Main international associations and societies. International organizations and unions What is the most important international organization

In the context of worldwide globalization, integration of economies, unification of legislation and blurring of borders between countries, it is no longer possible to make decisions individually. It is necessary to coordinate intentions on various issues with other participants in the world community. Along with states, international organizations are important members of world politics. Conflicts between groups of people and countries, terrorist groups, climate change, geopolitics, Arctic shelf development, extinction rare species animals - this is far from full list issues that require their participation. It is only possible to confront the new challenges of our time through joint efforts.


The international organization is a voluntary union of member states created for cooperation in the fields of economics, politics, culture, ecology, and security. All their activities are based on international treaties. The nature of interaction can be both interstate and non-state, at the level public associations.


Any international organization is based on at least six main features:

  • Any organization must be created and operate in accordance with international legal standards. Typically, when creating such an association, all member states sign an international convention, protocol or agreement that guarantees the fulfillment of all obligations assumed by the participants.
  • The activities of international organizations are regulated by their Charter, which outlines the goals, objectives, principles, and structure of the association. The provisions of the Charter must not contradict the norms international law.

  • Availability of rights and responsibilities of all participants. Usually they are equal for any member of the union. Also, they should not abolish the independent rights of participants. The sovereignty of the state cannot be violated. The rights of international organizations determine the status of the association and regulate the issues of their creation and activities.
  • Permanent or regular activities, sessions, meetings between members to resolve international issues.
  • Decision-making by a simple majority of the organization's participants or through consensus. The final decisions are recorded on paper and signed by all participants.
  • Availability of headquarters and management bodies. It is not uncommon for the Chairman of the organization to act as the latter. Participants preside in turns for a limited time period.


What international organizations exist? All associations are divided depending on several criteria.


Subtype of organization

International legal capacity

Intergovernmental. They are created on the basis of an agreement between the governments of the participating countries. Members are states whose interests in the organization are represented by civil servants

Non-governmental. Relations in these associations are not regulated by government agreements. Any country that agrees with the goals and objectives of the organization can become a member. A striking example is the International Chamber of Commerce

Range of interests


  • sectoral - these are organizations whose interests do not go beyond a certain area, for example, ecology or economics;
  • professional - these are associations of specialists in the same industry, such organizations include the International Commonwealth of Lawyers or the International Federation of Accountants;
  • problematic - organizations designed to solve common global and regional problems; conflict resolution associations, such as the UN Security Council, etc., most often fall into this category.

Universal. The range of issues considered by the organization is not limited to one area of ​​life. Participating states have the right to submit any issues for consideration. A striking example is the UN

Territory of coverage

World - global international organizations, which can include any country, regardless of geographical location. Most often, these associations have a large number of participants. Examples: World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organization

Interregional are communities of states within several regions united by a common idea or problem. These include the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Regional - organizations that include states of one region to resolve internal issues. An example would be the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) or the Council of the Baltic Sea States

Multilateral - international organizations in which more than two countries interested in cooperation take part. So, the WTO (World trade Organization) includes among its members any country that agrees to adhere to certain trade and economic principles put forward by society. This has nothing to do with location or political system countries

Legal status

Formal are associations in which meetings of participants are formal in nature. That is, each participant is assigned his own role, all meetings are documented, and relationships between members are impersonal. Such organizations have a management apparatus and their own government bodies. An example is OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Informal - organizations in which interaction is informal on an ongoing basis. These include such giants as the G20 and the Paris Club of Creditor Countries

One organization may meet several criteria at once.

List of key international organizations

According to 2017 data, there are 103 global organizations in the world. Some of them are permanent, others meet for sessions.

African Union

This is an international intergovernmental organization, which includes 55 member states. The main goal of the association is comprehensive cooperation and development of African states and peoples. Areas of interest include economics, trade, security, education, health, conservation wildlife, protection of human rights and much more.

Asia-Pacific Economic Community

International regional organization, whose areas of interest are economics and trade in the Asia-Pacific region. The association initiates the creation of unhindered and free trade between the participating countries.

Andean Community of Nations

International regional association of countries South America. Has a socio-economic orientation. Members of the community advocate for the integration of Latin American states.

In it international community includes eight states. Its goal is to preserve nature in the Arctic region and minimize damage caused to nature during shelf development.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

This is an international organization of Southeast Asian states. The range of issues considered by the association is not limited, but the main issue concerns the creation of trade zones. It consists of 10 countries. In 2006, a declaration was signed between Russia and the Association, allowing states to cooperate within the framework of meetings held by the Association.

Bank for International Settlements

This financial institution. Its goal is to strengthen cooperation between Central Banks different countries and simplification of international payments.

World Association of Nuclear Power Operators

An organization whose members are countries operating nuclear power plants. The purpose and mission of the organization is to create conditions for the safe use of nuclear energy and improve the safety of nuclear power plants.

world Trade organisation

A multilateral international organization whose member countries are parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Designed to create conditions for the liberalization of trade among participants. One of the largest organizations, it has 164 members.

International Atomic Energy Agency

An organization whose purpose is to promote safe use atomic energy. The agency also prevents the proliferation of atomic weapons.


The United Nations is an association created after World War II by 50 member countries to maintain peace and security on the planet. On this moment The UN is the most influential organization in the world. In addition to maintaining peace, the UN is now involved in a wide range of global problems. What international organizations are members of the UN? There are 16 institutions in total. The organization includes the following specialized international associations:

  1. The World Meteorological Organization is a UN body whose competence includes issues of meteorology, global warming and the interaction of the atmosphere with the world's oceans.
  2. The World Health Organization is a UN agency designed to solve international problems in the field of health care for the world's population. The organization actively contributes to improving the level of medical services, hygiene, and vaccination of the world population. The structure includes 194 countries.
  3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, better known by its acronym UNESCO. The association deals with issues of education and the elimination of illiteracy, discrimination in education, the study of different cultures and the social sphere of human life. UNESCO is actively involved in the fight against gender inequality and plays a huge role in solving a wide range of problems on the African continent.
  4. UNICEF, or the UN International Children's Emergency Fund, provides comprehensive assistance to the institution of motherhood and childhood. Among the main goals of the fund are reducing child mortality, reducing deaths in pregnant women, promoting primary education among children.
  5. The International Labor Organization is a special UN agency responsible for regulatory issues labor relations both within countries and in the international labor market.

Russia's participation in global organizations

Russian Federation takes an active part in the life of the world community and is a permanent member large quantity world organizations, consider the main ones:

  • The Customs Union is a supranational association of several countries with the aim of creating a single economic space and market, eliminating customs restrictions on goods.
  • The United Nations (Security Council) is a permanent UN body dealing with issues international security.
  • The Commonwealth of Independent States is a union of states that were formerly part of the USSR. The main goal of the CIS is issues of political, economic and cultural interaction between the participating countries.
  • Organization of the Treaty on collective security- a council of several states to maintain peace and order in the territory of the participants.
  • The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is an association dedicated to resolving security issues in Europe.
  • Council of Europe - association European countries to strengthen democracy, improve human rights legislation and cultural interaction between countries.
  • BRICS is a group of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is a regional forum for promoting trade between participants.
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an association whose goal is to maintain peace and stability. It is not a military bloc.
  • The Eurasian Economic Union is a regional organization that advocates the integration and rapprochement of the markets of its member countries.
  • The International Organization for Standardization is a global association whose main goal is to issue international standards and their implementation in the territories of all participants.
  • The International Olympic Committee is an organization created with the aim of reviving and promoting the Olympic movement in the world.
  • The International Electrotechnical Commission is an association dedicated to the standardization of electrical networks and equipment.
  • World Trade organisation - trade union, designed to ensure equal rights in the international market for all participants.

2. " Big seven" - these are the seven presenters with market economy. In this. the group includes the USA, Japan, France, Italy and Canada.

The G7 holds annual economic summits with representatives from European Union countries. From consideration of relatively narrow issues (currency exchange rates, control over exports and imports), the leaders of the G7 have now moved on to a general analysis, searching for ways to influence the pace and proportions of its development. More than 50% of the world's gross domestic product comes from the G7 countries.

3.European Union.

This is an economic grouping that includes 12 Western European countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, and (list of countries as of 1992).

The European Union was formed with the aim of creating a common market for goods, capital and labor by abolishing customs duties on trade between community members, pursuing a coordinated trade policy towards third world countries, joint activities in the field of energy, transport and coordinating common economic and social policies.

4. NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization).

This is a military-political alliance that arose in 1949. It includes: USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Portugal,. The official goal of NATO is to ensure the security of peace-loving states and maintain world peace. It is obvious that with the collapse of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (a military-political union of former socialist states), NATO members must strive to create a collective security system in Europe.

The headquarters of this military-political bloc is located in Brussels.

5. Organization of American States (OAS).

This is the largest grouping of states in the Western Hemisphere. It includes about 30 states of Northern and.

The goals that the OAS sets for itself are to strengthen peace and security in the region, prevent disagreements and peacefully resolve controversial issues, take joint action in the event of aggression, promote the solution of political, economic and legal problems of American countries, join forces for the purpose of scientific, technical and cultural progress.

The headquarters of the OAS is located in.

6. Organization of African Unity (OAU).

This is the largest and most influential grouping of independent countries. By its nature it is an interstate political organization. It unites over 50 countries of the continent. Its main goals are the development of comprehensive political and economic cooperation between African countries, strengthening their solidarity and unity in international arena, the elimination of all types of colonialism, the protection of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries. The headquarters of the OAU is located in.

7. United Nations (UN).

The most influential international organization uniting on a voluntary basis sovereign states with the aim of maintaining and strengthening international peace and security, as well as developing cooperation between states. Important areas of the UN's activities are also the fight against colonialism and gross and massive violations of human rights.
The name of this organization was proposed by US President Franklin Roosevelt. The official date of creation of the UN is 1945, when the UN Charter was ratified by the majority of signatory states. The Charter states that the UN was created in order to save the coming generation from the scourge of war, to develop friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples, and to contribute to the resolution of international problems of an economic, social and cultural nature.

All peace-loving states that recognize its Charter and are ready to implement it can be members of the UN.

The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat.

The UN headquarters is located in New York.

There are many specialized agencies within the UN, such as:

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Its main goal is to achieve wider use of atomic energy by the countries of the world and to ensure that its use cannot be diverted for military purposes. The agency advises and assists in the implementation national programs. The agency's headquarters is located in.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The objectives of the organization are to fight against the world, promote improved nutrition and improve the standard of living of people; increased productivity Agriculture, fish farming and forestry; improving the distribution system of food and agricultural products.

The headquarters of the organization is located in Rome.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The range of activities of this organization covers a wide range of issues: the fight against illiteracy, content and planning of education, the creation of centers for training qualified personnel in developing countries, development activities international cooperation in the field of science; research in the field of human rights and peace consolidation; use of space communications for educational purposes. UNESCO's headquarters are located in Paris.

World Health Organization (WHO).

This is also a specialized agency of the UN, which aims to achieve the possible achievement by all peoples top level health. WHO organizes the fight against diseases, their elimination at the international level, provides assistance various countries in the fight against infectious and other diseases, carries out international control over the quality of medicinal products, drug control, international actions in the field of quarantine and epidemiological surveillance. The headquarters of WHO is in Geneva.

An international organization is understood as an association of member states of this commonwealth that have entered into an agreement among themselves that complies with all norms of international law, for the purpose of economic, political, cultural, military and other types of cooperation between its participants.

Main features

A mandatory attribute of this phenomenon in the life of society is the presence of:

Traits that such communities have

Very often the question arises about what specific characteristics international organizations should have. List of main features of such communities:

    Participation in the unification of three or more states.

    Compliance of the provisions on the creation of an alliance with international law.

    Respect for the sovereignty of each member and non-interference in its internal affairs.

    Principle international treaty the basis of the unification.

    Targeted cooperation in specific areas.

    A clear structure with special bodies, each of which performs specific functions.


There are two main types: intergovernmental and non-governmental. They differ from each other in that the first are based on a union of states or authorized bodies, and the second (they are also called public) are based on a union of entities from different countries that do not have the goal of political cooperation.

In addition, international organizations, a list of which will be given below, may also be:

    Universal (participants from all over the world are involved) and regional (only for states in a certain area).

    General (the areas of cooperation are extensive) and special, dedicated to only one aspect of the relationship (health care, education, labor issues, etc.).

    c) mixed unions.

So, as we see, there is a fairly developed system for classifying such institutions, which is due to their prevalence and great influence on global political, economic and cultural processes.

International organizations of the world. List of most influential institutions

Today there are a huge number of such associations that are active all over the planet. It's like global organizations with big amount participants like the UN, as well as less numerous ones: the Union for the Mediterranean, the South American Community of Nations and others. They all have completely different areas of activity, ranging from culture to the law enforcement industry, but the most popular are political and List and their tasks are usually numerous. Below are the names and characteristics of the most influential institutions.

UN and its branches

One of the most developed and famous among all the commonwealths is It was founded back in 1945 to resolve post-war issues that were then on the agenda. The areas of its activity are: maintaining peace; upholding human rights; c As of mid-2015, 193 states from different regions of the planet are members of this organization.

Due to the fact that the needs of the world community increased over time and were not limited only to purely humanitarian issues, both immediately after the creation of the UN and throughout the second half of the 20th century, other, more specialized international organizations appeared as its components. Their list is not limited to the well-known UNESCO, IAEA and IMF. There are also such divisions as the Postal Union and many others. There are 14 of them in total.

International non-governmental organizations: list, areas of activity, relevance

Among these, the most powerful in terms of the scale of distribution and activity is, for example, the non-profit charitable organization Wikimedia Foundation, or the International Rescue Committee, which deals with refugee problems. In general, there are more than 100 such unions, and their areas of activity are extremely diverse. Science, education, combating racial or gender discrimination, healthcare, certain industries and much more - all this is dealt with by specialized international non-governmental organizations. The TOP FIVE list also includes Partners in Health, Oxfam and BRAC.

Participation of our country in the life of the world community

The Russian Federation is a member of approximately twenty unions different types(UN, CIS, BRICS, CSTO, etc.). The country's foreign policy prioritizes cooperation and membership in various international organizations. The list in Russia of those institutions with which the state would like to work is constantly growing. She is an observer in three communities (IOM, OAS and OIC), maintains an active dialogue with them and participates in the discussion of important issues. Particularly promising is joining international economic organizations. The list is long (OECD, WTO, UNCTAD, etc.).

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    International organizations are permanent associations of an intergovernmental or non-governmental nature, created on the basis of international agreements in order to facilitate the solution of international problems specified in the agreements.

    The term “international organizations” is usually used to refer to both international intergovernmental (interstate) organizations and international non-governmental organizations. However, these organizations have different legal natures.

    International intergovernmental (interstate) organizations are permanent associations of states created on the basis of an international treaty in order to facilitate the solution of international problems specified in the treaty.

    International non-governmental organizations are permanent associations of national unions, associations, non-governmental societies to achieve common goals in the field of health, culture, education, science and technology, charity, etc. To recognize an organization as an international non-governmental organization, it must meet the following requirements:

    the purpose of the organization is non-profit activity international importance;

    the establishment of an organization is carried out in accordance with the domestic legislation of the state, and not on the basis of an international agreement;

    The organization's effective activities are carried out in at least two countries.

    Classification by number of participants

    universal (that is, for all states; e.g. - UN)

    regional (whose members may be states of the same region; e.g. - Organization of African Unity, Organization of American States)


    Classification by nature of powers

    interstate - not limiting the sovereignty of the state

    supranational (supranational) - partially limiting the sovereignty of the state: by joining such organizations, member states voluntarily transfer part of their powers to an international organization represented by its bodies.

    Classification by functions performed

    Rulemaking advisory intermediary operational information

    Classification by order of admission of new members

    open (any state can become a member at its discretion)

    closed (reception with the consent of the original founders)

    Classification by competence (field of activity)

    general competence (eg - UN)

    special competence (political, economic, credit and financial, trade, health; e.g. - Universal Postal Union)

    Largest international organizations:

    UN - (UN, United Nations)

    WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization.

    IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency.

    UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

    Interpol - (Interpol)

    Other international regional organizations:

    Andean community -

    ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations

    ASEM - Forum "Asia - Europe"

    APPF - Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum

    African Union (formerly OAU) - African Union

    European Free Trade Association - EFTA

    European Union- European Union


    LAS - League of Arab States

    The League of nations

    NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO

    NAFTA - North American Free Trade Area - NAFTA

    INOBI - International Organization for Entrepreneurship and Investment - INOBI

    OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

    OPEC - Organization of Petroleum Producing and Exporting Countries - OPEC

    Organization of Islamic Conference

    Northern Council

    CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States English. Commonwealth of Independent States

    OVD - Warsaw Pact Organization

    CMEA - Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

    Comintern - Third Communist International

    Union of Orthodox States

    The role of international organizations

    International organizations are among the most developed and diverse mechanisms for regulating international life. According to data from the Union of International Associations, in 1998. there were 6,020 international organizations; over the past two decades, their total number has more than doubled.

    International organizations are usually divided into two main groups.

    1. Interstate (intergovernmental) organizations are established on the basis of an international treaty by a group of states; within the framework of these organizations, interaction between member countries takes place, and their functioning is based on bringing them to a certain common denominator foreign policy participants on issues that are the subject of the activities of the relevant organization.

    2. International non-governmental organizations arise not on the basis of an agreement between states, but through the association of individuals and/or legal entities, whose activities are carried out outside the framework of the official foreign policy of states. International non-governmental organizations do not include structures whose goal is to make profit (transnational corporations).

    It is clear that interstate organizations have a much more tangible impact on international political development - to the extent that states remain the main actors in the international arena.

    The influence of non-governmental organizations on international life is also quite noticeable. They can raise issues that are not addressed by government activities; collect, process and disseminate information about international problems requiring public attention; initiate concrete approaches to address them and encourage governments to enter into appropriate agreements; monitor the activities of governments in certain areas of international life and the fulfillment by states of their obligations.
