Educational project verb. Project work on the topic “His Majesty is a verb” Project on the topic verb as a part of speech

Russian language, 4th grade

Brief summary of the project

The purpose of the subject “Russian language” in primary school is to lay the foundation for the formation of a functionally literate personality, to ensure linguistic and speech development child, help him realize that he is a native speaker.

Morphology is the most difficult section for a child, since its study presupposes the formation of certain mental operations, the ability to generalize, and to abstract.

This project is being implemented in Russian language lessons when studying the topic “Verb as a part of speech.” During the project "Let's Talk About the Verb" we get acquainted with the topics: the verb as a part of speech, grammatical features of the verb, the concept of verb conjugation.

When students work on a project, it is expected to develop independent work skills, develop students’ self-educational activity, the ability to navigate the flow of information, expand the range of opportunities for acquiring knowledge, all of this refers to the necessary skills of a person of the 21st century.

As a result of participation in the project, students have the opportunity to: improve literacy, expand knowledge on this topic, acquire independent work skills, and also more successfully prepare for monitoring.

This project is focused on implementation state standards In Russian. Russian language. Native language:

Goals and objectives:

1. development of student literacy;

2. developing students’ interest in the Russian language;

3. expanding knowledge on this topic in Russian language lessons;

4. acquiring skills of independent work and team work;

5. learn to independently search for information and process it, find the necessary information in the media and on the Internet;

6. use this information when performing creative tasks in accordance with the learned rules;

7. top up active lexicon children;

8. develop public speaking skills;

9. cultivate a caring attitude towards the native language.

The project is designed for three weeks: (15 hours) 3 training sessions; 5 group and individual work (consultations); 6 hours of independent work; 1 hour - final lesson.

The project consists of 4 stages:

Stage I – preparation and planning of work

Stage II – implementation of the project

Stage III - analysis and preparation of received materials

Stage IV – presentation of the project (lesson presentation)

The project involves 4 groups of students: “Historians”, “Contemporaries”, “Literates”, “Practicians”.

Each group researches and implements its own direction, prepares a presentation, which it presents at the final lesson. Also, the product of the groups’ activities will be: bookmarks; information sheets (tables, diagrams); tests; small books with materials of oral folk art, in which there is an explanation of outdated verbs; compiling a dictionary with words and verbs studied in a program with developmental tasks (crosswords, puzzles, etc.); Certificates of honor for the best project participants.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Is it important to be literate?

Problematic issues

Question for historians: Is it difficult to understand ancient fairy tales?

Question for contemporaries: How to learn to write correctly?

Question for literate people: What is stored in the dictionary?

Question for practitioners: What will help us avoid making mistakes when writing?

Study questions

Questions for historians:

1. When did verbs appear in the Russian language?

2. What did the word verb mean?

3. How have the meanings of verbs changed?

4. In what literary genres are references to the verb found?

Questions for contemporaries:

1. What do we already know about the verb?

2. How do you spell the particle NOT with verbs?

3. What is conjugation?

4. How are unstressed personal endings of verbs written?

Questions for literate people:

1. What is the significance vocabulary words Verbs?

2. How are these vocabulary words used in speech?

Questions for practitioners:

1. How do you spell the particle NOT with verbs?

2. How to determine the conjugation of verbs?

3 How are unstressed personal endings of verbs written?

Project information

Required initial knowledge, skills and abilities

1. Have certain knowledge on the topic verb:

a) distinguish the verb from other parts of speech

b) be able to find verbs in speech

2. Have Internet navigation skills

3. Have presentation skills

Learning activities

1. Description of the project, setting goals, discussing the action plan and deadlines - 1 hour

2. Activation of knowledge on the project topic:

a) What do we know about the verb? - 1 hour

b) Introducing the spelling of particles Not with verbs - 1 hour

c) Introduction to the infinitive form of the verb - 1 hour

d) Introduction to verb conjugation - 2 hours

3. Meeting of smart guys - 1 hour

4. Game "Runners" - 1 hour

5. Conducting research - 4 hours of independent work

6. Analysis and systematization of collected material, design - 2.5 hours

7. Final event - 1.5 hours

Project plan

Project preparation and planning stage

1st week

1. Familiarization of students with the starting presentation on the project “Let’s talk about a verb.”

2. Familiarization with the necessary books, electronic materials, some links to Internet resources, recommendations for carrying out the project.

3. Familiarity with the timing of the project, the schedule of consultations and classes for conducting and completing work on the project (the project is designed for 3 weeks: 3 hours - lessons, 5 hours - group and individual work, consultations, 7 hours - independent work, 1 hour final class).

4. At the parent meeting, inform parents about the participation of children in the project, familiarize them with the goals and objectives educational project. (Booklet for parents of students prepared by the teacher).

5. Formation of groups to participate in the project, taking into account the chosen areas of work and the desires of the students.

6. Discuss with students the products of the groups’ activities (how the results obtained will be presented), these could be: booklets; bookmarks; information sheets; presentations; small books with materials of oral folk art, in which there is an explanation of outdated verbs; compiling a dictionary with words and verbs studied in a program with developmental tasks (crosswords, charades, etc.).

Project stage

2nd week

1. Drawing up and discussing a work plan in consultation with each of the created groups.

2. Determine the main sources and methods of searching for information that must be recorded in a timely manner on the sheet for recording the resources used.

3. Consultation on students’ independent research and teacher’s assignments on the project topic.

Stage of analysis and registration of received materials

3rd week

1. In consultation with each group, analyze and systematize the collected material.

2. Present the research results and collected materials in accordance with the teacher’s requirements. Prepare a public presentation in the form of a presentation (prepared by each group); bookmarks; information sheets; presentations; small books with materials of oral folk art, in which there is an explanation of outdated verbs; compiling a dictionary with words and verbs studied in a program with developmental tasks (crosswords, charades, etc.).

3. At the consultation, each group reports on the work done and receives the necessary recommendations for further work in the project.

Project submission stage

1. Together with the teacher, prepare a scenario for the final lesson in the form of a presentation lesson.

2. Conducting a presentation lesson.

3. Conduct reflection on the project participants (analysis of results, assessment of the quality of work of project participants). Evaluate the students’ work and summarize the results.

Project implementation

Stage I – Preparation and planning of work.

1. At the first lesson, students got acquainted with the starting presentation.

2. Taking into account the wishes of the students, 4 groups were formed: “Historians”, “Contemporaries”, “Literates”, “Practices”. The role of each group during the work on the project is explained. The groups are formed in such a way that each group has at least one “specialist” from each area of ​​activity.

3. The children are familiarized with the list of recommended books, electronic materials, links to Internet resources, and recommendations for carrying out the project are also given. We discussed with the students the products of the groups’ activities, how the results obtained will be presented: bookmarks; information sheets; presentations; small books with materials of oral folk art, in which there is an explanation of outdated verbs; compiling a dictionary with words and verbs studied in a program with developmental tasks (crosswords, charades, etc.).

4. At the parent meeting, parents were informed about the children’s participation in the project and were introduced to the goals and objectives of the educational project. (Booklet for parents of students)

Stage II – Project implementation

We drew up and discussed with students during consultations a work plan in each of the created groups, and deadlines for completing students’ work. We identified the main sources and methods of searching for information. A recommendation is made to timely record all used sources of information in order to evaluate them (sheet for recording the resources used). Each group is given a task and the necessary recommendations for preparation necessary materials: making little books, presentations, bookmarks, cards, material for group and individual work. Adjustment of work plans in groups.

Stage III – Analysis and preparation of received materials

At this stage, we analyzed and systematized the material collected by the children. The guys received recommendations on the selection of material for presentations and publications, recommendations on design (they were reminded of the criteria for evaluating relevant publications). We compiled the research results and collected materials in accordance with the teacher’s requirements. Prepared a public presentation in the form of a presentation (prepared by each group); We reported on the work done at the consultation. Students are given the necessary recommendations for further work in the project.

Stage IV – Presentation of the project

Together with the students, we prepared a scenario for the final lesson in the form of a presentation lesson. Conducted a lesson presentation. Reflection of project participants (analysis of results, assessment of the quality of work of project participants). We assessed the work of the students and summed up the results of the work in the project.


Individual project

The verb is the most living part of speech.

Completed by: 6th grade student MKOU ShSS

Bochkarev Eduard.

Project leader: Russian language teacher

and literature Lapshina Ekaterina Sergeevna




Relevance of the chosen topic, goals, objectives, hypothesis...................1

    Main part

1. “Verbs are words that animate everything to which they are applied.”

(A.M. Peshkovsky)……………………………………...................2-3

2. Verbs of speech (using the example of A.P. Chekhov’s story “The Death of an Official”)……………………….........………………………………… .3-5

    Verbs of labor………………………...………………………...........…5-6

    Verbs of sound and color (using the example of the poems by A. Pushkin “Winter Evening”, A. Pleshcheev’s “The Grass Turns Green” ............................... ..6-8

    Verbs that convey emotions (M. Borodinskaya, A. Fet)………......8

    The power of the Russian verb……………………………...……......8-9

    Practical part………………………………................................10- eleven



The verb is the most living part of speech.

“The verb is the most fiery, most living part of speech. The scarlet, freshest, arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb.

But the purpose of the verb is to express the action itself!”

A. Yugov.


The Russian language is the national language of the Russian people, which has the richest traditions and the highest culture. The entire people, their whole life, history, customs are inspired in the language. The relevance of my work lies in the fact that the topic “Verb”, which has a significant place in the curriculum, is a rather complex but entertaining topic studied at school. But, unfortunately, it does not arouse sufficient interest among many students. But the verb is one of the most striking and necessary parts of speech. I believe that this topic is relevant, since knowledge of the native language and its riches is necessary for everyone.


The purpose of my work is to prove that, in addition to the richness of the verb, it also has high aesthetic value, which many writers have specifically paid attention to.

Call cognitive interestto the Russian language.

Be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Tasks .

    Analyze literary texts, identifying the features of the use of verbs in them.

    Find passages in which the verb plays different roles.

    Analyze texts compiled by students of our school from the point of view of the use of verbs.


Let us assume that our speech will not become poorer and more inexpressive without verbs.

Many linguists believe that the verb is the most complex and most capacious part of speech; In addition, it has wide possibilities for describing life in its development and movement. A.N. Tolstoy wrote: “Movement and its expression - the verb - is the basis of language. Finding the right verb for a phrase means giving movement to the phrase.”

IN works of art everything that the author talks about “comes to life” only when events, people, the motives of their actions, the properties of their characters are presented in dynamics, in action. This is the law of artistic representation of life, which ancient poets knew about. Aristotle stated: “Those expressions represent a thing visually which depict it in action.”

The verb plays a huge role in our speech. It’s not for nothing that great people talk about the verb:

“In my deep conviction, all the strikingness of prose is in the verb, for the verb is the effectiveness of character.” (Yu. Bondarev).

“Verbs are words that give life to whatever they are applied to.” (A.M. Peshkovsky)

“The verb is an extraordinary part of speech. It is unusual in that it denotes an action, and therefore the verb has enormous potential for expressing countless actions that accompany a person and the diverse aspects of his activity (labor, social, economic, scientific, social, political, etc.), various phenomena nature."

In terms of frequency of use, the verb ranks second (after nouns). The general frequency list of 9 thousand words of verbs includes about 2500. The most frequent of them arebe able, say, talk, know, become, see, want, go, give, eat, stand,

live, have, look, seem, take, understand, do, do, mean.

Verbs of speech.

You can give excellent examples of the use of verbs of speech in fiction. Here, for example, is a short humorous story by A.P. Chekhov's "Death of an Official".

The plot of the story is simple: one evening Ivan Dmitrievich Chervyakov went to the theater, where he accidentally sneezed on the civilian general Brizzhalov. After this incident, Chervyakov was very worried and went to apologize to the general many times, not realizing that he had long since forgiven him. In the end, Chervyakov became so worried that he died.

In the story there are 151 verbs and 18 verbal forms (participles and gerunds). Since this is a story, most of the verbs are in the past tense: sat, looked, muttered, leaned, etc.

Verbs are used in artistic speech, first of all, to convey movement that expresses the dynamics of the surrounding world and the spiritual life of a person. "But suddenly his facewinced , eyes rolled up , breathing stopped … He took away binoculars away from the eyes, bent over and... apchhi!!!”, (5 verbs were found in one sentence).

Of particular importance for characterizing the hero is the choice of the most expressive, “key” verbs. For example, when conveying dialogue, writers often refuse to use “speaking” verbs (said, answered, repeated, asked ), and try to find words depicting actions that accompany speech:

- “I came yesterday to bother you,” he muttered...

The writer in such a short story along with the verbsaid uses the following verbs:whispered, muttered, began to report, addressed, barked, repeated.

Such a replacement of some verb words with others is possible only in works of art.

The writer repeatedly uses lexical repetition in the story, expressed precisely by the verb. Lexical repetition is the repetition of the same word or phrase. By repeating a word in a text, it stands out key concept:

Sneezed, as you can see. Sneeze no one is forbidden anywhere.Sneezing and men, and police chiefs, and sometimes even secret councilors. Allsneeze .

I apologized for the fact thatsneezing splashed... ah laugh I didn't think so. Do I darelaugh? If we will laugh , so then there will be no respect for persons...

When so I won't I have to apologize more to this fanfare! To hell with him! I'll write him a letter and goI won't! By God, I won't !

The writer also uses antithesis, expressed by verbs, which also helps him highlight this particular action in the story:

No worms at allnot embarrassed , wiped himself with a handkerchief and, as polite person, looked around him: had he bothered anyone with his sneezing? But then I had tobe embarrassed .

If we look closely at all the verbs used by A.P. Chekhov, we will see that throughout the entire work some verbs (their forms) are used several times.

Analyzing these verbs, I concluded that they contain the main meaning of the story. We can retell the text using only these verbs, and the content will still be understandable:

Main character one daysneezed on the general splashing the general's bald head. Then he alwaysthought about the incident and many timesapologized in front of the general, and the generalthought that Chervyakov is simply above himlaughs .

Verbs also help the writer to build the temporal layer of the narrative. The story begins with the use of past tense verbs:

“One fine evening, an equally wonderful executor, Ivan Dmitrich Chervyakov,sat in the second row of seats andlooked through binoculars at The Bells of Corneville. Helooked and felt yourself at the height of bliss. But suddenly…".

Verbs of labor.

There are an endless number of proverbs and sayings about work:

If you don't work hard, you won't get bread.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Patience and a little effort.

How did language “respond” to this most important area of ​​human activity? What words exist in the language to fully reflect the greatness of human labor?

Let's remember the most common words denoting work activity:work, do, labor. And every industry has its own words: in agriculture -plow, sow, mow, harrow, rake, reap, weed, clean, thresh, dig and etc.; in construction –build, plaster, asphalt, concreting, paint, whitewash, knead and etc.; in home life -cook, clean, wash, wash, bake, wipe, rinse, squeeze, cut, iron, soak, salt and etc.

But even with large quantities verbs of labor still do not cover all the diversity labor activity. For example, we can name the most common professions:teacher, doctor, engineer, turner, mechanic, director, accountant, conductor, artist, architect, cook, foreman, cashier, artist etc. - and we see that there are no verbs denoting actions associated with these professions; in this case, they are forced to use descriptive phrases:I work as a doctor, teacher, architect etc. Available verbs liketurn, do metalworking do not mean “to work as a turner or mechanic,” but only “to be able to perform turning or metalworking work.”

The conclusion suggests itself: most job titles do not have corresponding verbal denotations. This has its own expediency. Professions are called nouns, their number is constantly increasing, not every noun - the name of a profession can be formed into a verb, therefore, to denote a person’s work activity in the Russian language, as a rule, descriptive phrases are used, consisting of a general “labor” verbwork + name of profession (I work as an artist, cook, accountant and so on.).

Verbs of sound and color.

Sounds surround us everywhere. We wake up to the loud ringing of the alarm clock, they startclap doors, outside thunders passing truck, in the kitchenare thundering dishes.

And how many sounds we will hear in the forest! Discordantsing birds, playfulmurmurs Creek, they make noise hundred year old pine trees,rustles foliage, and yours is loudknocks heart from the overwhelming joy of communicating with nature.

Speaking about sounding verbs, one cannot help but recall A.S. Pushkin.

The poet V. Rozhdestvensky, analyzing the poem “Winter Evening,” draws attention to how A.S. Pushkin describes a blizzard. The image of a blizzard (storm) is first given through visual impressions:

The storm covers the sky with darkness,

Whirling snow whirlwinds.

Then, like a beast, she will howl,

Then he will cry like a child

Then on the dilapidated roof

Suddenly the straw rustles,

The way a belated traveler

There will be a knock on our window.

The entire passage is full of movement, life, and this is achieved by Pushkin thanks to the masterful use of verbs. What does a storm do? She “covers the sky”, “howls”, “cries”, “rustles the straw”, “knocks on the window”. It is impossible not to notice that almost all verbs have the prefixbehind- , which tells them, on the one hand, the meaning of the beginning of the action, and on the other - a single musical rhythm stanzas.

About love A.S. The poet S. Marshak also writes about Pushkin’s verbs:

“Verbs, magnificent, energetic, effective, permeate the entire description Battle of Poltava:

The regiments closed their ranks,

Arrows scattered in the bushes.

Cannonballs roll, bullets whistle;

Cold bayonets hung down.

Sons beloved victories,

The Swedes are rushing through the fire of the trenches;

Worried, the cavalry flies;

The infantry is moving behind her..."

One more example of such use of tenses can be given from a poem by Alexei Pleshcheev. This poem is also interesting because, along with verbs of movement, verbs of color and sound also occupy a large place. The poet not only describes the arrival of spring, but also draws it and gives it music.

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining;

Swallow with spring

It flies towards us in the canopy.

With her the sun is more beautiful

And spring is sweeter...

Chirp out of the way

Greetings to us soon!

I'll give you grains

And you sing a song,

What from distant countries

I brought with me...

This poem contains verbs of all three tenses:

in the first stanza there are verbs of the present tense of the imperfect form:turns green, flies, shines;

in the second stanza there is only one verb of the imperative mood - the lyrical hero addresses the swallow:babble ;

in the third stanza the poet uses three verbs: future tense verbI'll give ; imperative verbsing and past tense verbbrought , which occurs in the last line of the poem, which, in fact, causes joy, because the swallow brought spring. The natural combination of different times creates one of the poetic effects of these poems.

Verbs that convey emotions.

"The witch is sittingsulks For the whole wide world...” M. Borodinskaya.

“The clear moon will say: “II miss you one. There is a blue silence in my cool halls...” M. Borodinskaya.

"At night the wind angry, Let him knock on the window...” A.A.Fet.

The power of the Russian verb.

« Amazing property Russian verb is its ability not only to name an action, but also to show how it proceeds in time". And it proceeds in an unusually varied way: it can occur long time (jump, push, shout, think, listen ), but can happen at once (jump, push, shout, flash ), can indicate the beginning of an action (sing, scream, get sick, thunder ) or, on the contrary, its end (to finish singing, to finish, to finish, to finish, to finish reading ), may indicate an action brought to a certain result (read, cook, whiten, rebuild, fry ), or occur from time to time, with some interruptions (stir, walk, feed, read ), or an action limited in time (sit, lie down, read, talk ).

There are many meanings of these, but it is already obvious that these unique meanings arise when either a new prefix is ​​added to a verb, or

a new suffix, and sometimes both. So, for example, from the verbplay Almost all the values ​​mentioned here can be formed:to play, to play out, to win, to play out, to win back and etc.

It was this property of the verb that delighted word artists. So, V.G. Belinsky wrote: “... the Russian language is unusually rich in expressing natural phenomena... Indeed, what wealth for depicting the phenomena of natural reality lies only in Russian verbs that have types!Swim, swim, sail, sail, swim, sail, swim; float away, float away, swim up, swim up, swim up, swim up, float, float …».

The same idea was repeated by the wonderful poet of the early twentieth century V.Ya. Bryusov: “The power of the Russian verb is that school grammars call species. Let's take four verbs of the same root:become, put, stand, become . From them using attachmentsbefore, at, for, from etc., and about 300 verbs can be formed with “multiplicity” suffixes... These are:become, become, get up, get up, insert, get, get, get, get etc."

Thus, V.Ya. Bryusov, like V.G. Belinsky, and many other Russian writers saw in the ability of a verb to attach various prefixes and suffixes powerful tool enriching the Russian language with verbs.

Practical part.

To better visualize the role of verbs in the Russian language, I decided to conduct a little research at school. Students had to describe rainy weather in five sentences. There are different ways to report that it is raining outside. For example, it is raining - a simple statement of fact. We learn nothing about rain except that it exists. Or you can do it differently, for example, like this:

“Finally it started to rain. How pleasant it is to feel its warm drops. The summer rain merrily taps on the roof. He is getting stronger. And then it began to rain so heavily that you could hardly see anything. It felt so fresh right away! It’s great that it’s finally raining.”

"Rain is coming. With its noise it overshadowed all other sounds. The birds stopped singing their cheerful songs. All around, only the wind sings along with the rain. The air is filled with moisture from the rain. Drops are flowing down the glass, the trees have become wet and sad.”

"It has begun spring thunderstorm. Large drops left black spots on the asphalt. The rain picked up force under bright flashes of lightning and thunderclaps. The bright light of lightning illuminated everything around for a split second, blinding the eyes, like an intrusive photographer. The rain stopped as suddenly as it started.”

“Rain is wet, cold, falls outside in summer or autumn. And also in the spring. If it is in the summer, then it is warm, and if it is in the fall, then it is cold. In spring and summer It is raining always with thunder and lightning. After the rain, everything around becomes wet. When it rains, everyone walks around with umbrellas so as not to get wet.”

19 students in grades 6 and 8 took part in the study.

The study revealed that in all works, students use verbs when describing rain. The minimum number of verbs in the work is 1; maximum – 15.

One verb appears in 5 works. These are verbs: goes (in 2 works), hurts (head), gets in (in the face), is located.

In total, verbs were found in the works (in terms of use in this task, verbs take second place after nouns).

When describing the rain, students mainly used action verbs (): goes, flies, runs, walks, etc.; in second place are verbs of state (): I want to sleep, it becomes, etc.

The average number of verbs used in texts is 5-8;

nouns – 11.


The word "verb" in Ancient Rus' meant speech in general. So in V. Dahl’s dictionary the following definition is given: “A verb is human speech, intelligent speech, language.”

In our work, we wanted to show how great the figurative power of the verb is when writers and poets use it in their works. This is what A.N. writes about the verb. Tolstoy: “Movement and expression – the verb – are the basis of language. Finding the right verb for a phrase means giving movement to the phrase.” So this movement is directly related to the high aesthetic value of the verb.

Analyzing texts literary works, we saw that the most important stylistic function verb in artistic speech - to give dynamism to descriptions. The verb is used in artistic speech primarily to convey movement, expressing the dynamics of the surrounding world and the spiritual life of a person. If a writer wants to display pictures in which objects cease to be motionless, to “breathe life” into the narrative, he turns to verbs. Thanks to the verb, we treat the text as if it were alive, we clearly imagine what the hero is doing, what he feels, what is happening around him. The predominance of verbs contributes to the emotionality and brightness of the text.

We would like to finish the work with the words of K. G. Paustovsky: “You can create miracles with the Russian language. There is nothing in our lives and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words. The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which there would not be an exact expression in our language."

So, our hypothesis was a complete fiasco.

What are objects without me?

Only names

But I will come - everything will come into action,

A rocket is flying, people are building buildings,

And rye grows in the fields.

(V. Kondrashov)

In conclusion of my work, I want to say that now for me the verb is not just a part of speech, but “the most living part of speech.”

Bibliography .

    Grigoryan L.T. “My language is my friend” - M: Education, 2008.

    I.D. Zverev "With love for nature."

    A. Korinfsky “People's Rus'”.

    B. Shergin “Fine Masters”.

    Org A.O. “Olympiad tasks in the Russian language” - M: Prosveshchenie, 2006.

“The concept of a verb” - GAME ““Nouns” “Adjectives” “Verb”. Endless field. To go ashore, determine which letters are missing in the words? See you later, Fox. How does a verb differ from others? independent parts speeches? How are the texts different? Fill out the table: What do you already know about the verb? What should school students do?

“Thing in verbs” - Research objectives: Morphemics. Scientists' points of view on the component -т(-ти) in the infinitive. The basic unit of morphemics is the morpheme. In accordance with this understanding, -t/-ti, naturally, can be recognized as an ending. Suffixes are always placed after the root. Find out whether the infinitive form of the verb has an ending.

“NOT with verbs” - I stomped! 5th grade. Or maybe elephants are settled above me?! I had to sweep. I sat down for my homework yesterday. Learn the rule “Spelling does not use verbs.” I had to sweep up. WILL NOT get sick. You won't catch it. He walks on the ground, but does NOT see the sky. DOESN'T eat. "Power of love". DOES NOT know DOES NOT. Nothing hurts, but everything groans.

“Aspect and tense of the verb” - The mistress abandoned the bunny. Match the verbs of the non-formal past tense to the picture. I'll take the little goat to the green garden early in the morning. And then let's go back to mom! Let's fly over the forests. Match the owl verbs to the picture. type of past tense. Choose your own verbs. type past, present and future tense.

“Reference legal systems” - View the found document. Legal navigator. ATP classification. Operating procedure. Additional features. Types of classification: By subject By form of ownership. Section 2. Computer complexes and systems. ATP assessment. Quick search documents. Reference legal systems: concept, purpose.

“Verb 6th grade” - If the Volga was and is called mother, then the Ural is called father. Self-control. Assignment: write down the text from dictation. Determine tense, conjugation, transitivity of verbs. Answers to questions (page 220) 2) Independent work with the textbook (Ex. 529). Pack your things (before the trip). Take someone under your protection.



Completed by a student..... class


hands etc.:


G. .......................

Verb…………………………………………………………….. 3

It is important................................................................................... 3

Verb as part of speech .......................................................... 3

Plan morphological analysis verb...................... 4

Constant morphological features of verbs….. 4

View…………………………………………………... 4

Transitivity……………………………………….. 5

Conjugation………………………………………….. 6

Inconsistent morphological features of verbs... 7

Mood………………………………………….. 7

Word formation of verbs ………………………………... 9

A culture of speech. Correct use of verbs ....... 10

Orthoepic norms…………………………………. 10

Verb in text ……………………………………………. 10

This is interesting………………………………………………... 11

It's exciting………………………………………....... 12

Puzzles ………………………………………………………. 12

Crossword …………………………………………………… 13

Answers to the crossword puzzle…………………………………… 15

Final quiz: “What did you learn about the verb” ….…. 16

Answers…………………………………………………… 17


“Verbs are the most fiery, most living part of speech. The scarlet, freshest, arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb. And the purpose of the verb is to express the action itself!”

(A. Yugov)

It is important.

Verb as part of speech.

Verb is part of speech denoting an action or state and used in a sentence primarily as a predicate. The grammatical meaning of an action or state is concretized in one or another system of grammatical categories inherent (in a given language) to grammar and, in their totality, distinguishing it from other parts of speech of the same language. These grammatical categories are expressed in forms of inflection (conjugation), simple ("I write", "wrote", Ukrainian "pisatimu" - "I will write") or complex, formed with the participation of an auxiliary G. ("I will write") or particles ( "would write"). The most typical grammatical categories of grammar are tense, mood, aspect and voice. Functioning as a predicate, G. correlates with the subject of the sentence, sometimes, pointing with its form to a certain “actor”, makes the subject unnecessary (for example, in Russian “you will go” the verb form itself indicates the 2nd person, i.e. . to the fact that we are talking about an action performed by the interlocutor). If there is a subject, G. in many languages ​​agrees with it in person and number, sometimes also (for example, in Arabic, in Russian in the past tense and subjunctive mood) in gender or (in many African languages, in some Caucasian languages, etc.) in class. There are languages ​​in which the category of person and number is completely absent (for example, in Danish “skriver” means “I write”, and “you write”, and “writes”, and “we write”). In many languages, G., having.

Plan for morphological analysis of the verb.


Part of speech, general grammatical meaning and a question.


Morphological characteristics:


Constant morphological characteristics:


view(perfect, imperfect);


repayment(non-refundable, returnable);



transitivity(transitive, intransitive);

conjugation(I, II)


Variable morphological characteristics:




time(in the indicative mood);




face(in the present, future tense; in the imperative mood);


genus(in the singular past tense and subjunctive mood).


Role in sentence(which part of the sentence is the verb in this sentence).

Constant morphological features of verbs.


View- a verbal category showing the nature of the course of action over time, expressing the relationship of the action to its internal limit, result. Category kind is inherent in all verbs of the Russian language in any form. Verbs have two types (perfect and imperfect). The type can be determined using the question asked to it (what to do? - imperfect view, what to do? - perfect).

Verbs imperfect form form the past, present and future tenses. The future tense forms of such verbs are complex: I will work, I will do. Verbs perfect form do not form present tense forms. Their forms of the future tense are simple: I'll work, I'll do it.


Transitive verb (lat. verbum transitivum) - a verb that comes into combination with a noun in the accusative case in the meaning of the direct object of the action (patient). It is grammatically opposed to an intransitive verb. Transitivity is a grammatical category of a verb that expresses its aspect. From this point of view, a transitive verb is a verb of valency 2 or more:

I am eating an apple- the verb “is” is transitive, that is, it requires the addition of an object of action. Without it, action is impossible (they usually eat “something”).

The meaning of transitivity is that the subject of the action and the object of the action are separated, I perform an action with something.

I'm coming- the verb is intransitive, since attaching an object of action is impossible (in fact, you can “eat something”, but you cannot “go something”).

The meaning of intransitivity is that the subject of the action and the object of the action are connected - roughly speaking, “I force myself to act.”

It often happens, however, that a verb has several meanings, some of which are transitive, while others are not.


Conjugation- changing verbs by aspect, mood, tense, number, person and gender. Verbs are conjugated only in the indicative mood in the present and future tense. In the past tense, verbs change according to gender and number.

Verbs of I and II conjugations differ in endings:


I conjugation

II conjugation

units h.

pl. h.

units h.

pl. h.


-u (yu)


-u (yu)









-ut (ut)



In order not to make a mistake in writing the unstressed personal ending of a verb, you need to determine its conjugation. To do this, the verb must be put in the initial form:

Chita_m(what are we doing? - what to do?) - read.

The II conjugation includes:

a) verbs ending in – it(except for words lay, shave): nose it- nose look , nose it , nose them , nose ite , nose yat ;

b) as well as verbs

And one more thing: look, offend,

Hear, see, hate,

Drive, hold, breathe, twirl

And depend and endure.

You will remember, friends,

They cannot be conjugated with -e!

Variable morphological features of verbs.


Moodin linguistics- grammatical category of the verb. It represents a grammatical correspondence to the semantic category of modality (reality, hypothesis, unreality, desire, motivation, etc.), however, in a number of languages, mood can lose modal semantics and be dictated only by syntax (as in Latin and French, conjunctives in some types of sentences).

In Russian, verbs have forms of three moods: indicative, conditional (subjunctive) and imperative.

Verbs in the indicative mood denote a real action that is happening, has happened or will actually happen.

Verbs in the conditional mood do not denote actual actions, but desired, possible ones.

Verbs in the imperative mood denote an inducement to action (request, order), that is, they do not denote an actual action, but a required one.

Word formation of verbs.

When forming verbs, three morphological methods of word formation are productive to varying degrees: prefixal, suffixal and prefix-suffixal.

Prefix method verb formation is the most productive. From any prefixless verb, by attaching a prefix to it, it is possible to form a new verb with a different connotation in the lexical meaning (cf. run - run in, run out, come running, run away and etc.). The lexical meaning of the prefix is ​​most distinct in verbs of motion.

A characteristic feature of verbal prefixes is the presence of antonym prefixes in their range, which makes it easier to understand the meaning of the prefix (cf.: stick - unstick, as well as synonymous prefixes that clarify lexical meaning verbs (cf.: expel - expel). Some prefixes add expressive shades to the meaning of the verb (cf.: rejoice - rejoice).

Suffix method verb formation is used when forming verbs from nouns and adjectives, as well as from pronouns, numerals and interjections. Suffix -nicha- (-icha; -a-) used when forming verbs from names of persons with the meaning “to do something, to act like someone”: lo-hole-nothing, fraud-nothing, shoe-nothing. Suffix -ova- (-eva-) and its derivatives -stvova-, -irova-, -izirova- form verbs from nouns meaning “to do something”: advice, domination, debate, collective control. Verbs are formed from nouns and adjectives using a suffix -And- meaning “to create a known quality or state”: litter, whiteness. From adjectives it is possible to form verbs with a suffix -e-, meaning “to become, to become such and such”: old, weak; the suffix is ​​less commonly used -well-: blind, well, strong, well. Verbs are formed from interjections with a suffix -i- (oh-ah-t, ah-ah-t) and its variant -ka-- from interjections and onomatopoeic words (meow-ka-t, ah-ka-t), as well as the suffix -well- (ah-well, clack-well).

Prefix-suffix method verb formation is less productive. A variation of this method is to use the suffix -yva- (-iva-) and affix -xia in combination with attachments: walk - walk, sleep - sleep(in the latter case we can talk about the prefix-postsuffix method).

A culture of speech. Correct use of verbs.

Orthoepic norms.

Pronunciation hard consonant in the suffix -sya in verbs - a sign of the old (classical) pronunciation of stage speech, and soft - a sign of modern speech. Both pronunciations are correct.

Accent often “moves” from verb to particle Not in past tense forms (except for the feminine form):

be - was not, was not, were not; But: was not;

give - didn’t give, didn’t give, didn’t give; But: not given;

live - did not live, did not live, did not live; But: did not live;

drink - didn’t drink, didn’t drink, didn’t drink; But: I didn't drink.

Verb in the text.

Unity text is achieved different ways. One of them is maintaining the unity of aspectual and tense forms of verbs. Within the same text, verbs of the same type and in the same tense forms are predominantly used.

For example, in a narrative that depicts sequential events (one action has ended, another follows it, a second follows a third, etc.), perfective verbs are usually used in the past tense form (what did you do? came, brought, cut, divided, put).

Imperfective verbs in narrative text are often used in the beginning to general characteristics situation in which the action will unfold (what did you do? lay, looked, thought).

Verbs in the shape of present (future) tense can be used to describe completed events. The use of the present (future) tense in the meaning of the past is an artistic device with the help of which it is created presence effect: the actions seem to take place before the eyes of the reader or listener, and the picture comes to life.

This is interesting.

The verb is an unusual part of speech. It is unusual just by its name. The word verb is borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, where it had the meaning “word, speech”, and in this meaning it is found in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin, A. Pleshcheev, A. Tolstoy, N. Ogarev. Pushkin’s lines from the poem “Prophet” are well known:

Arise, prophet, and see and listen,
Be fulfilled by my will,
And, bypassing the seas and lands,
Burn the hearts of people with the verb.

In terms of frequency of use, the verb ranks second (after nouns). The general frequency list of 9 thousand words includes 2500 verbs. The most frequent ones are: to be, to be able to, to say, to speak, to know, to become, to see, to want, to see, to think, to work, to love, etc.
It is necessary to note one more feature that sharply distinguishes a verb from a noun: it has twice the big amount grammatical features.

Linguistic science that studies the verb, or more precisely, how the verb describes a situation, how this situation is structured and how it exists in time is called aspectology.

It's exciting.


Interesting part of speech
Lives in Russian.
Who does what, will tell:
He draws, writes, or sings.
Embroidering or plowing,
Or scores a goal
Cooks, fries, washes, cleans -
He will tell us everything...

What are objects without me?

Only names.

And I'll come-

Everything will come into action.

A rocket is flying.

People build buildings.

The gardens are blooming,

And grain grows in the fields.(verb)

He brings objects to life,

Involves them all in the matter,

tells them WHAT TO DO

He strictly monitors this himself.

He has three times

And he knows how to hide.

Many schools are being built for children,

So that everyone knows about...(verb)



QUESTIONS vertically:

1. peer - ?

2. passed - ?

3. flashed - ?

4. reborn - ?

6. upset - ?

7. eat - ?

8. possessed - ?

9. knows - ?

12. bent down - ?

17. fenced - ?

19. got stubborn - ?

22. enveloped - ?

23. mumbled - ?

24. cheated - ?

25. enraged - ?

26. hidden - ?

27. devoured - ?

30. express - ?


33. I appeal - ?

35. convince - ?

37. detained - ?

38. shoot - ?

40. seduced - ?

42. started - ?

44. shop - ?

47. lied - ?

QUESTIONS horizontally:

5. attacked - ?

10. reason - ?

11. turn off - ?

13. memorize - ?

14. sparkled - ?

15. I'm confused - ?

18. guess - ?

20. crackle - ?

21. picked up - ?

26. cajoled - ?

28. provide - ?

29. accompany - ?

31. rejoiced - ?

32. boasted - ?

34. wagged - ?

36. studied - ?

39. promotes - ?

41. will save - ?

43. thought about it - ?

45. collected - ?

46. ​​pull in - ?

48. dig up - ?

49. left - ?

50. aim - ?




5. stormed
10. think
11. we will pay off
13. memorize
14. beamed
15. I'll talk you into it
16. read
18. figure it out
20. chatter
21. teased
26. cajoled
28. guarantee
29. accompany

31. rejoiced
32. put on airs
34. dissembling
36. studied
39. helps
41. save
43. got into it
45. collected
46. ​​involve
48. overroy
49. drove away
50. send

1. peer
2. retreated
3. caught fire
4. resurrected
6. will upset
7. smart
8. had
9. knows
12. bent
17. isolated
19. balked
22. enveloped
23. babble

24. cheated
25. angry
26. concealed
27. gobbled
30. formulate
33. I appeal
35. persuade
37. arrested
38. seduce
40. beckoned
42. started
44. buy
47. lied


Final quiz: "What have you learned about the verb"

  1. 1. What is a verb?
  2. 2. Name the constant and inconstant morphological features of the verb.
  3. 3. What types of verbs are there, and how can you determine which type a verb belongs to?
  4. 4. What is conjugation? What conjugations are there? How to determine the conjugation of a verb? Are there exceptions?
  5. 5. What inclinations are there? What is the second name for the conditional mood?
  6. 6. Name the main ways of forming verbs.
  7. 7. From what language is the word verb borrowed?
  8. 8. Where does the verb rank in terms of frequency of use?
  9. 9. What science studies the verb?
  10. 10. How to pronounce a postfix consonant correctly (hard or soft)-sya in verbs.



  1. 1. A part of speech that denotes an action or state.
  2. 2. Constant morphological features of verbs: aspect, reflexivity, transitivity, conjugation.

Variable morphological features of verbs: mood, tense, number, person, gender.

  1. 3. Perfect and imperfect. The type can be determined using the question asked to it (what to do? - imperfect view, what to do? - perfect).
  2. 4. Changing verbs according to types, moods,

    First conjugation: shave, lay.

    1. 5. Indicative, conditional (subjunctive) and imperative.
      1. 6. Prefix, suffixal, prefix-suffixal, suffixless, addition with a connecting vowel, addition without a connecting vowel, addition with the simultaneous addition of a suffix.
      2. 7. From the Old Church Slavonic language.
      3. 8. Second (after nouns).
      4. 9. Aspectology.

    10. Pronunciation of a hard consonant in a suffix -sya V

    verbs - a sign of the old (classical) pronunciation of stage speech, and soft - a sign of modern speech. Both pronunciations are correct.

    • Verb– a part of speech that denotes the action of an object and answers questions WHAT TO DO? And WHAT TO DO?
    • Verbs change tenses: they come in the form present, past And future time. In the present and future tenses, verbs change according to persons and numbers, and in the past tense - according to gender (singular) and numbers.
    • In a sentence the verb is usually predicate and agrees with the subject.
    • Examples: we were riding a bike, we were playing ball, we were going to fly on an airplane.

    2. NOT with verbs.

    • NOT with verbs it is written separately.
    • The exception is those verbs that are without NOT are not used.

    NOT apart

    NOT seamlessly

    don't go


    be indignant

    be perplexed

    bad luck


    • Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question WHAT TO DO? or WHAT TO DO?
    • This initial form verbs. It shows neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender.
    • The indefinite form of the verb has the ending -Ть (-ТИ) and the zero ending in verbs ending with –Чь.
    • In an indefinite form after the letter H is written soft sign.
    • Examples: take care-beware, wander-wander, walk-walk, crawl-crawl.

    4. Spelling –TSYA And -THIS in verbs.

    • WHAT IS HE DOING? (Will he?) or WHAT ARE THEY DOING? (Will they?) , then this verb is in the 3rd person and in it before –SYA letter b not written .
    • If the verb answers questions WHAT TO DO? (DO?), then this verb is in an indefinite form and in it before –SYA letter b is written .
    • Examples:

    Able (to do what?) to study (indefinite form).

    Brother (what is he doing) studying (3rd person).

    Two kinds of verbs

    Perfect Imperfect

    What to do? What to do?

    What did you do? What did you do?

    What will I do? What am I doing?

    What will I do?

    6. Letters E – I in the roots with alternation.

    • In the roots with alternation E – I letter is written AND , if there is a suffix after the root -A - .

    Alternation E-I


    Ber- – -bir-

    elect - electBERu

    Per- – -pir-


    Der- – -dir-

    rip off - rip off

    Ter- – -tir-

    wipe - wipe

    Mer- – -world-

    freeze - freeze

    Stel- – -stil-

    spread out - spread out

    Verb tense

    Past Future

    The present

    Past tense.

    • Verbs in the past tense change according to numbers, and in the singular – by childbirth .
    • The suffix is ​​usually used to form the past tense –L– .
    • In the past tense before –L– The same vowel is written with the suffix as in the indefinite form (sowed - sow).

    The sun was rising.

    The grass was rising.

    Streams flowed.

    Present tense.

    • Only imperfective verbs have present tense forms.

    howls , whistles ,

    Branches breaks ,

    Dust raises ,

    Off your feet knocks down .

    Do you hear his,

    Not at all you see his.


    Without wings flying, Without legs are running ,

    Without a sail float .


    I'm walking in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.

    In a hollow on an old oak tree. I'm nuts gnawing .


    Future tense.

    • The future tense has two forms: simple and complex.
    • From perfective verbs the future simple is formed ( I'm flying), and from imperfective verbs - the future complex ( I'll fly).

    • Changing verbs according to persons and numbers is called conjugation.
    • Verbs of the first conjugation have endings:

    U (-yu), -eat (-eat), -et (-et), -ete (-et), -eat (-eat), -ut (-et)

    • Verbs of the second conjugation have endings:

    U (-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat)


    Are you going along the path

    We wait dawn

    Grazing moose

    You're watching behind the squirrel

    Noisy forest

    They're buzzing wires

    11 exception verbs:




    I ref.

    II reference

    If the verb has an unstressed personal ending, you need:

    1) put the verb in the indefinite form

    For example: build - build;

    2) determine which vowel comes before -TH .

    Co. II conjugation relate:

    a) all verbs in –IT(except for shaving, laying)

    b) 7 verbs per –EAT(tolerate, twist, offend, depend, hate, see, watch)

    c) 4 verbs per –AT(hold, hear, breathe, drive)

    All other verbs (in -et, -at, -ot, -ut, -et etc.) refer to I conjugation .

    fights (fight) – I conjugation

    depends (depend) – II conjugation, exception.

    10. " b" after sibilants in verbs in the 2nd person singular.

    • In 2nd person singular after Sh is written soft sign .

    You're lazy

    • The order of morphological analysis:

    I. Part of speech. General meaning.

    II. Morphological characteristics:

    Initial form (indefinite form);


    Genus (if any)

    III. Syntactic role.
