Refineries under construction and projected in Russia. The construction of the Amur gas processing plant will be carried out by the contractor of Transneft and Novatek Refinery contractors

Our company is to carry out the construction of reinforced concrete structures at the Omsk Oil Refinery

Our specialists have begun to carry out preparatory work on the installation of foundations for modern ELOU AVT oil processing units.

The capacity of the complex will be 8.4 million tons per year (for oil) and 1.2 million tons per year (for stable gas condensate) - the new CDU-AVT will become one of the largest installations primary processing oil in Russia. Investments in the project, provided for by the Gazprom Neft refinery modernization program, will amount to about 40 billion rubles. Currently, the ONPZ is implementing the second stage of the modernization program (2016-2020), aimed at increasing the depth of oil refining and the yield of light oil products, as well as consistently increasing the level of industrial and environmental safety of the enterprise.
The new ELOU-AVT complex will include six sections, including a separate unit for the processing of stable gas condensate (SGK). This will increase the volume of SGK processing and involve additional volumes of condensate in the production of gasoline and diesel fuel Euro-5 standard, as well as jet fuel.

It is planned that ELOU-AVT will be put into operation by the beginning of 2019, after which six units of primary oil processing of the previous generation will be removed from the process chain of the ONPZ. This will reduce the impact of oil refining on environment to a minimum. The project uses a number of advanced environmental solutions- in particular, continuous monitoring of flue gases of technological furnaces and purification of gas fractions from sulfur-containing compounds. The closed equipment drainage system envisaged by the project will allow redirecting the extracted oil products for processing, reducing the output of fuel oil. ELOU-AVT will also respond modern requirements industrial safety by automating processes, equipping the facility with warning, alarm, video surveillance and public address systems.
“The commissioning of a new complex for primary oil refining will create a stable raw material base for the refinery's projects aimed at increasing the depth of oil refining. Renovation of technological capacities will increase the energy efficiency of primary oil refining and will help maintain the volume of oil refining at the level set by the development strategy of Gazprom Neft, said Oleg Belyavsky, General Director of Gazpromneft-ONPZ.


Gazpromneft Omsk Refinery subsidiary of the company« Gazprom Neft» , is the largest in terms of refining volume and one of the most modern oil refineries in Russia. By installed capacity- 21,4 million tons, (including1 million tons of gas condensate) - Omsk Refinery is one of the twenty largest refineries in the world.

Main technological processes Omsk refinery- oil desalting and dehydration, primary oil refining, catalytic cracking, sulfuric acid alkylation, catalytic reformation, isomerization, hydrotreatment of gasoline and diesel fuel, production of aromatic hydrocarbons.

The company produces order50 types of petroleum products: high octane gasolines, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel, bitumen, household gas, fuel oil, technical sulfur and other products, in demand on the market.

Based on official data from the Gazpromneft-ONPZ website

Customer: JSC "Gazpromneft-ONPZ"
General contractor: CJSC "OMUS-1"
Contractor: OOO "StroyTransGroup"

Array ( => Array ( => Gazprom Neft => MNPZ => NIPIGAZ) [~TAGS] => Gazprom Neft, MNPZ, NIPIGAZ => [~PREVIEW_PICTURE] => => 23223 [~ID] => 23223 => General Contractor for the construction of an integrated oil refining unit at the Moscow Refinery will be NIPIGAZ [~NAME] => The general contractor for the construction of an integrated oil refining unit at the Moscow Refinery will be NIPIGAZ => 1 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 1 => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => =>

Russian enterprises are actively involved in the modernization of the Moscow Refinery. In particular, a domestic company Russian company AEM Technologies (part of the machine-building division of Rosatom State Corporation) has already begun manufacturing large-sized equipment for Euro+. [~DETAIL_TEXT] => The Moscow Oil Refinery and NIPIGazpererabotka (NIPIGAZ) have signed a preliminary agreement, according to which NIPIGAZ will perform a set of construction and installation works for commissioning the Euro+ integrated oil refining unit at the Moscow Oil Refinery. The preliminary cost of the work is about 21 billion rubles. (excluding VAT). The final cost of the work will be fixed after the general contractor provides the full working documentation.

The construction of the Euro+ combined oil refining unit is one of the key projects of the second stage of the complex modernization of the Moscow Refinery, which is being continued by Gazprom Neft. "Euro+" is designed for primary oil refining, production of high-octane fuels with high environmental class Euro-5, as well as vacuum gas oil. The commissioning of the new plant is scheduled for 2018.

It is planned that the commissioning of Euro+ will allow the Moscow Oil Refinery to increase the volume of oil refining up to 12 million tons per year. Along with the increase in the level of energy efficiency and industrial safety of the enterprise, the impact of production processes on the environment will continue to decrease. The construction of the new complex will allow the Moscow Refinery to decommission several units of the previous generation and increase the turnaround time from two to four years, which will ensure additional stability of the fuel market in the capital region.

Russian enterprises are actively involved in the modernization of the Moscow Refinery. In particular, a domestic company, the Russian company AEM-Technologies (part of the machine-building division of Rosatom State Corporation), has already begun manufacturing large-sized equipment for Euro+. => html [~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE] => html => The Moscow Oil Refinery and NIPIGazpererabotka (NIPIGAZ) signed a preliminary agreement, according to which NIPIGAZ will perform a set of construction and installation works to commission the Euro+ complex oil refining unit at the Moscow Oil Refinery . The preliminary cost of the work is about 21 billion rubles. (excluding VAT). The final cost of the work will be fixed after the general contractor provides the full working documentation.
[~PREVIEW_TEXT] => The Moscow Oil Refinery and NIPIGazpererabotka (NIPIGAZ) have signed a preliminary agreement, according to which NIPIGAZ will carry out a set of construction and installation works to commission the Euro+ complex oil refining unit at the Moscow Oil Refinery. The preliminary cost of the work is about 21 billion rubles. (excluding VAT). The final cost of the work will be fixed after the general contractor provides the full working documentation. => text [~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE] => text => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => 06/01/2016 18:01:46 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 06/01/2016 18:01:46 => 06/01/2016 18:01 :05 [~ACTIVE_FROM] => 01.06.2016 18:01:05 => /news/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /news/ => /news/genpodryadchikom_po_stroitelstvu_kompleksnoy_ustanovki_pererabotki_nefti_na_mnpz_stanet_nipigaz/ [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /news/genpodryadchikom_po_stroitelstvu_kompleksnoy_ustanovki_pererabotki_nefti_na_mnpz_stanet_nipigaz/ => 23223 [~IBLOCK_ELEMENT_ID] => 23223 => Gazprom Neft Press Service [~PROPERTY_22] => Gazprom Neft Press Service => [~PROPERTY_23] => => 0.0000 [~PROPERTY_54] => 0.0000 => 0.0000 [~PROPERTY_95] => 0.0000 => [~PROPERTY_148] => => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => genpodryadchikom_po_stroitelstvu_kompleksnoy_ustanovki_pererabotki_nefti_na_mnpz_stanet_nipigaz [~CODE] => genpodryadchikom_po_stroitelstvu_kompleksnoy_ustanovki_pererabotki_nefti_na_mnpz_stanet_ni pigaz => 23223 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => 23223 => news [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => news => news [~IBLOCK_CODE] => news => furniture_news_s1 [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => furniture_news_s1 => s1 [~LID] => s1 => => 18:01, 01 June 2016 => Array () => Array ( => Gazprom Neft, Moscow Oil Refinery, NIPIGAZ =>) => Array ( => Array ( => 22 => 2018-03-10 19:22:21 => 1 => Author => Y => 500 => AUTHOR_NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => 22 => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => Y => 2 => => => => Gazprom Neft Press Service => [~VALUE] => Gazprom Neft Press Service [~DESCRIPTION] = >) => Array ( => 148 => 2018-03-11 18:19:22 => 1 => Subtitle => Y => 500 => SUB_TITLE => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 2 => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] =>) => Array ( => 23 => 2018-03-10 19:22:21 => 1 => Author Link => Y => 501 => AUTHOR_UR L => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => 23 => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 2 => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] =>) => Array ( => 54 => 2018-03-10 19:22:21 => 1 => Important => Y => 502 => IMPORTANT => 0 => N => 1 => 4 => L => N => 54 => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 2 => => => => 0 => [~VALUE] => 0. 0000 [~DESCRIPTION] =>) => Array ( => 95 => 2018-03-10 19:22:21 => 1 => Main news => Y => 503 => MAIN_NEWS => 0 => N = > 1 => 30 => L => N => => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 2 => => => => 0 => [ ~VALUE] => 0.0000 [~DESCRIPTION] =>)) => Array ( => Array ( => 22 => 2018-03-10 19:22:21 => 1 => Author => Y => 500 = > AUTHOR_NAME => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => 22 => => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => Y => 2 => = > => => Gazprom Neft Press Service => [~VALUE] => Gazprom Neft Press Service [~DESCRIPTION] => => Gazprom Neft Press Service) => Array ( => 23 => 2018-03-10 19:22:21 => 1 => Author Link => Y => 501 => AUTHOR_URL => => S => 1 => 30 => L => N => 23 = > => 5 => => 0 => N => N => N => N => 2 => => => => => [~VALUE] => [~DESCRIPTION] => = > => Array ( => 1 [~ID] => 1 => 10/14/2019 20:00:00 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 10/14/2019 20: 00:00 => news [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => news => s1 [~LID] => s1 => news [~CODE] => news => News [~NAME] => News => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => /news/ [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /news/ => #SITE_DIR#/news/#ELEMENT_CODE#/ [~DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => #SITE_DIR#/news /#ELEMENT_CODE#/ => [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => => [~PICTURE] => => [~DESCRIPTION] => => html [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE] => html => 1 [~RSS_TTL] => 1 = > Y [~RSS_ACTIVE] => Y => N [~RSS_FILE_ACTIVE] => N => 0 [~RSS_FILE_LIMIT] => 0 => 0 [~RSS_FILE_DAYS] => 0 => Y [~RSS_YANDEX_ACTIVE] => Y = > furniture_news_s1 [~XML_ID] => furniture_news_s1 => [~TMP_ID] => => Y [~INDEX_ELEMENT] => Y => N [~INDEX_SECTION] => N => N [~WORKFLOW] => N => N [~BIZPROC] => N => L [~SECTION_CHOOSER] => L => [~LIST_MODE] => => S [~RIGHTS_MODE] => S => 2 [~VERSION] => 2 => 0 [~LAST_CONV_ELEMENT] => 0 => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => => [~EDIT_FILE_BEFORE] => => [~EDIT_FILE_AFTER] => => Sections [~SECTIONS_NAME] => Sections => Section [~SECTION_NAME] => Section => News [~ELEMENTS_NAME] => News => News [~ELEMENT_NAME] => News => [~SECTION_PROPERTY] => => [~PROPERTY_INDEX] => => [~CANONICAL_PAGE_URL] = > => furniture_news_s1 [~EXTERNAL_ID] => furniture_news_s1 => / [~LANG_DIR] => / => [~SERVER_NAME] => => Array ( => Array ()) => => Array ( => NIPIGAZ will become the general contractor for the construction of an integrated oil refining unit at the Moscow Refinery => NIPIGAZ will become the general contractor for the construction of an integrated oil refining unit at the Moscow Refinery => =>))

Afipsky Oil Refinery (Afipsky Oil Refinery JSC is managed by ForteInvest JSC, part of the SAFMAR Group of Mikhail Gutseriev) has started the active phase of construction of the Hydrocracking Complex - the main object of the plant modernization project.

This phase of work is expected to be completed as soon as possible. short time– by the 3rd quarter of 2022. By this period, the main facilities included in the hydrocracking complex will have been built: the hydrocracking unit itself and the plant facilities (OSF), the hydrogen production unit, and the sulfur production unit. The first to start construction and installation work on the construction of hydrocracking and hydrogen production units, at the end of 2019 it is planned to start the project for the construction of a sulfur production unit, and in the first half of next year, the construction of new off-site facilities will begin.

In addition to the construction of a hydrocracking complex, the modernization program in the near future provides for the construction of a delayed coking unit (DCU). The start of construction and installation work at this facility is scheduled for mid-2020, completion of work - for 2023.

Based on the commissioning of the new Hydrocracking and DCU complex, the production capabilities for deep oil refining and the production of marketable products will change significantly. Thus, the refining depth will increase from 76.7% to 98.1%, and the yield of light oil products will be 87.7% against 54.2% for the current period. It is planned that following the results of the modernization, the refinery will exclude fuel oil and vacuum gas oil from the product line, using them as semi-finished products for further processing and production of high-quality light oil products that are in demand on the market.

The modernization of production will allow the company to increase the number of employees, both at the stage of design and construction, and at the stage of commissioning new industrial facilities that require modern highly professional personnel. Employees of the Atyrau Refinery and contractors will be involved in the renovation of production, as a result, the number of workers at the peak moments of construction will be up to 4 thousand people.

Modernization will allow the plant to become one of the most modern processing enterprises in the country. The company will install modern reliable equipment that meets, among other things, the most stringent environmental standards.

Thus, the modernization of production involves the construction of local treatment facilities. All the water produced during the production process will be treated at modern treatment facilities and returned to the recycling water supply system.

Already now, as part of the development program of Afipsky Refinery LLC, a number of organizational and technical measures are being implemented aimed at improving the environmental situation in the region. The depth of oil refining is increasing and, consequently, the output of high-purity products is growing. The main objects of the development program are being implemented on the southern site, located at a considerable distance from residential development. The design uses the best modern technologies, the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone are respected, projects undergo mandatory environmental impact assessment.

The Afipsky Refinery is the largest taxpayer in the Seversky District and one of the largest in the Krasnodar Territory. During the three quarters of 2019, the company transferred over 1.1 billion rubles to the federal budget. Payments to the budget of the Krasnodar Territory for the reporting period amounted to approximately 520 million rubles. More than 165 million rubles were allocated to the budget of the Seversky district. Of these, 146 million is a tax on personal income, that is, deductions from the wages of plant workers. The funds directed to the local treasury go directly to the development of the municipality and its constituent settlements, including Afipsky.

In accordance with the forecasts, at the end of 2019, the total tax deductions of Afipsky Refinery LLC will reach 2.4 billion rubles.

The general designer of the construction is CJSC Neftekhimproekt, which implemented the hydrocracking complex project at another refinery of the SAFMAR Group - the Orsk Oil Refinery. The general contractor of the project was Promfinstroy JSC, which also proved to be excellent in the framework of the Orsk plant modernization project.

The modernization program for the Afipsky Refinery was developed long ago, the first design work began in 2014, but construction work at the hydrocracking complex was only started this year. Over the past period, equipment for a long manufacturing cycle was purchased and delivered. Among the equipment suppliers are the largest manufacturers of specialized equipment: Siemens AG, Howden Thomasen Compressors B.V., Flowserve B.V, Sandvik Process Systems, Officine LuigiResta S.p.A., FBM Hudson Italiana S.p.A, Sirtec Nigi S.p.A., LINDE AG, Lummus Technology Heat Transfer B.V.

The Afipsky Refinery is located in the southern part of Russia, in the Krasnodar Territory, 92 km from the Novorossiysk port. In May 2019, the plant entered the perimeter of the SAFMAR Group, the direct management of the enterprise was transferred to ForteInvest JSC. At the same time, there was a change in management at the enterprise - Sergey Krashchuk, who previously headed the Krasnodar refinery, became the general director of the Afipsky refinery.

The capacity of the Afipsky refinery is 6 million tons of oil per year. At present, the plant includes the following technological units: an atmospheric oil distillation unit with a design capacity of 3 million tons per year; an atmospheric oil distillation unit with a design capacity of 3 million tons per year; a combined unit for vacuum distillation of fuel oil and tar visbreaking with a design capacity of 2.9 million tons per year for fuel oil and 1.4 million tons per year for tar.
