The age limit in the Sun of the Russian Federation. Increased age limit for military service

The question of the age limit for military service This is not the first year that it has been raised at the legislative level. But it is precisely on the indicator of the age limit of military personnel that their career largely depends, as well as the prospects of a person who gives best years his life in the service of his country.

That is why the state chose to take a truly serious and responsible step towards the formation of a professional army. And although the debate about the age threshold will continue to disturb the public, it is worth understanding the state of this issue today.

What does age limit mean?

Legislation on conscription and military service has existed since the distant 1988. Federal Law No. 53 talks about the features of service, and also pays attention to such a concept as the age limit for military service. This issue is discussed in more detail in article 49.

This norm contains exact figures that regulate the maximum age of being in the army.

There are regulations that directly affect restrictions on the fact of being in the ranks of the armed forces. These norms are discussed in more detail in the regulation on the order of service, which was fixed by his decree on September 16, 1999, the President of Russia. This document has the number 1237, and it is valid today.

All of the above provisions will regulate the issues of signing contracts with military personnel, as well as the nuances of signing contracts with persons who are already directly approaching the age limit for military service.

What is the age limit for military service?

To date, when determining the age limit for military service, the legislator has linked directly with the rank to which a citizen has risen.

Back in 2014, the age of a serviceman was increased by 5 years, but the officer retained the right to leave the ranks of the armed forces with the right to maintain a pension even before the age limit.

At the same time, the age of the stock was increased.

If it becomes necessary to call ensigns into the ranks of army employees, then their age can reach a maximum of 50 years, depending on the specific specialization.

As for the lower officers, then these citizens can serve up to the age of 60.

As for persons who are in the rank of major, as well as captains of the second and third ranks, they are called up before the age of 65 years.

Colonels and captains of the 1st rank are called up until the age of 65, and the highest officer reserve even up to 70 years.

Separate provisions apply to female military personnel. If they are in the reserve in the officer rank, they will be called up to 50 years.

If a serviceman has approached the age limit over the years of his work, then he can still count on signing a new contract. However, only certain citizens can count on it.

These persons have the right to sign a contract until the age of 70. If we are talking about other military personnel, then these citizens can sign contracts up to the age of 65 years.

Article 49 age limit for military service

Article 49 of Federal Law 64 of April 2, 2014 talks about what provisions touched on the issue of the age limit. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 1 of this regulatory legal act, the age limit for military service is established only for certain categories of citizens.

These are marshals, admirals of the fleet, colonel generals, whose age cannot exceed 65 years.

  1. Vice admirals and major generals under 60.
  2. Colonels and captains of the 1st rank up to 55 years old.
  3. Lieutenants in military rank up to 50 years.

The second paragraph of this normative legal act contains provisions on women whose age in military service is set at 45 years.

If military personnel have reached the age limit in accordance with this article, but wish to enter into a new contract, o they have every right to retire from military service due to age may enter into a new contract, if this implies, again, age.

A new contract may be concluded with persons in accordance with the third paragraph of the article who have military rank:

  • Marshals.
  • Generals.
  • Admirals.
  • Colonel generals.

An agreement is reached with these people until the age of 70.

With persons who have a double military rank, this age cannot exceed 65 years

Age restrictions

Thus, Article 49 of Federal Law No. 53 provided for the following age restrictions.

  1. 65 years is the age of conclusion of an agreement for marshals, generals, admirals, colonel generals.
  2. 60 years is the deadline for lieutenant generals, vice admirals, rear admirals, major generals.
  3. 55 years is the deadline for colonels and captains of the first rank.
  4. 50 years for other army ranks.

What caused the restrictions

Many military personnel still cannot understand why such restrictions appeared. From the point of view of the legislator, this is explained by the fact that there is more logic in such a decision. For example, dismissing a general who has reached the age of 55 on the basis that he has already reached a certain age is unreasonable. Especially if at the age of 55 a man is perfectly built, feels good, and most importantly, is important for the Russian army.

It also seems unreasonable to dismiss a 50-year-old colonel or doctor of science from a military academy only on the basis of reaching a certain age.

However, a completely different thing happens in a situation where, at the age of 65, a commander independently takes off his shoulder straps and decides to retire.

It is already quite difficult for a person at the age of 65 to be at the landfills, as well as to carry out any physical labor.

But if a person sits only in the office, spends time behind papers with discussions, then at the age of 65 he will feel great in the service.

Therefore, in matters of assigning restrictions, certain limits were established that take into account not only the age, but also the type of activity of each serviceman. After all, people who carry out physical activity are quickly exhausted, in contrast to people who are engaged in office and paper work.

Legislative changes

The latest changes in legislation took place in 2014, when federal law number 53 saw the light. However, it is planned to review this issue more meticulously in the near future and create a new legal act that will be entirely devoted to this issue.

Reasons for change

When preparing this legal act, the Ministry of Defense took into account only one reason.

Today in the ranks armed forces there is a special system of selection, contract service, as well as the training of future fighters.

All officers want to see in their branches and units not only military personnel, but also professionals and people who are motivated for long military service, and not those who joined the army just because they did not find themselves in the civil service.

Candidates for military personnel very often see in serving the Motherland only the possibility of obtaining an apartment, as well as new way earnings. Military service is not seen as a goal, a perspective and a profession.

It is a well-known practice that at the age of 30 a man decides to enlist as a soldier only because he cannot earn enough money as a civilian. With the increase in the maximum service age, a person who, at the age of 30, has come to the idea that he wants to connect his life with military service, can reach a pension, and most importantly, have time to receive it.

Service time extension

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin proportionally increased the age of a serviceman to 65 years.

The head of state explained that the introduction of such a condition would increase the age limit for military service.

In addition, such a measure will make it possible to adjust the composition and ranks of citizens, as well as to prepare professionals in the best possible way for a long, and most importantly, professional activity.

Features of women's service

Women who serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation were also touched upon by the issue of changing the age limit. Now, for ladies, the age limit for military service, which is not determined by rank, will be 45 years.

However, if a woman wants to continue working, while she is important for military service, then she, of course, can stay and continue her activities until she considers it necessary to resign.


Length of service is understood as a special type of continuous and seniority, which will involve the accrual of pension remuneration, also combined with certain benefits and increases. These benefits and increases will be commensurate with the number of years worked.

Also, the legislation of the Russian Federation strictly defined categories of persons who, by virtue of their professional duties, being in a certain position, and also in accordance with working conditions, may be entitled to a pension calculation that will correspond to the concept of seniority.

A complete list of such persons, including military personnel, can be found on the website of the pension fund, as well as in the relevant regulatory legal acts that are able to answer this question.

Pension amount

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there is an opportunity to become a military pensioner, without even taking into account the link to age. They retire at the age of about 40, and some military personnel even earlier.

However, today the situation is rapidly changing, and military personnel arrive at their place until their venerable age. This is done so that the serviceman is useful to the army for as long as possible, and so that the size of the pension is as large as possible for the life and maintenance of the elderly.

In order to get such a necessary general experience for military personnel, you will need to work in certain military structures for up to 20 years, and sometimes even more.

If there was a disability, as well as deaths, then such a circumstance will serve as the basis for calculating pensions both for the disabled and for the relatives of the deceased serviceman.

The size of the pension provision will also be directly affected by the amount of the monetary allowance itself, which the serviceman disposed of. The amount of monetary allowance will consist of several indicators at once. This is a salary, as well as other payments that were due to a particular soldier.

If a citizen expects that he will retire upon reaching the age limit, then he will be able to count on the largest possible pension. This means that he received the maximum length of service, so the amount of his monetary allowance can reach up to 95%, which will not affect life in any way, also in the social status of a serviceman.

On the contrary, if a serviceman retires when he has not yet reached the age limit, but has received an average length of service, then the amount of his pension will be average, it may equal 50 or 60% of the available monetary allowance, which, naturally, will not have the best effect on his social status.

Also, in addition to the basic pension provision, if a serviceman fits any category of citizens that were indicated in Articles 38, 17, 24, 45 of Federal Law 4468, he can count on receiving an allowance, as well as an increase in pension.

If a soldier continues to work as they say “in civilian life”, even after reaching a respectable age, then also may qualify for an additional insurance pension. However, for this, the relevant conditions must be met, for example, retirement age, length of service and the required amount. This will provide a good increase to the pension in the form of second payments.

What to do when you reach

What to do if the serviceman has reached the age limit, and then does not know what to do?

He can no longer remain in military service. For example, the activity of a serviceman was associated with physical labor and, unfortunately, took a lot of work and physical strength. Therefore, there are no more reasons to remain in military service.

What to do in this case? If the length of service allows, as well as the age limit of a soldier, it is necessary to quit. Yes exactly. Dismissal implies that a citizen retires due to reaching the age limit.

But what to do next? And then, you can go and safely draw up a military pension. A citizen deserved it, having received a certain length of service, and also, having reached a certain age. Now, a citizen can safely go to get a second civilian specialty. Indeed, this is not prohibited by law, and no one can take away your military pension from the law.

How to proceed in this matter? In fact, everything is extremely simple. A serviceman is arranged under a regular employment contract, and is also registered with the Pension Fund. Cash transferred to his insurance account.

This means that upon dismissal from work, a citizen can count on a small pension, which the pension fund accrues to him already for having a citizen employment. This will be a small, but very tangible increase in the existing pension.

Today, it would seem, the servicemen are placed in harsh conditions. Their length of service was increased, because of this, citizens, instead of the accepted period of military service, must carry out their service more long time.

Also, the age limit has increased. Perhaps for those who carried out their activities in offices and other premises, this is good news. After all, now they can be in the service for a long time, thereby not being bored at home, receiving good money.

However, there are also downsides. For example, individuals whose activities were directly related to physical activity, now, unfortunately, they can no longer perform work at the same level, and physical activity will have a bad effect on their health.

In this case, of course, the legislator leaves an individual approach and allows each citizen to reserve the right to a military pension in accordance not only with the maximum age reached, but also in accordance with the type of activity in which he was engaged.

Thus, persons who carry out their activities indoors will retire much later than persons who have been directly involved in hostilities, often visited the training grounds.

Also, it is important to realize that military retirement is not a sentence. A citizen retains the right to continue his labor activity, but not within the framework of military service, but, for example, within the framework of other activities in civilian life.

For example, carrying out civic activities, opening own business, also, a device under an employment contract. Thus, even in old age, you can try to start new life, which will be marked by a new labor activity, new perspectives and career growth.

1. With military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service and who have expressed a desire to continue military service, a contract may be concluded for a period of up to 10 years inclusive, but not more than they reach the age of 65 years.
2. The age limit for military service is set:
a) for the Marshal of the Russian Federation, general of the army, admiral of the fleet, colonel general, admiral - 60 years;
b) for lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 55 years;
c) for a colonel, captain of the 1st rank - 50 years;
d) for a serviceman with a different military rank - 45 years;
e) for a female soldier - 45 years.
3. A serviceman who has reached the age limit for military service, in order to conclude a new contract, submits a report on command to an official who has the right to make a decision on concluding a contract with the specified serviceman, at least six months before the expiration of the current contract.
Decisions on the conclusion of contracts with military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, on the term of a new contract or on the refusal to conclude a contract are made:
a) for senior officers, as well as officers appointed to military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of senior officers, by the President of the Russian Federation;
b) for colonels, captains of the 1st rank, as well as officers appointed to military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of colonel, captain of the 1st rank - by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided;
c) for military personnel with a military rank up to lieutenant colonel, captain of the 2nd rank inclusive, - by officials who have the right to appoint these military personnel to their military positions.
4. If the relevant official decides to conclude a contract with a serviceman who has reached the age limit for military service and the period of its validity, the specified contract is signed by the commander (chief), who is granted the right to sign new contracts.
5. The decision to conclude a contract with a serviceman who has reached the age limit for military service is made taking into account his business qualities, as well as his state of health.
If necessary, the specified serviceman may be sent to undergo the IHC.
The conclusion of the VVK must be received by the official who has the right to decide on the conclusion of the contract, not less than four months before the end of the term of military service of the specified serviceman.
6. The head of the federal executive body, which provides for military service, has the right to determine the categories of specialists with whom contracts can be concluded when they reach the age limit for military service.
7. For a serviceman who is doing military service in the position of the head of a federal executive body in which military service is provided for, who has reached the age limit for military service and who wishes to continue military service, the term of military service may be extended by the President of the Russian Federation, but not more than age 65 years.
8. The age limit for military service of a military personnel of the bodies foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation is established by the head of an independent body of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body, the structure of which includes the body of foreign intelligence of the Russian Federation, in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation, but cannot be less than the age limit established by the commented Federal Law (Art. 17 of the Federal Law "On Foreign Intelligence").
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "Issues of military service" dated September 16, 1999 N 1237 determined that the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the heads of federal executive bodies, which include the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation, when establishing the age limit for staying on the military service of military personnel of these bodies should be guided by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for establishing the age limit for the military personnel of the foreign intelligence bodies of the Russian Federation" dated April 21, 1996 N 574 (p. 2).
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1996 N 574 determined that the establishment of the age limit for military service for military personnel of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation is carried out by extending the period of their stay in military service.
Foreign intelligence agencies include not only the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, but also intelligence agencies that are structurally part of a particular ministry or department (for example, intelligence agencies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, etc.).
9. The right to make a decision on the extension of the period of stay in the military service of military personnel of the foreign intelligence agencies of the Russian Federation who have reached the age limit established by the commented Federal Law is granted:
- Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;
- Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation;
- Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
10. Prolongation of the period of stay in military service by the relevant officials should be carried out taking into account the qualifications, business and moral qualities, and the state of health of the serviceman.
11. The decision to extend the term of military service is implemented by concluding with each of the servicemen who have reached the maximum term of military service, a contract for military service for a period of one year, three years or five years in the manner prescribed by departmental regulatory legal acts.
12. Letter No. а6-1082 of March 18, 2003, No. а6-1082, issued by the Main State Legal Department of the President of the Russian Federation "On the issue of concluding contracts for military service with military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service", provides the following clarifications.
The procedure for concluding a new contract with military personnel, including those with military ranks of senior officers, as well as those appointed to military positions for which the state provides for military ranks of senior officers, who have reached the age limit for military service and who have expressed a desire to continue military service, is determined by Art. 49 of the Federal Law "On military service and military service" and art. 10 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "Issues of military service" of September 16, 1999 N 1237.
Decisions on the conclusion of contracts with senior officers, as well as officers appointed to military positions for which the state provides for the military ranks of senior officers who have reached the age limit for military service, on the term of a new contract or on the refusal to conclude a contract are made by the President of the Russian Federation.
The specified military personnel who have reached (reaching) the age limit for military service, for the conclusion of a new contract, submit a report on command with an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation on the decision to conclude a contract with them, at least six months before the expiration of the current contract.
If the President of the Russian Federation decides to conclude a contract with these military personnel and its validity period, the specified contract is signed by the commander (chief), who is granted the right to sign new contracts.
According to paragraph 1 of Art. 38 of the said Federal Law, the period of military service for servicemen undergoing military service under a contract is determined by the period specified in the contract for military service. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 3 of the Regulations on the procedure for passing military service, the term of military service expires for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract on the corresponding month and date last year term of the contract or on the corresponding day of the last month of the term of the contract, if the contract was concluded for a period of up to one year.
Based on this requirement, paragraph 7 of Art. 9 of the Regulations on the procedure for passing military service, it is determined that with a serviceman whose term of the previous contract ends, a new contract is concluded on the day following the day the term of the previous contract expires.
Thus, according to general rule the report and materials on the conclusion of a new contract with military personnel must be received by the President of the Russian Federation in such a way that the conclusion of a new contract in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation is carried out by the relevant official on the day following the expiration date of the previous contract.
However, in a number of cases, the order of the President of the Russian Federation on the conclusion of a contract with a serviceman who has reached the age limit for military service is issued later than the expiration of the term of the previous contract for this serviceman. In these cases, when concluding a new contract with a serviceman, it is necessary to be guided by paragraph 4 of Art. 32 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", in accordance with which the contract for military service terminates from the day the military serviceman concludes another contract for military service, the serviceman is excluded from the lists of the military unit, as well as in other cases established by federal laws.
Based on the provisions of paragraph 4 of Art. 32, art. 49 of the Federal Law "On Conscription of Military Service" and Art. 10 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Passing Military Service, a contract with a serviceman in these cases should be concluded not from the date of expiration of the previous contract, but from the date of entry into force of the relevant order of the President of the Russian Federation.

For female military personnel, the age limit for military service is set at 45 years.

2.1. For servicemen doing military service in the bodies, other federal laws may establish a different age than that provided for by this article, the age limit for military service. The provisions on the age limit for military service contained in such federal laws shall apply in the cases provided for by this Federal Law, with the exception of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, as well as in other cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. With military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, a new contract for military service may be concluded in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service:

Article 49

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the dismissal of military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, see Article 2 of Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 2, 2014.

1. The age limit for military service is established for:

Marshal of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet, Colonel General, Admiral - 65 years;

lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 60 years;

colonel, captain of the 1st rank - 55 years;

a serviceman with a different military rank - 50 years.

(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 2, 2014)

(see text in previous)

2. For female military personnel, the age limit for military service is set at 45 years.

2.1. For servicemen undergoing military service in the bodies, other federal laws may establish a stay in military service other than that provided for by this article. The provisions on the age limit for military service contained in such federal laws shall apply in the cases provided for by this Federal Law, with the exception of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, as well as in other cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 2.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 159-FZ of June 23, 2014)

ConsultantPlus: note.

Military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service and have entered into a new contract for military service in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 49 this document before the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of 02.04.2014 N 64-FZ, has the right to retire from military service by age - upon reaching the age limit for military service established by this document in the wording that was in force until the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of 02.04. 2014 N 64-FZ (Part 3 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of 04/02/2014 N 64-FZ).

The age limit for being in the state civil service: what should be remembered by the personnel officer

With military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, a new contract for military service may be concluded in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service:

having the military rank of Marshal of the Russian Federation, general of the army, admiral of the fleet, colonel general, admiral - until they reach the age of 70 years;

having a different military rank - until they reach the age of 65 years.

(Clause 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 2, 2014)

(see text in previous)

Article 16.1. Service in the Federal Security Service

(Introduced by Federal Law No. 280-FZ of December 25, 2008)

Employees of federal security service organs are guided in their official activities by federal laws and cannot be bound by the decisions of political parties, public associations and other organizations.

Servicemen of the federal security service bodies shall perform military service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the performance of military service, taking into account the specifics established by this Federal Law, due to the specifics of the duties they perform. When exercising operational and service activities, employees of federal security service bodies are subordinate only to their immediate and direct superior. Upon receipt of an order or instruction that is contrary to federal law, an employee of federal security service organs must be guided by federal law.

Employees of the federal security service in their official activities are required to comply with the code of ethics and official conduct of employees of the federal security service, approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security. For violation of the provisions of this code, employees of federal security service bodies shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Part three was introduced by Federal Law No. 241-FZ of July 18, 2011)

The number of servicemen and civilian personnel of federal security service organs is established by the President of the Russian Federation.

The powers of officials of federal security service bodies to approve official regulations, apply incentives and disciplinary sanctions in relation to military personnel subordinate to them, as well as to confer military ranks, appoint and dismiss military personnel (with the exception of military personnel replacing the positions of senior officers) are established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.

Model official regulations for military positions are approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.

(Part six was introduced by Federal Law No. 468-FZ of December 30, 2015)

for military personnel and civilian personnel bodies of the federal security service, personal files are drawn up. The procedure for maintaining and storing the personal files of servicemen and civilian personnel of federal security service bodies is determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security and must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Part seven was introduced by Federal Law No. 468-FZ of December 30, 2015)

For servicemen of federal security service bodies, the age limit for military service is established for:

a) army general, fleet admiral, colonel general, admiral - 60 years;

b) lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 55 years;

c) colonel, captain of the 1st rank, lieutenant colonel, captain of the 2nd rank, major, captain of the 3rd rank - 50 years;

d) military personnel with a different military rank - 45 years;

e) female military personnel - 45 years.

(Part as amended by Federal Law No. 159-FZ of June 23, 2014)

(see text in previous)

Military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service are prohibited from taking part in the management of organizations on their own or through proxies (with the exception of participation in the management of a non-profit organization on a gratuitous basis, if this is due to the solution of tasks of operational and service activities, or participation in a general meeting of members of a non-profit organization) , study entrepreneurial activity as well as to provide assistance to individuals and legal entities in carrying out such activities.

What is the age limit for military service?

Employees of federal security service organs are prohibited from combining military service in federal security service organs (federal state civil service or work in federal security service organs) with other paid activities, except for scientific, teaching and other creative activity, with the exception of cases when it is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) is necessary to solve the tasks of operational and official activities.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 241-FZ of July 18, 2011)

(see text in previous)

Military personnel and civilian personnel of federal security service bodies may receive awards, honorary and other titles of political parties, public associations and other organizations in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.

Age limit for military service


The requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract are defined by Article 33 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service."

A citizen entering military service under a contract must speak the state language of the Russian Federation and comply with:

  • medical and professional-psychological requirements of military service for a specific military specialty;
  • requirements for physical fitness;
  • have an education not lower than secondary (complete) general (11 classes);
  • be no younger than 18 and no older than 40.

In relation to a citizen should not be:

  • a guilty verdict has been issued, which has been sentenced;
  • conduct an inquiry, or a preliminary investigation, or be transferred to a criminal case in court.

A citizen should not have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime.

The selection of candidates for military service under the contract is carried out on a competitive basis for a specific vacant military position.

The first contract is concluded for a period of 3 years with a trial period of 3 months. During the probationary period, training is carried out under the program of intensive combined arms training with a course of "survival".

If necessary, the candidate goes through the procedure for obtaining access to information constituting a state secret.

Those who have been selected at the selection points can enter the military service under a contract for specific vacant military positions of privates and sergeants:

  • military personnel undergoing military service by conscription (from the day following the day of completion of military service by conscription), subject to the development of the required military registration specialties;
  • citizens in the reserve;
  • male citizens who are not in the reserve, graduated from state, municipal or having state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) non-state educational institutions of higher vocational education and received in the specified educational institutions higher professional education;
  • female citizens who are not in the reserve;
  • foreign citizens legally staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Additional requirements for female citizens

Additional requirements for foreign citizens

Grounds for refusing a candidate entering military service to conclude the first contract with him

The procedure for conducting professional psychological selection

The procedure for conducting a medical examination

The procedure for checking the physical fitness of candidates

Training of military personnel under the contract

print version

Leadership positions involve high responsibility and are especially important for the formation of the army. Therefore, it is unacceptable for such duties to be the responsibility of a serviceman who is unable to perform them due to poor health or poor physical fitness. To control the timely departure of pensioners, the government introduced a law that provides for a maximum age for military service. Reasons for such a restriction The main reason that prompted the government to decide on the official introduction of restrictions human body. The experience accumulated over the years, high theoretical training, combat tactics are the undeniable advantages of high ranks. However, old age takes away the strength and energy of the strongest warrior, and in fact poor physical shape is unacceptable for the defender of the Motherland.

The firmness of character and perseverance that is inherent in every high-ranking military man is another reason for strictly limiting the age limit for military service. Not everyone is ready to leave their personnel, reconcile with age, recognize the inevitable old age.

If there were no law, the owners of shoulder straps would not leave their post in a timely manner. Age limit for military service In 2014, changes were made to the Federal Law on the Service of Contract Soldiers.
In accordance with the new rules, the achievement of the age limit for military service for senior ranks occurs at 65 years.

What is the age limit for military service?

Thus, in order to reveal the candidate's readiness for this kind of activity, his personality is subjected to comprehensive checks, which follow one after another for reasons of expediency. 1) First of all, a candidate for the position of an employee of the Federal Security Service of Russia is subjected to psychophysiological studies. Verification means examining mental state person (the level of intellectual development, moral stability, conflict, adequacy, type of thinking, personal psychotype, etc.).
P.). The candidate also undergoes special tests that reveal the facts of the use of narcotic, toxic and alcoholic substances. A medical check includes an analysis of the general condition of the body and its suitability for service in the ranks of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

The legal status of employees of the bodies of the FSB of Russia

We will talk about the age threshold for staying in military positions in this review. The legal framework that determines the age limit for service in the army Age restrictions in the armed forces Renewal of the contract with an age-related soldier Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel The legal framework that determines the age limit for service in the army Features of serving in the country's troops are regulated by the law "On military duty and military service" dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ.

Putin set the maximum age for service in the FSB

These include:

Representatives of middle management ranks can hold their position up to 60 years:

  • lieutenant general;
  • major general;
  • vice admiral;
  • rear admiral.

Colonels, as well as captains of the first rank, have the right to remain in the service up to 55 years, military personnel of other military ranks - only up to 50 years. For contractors who serve in the bodies, other age restrictions may be assigned.

Changes in military legislation Prior to the entry into force of amendments to the Federal Law concerning military service, the age limit was lower by five years, that is, the highest ranks could not hold office after reaching the age of sixty. However, the changes did not affect all the defenders of the Motherland.

Putin signed the law on the age limit for serving in the FSB

The procedure for maintaining and storing the personal files of servicemen and civilian personnel of federal security service bodies is determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security and must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation. (Part seven was introduced by Federal Law No. 468-FZ of December 30, 2015) For servicemen of the federal security service, the age limit for military service is set for: a) army general, fleet admiral, colonel general, admiral - 60 years; b) lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 55 years; c) colonel, captain of the 1st rank, lieutenant colonel, captain of the 2nd rank, major, captain of the 3rd rank - 50 years; d) military personnel with a different military rank - 45 years; e) female military personnel - 45 years. (Part as amended by Federal Law No. 159-FZ of June 23, 2014) (see

Service under the contract in the FSB. regulatory requirements, salary

Also amended the law "On military duty and military service", establishing that the first contract for the passage of military service is with a soldier who is doing military service by conscription, or a citizen entering military service in a military position for which the state provides a military rank soldier, sailor, foreman, for two years or for three years at the choice of a citizen (currently only for three years). “These changes are aimed at increasing the attractiveness of military service under a contract for citizens undergoing military service by conscription, in particular, they are given the opportunity to choose whether to undergo one year of military service by conscription or two years of military service under a contract,” the press release says. Kremlin services.
Contracted military personnel (except conscripted military personnel), as well as federal state civil servants and employees appointed to the positions of military personnel, are employees of the FSB of Russia State civil servants and employees of the FSB of Russia are referred to as "persons of civilian personnel." An employee of the FSB of Russia may be a citizen of the Russian Federation: - without citizenship (nationality) foreign state; - capable of fulfilling the duties assigned to him by his personal and professional qualities, age, education and state of health: - corresponding to the qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance official duties, which are established for each specific position by the director of the FSB of Russia (Article 16 of the Law on the FSB; order of the FSB of Russia dated April 5, 2010 No.

The maximum age of service in the bodies of the FSB of Russia

It, along with the SVR, FSO, FSTEC and the Special Objects Service, belongs to the state security forces. This means that the Federal Security Service is empowered to carry out preliminary investigation, operational-search activities, inquiry, intelligence activities and the search for individuals.

It should be noted that the FSB is directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation, which leads to significant freedom of the department in the process of implementing its functions. Service in the FSB Today, service in the FSB is the most popular area where thousands of citizens want to work. But the problem is that it is more difficult to get a place in this body than, for example, in the police.

Is there an increase in the age limit for military service?

This is due to several main factors: - First, a person must have a specific temperament. Have special business and moral qualities, taking into account the specifics of the work of the FSB.

Areas of activity It should be noted that the contract service in the FSB of Russia has several main areas, namely: - Combating organized crime. - The fight against terrorism. - Intelligence activities. - Border activities. - Activities aimed at ensuring information security. These directions are basic. It is in their sphere that the FSB realizes its functions.

Counterintelligence activities One of the main areas of work of the Federal Security Service is counterintelligence. This activity has been developing for many years on the basis of methods and experience gained from the once existing KGB. The effectiveness of this branch of the FSB is the demonstrative detention and subsequent disclosure of a CIA agent who operated on the territory of Russia - Ryan Fogle.

What is the age limit for military service?

Age limit for military service

On the dismissal of military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, see Article 2 of Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 2, 2014.

Marshal of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet, Colonel General, Admiral - 65 years;

lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 60 years;

colonel, captain of the 1st rank - 55 years;

a serviceman with a different military rank - 50 years.

(Clause 1 as amended by Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 2, 2014)

(see text in previous)

2. For female military personnel, the age limit for military service is set at 45 years.

2.1. For servicemen undergoing military service in the bodies, other federal laws may establish a stay in military service other than that provided for by this article. The provisions on the age limit for military service contained in such federal laws shall apply in the cases provided for by this Federal Law, with the exception of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, as well as in other cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

(Clause 2.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 159-FZ of June 23, 2014)

Servicemen who have reached the age limit for military service and who have entered into a new contract for military service in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 49 of this document before the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of 04/02/2014 N 64-FZ, have the right to retire from military service due to age - upon reaching the age limit for military service established by this document in the wording that was in force until the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of 04/02/2014 N 64-FZ (Part 3 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of 04/02/2014 N 64-FZ).

3. With military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, a new contract for military service may be concluded in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service:

having the military rank of Marshal of the Russian Federation, general of the army, admiral of the fleet, colonel general, admiral - until they reach the age of 70 years;

having a different military rank - until they reach the age of 65 years.

(Clause 3 as amended by Federal Law No. 64-FZ of April 2, 2014)

(see text in previous)

Article 16.1. Service in the Federal Security Service

(Introduced by Federal Law No. 280-FZ of December 25, 2008)

Employees of federal security service organs are guided in their official activities by federal laws and cannot be bound by the decisions of political parties, public associations and other organizations.

Servicemen of the federal security service bodies shall perform military service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the performance of military service, taking into account the specifics established by this Federal Law, due to the specifics of the duties they perform. When exercising operational and service activities, employees of federal security service bodies are subordinate only to their immediate and direct superior. Upon receipt of an order or instruction that is contrary to federal law, an employee of federal security service organs must be guided by federal law.

Employees of the federal security service in their official activities are required to comply with the code of ethics and official conduct of employees of the federal security service, approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security. For violation of the provisions of this code, employees of federal security service bodies shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Part three was introduced by Federal Law No. 241-FZ of July 18, 2011)

The number of servicemen and civilian personnel of federal security service organs is established by the President of the Russian Federation.

The powers of officials of federal security service bodies to approve official regulations, apply incentives and disciplinary sanctions in relation to military personnel subordinate to them, as well as to confer military ranks, appoint and dismiss military personnel (with the exception of military personnel replacing the positions of senior officers) are established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.

Model official regulations for military positions are approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.

(Part six was introduced by Federal Law No. 468-FZ of December 30, 2015)

For servicemen and civilian personnel of federal security service bodies, personal files are drawn up. The procedure for maintaining and storing the personal files of servicemen and civilian personnel of federal security service bodies is determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security and must not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Part seven was introduced by Federal Law No. 468-FZ of December 30, 2015)

For servicemen of federal security service bodies, the age limit for military service is established for:

a) army general, fleet admiral, colonel general, admiral - 60 years;

b) lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 55 years;

c) colonel, captain of the 1st rank, lieutenant colonel, captain of the 2nd rank, major, captain of the 3rd rank - 50 years;

d) military personnel with a different military rank - 45 years;

e) female military personnel - 45 years.

Military added five years

Federal Law of June 23, 2014 N 159-FZ)

(see text in previous)

Military personnel and civilian personnel of the federal security service are prohibited from taking part in the management of organizations on their own or through proxies (with the exception of participation in the management of a non-profit organization on a gratuitous basis, if this is due to the solution of tasks of operational and service activities, or participation in a general meeting of members of a non-profit organization) engage in entrepreneurial activities, as well as assist individuals and legal entities in the implementation of such activities. Employees of bodies of the federal security service are prohibited from combining military service in bodies of the federal security service (federal state civil service or work in bodies of the federal security service) with other paid activities, except for scientific, teaching and other creative activities, except in cases where this is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation and (or) necessary to solve the problems of operational activities.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 241-FZ of July 18, 2011)

(see text in previous)

Military personnel and civilian personnel of federal security service bodies may receive awards, honorary and other titles of political parties, public associations and other organizations in the manner determined by the head of the federal executive body in the field of security.

Thoughts of lawyers aloud

The maximum term of military service under the contract has been increased

Servicemen under the contract of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have increased maximum term performing military service. Legislatively, the issue of the terms of stay in the ranks was fixed by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2014 N 64-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 49 and 53 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

If a serviceman in the military rank of colonel and his equal is set the age limit of 55 years, then other categories of servicemen, including sergeants, junior and middle-level officers, have been increased to 50 years. But the maximum period of stay in military service established by law does not exclude the extension of the contract by military personnel on the recommendation of attestation commissions. military units over the age limit.

The law establishes a transitional period and the possibility of dismissal for willing military personnel from military service with all the rights provided for by the legislation in the old version.

Article 49

1. The age limit for military service is established for:

Marshal of the Russian Federation, General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet, Colonel General, Admiral - 65 years;

lieutenant general, vice admiral, major general, rear admiral - 60 years;

colonel, captain of the 1st rank - 55 years;

a serviceman with a different military rank - 50 years.

2. For female military personnel age limit for military service established 45 years.

2.1. For servicemen doing military service in the bodies, other federal laws may establish a different age than that provided for by this article, the age limit for military service. The provisions on the age limit for military service contained in such federal laws shall apply in the cases provided for by this Federal Law, with the exception of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, as well as in other cases established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts. Russian Federation.

3. With military personnel who have reached the age limit for military service, a new contract for military service may be concluded in the manner determined by the "Regulations" on the procedure for military service:

having the military rank of Marshal of the Russian Federation, general of the army, admiral of the fleet, colonel general, admiral - until they reach the age of 70 years;

having a different military rank - until they reach the age of 65 years.

Legal advice under Art. 49 of the Law on military duty and military service

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The subprogram "State Housing Certificates" for 2004-2010, which is part of the Federal Target Program "Housing" for 2002-2010.
Subprogram participants
Participants of the subprogram can be (according to paragraph 5 of the Rules for the issuance and sale of state housing certificates as part of the implementation of the subprogram "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal law" of the Federal Target Program "Housing" for 2002 - 2010, approved by the Decree Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2006 N 153) the following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation: military personnel subject to dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, or for health reasons, or in connection with organizational and staffing activities, the total duration of military whose service in calendar terms is 10 years or more;

registration of military personnel subject to dismissal from military service, and citizens dismissed from military service to the reserve or retired and service in the internal affairs bodies in need of obtaining housing or improving living conditions in the chosen permanent place of residence
Government Decree
Russian Federation
of September 6, 1998 N 1054
II. Grounds for recognition as needing housing or improving living conditions in the chosen permanent place of residence
6. Those in need of obtaining residential premises or improving housing conditions in the chosen permanent place of residence at the expense of the federal budget are recognized:
a) citizens who have served under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law, the armed forces and other military formations of the CIS member states with which relevant agreements have been concluded, and dismissed from military service in the reserve or retired, who arrived and entered the military registration at the chosen permanent place of residence or remained to live at the former place of service until they receive housing in the chosen permanent place of residence, having a total duration of military service of 10 years or more in calendar terms, as well as employees of the criminal -executive system, who have served in institutions with special conditions economic activity Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 10 years or more in calendar terms, dismissed on the following grounds:
upon reaching the age limit for military service;
for health;
in connection with organizational and staff activities;
Internet Address: Recognized as in need of accommodation or improvement of living conditions in the chosen permanent residence

Will there be an increase in the age limit for citizens in military service in the near future? This question worries many, and we will try to give an answer in this article.

How are things going in 2017

To date, the country continues to operate the 53rd law, which regulates the passage of service and other issues related to military duty. It was adopted in March 1998.

In April 2014, other federal normative act number 64 was amended. In particular, the new wording of Articles 49 and 53 provides for extended periods of military service.

These amendments extended the term of stay in the army by 5 years. This rule applies not only to military personnel, but also to representatives of other law enforcement agencies equated to them:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

In accordance with this norm, the duration of official activity directly depends on what kind of rank a citizen has. It goes without saying that the officers were in the most advantageous position.

So, up to 65 years of age they have the right to remain in positions:

  • marshals;
  • army generals;
  • admirals;
  • colonel generals.

Up to 60 can serve in the Armed Forces:

  • major generals;
  • lieutenant generals;
  • rear admirals.

The allowable age of being in the Russian army was extended to 55:

  • colonels;
  • captains of the 1st rank.

Previously, the holders of the last titles worked only up to 50 years.

At the same time, the new law provides for the possibility for everyone to conclude another contract after reaching the maximum allowable age. In particular, holders of higher ranks on its basis can remain in the army for another 5 years, that is, up to 70, while the rest of the officers and generals are lower in rank - up to 65.

Current regulations for persons in reserve

The same 64th Federal Law changed the age limits for those who are in the reserve. Now, in accordance with it, privates, as well as warrant officers from the reserve, are allowed to be recruited for military service from the age of 35 to 50.

At the same time, from 50 to 60, the following can be called:

  • junior officers;
  • majors;
  • lieutenant colonels.

In turn, colonels in the reserve are now from 50 to 65 years old, and senior officers - up to 70.

In principle, such an approach is undoubtedly justified. It is difficult to call expedient the dismissal from the service of a general who has reached the age of 55 only because of his age. The specificity of his duties as a whole will allow him to fulfill his duties without difficulty for a long time.

At the same time, innovations do not cancel the right of military personnel to retire from the armed forces upon reaching a certain age. The same colonel has the ability to leave the service as early as 50 years old.

At the same time, for those who went to serve under a contract, it is important to have career prospects. After all, for example, when a 30-year-old enters the ranks, he probably wants to subsequently receive a military pension, which, under the old standards, was an unattainable task. Now he has every chance to serve to 50 and secure higher payouts.


For women today, the maximum age of their service in the army is noticeably lower. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter to what rank the representative of the weaker sex has grown, one way or another, she will retire at the age of 45. This norm remains in force, and there is no reason to think that anything will change in the near future.

It is worth noting that such an approach violates the constitutional rights of women, since men, having the opportunity to be in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces for a longer time, also get more chances to rise to significant ranks.

However, the law leaves a loophole for female soldiers. In particular, after they reach the age limit, they have the right to sign a contract and stay for another 5 years in the army. Moreover, during this period they will receive promotions and new titles.
