Nobody but them. What does the "capital of the Airborne Forces" look like and how do former paratroopers and helicopter pilots live

Loud stories about hazing in the military units of Belarus with terrible endings convinced many that everything is bad in the Belarusian troops. and are even afraid to let their sons go for the passage military service, the future soldiers themselves also tremble a little before the first step into army life, about which recently.

To check whether everything is as bad in the army as ordinary people imagine, a Sputnik correspondent went to the 3rd separate special forces brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in military unit 3214, and spent the whole day with the soldiers of the 8th special forces company - from rise to lights out.

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© Sputnik Irina Petrovich, Sergey Pushkin Military unit 3214: live the life of a commando in one day

Military unit 3214: live the life of a commando in one day

Life on schedule

The whole life of a soldier is strictly subject to the daily routine and schedule, which is compiled for each week by the company commander. Throughout the life of a soldier, a soldier's day consists of a standard set of activities: getting up, exercising, breakfast, combat training, lunch, more classes, cleaning weapons, hand-to-hand combat, dinner, personal time, watching news programs, an evening walk and lights out. This is a normal way of life for the army.

The guys admit that you get used to such a schedule quickly, but at the same time there is no feeling of "Groundhog Day" - time flies unnoticed. The commander of the 8th company, Captain Sergei Dubovik, revealed the essence of this "pedagogical technique": "When a soldier has every minute scheduled, when he is constantly busy, he does not have time to do stupid things."

Indeed, the company’s servicemen even use their personal time to good use: they call relatives, read books, sew under collars to uniforms, play music and even play chess. This is not an embellished reality from the stories of company officers, this is what every visitor who accidentally or not accidentally ended up in the unit will see. Unexpected visits are not uncommon here: the brigade commander can visit the company at any time without warning, chat with the soldiers, check the schedules of dismissals and outfits.

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The day of the soldiers of the special forces of the internal troops is so busy that they have no problems with sleep: you just have to put your head on the pillow after lights out - and your eyes close on their own. Being on your feet from 6 am to 10 pm is not an easy task.

This is SWAT

The day of the military personnel of the company begins at 06:00 with the command "Rise!". Still sleepy soldiers line up, officers count whether everything is in place, the guys put on sports uniforms and go out to exercise.

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Up to 15 degrees of frost, they go out to exercise "on the bare torso"

Charging for special forces is sacred, it takes place at any time of the year and in any weather, even in severe frost. An ordinary person will surely shudder when he finds out that up to 15 degrees below zero they go out to exercise "on their bare torso", and in winter they still wipe themselves with snow, douse themselves with water and go barefoot.

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The soldiers themselves do not seem to feel discomfort from the cold and proudly say: "This is special forces!" Hardening gives its results: some senior soldiers admitted that they never caught a cold during the entire period of service.

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Between exercise and breakfast, soldiers have 40 minutes to make their beds, wash and dress. There is a stereotype that has been common since Soviet times that a soldier should get dressed while a match is burning. In the special forces brigade, the idea that a soldier should dress in 45 seconds is not supported, they consider it a relic of the past and some kind of mockery.

“If you are given 40 minutes to wash and get dressed, why dress in 45 seconds? Then just stand there? It makes no sense,” says company commander Sergei Dubovik. However, he stressed that this standard is being worked out, and each serviceman can get dressed even in 30 seconds in case of an alarm or rising on warning signals.

Calories are tasty and healthy

To serve well, you need to eat well, they are convinced of the internal troops. The food here is really great: breakfast, lunch and dinner contain as many calories as there are not in the diet of the average person. But after all, the workload of a soldier is much greater than that of an office worker.

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At the entrance to the dining room before each meal, you can see the "control dish". These are standard portions. Each soldier who believes that he was cheated on the distribution can compare the received dish with the control one, including by weight. But such questions usually do not arise: the principle of social justice in everything in this military unit is strictly observed.

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If the soldier's height exceeds 190 centimeters, he receives a double portion. Soldiers from the 8th company admitted that at first it was difficult to eat the prescribed portions, they had to force themselves. But over time, the appetite came: daily intense training inevitably causes hunger.

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"Burgers" with sausage and cheese - almost like in a "citizen"

Having taken places at the tables, the servicemen are intensively wielding forks and spoons. The buns are buttered and made into "burgers" with sausage and cheese. It turns out no less nutritious than in fast food chains. The guys laugh: almost like in a "civilian", but this same "citizen" is not much missed, especially those who have served for more than six months.

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The food is varied: cereals, soups, salads, fish and meat. TO palatability no questions either. Of course, this is not a restaurant with a Michelin star chef, but the dishes are tastier than in standard factory canteens. Professional chefs work in the kitchen, and soldiers with culinary education help them. It turns out that there are a lot of such in the brigade. There are even guys who managed to work in the capital's restaurants before joining the army. Each of them can easily name a recipe for a dish that can be cooked in 5 minutes.

Come on brother

There are many trainings in the special forces of the internal troops that require physical endurance. Not all young fighters cope with the loads at first. But in this case, both company officers and colleagues do everything so that the lagging behind does not feel inferior.

According to company commander Sergei Dubovik, not everyone can run 10 kilometers out of habit. In this case, an officer is assigned to the soldier, who runs with him at his pace, gradually increasing speed and distance. After a while, this soldier begins to run just as well as the rest.

There are general-arms physical training standards, and there are special forces ones. This is the level below which, while serving in special forces, it is shameful to perform exercises. So everyone wants to do more. For example, the brigade standard for pull-ups is at least 15 times, while in other parts, to get "excellent", it is enough to pull up 12 times.

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Training takes place in the spacious gym of unit 3214, except on days when it is busy with any activities. In this case, the sports corner in the location of the company helps out. The physical training and hand-to-hand combat classes have their own training system: only guys of equal opportunities are put into sparring, and the junior draft for six months is completely engaged in a separate program. A separate program is also provided for professional athletes: they devote more time to training and preparing for competitions. Also, before the championships, a special daily routine is established for them, which allows them to gain strength to achieve a better result.

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It is impressive how the soldiers themselves support each other if something does not work out. In hand-to-hand combat training, you hear every now and then: "Come on, brother, you can do it." With such moral support, it simply cannot fail. Yes, and the patience of the instructors is amazing: they will show how this or that technique is done, as many times as necessary for you to understand and repeat it yourself without flaws.

This "brotherly" atmosphere is felt in everything, everyone is ready to help when necessary. This gives the soldier confidence that in any even the most difficult situation he will not be left alone, that the "brothers" will lend a shoulder and insure, no matter what happens. In the 8th company they say that this is what gives rise to the notorious army friendship, which the guys from the "citizen" cannot even dream of, which is why those who served in the unit come to visit as soon as possible.

The rain does not wet the commando ...

... the rain invigorates the commando. With these words, the guys from the 3rd separate brigade of special forces of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are nominated for combat training classes in any weather. And with the weather, as you know, in our climatic conditions most of the time no luck.

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If in the first half of the day the sun was shining during the tactical training and the snow was actively melting, then the afternoon combat training brought a lot of surprises: at times the rain poured so hard that there was no dry place left on the soldiers at the end of the training. But this, according to the military personnel, only tempers. In such conditions, it will not work for a long time to be a sissy.

Combined-arms tactics classes not only improve the skills of soldiers in handling weapons, but also help to rally the team, develop team spirit and give platoon commanders the opportunity to get practice in managing people. An armored personnel carrier is not a comfortable premium car. It is quite crowded in order to open the doors, you need to make a lot of effort. Moreover, you need to get out of the armored personnel carrier and return on the move quickly, because in real combat situations, even a second of delay can cost a life. In such conditions, it is almost impossible to work without support and mutual assistance, this is how the team is best tempered.

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In addition, such activities develop thinking and train the speed of decision-making. The company commander sets tasks, and the servicemen not only have to choose how to solve them, but also meet the allotted time. “They don’t know what object I will tell them to block, so they improvise as it turns out, as the terrain allows,” the company commander comments on what is happening.

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"We are taught to be one for all and all for one."

Meanwhile, three armored personnel carriers with representatives of three platoons are maneuvering on the ground. Downpour permeates every millimeter of the mold cold water, but this does not spoil the mood of the guys, on the contrary, difficult weather conditions only spur them on to quickly and efficiently complete the task received by the lisping radio from the commander. All of them are trying hard, you can feel the spirit of healthy competition. This is how it should be: without the desire to become better, one cannot achieve heights in the service.

soldier says

After spending the whole day with the soldiers, you will not only feel the atmosphere of the company, but also have time to listen and hear what those who most often become victims of hazing say. Each soldier has his own point of view on the process of serving, but they all agree on one thing: they are very lucky to serve here with these colleagues.

Private Artem Muzychenko from the junior draft, he is 19 years old, has been serving for the fifth month. He came from the Gomel region, even before the medical examination, he knew that he wanted to serve here. “The first impression of the service was very good: the team was good, the atmosphere of support and mutual assistance. After two or three weeks, I felt as if I had been serving here for more than a year. The older servicemen constantly helped, explained what was incomprehensible,” he shared.

According to Artem, you need to understand the way of life of the company, set goals and strive for them, and then everything will be fine. “We are taught to be one for all and all for one. If someone falls behind somewhere, they support the whole team so that this person feels comfortable. The company command encourages you very well if you serve well,” he said.

Senior Sergeant Stanislav Shebutko is 21 years old, he has only 3 weeks left to serve. After the end of military service, he is going to stay in the brigade to serve under the contract. He says this about the beginning of the service: “At first it was difficult. The course of a young soldier and a company are two different things. I want to. And then you get used to it. "

© Sputnik / Irina Bukas

Stanislav notes that everyone in the company supports friendly relations. Sergeants and officers are trying to rally the team so that the soldiers all stand as a wall for each other. “As we say: ‘brother must cover his back.’ There is no difference between soldiers of different conscriptions,” he explained.

His words were confirmed by another senior military officer, 23-year-old Corporal Vadim Voronkov. According to him, the officers of the company, even in the most difficult situations, support and help to rally. “Everything we have achieved – diplomas, cups, awards – is thanks to our commanders. These are the people to whom I am deeply grateful. I am glad that I got into this company with these people,” said Vadim.

He has only 3 weeks left to serve, he is not yet ready to connect his life with the army, and he admits that he becomes sad that he will have to part with his colleagues: “Sometimes you think that you will go to work, you will have children, a family But all this will not replace the time that I spent here. "

This time will truly be remembered. Even if in our case it was only one day.

The day of a soldier really flies by quickly. It contains so many events that there is a feeling of a whole life lived in this short period. Having spent the whole day side by side with the soldiers, it is easy to make sure that they really have no time to be bored.

© Sputnik / Irina Bukas

Many want to serve in the military unit 3214 of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

An important factor in creating healthy atmosphere in the internal troops there is a strict selection of conscripts. Read about how this happens in the material.


At the turn of the 80-90s. of the last century, the rapidly developing instability greatly influenced all aspects of society. One of the important tasks was to bring down the wave of crime, to ensure order in society. Therefore, in the Republic of Belarus there are many special forces, and at each power ministry.




Formed in 1962 as an airborne reconnaissance unit, it has a high level of combat training and vast combat experience. Stationed in Maryina Gorka, Pukhovichi district, Minsk region. Participated in hostilities as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, conducted special events in the Transcaucasus during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The appearance of such military units and formations in the Soviet army is caused by the presence of, as it was customary to call it, our probable enemy in Europe nuclear weapons tactical purpose. The tasks of the airborne brigades included the destruction of command posts and missile launchers, fuel and ammunition supply bases, the collection of intelligence, sabotage on communications, in the future - and the organization partisan movement on enemy territory. Spetsnaz was designed to carry out operations in the rear in small groups. All brigades were directly subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. Soon a unique unit appeared - a company, consisting only of officers and ensigns, well-trained professionals. The best of the best were selected, who flawlessly mastered various styles of martial arts, shooting from all types small arms, including Western designs. A prerequisite had knowledge of foreign languages. The servicemen also took a course in light diving training under the program of naval special forces, mountaineering and piloting a trike. The company was intended to carry out especially important tasks in the interests of the GRU of the General Staff.


The main direction of training is reconnaissance and sabotage activities. Scouts are taught to overcome swamps, water barriers. "Field is a soldier's academy" - fighters spend about seven months a year at the training ground.

In order to complete the task without losses away from the main forces, the commando must be a universal soldier. In his arsenal - tactics of covert movement, knowledge of engineering, possession of hand-to-hand combat techniques and first-hand combat skills. medical care. Distinctive features- skillful management of all types of army transport and the ability to shoot accurately from various types of small arms, including captured ones.

There are no mountains in Belarus, but there are many high-rise buildings. Therefore, the basis of training is urban mountaineering. Classes are held not only on the territory of the brigade, they are also organized jointly with colleagues from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB. Diving training is also offered.

Special forces are landing from the sky, and the most different ways. Landing with high precision day and night, in all weather conditions. To do this, new parachutes were put into service here, which allow scouts to jump from any height and at any speed of the aircraft. In addition to parachutes, there are in the arsenal of special forces and motorized hang gliders.


Like many special forces of the former republics of the USSR, the army special forces of Belarus are equipped with weapons and equipment of the Soviet and Russian production.

KGB Special Forces "Alpha"

Alfa Group under the Committee state security The USSR was established in 1974. In March 1990, the then chairman of the KGB, V. Kryuchkov, signed an order to create the 11th group of the KGB of the USSR with deployment in Minsk. The document listed the tasks of the operational-combat unit being created: localization and suppression of terrorist and extremist actions, especially dangerous criminal manifestations. Area of ​​activity - Belarus and the Baltic republics.

From October 1991 to January 1992, the group was at the disposal of the main security department under the apparatus of the President of the USSR. Then she entered the structure of the central apparatus of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus. The fighters of the group carried out special operational tasks, and in 1992-1994. was involved to ensure the physical protection and security of the leadership of Belarus and members of foreign delegations. The range of tasks gradually expanded; now it also includes the fight against organized crime, as well as the illegal export of precious metals, material and historical values ​​outside the country.


When creating Alpha, preference was given to officers with combat experience, former paratroopers, and professional athletes. Today is mandatory for candidates higher education and military service. Particular attention is paid to the ability to endure great psychological and physical exercise. Average age fighters - 30–35 years.

For some time, there were rumors that the Alpha fighters received military experience in Chechnya, but the group's leadership stubbornly denies this.


Separate service active events(OSAM) - a unit whose task is anti-terrorist activity in the border zone.

Special forces history border troops The KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR began in 1981. The purpose of the group operating on the territory of Afghanistan was to fight the counter-revolutionary underground and agents of the enemy special services.

OSAM appeared after the collapse Soviet Union, in 1993. Its first commander was Gennady Nevyglas. One of the primary tasks of the special forces was the fight against illegal migration. Later, new tasks appeared - the fight against economic crime and drug smuggling, countering terrorism and human trafficking.

On the uniform chevron of the OSAM fighter there are two crossed balls and a wind rose against the background of the contour of the country.

At one time OSAM was headed by the Chairman of the Border Committee Igor Rachkovsky. And the eldest sons of the President of the country, Viktor and Dmitry Lukashenko, served in the special forces.


The following tasks are assigned to the special forces units of the border service:

Carrying out operations related to the implementation of operational information about hostile activities at the state border and at checkpoints through it of special services foreign countries, extremist and criminal gangs;

Protection in extreme conditions of premises, vehicles and other objects of operational bodies;

Implementation of reconnaissance and search activities;

Ensuring the security of activities carried out by the leadership of the border service;

Release of hostages from among the military personnel of the troops, bodies and organizations of the border service;

Studying the operational situation in the areas (places) of the alleged actions of the group, conducting reconnaissance of these areas (places);

Participation in the holding of special events related to the implementation of specific operational information, information of interacting law enforcement agencies;

Participation in the search and detention of armed groups and persons who have crossed or are trying to cross the border;

Ensuring the security of the leadership of the border service during trips around the country and abroad;

Ensuring the security of the operational staff of the border service during activities at the state border;

Ensuring the personal safety of PS servicemen and members of their families in cases provided for by law;

Ensuring the group's own security.


Armament - mainly Soviet and Russian production. The unit is equipped with modern radio stations. For cross-country vehicles, bumpers are additionally reinforced with rails, a steel bottom is welded, and a rubber mixture is poured into tires.


3rd Separate Red Banner Special Purpose Brigade

The third separate Red Banner Special Forces Brigade (military unit 3214, Uruchcha) was formed on the basis of the 334th regiment of the 120th division. It is prepared both to disperse street actions and to participate in special operations. This is the shock part of the internal troops. population personnel- 1500-2000 people. The brigade includes special-purpose battalions, a special rapid reaction detachment (SOBR) and support units.

The main tasks of the brigade are the fight against terrorism, actions in case of emergencies, preparation in case of a military threat.

IN Peaceful time brigade soldiers participate in the protection public order in the capital of the republic, often go on missions outside of Minsk. During opposition street actions, the brigade is usually kept in reserve and used only in the most extreme cases.

Soldiers receive comprehensive and varied training. The program includes acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat, strength training, athletic gymnastics, crosses. Much attention is paid to shooting from different types weapons, as well as tactical and special training for actions in various situations.

In fact, the special forces of the Ministry of the Interior began with Almaz. True, then this unit was called "Berkut", and its main purpose was the organization of prison anti-terror. Similar detachments were created in other Soviet republics.

Today it is a rapid response unit. In 1994, the then head of Berkut and the future Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Naumov, took the initiative to rename the special unit to Almaz. On the basis of the department for correctional affairs of the former republics of the USSR, they urgently began to form a prison anti-terror unit. The order was signed on January 2, 1992. Vladimir Naumov, then the commander of a patrol company, was appointed the first commander of the unit.

The main tasks to be solved at that time were:

Release of hostages;

Detention of armed criminals;

Elimination of riots in places of deprivation of liberty.

The forces of the then still small special forces carried out a number of operations to search for and detain dangerous criminals who had escaped from the pre-trial detention centers in Minsk and Brest. The hostages captured by recidivists in the penal colonies of Orsha and Minsk were released, and a mass escape from the colony in Shklov was prevented.

As the nature of crime changed, so did the unit. At this time, many different criminal gangs appeared. They started talking about the mafia, thieves' authorities, about the division of territories and spheres of influence. Not limited to the walls of the colonies and Belarusian terrorism. More extensive use of special forces was required. The question of reorganization arose. A review of all special forces units was held, and the best one was chosen - "Almaz".

Since the autumn of 1994, the unit has been transformed into a special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus with subordination personally to the minister. The fighters are responsible for carrying out the most difficult tasks: the elimination of terrorist attacks, the release of hostages, the detention of various criminal armed groups.

The history of the name of the special unit is unique - in many countries such formations are still called "Berkut" or "Falcon", and Belarusians have chosen a different path. The new name was not chosen by chance - the diamond symbolizes hardness, purity, nobility. In a memo for fighters, their commander once wrote: "Always remember that a special forces officer must be clean and hard as a diamond."

Over the years of its existence, the SPBT "Almaz" has accumulated vast practical experience, suppressed terrorist attacks and released about 100 hostages, together with the operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than five and a half thousand special operations have been carried out to search for and suppress the activities of organized criminal groups and organizations. One of the most resonant events of Almaz was the detention in Minsk of suspects in the murder of Russian journalist Paul Khlebnikov.


The main tasks are:

Prevention of terrorist acts;

Detection and neutralization of explosive devices;

Carrying out special measures to detect and detain dangerous armed criminals, to seize counterfeit banknotes, narcotic, chemical and radioactive substances and ammunition;

Ensuring the physical security of the operational staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

Carrying out search and reconnaissance activities;

Protection of judges and persons of the controlling composition of the republic, high officials states and foreign delegations.

The combat readiness of the unit is evidenced by the following fact: in the event of an alarm, the "Almaz" must arrive at the base within 5-7 minutes. And within 20 minutes, reconnaissance and a combat group are sent to the scene anywhere in the country. After another 20 minutes, the second group leaves.

Basically, officers from similar units of the Ministry of Defense, police special forces, the security service of the head of state, and border troops come to Almaz. As a rule, these are people who have served at least five years and have already participated in special operations. Women also serve in Almaz - negotiators and snipers.

The armament corresponds to the armament of other special forces of Belarus.

Minsk Special Purpose Police Regiment

The regiment was formed in the fall of 2005 on the basis of a special police detachment. Both then and now, the main task of the regiment is the protection of public order during various mass actions.

Other tasks were:

Ensuring the personal and property security of citizens on the streets and in other public places;

Prevention and suppression of offenses, group violations of public order and riots;

Participation, together with other services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies, in the detention of armed criminals, the suppression of activities organized groups and criminal organizations;

Participation in special events and operations carried out by internal affairs bodies.

In addition, the fighters of the unit must be prepared for cataclysms, disasters, natural and man-made accidents.

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National Archives of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus) F. 370. General Commissariat "Belarus". 1941 - 1944. Op. 1. D. 23, 90, 423, 443, 480, 1264, 1267, 1277, 1313, 1394, 1570, 2477; Op. 2. D. 24; Op. 6. D. 48, 49.F. 380. Belarusian Council of Trust (BRD). 1942 - 1943. Op. 1. D. 1.F. 381. Belarusian Central Council (BCR). 1942

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In fact, the special forces of the Ministry of the Interior began with Almaz. True, then this unit was called "Berkut", and its main purpose was the organization of prison anti-terror. Similar detachments were created in other Soviet republics.
Today it is a rapid response unit. In 1994, the then head of Berkut and the future Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Naumov, took the initiative to rename the special unit to Almaz. On the basis of the department for correctional affairs of the former republics of the USSR, they urgently began to form a prison anti-terror unit. The order was signed on January 2, 1992. Vladimir Naumov, then the commander of a patrol company, was appointed the first commander of the unit.
The main tasks to be solved at that time were:
- release of hostages;
- detention of armed criminals;
- elimination of disturbances in places of deprivation of liberty.
The forces of the then still small special forces carried out a number of operations to search for and detain dangerous criminals who had escaped from the pre-trial detention centers in Minsk and Brest. The hostages captured by recidivists in the penal colonies of Orsha and Minsk were released, and a mass escape from the colony in Shklov was prevented.
As the nature of crime changed, so did the unit. At this time, many different criminal gangs appeared. They started talking about the mafia, thieves' authorities, about the division of territories and spheres of influence. Not limited to the walls of the colonies and Belarusian terrorism. More extensive use of special forces was required. The question of reorganization arose. A review of all special forces units was held, and the best was chosen - Almaz.
Since the autumn of 1994, the unit has been transformed into a special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus with subordination personally to the minister. The fighters are responsible for carrying out the most difficult tasks: the elimination of terrorist attacks, the release of hostages, the detention of various criminal armed groups.
The history of the name of the special unit is unique - in many countries such formations are still called "Berkut" or "Falcon", and Belarusians have chosen a different path. The new name was not chosen by chance - the diamond symbolizes hardness, purity, nobility. In a memo for fighters, their commander once wrote: "Always remember that a special forces officer must be clean and hard as a diamond."
Over the years of its existence, the SPBT "Almaz" has accumulated vast practical experience, suppressed terrorist attacks and released about 100 hostages, together with the operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than five and a half thousand special operations have been carried out to search for and suppress the activities of organized criminal groups and organizations. One of the most resonant events of Almaz was the detention in Minsk of suspects in the murder of Russian journalist Paul Khlebnikov.

The main tasks are:
- prevention of terrorist acts;
- detection and neutralization of explosive devices;
- carrying out special measures to detect and detain dangerous armed criminals, to seize counterfeit banknotes, narcotic, chemical and radioactive substances and ammunition;
- ensuring the physical security of the operational staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- conducting search and reconnaissance activities;
- protection of judges and persons of the controlling composition of the republic, high officials of the state and foreign delegations.
The combat readiness of the unit is evidenced by the following fact: in case of an alarm, the "Almaz" should arrive at the base within 5-7 minutes. And within 20 minutes, reconnaissance and a combat group are sent to the scene anywhere in the country. After another 20 minutes, the second group leaves.
Basically, officers from similar units of the Ministry of Defense, police special forces, the security service of the head of state, and border troops come to Almaz. As a rule, these are people who have served at least five years and have already participated in special operations. Serve in "Almaz" and women - negotiators and snipers.
The armament corresponds to the armament of other special forces of Belarus.

1. Uruchensk special forces brigade. (military unit 3214, Uruchcha).

T Third Separate Red Banner Special Forces Brigade (military unit 3214, Uruchcha) was formed in the 1990s on the basis of the 334th regiment of the 120th division. It is prepared both to disperse street actions and to participate in special operations. This is the shock part of the Internal Troops. Its number is about 1500-2000 people. The unit consists of several subdivisions - special purpose battalions, Special Squad rapid response (SOBR) and support departments.

The main tasks of the PMSN

1. Ensuring the personal and property security of citizens on the streets and in other public places.

2. Ensuring the protection of public order during mass events.

3. Prevention and suppression of offenses, group violations of public order and riots.

4. Participation, together with other services and divisions of the internal affairs bodies (OVD), in the detention of armed criminals, the suppression of the activities of organized groups and criminal organizations.
5. Participation in special events and operations conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs.

The main tasks of the brigade are: the fight against terrorism, actions in case of emergencies, combat training in case of a military threat.

In peacetime, the fighters of the brigade perform the functions of protecting public order. Often representatives of the brigade go on assignments outside of Minsk. For example, they guard the "Slavianski Bazaar".
During the street actions of the opposition, the Uruchen brigade is usually kept on a safety net. They are used only in extreme cases, when the PMSN cannot cope with the demonstrators.

Pavlichenko himself, being the commander of the brigade, repeatedly stated that he was trying to educate the fighters in the "spirit of Orthodoxy." There is a temple on the territory.

Very great importance assigned to combat training, it is several times stricter than in other military units. The program includes acrobatics, hand-to-hand combat, strength training, athletic gymnastics, crosses. Great importance is attached to shooting from different types of weapons, as well as tactical and special training for actions in various situations.

It is worth noting that most of the ordinary fighters are in the brigade for a year or a half. This is a normal term of service in the army.

2. Minsk special police regiment

The regiment was formed in autumn 2005, shortly before the presidential election. The PMSN was created on the basis of the OMON, and headed by Yuriy Podobed. As Anatoly Kuleshov (today's Minister of the Interior), the then chief of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, explained, the main purpose of creating the regiment was to protect public order during various mass actions.

According to him, the fighters of this unit must be prepared for cataclysms, disasters, natural and man-made accidents. Kuleshov called the third reason that the creation of the regiment would enable other police officers to perform their immediate duties. The officers of the regiment wear black uniforms.

The PMSN was created at the personal request of Yuri Podobed, who complained that the number of events that needed protection was constantly growing in the country. The staff has also been increased a lot.

Admission to the service in the special police regiment of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee is carried out on a competitive basis through the conclusion of individual contracts with citizens of the Republic of Belarus.

Basic requirements for candidates:

citizenship of the Republic of Belarus;

the presence of fixed-term military service in the Armed Forces (the absence of fixed-term service does not exclude the possibility of being recruited for service in the internal affairs department on an individual basis with a completed higher education);

no evidence of a downgrade military rank for the period of urgent military service;

age up to 25 years, however, older age options are possible depending on the length of service in the Armed Forces (decided on an individual basis);

availability of complete secondary, secondary specialized or higher education (preference is given to candidates with secondary specialized and higher education);

the absence of a criminal record and administrative penalties from the candidate and close relatives, as well as other compromising information from the territorial internal affairs bodies at the place of birth and residence of the candidate and his close relatives;

positive characteristics of the candidate from all places of his service, study and work.

Those who applied for employment in the PMSN after passing a preliminary interview are sent to undergo a medical commission to the polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in order to determine their fitness for service. Moreover, only those candidates who have the first and second degree of fitness for military service, established by the draft commission of the RVC when drafting into the Armed Forces, are subject to referral. Those with a third degree of fitness can also be sent to the medical commission, but, as practice shows, such candidates are recognized as unfit for service in the PMSN, although their suitability for service in other, non-special, units of the internal affairs bodies is not ruled out.

When candidates are recognized by the military medical commission as fit for service in the PMSN, they undergo a preliminary internship in the intended position (policeman, policeman-driver), during which the candidate is familiarized with the conditions and specifics of service in the unit. In turn, the regiment's employees study the moral and business qualities of the candidate in order to determine their suitability for service. The duration of the internship is at least one month. Physical training inspectors during the internship period accept credits for physical training from the candidate.

When the management decides on the possibility of accepting a candidate for service, a contract is concluded with him for service in the internal affairs bodies and the candidate is sent for initial training to the Training Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus or to the Mogilev College of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. The contract is concluded for the period of initial training and then for 5 (five) years from the date of arrival for further service in the completing body. The contract provides for mandatory service for at least 5 years after training. Otherwise, it is possible to recover the cost of the initial training costs.
The duration of the initial training at the Training Center is 6 (six) months.
For candidates undergoing urgent military service in parts of the internal troops of the Republic of Belarus, in exceptional cases, in agreement with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the possibility of recruitment with initial training at the place of service is provided.
For more information, contact the Human Resources Department of the PMSN GUVD.

Maryina Gorka

Near Minsk, in Maryina Gorka (Pukhovichi district), there is a 5th separate brigade special purpose. But this is not the Internal Troops. This special forces belongs to the Ministry of Defense.
The formation of the brigade began to take place in 1962.

Behind Soviet times fighters reached a level of training that corresponded to detachment "Vympel" of the KGB of the USSR. Fighters from Maryina Gorka took an active part in Afghan conflict. Two years after the withdrawal from there, the paratroopers from Maryina Gorka again went to war. Almost the entire brigade (805 people) under the command of Colonel Borodach was in Armenia.

On December 31, 1992, former Soviet special forces swore allegiance to Belarus. The main areas of training for today's fighters in the unit are sabotage and reconnaissance. Scouts are taught to overcome swamps, water barriers, forests. For this, exercises are often held in the forests. For ten days they are in an unknown area.

Maryina Gorka believes that their unit is the most elite in the country. There is an unofficial competition and confrontation between the special forces from Uruchcha and Maryina Gorka. Both there and there believe that their part is the best.


Actually with "Almaz" and the Belarusian special forces began in the late 1980s. True, then this unit had a name "Golden eagle", and the main purpose was to organize prison anti-terror squads. They were also created in other Soviet republics.

Now it is a kind of rapid reaction squad. In 1994, the then head of Berkut and the future Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Naumov, took the initiative to rename the special unit to Almaz. In a memo for fighters, Naumov once wrote: "Always remember that a member of the special forces must be clean and hard as a diamond".
In 2002, Alexander Lukashenko personally opened the Almaz base.

In case of an alarm, the Almazovets should arrive at the base within 5-7 minutes. And within 20 minutes, reconnaissance and a combat group are sent to the scene anywhere in the country. After another 20 minutes, the second group leaves.

The functions of the "diamond man" include the fight against terrorist activities, the release of hostages, and the disposal of explosives. "Almazovtsy" once detained suspects in the murder of Russian journalist Paul Khlebnikov in Minsk.

"Almazovets" must train at least three times a week. These are not only sports exercises, fighters also go to barriers, manholes, ladders in full gear.

Basically, officers from similar units of the Ministry of Defense, police special forces, the security service of the head of state, and border troops get into Almaz. As a rule, these are people who have served at least five years and have already participated in special operations. Serve in the "Almaz" and women - negotiators and snipers.

Almaz is headed by Colonel Nikolai Karpenkov. He was still in Berkut, when from 1992 to 1994. He was the commander of the combat group of the unit. In 2003, Karpenkov returned to Almaz as a commander.


The Alfa group under the State Security Committee of the USSR was created back in 1974. In March 1990, the then chief Chekist of the Union Kryuchkov signed a decree on the additional introduction of the group Alfa based in Minsk. Among the goals of the creation of the group were the localization and prevention of terrorist and extremist actions, especially dangerous criminal manifestations that threaten the security of the country. Initially, the group also acted on the Baltic countries.

Interestingly, until January 1992, Alfa was directly subordinate to the main department under the President of the USSR. Only then did she enter the structure of the Belarusian KGB. Alpha fighters ensure the physical defense and security of the Belarusian leadership and distinguished foreign guests. The new duties also included the fight against the illegal export of valuable metals, material and historical values ​​outside the country.

When creating Alpha, preference was given to Afghan officers, vedeveshniks, and professional athletes. Now higher education and military service are mandatory for candidates. Also, attention is paid to the ability to endure great psychological and physical stress. The age of the fighters is 30-35 years.

It is noted that staff turnover at Alpha is very low. It takes four or five years to become a true professional. All this time the fighter is on the second or third roles. One full outfit of the "alpha" (body armor, helmet, weapons, ammunition) weighs more than 20 kilograms.

Border special forces "OSAM" Separate service of active measures.

The border guards also have their own special forces. This is the Separate Service of Active Measures, perhaps the most closed and little-known special unit.
OSAM appeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1993. The first chief was Gennady Nevyglas.

First of all, the creation of a special unit was explained by the fight against illegal migration. Mostly, citizens from Asian countries to Europe. That was the first task.
Later, new ones appeared - the fight against economic crime and drug trafficking, countering transit terrorism and human trafficking.

Checking the future Osamo resident lasts from a year to two. During this time, the service record of the fighter, all close and distant relatives are checked with special attention. The average age of officers is 33 years. On the uniform chevron of the OSAM fighter there are two crossed balls and a wind rose against the background of the contour of the country.

At one time, OSAM was headed by the current chairman of the Border Committee, Igor Rachkovsky. And the eldest sons of Lukashenka, Viktor and Dmitry, served in the special forces.

What are they, Forces special operations The Republic of Belarus? Defend Russia looks to its nearest neighbor to find out.

Photo: Defend Russia

In addition to them, MTRs use the latest Russian assault rifles - for example, . This assault rifle has a buttstock made of shock-resistant glass-filled polyamide, which obviously lightens the weight of the weapon. Its weight is 3.6 kg, rate of fire is 650 rounds per minute, effective range- 50 m.

Photo: Defend Russia

Now MTRs have the latest sets of special clothing and weapons for different environments fighters habitat. With a flag of the Airborne Forces, an “underwater paratrooper” coquettishly sits in a set of underwater equipment “SKUBA”. It is equipped with a breathing apparatus with a buoyancy compensator, a neoprene wetsuit with gloves and boots, fins and a diving mask. There is a "paratrooper" with a set of diving equipment SLVI-71, allowing you to work at a depth of up to 40 m.

Photo: Defend Russia

The "beekeeper" is dressed in a "summer special" set.

Photo: Defend Russia

And the sniper is dressed in a camouflage Leshy. To the right of it is the Gorka-E windproof kit.

Photo: Defend Russia

The lyricism of the army names is continued by the set of winter paratroopers' uniforms "Melted Snow".
