Educational project on the topic of ecology. Ecological project: “Here is ecology - a fashionable word, Previously, nature did not know this ...

Pedagogical project on the development and familiarization of children of primary school age with the environment native land through the creation of an illustrated book "Draw the EcoWorld"

Project passport
Project name"Draw EcoWorld"
Regulatory basis for project implementation
Law of the Sverdlovsk Region of July 15, 2013 No. 78-OZ "On Education in the Sverdlovsk Region" Adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region on July 9, 2013 Article 4. Basic principles of state policy and legal regulation of relations in the field of education. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation»;
Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" Article 44. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of education of parents (legal representatives) of underage students.
The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia. M.: Enlightenment 2011.
Government program Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.09.2014 No. 1726 - "On approval of the Concept for the development of additional education for children."
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional general education programs.
The main ideas of the project To acquaint schoolchildren with the ecological culture of their native land and create a full-fledged illustrated book "Drawing the EcoWorld".

Objective of the project Create conditions for the formation and development of artistic and creative abilities of children of primary school age through the creation of an illustrated book "Draw the EcoWorld".
Project objectives
I. Educational:
- introduce children to book culture, increase interest in the desire to gain knowledge through a book;
- to form in children a careful, responsible, emotionally benevolent attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings;
- to systematize the knowledge of children about the nature of their native land in an illustrative form;
-to form figurative, spatial thinking and the ability to express one's thoughts with the help of a sketch, drawing, three-dimensional forms.
II. Developing:
- to promote the development of cognitive interest in the natural world, the ability to reflect this in artistically productive activities;
- to promote the development of children's skills of research and creative work when studying the ecological culture of the native land;
- promote development creativity child, mindfulness and observation, creative imagination and fantasy.
III. Educational:
- educate love for books, respect for them;
- to cultivate love for the nature of the native land, the perception of its beauty and diversity.
Tasks for working with parents:
- create conditions for joint work of preschool educational institution and families on environmental education of children;
- to interest parents in the relevance of this topic, making them like-minded people in the implementation this project;
- involve parents in direct participation in the joint practical activities with children and participation in events, to agree on the forms of their joint activities, thereby bringing together the interests of children and parents.
Object and subject of pedagogical activity
Object: the process of creating an illustrative book "Draw the EcoWorld".
Subject: the process of forming the artistic and creative abilities of children through the creation of an illustrative book "Draw the EcoWorld".
Project Implementation Principles
- subsequence;
- availability of materials and assignments;
- taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;
- the right to independent activity of the child in the process of project implementation;
- the right to choose participation in the project;
- creative self-expression (verbal, visual, emotional);
- Close interaction with parents of pupils.
Project implementation period September-May 2017-2018 academic year
Project participants Primary school children, teacher, parents
Expected results and social effect of the project implementation:
The project participants - children, teachers, parents - will gain experience in familiarizing themselves with the nature of their native land. The project will promote the development of a careful and sensitive attitude to the world of nature, animals, insects, birds through fine art.
Parents will be active in all activities carried out within the framework of this project, which will cause positive emotions in the child, pride in their family.
The teacher will be able to identify Creative skills children, identify gifted children.
Children will get acquainted with book graphics, with the process of creating illustrations for books, get acquainted with the peculiarities of the nature of their native land.
Sources of financing Attracting sponsorship funds, voluntary donations from parents

Project relevance
To date, the problem of man's relationship to nature is one of the most relevant. Every day, air, water bodies, forests and other ecosystems become more and more polluted, plants and animals disappear, and all these troubles happen due to the wrong attitude of man to nature, and it does not matter whether he does it consciously or not. That is why the education of ecological culture among the younger generation is a very important task for modern society.
It is necessary to begin this education in early childhood. And in this case, perhaps we will be able to instill in schoolchildren an interest in nature, teach her to love and protect. It is necessary that children understand that man is not the main character in nature, but only a part of it. Therefore, he is obliged to comply with the basic laws of nature and by all means try to change his consumer attitude towards it.
A variety of methods can be used to educate children in ecological culture, but in any case, one cannot do without reading books on ecology. The process of acquaintance with ecological culture will be more effective if the children create this book themselves. After all, a book is one of the main sources of information for a child, and when children themselves create a book, the process of studying the ecology of their native land will be very interesting and useful to them. TO positive aspects learning about ecology with the help of books is also something that students in grades 1-4 can already do it on their own.
Parents who do not yet understand why a child of early school age needs books on ecology should know that this period is the most suitable for environmental education. After all, the mentioned age is an important stage in the formation of personality and its value orientations. And this means that the deep perception of the world around us and the attitude towards it is laid precisely in this age period.
In the early school period, the first emotional impressions of nature are formed in the child, ideas about different facts life, it is especially interesting through drawing. All this confirms the fact of the formation of ecological consciousness and culture. However, in order for all this to happen, parents need to pay due attention to the child, and also show by their own example what an environmentally cultured person should be, talk about the problems of humanity, admire nature, and treat even its smallest inhabitants with care.
Thus, the work on observing the nature of the native land in children of primary school age is very relevant, but not effective. Conversations with children showed that children do not know enough about the nature of their native land.
Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for children to get acquainted with the nature of their native land. Such conditions can be created additional education, as children can pay great attention to research work to get acquainted with the nature of their native land. Therefore, the idea arose to create a project to create an illustrated book "Draw the EcoWorld". To create a book, children will need to get acquainted with the nature around them, identify the features of the area being studied and capture it on a sheet of paper. Thus, the process of getting to know the nature of the native land for the child will be very effective and efficient.

The main content of the project
The project is aimed at the formation of environmental awareness and enrichment of the knowledge of primary school children about the nature of their native land, city. The knowledge of children will approach the system. Children will show resilience, cognitive interest to the knowledge of the nature of our region, they will create sketches and sketches of drawings to create a book. Will be able to predict negative impacts person. They will show feelings of pride and admiration for their small Motherland.
The project is integrated. It is closely intertwined with other activities: familiarization with fiction, visual activity, and gaming. All tasks in the project are aimed at developing the ability to transfer knowledge and skills onto a piece of paper. Creative tasks in the project contribute to the actualization of the child's knowledge, skills, and their practical application in interaction with the environment, with the natural world, stimulate the child's need for self-realization, self-expression, creative activity. The project is implemented in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.
The main stages of the project "Drawing the EcoWorld":
Stage I - preparatory (September)
The purpose of the stage: the definition of prospects. Setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research. Preliminary work with children and parents, selection of equipment and materials. Drawing up a perspective - creative plan to familiarize children with the nature of their native land.
Stage II - the main one (October - May).
This is the most important stage - the direct implementation of the project itself, within which work will be carried out in three areas: the work of teachers with children, the work of children and parents, the work of teachers and parents.
The work of a teacher with children includes specially organized activities (conversations, observation, reading fiction, looking at pictures, productive activities, sketches, sketches, etc.), creating conditions for independent activity children.
The work of children and parents is to jointly perform creative tasks, research project activities.
The work of teachers with parents includes consultations for parents, a parent meeting on the topic of the project, the purpose of which will be to explain the relevance and importance of the ongoing work on the environmental education of children, to raise the educational level of parents on this issue, to interest them and make them their allies.
Stage III - final (May).
Purpose: Analysis and summarizing the work. The final stage consists in the creation and release of a full-fledged illustrated book on the nature of the native land.

Plan-schedule of project implementation

September "Draw Eco World"
- Study and analysis of literature on the problem, browsing Internet resources, choosing the best ones for work in this group.
- Systematization of materials of software and methodological support, creation of conditions for the implementation of the project
- Development of a project implementation plan.
- To develop a cycle of classes and conversations of experimental - experimental activities (directions of work, topics). Selection of methodological literature
Project Implementation Plan
Class cycle

September October
"The world around us"
- "Learn to regret and protect."
“The earth is our common home.”
- Plein air outdoors
- Design of the photo exhibition "Nature asks for help."
- « Artistic creativity. Signs of nature.
- Consideration of illustrations "The beauty of the native land." A series of drawings on this topic.
Working with parents.
- Questioning of parents on the topic: "Environmental education of preschoolers"
Acquaintance with the red book
Compilation of ecological fairy tales-drawings.
Photo exhibition
Children's drawings on the theme "The beauty of the native land"

November "Birds"
- Migratory and wintering birds. Conversation "The life of birds in winter."
- Presentation "Birds in winter".
- Walks in the open air
- A cycle of drawings "Wintering Birds".
- Exhibition "Birds in Winter"
- Operation "Gift to the Birds" hanging feeders.
Working with parents.
- Action "Feed the birds in winter"
- Competition for the best feeder.
Conversation Presentation
Drawings of wintering birds
Exhibition of drawings
Making and hanging bird feeders

December "Zimushka - winter"
- Conversation "Winter has come."
-Experiment "Properties of snow"
-Didactic game"Winter in the Forest"
- Artistic creativity. Draw a winter forest.
- Experiments "Transformation of snow", "Hoarfrost".
- Wonders of Winter. cycle of drawings.
-Presentation "Yolochka - mistress of the forest."
Working with parents.
Photo contest "Herringbone beauty" Conversation
experience, experiment
A game
Draw a winter forest.
unconventional drawing
Photo exhibition

January "Our little brothers"
- Conversations "Animals of our region", "Animals in winter".
- Reading fiction literature: D. Zuev "Secrets of the Forest", "Wolves"; G. Skrebitsky "Squirrel", "Hare"; I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Bear family", "Moose"; A. Klykov "Crow Foxes".
- Didactic games: "Name the signs of animals", "Who eats what?", "Who lives where?", "Name the cub?".
- Quiz "Wild animals of our region". Guessing riddles about animals.
- A cycle of drawings "Animals of our region" (we draw with different techniques, waxography, scratching, thread graphics)
- Conversations "Where and how wild animals live", "Animals in winter".
- Experience "How Animals Disguise"
Working with parents: Competition for the best poster, memo-call, billboard about caring for the nature of the native land.
Didactic game
Unconventional drawing. Exhibition of drawings
Competition-exhibition with the participation of parents.

February "Sorceress - Water"
- Conversation "Who lives in the water?"
- D / game "Aquarium". Using the modeling method.
- "Who lives in the water." A cycle of drawings "Underwater world".
-Experiments "Properties of water"
- Conversation "The importance of water in our life."
- Conversation "Save water". Conversation
Didactic game
Children's drawings

March "Spring is red"
- "Spring Journey" Journey game.
- Artistic creativity. Drawing "Spring is red."
- Reading fiction. G. Skrebitsky "Happy bug."
- We draw "Migratory birds".
-Reading fiction literature. And Tolstoy "Magpie".
- Experience "Meeting with a brook", "Rainbow"
Working with parents:
Making crafts from waste material on the theme: “Second life of packaging” Game-journey.
Children's drawings
View illustration of a book.
Children's drawings
View illustration of a book.
Exhibition of crafts Teacher

April "Plants and mushrooms"
- Conversations "Journey to the world of plants", looking at illustrations and talking with children on the encyclopedia "Plants". A series of drawings on this topic.
- Plein airs in nature
- "Plants as a living being", "Medicinal plants of our region"
- Search and cognitive activity: "Can plants breathe?", "Do the roots need air?", "With and without water." Observation of plants in the pool.
- Reading fiction literature: Pavlova's poem " A green dress planets."
- Didactic games: "What is superfluous", "Name the fruit."
- A cycle of drawings "Flowers", "Trees".
-Quiz "The best connoisseur of trees."
Working with parents: Design of the project "My family and nature" Conversation
Summary of the scenario of the event
View illustrations for books
A game
Children's drawings
Project "My family and nature"

May "Insects"
- Conversation "The mysterious world of insects." Insect watching, illustration viewing, walks in the park.
- Drawing: collective work: "Glade", "Insects-cockroaches".
- Conversation "Insects and flowers are created for each other."
-Artistic creativity "We draw insects".
-Reading fiction literature. M.Mikhailov "Forest mansions"
-Book graphics. The process of creating a book. Collection of the illustrated book "Draw the EcoWorld". Conversation
collective drawing
Drawings of insects
View illustrations for books
Illustrated book "Draw EcoWorld"

Project Support Resources
- Informational: children's encyclopedias, books, Internet sites about nature, animals, plants, presentations.
- Organizational: activities and consultations offered by the social partners.
- Material: sponsorship of parents in the publication of the book.
Estimated intermediate products of the project:
The final products of the project are: the creation of an illustrated book "Draw the EcoWorld".
For teachers it is planned to develop guidelines; class notes; joint entertainment scenarios.
For children. Children will show a pronounced interest in objects and natural phenomena. The ability to distinguish wildlife(plants, fungi, animals, humans) and inanimate nature (air, soil, water). An understanding of the inextricable connection between man and nature will be formed by children; A desire will be formed to study objects of nature .. Children will confidently distinguish and name characteristics different seasons. Recognize the plants of their native land, in need of protection and protection, listed in the Red Book; They learn the importance of water and air, soil in the life of all living objects of nature, their properties. Learn to observe objects living and inanimate nature, explain connections and chains in nature, follow the rules of conduct and safety in nature. They will learn to conduct the simplest, studies of objects of nature, they will be usefully engaged in search activities.
For parents.. Environmental education of parents will give a big plus in the environmental education of children. Parents will develop a desire to be an active participant in the child's activities and creativity.

Prospects for further development.
The experience of implementing the project to create an illustrative book "Draw the EcoWorld" is effective and efficient, as it is a continuous pedagogical process which introduces children to native nature, to teach to take care of it, to teach to help nature remain the same. And the use of the project method plays an important role in the development of the cognitive activity of children, in the socialization of the personality of schoolchildren.
I believe that the use of such projects allows not only to form a consciously correct attitude towards nature and ecological culture, but also provides a unique opportunity to create a lively creative atmosphere of activity, stimulate the development of artistic and creative potential, influence the development of the moral qualities of the student, thereby forming an active life position , which in the future will determine the competent attitude of pupils to everything around them. In an accessible, fascinating form, children effortlessly learn a set of environmental knowledge, reinforcing the material covered with a drawing, sketch, sketch.
The theme of events can be expanded and supplemented. The material will be selected in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children, the needs of children and parents.
Parents play a special role in this project. Without parental attention and participation, the project will not be as effective, as parents are examples for their children. We will continue to work in this direction together with children and parents.

Can I choose to educate the younger generation, involve children in project activities? Let's try together to find the answer to the question.

Requirements for environmental projects

At present, such studies are especially relevant, they concern all people living on our planet. Not everyone realizes that each person is responsible for the conservation of wildlife, can make a feasible contribution to solving the problem.

The most active part of the population is therefore so important to choose the right topics for environmental projects for children.

Tasks of environmental education

It aims to create awareness and moral attitude to the natural environment, increasing the environmental awareness of the population.

Environmental project on the topic "Pollution environment» aimed at identifying problematic issues, improvement For example, together with the teacher, children can ennoble the area around kindergarten.

Project variant in OS

What topics of environmental projects can be chosen for schoolchildren? For example, under the guidance of a teacher, children can ennoble the area near their educational institution. How might a project on the topic “Environmental problems through the eyes of schoolchildren” look like?

Goal: making a feasible contribution to improving the environment.

Project tasks: creation of a landscape design project for the area around the school, selection of plants and shrubs, project implementation.

To achieve this goal, the following steps will be taken:

  • selection of plant material;
  • organization of a competition for the development of territory design;
  • creation of material aimed at informing the population about environmental problems;
  • creating brochures in which the guys offer helpful tips caring for planted flowers and shrubs;
  • preparation and holding of subbotniks by schoolchildren, their parents, teachers;
  • Creation documentary film describing the implementation of the project.

What else should such a project include? On the topic "Environmental factors" it is possible to do a separate research work by analyzing the main problems specific to this region.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the project, you can use the following factors:

  • sociological polls;
  • involvement of volunteers in the implementation of planned activities.

The specifics of educational processes

The topics of environmental projects may be different, but they are similar in their meaning. All educational projects assume independent activity of schoolchildren, which allows using knowledge, realizing opportunities and abilities, and providing results publicly.

Topics of environmental projects can be both theoretical and practical. In any case, students receive skills:

  • planning your activities;
  • predicting possible outcomes;
  • comparison of facts;
  • assessment of the environmental situation;
  • analysis of literary sources;
  • public presentation;
  • evaluating yourself and your results;
  • promotion of environmental knowledge.

Structure of an environmental project

Any project on the topic "Environmental education" assumes a certain structure. The title page contains information about the author, educational institution, scientific supervisor. The introduction indicates the reasons for and the need for conducting research within the framework of design work. The volume of this section is 1-2 pages. The obligatory elements of the introduction are the consideration of the relevance of the study, the setting of goals, and the setting of tasks.

Involves an explanation of its importance, giving arguments to support this opinion.

The goal implies short description planned result. Tasks are considered to indicate the actions taken to achieve it. When formulating them, verbs are used. For example, it is permissible to use the following options: “disclose”, “analyze”, “develop”, “identify”, “characterize”, “identify”. The number of tasks is determined by the purpose of the project under consideration.

Review of literature on the topic of the project

The project on the topic "Environmental Disasters" involves a preliminary review of the scientific literature. For example, you can briefly describe the problem, note its scale, draw a conclusion about the timeliness and relevance of its consideration.

An example of a student's work

What should real projects look like? environmental theme: nature, the relationship of man with it - all this can become the goal of the project.

We offer a variant of work dedicated to water. In the introduction, it can be noted that water is the basis of life on our planet.

The human body is mostly made up of water. The process of functioning and activity of individual systems and organs, the work of cells occurs only in a liquid medium. According to the results of an assessment of the quality of drinking water conducted by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, it was found that in last years she became life-threatening. Water does not meet hygienic standards for smell, turbidity, color, content of oil products, manganese, iron.

The quality of drinking water is an urgent and serious problem of our time. Is the water we use for drinking safe? You can find the answer to this question after the completion of the study.

Setting goals and objectives

The purpose of the work is to compare the quantitative content of chlorine anions in tap water, depending on the filter used.

Work tasks:

  • analysis of the features of shungite, silver in the form of filter substances for the purification of tap water from chlorine anions;
  • carrying out experiments on purification of tap water samples from chlorine anions;
  • performing a quantitative determination in tap water samples of the content of chlorine anions;
  • formulation of recommendations taking into account the available results.

Project methods:

  • work with various literary sources;
  • conducting various experiments;
  • quantitative calculation of the content of chlorine anions in tap water samples;
  • statistical processing of the obtained results.

The object of the study are tap water samples taken in different parts of the city.

The subject is a quantitative calculation in samples of chlorine anions.

The main types of drinking water pollutants

Drinking water quality indicators are divided into several groups:

  • organoleptic, which include color, turbidity, smell;
  • microbiological;
  • chemical.

The smell of water is due to volatile substances that enter it with sewage. Turbidity is caused by a variety of finely dispersed impurities. The taste of drinking water can give organic matter plant origin, dissolved in water. When analyzing the quality of natural water, it is necessary to use the following characteristics: the amount of calcium bicarbonate, oxidizability, alkalinity, permanent and temporary hardness.


Environmental education is an important issue that deserves serious attention and consideration. Need to explain the importance environmental education the rising generation. The teacher should explain to his pupils the need for competent housekeeping. The goal and objectives of the project are to study the features, for example, of a separate site within the ecosystem, as well as to identify the relationship between its components, compiling simple, understandable household plots, highlighting recommendations for proper care behind the plot.

For example, if a home garden ecosystem study is chosen as a project, it is important to analyze the vegetation that may be present on it.

In addition to cultivated plants, weeds may be present on the site. Their composition depends on the actions that are taken to combat them, as well as on the fertilizers applied to the soil. The guys involved in such a project can think over the option of organizing on the site. It allows the use of perennial flowers that differ in the flowering period, which will simplify care and make it possible to enjoy the beauty of flowers throughout the summer period.

Education in the younger generation of a responsible, careful attitude to nature is one of the most important problems of our time. From an early age, it is important to develop in the younger generation a sense of observation, responsibility for the state of nature.

While studying in an educational institution, the child develops positive feelings for inanimate and living nature. When communicating with the plant and animal world, the child creates a positive attitude towards objects and phenomena, a desire to comprehend this wonderful world, to discover the value and diversity of nature, the need for its study and knowledge. For example, if a child chooses insects as an object of study, he has the opportunity to form ideas about their world for himself, to show concern for the conservation of nature.

Among the tasks of the project are:

  • expansion and systematization of children's ideas about ants, butterflies, beetles, bees, their specific features;
  • development of skills to form conclusions, to establish causal relationships between individual objects;
  • education in children of respect for natural objects.

The teacher, who carries out the ecological education of schoolchildren, invites his pupils to observe insects on walks, conduct conversations about the dangers and benefits of insects, their species diversity, invites children role-playing games, poems and proverbs for memorization.

Considered I approve

At the meeting, the Director of the SS (K) OSH of the VIII type

Coordinating Council

2015 2015

"Young Ecologists"

Project developer:

Surgut 2015 - 1016

Ecological practice-oriented project

"Young Ecologists"

Project: long-term, group, practice-oriented (1 year).

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. On present stage questions of its traditional interaction with a person have grown into a global environmental problem.

The end of the 20th century is characterized by a powerful breakthrough in the development of scientific and technological progress, the growth of social contradictions, a sharp demographic explosion, and the deterioration of the human environment natural environment.

Indeed, our planet has never before been subjected to such physical overloads as it is experiencing at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries. Man has never before taken so much tribute from nature and has never been so vulnerable to the power that he himself created.
If people in the near future do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy themselves.

The recent clash of humanity with environmental issues requires immediate action to optimize the relationship between human society and the natural environment. In the light of the transition to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, the task arises not only to ensure a high level of ecological knowledge of the population, but also to radically change the way of thinking from consumer to ecological. And for this it is necessary to cultivate an ecological culture and responsibility. And it is necessary to start environmental education from primary school age, since at this time the acquired knowledge can later be transformed into strong convictions. In our opinion, environmental education is the most important thing in our time. Of course, the formation of an ecological personality without mastering the material of natural science disciplines by a child is impossible.

After analyzing the Model Education Program correctional schools VIII type, edited by V. Voronkova (2000), we came to the conclusion that, in our opinion, the issue of organizing the system of environmental education is not sufficiently covered.

The environmentally oriented direction can be singled out separately, and at the same time it is integrated into each area of ​​educational work, as it has a huge impact on the intellectual, creative and moral education children with handicapped health.

We believe that junior schoolchildren Correctional schools need to form an ecological culture, however, insufficient attention is paid to this aspect of education. As a result of observations, excursions, walks, as well as observations show that the ecological self-consciousness of children in the younger school age insufficiently formed, the consumer attitude to nature prevails to a greater extent; children hardly distinguish themselves from the environment, overcoming in their worldview the distance from "I am nature" to "I and nature". While given age sensitive in relation to the orientation and interest of children in nature, we believe that the problem of environmental education of students is relevant, organic. We see a solution to this problem in extracurricular activities.

Searches are being made for ways, forms, to achieve the set goal and objectives: complexity, attraction of funds, therefore, it seems that the solution of problems is to involve new technologies: computer technologies that increase the efficiency of the educational process. It is noted that the most effective method implementation of the tasks of environmental education and increasing the efficiency of the educational process is the organization of project activities, the personal involvement of children and parents in eventful life, the use of information and computer technologies, which is especially important in educating children with disabilities. Participation in environmental actions, subbotniks, work on environmental projects is a unique opportunity for children and parents to express themselves, improve their environmental culture, and benefit the environment.

Therefore, based on the above problems, we have formed the purpose of this project and its objectives.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions that enable children to carry out the process of knowing the world through an activity approach.

Project objectives:

    study literature;

    develop a system of measures for environmental education;

    to carry out a series of activities of the ecological cycle "Young Ecologists" and evaluate its effectiveness;

    to form students' knowledge about the need to protect the environment through reading educational literature, watching films, observations, conversations, excursions;

    to develop the information and practical skills of children in the preparation of essays, the design of wall newspapers, the selection of proverbs, sayings, poems on environmental topics together with their parents;

    to develop mutual understanding and mutual assistance between children, teachers, parents through joint activities.

    to educate in children an attentive, conscious, careful attitude to the environment

Expected results of the project for the teacher:

    Systematized material on environmental topics;

    Decorated methodological developments activities for environmental education;

    Monitoring of project implementation efficiency has been developed;

Expected results of the project for children:

    Children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through different kinds activities;

    A consciously correct attitude to objects and phenomena of nature has been formed;

    The foundations of the ecological culture of children have been formed;

    Mutual understanding and mutual assistance between children, parents, teachers are developing;

    Children learn to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions.

Monitoring the effectiveness of project implementation

Target: determine the level of environmentally correct attitude to the natural world.

Instructions for conducting: The teacher asks you to answer the following questions

    What does the word "ecology" mean?

    Why do you like to visit the forest, park, square?

    What are the benefits of the forest?

    Is it possible to litter in the forest?

    Why do forest fires occur?

    What are the benefits of birds?

    Name the rules of behavior in nature.

    Why should flowers be protected?

    How can we help our nature?

    Do you want to take part in an environmental campaign?

Performance evaluation:

High level:

    Answers the question in full sentences;

    Assimilated and observes the norms of behavior in the natural environment, in practical activities and everyday life;

    Easily expresses his attitude to the problem;

Average level:

    Answers the question posed;

    Understands the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature;

    Basically, he has learned and observes the norms of behavior in the natural environment, in practical activities and in everyday life;

    Can express his attitude to the problem;

Low level:

    The child finds it difficult to answer the question;

    Does not understand the need for careful and caring attitude to nature;

    Has not mastered and does not comply with the norms of behavior in the natural environment;

    Finds it difficult to express his attitude to the problem.

Project participants:

    GPA educators

    Children attending GPA


    Teacher organizer

The project is aimed at elementary school students of correctional schools of the VIII type.

Ecological education is the formation of ecological culture of the population. Pupils who have received certain ecological ideas will be more careful about nature. In the future, this may affect the improvement of the environmental situation in the country.

The project starts with a problem statement. Much attention is paid to search and problem methods.

Educational classes are being held. Theoretical knowledge is reinforced by productive activities (drawing, appliqué, manual labor, etc.) and then implemented in independent activities and in Everyday life outside of school. Much attention is paid to gaming activities, which include mobile, didactic, travel games.

Importance in the implementation of the project is the interaction of students with parents. Children share with parents using information Technology, select the necessary information, conduct experiments, engage in joint activities, after which all the results are drawn up in the form of newspapers, books, albums, exhibitions.

To achieve the goals set, during the project, information and computer technologies, an activity approach, cooperation between children, teachers, parents through practical joint activities, the formation of life competencies: communicative, labor, social are used. Picked up

work forms:

    observations and excursions

    creation of abstracts;

    watching educational videos;

    cognitive reading;

    contests and quizzes, KVN;

    productive activity, protection of posters;

    laboratory (experiments and experiments);

    issue of an environmental newspaper,

    week “Magical ecology of the soul”;

    ecological, mobile, didactic, simulation games, travel games.

    eco-educational holidays and entertainment.

After the implementation of the project, the results are presented in the form children's holiday with initiation into young ecologists with the award of an honorary badge (emblem "Young ecologist").

    environmental anxiety

    Environmental signs

    Ecological newspaper

    Final event


work creative team for the development

environmental project

"Young Defenders of Nature".


Forms of work



Estimated result

Identification of the needs of teachers in addressing this problem.

Substantiation of the significance and relevance of the problem

Problem talk.


Problems identified.

Formation of positive motives and desire to deal with the problem.

Definition of goals and objectives of the activity.

Approval of the work plan of the creative group.

Creative team meeting.


Creative team plan.

Theoretical training of the creative group.

Study and analysis of literature on this issue. Study and analysis of the work experience of preschool educational institutions in various cities.

Round table.


Studied work experience.

Practical work members of the creative team.

1. Development of relevance, goals and objectives of the project.

2. Development of an approximate list of activities with students and parents.

Selection and systematization of material on ecology

Project implementation.

Registration of the project passport.



Individual work of teachers.

Plan work.

Work with documents.



October November

November - April


The relevance of the project is described, the goals and objectives, project participants, the expected result are defined.

The formulated name of the project. A plan for the preparation of events has been developed, the deadlines for implementation have been determined, and responsible persons have been appointed.

A collection of methodological and didactic materials on the environmental theme has been drawn up.

Activities were carried out: excursions, games, observations, newspaper publication, work.

A passport with methodological applications was issued.

Job analysis

Preparation of multimedia presentations, articles.

Creative team meeting.


Project presentations, abstracts.

Plan-map of actions for the implementation of the project for children in grades 1-2.

Promotion: « I wonder what is under our feet? (november)

Target: teaching children the basics of maintaining cleanliness in various places: at home, at school, in nature.

the date of the


Estimated result

polluted area

cognitive activity"Through the pages of the Red Book"

Observation of the environmental situation in the school area. Conversation. Discussion.

Making the sign "Do not litter"

Children have information about unfavorable environmental conditions. The sign "Do not litter" was made

The game is a journey. Excursion to the park.

Observation of the ecological situation in the park. Distribution of signs "Do not litter" in the school area.

Making photos "And in our yard."

Installed warning signs. Photos for registration of the ecological newspaper.

Labor landing.

Cleaning of garbage in the school area (cans, glass, paper).

Clean school area.

Newspaper "And in our yard"

Photo design - newspaper "And in our yard"

Protection Photo - newspaper "And in our yard."

Educational film.

Watching an educational film. Discussion.

Children have information.


« Christmas tree-beauty "(December).

Target: learning to communicate with nature, caring for fir trees.

Statement of the problem (“Environmental anxiety”)

the date of the


Joint activities of the teacher with children

Joint activities of children with parents

Estimated result

Cutting down fir trees New Year's holiday.

Cognitive lesson "Journey along the forest path"

Reading poems, stories, guessing riddles.

Making a sign "Do not cut spruce."

Children have information. The sign "Do not cut spruce" was made.

Drawing "Decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday"

Selection of material for the design of the wall newspaper "Let's save the Christmas tree."

Exhibition of finished drawings Availability of material for the design of a wall newspaper.


Excursion to the park Energetikov.

Spruce observation. Cover the Christmas tree with snow. Installation of the sign "Do not cut spruce."

Installed warning signs.


Issue of a wall newspaper.

Design of the wall newspaper "Let's Save the Christmas Tree" (proverbs, sayings, riddles, drawings).

Wall newspaper protection.


Didactic game "Pick the fruits to the tree."

Children have information.


"Bird Menu" (January).

Target: cultivate a sensitive attitude towards birds, a desire to help them in winter.

Statement of the problem (“Environmental anxiety”)

the date of the


Joint activities of the teacher with children

Joint activities of children with parents

Estimated result

Birds don't have food.

Cognitive lesson "Our feathered friends."

Riddles, contests, games.

Prepare an essay "Wintering Birds".

Children have information. Essay on the topic "Wintering Birds".

Coloring page "Wintering birds"»

Make a bird feeder.


Bird watching tour.

Hanging feeders in the school area. Outdoor games "Sparrow", "Geese swans".

Pick up poems, crossword puzzles, riddles about wintering birds.

Children have information. Hanging feeders in the school area.

Issue of the newspaper of an ecological orientation.

Placement of feed in feeders. The design of the newspaper "Feed the birds in winter."

Protection of the newspaper of an ecological orientation.

Didactic game "Bird mosaic".

Children have information.


"A drop of water" (February-March).

Target: Formation of ideas about the importance of water in our lives, teaching respect for it.

Statement of the problem (“Environmental anxiety”)

the date of the


Joint activities of the teacher with children

Joint activities of children with parents

Estimated result

Water is in danger.

Cognitive lesson "Journey of a drop of water"

Experience in studying the properties of water.

Selection of material about water (poems, stories, proverbs, riddles).

Children have information.

Drawing "The world in a drop of water."

Arranging an exhibition of drawings.

Production of the emblem "Young ecologist".

Exhibition of drawings.

Watching an educational film.

Discussing what was viewed (a conversation about polluted natural resources)

Children have information.

Excursion - conversation "Who needs water"

Observations. Discussion.

Compilation of a folding book "Water and Life"

The final result of the project for children in grades 1-2 and parents is entertainment (April).

Initiation into young environmentalists with the award of an honorary badge (emblem "Young Ecologist").


    Stepanova T. Project activity in the system of work primary school. Teacher, 2004.

    Organization of project activities at school: a system of work. S.G. Shcherbakova and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

    Sergeev I.S. How to organize the project activities of students: A practical guide for employees of educational institutions. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional – M.: ARKTI, 2006.

    Derekleeva N.I. Research work at school. M.: Verbum-M, 2001.

    Bianchi V. Forest incidents. "Dragonfly" 2000.

    Bianchi V. Sinichkin calendar. "Dragonfly" 2000.

    Sakharnov S. Stories about animals. Moscow 2005.

8. Novikova T. Design technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. public education, 2000, №7.

The project "The purity of nature begins with me" was developed on the basis of the Environmental Education Program in Private Educational Institutions of Russian Railways. As a result of environmental work on this Project, the Program was drawn up: "The purity of nature begins with me" and the work of the school environmental association "Rodnik" was organized with students in grades 5-11.

The relevance of the project.

Man is an element of an ecological system called the biosphere. All vital resources - air, food, water and a significant part of energy and building resources - it receives from the biosphere. In the ecological system, a person dumps waste - household and industrial. For a long time this type of human activity did not upset the balance of the biosphere. However, in the last two centuries, expanding industrial activity, humanity has actively invaded the living world of the Earth.

Man affects the biosphere locally - in hundreds of millions of places, pollutants are emitted into rivers and air, the fertile soil layer is demolished, forests are cut down, habitats of plants and animals are destroyed. However, the biosphere one system, covered by the cycles of substances, and millions of local impacts at first glance are not dangerous, such as, for example, the use of freon sprays, chemical detergents, waste incineration in production and everyday life, merging and reinforcing each other, cause global changes in all components of the biosphere . Rivers flow into the seas and oceans and bring there pollution dumped by industry and agriculture all along the waterways. Deforestation and soil degradation lead to climate change, the loss of soil fertility and the destruction of natural ecosystems throughout the planet. Pollution released into the air at one point immediately spreads over thousands of kilometers.

How fast atmospheric transports take place, we know from personal experience. In our region in the city of Bratsk, there are enterprises "Bratsk Timber Processing Complex" - BLPK, "Bratsk Aluminum Plant" - BRAZ, which periodically emit waste into the atmosphere. Emissions, within an hour, easily overcoming tens of kilometers of treeless territories, descend in a poisonous haze into the "bowl" of our small town Vikhorevka. For a day, or even more in calm weather, depriving residents of breathing freely.

The situation is aggravated by the barbaric attitude of the inhabitants to the nature of their area: in pursuit of a better life, saving money, people violate the laws of the Russian Federation and city regulations. It is terrible that the younger generation becomes a witness, and sometimes an accomplice of these actions. Not legal logging forests in adjacent forest areas, spontaneous dumps in forest, country and even urban areas near organized waste sites. Incineration of MSW (solid household waste) in barrels, cluttered streets, recreation areas on the rivers and the Bratsk reservoir testify to the indifference and low culture of environmental education of some residents.

The deteriorating ecological situation causes great anxiety and concern for all mankind and for us in particular. An educational institution can play an important role in improving the environmental situation, the students of which can actively participate in environmental activities, study the state of the environment, and organize environmental monitoring. Increasing the ecological culture and literacy of residents and the entire population is one of the ways out of the current environmental crisis.
School ecological upbringing and education has the possibility of purposeful, coordinated and systematic transfer of knowledge.

To teach children to understand and love nature means to educate them as moral people, for whom labor and production activity will be associated with responsibility for it. environmental impact. The formation of ecological consciousness, respect for all living things is one of the most urgent tasks modern education, and our project proposes to solve it by involving children and adolescents in practical environmental activities.

The project is aimed at the child's understanding of himself as a particle of the surrounding world, awareness of civic responsibility for his actions, understanding the value of human life as the greatest gift of nature. The project is aimed at making a person want to make his house, plot, yard, street, city clean, well-groomed and, if possible, environmentally friendly, so that a person is convinced that he and his family deserve a clean, beautiful and healthy life.

Thus the project « The purity of nature starts with me » relevant for our time and our city.

Recently there has been problem: how to make environmental work, including research and exploration, more interesting and attractive to modern teenager. Therefore, the use of modern equipment and computer technologies in this direction becomes relevant.

Today, schools do not teach a separate subject of ecology, the knowledge system is formed in the lessons of biology, chemistry, physics and geography and in extracurricular activities. The lack of modern training equipment for the environmental field workshop does not allow monitoring on the ground. In our association "Rodnik" there is no color copier - printer, digital camera - video camera and a comprehensive environmental laboratory for field work. All this creates difficulties in field work on ecology.

It is important to form not only knowledge, but also ecological practical skills of the modern generation. Recently, the profession of "ecologist" is becoming more and more in demand and necessary in modern society.

Objective of the project: Environmental education and the formation of an ecological culture of behavior of students on the basis of labor, spiritual and moral development of the individual through the joint activities of students, teachers and residents of the city.

Project objectives:

  • To form an active civic position in the younger generation.
  • To promote moral-ecological, aesthetic and labor education.
  • Study of the environmental situation in the world in the country and our city.
  • Coordination of the practical activities of children in the study and assessment of the state of the environment on the example of our city and nearby surroundings.
  • Raising a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the environment.
  • Development of initiative and creativity of students through the organization of socially significant activities.
  • Disseminate environmental knowledge not only among the pupils of the boarding school, but also among the local population, using various activities and forms of work.
  • Growing seedlings and landscaping the school grounds.
  • To identify gifted children who are prone to research work, to provide them with opportunities to realize their abilities.

Project participants:

  • Students, parents, teaching staff and school administration;
  • Employees of the school and Russian Railways;
  • Employees of the House of Culture
  • Employees of the Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Employees of the Ecological and Biological Center of Bratsk
  • Employees of the water intake of the city of Vikhorevka;
  • Employees of treatment plants in Vikhorevka and Bratsk
  • Forestry workers of the city and district;
  • Employees of the "Bratsk timber processing complex" BLPC, "Bratsk aluminum plant" - BrAZ JSC "RUSAL BRATSK"
  • Employees of the House of the Fisherman;
  • Residents of the city of Vikhorevka and the Bratsk district.

Project implementation mechanism.

  • Collection of information on the topic of the project.
  • Search for partners for the joint implementation of the project.
  • Development of directions of the action plan with institutions and organizations of the city, involving them in the work on environmental education.
  • Search for addresses of positive experience on the topic of project activities.
  • Development of a project management model.
  • Preparation methodological material for consultations, activities within the framework of the project.
  • Program development.
  • Conducting research in accordance with the program.
  • General work (The project is implemented through planned activities by topic.)
  • Conducting ecological landings on the territory of the school, city and spring.
  • Conducting master classes on indoor and decorative floriculture.
  • Growing seedlings, landscaping the school grounds.
  • Preparing students for participation in the Baikal International School and All-Russian Olympiads on ecology.
  • Preparation of analytical material based on the results of the research work.
  • Presentation of final results

Terms of project implementation

There are the following conditions for the implementation of this project:

  • schoolwide plan of educational workBoarding school №25
  • The program of environmental education and upbringing of students "The purity of nature begins with me" has been developed and is being implemented;
  • Designed and implemented working programm elective course: "Fundamentals of Ecological Culture" Grade 10 based on the author's program "Fundamentals of Ecological Culture" for grades 10-11 L.N. Kharchenko, Bustard 2012
  • Regulations on the "Environmental squad" dated September 15, 2014 of JSC "Russian Railways"
  • The work of the environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research students of grade 11 winners of the IV Summer Interregional round of the conference All-Russian competition youth research work. IN AND. Vernadsky: “By raising the level of ecological culture, we are solving the problem of municipal solid waste in the city of Vikhorevka.”

Performance Tracking Mechanism carried out:

By comparing the activity of students during the year. Knowledge testing is carried out in the form of games, quizzes, contests;

  • through observations;
  • by means of a survey;
  • interest in research work;
  • activity in the activities of the environmental team "Rodnik";
  • demand for consultations and elective courses in ecology and biology.

Principles of organization of ecological upbringing and education:

  • The principle of the integrity of the environment, which forms in students an understanding of the unity of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of interdisciplinary connections, revealing the unity and interconnection of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of continuity, which makes it possible to use each age period.
  • The principle of interconnection of regional and global approaches, which contributes to the involvement of students in practical activities.
  • The principle of orientation, contributing to the development of harmonious relations with the environment.

The project is being implemented in the main areas:

  • Organization of activities of the school environmental association "Rodnik"
  • Research work in the following areas:
    • climate and people
    • Chemistry and environment
    • Field ecology
    • Forest monitoring
    • Environment and man
    • Comprehensive monitoring of natural and anthropogenic systems
  • Environmental education activities:
    • Conducting environmental lessons, class hours, events at school (exhibitions, competitions).
    • Organization and holding of city actions
    • Creation of: information boards, newspapers, booklets
    • Development and implementation of school environmental projects.
  • Ecological and practical activities:
    • Landscaping of the school and city
    • Ecological landing
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Excursions to enterprises
    • Bird care.
  • Organization of work on the formation healthy lifestyle life
    • School tourist rally
    • Themed class hours.

The project is implemented through various forms of activity:

  • Conversations and observations.
  • Quizzes of ecological and biological content.
  • Competitions of drawings, posters, presentations, booklets.
  • Competitions of poems, compositions, stories, fairy tales on an ecological theme.
  • Exhibitions of handicrafts from waste material, feeders, gifts of autumn.
  • Thematic days: Earth Day (April 22), Environment Day (June 5), World Animal Day (October 4), World Water Day (March 22), Bird Day (April 1), etc.
  • Issue of ecological leaflets, newspapers, booklets.
  • Acquaintance with video materials about the life of plants and animals.
  • Ecological tournaments, KVN, brain-rings, intellectual games of ecological and biological content.
  • Visiting the ecological and hydrometeorological centers Bratsk.
  • Ecological trips to study flora, fauna, natural features the edges, ecological state reservoirs, their banks, coastal vegetation.
  • Operation Spring
    • The study of the ecological situation in the city and the search for ways to improve the environmental situation.
    • Excursions to the enterprises of Bratsk and Vikhorevka in order to study the impact of human activity on nature.
    • Cooperation on the improvement of the city with the city administration.
    • Landscaping and improvement of the school and the city.

Social partners:

In order to implement the project and successfully implement the project of boarding school No. 25, Vikhorevka will continue to work closely with the following organizations:

  • Bratsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
  • Children's Ecological Center in Bratsk;
  • With the Baikal International School in Tankhoy;
  • Administration of the Vikhorevsky urban settlement;
  • general education schools;
  • Industrial enterprises BLPK, BrAZ OJSC RUSAL BRATSK, Bratsk.
  • With organizations housing and communal services in Vikhorevka: treatment, water intake;
  • City radio center;
  • Media and school website;
  • Educational institutions: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bratsky State University» (Project Factory)

Information support includes:

  • library resources
  • Internet resources,
  • information resources of the environmental center, Bratsk center for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring
  • company tours
  • meetings with employees of enterprises, housing and communal services, residents of the city.

Technical equipment:

  • Cabinet
  • Black and white printer - xerox
  • Computer
  • TV plasma
    Internet connection.

Project implementation timeline: 2016-2017

Results of the project implementation:

As a result of the implementation of the “Cleanliness Starts with Me” project, a comprehensive targeted program for environmental education of the younger generation was created, which will allow:

  • Keep the ecological direction as one of the directions in educational work schools and improve the level of environmental culture of students, school staff and residents of our city.
  • Solve the tasks of state policy in the field of environmental education of youth.
  • Raise the level of ecological culture.
  • Develop creative and organizational skills.
  • To increase the interest of students in the study of ecology, district, city, country, through a system of creative, practical participation in planned environmental events, promotions:
    • Improvement of the forest spring
    • Growing seedlings
    • Landscaping of the school territory, etc.
  • To form a consciousness of personal responsibility and active citizenship in the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
  • To increase the efficiency of the environmental team "Rodnik" through the use of innovative forms and practical methods for solving educational problems.
  • To increase the cognitive activity of students through the introduction of scientific research and practical activities into the educational process.
  • To provide an increase in motivation to study not only ecology, but also subjects of the natural science cycle.
  • To form the social experience of the student, which will allow him to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard and new situations.


  • Bianchi V.V. Forest newspaper. L .: Children's literature, 1983.
  • Red Book of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk: "Wandering Time", 2010 - 453s
  • Kriksunov E.A., Pasechnik V.V. Ecology. 10 (11) class: Proc. for general education Educational institutions. M.: Bustard, 2001
  • Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and ecological education of schoolchildren in grades 5-11. Moscow: "5 for knowledge", 2007. - 204p.
  • Scientific and methodical journal " Classroom teacher". No. 3.-Moscow 2008
  • Guide to the determinant of water quality indicators by the field method. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2004
  • Photo determinant. Rare species plants of the Southern Baikal region. Ulan-Ude, 2011 -72s.
  • Ecological workshop. Muravyov A.G. St. Petersburg 2003
  • Ecological dictionary. Litvinov N.I. Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy 2003
  • Funds of the ecological and hydrometeorological center of Bratsk.
  • Internet resources containing:
    • Decrees: of the President of the Russian Federation "On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development" (1996), "On the concept of the transition of the Russian Federation to sustainable development" (1996);
    • Ecological Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2002);
    • Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" (10.01.2002);
    • Strategies national security Russian Federation (2009);
    • Concepts of General Environmental Education for Sustainable Development (2010);
    • Educational portal ( in open access for wide discussion.

Poster report. Practical project: "We believe the village will be clean!"

ecological club of friends wildlife WWF "Researcher", MAOU Molchanovskaya secondary school No. 1, Tomsk region.
Project Manager: Perkovskaya Olga Vladimirovna, head of the center for environmental education and upbringing at school.

Description of the material.
The material of the poster presentation can be used by environmental associations, volunteer groups, teachers-organizers and everyone who is interested in the cleanliness of their settlements.
Target: improvement of the ecological state of the village of Molchanova.
1. On September 15, take part in the World Action "We will do it!" and clear the shoreline of the Ob River from debris.
2. On June 5, Ecologist's Day, remove garbage from the roadside along the highway.
environmental issue, on the solution of which the project participants worked:
street debris pollution, coastline the Ob River and the recreational area in the village of Molchanovo.

Main results of the project
On September 15, ecologists of the MAOU "Molchanovskaya secondary school No. 1" organized the action "We will do it!" and students of the 7th, 8th grades, together with their parents and teachers, went to the bank of the Ob to clean it from debris. 31 people. Area cleared of debris: 150 meters (Photo 1 and 2).
On June 5, on Ecologist's Day, the sides of the road were cleared on an area of ​​900 meters along the highway. Collected 41 bags of garbage (photos 3 and 4).
On the Day of Environmental Protection, the guys from the military camp cleaned up the garbage along the road and near Lake Tokovoe about 1400 meters. Collected 50 bags of garbage. The children from the labor camp of the first school collected
56 bags of leaves and trash (photo 5).
The project partners are:
1. Administration of Molchanovsky rural settlement provided a garbage disposal vehicle to the venues.
2.Working group under the Department natural resources and environmental protection of the Tomsk region for the action on June 5 approved the composition of the participants and the territory for cleaning up the village from garbage.
3. The administration of the MAOU "Molchanovskaya secondary school No. 1" provided a bus for transporting participants to the places of actions.
4. School No. 1 labor camp.
5. Representatives of summer recreation camps of school No. 1 and school No. 2.
6. Military camp for boys of the district. They were at a military training camp in the MAOU "Molchanovskaya secondary school No. 1".