Top 1000 safest cities and countries in the world. The safest countries in the world

The general level of security is the main criterion taken into account by potential immigrants and ordinary tourists when choosing a country for a place of residence or just a tourist trip to any state. Recently, in the world, due to armed conflicts, terrorist attacks and an increase in the level of crime, the general security of citizens has largely suffered.

These factors are taken into account international organizations, from time to time assessing countries to rank the safest countries. The proposed material considers the safest countries in the world in 2017 for living and visiting tourists, provides a comparative assessment of the states that are the least prosperous on this issue.

Criterias of choice

  • crime rate;
  • participation in military clashes;
  • the ratio of the number of employees of law enforcement agencies in total strength residents;
  • the size of the state budget for military needs with the definition of the global peace index and other statistical indicators on this issue;
  • stability political system;
  • the state of the environment, including the impact of the industrial sector on it, the frequency and extent of natural disasters;
  • life expectancy of citizens and mortality rate;
  • the economic situation, the degree of economic development;
  • the nature of social protection for the least protected segments of the population;
  • attitude towards visitors and migrants;
  • development of the sphere of rendering medical services;
  • the standard of living of citizens;
  • unemployment rates and other criteria.


The list of TOP safest countries in the world is dominated by the following powers:

  • Iceland is rightfully at the top of the list. This small island power is not connected with the solution of issues on disputed territories, it is characterized by political stability, developed economy and social cohesion of the population. All of the above and many other advantages bring Iceland to a leading position in the ranking of powers, where it is comfortable to live, work and relax;

  • New Zealand- Another country located on the island, where many foreigners dream of moving. In addition to the ideal infrastructure, high social standards and living standards, the main reasons include the amazing nature, the diversity of the animal world, the very low crime rate and the high general security are important;
  • Portugal is a colorful European country, safe to live and travel, except for the possibility of rare pickpocketing in crowded places. Visitors to obtain a residence permit are assisted in connection with the adoption state program"Golden Visa", which provides benefits to immigrants who invest in the local economy or purchase real estate;

  • Austria is a prosperous state in Europe, with all the advantages of democracy and a developed society. A great place for tourism and recreation in winter time years in the pristine nature of the Alps;
  • Denmark is a stable and calm power where it is impossible to imagine the emergence of civil conflict or social unrest. It is characterized by a high-tech economy, the stability of the political situation and a reliable system of social protection of citizens. Many authoritative publications note not only the high level of safety, but also the satisfaction of local residents general level life;
  • The Czech Republic is a former post-socialist country whose industry is on the rise. Tourists are attracted by the developed infrastructure, a large number of historical sights for tourists to visit. Unemployment is practically absent, the country is characterized low level militarization;
  • Slovenia is another attractive country that has significantly improved its economic performance since joining the EU. It is characterized by the effective work of law enforcement structures;
  • Canada is a more preferable country to live and work in comparison with the neighboring US, which is significantly inferior in terms of security. The pristine nature and beautiful cities attract numerous tourists and immigrants;
  • Switzerland - traditionally observes neutrality in confrontations between the leading powers of the world. Features stable economic growth and high safety record with low homicide rate;

  • Ireland - political stability and engagement international structures providing general security in the world, guarantees visitors comfortable conditions for staying in the country;
  • Finland - the only drawback of this power - a harsh climate with cold and long winters. But this is offset by the numerous advantages of Finland compared to other countries in the world. Finns are rightfully proud of one of the world's best education and healthcare systems, magnificent nature. Finland is a wonderful place to live or travel;
  • Japan - the ranking of the safest countries in the world would not be complete without this state. High standards of housekeeping, visitor friendliness, and an excellent transportation system are important factors in the positive assessment of Japan by international experts in terms of security, which makes the locals and numerous tourists feel comfortable.

The above list can be changed due to different evaluation criteria for a particular organization, but these states rightfully occupy the first lines in the world, as representing the greatest attractiveness for living and visiting tourists. This is evidenced not only by high statistics, but also the results of a survey of local residents, comments by specialists and experts in areas related to the assessment of the stability of the main criteria affecting overall security and stability.


There may be some discrepancies in the final position of the state in the ranking, depending on the criteria taken into account by one or another expert organization.

This assessment is made annually, with consideration of indicators for the total number of states, about one hundred and sixty. Based on the results, a global rating is compiled that takes into account all the above factors, therefore, the safest country in the world to live in, as well as the TOP list of leaders in the rating, may change periodically, taking into account the changes that have taken place over the specified period.

Where not to go

However, along with high rates, some countries pose an extreme degree of danger to visit. These countries are characterized by very low rates on the above criteria, and any tourist should think about visiting here for tourism and other purposes, not to mention the decision to move permanently.

These countries in the world include:

  • Syria - civil confrontation led to the intervention of the leading world powers, in connection with which there are a large number of victims during shelling and hostilities. This and many other reasons explain the last place in the ranking;
  • Iraq - though Civil War officially ended, there are still some conflicts. As a result of hostilities, a very unfavorable economic situation has been created in the country, which does not add to the attractiveness for visitors;
  • Afghanistan is a country with one of the lowest rates of literacy and social security of the population, which is not favored by the completed civil war. It is characterized by a high degree of terrorist danger;
  • South Sudan - gaining independence did not ensure political stability, there are still regular clashes that take the lives of citizens;
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - African country With high level corruption and an unfavorable gender environment, political instability and other negative factors contributing to a low place in the ranking of attractive world powers.


As we can see from the presented material, the assessment of countries in the world in terms of safety indicators must be taken into account by tourists or immigrants when choosing a place of rest or residence. Before the trip, you must carefully weigh all the circumstances, considering the advantages and disadvantages of a particular country.

about to immigrate in search of a better life it is worth considering the existence of programs that provide an advantage to visitors who are ready to invest in the economy or purchase real estate, especially since many attractive states from this point of view offer appropriate benefits to certain categories of immigrants. This is a good opportunity to improve living conditions by reducing the time to complete the necessary documentation allowing you to live in a particular state.

Wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Terror on the streets of North America. Riots, violence, rising murder rates. Sometimes it seems like our world is just going crazy. Facing all these horrors normal people want to run away from their own homes and hide with their families where it is safer for them. But where can you go in search of peace and quiet in the midst of endless madness modern world? This is a very good question.

Every year, the London-based non-governmental institution Legatum publishes rankings of the wealth of countries around the world. Among such parameters as democratic freedoms and GDP, experts include statistics on the level of crime in their assessment of European countries. The results allow you to look at the world from a new perspective and help you understand where in the world you are most or least at risk of being robbed, raped or killed. Want to escape the endless cycle of scary news? That way…

P.S. To be fair, this top ten does not include countries with disputed or unrecognized political status, as well as enclaves and dwarf states. Otherwise, the Vatican would be in the lead on all counts!

10. Sweden

Forget the gloomy and rainy scenes from films about Scandinavian cruelty. Sweden is a real northern European fortress of liberal rights and freedoms, and one of the safest countries on the planet. In 2015, there were only 90 murders per 10 million inhabitants. If it seems to you that this is a lot, you are simply not yet able to assess the scale and proportions. This is a whole country, while, for example, in the American city of Detroit alone, where about 700 thousand people live, the same number of people are killed a year - 90.

In truth, Sweden is not entirely free from crime. The hottest tourist seasons there is a thriving activity of pickpockets. In addition, in Sweden, not everything is so simple with the problem of rape. This Scandinavian country leads in the number of court cases and lawsuits for rape in all of Europe, which does not look very safe. But it sounds like this only until you start comparing these indicators with other countries.

For example, in the US, if a boss harasses his subordinate every day for a week, she can sue him for sexual harassment. If the manager behaved in exactly the same way, but in Sweden, he would have already received as many as 52 different lawsuits. And all because since 2005, Swedish rape laws are considered the most feminist in the world. According to statistics, 15% of Swedes feel unsafe walking the streets alone at night.

9. Austria

This small European nation of beer and sausage drinkers was once one of the world's greatest empires. The Habsburgs ruled a significant part of the Earth, under their rule at different times were the lands of modern Germany, Spain, Mexico, Peru and Bosnia. The dynasty fell during the First World War, but its capital, Vienna, is still one of the greatest cities on earth.

As a bonus, this country is an amazingly safe place! About a million fewer people live here than in Sweden, and no more than 40 murders are recorded per year. According to the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), which is made up of 38 countries, Austria is ranked 6th as the country with one of the lowest homicide rates.

Of course, it's not 100% safe here. Since the beginning of the migration crisis since 2015, this country has become famous as a transit state for the traffic of people. The most striking example of the problem was the death of 70 migrants found in a truck abandoned on the side of the road. In 2016, for the first time in the history of Europe since the Second World War, local citizens elected a representative of an ultra-right party that supports the radical ideas of Nazism and fascism as president.

Despite all this, Austria remains very friendly and beautiful place, where you are unlikely to have problems, and where you almost certainly will not suffer a bad end. It is very picturesque here, and they serve delicious food!

8. Switzerland

The first thing that catches your eye about Switzerland, besides its incredible natural beauty, is that this country is simply flooded with weapons. The Swiss love it, almost like the Texans. It is the guns themselves, pistols and knives, and not to use them. Switzerland is one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of registered weapons per capita, just a couple of steps behind the United States. However, in the US, bloody shootings are a daily problem, while in Switzerland the crime rate is extremely low. In 2014, there were only 41 murders in a population of 8 million.

This can be partly explained by the fact that it is a very rich country. Switzerland ranks 12th in terms of GDP per capita. At the same time, it is one of 2 countries with a population of over 5 million people among the 14 richest countries in the world. Its cities are fabulously prosperous. Forget roads paved with gold. Swiss wallets are literally covered with a layer of platinum.

But all this wealth has its ethical price. During World War II, the country's national bank replenished its reserves with Nazi gold. Years later, the banking system, famous for its independence and anonymity, was accused of hiding the funds of the biggest money launderers. Among the clients of Swiss banks, even Escobar himself (Pablo Escobar), a Colombian drug lord and terrorist, one of the most notorious criminals 20th century.

7. Germany

Germany is the most overpopulated country in Europe, outpacing its rivals France and Britain by 15 million people. In addition, a whole million more refugees from Syria and other war-torn countries have recently moved here. Despite all this, the crime rate has steadily declined on all counts since the 1990s, when the Berlin Wall fell. The only category of crime that has only grown over the years is petty shoplifting.

Among OECD countries, Germany ranks 9th in terms of homicide rates. Perhaps the dry figures here are much higher than in the same Austria. But 2,100 murders a year for a population of 80 million is very low, especially when compared to the United States, where there are over 15,000 murders per year for 318 million citizens.

Of course, life here is not so safe, and not everyone here walks the streets at night in lederhosen, Bavarian leather shorts with suspenders, singing funny songs. After the terrorist attack with a truck that drove into the crowd at the Christmas market in 2016, it can be said that Germany is now suffering from the disease that torments most Western countries.

6. Norway

Only 5 million people live here. Do you know how many modern Vikings were killed in 2015? 21 people. If Norway were a US state, it would have the lowest homicide rate in the entire country and would be third in the crime rate across the continent. Only sparsely populated Vermont (Vermont, 626,000 people) and New Hampshire (New Hampshire, 1,300,000 people) can boast of comparable integrity of their residents. The only type of crime that foreigners face today in Norway is robbery. In general, killing is not accepted here.

But Norway has not always been so rosy. About 6 years ago, a sad event thundered all over the world, during which the far-right terrorist Anders Breivik blew up a car in the center of Oslo and shot 77 participants of a youth congress on a neighboring island. It is unlikely that you will meet another such Breivik, but the Norwegians and especially the people of Oslo still have not recovered from the shock.

Apart from the tragedy of 2011, Norway remains one of the most attractive, interesting and safest countries in the world. And do not listen to those who accuse the Scandinavians of being boring and tedious. Rich and prosperous Norway is the country that all other northern European states secretly dream of becoming, despite the fact that there are too many short nights and expensive beer.

5. Denmark

Denmark is so safe that even Norwegians feel safer here. In terms of homicide rate, this country ranks 5th in the OECD ranking. It is almost impossible to hear about street crime here. Even drug dealers who smuggle their goods through Denmark try to avoid violence and don't give the police a reason to be noticed. At least that's how they behave on its territory.

At the same time, it is Denmark that is most often criticized by Al-Qaeda terrorist groups and ISIS radicalists, who call on their followers to attack this particular country. However, so far there have not been large-scale terrorist attacks here, which has glorified the professionalism of the Danish intelligence services and its anti-extremism department worldwide.

Denmark is worth a trip not only because of its safety and low murder rate. It is here that you can admire the officially happiest capital in the world, Copenhagen, and you can appreciate how things are in the world's only autonomous republic run by real hippies.

4. Iceland

In January 2017, a girl was abducted and killed in Reykjavik on her way home after relaxing at a bar. A similar dark story in any other country would be drowned in a hundred other tragedies, but in Iceland it led to mourning marches on a scale whole country. There were numerous pickets of sympathizers with lighted candles, tens of thousands of citizens marched through the streets of the country, an entire nation united to honor the death of the brutally murdered. It is obvious that the people here truly and sincerely care about each other.

With just 323,000 people, Iceland is the most remote and least populated Nordic country in Europe. It often seems that it is remoteness and isolation that contribute to the excesses and high levels of crime, but in Iceland the situation is quite the opposite. Police patrols conduct their patrol here without any weapons, and even in the darkest doorways, violence is an unheard of phenomenon. Locals still habitually leave their doors unlocked even at night. If one or more murders take place here in a year, it is very bad year.

Much of the way things are in Iceland is due to the fact that all citizens are very involved in each other's lives. The local population is truly responsive, everyone knows each other and. Maybe that's why the recent murder of a girl shocked the whole country so much. Iceland is safe not only because it is very rich, but also because its people choose this way of life and thinking themselves.

3. Japan

Finally not a European country. An island nation of 127 million people, Japan is known for its eccentricity, extremely hard-working culture, and high levels of safety. Even members of the Yakuza gang don't carry weapons here. Japan ranked third in the OECD rankings for safety and homicide rates. In 2015, no more than 1,000 murders took place here. For comparison, 3 times fewer people live in the USA than in Japan, and there were 15 times more murders. Therefore, it is quite fair to say that this Asian island nation is very safe.

And this is where it gets better. The year 2015 was especially notable for the fact that almost all categories of crimes reached the lowest levels since 1945. Tokyo is considered the safest city in the world! Osaka, another major Japanese city, ranks third in this ranking. And all this despite the fact that Tokyo is the second largest city in the world, second only to the Chinese region of the Pearl River Delta.

But before you rush to pack your bags, it's worth noting that Tokyo is also considered the most dangerous city in the world. It sounds contradictory and illogical. But the key is this: being safe from other people is one thing, but being safe from the forces of nature is another. And in this regard, Japan is very let down. Earthquakes often occur here, and then a tsunami hits the city, due to which thousands of people die. Mother nature, unfortunately, is very merciless to this island and often chooses it as a "whipping boy".

2. Luxembourg

Lost between France, Germany and Belgium, super-rich Luxembourg is one of the smallest European countries. It is so small that Holland seems large in comparison. Even the island of Rhodes is larger than Luxembourg. But this tiny country has something that Holland and Rhodes don't. No, it's not European arbitration court, fiery Burgsonndeg or Duke Henri. The great thing about this country is that it is ranked #1 by the OECD for the lowest crime rate and #2 for the lowest homicide rate.

Violent crimes are simply not committed here. In 2015, a series of armed robberies took place in Luxembourg. Nothing like this has happened since then. And although the population here is only 543,202 people, such a low crime rate is still impressive. For example, Kansas, an American city of almost 3 million inhabitants, is much more dangerous, with more than 125 people killed there in 2016. And in Luxembourg, murders just don't happen.

The reason for this may be the high quality of life standards and the very low level of poverty in the country. Luxembourg ranks sixth in terms of GDP per capita, and always tops in terms of quality of life. Although the security of this country has been under threat for some time now due to the fact that Luxembourg has sent several of its soldiers to Syria to fight ISIS. Radicalists do not forgive such steps...

1. Singapore

That's all. This is the safest country on Earth. Singapore has a very small territory, because it is home to 5.3 million people who inhabit an area 4 times smaller than the Greek resort island of Rhodes with its population of 1 million. This insane level of overcrowding can make you think of high levels of crime and fast-paced aggression leading to violence.

But no. In 2011, only 16 people were killed here. In 2015 and 2016, all types of crimes, from violence to theft, decreased by 10 or 20 times. The only category of crime that is on the rise so far is cybercrime. It's annoying, but at least in Singapore, no one is in danger of waking up in a pool of their own blood.

In addition, natural disasters never happen in Singapore, unlike Japan. It's clean and livable. How else, when even for spitting gum you can be fined a round sum. However, all this security comes at a price.

In Singapore, the government is in charge, and it values ​​security above freedom. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, a British research company, Singapore ranks 75th in the ranking of respect for democratic rights and freedoms, following Colombia, Serbia, Hungary and Brazil, and only 10 positions ahead of Honduras. The United States in the British ranking is in 20th place. In this small Asian nation, security definitely comes at a price. Whether it's worth it is up to you.

Wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, terror in the streets North America. Riots, violence, rising prices, killings...
Sometimes it seems like the planet is going crazy. Faced with all this bacchanalia, many of us want nothing more than to run and hide somewhere where they can be safe. But where can one escape from this horror called the modern world?

Each year, the Legatum Institute releases its Global Prosperity Index. In addition to other indicators such as GDP and the level of democracy, they evaluate every country on Earth - how safe they are.

The liberal Bastion in Northern Europe, Sweden is one of the safest countries on the planet. In 2015, there were only 90 murders in a population of about 10 million people.

To be fair, there are crimes sometimes committed in Sweden. Pickpocketing is common during the tourist months. There are also cases of rape. Since 2005, Sweden's rape law has become the most feminist in the world.

This little European country beer and sausage was once home to one of the world's greatest empires. The Habsburgs ruled huge chunks of Europe in Germany, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Bosnia. Although the dynasty collapsed after World War I, their imperial capital Vienna is still one of the world's great cities. With a population of just 1 million people less than Sweden, about 40 murders occur in Austria every year.

The first thing you will notice about Switzerland is that the country is absolutely flooded with guns. The Swiss love guns, like the Texans. The country has one of the most high performance possessions firearms in the world. But what we do know so far is that shooting crimes are incredibly rare in Switzerland. In 2014, there were only 41 murders in Switzerland with a population of 8 million.

Germany is the most populous country in the EU, with almost 15 million more citizens than any of its closest rivals (France and the UK). In addition, more than one million refugees from Syria and other Asian countries have recently arrived in the country. However, despite all this, in almost every category, crime rates have steadily fallen since reunification in the 1990s. 2,100 murders in a population of 80 million is still very good.

The population of Norway is surprisingly small, only 5 million people. Do you know how many of those five million modern Vikings were killed in 2015? Twenty one.

Denmark is such a safe country that even Norwegians probably feel like they can relax there. Murders here are the least in Europe. You hardly hear about street crime. Interestingly, despite all this, Denmark is considered a prime target for al-Qaeda and ISIS. However, there have been no mass victims of Islamist terror here yet.

In January 2017, a young woman in Reykjavik was tragically abducted and killed while returning home from a bar. In Iceland, this resulted in public mourning. Round-the-clock prayers and vigils were held by candlelight. Tens of thousands of people marched through the streets in protest. The entire population of the country came together to celebrate this senseless death. In doing so, they showed the world why Iceland remains one of the safest countries. The people there really, really, care deeply about each other. With a population of just 323,000, Iceland is one of the most remote and least populated countries. There are no armed police patrols on the streets, and people leave their doors unlocked at night - and this is true. If there is more than one murder per year, then it is a really bad year.

An island nation of 127 million people, Japan is famous for having an ultra-strict work culture, with even yakuza gangsters refusing to carry guns. The homicide rate is the third lowest in the OECD. Japan is a very safe country. 2015 marked the lowest level for each type of crime since 1945. Tokyo is recognized as the safest city in the world. Osaka is the 3rd safest in the world.

Super-rich Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe. This state is so small that Holland looks like a giant with it. Violent crime, in fact, does not exist here.

The reasons for all this may be related to the high standard of living and the extremely low level of poverty in the country. Luxembourg has the 6th highest GDP per capita and consistently ranks high in quality of life.

This is it, the safest country on earth. Tiny Singapore, home to 5.3 million people crammed into an area almost four times smaller than the state of Rhode Island. With such an insane level of overcrowding, only 16 people were killed here in 2011. In 2015 and 2016, all forms of violent crime and theft hit 20-year lows.

Ecology of life: Every day we see a huge amount of gloomy and terrible news about situations in different states around the world. Now you need to plan your trip especially carefully - the chance to get a whole heap of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute for Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least secure countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.

Every day we see a huge amount of gloomy and terrible news about situations in different states around the world. Now you need to plan your trip especially carefully - the chance to get a whole heap of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute for Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least secure countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.


On last place turned out to be Slovenia. Minor internal conflicts are forcing the state to use more police, which makes tourists feel more secure.


It's hard to believe, but the former Asian Tiger is now considered one of the most peaceful and safe countries in the world. The low homicide rate, the ban on guns for citizens, and the innate calmness of the Japanese make the state a real gift to the expat.


In Canada, apparently, it is too cold for any kind of illegal activities. This large, strong and reliable state is perfect for those who would like to live in peace and cut trees for their own pleasure.


Position of indifferent neutrality in foreign policy allowed Switzerland to become one of the most peaceful countries on the planet. Here you simply do not need to commit crimes in order to live well - just work is enough.


The Czech Republic is slowly but surely becoming more attractive for life. The abundance of tourists implies the operational work of the police and special services: relatively few crimes are committed here and the percentage of disclosure is very high.


Earlier this year, Lisbon was named the most underrated city in Europe by Condé Nast Traveler. Few tourists actually make it here, and for good reason: the beauty of Portugal, combined with the safety of the quiet streets of Lisbon, makes this place a great choice.

New Zealand

This country is increasingly chosen by those who have decided to try to radically change their lives. Low crime, gorgeous beaches and no drug problems - what else is needed for complete happiness?


Robert Frost wrote that "good fences make good neighbors" and this statement works quite well at the state level. The borders with the Czech Republic (the center of European prostitution and drug trafficking) and Germany (migrants) did not affect the situation in Austria itself.


Denmark regularly ranks among the most happy countries in the world, but now it is recognized as one of the safest. The most serious conflict in many years was a territorial dispute with Canada over the right to possess a desert island. Problems with crime? Virtually none.

On this page I present the most peaceful and calm countries for 2018. Previously, it was decided not to create a new page every time, but just change this one. I have already published the rankings of the countries of the world for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, followed by the long-awaited ranking of the next, 2018.

Or the most peaceful countries are ranked from the first to the last and most criminal, respectively. The rating was taken from the website Vision of Humanity, which is compiled by humanity from all over the world. In parentheses, each country indicates by how many steps it has risen or fallen since the previous year. The safest are the countries of Scandinavia and Europe, however, as always :) This year, many countries soared up and down. The African Gambia was especially surprised: it rose by as much as 34 steps, as well as the African Togo: it fell by 36 steps. But Russia is still close to 10th place in the most criminal countries, since last year it has not really distinguished itself. However, over the past 25 years, it has always been like this ... And Ukraine has remained inferior to Russia since Poroshenko came to power. I wonder what it will look like in the future? Wait and see.

Ranking of the countries of the world 2018

1. Iceland (0)
2. New Zealand (0)
3. Austria (+1)
4. Portugal (-1)
5. Denmark (0)
6. Canada (+2)
7. Czech Republic (-1)
8. Singapore (+13)
9. Japan (+2)
10. Ireland (0)
11. Slovenia (-4)
12. Switzerland (-3)
13. Austria (-1)
14. Sweden (+4)
15. Finland (+2)
16. Norway (-2)
17. Germany (-1)
18. Hungary (-3)
19. Bhutan (-6)
20. Mauritius (+2)
21. Belgium (-2)
22. Slovakia (+4)
23. Netherlands (Holland) (-3)
24. Romania (+1)
25. Malaysia (+4)
26. Bulgaria (+2)
27. Croatia (+4)
28. Chile (-4)
29. Botswana (-2)
30. Spain (-7)
31. Latvia (+1)
32. Poland (+1)
33. Estonia (+3)
34. Taiwan (+6)
35. Sierra Leone (+4)
36. Lithuania (+1)
37. Uruguay (-2)
38. Italy (0)
39. Madagascar (+5)
40. Costa Rica (-6)
41. Ghana (+2)
42. Kuwait (+16)
43. Namibia (+7)
44. Malawi (+4)
45. United United Arab Emirates (+20)
46. ​​Laos (-1)
47. Mongolia (-1)
48. Zambia (-6)
49. Korea ( South Korea) (-2)
50. Panama (-1)
51. Tanzania (+3)
52. Albania (+5)
53. Senegal (+7)
54. Serbia (+2)
55. Indonesia (-3)
56. Qatar (-26)
57. UK (-16)
58. Montenegro (+9)
59. East Timor (-6)
60. Vietnam (-1)
61. France (-10)
62. Cyprus (+2)
63. Liberia (+19)
64. Moldova (Republic of Moldova) (+2)
65. Equatorial Guinea (-4)
66. Argentina (-11)
67. Sri Lanka (+13)
68. Nicaragua (+6)
69. Benin (+10)
70. Kazakhstan (+2)
71. Morocco (+4)
72. Swaziland (+5)
73. Oman (+3)
74. Peru (+3)
75. Ecuador (-9)
76. Gambia (+34)
77. Paraguay (-9)
78. Tunisia (-9)
79. Greece (-6)
80. Burkina Faso (+11)
81. Cuba (+7)
82. Guyana (-1)
83. Angola (+17)
84. Nepal (+9)
85. Trinidad and Tobago (+13)
86. Mozambique (-8)
87. Macedonia (+15)
88. Haiti (-5)
89. Bosnia and Herzegovina (-4)
90. Jamaica (+2)
91. Dominican Republic (+8)
92. Kosovo (-16)
93. Bangladesh (-9)
94. Bolivia (-8)
95. Gabon (-8)
96. Guinea (0)
97. Cambodia (-8)
98. Jordan (-3)
99. Togo (-36)
100. Papua New Guinea (-3)
101. Belarus (Republic of Belarus) (+2)
102. Georgia (-8)
103. Rwanda (+10)
104. Lesotho (-14)
105. Uzbekistan (-4)
106. Brazil (+2)
107. Uganda (-2)
108. Kyrgyzstan (+3)
109. Algiers (0)
110. Ivory Coast (+11)
111. Guatemala (+6)
112. China (+4)
113. Thailand (+7)
114. Tajikistan (+4)
115. Djibouti (-8)
116. Guinea-Bissau (-6)
117. Salvador (-2)
118. Honduras (-12)
119. Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) (0)
120. Armenia (-8)
121. United States of America (-7)
122. Myanmar (-18)
123. Kenya (+2)
124. Zimbabwe (+3)
125. Republic of South Africa (-2)
126. Congo (-2)
127. Mauritania (+1)
128. Niger (-2)
129. Saudi Arabia (+4)
130. Behrain (+1)
131. Iran (-2)
132. Azerbaijan (0)
133. Cameroon (-3)
134. Burundi (+7)
135. Chad (0)
136. India (+1)
137. Philippines (+1)
138. Eritrea (-2)
139. Ethiopia (-5)
140. Mexico (+2)
141. Palestine (New)
142. Egypt (-3)
143. Venezuela (0)
144. Mali (-4)
145. Colombia (0)
146. Israel (-2)
147. Lebanon (0)
148. Nigeria (0)
149. Türkiye (-3)
150. DPRK ( North Korea) (-1)
151. Pakistan (0)
152. Ukraine (+1)
153. Sudan (+2)
154. Russia (-4)
155. Central African Republic (-1)
156. Democratic Republic of the Congo (-4)
157. Libya (-1)
158. Yemen (0)
159. Somalia (-2)
160. Iraq (0)
161. South Sudan (-2)
162. Afghanistan (-1)
163. Syria (-1)
