Resurrection of Christ - Easter. Resurrection of Christ - Easter Lenten menu for Great Lent by day

Almost everyone prepares for the bright Easter holiday. Every hostess strives to bring perfect order to the house, put fragrant Easter cakes and colored eggs on the table, please her family and guests with bright and festive dishes. It is necessary to prepare thoroughly for this important day of the year: not only to think over the festive menu, but also to meet the Resurrection of Christ with great trepidation, a pure soul and an open heart.

Easter is the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, the victory of life over death. In order for this day to be saving for the soul, you need to prepare for it with special prayer, fasting and divine services. During fasting, a Christian should confess and take communion. You need to realize your sinfulness, strengthen yourself in good deeds mercy and compassion, true faith in the Resurrected Lord and to all loved ones.

Preparation for the holiday - baking Easter cakes and dyeing eggs - is done on Holy Week, last week before Easter. It is desirable to bake Easter cakes until Thursday or Thursday, on Friday it is undesirable: this day is special, passionate. The consecration of Easter cakes and colored eggs is performed the day before on Saturday or on the day of Holy Easter.

On Easter days, you need to greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!"

Easter magic.

“As children, we always looked forward to the magical Easter holiday. They put on new outfits and fled to the streets, taking dyes with them. At home, on a white tablecloth, there was a huge dish, in its center - grandmother's cottage cheese Easter, and around it - colored eggs. How delicious this Easter was, although it was prepared from the simplest products!

Rub through a sieve 1 kg cottage cheese. Add 5 eggs, 200 g butter, 400 g sour cream, put on fire. Heat, stirring, until the first bubbles. Remove from heat, refrigerate and stir with a wooden spoon until cold. Add 400 g sugar mixed with vanilla, And cinnamon, mix. Put in a dish lined with a linen napkin. Put under pressure. When the whey drains, put the Easter on a dish. Garnish with grated chocolate or colorful marmalade. It is also fashionable to add dried apricots And raisin taste.

What Easter dishes are prepared in Europe?

IN Great Britain The main Easter dish is baked stuffed lamb. And eggs for the holiday are taken not only chicken, but also goose and ostrich.

IN Italy At Easter it is customary to cook lamb. An obligatory attribute of the holiday is a colomba. This is something like our Easter, but with lemon flavor and almond glaze.

IN Poland the famous white pork sausage, “bab” from sweet yeast dough and “mazuriki” are put on the table - shortbread pies, decorated with sugar eggs, cream flowers and chocolate.

IN Germany Baked fish is considered the main Easter dish, and chocolate cookies are served for dessert. On the table for Easter should be a bouquet of daffodils - the Germans consider them a symbol of the holiday.

What date does Easter fall on in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020?

How to calculate the day of Easter?

Easter (Orthodox Easter) is determined according to the rule that was established at the First Ecumenical Council (325), in the city of Nicaea. According to this rule, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon and after the Jewish Passover. Resolutions (canons) of Ecumenical Councils cannot be changed.

The Roman Church in 1054 separated from the Orthodox Church. Since then they have made many changes. One of them was the introduction of the so-called "new calendar". Protestants followed the Roman Church. Because of this, it happens to them that the Jewish Passover happens after their Passover, which is a violation of the decision of the First Ecumenical Council.

Christian Easter is celebrated in the spring, but the day of celebration is not a fixed date, it is determined by the lunisolar calendar. This day falls between April 7 (March 22) and May 8 (April 25).

To calculate the day of Easter, you can use paschalia - special tables that make up the Orthodox Church. The dates of Easter depend on the dates of other holidays, the dates of which change every year. These are moving holidays: the Ascension of Christ - the fortieth day after Easter, the Trinity (Pentecost) - the fiftieth day after Easter, the Day of the Holy Spirit - the next day after the Trinity.

Orthodox Easter is calculated according to the Alexandrian Paschalia.
Full Moon(Y) = March 21 + [(19 + 15)/ 30].
where is the remainder of the integer division of a by b.
If the value is Full Moon(Y)< 32, то дата полнолуния будет в марте;
If Full Moon(Y) >= 32, then subtract 31 days to get a date in April.

Gauss formula for calculating Easter: - remainder of division;
a \u003d + 15) / 30] (for example, \u003d 12, a \u003d [(19 12 + 15) / 30] \u003d 3, Full Moon (2007) \u003d March 21 + 3 \u003d March 24)
b = [(2 + 4 + 6 a + 6) / 7] (e.g. = 3,=5, so for 2007 b=1)
If (a + b) > 10, then Easter will be (a + b − 9) April Art. style, otherwise - (22 + a + b) March art. style. We get 22 + 3 + 1 = March 26 (O.S.) or March 26 + 13 = April 8 (N.S.)
The date of Easter can fall between March 22 and April 25 according to Art. style. (IN XX-XXI centuries this corresponds to the period from April 4 to May 8 CE. style). If Easter coincides with the feast of the Annunciation (April 7), then it is called Kiriopaskha (Lord's Easter).

Orthodox Christians refer to the miraculous evidence of Easter as the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which takes place on Holy Saturday before Orthodox Easter.
You can independently calculate the timing of Easter. The German mathematician Gauss in the 18th century proposed a formula for determining the day of Easter according to the Gregorian calendar. The calculation is made according to the value of mathematical quantities, denoted (for simplicity) by the letters a, b, c, d, e. Each letter is equal to the following value:
a - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 19;
b - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 4;
c - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 7;
g - the remainder of the division by 30 of the expression 19a + 15;
e - the remainder of division by 7 of the expression 2b + 4c + 6d + b.

The found values ​​"r" and "e" are used for the final solution of the problem.
Easter is celebrated after the vernal equinox and therefore falls in March or April.

If the expression r + d is less than 9, Easter of this year will be in March according to the old style, and its day will be equal to 22 + r + + d.
If r + q is greater than 9, Easter will be April (according to the old style), and the date of its celebration is r + q - 9.
When calculating, one should not forget that in 1918 our country switched to a new calendar style, which "overtook" the old style by 13 days. Therefore, 13 must be added to the calculated number.

Lenten menu for Lent by day.

What can you eat in the first week of Lent:
1st day - abstinence from food

What to eat on the second week of Lent:

2nd day - boiled food without oil
3rd day - raw food without oil
4th day - boiled food without oil
5th day - raw food without oil
6th day - boiled food with oil and wine
7th day - boiled food with oil and wine

What to eat on the third week of Lent:
1st day - raw food without oil
2nd day - boiled food without oil
3rd day - raw food without oil
4th day - boiled food without oil
5th day - raw food without oil
6th day - boiled food with oil and wine
7th day (Annunciation Holy Mother of God) - boiled food with oil and wine.

What can you eat on the fourth week of Lent:
2nd day - boiled food without oil
3rd day - raw food without oil
4th day - boiled food without oil
5th day - raw food without oil
6th day - boiled food with oil and wine
7th day - boiled food with oil and wine

What can you eat on the fifth week of Lent:
1st day - raw food without oil
2nd day - boiled food without oil
3rd day - raw food without oil
4th day - boiled food with butter
5th day - raw food without oil
6th day - boiled food with oil and wine
7th day - boiled food with oil and wine

What to eat on the sixth week of Lent:
1st day - raw food without oil
2nd day - boiled food without oil
3rd day - raw food without oil
4th day - boiled food without oil
5th day - raw food without oil
6th day (Lazarus Saturday) - boiled food with butter, wine, caviar
7th day ( Palm Sunday) - fish allowed

What to eat on the seventh week of Lent:
1st day - raw food without oil
2nd day - raw food without oil
3rd day - raw food without oil
4th day - boiled food with butter, wine
5th day - do not eat anything
6th day - boiled food without oil

Easter. It is allowed to eat fast food.

Easter 2020-2025: what date will Orthodox and Catholics have Easter in Russia and other countries? Easter dates 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 (Orthodox and Catholic)

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article, you can find out when Easter will be celebrated in 2020 among Orthodox and Catholics in Russia and not only this year. You can also find out the dates of Easter not only in 2020, but also the dates of the holiday up to 2025.

Easter is an equally significant day in any religion, but in this article we will take a closer look at the customs and traditions of the Easter holiday among Orthodox Christians, and also learn a little about Catholic Easter.

Christian Passover is a derivative of the Jewish holiday Pesach (in Aramaic Pischa, from which this word came into the Greek language). The Jews have a solar-lunar calendar, Pesach begins to be celebrated on the 14th of the spring month of Nissan and is celebrated for 7 days. Christians, calculating "their Easter", are guided by 4 principles:

  • celebrated after the spring equinox;
  • not on the same day with the Jews;
  • after the first full moon, having to be after the equinox;
  • after the full moon, not otherwise than on the first day of the week according to the Jewish account.

This usually shifts Orthodox Easter by 1 week relative to Pesach. For the Orthodox, the spring equinox is considered March 21, for Catholics and Protestants this date is more accurately tied to the astronomical one, so there is a shift (sometimes very significant), and sometimes the dates coincide. But some of the above points are sometimes violated. There are even formulas for calculating the date of Easter, but they are not so easy to understand. Therefore, it is better to simply use the calendar, which shows the dates of the holiday.

When is Easter in 2020-2025 for Orthodox and Catholics

In accordance with the church prescription, the current date of Orthodox Easter is calculated as follows: the day following the day of the spring equinox and the first spring full moon. Easter should take place no earlier than a week after the Jewish holiday and certainly on Sunday.

Light Christ's Resurrection does not have a fixed date and is a movable holiday. Easter is traditionally celebrated after the end of Lent. In 2020, Orthodox Christian fasting ends on April 18, and Easter falls on the 19th. For Catholics, the holiday will begin a week earlier, on April 12, 2020.

Below you can find the dates of Easter for Orthodox and Catholics for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.

Easter or Resurrection of Christ - the largest and most revered holiday in the Christian religion.

This is the main day of the year for Orthodox and Catholic Christians - it was on this day that Jesus Christ was resurrected.
The resurrection of Christ is a historical event that has its roots in the distant past. According to ancient legends, it was on this day that a miracle happened - Christ is Risen! Easter is celebrated according to ancient traditions that are still observed today.
The name "Passover" itself comes from the Hebrew word "Pesach" (passover). The Jews symbolize Passover with the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. For Christians, Easter is a symbol of the redemption of human sins through the death of Jesus Christ and his subsequent resurrection. It is on this day that all believing Christians (Orthodox and Catholics) are given hope for salvation and resurrection after death. The resurrection of Christ is the main meaning of faith in the Christian religion.
The date of Easter is determined according to the lunisolar calendar and falls on Sunday - according to ancient tradition, Christ resurrected on the third day after the execution, on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Easter is a movable holiday and each year the date is determined separately.
It is also necessary to know that the dates of Catholic and Orthodox Easter do not always coincide. This is due to the fact that the Orthodox Church uses the ancient Julian calendar for calculation, and the Catholic Church switched to the Gregorian calendar in the 16th century. And only 30% of Catholic and Orthodox Easter fall on the same day. The rest of the time, Catholic Easter comes earlier - the time difference can reach up to a month.

Calendar of Orthodox and Catholic Easter for 2015-2025

Orthodox Easter

Catholic Easter

Orthodox Easter 2015 - April 12 Catholic Easter 2015 - April 5
Orthodox Easter 2016 - May 1 Catholic Easter 2016 - March 27
Orthodox Easter 2017 - April 16 Catholic Easter 2017 - April 16
Orthodox Easter 2018 - April 8 Catholic Easter 2018 - April 1
Orthodox Easter 2019 - April 28 Catholic Easter 2019 - April 21
Orthodox Easter 2020 - April 19 Catholic Easter 2020 - April 12
Orthodox Easter 2021 - May 2 Catholic Easter 2021 - April 4
Orthodox Easter 2022 - April 24 Catholic Easter 2022 - April 17
Orthodox Easter 2023 - April 16 Catholic Easter 2023 - April 9
Orthodox Easter 2024 - May 5 Catholic Easter 2024 - March 31
Orthodox Easter 2025 - April 20 Catholic Easter 2025 - April 20

In the Slavic Vedic tradition, Velikden is one of the largest and most important calendar holidays - the day when the whole world resurrects after winter. External a natural phenomenon acts as a symbol of the inner deep divine action - the rebirth of the Universe. The date of the celebration of Great Day then coincided with the Day of the vernal equinox and had a somewhat different meaning from today.

In Old Testament times, the celebration of Passover always took place on the 15th day of the month of Nisan. lunar calendar. From the beginning of the Church of Christ, two traditions were established for celebrating Easter on the 14th day of the month of Nisan according to the Jewish lunar calendar. In Asia Minor they celebrated, remembering mainly the Crucifixion of the Savior on this day, and in Rome and other Churches they celebrated on Sunday after this date, remembering the Resurrection of Christ.

The formula for determining the day of Easter, which is obligatory for all Churches, was approved at the First Ecumenical Council in 325. According to it, Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon, which occurred after the day of the vernal equinox. It was also established that Passover should not be celebrated with or before the Jews, but this condition is now not taken into account in the churches of the Western tradition.

Differences in determining the dates of Easter between East and West arose after the introduction in the XVI century. Gregorian (new) style, when the West began to use a new formula for calculating Easter, associated with the embedded calendar. In the Eastern church tradition, the Julian (old) style of the calendar has been preserved, and therefore the date of Easter is calculated from the day of the equinox according to the old style, while in the Western tradition the date of Easter is calculated from the day of the equinox according to the new style.

Considering that the date of the full moon, to which the celebration of Easter is tied, is not fixed and falls on different days within one month, the discrepancy between the eastern and western celebrations of Easter is also not fixed.

To calculate the day of Easter, you can use paschalia - special tables that make up the Orthodox Church. Orthodox Easter is calculated according to the Alexandrian Paschalia, taking into account the days of the full moon.
Below are tables of dates for celebrating Easter until 2051 among Eastern Christians, Western Christians, and Jews.

Christian Easter - Great Day, Resurrection of Christ (Julian calendar)
Celebrate: the Orthodox and the majority of Greek Catholics and part of the Protestants - the Old Calendarists.
2012 15.04
2013 5.05
2014 20.04
2015 12.04
2016 1.05
2017 16.04
2018 8.04
2019 28.04
2020 19.04
2021 2.05
2022 24.04
2023 16.04
2024 5.05
2025 20.04
2026 12.04
2027 5.05
2028 16.04
2029 8.04
2030 28.04
2031 13.04
2032 2.05
2033 24.04
2034 9.04
2035 29.04
2036 20.04
2037 5.04
2038 25.04
2039 17.04
2040 6.05
2041 21.04
2042 13.04
2043 3.05
2044 24.04
2045 9.04
2046 29.04
2047 21.04
2048 5.04
2049 25.04
2050 17.04

Christian Easter - Great Day, Resurrection of Christ (Gregorian calendar)
Celebrating: Roman Catholics, Finnish Orthodox Church, part of the Greek Catholics and part of the Protestants - New Calendarists,
2012 8.04
2013 31.03
2014 20.04
2015 5.04
2016 27.03
2017 16.04
2018 1.04
2019 21.04
2020 12.04
2021 4.04
2022 17.04
2023 9.04
2024 31.03
2025 20.04
2026 5.04
2027 28.03
2028 16.04
2029 1.04
2030 21.04
2031 13.04
2032 28.03
2033 17.04
2034 9.04
2035 25.03
2036 13.04
2037 5.04
2038 25.04
2039 10.04
2040 1.04
2041 21.04
2042 6.04
2043 29.03
2044 17.04
2045 9.04
2046 25.03
2047 14.04
2048 5.04
2049 18.04
2050 10.04

Pesach - Jewish Passover (Jewish calendar) Celebrate: Jews
2012 7.04
2013 26.03
2014 15.04
2015 4.04
2016 23.04
2017 16.04
2018 31.03
2019 20.04
2020 9.04
2021 28.03
2022 16.04
2023 6.04
2024 23.04
2025 13.04
2026 2.04
2027 22.04
2028 11.04
2029 31.03
2030 18.04
2031 8.04
2032 27.03
2033 14.04
2034 4.04
2035 24.04
2036 12.04
2037 31.03
2038 20.04
2039 9.04
2040 29.03
2041 16.04
2042 5.04
2043 25.03
2044 12.04
2045 2.04
2046 21.04
2047 11.04
2048 29.03
2049 17.04
2050 7.04

The dates of Easter depend on the dates of other holidays, the dates of which change every year. These are holidays with a non-permanent rolling date: the Ascension of Christ - on the 40th day after Easter.
After the next 10 days, i.e. on Sunday, the fiftieth day after Easter, comes the feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Trinity, Pentecost or Green Holidays.
And after another 8 days, from Monday, Peter's fast begins, which lasts until the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul, until June 29 according to the Gregorian calendar, or until July 12 - according to the Julian calendar.
Thus, the duration of the period between the "fixed" feast of the Candlemas and the beginning of Great Lent, as well as the duration of Peter's Lent, depends on the date of Easter.
Great Lent begins for Orthodox and Greek Catholics on Monday, 48 days before Easter, for Roman Catholics on Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter.

When is Easter this year? - In 2019, believers around the world, as they have done over the past 20 centuries, will celebrate the main Christian holiday - Easter.

Orthodox celebrate Easter April 28, CatholicsApril 21. Easter Jewishfrom 19 to April 27 inclusive(in Israel, the holiday is celebrated a day less).

So, let's present all the information in the table: what date Easter will be celebrated by representatives of different religions in 2018-2020.

It turns out that in almost all cases there are solemn divine services, joyful greetings “Christ is risen! He has truly risen!" take place in such a beautiful spring month like April.

But in fact, the date of the holiday is constantly changing and, as we see, it can also fall in March and May. Why this happens is detailed below.

Why does the date of Easter keep changing?

The question of what date Easter will be in 2019 is closely related to another mystery. What is the reason why the date of the celebration keeps changing? After all, for example, Christmas or Epiphany are always celebrated on the same day.

Easter refers to the so-called moving holidays. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. Such a decision was made back in 325 at the first Ecumenical Council (in the city of Nicaea). And here it is important to understand that spring does not begin on March 1, but the warm season will begin after March 21 (the day of the vernal equinox).

On this score, you can even get an official comment from the clergy, for example, this one.

However, why then are the dates of Orthodox and Catholic Easter almost always different? Here the answer is obvious: back in 1582, Catholics switched to the Gregorian calendar, which is also called the New Style.

And the Orthodox still recognize the Julian calendar - old style. So it turns out that almost always (in 70% of cases) the days of the celebration are different. Interestingly, in the near future they will coincide only on April 20, 2025. This means that on this day there will be both Orthodox and Catholic Easter.

And in order to fully understand the question of what date Easter will be in 2019, let's remember the Jewish people. Why is the date of Pesach constantly changing (as the Jews call Easter)? Here the answer looks more interesting.

The fact is that if Christians use the solar calendar (that is, the years are counted exclusively according to the Sun), then the Jewish calendar takes into account both the cycle of the Sun and the phases of the Moon, i.e. is lunisolar. Passover is only celebrated on the first full moon in the spring. So it turns out that the date of the holiday is also constantly changing.


In all three cases, one common point can be traced: no matter what calendar is taken as a basis, representatives of each denomination set the date of Easter for the first spring full moon (or the nearest Sunday after this event). Such a coincidence is not accidental.

Easter is the day of the Resurrection of Christ, the anniversary of the withdrawal of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery (in the minds of the Jews). However, this does not in the least contradict the fact that Easter days mark the onset of spring. So the holiday in any case acts as a symbol of rebirth and good changes.

How to prepare for Easter

So, now it’s clear who and when will celebrate Easter in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Then it's time to answer more interest Ask How do people prepare for this holiday?

It is no secret that the same event is always refracted through the prism of cultural characteristics and spiritual wealth of people living in one or another corner of the planet. The classic example is New Year. The essence of the holiday is the same, but there are thousands of ways to celebrate it.

As for the bright Easter, here we can discover a lot interesting details. You should start with how different nations prepare for the meeting of the main Christian holiday:

  1. In Russia and other countries with big amount Orthodox brothers and sisters, it is customary to color eggs in advance and bake Easter cakes, which are called by the cute word “pasochka”. Often it is purchased in stores, but it is much more interesting to make Easter bread yourself. By the way, it has long been noted that if you knead the dough correctly and follow the entire recipe, the cake will remain fresh for several days, even wrapped in a towel.
  2. In Germany, Scandinavian countries and some other European states One interesting tradition has existed for a long time and is now loved. Parents pre-purchase delicious chocolate eggs, as well as figurines of chickens and bunnies. They take a wicker Easter basket, put greens in it, and multi-colored sweets on top. The next morning, the basket is on the baby's table. And often they even hide it in the house or in the garden - let the kids find sweets themselves.
  3. And also in many European countries It is customary to send postcards with the image. According to legend, it is he who rolls dyed chicken eggs. There is even a belief that this animal was once a chicken, which the evil goddess Estra turned into a hare. However, he has not lost his cheerfulness and continues to lay eggs every Easter.

Of course, there are also common traditions that unite countries, peoples and continents. For example:

What do they do on the second day of Easter

Here comes Monday. But this does not mean that the Easter celebration is over. The so-called after-feast period is coming - i.e. after the holiday. In the Orthodox tradition, it lasts 38 days (and together with Great Saturday and the Holy Sunday itself, it turns out 40 days). Such a duration is not accidental - after all, Christ not only resurrected, but also went back to heaven. And it happened exactly 40 days after his resurrection from the dead.

Of course, the most important is the first Easter week, which is called differently:

  • Bright week;
  • Fomin's week;
  • Holy Week.

It is believed that on Monday - i.e. immediately after the Bright Resurrection - it is worth going to visit all relatives, friends, relatives. Perhaps someone has been waiting for your attention for a long time. And when such a wonderful reason appears, then, as they say, God himself ordered to visit.

By the way, according to tradition, on Monday, men visit loved ones. The wives, on the other hand, stay at home and cook modest (lean) meals. And on Tuesday, the ladies are already visiting. In fact, there will be nothing terrible if you go to relatives, friends, acquaintances with the whole family. It is customary to give modest Easter gifts and greet each other with joyful words: “Christ is risen! He has truly risen!" They can be pronounced for all 40 days.

After this, it is customary for the Orthodox to kiss their neighbor three times on the cheek. This form of greeting is called christening. Also, according to tradition, they break eggs, pushing them against each other together with the interlocutor. They do this both on a holiday and on other days.


In Italy, Easter Monday is a public holiday. Cheerful Italians love not only visiting guests, but also gathering in large, friendly companies to go on a picnic. Of course, nature favors them - southern country perfect for spending time outdoors.
