Insulating mixture for solid waste landfills, method of its production and method of disposal of solid waste. Material for intermediate insulation of compacted layers of solid waste at a landfill Calculation of the insulating layer of solid waste soil

We calculate the required amount of insulating material taking into account the increase in the insulation soil coefficient (k), which is equal to 1.25 according to the truncated prism scheme.

The need for insulating material is determined (by formula 2.8):

where: k - coefficient of increase in soil insulation;

Thus, the real volume of solid waste is determined from the relationship (formula 2.9):

The total area of ​​the storage area is 34 hectares and is divided into two stages of operation and the area of ​​each stage is 17 hectares

You need 2 roads 3m wide. In each line, 7 working layers of solid waste and soil are laid (2 m of solid waste and 0.25 m of soil). The total height of waste storage is 15*2+14*0.25=33.5(m).

To reclaim the landfill, the height of the burial mound is increased by an additional 1.5 m. Thus, the total height of the mound, taking into account the insulating layer of the landfill dome, laying the soil-vegetative layer and planting trees, is: 33.5 + 1.5 = 35 m.

Selection of working cards for waste storage

Designing a waste deposition site is the most important task that a designer has to solve when developing working documentation for a landfill. This is due to the fact that the overall stability of the landfill as a whole as an artificial structure corresponding to a certain class of responsibility depends on the adopted technical solution, and is also associated with guaranteed environmental safety for the population and environment area of ​​future construction.

Waste is buried separately in special cards (bowls) located at the deposit site. Deposition bowls are the most critical structure of the landfill and represent a pit with an insulating screen to reliably protect the environment from stored waste. The sizes of bowls and their number are not standardized and depend on the amount of incoming waste and the estimated service life of the landfill. It is recommended to arrange the cards in an elongated shape in order to reduce the exposed surface of waste during disposal. Disposal of different types of waste in one dump is allowed if, when buried together, they do not form more toxic, explosive and fire-hazardous substances and if gas formation does not occur. The sizes of waste disposal cards are not regulated.

The bottom of the pits must be horizontal and have a slight slope to drain the filtrate formed in the bowls from stored waste and atmospheric precipitation, outside the landfill to treatment facilities.

In burial bowls, waste is stored layer by layer with a total working layer height of 2 m and systematically leveled in layers 0.25-0.5 m thick and compacted with 2-4 passes of a compactor roller to a total working layer height of 2 m.

Each working layer of waste is covered with an intermediate insulating layer 0.25 m high. For insulating layers, clay soils with a moisture content of up to 30-50% can be used, construction garbage, slag, industrial waste (waste from the production of lime, chalk, soda, gypsum, graphite, asbestos cement, slate, etc.).

The soil obtained as a result of the development of the bowls is subsequently used to isolate layers of waste. Therefore, at waste storage sites it is necessary to provide areas for soil reserve.

The daily rate of solid waste intake according to the condition is = 500 m 3 /day. Solid waste is delivered by container ships with a volume of 12 m3. Each container ship requires an area of ​​50 m2 for unloading. The landfill operates in one shift. The volume of solid waste that is unloaded over one hour during single-shift operation will be:

t/hour (2.10)

Let us determine the required number of container ships using formula 2.11.

Registration No. 2826

2.1.7. Soil, cleaning of populated areas, production and consumption waste, soil sanitary protection

Sanitary rules SP
"Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of landfills for solid household waste"
(approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2001 N 16)

1 area of ​​use

1.1. These sanitary rules were developed on the basis of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650), Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000, N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000 , N 31, Art. 3295), and establish hygienic requirements for the design, maintenance and operation of landfills for solid waste.

1.2. The requirements of these rules are mandatory for compliance by citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, whose activities are related to the design and operation of landfills for solid waste.

1.3. State sanitary and epidemiological control over compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with current legislation.

2. General provisions

2.1. Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are special structures designed to isolate and neutralize solid waste and must guarantee the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population. At landfills, the static stability of solid waste is ensured, taking into account the dynamics of compaction, mineralization, gas release, maximum load per unit area, and the possibility of subsequent rational use of the site after the closure of the landfills. Test sites can be organized for any size settlements. It is recommended to create centralized testing sites for groups of settlements.

2.2. The selected site for the construction of a landfill must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate confirming its compliance with sanitary rules.

2.3. The organization operating the landfill develops regulations and mode of operation of the landfill, instructions for the reception of household waste, taking into account the requirements of industrial sanitation for those working at the landfill, ensures control over the composition of incoming waste, maintains round-the-clock records of incoming waste, and controls the distribution of waste in the operating part of the landfill , a technological cycle for waste isolation is provided.

2.4. Solid household waste landfills accept waste from residential buildings, public buildings and institutions, trade and catering establishments, street waste, garden waste, construction waste and some types of solid waste. industrial waste 3 - 4 hazard classes, as well as non-hazardous waste, the class of which is established experimental methods. The list of such waste is agreed upon with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the territory (hereinafter referred to as the territorial TsGSEN).

2.5. The neutralization of solid, liquid and paste-like waste containing radioactivity is carried out at special sites organized in accordance with the basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety.

2.6. The burial and neutralization of solid, pasty waste from industrial enterprises (hazard class 1 - 2), which contains toxic substances, heavy metals, as well as flammable and explosive waste, must be carried out at landfills organized in accordance with sanitary rules on the procedure for accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste.

2.7. Reception of corpses of dead animals and confiscated goods from slaughterhouses of meat processing plants into solid waste landfills is not permitted.

2.8. Municipal solid waste landfills accept solid waste health care institutions (HCI) in accordance with the rules for the collection, storage and disposal of waste from health care institutions.

2.9. The collection of recyclable materials directly from garbage trucks is not permitted at landfills. Sorting and selective collection of waste is permitted subject to sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2.10. The territorial TsGSEN carries out sanitary supervision over the construction and operation of landfills in accordance with annual work schedules, guided by these rules, as well as the hygienic standards (MPC) approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for chemical substances in the soil and estimated indicators of the sanitary condition of the soil; gives an opinion on the use of the territory of the former landfill.

3. Hygienic requirements for the placement of solid waste landfills

3.1. When choosing a site for constructing a solid waste landfill, one should take into account the climatic, geographical and soil features, geological and hydrological conditions of the area. It is not allowed to place landfills on the territory of sanitary protection zones of water sources and mineral springs; in all resort security zones; in places where fractured rocks come to the surface; in places of pinching out of aquifers, as well as in places of public recreation and health institutions.

3.2. The size of the sanitary protection zone from residential buildings to the boundaries of the landfill is 500 m. In addition, the size of the sanitary protection zone can be specified when calculating gaseous emissions into the atmosphere. The boundaries of the zone are established along the isoline 1 of the maximum permissible concentration, if it goes beyond the normative zone. The sanitary protection zone is reduced in accordance with the established procedure. A sanitary inspection, geological and hydrological surveys are being carried out at the site planned for the location of a landfill for household waste. Promising places are where clays or heavy loams are found, and groundwater is at a depth of more than 2 m. Swamps with a depth of more than 1 m and areas with groundwater outlets in the form of springs are not used for landfills. It is advisable to select sites for landfills taking into account the presence of green spaces and earth embankments in the sanitary protection zone.

3.3. The site for the construction of a solid waste landfill must be allocated in accordance with the approved master plan or project for the planning and development of the city and its suburban area. It is advisable to place a landfill for solid household waste on a flat area that excludes the possibility of flushing precipitation part of the waste and its contamination of adjacent land areas and open water bodies near populated areas. Recusal allowed land plot for solid waste landfills on the territory of ravines, starting from its upper reaches, which allows for the collection and removal of melt and storm water by constructing intercepting mountain canals to drain this water into open reservoirs.

3.4. A sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance with the hygienic requirements of the selected site for the construction of solid waste landfills is issued by the territorial Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

3.5. The landfill consists of two interconnected territorial parts: the territory occupied for the storage of solid waste, and the territory for the placement of household facilities.

3.6. The construction of solid waste landfills must be carried out in accordance with the established procedure for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste.

3.7. A pit will be constructed across the entire area of ​​the storage area to obtain soil for intermediate and final isolation of compacted solid waste. The soil from the pits is stored in dumps along the perimeter of the landfill.

3.8. Taking into account the volume of annual precipitation, the evaporative capacity of soils and the humidity of stored solid waste, the possibility of the formation of a liquid phase - leachate - in their thickness is taken into account.

3.9. For landfills receiving less than 120 thousand m3 of solid waste per year, a trench storage system for solid waste is recommended. The trenches are arranged perpendicular to the direction prevailing winds, which prevents the spread of solid waste. The soil obtained from digging trenches is used to fill them after filling with solid waste.

3.10. The base (bottom) of the trench in climatic zones where filtrate formation is possible, it should be buried at least 0.5 m deep into clay soils.

3.11. The length of one trench should be arranged taking into account the time of filling the trenches:

a) during temperatures above 0°C for 1 - 2 months;

b) during temperatures below 0°C - for the entire period of soil freezing.

3.12. Storing solid waste in water in swampy areas and flooded areas is not permitted. Before using such areas for solid waste landfills, they must be backfilled with inert materials to a height exceeding by 1 m the maximum level of surface or flood waters. When backfilling, a waterproof screen is installed. If there is groundwater at a depth of less than 1 m, an insulating layer is applied to the surface with preliminary drainage of the soil.

4. Hygienic requirements for the construction of the management zone of a solid waste landfill

4.1. The utility zone is arranged to accommodate an industrial building for personnel, a garage or a shed for placing machinery and mechanisms. The personnel are provided with drinking and domestic water in the required quantity, a room for meals, and a toilet.

4.2. The territory of the economic zone is concreted or asphalted, illuminated, and has light fencing.

4.3. At the request of the territorial TsGSEN, at the exit from the landfill, a control and disinfection installation is provided with the installation of a concrete bath for the undercarriage of garbage trucks, using effective disinfectants approved for use by the Russian Ministry of Health. The dimensions of the bath must ensure that the chassis of garbage trucks can be treated.

4.4. A light fence is installed along the perimeter of the entire territory of the solid waste landfill. The fence can be replaced by a drainage trench more than 2 m deep or a shaft no more than 2 m high. A barrier is installed in the landfill fence near the industrial and domestic building.

4.5. The minimum illumination of work cards of the first stage is 5 lux.

4.6. In agreement with the hydrogeological service and the territorial Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, monitoring wells are installed in the green zone of the landfill. One control well is installed above the landfill along the groundwater flow (control), 1 - 2 wells below the landfill to take into account the impact of solid waste storage on groundwater.

4.7. To facilities for quality control of soil and surface waters entrances for vehicles and tanks for dewatering or pumping out water are arranged before taking samples.

5. Hygienic requirements for the operation of solid waste landfills and their conservation

5.1. Storage of solid waste is allowed only on the working map and in accordance with the instructions for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for solid waste. Intermediate or final isolation of the compacted layer of solid waste is carried out in summer period daily, at a temperature of + 5°C - no later than three days from the time of storage of solid waste.

5.2. IN winter period, due to the complexity of soil development, slag can be used as an insulating material, construction waste, broken brick, lime, chalk, plaster, wood, broken glass, concrete, ceramic tiles, gypsum, asphalt concrete, soda, etc. The same materials can be used in the summer.

5.3. Portable mesh fences are installed as close as possible to the place of unloading and storing solid waste, perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds, to retain the light fractions of waste that spill out during unloading of solid waste from garbage trucks and are moved by bulldozers to the working area.

5.4. Regularly, at least once per shift, waste retained by portable shields is collected and placed on the surface of the working map, compacted on top with an insulating layer of soil.

5.5. Mountain interception bypass canals that drain ground and surface runoff into open water bodies must be regularly cleaned of debris.

5.6. Once every ten days, the landfill maintenance personnel and special vehicles inspect the territory of the sanitary protection zone and adjacent lands to the access road, and in case of contamination, they are thoroughly cleaned and delivered to the working maps of the landfill.

5.7. Combustion of solid waste is not allowed on the territory of the landfill, and measures must be taken to prevent spontaneous combustion of solid waste.

5.8. The landfill is closed after filling it to the prescribed height. At landfills with a service life of less than five years, dumping during the process is allowed by 10%, exceeding the prescribed vertical mark, taking into account subsequent shrinkage.

5.9. The last layer of waste before closing the landfill is finally covered with an outer insulating layer of soil.

5.10. The design of the top insulating layer of the landfill is determined by the stipulated conditions for its subsequent use when closing the landfill.

5.11. Territories of zones used to create a forest park complex in the suburban system Agriculture, as ski slides or observation platforms for viewing the area, have an outer layer thickness of at least 0.6 m.

5.12. To protect against weathering or washout of soil from the slopes of the landfill, it is necessary to plant them in the form of terraces immediately after laying the outer insulating layer. The choice of tree and shrub species is determined by local conditions.

5.13. When using the territory of a former solid waste landfill for open warehouses for non-food purposes, the thickness of the top insulating layer must be at least 1.5 m. The top layer of waste must be compacted especially carefully and evenly before covering it with insulation.

5.14. The use of the territory of the reclaimed landfill for capital construction is not permitted.

6. Industrial control over the operation of the solid waste landfill

6.1. Control of waste acceptance to solid waste landfills in accordance with approved instructions is carried out by the laboratory service of the organization that services the landfill.

6.2. The laboratory service systematically monitors fractional, morphological and chemical composition waste entering the landfill.

6.3. Based on these sanitary rules (according to clause 2.3), the organization servicing the landfill develops instructions on industrial sanitation for personnel involved in ensuring the operation of the enterprise. The specified instructions are agreed upon with the territorial Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Sanitation.

6.4. For the solid waste landfill is being developed special program(plan) of production control, providing for: monitoring the condition of underground and surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soils, noise levels in the area of ​​possible adverse influence of the landfill.

6.5. Technological processes must ensure the prevention of pollution of ground and surface waters, atmospheric air, soils, and excess noise levels above the permissible limits established in hygienic standards.

The program (plan) for production control of a solid waste landfill is developed by the owner of the landfill in accordance with sanitary rules for production control over compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

6.6. The production control system must include devices and structures to monitor the condition of ground and surface water, atmospheric air, soil, and noise levels in the area of ​​possible influence of the landfill.

6.7. In agreement with the territorial TsGSEN and other regulatory authorities, the state of groundwater is monitored, depending on the depth of its occurrence, pits, wells or boreholes are designed in the green zone of the landfill and outside the sanitary protection zone of the landfill. A control structure is installed upstream of the landfill along the groundwater flow in order to take samples of water that is not influenced by leachate from the landfill.

Above the landfill on surface water sources and below the landfill on drainage ditches, surface water sampling sites are also designed.

In the selected samples of ground and surface waters, the content of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, calcium, chlorides, iron, sulfates, lithium, COD, BOD, organic carbon, pH, magnesium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, barium, dry residue, and samples are also examined for helminthological and bacteriological indicators. If in samples taken downstream a significant increase in the concentrations of the determined substances is established compared to the control, it is necessary, in agreement with the regulatory authorities, to expand the scope of the determined indicators, and in cases where the content of the determined substances exceeds the maximum permissible concentration, it is necessary to take measures to limit the intake pollutants into groundwater up to the MPC level.

6.8. The production control system must include constant monitoring of the state of the air environment. For these purposes, it is necessary to conduct quarterly analyzes of atmospheric air samples above the waste areas of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the content of compounds that characterize the process of biochemical decomposition of solid waste and pose the greatest danger. The volume of indicators being determined and the frequency of sampling volumes are justified in the project for production control of landfills and are agreed upon with regulatory authorities. Typically, when analyzing atmospheric air samples, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chlorobenzene are determined.

If air pollution is established above the maximum permissible concentration at the border of the sanitary protection zone and above the maximum permissible concentration in the work area, appropriate measures must be taken taking into account the nature and level of pollution.

6.9. The production control system should include constant monitoring of the condition of the soil in the area of ​​possible influence of the landfill. For this purpose, soil quality is controlled by chemical, microbiological, and radiological indicators. From chemical indicators The content of heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, bicarbonates, organic carbon, pH, cyanides, lead, mercury, and arsenic is examined. The following microbiological indicators are examined: total bacterial count, coli titer, Proteus titer, helminth eggs. The number of chemical and microbiological indicators can be expanded only at the request of the territorial Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

7. Hygienic requirements for waste used during quarry reclamation

7.1 Exhausted quarries and artificially created cavities are collections of polluted storm water and wastewater. In order to return this territory to a state suitable for economic use, its reclamation is being carried out.

7.2. It is allowed to fill quarries and other artificially created cavities using inert waste, solid waste and industrial hazard classes 3-4. When using any type of waste, its morphological and physicochemical composition must be determined. The total amount of food waste should not exceed 15 percent. The basis for waste disposal must meet the requirements of the established procedure for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for municipal solid waste.

7.3. The size of the sanitary protection zone for a reclaimed quarry is assumed to be equal to the size of the sanitary protection zone for solid waste waste transfer stations and must be at least 100 meters from the nearest residential building. The reclaimed quarry must have light fencing and temporary utility facilities to ensure the work is carried out.

7.4. The territorial Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Sanitation carries out sanitary supervision over the work carried out during the reclamation of quarries in accordance with these sanitary rules.

8. Hygienic requirements for the conditions for receiving industrial waste at municipal solid waste landfills

8.1. The main condition for the possibility of receiving industrial waste at municipal solid waste landfills is compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air, soil, ground and surface water.

The main sanitary condition is the requirement that the toxicity of a mixture of industrial waste and household waste not exceed the toxicity of household waste according to the analysis of water extract.

8.2. Industrial waste of hazard class 4, accepted without quantitative restrictions and used as an insulating material, is characterized by the content of toxic substances in the water extract (1 liter of water per 1 kg of waste) at the level of a filter from municipal solid waste (MSW), and according to integrating indicators - biochemical oxygen demand (BOD_lopn) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - not higher than 300 mg/l, have a homogeneous structure with a fraction size of less than 250 mm.

8.3. Industrial waste of hazard classes 4 and 3, accepted in limited quantities (no more than 30% of the mass of solid household waste) and stored together with household waste, is characterized by the content of toxic substances in the water extract at the level of filtrate from solid waste and BOD_20 and COD values ​​of 3400-5000 mg /l O2.

8.4. The issue of the amount of said waste accepted at the solid waste landfill is decided by the organization operating the landfill, in agreement with the territorial Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Sanitation and is approved in the prescribed manner. The sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the joint storage and disposal of industrial waste and solid waste is issued by the territorial Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Sanitation based on analyzes of laboratories accredited (certified) in the prescribed manner.

8.5. The organization in charge of the solid waste landfill ensures safe sanitary and hygienic storage and disposal of waste.

Initial data. Estimated service life T = 20 years. Annual specific rate of solid waste accumulation, taking into account residential buildings and non-industrial facilities for the design year Y 1 = 1.1 m 3 /person/year. The number of population served for the design year H 1 = 250 thousand people, is predicted in 20 years, taking into account nearby settlements H 2 = 350 thousand people. The height of solid waste storage, previously agreed with the architectural and planning department, H p = 40 m.

1. Calculation of the designed capacity of the solid waste landfill.

The capacity of the landfill E t for the estimated period is determined by the formula:

where Y 1 and Y 2 are specific annual rates of solid waste accumulation by volume for the 1st and last years of operation, m 3 /person/year;

H 1 and H 2 - the number of population served by the landfill in the 1st and last years of operation, people;

T is the estimated operating life of the landfill, year;

K 1 - coefficient taking into account the compaction of solid waste during the operation of the landfill for the entire period T;

K 2 - coefficient taking into account the volume of external insulating layers of soil (intermediate and final).

Let's determine the value of the parameters missing in the source data. The specific annual rate of accumulation of solid waste by volume for the 2nd year of operation is determined from the condition of its annual growth in volume by 3% (the average value for the Russian Federation is 3-5%).

m 3 / person year.

The coefficient K1, which takes into account the compaction of solid waste during the operation of the landfill for the entire period T (if T = 15 years), is taken according to Table 6, taking into account the use of a bulldozer weighing 14 tons for compaction: K1 = 4.

The coefficient K 2 , which takes into account the volume of insulating soil layers depending on the total height, is taken from Table 9 K 2 = 1.18.

The projected capacity of the landfill E t will be:

E t = (1.1+1.99)(250000+350000)x20x1.18(4.4)=2734650 m 3

2. Calculation of the required land area of ​​the landfill.

The area of ​​the solid waste storage area will be:

Fu.s. = 3x2734650: 40 = 205099 m 2 = 20.5 hectares,

3 - coefficient taking into account the location of external slopes 1; 4;

40 - height Np.

Table 8*

* The numbering of tables corresponds to the original.

Note. The values ​​of K 1 are given subject to layer-by-layer compaction of solid waste, sedimentation for at least 5 years and density of solid waste at collection sites p 1 = 200 kg/m 3 .

Table 9

Note: 1. When providing intermediate and final insulation work entirely from the soil developed at the base of the landfill, K 2 = 1.

2. In Table 9, the intermediate insulation layer is assumed to be 0.25 m. When using KM-305 rollers, an intermediate insulation layer of 0.15 m is allowed.

The required landfill area will be:

, (2)

where 1.1 is a coefficient that takes into account the strip around the storage area;

F additional - area of ​​the economic zone and container washing area

F = 1.1x20.5+1.0 = 23.6 hectares.

3. Calculation of the actual capacity of the landfill.

The landfill is designed on a flat terrain. The actual allocated area of ​​the site was 22.3 hectares, including 21.7 hectares for the landfill itself and 0.6 hectares for the access road from the highway, 0.5 km long. The soil at the base of the landfill at a depth of 2 m consists of light loams, then heavy loams, groundwater at a depth of 3.5 m.

A decision is made to fully meet the soil requirements for intermediate and final external insulation by digging a pit at the base of the landfill.

The actual solid waste storage area in the project has a rectangular shape, 440 m long and 400 m wide (Fig. 18). All dimensions in Fig. 18 are in m.

Fig. 18. Plan and section of a high-load polygon on a flat terrain

a - plan; b - section along A-A; I-V - stages of construction and operation of the landfill;

1 - ground cavalier; 2 - polygon boundary; 3 - boundary of the solid waste storage area;

4 - temporary road at the storage area; 5 - boundary of operation queues;

6 - existing highway; 7 - access road; 8 - economic zone;

9 - top insulating layer; 10 - pit at the base of the landfill

The height of the landfill H is determined from the condition of laying external slopes 1:4 and the need to have dimensions of the upper platform that ensure reliable operation of garbage trucks and bulldozers:

N = W: 8-n, (3)

where W is the width of the storage area, m;

8 - double slopes (4x2);

n is the indicator for reducing the height of the landfill, ensuring the optimal dimensions of the flat upper platform, m.

The minimum width of the upper platform is determined by twice the turning radius of garbage trucks, subject to the rule of placing garbage trucks no closer than 10 m from the slope:

W h = 9x2 + 10x2 = 38 m.

For convenience of work on the upper platform, we take its width to be 80 m.

The altitude reduction rate will be:

n = 80:8 = 10 m.

The height of the polygon will be:

H = 400:8 - 10 = 40 m.

The actual capacity of the landfill, taking into account compaction, is calculated using the truncated pyramid formula:

, (4)

where C 1 and C 2 are the areas of the base and upper platform, m 2.

Note: The capacity of the pit at the base of the landfill is not taken into account, since all the soil from it is used to isolate solid waste. Under these conditions, E f is equal to B y - the volume of compacted solid waste.

The length of the upper flat area is:

440 - 40x8 = 120 m.

The width of the upper platform will be:

400 - 40x8 = 80 m.

Using formula (4) we calculate the actual capacity:

Eph = (440x400+120x80+400x440x120x80)x40 = (176000+9600+41160)x40 = 3023467 m3.

The need for insulating material is determined by the formula:

B = B y (1-1/K 2). (5)

To isolate 3,023,467 m 3 of compacted solid waste, soil will be required in the amount of:

Bg = 3023467(1-1/K2) = 3023467 (1-1/1.18) = 45320 m2.

Under the conditions under consideration, Br is the capacity of the pit.

The average projected depth of the pit at the base of the landfill is determined by the formula:

Hk = 1.1 x Br:C 1,

where 1.1 is a coefficient taking into account the slopes and the map diagram of the pit;

Hk = 1.1x453520:176000.0 = 2.83 m.

The area of ​​the storage area is divided into four operation stages with dimensions of 300x220 m and an area of ​​44,000 m 2 - 4.4 hectares.

Each of these queues is operated taking into account the laying of five working layers of solid waste (2 m of solid waste and 0.25 m of soil). The total height will be:

2x5 + 0.25x5 + 11.25 m.

Including above the ground surface (black marks), the height of the embankment for each turn will be:

11.25 - 2.83 = 8.42 m.

The pit volume of one stage will be:

452520:4 = 113380 m3.

Increasing the height from 9 to 39 m and final insulation with a layer of 1 m will constitute the 5th stage of operation. The service life of each line is on average 4 years.

The soil from the pit of the 1st stage is stored in a cavalier for use in the final isolation of the landfill. The Cavalier is located along the outer border of the I, III and IV queues. The length of the cavalier is: 410+475=885 m. The cross-sectional area of ​​the cavalier will be:

113380:885 = 128.1 m2.

It takes a cavalier in the shape of a trapezoid with a base width of 24, a top width of 4.5 and a height of 9 m. The cross-sectional area is: (4.5 + 24) x 9:2 = 128.25 m 2.

The area occupied by the ground cavalier is:

885x24 = 21240 m2 = 2.1 hectares.

The layout of the economic zone with adjacent structures is shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19. Plan of the economic zone and adjacent structures

1 - access road; 2 - landfill fencing; 3 - site for storing prefabricated elements of temporary roads; 4 - transformer substation; 5 - administrative building; 5’’ - office window; 6 - traffic flow of arriving cars; 6’’ - the same for decreasing machines; 7 - landfill gate; 8 - mud sump; 9 - area for disinfection; 10 - fire tank; 11 - shed (room) for machines and mechanisms; 12 and 13 - gates and fencing of the economic zone; 14 - fuel and lubricants warehouse

The layout of the industrial and household building is shown in Fig. 20. The building consists of two blocks separated by a wall with gas vapor barrier. The main entrance to the building is designed from the territory of the zone, which limits visits to garbage truck drivers and loaders. The second exit is a backup in case of fire.

On the other side of the access road, opposite the industrial utility building, there is a disinfection site for garbage trucks. The mutual placement of the zone and the disinfection site ensures that vehicles leave the site and leave the landfill after disinfection without crossing the traffic flow of garbage trucks arriving at the landfill.

In arid areas, as an exception, a drainless system can be used to collect and neutralize filtrate. According to this scheme, the filtrate clarified in the sedimentation tank is fed by gravity to the pumping station. In order to reduce the cost of the system, one sand pump is installed in the pumping station; a backup pump (the second) is provided for in the estimate, but is stored in a warehouse.

During the summer, the pumping station pumps wastewater into a prefabricated pipeline system. Perforated pipes provide sprinkling or spilling of filtrate over the surface of the landfill working maps covered with intermediate insulation. The distribution of filtrate is taken at the rate of up to 30 m 3 per day of water per area of ​​1 hectare for 6 months. per year. The structure diagram is shown in Fig. 21.

Note. For landfills organized for a period of less than 6 years, and landfills receiving less than 120 thousand m 3 of solid waste per year, the functions of an industrial and household building are performed by standard mobile cars manufactured by industry. Their characteristics are given in Table 10. The layout of the economic zone of these landfills is presented in Fig. 22.

For landfills located at a considerable distance from the existing main road, independent part access road is allocated as a separate facility, built with the shared participation of interested organizations located along this road.

Table 10
