Prayer for the repose of the deceased parents. Prayers for dead children

Prayer for a deceased loved one is an important action that must be performed by the living. Someday our parents will not be alive, no matter how sad it may sound. This event will be the saddest event in a lifetime, the most bitter loss and sharp sadness in the hearts. Parents are the most sacred thing in the world. In order for our loved ones to feel good in Heaven, and for us to be calmer on earth, a prayer is needed for the deceased parents, which everyone should know.

Special days for reading a prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased parent

Exactly 8 times a year, the day comes when everyone should forget about their problems, worldly worries and devote all their time to prayer to their parents. What are the days on which it is important to pray?

  • parent Saturday;
  • all Saturdays of the second, third and fourth weeks of Great Lent;
  • Radonitsa;
  • Trinity Saturday;
  • Dmitrievskaya Saturday;
  • day of the departed warriors, i.e. 9th May.

It is on these days that it is very good if every child visits the temple and begins to read a prayer for the deceased parents. You can bring food with you, which must be laid out on the memorial table. Usually, these are sweets, cookies or fruits.

No need to think that the prayer of children for deceased parents is a tribute, a day when everyone remembers their loved ones. First of all, it is communication with the dead. They hear everything and by all means will protect every loved one living on earth. You can not only come to church, but also visit the cemetery to read the Psalter about how life in Heaven will become the happiest, joyful and eternal life for your beloved parents.

The text of the prayer for the deceased parents

« Lord Jesus Christ our God! You are the orphan guardian, the grieving refuge and the weeping comforter. I resort to You, az, orphan, groaning and. weeping, and I pray to Thee: hear my supplication and turn not Thy face away from the sighing of my heart and from the tears of my eyes.

I pray to You, merciful Lord, quench my grief about separation from the one who gave birth and raised me, my parent (name); but his soul, as if having departed to Thee with true faith in Thee and firm hope in Thy philanthropy and mercy, receive into Thy Kingdom of Heaven.

I bow before Your holy will, it has already been taken away from me, and I ask You not to take away Your mercy and mercy from him. We know, Lord, as You, the Judge of this world, punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even up to the third and fourth generation: but also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

With contrition and tenderness of the heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the departed unforgettable for me Thy servant, my parent (name), but forgive him all his sins, free and involuntary, in word and deed, knowledge and ignorance created by him in his life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and philanthropy, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Theotokos and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver eternal torment.

You, merciful Father of fathers and children! grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, do not stop remembering my deceased parent in your prayers, and implore Thee, the righteous Judge, and put him in a place of light, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints From here, all sickness, sadness and sighing will run away. Merciful Lord!

accept this day about your servant (name), this warm prayer of mine and reward him with your recompense for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as if he had taught me first of all to lead Thee, Your Lord, in reverence to pray to Thee, to trust in Thee alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep your commandments;

for his well-being about my spiritual success, for the warmth of his prayers for me before You and for all the gifts he asked me from You, reward him with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal kingdom.

Thou art the God of mercies and generosity and philanthropy, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

On the commemoration of the departed at home

Within the walls of your home, there should also always be a memory of your parents, do not be afraid to remember them in your room, standing in front of the icons. Home prayer is a real salvation for the loved ones of the departed. You can ask the Father in more detail about how exactly it is worth reading the text, because it must be included in the morning appeal to a relative or in the evening. Those who have departed to the other world feel much freer as soon as we begin to read the sacred text for them. All prayers are as short as possible, so you can easily learn them by heart on your own.

Prayer for deceased parents up to 40 days

Remembrance dead soul it is very important to do it as soon as possible, especially if the relative has died recently. To do this, many order magpie in the church. This is a special rite of liturgy, which lasts from the day of death of a loved one up to 40 days. Sorokoust can be ordered again as soon as the first reported days are over. Such terms of remembrance can be ordered in the church for a year and for six months. Also, here there is a place to be a sacrifice - these are the most ordinary candles that we are used to lighting and putting with prayer on the lamps. True, everything is not so arranged here: for the dead, there is not a bright lamp, but sand, in which everyone puts a lit light from a pure heart.

Anniversary Prayer for a Deceased Parent

For the Lord God, the world is not divided into the living and the dead. There are only those who live on earth and those who are in Heaven. If a lot of time has passed since the death of a loved one, and the anniversary of death will come very soon, then you can give to the deceased as follows:

  • invite everyone who was closely acquainted with the deceased;
  • organize a wake at home or in a cafe;
  • be sure to go to the cemetery right on the day of the commemoration early in the morning and read a prayer there, putting beautiful fresh flowers on the grave;
  • gather everyone for a memorial dinner;
  • go to church, put a candle for the repose, and at the exit help all the poor with money (if there are extra ones).

Here it is impossible to do without prayer, which frees the soul from torment and gives strength to each deceased. You cannot even imagine how good it is in Heaven, especially if prayers are read for the deceased. After all, this is a real finding of peace for the soul. And here is the prayer itself, which is important to read on the anniversary of the death of a loved one:

“God, the merciful Lord, remembering the anniversary of the death of Your servant N (Your servant N), we ask You to honor him (her) place in Your Kingdom, grant blessed peace and enter into the radiance of Your glory.

Lord, look graciously at our prayers for the soul of Thy servant N (Thy servant N), whose death anniversary we remember; we ask you to count him (her) to the host of your saints, grant forgiveness of sins and eternal rest. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."

A few rules for ordering on the anniversary of death

  1. If the date of death falls within the first week after the date of the celebration Great Easter, then at this time a special Paschal canon is sung, and for the second week it is necessary to order mass, proskomidia and memorial service.
  2. Be sure to take the prosphora and eat it after the service in the church at home on an empty stomach. This is a kind of memory of the deceased.
  3. Always pray and read a prayer - this is the most valuable thing for those who are in Heaven.

Remember your parents, spend as much time with them as possible, otherwise the very moment will come when they will not be in this world. Pray for their health. And as soon as the people closest to you die, be sure to read the sacred texts for them for peace. This is the best thing you can do for souls.

Children's prayer for deceased parents for the repose of the soul was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

We are all children and our parents are with us as long as we remember and pray for them. The soul of a dead person cannot ask for itself, it quietly waits for God's decision, while the Lord hears and answers the petitions of living children. The prayer of children for the parents of the dead is powerful argument in the spiritual world to save the souls of loved ones.

The meaning of prayers for the dead

Sincere prayer, fervent petition has the ability to change the fate of the deceased father or mother when God's mercy descends on him. At death, only the physical shell of a person dies, but the soul continues to live, it is in another dimension.

In Orthodoxy, the deceased father and mother are revered on parental Saturdays.

Making their way through life, relatives could pray for the salvation of their souls themselves. Near the Creator, the newly-deceased soul awaits its fate, which can be mitigated by the prayers of children for their deceased parents.

It is important:

There are many testimonies of Christians whose father or mother died, but no one prayed for them. The feeling of guilt and some kind of anxiety did not leave the children, the ancestors often dreamed at night, increasing anxiety. Everything stopped only after the children began to read a prayer for the departed loved ones.

Our Lord Jesus Christ! You guard the orphans, protect the mourners, and comfort the weeping. I come to you, orphan, weeping and praying to you: hear my prayer and do not turn your face away from the sighs of my heart and the tears of my eyes! I pray to You, merciful Lord, quench my sorrow for the one who gave birth and raised me, my parent (name), but his soul, which has departed to You with reverence for You and firm hope for Your understanding and comfort, accept Your Kingdom of Heaven. I bow before Your holy will, and I trust in You, but do not take away Your protection from them. Lord, as the judge of this world, you will punish the sins and vices of the fathers in their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even the third and fourth generation. But You also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I beg you with contrition and prayer of the heart, merciful Judge, and do not punish with eternal punishment the deceased unforgettable servant of Yours, my parent (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, in word or deed, by knowledge or ignorance committed by him in his life here , on the ground. And according to Your mercy, for the sake of the prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos and all the saints, have mercy on him and deliver him from eternal torment. You are the merciful father of fathers and children! Grant me all the days of my life until my last breath and do not stop remembering my dead parent in your prayers. And I ask You, the righteous Judge, give him a bright, cool and calm place, next to all the saints, and save him from all illnesses, sorrows and suffering. Merciful Lord. Today, accept my true prayer for Your servant and reward him with Your mercy for his deeds and my upbringing in faith and Orthodoxy, which taught me first of all to see You, Your Lord, to pray to You in reverence, to trust in You alone in difficult times, troubles and sorrow, to keep thy commandments. For the fact that he honored Your prayers and followed my spiritual progress, for the warm prayers he brought to You and for all the gifts asked for me from You, give him Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in Your eternal Kingdom. For You are the God of mercies and generosity and philanthropy, You are the peace and joy of Your servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

What days are prayers supposed to be read

The newly deceased are those who have died before the fortieth day after death. The parents who have gone to another world, like all the dead, are commemorated on the 3rd, 9th, 40th day, on the days of birth and death, and they also do not forget about relatives on the day of the angel.

Articles in addition:

Important! The Orthodox Church has established parental Saturdays, on which it is advisable to come or come to the grave and bow to the ashes of those who gave life. During parental days they order divine services in the temple, submitting notes for proskomedia, praying to God for mercy on the departed souls.

In Orthodoxy, the deceased father and mother are venerated on parental Saturdays:

  • the second, third and fourth weeks of Great Lent;
  • Radonitsa, which falls on the second Sunday after Easter;
  • Before the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit - the Trinity;
  • September 11 - the day of memory of John the Baptist;
  • Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

Children's prayer for deceased parents for the repose of the soul

These days, prayers are read for the deceased mother and father at home.

See also:

Attention! If the deceased ancestors were not baptized, they are not commemorated within the walls of the temple, but this can be done at home in the circle of close people.

Commemoration until the 40th day

For the first three days, the soul of a newly deceased person, accompanied by an angel, abides on earth. After that, the angels take her to heaven, so that for six days the soul surveys paradise.

Prayer on the ninth day has great spiritual power, when the soul of the newly deceased appears before God.

God of spirits and all flesh, who corrected death and abolished the devil, and gave life to Your world! Himself, Lord, give rest to the souls of the departed Thy servants: His Holiness Patriarchs, His Grace Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, who served You in the priestly, church and monastic ranks; the creators of this Holy Temple, Orthodox forefathers, father, brothers and sisters, lying here and everywhere; leaders and warriors for faith and the fatherland laid down their lives, faithful, killed in internecine warfare, drowned, burned, frozen in the cold, torn to pieces by beasts, suddenly died without repentance and did not have time to reconcile with the Church and with their enemies; in the frenzy of the mind of the suicidal, those whom they commanded and asked not to pray for, for whom there is no one to pray and the faithful, the burials of the Christian deprived (name) in a place of light, in a green place, in a quiet place, sickness, sadness and sighing will flee from nowhere. Any sin committed by them in word or deed or thought, like a good God who loves mankind, forgive, like a person, who will be alive and will not sin. You are one except for sin, Your righteousness is righteousness forever, and Your word is truth.

As You are the Resurrection, and the Life and Peace of the departed Thy servant (name), Christ our God, and we send glory to You with Your Father without beginning, and the Most Holy, and the Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The soul of the departed ancestor again appears before the Almighty on the 40th day, at this moment its fate is decided.

Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai, 40 days Jesus prayed in the desert, 40 years the Jews wandered in the desert. The sacred number forty is especially revered in Orthodoxy.

Until the fortieth day, a short prayer is read daily for the deceased mother and father:

“Give rest, Lord, to the soul of Your newly-departed servant (name) and all our ancestors, close and dear people, forgive, God, their voluntary and involuntary sins, and enter them into the Kingdom of Your glory.”

The same prayer is read when visiting the grave of relatives, before reading it, a lamp is lit, which must be extinguished after leaving in order to avoid a fire. It is impossible to eat at or near the grave, so as not to desecrate the memory of the deceased mother and father.

Ritual lamps on the grave

Anniversary commemoration

Celebrating the anniversary of the death of a dear person, you should remember him kind word and read the prayer.

God, the merciful Lord, remembering the anniversary of the death of Your servant (Your servant), we ask You to honor him (her) place in Your Kingdom, grant blessed rest and enter into the radiance of Your glory.

Lord, look graciously at our prayers for the soul of Your servant (Your servant), whose anniversary of death we remember; we ask you to count him (her) to the host of your saints, grant forgiveness of sins and eternal rest. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

At this time, all relatives need to get together, go to the grave, read a prayer message there and, if possible, organize a memorial dinner, which should not turn into fun gatherings with songs.

On the days of the Bright Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the church is not recommended to go to the graves and commemorate the dead, on this day in the spiritual world everyone is alive. The custom of going to the dead on Easter came from Soviet times, when people were free only on weekends. After Easter, it is recommended to go to the grave of the deceased no earlier than the third day.

Advice! Deceased parents will feel better in Heaven if children pray for them a lot.

It is terrible to realize how lonely it is for the souls of parents whom children have forgotten about, their souls will never find peace.

When celebrating the anniversary of a person’s death, one should remember him with a kind word and read a prayer

How to read prayers and commemorate deceased parents at home

Attendance at temple services during the days parent Saturdays sacred, but honoring relatives and friends at home does not detract from their spiritual power of petitions for mercy before God.

If there are icons in the house, then petitions are read standing in front of them. Regularly reading a home prayer for deceased parents for the repose of their souls will bring not only salvation to them in Heaven, but will also cover the blessings of the children left on earth.

Advice! In the absence of experience in regularly reading prayers, you can turn to the priest of the local church for help, but it is better to ask him to become your counselor, provided that this person is worthy of respect and trust.

Parents who have gone to another world will be much freer and calmer there if the children constantly remember them and read prayers as constant petitions before God.

Honor your parents, and your days on earth will be long, as the Bible says. Parents need to be taken care of when they are alive, so that God will bless the children and grandchildren with His blessing. At the same time, the prayer of children for their dead parents prolongs the blessing of the Creator over those who remain on earth. His mercy expands over those who have gone to Heaven.

Radonitsa. Commemoration of the dead. parent saturday

The death of a mother is a tragedy for everyone. Even knowing that her soul is destined for eternal bliss in the Heavenly palaces, a person hardly comes to terms with the fact that his mother is no longer with him. To accept the inevitable, to calm the soul, to make it easier for her to pass the tests after her repose, a prayer for the deceased mother will help. Put your whole self into reading prayer books - and it will be much easier to survive the loss.

One way to express concern for the soul of your deceased mother, to help her in peace, is to read the Psalter. It is customary to read one kathisma a day, all forty-first days after death. These prayers will ensure the repose of the soul of your mother, reduce sadness, sorrow, grief. They give her a quick repose, a complete sense of freedom, the opportunity to find eternal happiness in Paradise.

When to offer prayers for a dead mother?

The prayer for the deceased mother is read both for the first forty days, and on all memorial dates, anniversaries of birth, death, at times when it is especially hard for you without her. Saying prayers for the repose of her soul, turn to God sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. Only such a prayer will reach him, thereby giving the deceased a real purification, and then - repose and the opportunity to go to Paradise.

Prayer "For the deceased mother"

“Lord, Jesus Christ, our God! You are the guardian of the orphans, the grieving refuge and the weeping comforter.
I am running to you, orphan, groaning and crying, and I pray to You: hear my prayer and do not turn Your face away from the sighing of my heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to you, merciful Lord, quench my sorrow
about separation from my parent who gave birth and raised (who gave birth and raised) me (my mother), (name) (or: with my parents who gave birth and raised me, their names) -, his soul (or: her, or: their) , as if departed (or: departed) to Thee with true faith in Thee and with firm hope in Thy philanthropy and mercy, receive into Thy Kingdom of Heaven.
I bow before Your holy will, it has already been taken away (or: taken away, or: taken away) be from me, and I ask You not to take away from him (or: from her, or: from them) Your mercy and mercy. We know, Lord, as You are the Judge of this world, punish the sins and wickedness of the fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, even up to the third and fourth kind: but also have mercy on the fathers for the prayers and virtues of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With contrition and tenderness of the heart, I pray to Thee, merciful Judge, do not punish with eternal punishment the deceased unforgettable (departed unforgettable) for me Your servant (Your servant), my parent (my mother) (name), but forgive him (her) all his sins ( her) free and involuntary, in word and deed, by knowledge and ignorance created by him (her) in his (her) life here on earth, and according to Your mercy and philanthropy, prayers for the sake of the Most Pure Mother of God and all the saints, have mercy on him (s) and eternal spare the pain.
You, merciful Father of fathers and children! Grant me, all the days of my life, until my last breath, do not stop remembering my deceased parent (my deceased mother) in my prayers, and beg Thee, the righteous Judge, and put him (s) in a bright place, in a cool place and in a place of peace, with all the saints, all sickness, sorrow and sighing will flee from here.
Merciful Lord! Receive this day about Your servant (Your) (name) this warm prayer of mine and give him (her) Your recompense for the labors and cares of my upbringing in faith and Christian piety, as if he taught (taught) me first of all lead Thee, your Lord, in pray to You with reverence, to trust in You alone in troubles, sorrows and illnesses and keep Your commandments; for the well-being of him (her) about my spiritual success, for the warmth brought by him (her) prayers for me before You and for all the gifts that he (she) asked me from You, reward him (her) with Your mercy, Your heavenly blessings and joys in your eternal kingdom.
Thou art the God of mercies and generosity and philanthropy, You are the peace and joy of Your faithful servants, and we send glory to You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

While reading the prayer for repose, try to get rid of your grief, despondency. Remember that your mother's pure soul will definitely go to Heaven, which means that you are destined to meet sooner or later. Black sorrow after the repose of the dead is also a violation of the commandments, it places a heavy burden not only on the one who prays, but also on the deceased.

Offer up prayers for the repose with bright sorrow, real child or filial love. Then they can shorten your mother's path through purgatory. Only after passing through purification the soul will receive real peace - a happy existence without the hardships of earthly life. This care should lie on your shoulders, since only the requests of the child have such a strong meaning.

Prayer for a deceased mother does not require particularly complex sacraments and rituals.

Of course, a prayer for repose can also be ordered in the church. However, such a prayer is unlikely to give the departed real peace. When reading a prayer for repose, you do not need photographs or any other paraphernalia. On the contrary, the use of photos or ritual objects by Orthodox canons will be considered sinful, unworthy of a Christian. A lit church candle near the icon is enough, as well as the image of the departed saved in your memory.

Read a prayer for repose from the soul. There are canonical texts for prayers for the dead, but God will also accept the words coming from your heart, no matter how awkward they are. Sincere requests will provide peace to the soul, while a prayer service read for granted will not reach the hearing of the Lord.

What should be the prayer words?

Rest in peace is a complex religious sacrament that is performed with the help of church prayers and rituals. Without them, rest is very difficult, since the soul, deprived of the support of the most dear people, own children, it is more difficult to be cleared of committed mistakes. In this case, there can be no talk of complete repose - for too long the soul has to atone for its own mistakes.

Try to put into the prayer words all your feelings for the mother, the desire for her an easy afterlife, gratitude for the warmth and care that she bestowed on her child. And then your prayer will bring her peace, and you - relief in your anguish and fill the void that has formed after the departure of a loved one.

The death of a loved one is always a great grief and pain, which only dulls a little over time. But when we talk about the death of a mother or father, then recovering from this disaster is doubly difficult. Moreover, according to Orthodox canons, after death, the connection between children and parents does not stop. The Lord can always ask a mother for an unreasonable child left on earth. And the child, in turn, is not released from the obligation to pray for his deceased parents. These prayers, read on special days, can even save the soul from the imminent fall into hell.

The clergy say that a person who so diligently prays for the souls of his loved ones also receives a blessing from God and after death ends up in heavenly places. Therefore, a prayer for a deceased mother from a daughter or son will bring spiritual benefits to both parties. However, not everyone knows how to properly ask for their loved ones before the Almighty. Today we will tell you what prayers you need to read about the deceased mother in different periods that have passed since the day of death. Keep in mind that in a similar way you can beg for the soul of a deceased father or other close people.

What happens to the soul after death?

According to Orthodox canons, each mother should be pronounced at her own time. This or that text matters on certain days after death, therefore it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly happens to the soul of the deceased after the transition to another world. Orthodox priests advise relatives never to grieve for their dead parents. After all, death is not the end, but only a transition to another state. And in it the soul will not experience pain and suffering, especially if during life the person was a sincere believer and honored the laws of God above all else. Even the most sinless, according to the relatives of the deceased, the soul has its sins, and therefore the temptations of demons and the judgment of the Almighty will await it.

Have you ever wondered where the rules come from to commemorate loved ones on the third, ninth and fortieth day after death? Many Orthodox do not understand the meaning of these days for the departed soul. Some perform the commemoration according to the rules, while others believe that this is not too important. However, we must not forget that it was on these days strong prayer about the deceased mother or father is very necessary for them, because at such moments it is decided exactly where the soul will be determined.

Keep in mind that in the first few days after death, demons tempt the soul and try to take it to hell. However, a fervent prayer for the deceased mother, read by children, can help the soul to cope with all temptations and face the judgment of God.

Do not forget that this court can be called private. It decides where the soul will be directed to doomsday. If she is recognized as sinless and is allowed into paradise, then this decision will not be reviewed in the future. But in the case when the sins turn out to be too strong, and the soul is determined to hell, only a prayer for the deceased mother, read regularly and with with a pure heart, may become the basis for a review of the decision on the day of the Last Judgment, when the fate of every person living and ever living on earth will be considered.

Since the soul itself can no longer ask for itself and repent of what was done during life, it is the children who, by their prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased mother, can save her from eternal torment in hell. Church ministers always clarify that even one moment in hell cannot be compared with all the suffering on earth. Therefore, you should always remember your deceased relatives and work spiritually to help them find peace in the best of all possible worlds.

The first forty days after death: what does the soul do during this time?

Prayer for a deceased mother is especially important in forty days after death. No wonder this period is defined as a certain milestone, after the transition of which it is almost impossible to change anything.

  • In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that after the soul leaves the body, it remains on earth for another two days. She is greeted by two angels: a guardian and a guide. They will accompany the soul in the first days after death. The soul can spend them next to their loved ones, visit the most memorable places or those where they never had time to visit during their lifetime. This time can be called farewell to your earthly existence.
  • The third day is considered one of the most difficult. Angels must lead the soul to the Creator, but demons begin to tempt it along the way. They strive in every possible way to take her to hell, recalling all the sins made during the earthly journey. It is very difficult to overcome temptation, but a prayer for a deceased mother can become that beacon that will guide the soul and help her.
  • Over the next six days, the deceased remains in paradise, he gets acquainted with everything that is there, resting before the court, which every soul fears.
  • The ninth day is devoted to communion with God, after which the disembodied spirit goes to hell. There he remains until the fortieth day, after which the judgment itself takes place. On this day, the soul receives its verdict until the Last Judgment.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear why, in the first days after death, children should actively pray for the departed parent in order to help him overcome all trials.

Church ceremonies that must be performed over the body of the deceased

If death has come to your family, then, of course, it is very difficult to remain reasonable and remember all the rituals. However, it is the children who, in the event of the death of one of the parents, are responsible for observing all the rituals. Therefore, this issue must be taken very seriously. Moreover, all church rites are not too difficult for heartbroken loved ones.

At the very moment when the soul departed from the body, it is necessary to read the "Following". This is not one prayer, but a whole collection of prayers and songs. They help the deceased to completely separate from the body and say goodbye to their earthly existence. Next, you need to read the Psalter and order several funeral services in the temple. We will talk about them a little later.

On the third day after the death of the deceased, the funeral is performed in the temple. To do this, the coffin with the body is brought to the church, where the priest performs the necessary prayers. After the burial, all relatives and friends should remember the deceased. Also, the memorial meal is repeated on the ninth and fortieth day after death.

How to pray for a dead mother?

Grief always comes unexpectedly, which is why it is so difficult to think sensibly in these moments. The prayer for the deceased mother does not require special preparations, however, when reading it, certain rules must be observed:

  • You should not pray in a state of deep despondency, try to put aside your grief a little and turn to the Creator without sorrow and with a pure heart. If the appeal to God is accompanied by tears, then such a prayer will become a heavy burden for the soul in the afterlife. It will not bring joy and will not become support in the upcoming trials.
  • Of course, it is worth ordering special prayers in the temple, but they should only complement the words that the child will pronounce for his departed mother in the silence of the house. Only such prayers have real power and value in the eyes of God. They need to be read at any icon and with a lit church candle. However, if there are no icons and candles in the house, then you can pray without them. The main thing is that the words are spoken with love.
  • Of course, one prayer will not help your dead mother find peace. Therefore, it is necessary to ask God for her on the days of remembrance and at any other time, because the prayer for the deceased mother after forty days is no less important than before the expiration of this period. It is believed that a daily appeal to the Creator will help the soul to be cleansed of sins and find peace in paradise.

What prayers to read for the deceased mother: Sorokoust

It is customary to order forty liturgies in the temple immediately after the death of a person. Moreover, this can be done simultaneously in several churches, it is permissible if they are located in different cities or even countries. Sorokoust is a prayer of commemoration that the priest reads at the liturgy. This happens for forty days, until the soul enters the judgment of God and receives its definition.

According to Orthodox canons, a forty-day commemoration during the service helps the soul to pass tests more easily and be cleansed of its lifetime sins, of which it did not have time to repent. It is believed that after the first three liturgies served for the deceased, the angels turn to the Almighty with requests to go to hell for the soul in order to ease its torment. In the following liturgies, they ask for the communion of the newly introduced soul.

For ten dinners, the angels beg the Creator for the opportunity to bring the deceased to the gates of hell. Until the twentieth service, the soul is in hell and only then receives permission to leave from there. Angels accompany her everywhere and in the following days dress the incorporeal spirit in white clothes, return it to its usual appearance and enter into paradise with the blessing of the Creator. That is why it is so important to offer prayers for the deceased mother up to 40 days in church and at home.

What prayer to read at home?

Prayer for the deceased mother up to 9 days should be daily. It is best to read the following text, which we present in its entirety without abbreviations.

The same prayer must be said on all days of commemoration of the deceased mother. This is usually done on the ninth and fortieth day. In the future, the deceased is remembered on church holidays specially designated for this and on the anniversary of the death.

On such days, it is necessary to come to the grave of loved ones and read a prayer there or at home if you cannot get to the cemetery.

Prayer for the deceased mother up to 40 days

In addition to what we have already voiced, especially those close to the deceased should read the Psalter. This is done at the same time by agreement, thus the power of prayer increases significantly. Up to forty days, it is very important to constantly ask the Lord for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. You can do this with the text below.

The priests also advise to have a special book, where the names of all close relatives who are no longer alive will be recorded. This will help you remember them at any time and turn to the Lord with a prayer. You can pronounce it at the behest of the soul, regardless of where you are, since it is quite simple and easy to remember.

When to remember the dead?

Of course, no one can forbid us to remember our parents who have left this world. But the Orthodox Church allocates several days on which this must be done without fail. Loving children on such dates always commemorate their relatives in the church and at the grave in the cemetery. Naturally, the first such day is the anniversary of death. After 40 days, prayer for the deceased mother or father should not be as intense as before. You should not count any other dates, the Orthodox Church does not support this.

Another date when we all remember not only the deceased parents, but also other people who are no longer with us, is Radonitsa. This holiday has no fixed date. It is associated with Easter and is counted from the Bright Resurrection.

In addition to the indicated days, several more Saturdays are allocated in Orthodoxy, when it is customary to remember their deceased loved ones. In fact, there are not many of them, so these days are quite easy to remember:

  • Meat-fat Saturday (before Maslenitsa).
  • Saturdays of Great Lent (second, third, fourth).
  • Before Pentecost.

If your mother was involved in military service, which is not uncommon in modern world, then it is necessary to commemorate her on the ninth of May and on the Saturday before the eighth of November.

How to commemorate the dead?

Not always people, even coming to the cemetery, behave correctly and in accordance with the canons Orthodox Church. But they are quite simple and include only a few points:

  • keep the grave clean;
  • do not swear;
  • do not drink alcohol.

It is also obligatory to visit the temple on the day of remembrance and write a note with the name of the deceased, so that the church minister pronounces it during the service. It is also advisable to order a memorial service, but this is done at the request of a relative.

How to pray for an unbaptized mother?

It happens that children belong to the bosom of the Orthodox Church, but their parents never received baptism, leaving life not tried on with God. How to pray for the deceased mother in this case? After all, everything that we told earlier is done only for Orthodox who have been baptized. Is it possible to leave the mother's soul without repentance and prayer?

These questions, as it turned out, are of concern to many parishioners of the Orthodox Church. In this regard, the clergy advise to pray at home in their own words. This cannot be done within the walls of the temple. Also, if you wish, you can read a prayer, but you can do this, once again, only at home.

Our parents have always been with us during their lifetime, they do not leave their children even after leaving it. Often, it is through their prayers that we cope with our troubles and life's trials, so our primary duty is to ask God for the souls of our mothers and fathers.

Orthodox Christians know a lot about the miraculous properties of prayers. Remembering the deceased, they help his soul to be cleansed of sins and calmly go to the Kingdom of Heaven, where it will find eternal rest.

Prayers for the departed are not only a tribute, but also a way to enlist the support of the family for good luck in life. Thus, the living ask God for mercy, since prayers also save our souls, allowing them to be cleansed through sincere faith and repentance. They tune in to peace, eradicating all the wicked things that are happening in our hearts, and contribute to spiritual growth and development. Prayers also help prepare for a sudden death, because, sadly, no one knows when this hour will come. The souls of the deceased protect those who do not consign the memory of their ancestors to oblivion, but visit the cemetery and order prayers in the church for loved ones who have left us. To do this, before the liturgy, Christians bring notes with the names of all the deceased baptized relatives and close people.

If you don't know if you are alive or not close person, after a certain time, it is necessary to contact the priest to sing it, so that the soul does not rush around our world in search of a way out. Often the prerequisites for the funeral are prophetic dreams, where missing relatives who died under various circumstances give signs to the living. In such a dream, you can see his torment, a look full of prayer, or even a direct appeal of the deceased with a request to bury his ashes and pray for his soul.

Prayer for the dead

“Great Lord, support in our lives. Everyone will appear before Your eyes at the appointed hour. In different ways, but invariably at the appointed hour, we all stand before Your judgment. We pray to you, Father, have mercy on the souls of our departed brothers, parents, children and loved ones. Grant them your mercy, as you forgive the sins of those who sincerely repent. Deliver them from torment, forgive and have mercy on their involuntary sins committed out of ignorance. As children ask for forgiveness from their parents, so we ask you for forgiveness. Lord Almighty, we pray to you with sincere faith and for the repentance of all the dead, whose ashes are not buried, whose thoughts are unclear. Grant them a fair trial, but save them from diabolical torment. Deliver their souls from eternal wandering on the sinful Earth, take them under your cover. Amen".

Prayer for deceased relatives

“Our merciful Father in heaven! I, a sinful servant (name), pray to you in humility. Rest the souls of my relatives who left our world (names). The servants of God are now in Your power. Their bodies are committed to the earth, and eternal souls went to the Kingdom of Heaven. Accept them and forgive them with your all-mercy, forgive them their lifetime sins, voluntary and involuntary, and admit them to eternal communion. Let them watch over us, living beings, and through Your mercy suggest the only true and righteous path. Amen".

Prayers for all the dead through the ages

“The sinful servant (name), bound by the bonds of sins, asks You, Creator, for forgiveness and purification. Before Your eyes with humility I came with my troubles, let me pray for the souls of all the dead. For sinners and the righteous, warriors and children, old and young. In all ages, souls flock to you, ascend. Leave no one unattended, but forgive them all their voluntary and involuntary mistakes. Indebted to You by life and death, I pray for guidance, peace and peace in my heart. Protect me from demonic manifestations during my lifetime, and I will remember all who have died now, and pay respect to them through the words of a sincere and cleansing prayer. May it be so forever and ever, and all sinners be righteous, may the blessed Kingdom of Heaven come on earth. Amen".

Do not forget to honor the memory of your kind, because every devoted person ascends to Heaven, where he continues to watch his relatives and provide all possible assistance. Visit the graves, paying respect, light candles so that the cleansing fire, through prayers and repentance, will free your souls from all sins. Live in the world and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.03.2017 03:01

Any church date has its own characteristics that every believer should know. On Memorial Day...
