What is construction waste disposal? How to properly collect and dispose of construction and household waste

The customer refuses to pay the costs contractor for the disposal of construction waste in a landfill. At the same time, he refers to page 18 of the book by I.Yu. Nosenko “Estimation file in construction” volume 1, which contains the answer to the question of which chapter of the Consolidated Estimate should include the costs for the delivery of construction waste. In particular, the response says the following:

“The costs associated with the removal of construction waste during the construction of new structural elements, including the removal of waste and its delivery to a landfill, are considered overhead costs and are not subject to inclusion in the estimate documentation.”

Is the Customer right?


The customer is wrong in this matter.

In paragraph 11 “Costs for improvement and maintenance of construction sites” section III“Costs for organizing work on construction sites” of Appendix 6 “List of overhead cost items in construction” to the “Methodological guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction” provides information that overhead costs take into account the costs: “- for labor (with deductions to the unified social tax from labor costs) and other expenses for cleaning and cleaning (with garbage removal) of the construction area and the adjacent street strip, including sections of roads and sidewalks, the construction of paths, bridges and other work related to the improvement of the territory of construction sites;.”

The costs of the contractor for the disposal of waste transported to a landfill are not taken into account by overhead standards and must be paid separately. On this issue there was an explanation from the Russian Gosstroy, given below:

State Committee Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal services (Gosstroy of Russia)
dated December 28, 1999 No. 10-466

The Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Services clarifies this issue.

In accordance with paragraph 10 " Guidelines on determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-1.99”, adopted by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 31, the estimate documentation includes the costs of cleaning and clearing waste from the construction site as part of overhead costs. Accounting for the costs of disposal of unusable soil and waste transported to a landfill is not provided for by current regulatory documents.

Head of Department V.A. Stepanov

It should be noted that the above applies to the disposal of technological waste generated during construction and installation work during new construction, which, for example, includes brick waste and mortar residues from the production of brickwork.

If we are talking about construction waste generated during the dismantling of buildings or parts thereof, then the cost estimates should take into account the costs of loading, unloading and transportation construction waste from dismantling buildings. In addition to these costs, the estimate documentation must take into account the costs of paying for services for the placement and disposal of waste at waste processing sites (“landfills”).

If the work on dismantling buildings is a preparatory stage for further construction, then the specified costs in the estimate documentation can be reflected in Chapter 1 of the consolidated estimate “Preparation of the construction site” with the assignment of loading, unloading and transportation work to construction and installation work. Services for the placement and disposal of waste at waste treatment sites are considered other costs and can be taken into account in chapters 1 or 9 of the consolidated estimate.

The letter of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 05/03/2011 No. 11086-IP/08 recommends taking into account the costs of disposal and disposal of construction waste in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate.

“The costs of placement and disposal (neutralization) of construction waste, contaminated soil and waste are determined by an estimate based on the data in section 8 “List of measures for protection environment» project documentation, and if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) an object or part of a capital construction object, also a description of solutions for the call, decontamination and disposal of waste and contaminated soil, given in section 7 “Project for organizing work on the demolition or dismantling of capital construction objects”, and certificates (calculations) of the enterprise on the cost of placement and disposal of construction waste and waste. Costs associated with payment for these services are determined by calculations and taken into account in accordance with clause 4.85 of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation in Chapter 9 “Other work and costs”(columns 7, 8) summary estimate of construction costs. The costs of loading construction waste and materials unsuitable for further use, generated as a result of dismantling buildings, structures and equipment, into a vehicle and transporting it from the construction site to a storage site or landfill are determined according to current tariffs and are taken into account in local estimates.”

Renovating an apartment is an expensive and troublesome task. Its implementation is complicated construction garbage, which is formed in abundance during various repair and finishing operations. It is simply impossible to get rid of it: there are certain disposal standards, non-compliance with which can result in significant administrative sanctions and fines, which place a heavy burden on the owner of the home being repaired.

In accordance with current standards, the removal of any construction waste must be carried out in compliance with the relevant rules. And, of course, there is no question of mountains of broken bricks, old wallpaper or broken plaster rising near entrances or garbage containers.

Failure to comply with this requirement is fraught with quite large fines for violators, the size of which depends on the scale of the offense. In any case, such a fine rarely falls below 3,000 rubles.

Don't have extra money for such expenses? Or are you just a decent person and want to know how construction waste should be disposed of correctly? Then read on!

How to properly organize the removal of construction waste and debris

Remember: it is prohibited to pour construction waste into garbage containers!

Construction waste must be removed. The owner of the apartment being renovated can do this on his own. To do this he needs:

  • contact the relevant administrative authorities;
  • obtain coupons giving the right to unload waste at special landfills;
  • find where the corresponding urban landfill is located;
  • find the necessary transport.

Of course, having an apartment to be renovated, there is no time to deal with all these procedures and it is very burdensome. The matter is greatly simplified if you contact a company professionally engaged in this type of activity. Such enterprises not only have everything necessary for transportation, but also a license that allows them to operate in this specific niche. The customer will only need to pay for the services, and everything else falls on the shoulders of the company he has chosen.

How to remove construction waste if you do it yourself

The choice of vehicle is determined by the total volume of waste and the size of the individual items being removed. Most often, a cargo GAZelle is quite sufficient. If the volumes are quite large, then KamAZ will not be out of place.

It happens that a more convenient option is to use an additional garbage container, which is subsequently taken away by special transport.

Thus, when renovating an apartment, try to dispose of your construction waste using specialized companies. This will be much simpler and easier for you than doing this work on your own. And, we repeat, never try to throw construction waste into city garbage containers, as a significant fine will be almost inevitable for you.


Among our readers, there are probably experts who have a deeper knowledge of the intricacies of this issue. We will be glad and grateful if you leave some corrections and clarifications in your comments.

Proper waste disposal is one of the most current problems growing cities. To solve it successfully, it is worth thinking in advance about options for waste removal and pre-collection. If this is done on time, the repair and construction time will be significantly reduced. Disposal of construction waste has its own characteristics, so it is worth distinguishing household waste from those that remain after repair or construction.

The difference between construction waste and solid waste

Household waste includes everything unnecessary that remains when a person lives in a home. This:

food waste, bones; packaging material; metal, glass, rubber, leather, wood or plastic products, parts thereof; textiles.

Construction waste - containers left over from used paint, cement, mixtures, pieces of reinforced concrete, reinforcement, insulation, glass fragments, drywall, etc.

Requirements for the collection of construction waste

It should be packaged in special bags or placed in containers so as not to spread throughout the surrounding area. More:

It is forbidden to dispose of waste after renovation through devices intended for solid waste - for example, garbage chutes; it is not permissible to independently transport waste to a general landfill: there are special landfills and waste treatment plants for construction waste; if renovations are underway in private housing, waste removal from the apartment should be carried out to specially designated for this place in the local area or in containers.

How is garbage removed?

If the repair is carried out over a relatively large area, then you can accumulate garbage and then order a small container. However, you can save money if you team up with one or even several owners of the living space who are renovating the apartment. In this case, you need to find out the price for garbage removal with an 8 m3 container and order it. If necessary, you can agree with the company providing such services about the arrival of loaders, which will speed up the process of collecting and sending waste.

The GlavMusor company is engaged in the removal of construction waste and has its own fleet of vehicles, so for the removal of, for example, a small volume of waste, equipment of the appropriate size is used. This approach makes it possible to establish democratic

After the construction of a private or country house finished, it is very important to properly organize waste removal. As a rule, a lot of it is formed, so it is simply impossible to do without the use of special equipment. Today there are specialized companies involved in waste removal. Construction waste is removed inexpensively and quickly in Klimovsk. It is important to decide what type of equipment you will need, as well as which disposal method should be used. What is construction waste? This is anything that cannot be recycled and reused. So, it most often includes: broken bricks, plaster, slate, wallpaper, various facing materials. Let's consider what methods there are for recycling construction waste, what you need to consider when choosing a company that specializes in this issue.

How to choose the right company for cooperation

Removing construction waste yourself is quite difficult, as it requires special equipment. In addition, special permission is required to carry out such procedures. Exactly this document need to check first. Also, the waste removal company must enter into a special agreement with storage facilities that directly deal with waste disposal. This is also very important for safe and legal export. The vehicle fleet is another important factor in choosing a company. It must have a special loader, as well as a team of loaders who can place construction waste on it. In addition, the cost of removal also matters. If there is a lot of construction waste, then will help you remove it without problems and inexpensively.

What are the recycling methods?

It is worth noting that waste after the construction process may be subject to different processing, and the method of disposal may also differ. The most commonly used options are:

  • Burial. This is the most common option today. For this purpose, special polygons are created that are very convenient to use;
  • Composting construction waste. Before starting this process, be sure to remove non-ferrous and ferrous metals, if any;
  • Burning. It is also a very practical and fast option, but it is not suitable for all construction waste. This causes environmental pollution.

Regardless of the choice of disposal,

Under the cover of darkness, a husband and wife take out an old door, window frames and bags of torn wallpaper from the house, look around and store their load on the site near the garbage containers. A car stops on an abandoned forest road, the driver takes bags of broken bricks from the trunk and throws them on the side of the road. A rusty bathtub lies in a vacant lot next to a broken washbasin and rotten pipes. The stories are different, but the reason is the same: people are doing renovations and don’t know how to properly dispose of construction waste and where to throw it away.

The container is not rubber

Management companies are required to remove household waste, why not at the same time throw construction waste into the container, as well as an old TV, a broken washing machine and grandma's chair? This cannot be done, since each resident pays only for the removal of household waste, and the management company enters into contracts with recycling companies only for this volume. When you start a major renovation and buy more modern furnishings for your updated apartment, the number of things thrown away may exceed the limit for the entire house. The garbage truck will take as many cubic meters as specified in the contract, the rest will lie on the site. But what should you do with your mountain of junk?

In the morning, people carry bags of waste into the container, and it is filled to the top. More conscientious residents will take the bags home and wait for space to become available, but many will spill over the edges. Of course, over time everything will be removed, but while the garbage is lying on the site, it creates a lot of inconvenience for all residents.

  • Piles of waste give the area an unaesthetic appearance.
  • Household garbage thrown out by residents spills out of an overflowing container. The wind carries it throughout the area.
  • Cement dust is harmful to the lungs, paint residues are toxic, and children love to examine all sorts of bags, cans and boxes while walking.
  • At night, young people who have been playing around can burn scraps of polymer wallpaper or linoleum sheets - toxic smoke will penetrate into the cracks and vents.

We all care about the environment, we are indignant when factories pour chemical waste into rivers and seas, why doesn’t anyone have a headache about the ecology of a single yard?

Some clever people take opaque bags and take out construction waste in small portions. If you decide to change the wallpaper in one room, this option can help, but what if you started a major renovation with dismantling partitions, replacing plumbing, doors and window units? If you run with bags every 10 minutes, there will definitely be a “well-wisher” among your neighbors who will report your strange behavior, which means you will have to stretch out this event for a long time. One room will turn into a landfill for construction waste for about six months, and you also need to figure out how to shred large structures. Dust, dirt and dissatisfaction of the whole family are guaranteed to you.

Do not try to throw construction waste into a container under cover of night. The neighbors won’t see you, but many management companies, tired of fighting violators, install video cameras. The fine for illegal use of household waste containers will be much higher than legal disposal.

If you don’t want to deal with the issue of disposal of non-standard waste every time, you can put an end to this problem once. Contact your management company, they will hold a meeting of residents, and if the majority agrees, they will install a special container. Utility bills will be a little higher, but you won’t have to store bags of broken tiles and pieces of linoleum at home; you can take them out to a special container every day. Do not assume that when an agreement is concluded, you can throw construction waste into any container; a special large tank will be installed for this. If your organizational skills are looking for a way out, try to come to an agreement with the residents of all the houses and officials of the company that serves you. You are unlikely to achieve results, but at least direct your energy to good purposes.

Experts will do it better and faster

Every city has a company engaged in the removal and disposal of construction waste. You only need to place an order and pay for the service, the company’s employees will do the rest. At the appointed time, workers will remove the bags and take them to the landfill. You don’t even have to check whether the company has a license for recycling, where it will take the waste; all claims will not be against the customer, but against the organization. There are enterprises that do not throw waste into landfills, but recycle it. In this case, renovating your apartment will not harm the environment; on the contrary, something useful will be made from old bricks and plaster.

No one wants to pay extra money, but you can consider this service not as an expense, but as a savings. First of all, a law-abiding person will save his nerves and reputation. Imagine being caught throwing the wrong thing into a container. Will it be pleasant when employees of the management company scold you in front of all your neighbors, like a guilty schoolchild? We should not forget about the material side: the fine will be no less than 3,000 rubles, the services of a specialized company are much cheaper. And if you convert a utility room into a small store or hairdresser, then you become legal entity, and the liability will be much stricter - up to 100 thousand rubles. How many clients do you need to cut your hair to justify that amount?

There are three ways to dispose of construction waste:

  1. slowly throw it into a household waste container,
  2. enter into an agreement with the management company,
  3. contact a specialized company.

The first method need not even be considered: the consequences have already been said, and convincing a person who believes that laws are not written for him is a useless exercise. The second option is convenient, but in every house there will be residents who will strongly oppose raising tariffs even by a penny. They will prove with foam at the mouth that they have been living without repairs for 10 years, and they will not do them in the next century. The easiest way is to order the service yourself. You won’t have to strain yourself carrying heavy bags, you won’t have to run up the stairs with a broom and sweep up dirt from a torn bag. Specialists know where and how to properly remove construction waste.

No one wants to pay money; you can look for a way to save. Find out if it would be cheaper if residents of several apartments in one building want to remove the garbage. In large buildings there will always be several families working on renovations at the same time. Perhaps it makes sense to cooperate and remove all waste on one flight. Call different companies, find out about tariffs, discounts and promotions and choose the most profitable option.

A woman with several bags comes to the waste collection site, pours the contents of each bag into a container of a certain color, and throws the emptied bags into a plastic container. This picture can be seen in many countries, but for Russia such behavior is still a pipe dream. People throw cigarette butts and candy wrappers directly onto the sidewalk, throw cans with liquid contents into the container solid waste. Is it any wonder that there is dirt and stench around our houses? If we want to live a clean life, let's start small: we will properly dispose of waste.
