimental sites MAS "Intellect of the Future" in cooperation with the Russian Academy of Education (RAO).
    7. Publication of the results of experience, the best creative and research works of students and teachers.

    MAN officials

    Chairman of the IAS "Intellect of the Future" - L. Yu. Lyashko, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

    Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the IAS "Intellect of the Future" - V. V. Lunin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov.

    Chairman of the Scientific and Expert Council - N. S. Zefirov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. M. V. Lomonosov.

    Members of the Presidium of the Central Council of the IAS “Intellect of the Future”: Lyashko T. V., Romanov A. S., Sergeev D. V., Sinitsyna O. V., Smirnov V. V., Fedorovskaya E. O.

    Chairman of the Central Control and Audit Commission - Smolyansky A.S.

    Organization's activities

    IAS "Intellect of the Future" implements a number of all-Russian educational projects, is engaged in publishing activities, and conducts teacher training.

    Main projects

    • National Education Program"Intellectual and creative potential of Russia"
    • All-Russian competitions research and creative works
    • Scientific conferences of students:

    "Youth. The science. Culture”, “Scientific potential”, “First steps into science”, “Young researcher”, “Youth. The science. Space".

    • All-Russian Correspondence Competitions-Olympiads“Knowledge and creativity”, “Intellect Express” .
    • Competitions creative works of teachers, forums, seminars : "Education: a look into the future", "Educational potential of Russia", "Pedagogical heritage".
    • All-Russian tournaments, festivals and forums: Christmas Festival-Conference (for elementary school students), Science and Arts Festival Creative potential Russia", Russian Linguistic Tournament "PLASMA", Forum "Constellation of Talents", Tournament "Intellectual Initiative" (social design),
    • Summer Tournaments and Festivals: "Eureka!" (for elementary school students), "Intellect-XXI century" (for grades 5-8), "Vivat, erudites!" (for grades 5-8), International Tournament "Rising of a Star" (in Bulgaria), Russian Intellectual and Creative Tournament-Conference "Youth, Science, Culture-South" and "First Steps in Science - South", Russian Tournament "Talent Factory" ".

    MAS publications "Intelligence of the Future"

    Collections of the best research and creative works of students:

    1. Obninsk policy. // Sat. creative works. Moscow: Young Guard. 2002;
    2. Obninsk policy. // Sat. creative works. Kaluga: Golden Alley. 2004; 2006; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011.
    1. Scientific and educational electronic journal "Academician";
    2. An entertaining magazine about the Russian language "Emelya";
    3. Open educational journal "Intellect of the Future".

    Publication of the annual All-Russian intelligence rating of students: “Russia is proud of them” 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.


    • Full-time and distance professional development courses for teachers;
    • All-Russian Philological School (Finland, Sweden);
    • All-Russian Distance School of Researchers;
    • Distance school "COMPUTER XXI".

    Performance indicators

    Under the agreement Russian Academy Education, in particular, assists in the development of the conceptual provisions of the Pilot Project on the formation of a system for attracting young people to science. The chairman of the working research group of scientists of the Russian Academy of Education on theoretical and methodological support of the Program is Academician A. A. Nikitin, the coordinator of the group is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor L. V. Sukhodolskaya-Kuleshova.

    • Every year, the competition projects of the IAS “Intellect of the Future” are included in the List of Olympiads and other competitive events, following which, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2006 No. 325 “On Measures of State Support for Talented Youth”, prizes are awarded. For example, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated December 23, 2010 N 1990 “On approval of the List of Olympiads and other competitive events, as a result of which prizes are awarded to support talented youth in 2011”), this list is included a number of IAS projects "Intelligence of the Future".
    • More than 5,000 participants in the projects of the Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future" educational institutions Russia. About 100,000 children and teachers from all regions of the Russian Federation take part in projects implemented by the IAS every year.
    • The All-Russian Public Minor Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future" is a model of an artificial-natural child-adult subjective epistemological community. IAS "Intellect of the Future" includes a network of primary children's and adult communities of intellectually gifted and enthusiastic research activities students, creative teachers, scientists and implements a system of intellectual and creative competitions, conferences, tournaments, festivals to find and support talented children.

    The innovative system for identifying, supporting and developing talented children in the intellectual and creative field within the framework of the program "Intellectual and Creative Potential of Russia" coincides with the goals and objectives of the national project "Our new school", which is intended to create new system continuing education in Russia, involves not only the transfer of knowledge and technology, but also the formation of creative competencies.

    • IAS “Intellect of the Future” is a social partner of the Federal State Scientific Institution “Center for Research on the Problems of Education, Formation healthy lifestyle life, prevention of drug addiction, socio-pedagogical support for children and youth”, a member of the National Council of Youth and Children's Associations of Russia, a collective member of the All-Russian Public Movement of Creative Educators “Researcher”.


    • Belyaeva Marina. Big man of small stature // City. - 2001. - No. 1.
    • Alexander Shibanov.

    A rare modern Russian school does not participate in various Olympiad and competitive Russian and pseudo-international (actually international participation - a few, at least in our city) events. From this, it seems, how the prestige of the school among other schools develops, teachers get some points in stimkhara (stimulating payments). I, as a well-deserved aunt and a professional with documented and reasonably certified high qualifications, also periodically participate in competitive and olympiad tasks.

    So, when my eldest niece was in elementary school, from the first grade, the teacher began to urge parents to participate in the Obninsk Olympiads - competitions organized by the All-Russian Academy of Sciences "Intellect of the Future", a branch - the competition "Cognition and Creativity". Why did the proposal go to the parents? Because participation in one Olympiad at that time cost about 500 rubles (something was cheaper). In general, in the first grade we somehow managed to dodge (now I looked at the site, there are competitions for preschoolers there), and in the second this honorable mission of participating in the all-Russian test competition "Knowledge and Creativity" did not pass us. We downloaded the tasks, gave the niece to solve. There was no particular enthusiasm, but she decided, and decided a lot of things without asking for help. From the first time, the questions were even more in terms of the task - she clarified how to do it. Subsequent times there were no more questions.

    In general, after the tasks were solved, they issued it all in a printed computer form and sent it by paying the money. As a result - all tasks are completed correctly, but there is no place. On the one hand, it is understandable - tasks in Cognition and creativity are age-appropriate and feasible. Therefore, correctly performed children - the sea. And there are few places. On the other hand, how then to win?

    What to do? I started to study the issue and found somewhere that additional points can be obtained for the quality of design. What we did in the next participation - wherever possible, we substantiated the answers with dictionary entries indicating the source (I made the second grader rummage through dictionaries and Internet dictionaries), added pictures (I remember working with some word like "magnificent", inserted it there and a film with a picture of "Peter the Magnificent" and something else). In general, the second-grader turned out to be a chic work that the child himself would never have done in terms of design (links, justification for even the most trifling answer), because this was the first experience of such design and no one teaches them so far. The result - the diploma of the prize-winner, the second place. All answers are correct, but Petya the Magnificent was not enough. And a huge ugly residue in my pedagogical soul from shameless ripping off and the hypocritical nature of the process of participation in Cognition and creativity - correct answers are not enough, tear what you can, make a show out of work. In general, at other times I managed to dodge participation in the Olympiads - when there is a desire, I download tasks and give them to my niece to decide, she does an excellent job. Even without enthusiasm.

    Now I rummaged through the website of the competition Knowledge and Creativity - I found a page about the reward system. For organizations - all sorts of incentives in the form of diplomas, discounts and even a grant of 20,000 rubles. Coordinators - awards, medals, certificates. Teachers - certificates and awards. Participants who received the Grand Prix - a prize. And then I remembered my colleague. She has two schoolchildren. She is a very smart girl and a great professional who works efficiently. And in her free time from the tasks of the authorities, she did Olympiad work for her children. Ate the dog on it. So her son was the owner of the Grand Prix of Knowledge and Creativity.

    And I don't like it. I prefer contests in which the child receives for knowledge, rather than pictures and links inserted into them (I have never met a first grader or even a second grader who knows how to format a text document with the correct links; more to say, not every adult has such a skill).

    So Cognition and Creativity will have to manage somehow without us, even though they will lose a little. The main thing is that we will not lose, and we cannot gain anything from them, except for bewilderment and an unpleasant aftertaste.

    With MAN "Intellect of the Future" and their wonderful site, I made a dull acquaintance "thanks" to my trusting mother.
    In those distant times, she still had the misfortune to work as a school teacher, get a penny for it, and spend them to the last crumb on her professional life - educational and methodological literature, which is by no means cheap, modern equipment (she taught music), audio CDs and cassettes, etc.
    One fine day, this seemed to her not enough and she decided from own funds pay for the participation of his student in one of the competitions announced by this damn MAN. I was immediately alerted by the exclusive charge for all the school and pedagogical joys offered by this organization, and for a long time I tried to convince her not to send money there, and in general, as they say, "not to get involved."
    "I'll pay for everything myself, you just register me on this site, I don't ask you for anything else" - was her last murderous argument. For she, like a person of the old Soviet school, is now categorically not friends with either a computer or the Internet. Well, who would refuse a beloved mother in such a trifle?
    Alas, I registered an account on this site for her (it was mandatory), and the “soap” there indicated my “live”, which I constantly use. Much was promised - the issuance of a certificate of participation in the competition, notification to email about the results of the competition, and a lot more in case of victory.
    However, the silence that followed the payment of the money was deafening and quite long. We never saw any notifications, much less evidence. Several times I went to the site to find out the results of the competition. But - alas and ah, they are not there to this day (five years have passed, no less), the information about the competition has disappeared from the site, a lot of other "tempting" offers have appeared, for which it is proposed to pay by bank transfers.
    But if the story ended there, I would be happy. However, MAN "Intellect of the Future", after being silent for about two months, decided that the money received from my mother was not enough for him, and began literally flooding my e-mail with offers. I remember exactly that when registering, I did not subscribe to their newsletter. Moreover, it is impossible to unsubscribe from it. There is no corresponding link in the letters (such as "unsubscribe from the mailing list"). There is no such possibility in the account either. When I wrote them a letter asking them to unsubscribe me from this pseudo-pedagogical Internet rubbish, they answered me - they asked me to clarify the address that I want to remove from the mailing list (!!!). A classic spammer trick... Now I get emails with the same content twice. And such behavior is not only exceptional impudence, but also a violation of the law.

    Thank you for reading my review to the end! Briefly, alas, it did not work.
    I'm going to sue these freaks.
