Reserved for health reasons. Categories of fitness for military service

1. This document includes a schedule of diseases, in accordance with the articles of which the fitness for military service the following categories of citizens:

Column I - citizens upon initial military registration, conscription, citizens who have not completed military service or completed military service by conscription (with the exception of citizens indicated in column III), entering military service under a contract for military positions, substituted soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, to the mobilization manpower reserve, to military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations higher education(hereinafter referred to as military educational institutions), military personnel undergoing military service by conscription and entering military educational institutions or for military service under a contract for military positions, substituted by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, citizens who have expressed a desire to undergo and are undergoing training by programs military training reserve officers, military training programs for sergeants, foremen of the reserve or military training programs for soldiers, reserve sailors at the faculties of military training (military departments) at federal state educational organizations higher education (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations), citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces Russian Federation and those who have not completed military service (who have completed military service by conscription), when they are called up for military training held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations, for military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (with the exception of citizens, staying in the mobilization human reserve);

II column - military personnel who do not have military rank officers undergoing or having completed military service by conscription (with the exception of the military personnel indicated in column I), citizens who have been trained in military training programs for sergeants, reserve foremen or military training programs for soldiers, reserve sailors at military training faculties (military departments) at educational organizations, when carrying out activities prior to graduation, citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and who have not completed military service or who have completed military service by conscription (with the exception of citizens who are in the mobilization manpower reserve), when they are examined for registration purposes and during the period passing military training held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations, in military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;

(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2016 N 345)

Column III - citizens who are undergoing or have completed military service under a contract, reserve officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who have not completed military service under a contract, when they enter military service under a contract, enter the mobilization manpower reserve, citizens who are in the mobilization manpower reserve, citizens who have been trained under military training programs for reserve officers at military training faculties (military departments) at educational organizations, who have been trained under military training programs at military training centers at educational organizations, during events preceding graduation.

(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2016 N 345)

2. The schedule of diseases provides for the following categories of fitness for military service:

A - fit for military service;

B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;

B - limited fit for military service;

G - temporarily unfit for military service;

D - not fit for military service.

3. If a disease of an organ or organ system leads to dysfunction of another organ or organ system, an expert opinion on the category of fitness for military service is issued according to the relevant articles of the disease schedule.

When examining citizens, in addition to the research methods given in the schedule of diseases, it is allowed to use more informative methods.

4. The following abbreviations are used in the schedule of diseases:

A-2, B-2 (3, 4) - an indicator of destination for military service.

5. The procedure for applying the indicator of purpose for distribution by type and type of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is determined by:

in relation to citizens entering military service under a contract, to military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, - by the relevant federal executive bodies in which military service is provided for by federal law;

in relation to citizens during the initial registration for military registration and conscription for military service, citizens who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and who have not completed military service (passed military service by conscription), when they are called up for military training held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation , other troops and military formations, to military positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen, as well as military personnel undergoing military service by conscription - in accordance with table 1.

When conducting recruiting activities in relation to a conscript, one of its components is a medical commission (medical examination). At the medical commission in relation to the conscript, a conclusion is made on fitness for military service for health reasons. The fitness category is determined in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases (Appendix to the Regulations on the military medical examination). From the approved serviceability category depends on whether he goes to serve in the army, or will be released from military duty.

  • A - fit for military service; (subject to call)
  • B - fit for military service with minor restrictions; (subject to call)
  • B - limited fit for military service; (exemption from conscription: the conscript is enrolled in the reserve of the Armed Forces and he is issued a military ID)
  • G - temporarily unfit for military service; (deferment from conscription for 6-12 months)
  • D - not fit for military service. (exemption from military duty: the conscript is issued a military ID)
– More about the categories of suitability:
Expiration categories B1, B2, B3, B4
Category B
Category G
Category D

As you already understood from the description shelf life categories, for exemption from the army, the conscript should achieve the categories “B - limited fit” or “D - not fit”. Exactly these shelf life categories allow the conscript to legally not go to the army.
Citizens often get confused with the wording of the categories "B - good with minor restrictions" and "C - limited good". In the first case, you are subject to conscription; in the second, you are exempt from conscription.
The number after the letter "B" is called the indicator of purpose, is determined in accordance with the Table of additional requirements of the Schedule of Diseases (Appendix to the Regulations on the military medical examination) and indicates the possibility of serving in one or another branch of the military.

During the initial registration of citizens for military registration (at the age of 17), a medical commission is held in relation to the future conscript, which determines him shelf life category. It should be understood that no matter what was put in the assigned, when a citizen reaches the military age (18 years), the medical commission will have to be repeated (it often changes).

If you have already passed the medical examination and you have decided to be drafted into the army, i.e. You have been assigned shelf life category'A' or 'B' (and you don't have the right to reprieve), then don't despair. There are many legal ways how not to be in the ranks of the Russian army. In this case, it is better to trust professionals and act immediately.

Remember, any medical opinion, as well as a decision on conscription into the army, can always be appealed to higher authorities and justice can be achieved.

All guys to be drafted into the army must undergo a medical examination. Based on the results of passing the medical commission, they are assigned categories of conscripts for health reasons. This is due to the fact that the state of health directly affects the degree of stress that a fighter will be subjected to during service. For example, some types of troops make excessive demands on the state of health, and not every young man will be able to cope with the task.

Deciphering the category of medical fitness allows you to find out whether a person will serve, and if so, in which military units he can be assigned. In this section of our website, we will consider in detail all categories of suitability. Russian army and also talk about how they can affect the future life. We hope that this information will be useful to everyone who will soon have to undergo a medical examination.

Category A

With this category, the conscript is fit for military service without restrictions. Most often, this category is assigned to those who do not have any health problems. It is they who are sent to serve in the elite troops, which include the marines, airborne troops, submarines and surface ships.

  • category "A1". It means that recruits do not have any pathologies and abnormalities. In addition, she points out that at the time of the medical examination, he did not have any serious illnesses;
  • category "A2". This category is given to conscripts who have had a serious injury or suffered a serious illness. Most often this concerns fractures or concussions. At the same time, this category does not prevent military service in the special forces.

Category B

This category of fitness has minor restrictions that apply to service in certain troops. As a rule, this category of fitness for military service is assigned in cases where a young man has minor health problems.

Expiration category "B" and its varieties.

  • category "B1". Upon receipt of this category, the conscript is considered fit for service in parts special purpose, marines, airborne and airborne assault military units, as well as in border troops and troops of the federal border service of the Russian Federation;
  • category "B2". With this category, one can be called up for service on submarines and surface ships, or become a driver or crew member of tanks, self-propelled artillery installations, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors;
  • category "B3". This category of fitness for service in the army applies to drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and launchers of missile units. In addition, with this category you can get into the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • category "B4". If this category is assigned to a guy, then he is subject to conscription in terms of protection and defense of combat missile systems, radio engineering and communications units, as well as other military formations that do not impose serious requirements on the health of military personnel.

Category B

This mark in the military ID indicates that the man is limited fit for military service. Most often, this category is assigned in the presence of serious diseases. After receiving category "B", the young man is released from conscription in peacetime, receives a military ID and is credited to the reserve. At the start of the call to war time it will be used to complete parts of the 2nd stage.

If a person does not want to serve in the army, then obtaining this category allows him to avoid being drafted on completely legal grounds. Our company "" has extensive experience in this area. By contacting us, you will receive the help of our specialists, and under their guidance you will undergo an independent medical examination, which allows you to identify the presence of non-conscription diseases and correctly draw up a medical history. After that, the collected package of documents is sent to the military registration and enlistment office, opening up the opportunity to receive a military ID and write off to the reserve.

Our practice shows that many guys have prerequisites for the development of serious diseases. But it is far from always possible to detect this during the passage of a medical examination, which is often formal. Therefore, an important role in setting the category for young conscripts is played by medical documents that indicate the frequency of applications for medical care at the place of residence.

How to get the fitness category "B" in the military registration and enlistment office. Video

Category G

This category indicates that a young person is temporarily unfit for military service due to health reasons. As a rule, a delay is given for a period of six months to a year, after which a repeated medical commission is required at the military registration and enlistment office. Most often this happens due to the fact that the young man has a bone fracture, dystrophy, excessive obesity or other health pathologies that can pass after a certain time.

Unfortunately, very often employees of the military commissariats use this category for guys who have the full right to exemption from service. As a result, a person who, due to his state of health, does not need additional checks, is forced to regularly undergo a medical examination. In this case, it is required to appeal the decision of the draft board so that the correct expiration date is set.

What does "temporarily unfit for military service" mean?

Category D

This category means that, due to health, a person is completely exempt from conscription and from military duty in general. When assigning this category, the young man receives a military ticket, where there is a mark that the army does not threaten him. In addition, the stamp is placed in the passport. In most cases, category "D" is assigned in the absence of a stomach, glaucoma in both eyes, recurrent stroke, the presence of HIV infection and other serious diseases.

Expiration category "D" in the military ticket. How to get a? Video

Restrictions related to the recruit's eligibility category

What many people don't know is that certain categories can lead to problems later on when applying for a job. First of all, it concerns the category "B" or "D". If young man there is such a point, then he will not be able to work in law enforcement agencies, which include the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Federal Drug Control Service. This is due to the fact that these departments do not hire applicants who have not passed military service on conscription and, accordingly, having the indicated degrees of fitness for the army of the Russian Federation.

It is worth noting separately that today there are several myths regarding the ban on obtaining a driver's license. Some diseases absolutely do not interfere with this procedure. For example, not always when passing a medical commission for obtaining rights, a number of diseases associated with the work of the heart or stomach are taken into account. Therefore, a person with these diseases can get the right to drive a vehicle without any problems.

Vladimir Mozhaisky

Vladimir Mozhaisky - Author of articles and, perhaps, the best online consultant for PryzyvaNet. For more than 9 years, he has been advising conscripts and their parents on issues of legal exemption from the army in accordance with the Federal Law “On military duty and military service”.

Fitness category "A" - fit for military service - the highest indicator of the health of a soldier. Category "A" in a military card means that a conscript can be sent to any troops, including elite ones: the Airborne Forces, the Marine Corps and the Presidential Regiment.

How to determine the category of fitness for service

Categories of fitness for military service is an indicator of health, which is determined during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and affects the ability to perform military service.

A medical examination is carried out by a military medical commission, which includes seven doctors: doctors: an oculist, a dentist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon, a therapist, a psychiatrist, and a neuropathologist. Each of them examines the conscript (pre-conscript or serviceman) and examines his medical documents. Based on the results obtained and additional examination data, doctors determine whether the conscript's health allows him to serve in the army. When each member of the military medical commission makes a decision, the draft board meets. It decides which one to put up for a young man or a man.

What is the category of fitness "A" - fit for military service

Fitness category "A" is the highest indicator of health, which means that the conscript is fit for military service without restrictions on physical activity. It is set in two cases: if there is no non-conscription disease or if it is in the initial stage of development and is not accompanied by functional disorders.

For which diseases can you get it:

  • diseases of the motor, endocrine, circulatory and nervous systems;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • deviations in the work of internal organs;
  • infections and allergic reactions;

Expert opinion

The decision of the recruiting committee can be appealed. If you do not agree with the "A" eligibility category, learn how to change it and get an exemption from service on the "" page.

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

Since the conscript is fully fit, he can be sent to any troops. Typically, distribution is influenced by three factors: physiological characteristics (weight and height), the principle of shortage of personnel and order in military units, as well as an indicator of purpose.

What does the category "A-1" mean in the army

"A-1" is a category that is assigned to healthy conscripts or conscripts in whom the doctors of the military registration and enlistment office did not find any health problems. It is she who is considered the highest, so its owners can serve in the marines, airborne, airborne assault, border troops and special forces. At the same time, the owners of "A-1" can become signalmen, go to the infantry or signal troops, engineering and any other troops, if there is a shortage of recruits in them.

Features of physiological development Value for category "A-1"
Visual field limitation
Color sensitivity No deviations
Height 170-185 cm
Hearing speech in a whisper 6/6 m
Obesity 2 degrees Absent
Reduced nutrition Absent

Restrictions in the choice of troops can be associated not only with the state of health, but also with the physical data of the future soldier. For example, for a service in landing troops weight should not exceed 90 kilograms, and height for service in the Airborne Forces should be from 175 to 190 centimeters.

What does the category "A-2" mean?

Category "A-2" means that the young person/man may have previously had fractures of the limbs or various past diseases. The same category is set for benign neoplasms, obesity of the first degree or caries.

Indicators of anthropometry and health for the category of fitness for military service "A-2" must correspond to the following data:

Peculiarities Submarines and surface ships Drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled guns, engineering vehicles based on tanks or tractors
Visual field limitation None or less than 20 degrees None or less than 20 degrees
Color sensitivity No dichromasia Absent
Height up to 185 cm up to 175 cm
Hearing speech in a whisper 6/6 m 6/6 for drivers;

1/4 or 3/3 for crew members

Obesity 2 degrees Absent Absent
Reduced nutrition Absent Absent

What does "A-3" mean in the military registration and enlistment office

Peculiarities Meaning
Visual field limitation None or less than 20 degrees
Color sensitivity No dichromacy
Height Up to 180 cm
Hearing speech in a whisper 6/6 m; 5/5 m
Obesity 2 degrees Absent
Reduced nutrition Absent

What does the category of fitness for military service "A-4" mean?

Category "A-4" means that the person liable for military service has problems with visual acuity. With this category, they can be called up to all other types of troops that are not indicated earlier. Indicators of category "A-4" are indicated in the table below.

Peculiarities Meaning
Visual field limitation None or less than 20 degrees
Color sensitivity No dichromacy
Height Up to 180 cm
Audibility of whispered speech 6/6 m;
Obesity 2 degrees Absent
Reduced nutrition Absent

More detailed requirements for health and anthropometric data on groups and types of troops can be found in the appendices to.

Features of assignment of category "A"

During the course, each doctor makes his own conclusion, assigns the conscript one or another category of fitness with one or another indicator of purpose. The general category and the figure at the end is determined by the worst indicator. For example, a surgeon, a therapist, a neuropathologist, a dentist, a psychiatrist and an ENT put the conscript "A-1", and an ophthalmologist - "A-2". The category "A-2" will be entered into the military ID.

The indicator of purpose is conditional. He can only recommend sending a recruit to one or another army. In reality, everything is decided at the distribution point, and the choice of troops depends on the state order and other factors.

How to change the category "A"?

In practice, there are times when military registration and enlistment offices illegally assigned recruits the fitness category "A". In some situations, such a decision was made due to the fact that the young man did not prepare for the draft, did not undergo an examination, or did not collect medical documents. In others - because of violations of the military registration and enlistment office or the mistakes of doctors. The most striking example: the draft board declared fit a young man who did not have time to pass tests in the direction of the military commissariat.

In any situation, if you do not agree with the decision of the draft board, you can appeal it. To do this, you need to submit an application / complaint to a higher military registration and enlistment office or to a district court.

Recruiting options:

  1. At the medical examination, you were assigned a category of fitness without looking at the unacceptable diagnosis. In this case, you need to ask a doctor specializing in the disease or the head doctor to request a referral for an additional examination.
  2. At the draft board, they determined the degree of suitability and issued a summons for dispatch. It is necessary to immediately declare disagreement with the decision and demand a referral for an in-person control medical examination - KMO.
  3. The conclusion of the CMO turned out to be unsatisfactory. It is necessary to declare to the district military registration and enlistment office and the Investigative Committee about the intention to appeal the decision of the military registration and enlistment office in court. Please note that you must file an application with the court before the day specified in the summons for sending.

With respect to you, Tsuprekov Artem, head of the human rights department of the Service for Assistance to Conscripts.

The selection of people fit to serve in the army has been practiced since ancient times. If earlier, an evaluation criterion was used as an assessment of the degree of suitability, then at present the determination of the degree of suitability of a recruit for service is strictly scientifically justified.
The category is determined not only in connection with the general state of health, but also allows you to determine in which troops this or that conscript can, without harm to health, and with the greatest efficiency, serve, fulfilling his duty.

What are the eligibility categories?

Article 5.1 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" gives a clear definition of the categories and criteria used to determine the suitability for military service.
Traditionally, it is customary to call them the letters of the Russian alphabet: from "A" to "D", thus highlighting 5 categories.
Physical health, the absence of chronic diseases, injuries, disability in other indicators - is the basis categorization military personnel when they are called up for military service. And for those who are already certified and serve in the troops - when determining their degree of fitness in the event of a general illness, injury, concussion, injury to solve further fate soldier.

Conscripts and military personnel who do not have such high performance in general physical training or having slight deviations from the concept of "completely healthy" - successfully perform combat missions in no less critical areas of combat work, but not requiring extreme muscle and functional activity of the body.
Therefore, young people who have been assessed by the military medical commission with fitness categories “B” are also subject to conscription.

Differences in the categories of validity

Usage practice personnel in the troops developed a number of selection criteria.
For units of the first echelon - necessary: ​​physical strength, activity, stress resistance, endurance.
For second echelon troops - other qualities are more important, since they have to perform combat work in completely different conditions.
In peacetime, the state may refuse conscription into the army for a significant number of conscripts who do not meet the strict army rules of routine, diet, and physical activity. But who can fulfill their duty to protect the Motherland in wartime.
The only category that under no circumstances allows conscription into military service includes persons suffering from severe somatic, mental, allergic diseases, or having a disability that makes it difficult to use military weapons in practice.

Gradation of expiration categories

The category of fitness for military service is determined as a result of an examination of a conscript (serviceman) by a board of 7 doctors. Their composition is constant and sufficient to detect any deviations in the state of health:

Determining the state of health and assessing the degree of suitability in military service is not built from scratch.
Each candidate for military personnel must provide the medical commission with the following documents:

Based on the documents provided, the results of the visual examination and medical tests, the military medical commission makes a decision on determining the category.
Each of the 5 categories has (with the exception of the "D" category) a number of subcategories. They make it possible to take into account physical state and rational use of a soldier in the army.

The state of "absolute" health. A serviceman has no restrictions for serving in any extreme situations. Reduced vision to - 2 diopters is allowed.
The first echelon troops are recruited from the category "A" contingent. It has 3 subcategories, indicated in the registration certificate by Arabic numerals (1,2,3).
Minor deviations in health, taken into account by doctors, practically do not affect the suitability of a soldier for a combat mission.

The most massive and therefore the most common among military personnel. Has 4 subcategories. Within this group, the individual characteristics of the organism are already taken into account more significantly and the distribution to the duty station is more graded.
In case of doubts about the degree of suitability, conscripts, contract soldiers and military personnel are sent for an additional medical examination.
The presence of category "B" does not at all indicate that a serviceman cannot perform work in extreme or combat conditions with full dedication.
The state, inviting young people to serve, is not interested in the fact that after its passage, the health of a person liable for military service will deteriorate. That is why service conditions with a sparing regime are recommended for this category, without increased physical activity.

In a certain layer of the subculture - the desired dream of mentally immature undergrowths.
Means unfitness for service in peacetime and exempts from military service.
Usually it is the presence of chronic diseases, which already burden the fate of a person. It is not in the interests of the state to aggravate their course or promote development.
Treatment costs more than useful returns.
Usually, conscripts applying for this category know the document by heart:

And in every possible way they strive not to be cured and gain health, but to further aggravate their illness.
Upon receipt of this category, recruits are enrolled in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They receive a military ID (instead of a registration certificate), and are in the reserve until the age of 50. Their military specialty determined by profile education at the time of issuing a military ID.

It includes persons who, at the time of examination at the VVK, have somatic, infectious, mental illness, which, when cured, do not interfere with the passage of service.
Gives a deferment from conscription for military service for a period of 6 months to 1 year.
Upon re-examination, it can be extended or replaced by another category.

Persons recognized as completely unfit for military service have severe health disorders and disabilities.
Social guarantees provide such people with state assistance in adapting and are in no way aimed at ensuring that a person is drafted into the army.
When determining category "D", a military ID with a special mark is issued. The same mark is affixed to the citizen's passport.
Persons with category "D" have a significant range of restrictions when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, the FSO and other law enforcement agencies.

categorization conscripts, persons wishing to perform military duty under the contract and active military personnel - scientifically substantiated and aimed at the rational use of human resources and the preservation of health.
