Military branch how many people. A division is what kind of combat unit? Airborne Division

The armed forces in any state are a key element in ensuring the country's defense capability. Their proper management depends on their proper organization. The structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ensures rapid and correct execution functions assigned by law to the state military organization of the country.

Structure of the RF Armed Forces

Armed forces - military organization Russian Federation, whose main function is to repel military aggression in order to ensure territorial integrity, as well as to fulfill tasks in accordance with international obligations Russia. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were created on May 7, 1992. The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander. In accordance with the Decree of the President of 2008, the strength of the Russian Armed Forces is set at 2,019,629 people, of which 1.3 million are military personnel.

Organizationally, the Armed Forces consist of three branches, three separate branches of service, Logistics, as well as the Cantonment Service, which is not a branch of the Armed Forces. In addition, the Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was also created according to the territorial principle: the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 military districts.

Territorial structure

Today in the Russian Federation there are four military districts, which are assumed by the territorial structure of the Armed Forces:

  1. Western military district. The command and headquarters are in St. Petersburg.
  2. Eastern military district. The command and headquarters are in Khabarovsk.
  3. Central military district. The command and headquarters are in Yekaterinburg.
  4. Southern military district. The command and headquarters are in Rostov-on-Don.

The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation on the diagram:

Aircraft types

The main element of the Armed Forces are types of the Armed Forces. In the military department of Russia, the law establishes the existence of three types of armed forces: the Air Force, the Ground Forces and the Navy.

To date, the Ground Forces are the most numerous branch of the Russian armed forces. Their main function is to conduct offensive operations, the purpose of which is to defeat the enemy, capture and hold his territory, individual regions and lines, repulse the invasion of the enemy’s country and his large landing forces, and deliver artillery and missile strikes to great depths. In turn, the Ground Forces organizationally consist of military branches. These types of troops can perform tasks independently or jointly.

Motor Rifle Troops (MSV)- the most numerous branch of the army in the Ground Forces. They are also the most numerous branch of the military. To date, the motorized rifle troops are armed with armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, which should ensure the mobility of the infantry. MSV organizationally consist of motorized rifle subunits, units and formations.

Motorized rifle, tank, artillery and other subunits and units may be part of the MSV.

Tank Troops (TV)- the main strike force, characterized by high mobility, maneuverability and resistance to the effects of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear ones. The main tasks, based on the technical equipment of TV: the implementation of a breakthrough, the development of operational success. Artillery, motorized rifle, missile, tank units and subunits can operate as part of the TV.

Missile Forces and Artillery (RViA): nuclear and fire defeat of the enemy is the main task. It is armed with rocket and cannon artillery. The MFA includes units, units and formations of howitzer, jet, cannon, anti-tank artillery, as well as structural elements of support, control, mortars and artillery reconnaissance.

Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces (Air Defense SV)- this type of troops must ensure the protection of the Ground Forces from air strikes, as well as counteraction to enemy air reconnaissance. Towed, mobile, portable anti-aircraft gun systems and anti-aircraft missile systems are in service with the SV air defense.

Also organizational structure VS assumes the presence in the VS special forces and services that perform highly specialized tasks in order to ensure the daily and combat activities of the ground forces.

  • Signal Corps,
  • Electronic Warfare Troops,
  • engineering troops,
  • automobile troops,
  • Railway troops, etc.

are special forces.

Air Force

Air Force similarly, the Ground Forces consist of aviation branches that ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Air Force.

Long-range aviation is designed to strike and strike at the strategic and operational depth of the enemy's military groupings, its important areas in economic and strategic terms, including with the help of nuclear weapons.

Front-line aviation operates at operational depth. It can perform tasks both independently and during joint operations on land and at sea.

Army Aviation provides support to ground forces by destroying enemy armored and mobile objects. Also, the forces of the Army Aviation provide the mobility of the Ground Forces.

Military transport aviation carries out the transportation of goods, troops and equipment, and is also involved in military air operations. In peacetime, the main function is to ensure the vital activity of the Armed Forces, and in wartime, the mobility of the Armed Forces.

The structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation assumes the presence in the composition Special Air Force, Anti-aircraft missile troops And Radio engineering troops which significantly expand the range of tasks assigned to the Air Force.


Navy- the main force of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to protect the interests of Russia in the Exclusive Maritime (Economic) Zone, conduct search and rescue operations, and conduct military operations at sea.

The Navy is composed of:

  • submarine force,
  • surface forces,
  • coastal troops,
  • naval aviation,
  • parts and connections for special purposes.

The Navy is also organizationally divided into:

  • Baltic Fleet,
  • Black Sea Fleet,
  • northern fleet,
  • pacific fleet,
  • Caspian flotilla.

Independent branches of the military

Some tasks require special equipment and trained personnel. The structure of the Armed Forces assumes the existence of independent branches of service:

  1. Airborne troops;
  2. Strategic Rocket Forces;
  3. Aerospace Defense Troops.

Aerospace Defense Troops

The youngest branch of the military. Although our country began space exploration back in the 1960s, it was only in the 21st century that the Aerospace Defense Forces were separated into a separate branch of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The most important tasks are:

  • detection of a missile attack;
  • spacecraft constellation management;
  • missile defense of the capital of Russia.

Strategic Rocket Forces

Today they are the main land component of Russia's nuclear forces. The main function is considered to be deterrence of possible aggression. But if necessary, they can deliver a preemptive strike on important economic and military targets of the enemy, as well as the destruction of his military groupings.

Airborne Troops

They were created in the 1930s. Today, they are entrusted with the function of conducting landing operations and conducting combat operations behind enemy lines.

Hierarchy and number of military formations.
Finally, the Combat Charter of the Ground Forces comes into force. You can more or less decide on the hierarchy, although I only got acquainted with two parts.
In general, I am often asked questions like “how many people are in the division”, “how many people are in the brigade”. Well, it's impossible to answer this question. Because I can give an answer, say, about a tank regiment, but they were interested in cavalry in general, and even in the 40th year. The fact is that the very name “squad”, “platoon”, “company” does not depend on the strength, but, firstly, on the type of troops, and, secondly, on the tactical tasks that are assigned to the formation of this type.

And so, the smallest formation:
"Squad" (calculation for artillery, Crew for tankers).
The squad is commanded by a sergeant (junior sergeant) armed with an AK74
The motorized rifle squad consists of 9 ... 13 people (in addition to the squad leader: grenade launcher, private with RPG-7, PM; assistant grenade launcher, private with AK74; machine gunner, private with RPK74; senior shooter, corporal with AK74; 3 ... 5 shooters, privates with AK74; BMP driver mechanic and gunner-operator \ BMP machine gunner \ BMP).
The department is named after its type of troops (tank, motorized rifle, engineer-sapper, communications)
Motorized rifle department:
Defense up to 100m,
Advance up to 50m

Several squads make up a platoon (from 2 to 4).
The platoon is commanded by an officer - lieutenant, Art. lieutenant.
The number of 9 ... 45 people.
The platoon is named after its type of troops (tank, motorized rifle, engineer-sapper, communications)
Motorized rifle platoon:
Defense 400 m along the front, 300 m in depth.
Offensive up to 200 ... 300 meters

"Company" (battery for artillery and squadron for cavalry)
Several platoons make up a company (from 2 to 4). In addition to platoons, squads that are not part of platoons can enter a company.
A company is a formation that can perform independent tasks on the battlefield.
The company commander is a captain.
Number from 18 to 200 people (motorized rifle companies 130 ... 150 people; tank companies 30 ... 35 people)
The company is named after its type of troops (tank, motorized rifle, engineer-sapper, communications)
Motor rifle company:
Defense 1 ... 1.5 km along the front to 1 km in depth
Offensive: 0.5 ... 1 km

Battalion. (Division for artillery.)
Several companies make up a battalion (from 2 to 4), the battalion also includes platoons that are not part of the company.
The battalion is named after its type of troops (tank, motorized rifle, engineer-sapper, communications). But the battalion includes formations of other types of weapons (For example, in a motorized rifle battalion, in addition to motorized rifle companies, there is a mortar battery, a material support platoon, and a communications platoon.)
The battalion commander is a lieutenant colonel.
The battalion has its own headquarters.
The number of 250 ... 950 people (theoretically, the number of the battalion is possible and less).
Motorized rifle battalion:
Defense 3 ... 5 km along the front and 2 ... 2.5 km in depth
Offensive 1…2 km

The regiment is named after the type of troops, but has units from many branches of the military. Consists of at least 3…4 battalions. (2 ... 3 battalions of the armed forces)
The regimental commander is a colonel.
(For example, in a motorized rifle regiment there are 2 ... 3 motorized rifle battalions, one tank battalion, one artillery battalion (battalion), one anti-aircraft missile battalion, reconnaissance company, engineer company, communications company, anti-tank battery, chemical protection platoon, repair company, logistics company, orchestra, medical center)
population personnel regiment from 900 ... 2000 people.

Intermediate element (so to speak) from the regiment to the division.
The main difference from the regiment - large quantity, both battalions and other units. (Let's say there are two tank battalions in the MTB) A brigade can also consist of 2 regiments.
Brigade Commander - Colonel
Number of 2000…8000 people

Although named after the type of dominant troops, in fact, the predominance can differ by only one regiment (say in motorized rifle division into two motorized rifle regiments, in a tank division, on the contrary, one motorized rifle regiment into two tank regiments)
Division Commander - Major General
Number of staff from 12000…24000 people

Intermediate military formation from division to army.
The corps is a combined arms formation.
The corps was usually created in those cases when the formation of an army was impractical.
After completing the combat mission, the corps was disbanded.
Corps Commander: Lieutenant General
Now there are 7 Corps in Russia (data on commanders could be outdated):
- 57th Army Corps (Ulan-Ude) (Major General Alexander Maslov)
- 68th Army Corps (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) (Lieutenant General Vladimir Varennikov)
- 1st Air Defense Corps (Balashikha, Moscow region) (Lieutenant General Nikolai Dubovikov)
- 23rd Air Defense Corps (Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory) (Major General Viktor Ostashko)
- 21st Air Defense Corps (Severomorsk, Murmansk region) (Lieutenant General Sergey Razygraev)
- 16th operational submarine squadron (Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka region) (Vice Admiral Alexander Neshcheret)
- 7th operational squadron of surface ships (Severomorsk, Murmansk region) (Vice Admiral Gennady Radzevsky)

In this case, the army as a military formation.
The army is a large military formation for operational purposes. The army includes divisions, regiments, battalions of all types of troops.
An army may also include one or more corps.
Staff rank com. Army - Colonel General.
Armies are usually not formed in peacetime and regiments, divisions and battalions are part of the District.
Now there are 30 armies in Russia:
- 37th air army(strategic) of the Supreme High Command (Moscow).
Lieutenant General Mikhail Oparin
- 61st Air Army (military transport aviation) of the Supreme High Command (Moscow),
Lieutenant General Viktor Denisov

27th Guards Rocket Army (Vladimir),
Lieutenant General Viktor Alekseev
- 31st Rocket Army (Orenburg),
Lieutenant General Anatoly Borzenkov
- 33rd Guards Rocket Army (Omsk)
Lieutenant General Alexander Konarev
- 53rd Rocket Army (Chita).
Lieutenant General Leonid Sinyakovich

3rd separate army of rocket and space defense (Solnechnogorsk, Moscow region).
Major General Sergei Kurushkin

2nd Guards Combined Arms Army (Samara).
Major General Alexei Verbitsky
- 5th Combined Arms Army (Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory).
Major General Alexander Stolyarov
- 20th Guards Combined Arms Army (Voronezh).
Lieutenant General Sergei Makarov
- 22nd Guards Combined Arms Army ( Nizhny Novgorod).
Lieutenant General Alexei Merkuriev
- 35th Combined Arms Army (Belogorsk, Amur Region).
Lieutenant General Alexander Kutikov
- 41st combined arms army (Borzya, Chita region).
Lieutenant General Khakim Mirzazyanov
- 41st Combined Arms Army (Novosibirsk).
Major General Vladimir Kovrov
- 58th Combined Arms Army (Vladikavkaz).
Lieutenant General Valery Gerasimov

Group of Russian troops in Transcaucasia.
Lieutenant General Nikolai Zolotov
- Operational group of Russian troops in Transnistria (Tiraspol).
Major General Boris Sergeev

4th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Rostov-on-Don).
Lieutenant General Alexander Zelin

5th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Yekaterinburg).
Lieutenant General Evgeny Yuriev
- 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army (St. Petersburg).
Lieutenant General Evgeny Torbov
- 11th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Khabarovsk).
Lieutenant General Igor Sadofiev
- 14th Air Force and Air Defense Army (Novosibirsk).
Lieutenant General Nikolai Danilov

16th Air Army (Kubinka, Moscow region).
Lieutenant General Valery Retunsky

1st submarine flotilla (Zaozersk, Murmansk region)
Vice Admiral Oleg Burtsev
- 3rd submarine flotilla (Gadzhiyevo, Murmansk region).
Vice Admiral Sergei Simonenko

Kola flotilla of heterogeneous forces (Polyarny, Murmansk region).
Vice Admiral Nikolai Osokin
- Primorsky flotilla of diverse forces (Fokino, Primorsky Krai).
Vice Admiral Yevgeny Litvinenko
- Kamchatka flotilla of diverse forces (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).
Vice Admiral Yuri Shumanin

Caspian flotilla (Astrakhan).
Rear Admiral Kravchuk Viktor Petrovich (since 2005)

Troops and forces of the North-Eastern Direction of the Pacific Fleet (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).
Rear Admiral Viktor Chirkov (?)

County (in war time Front)
The highest military formation.
The front includes several armies, corps, divisions, regiments, battalions of all types of troops. Fronts are never subdivided according to the types of troops
At the head of the front (district) is the commander of the front (district) with the rank of army general
Russia now has 6 military districts, 4 military fleets (data as of May 2007).
-Moscow Military District
Army General Bakin Vladimir Yurievich
- Leningrad Military District
Army General Puzanov Igor Evgenievich
- Volga-Urals Military District
Army General Boldyrev Vladimir Anatolyevich
- North Caucasian Military District
Army General Baranov Alexander Ivanovich
- Siberian Military District
Colonel General POSTNIKOV Alexander Nikolaevich
- Far Eastern Military District
Colonel General Vladimir Bulgakov

Northern Fleet
Admiral Vysotsky Vladimir Sergeevich
- Pacific Fleet
Admiral Fedorov Victor Dmitrievich
- Black Sea Fleet
Admiral Tatarinov Alexander
- Baltic Fleet
Vice Admiral Sidenko Konstantin Semenovich

In addition, there is:
These are all military formations that are part of the unit. Squad, platoon, company, battalion - they are all combined in one word "unit". The word comes from the concept of division, divide. Those. part is divided into divisions.

The main unit of the Armed Forces. Most often, a unit is understood as a regiment or brigade.
For part characteristic:
- own office work,
- military economy,
- having a bank account,
- postal and telegraphic address,
- the presence of its own official seal,
- Commander's right to issue written orders,
- the presence of an open (for example, 44 educational tank division) and closed (military unit 08728) combined arms numbers.
The presence of the Battle Banner for the part is optional.
In addition to the regiment and brigade, division headquarters, corps headquarters, army headquarters, district headquarters, as well as other military organizations (military department, army hospital, garrison clinic, district food depot, district song and dance ensemble, garrison house of officers, garrison household complex services, the central school of junior specialists, military school, military institute, etc.)
In some cases, a Unit may be a unit other than a regiment or brigade. Battalion, Company and even a platoon. Such parts are referred to by the word "separate" before the name.

United units: Division. Less often, Brigade.

An association.
Unification is a term that unites a corps, an army, an army group and a front (district).

I'm still working on the text.

Many people who are ignorant of military affairs may wonder what kind of troops there are in the Russian army. The answer here is very simple - Russian units include elite troops, ground units, navy, aviation. Each part performs its own function. For large units (navy, air force, ground forces), there are support departments such as air defense, artillery. Many parts are intertwined.

TO modern look shelves began to come after the collapse Russian Empire. The delimitation of troops, according to Wikipedia and other open sources, was finally established in the early 2000s, when the last reform of the Main Military Directorate took place.

The general structure of the Russian army

The number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for 2017 is 798 thousand military personnel. Most are employed in ground forces. The structure of the RF Armed Forces 2017, despite the reduction in the number of employees, has not changed and remains the same since the reform in the 2000s. What troops are in the Russian army:

  • ground troops;
  • military air fleet;
  • Navy.

Separately, it is necessary to consider elite units - the fourth point in overall structure. This includes space troops whose members do not perform military functions, these are cosmonauts and employees who ensure the creation and dispatch of space rockets. The employees of these units do not need to be armed, but they receive military awards and badges.

The Russian military forces are commanded by the Main Directorate (GOU), which is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This body coordinates troop units in wartime and peacetime and determines their tasks.

The main tasks of the units according to the latest list of targets from the Ministry of Defense:

  1. Ground units - providing anti-tank protection, foot offensive, border protection, reconnaissance operations, the fight against terrorism, for example, in Syria.
  2. Aviation - ensuring air security, hitting targets at a great distance, transporting military units and military cargo.
  3. Elite units - technical support for the army, space exploration (for space troops), missile support.
  4. Marine fleet - protection of maritime borders, military maritime transportation, transportation of military and important cargoes, supply of weapons, resolution of military conflicts, naval protection.

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The ground and naval forces are also entrusted with the responsibility of providing anti-terrorist protection. Naval personnel escort ships in dangerous areas, land personnel are engaged in the search and elimination of terrorist groups along with the police.

The composition of the Russian army changes every year. In 2016, there were about one million military personnel, and by 2017 the number of employees was reduced by 100,000. It should be borne in mind that some of them are conscripts undergoing military service.

The draft conscripts are annually reduced by several tens of thousands of people, which can explain the reduction in the number of employees. They provide an increase in the entire structure of troops in the Russian army according to the list above: conscripts replenish the composition of both land, sea and air force, may be in artillery, infantry or motorized rifle units.

Each unit is controlled by its command staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (officers). For the fleet, these are admirals, for land units, they are generals. The entire volume of troops of the Russian army is subordinate first of all to the President of the Russian Federation, then to the Ministry of Defense.

Schemes of the military structure of Russia

You can imagine the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2017 with a diagram to make it more clear and understandable.

The most branched body of the army is the ground forces.

For an even more visual explanation of the structure of the VS, you can download a short video on this topic. All units are divided into subordinate associations - battalions, companies, platoons, brigades.

Due to the large branching of the military network of the Russian Federation, the country annually spends a large amount on providing troops. Military spending data is presented in the presentation of the overall 2017 budget schedule in the spending column. 1,021 billion rubles are spent on military needs (defence). The support of intelligence groups takes part of the funds aimed at supporting security.

The military structure is the most specific among other bodies. The servicemen even have their own court, which is separate from the Supreme Court of Russia.

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Land units

The structure of this division includes several support departments:

  • motorized rifle units;
  • artillery;
  • tank forces;
  • air defense installations.

The main tasks are performed by motorized rifle units. They are tasked with a forced, quick attack, reconnaissance and defeat of enemy infantry. The main goal is to capture enemy territories. Tank troops are allocated to support motorized rifle units. They reinforce offensive positions and help protect the occupied territories.

Tank forces are mostly used for strategic purposes to break through blockades and echelons. They attack from the flanks or lead a frontal attack. The main advantage of these units is high damage, an armored hull, the ability to destroy not only enemy military personnel, but also equipment, important enemy defense systems. The disadvantage is the lack of maneuverability.

Artillery mounts are used to destroy enemy points from a long distance. Artillery is hard to destroy, so a small amount of equipment and personnel is enough to provide defense. The defeat of artillery points is complicated by the fact that they are installed in hidden high locations.

To ensure the protection of the airspace while the remaining units are attacking, air defenses are used. They prevent mortar strikes from the air, landing nuclear missiles, drop point projectiles. Air defense is capable of shooting down not only bombers, but also enemy cargo or military passenger aircraft.


There are several divisions in the naval units. The first one is coastal troops who guard the Russian-Japanese, Russian-Ukrainian and other maritime borders, defend Russian national interests in the maritime sector. The composition of the military personnel in this unit is significant and is almost as good as the “dry” unit.

Another service option is the Marine Corps. These soldiers provide protection for ships and act as defenders in naval conflicts. And finally, directly the sailors themselves, who serve on warships.

High demands are placed on people who want to serve in the Navy - high growth, increased health characteristics, developed muscles. The candidate must show that he is mentally stable; it is best if he began to prepare for the service as a child. Such a policy is associated with a high risk of injury in the navy, the presence of overloads. Due to the increased danger of service, the military of these units retire at the age of 30.

Military formations from a military unit and above have the status legal entity. In civil law relations, they act as organizations in the organizational and legal form of federal state institutions. Military formations have seals with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and their conditional and actual names, seals, stamps, letterheads, personal and other accounts in the territorial bodies of the federal treasury necessary for the implementation of their activities. In order to ensure their activities, buildings, structures, premises, equipment, machinery, weapons, inventory and other material means necessary for the implementation of activities are assigned to the operational management of military formations in order to ensure their activities. Land are provided to military formations for gratuitous indefinite use. Military formations conclude and execute civil law contracts and agreements.

Information about the places of deployment of military formations, the regular and payroll number of personnel, personnel position, availability and technical condition weapons , military equipment , other materiel and other information constitute a state secret .

Name of the military formation

Military formations have real and conditional names.

The code name includes the phrase "military unit" and its four-digit numerical designation (for example: "military unit No. 12345"). If in the text it is necessary to refer to a military unit without indicating the number, then the phrase " military unit».

The actual name consists of a combined arms number, staff name, honorary titles (if they are assigned) and the names of state awards (if the military formation was awarded an order (orders)) (for example: 1234 Guards Arkharinsky Order of Lenin Red Banner Separate Tank Regiment).

In unclassified documents, as a rule, conventional names of military formations are used, with the exception of documents of a congratulatory nature and documents in which it is necessary to emphasize the special status of a military formation, its history, tasks and merits.

Battle flag of the military formation

Framed (framed) part ( a military formation contained in peacetime according to a reduced peacetime staff as an organizational and material base for deployment when mobilization is announced according to the wartime staff. Armament, military equipment and other materiel in cropped part usually kept in a state of conservation on the wartime staff. Typically, a peacetime regiment forms a wartime brigade.

Aviation unit, military unit- a separate aviation unit, a separate aviation detachment, a separate aviation squadron, an air base, an aviation regiment, an aviation equipment display center, a test center, an aviation training center, a flight test station of a military mission or an aviation repair plant, a combined aviation detachment, an aviation sports organization ROSTO ( DOSAAF).

Training unit, military unit- a military formation (brigade, regiment, battalion, company), intended for the training and additional training of military personnel undergoing military service on conscription and under contract for training programs. Exist learning programs for the training of squad commanders (sergeants), sanitary instructors, drivers of vehicles and armored vehicles, gunners of armored vehicles, radiotelephonists and radiotelegraph operators, special communications specialists, radiation, chemical and biological protection specialists, ensigns and others.

see also


  • Soviet military encyclopedia - M .: Military Publishing House, 1976 - 1980. - (in 8 volumes). - 105,000 copies.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Military formation" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Formation (meanings) ... Wikipedia

    Wed 1. the process of action according to Ch. form 1., 2., form 1., 2. 2. The result of such an action; newly formed military unit; military formation. ott. A large and influential group in the gangster world; bandit formation. ... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    I; cf. 1. to Shape and Shape. F. character, worldview. F. bushes of grapes. Hasty f. new divisions. Finish f. cabinet of ministers. 2. usually plural: formations, ny. Military unit, part. Fresh, reserve ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    military unit- ▲ division military division. tool calculation. crew of a tank, aircraft. compound. formation. military unit. command (sapper #). platoon. company. battalion. regiment. division. half company. brigade. squadron. battery. frame. division. squadron ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    formation- I; cf. 1) to form and be formed. Formation of character, worldview. Formation / nie bushes of grapes. The hasty formation / nie of new units. Finish forming... Dictionary of many expressions

    214 i air landing brigade Troops: Air Force Type of troops: Airborne 214 I airborne ... Wikipedia

    Siberian army of whites, military unit- 1) The formation went on at the end of May June 1918 in Novonikolaevsk from the rebel detachment. and garrisons of the mountains. and railway station. on the initiative of Zap. Siberian Commissariat Siberian pr va. Zap were organized. Siberian and Vost. Siberian military district. IN… … Ural Historical Encyclopedia

    ASSOCIATION OF ARMED FORCES- a military formation of the type of the Armed Forces, including several associations of more than low level, connections, parts, various kinds and military branches of the Armed Forces, special troops, headed by a single regular body of control. Depending on the composition and decided ... ... War and peace in terms and definitions

    Military formation Name = Legion IV "Macedonica" original = Legio IV Macedonica type = Legion country = Ancient Rome formed = 48 BC e. disbanded = 70 year type of troops = Infantry supported by cavalry strength = B ... ... Wikipedia

Is a regiment. The number of its composition depends on the type of troops, and its full complement of personnel is one of the factors in ensuring the combat capability of the army. The regiment consists of smaller structural units. Let's find out what a company, regiment, battalion is, the number of these units according to the main branches of the military. We will pay special attention to the configuration of the artillery regiment.

What is a regiment?

First of all, let's find out. We will find out the number of personnel in various branches of the military in this unit later.

Polk is combat unit, which is often commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel, although there are exceptions. The regiment of the Russian Federation is the main tactical unit on the basis of which

The regiment includes smaller structural units - battalions. The regiment itself can either be part of a formation or be a separate combat force. It is the command of the regiments that in most cases makes decisions of a tactical nature during a large-scale battle. Although quite often the shelves are used as completely separate and independent units.

Number of members

Now let's find out the number of military personnel in the regiment, taking as a basis the composition of the rifle regiment as the most typical. This military unit, as a rule, contains from 2000 to 3000 soldiers. Moreover, approximately this number is observed in almost all (except perhaps excluding artillery and some other types of troops) and even in law enforcement agencies. A similar number of servicemen, for example, has an infantry regiment, the number of soldiers in which also ranges from two to three thousand people. Although there are exceptions, the minimum number of military personnel in a regiment in any case cannot be less than 500 people.

A typical rifle regiment consists of a headquarters where major decisions are made, three motorized rifle battalions, a communications company, and a tank battalion. Also, this unit should include an anti-aircraft division, a reconnaissance company, an anti-tank battery, a communications company, an engineer company, a repair company, a company of chemical, biological and radiation protection. Recently, more and more important features performs the company Although in Soviet time this unit was also very significant. The composition of the regiment is supplemented by auxiliary units: a commandant's platoon, a medical company and an orchestra. But they are additional only conditionally, since, for example, the medical company performs functions that are much more important, if I may say so, than other units. After all, the lives of other soldiers depend on the soldiers of this structural unit.

Approximately such a structure has a typical regiment. You can see photos of the fighters of this formation above.

Composition of the battalion

Typically, two to four battalions form a regiment. We will now consider the number of military personnel in the battalion.

The battalion is considered the main tactical unit of the ground forces. The range of personnel strength of this unit generally ranges from 400 to 800 people. It includes several platoons, as well as individual companies.

If we consider artillery, then the combat unit that corresponds to a battalion is called a division.

As a rule, a battalion is commanded by a soldier with the rank of major. Although, of course, there are exceptions. Especially often they can be found during hostilities, when an acute shortage of officer personnel may arise in the armed forces of a country or a separate unit.

Consider the structure of a battalion using an example. As a rule, the backbone of this structural unit is three motorized rifle companies. In addition, the battalion includes a mortar battery, a grenade launcher platoon, an anti-tank platoon, and a control platoon. Additional, but no less important units are platoons of material and technical support, as well as a medical center.

Company size

A company is a smaller structural unit that is part of a battalion. As a rule, it is commanded by a captain, and in some cases by a major.

The size of a battalion company varies greatly depending on the specific type of troops. Most soldiers are in companies of construction battalions. There their number reaches 250 people. In motorized rifle units, it varies from 60 to 101 servicemen. Slightly fewer personnel in the landing troops. Here the number of army men does not exceed 80 people. But the least soldiers are in tank companies. There are only 31 to 41 military personnel there. In general, depending on the type of troops and on a particular state, the number of military personnel in a company can vary from 18 to 280 people.

In addition, in some military branches there is no such unit as a company, but at the same time there are analogues. For cavalry, this is a squadron, which includes about a hundred people, for artillery - a battery, for border troops- an outpost, for aviation - a link.

The company consists of command personnel and several platoons. Also, a company may include special squads that are not part of platoons.

Smaller divisions

The platoon consists of several squads, and the number of its personnel varies from 9 to 50 people. As a rule, the platoon commander is a soldier with the rank of lieutenant.

The smallest in number permanent unit in the army is a branch. The number of military personnel in it ranges from three to sixteen people. In most cases, a soldier with the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant is appointed as the squad leader.

The number of artillery regiment

The time has come to consider in more detail what an artillery regiment is, the number of personnel of this unit and some other parameters.

An artillery regiment is a structural unit of such a type of troops as artillery. As a rule, it is included as an integral part of an artillery division, consisting of three or four divisions.

The strength of an artillery regiment is smaller than the corresponding unit in other branches of the military. This indicator depends on how many divisions are included in the regiment. In the presence of three divisions, its strength is from 1000 to 1200 people. If there are four divisions, then the number of servicemen reaches 1,500 soldiers.

Artillery regiment structure

Like any other military unit, the artillery regiment has its own structure. Let's study it.

The structural elements of an artillery regiment are divided into three main groups: command and control, logistic and combat support units, as well as the main striking force itself - line units.

It is these elements that make up the artillery regiment. A photo of the regiment's structure is located above.

Composition of the regiment

In turn, the management of the regiment is divided into the following elements: command, headquarters, technical unit and rear.

The command includes the regiment commander (most often with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel), his deputy, the head of physical training and the assistant commander for educational work. The last post in Soviet times corresponded to the post of political officer.

The headquarters unit includes the chief of staff, his deputy, as well as the heads of intelligence, the topographic service, communications, the secret part, the computer department and the assistant for the combat unit.

In the rear part of the regiment's administration are the deputy commander for logistics, the heads of the food, clothing, fuel and lubricants and clothing services.

The technical part of the regiment's administration includes the deputy for armaments, the heads of the armored, automobile, and missile and artillery services.

In addition, the chiefs of financial, chemical and medical services report directly to the regiment commander.

The composition of the logistic and combat support unit

The logistic and combat support unit is divided into the following structural elements: a medical center, a club, a repair company, a material support company, a battery and a control battery.

This unit is commanded by the deputy commander of the regiment for rear, who himself is part of the administrative part of the regiment, as mentioned above.

Composition of line divisions

It is on the line subunits that the main function of the existence of an artillery regiment is entrusted, since they conduct direct fire at the enemy from guns.

The regiment consists of four linear divisions: self-propelled, mixed, howitzer and jet. Sometimes a mixed division may be missing. In this case, the backbone of the regiment remains three units.

Each division is subdivided, as a rule, into three batteries, which, in turn, consist of three to four platoons.

The number and structure of the division

As mentioned above, three or four regiments form an artillery division. The number of personnel in such a unit reaches six thousand people. As a rule, the command of a division is entrusted to a soldier with the rank of major general, but there have been cases when these units were commanded by colonels and even lieutenant colonels.

Two divisions form the largest link in artillery - the corps. The number of military personnel in artillery corps can reach 12,000 people. The commander of such a unit is often a lieutenant general.

General principles for the formation of the number of units

We studied the size of a division, regiment, company, battalion, division and smaller structural units of various branches of the military, with an emphasis on artillery. As you can see, the number of servicemen in similar units in different troops can vary significantly. This is due to the direct purpose of the various branches of the armed forces. The most optimal number of servicemen to perform specific tasks is taken as a basis. Each indicator is not only the product of rigorous scientific calculation, but also the experience of combat operations in practice. That is, each figure is based on the spilled blood of the fighters.

Thus, we see that in the army there are both very small units, in which the number of servicemen can be equal to even three people, and the largest units, where the total number is in the tens of thousands of servicemen. At the same time, it must also be taken into account that in foreign countries the number of similar units may differ significantly from domestic options.

Like everything in this world, the science of warfare is progressing, new technologies and even new types of troops are emerging. For example, in Russia, the Aerospace Forces appeared not so long ago, which are a product of the evolution and development of the Air Force. With the advent of new types of troops and changes in the forms of warfare, it is certainly possible to adjust the number of personnel of subunits, taking into account the new conditions.
