Maximum shot from a sniper rifle. Russian sniper sets a precision shooting range record

Russian sniper Andrei Ryabinsky, in a team with spotters Yuri Sinichkin, Evgeniy Titov and Vladimir Grebenyuk, set a world record for the range of aimed shooting from sniper rifle. According to a blog post by the Russian arms company Lobaev Arms, the range of the accurate shot was 4210 meters.

For accurate shooting, the SVLK-14S “Twilight” rifle was used, specially designed for the maximum possible range of an accurate shot. According to Ryabinsky, the bullet covered a distance of 4210 meters in 13 seconds. For targeted shooting at such a distance, experts took into account many factors, including wind, Atmosphere pressure, derivation, temperature and rotation of the Earth.

Derivation is the deflection of a rotating bullet after a shot. The deflection occurs perpendicular to the plane of the oncoming air flow. The displacement of the bullet coincides with the direction of the rifling of the barrel of the weapon from which it was fired. For the SVD sniper rifle, the deflection is up to 60 centimeters when shooting at a target at a distance of one kilometer.

Many modern sights for small arms derivation is taken into account constructively. In particular, the PSO-1 for SVD is specially mounted so that after the shot the bullet goes slightly to the left. In artillery, this phenomenon is either included in the firing tables, or is also taken into account constructively.

The SVLK-14S sniper rifle is available in three calibers: .408 Chey Tac (10.36 x 77 mm), .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6 x 70 mm) and .300 Winchester Magnum (7.62 x 67 mm). A .408 caliber weapon was used to shoot at a record distance. Shooting was carried out at a target one meter wide and one meter high.

The length of the rifle is 1430 millimeters with a barrel length of 900 millimeters. The rifle is equipped with a longitudinally sliding bolt. The mass of SVLK-14S is 9.6 kilograms. The accuracy of fire from a rifle is 0.3 arc minutes.

The previous world record for accurate shot range was set by the American M300 sniper rifle. It was 4157 meters. Meanwhile, in June 2017, a Canadian sniper set the record for a confirmed successful accurate shot made in combat conditions. Using a 12.7 mm TAC-50 rifle, a Canadian in Iraq killed a militant at a distance of 3540 meters.

Correction: Initially, the news stated that the SVLK-14S sniper rifle is equipped with a five-round magazine. In fact, another rifle of this family, the SVLK-14M, is equipped with such a magazine. The SVLK-14S was deliberately left single-shot by the developers to maintain maximum accuracy and firing range. We apologize to the readers.

Vasily Sychev

Hitting a target from a distance of 3.5 kilometers with direct fire is a difficult task for almost any military equipment. When it comes to civilian weapons, it is completely unattainable. More precisely, it was unattainable until this moment. The Texas guys from the Hill Country Rifle company, which produces and refines rifles, did the hitherto impossible - they hit the target from a distance of 3,475 meters (3,800 yards).

Thefirearmblog reports that the previous unofficial record was 3,550 yards (3,246 meters). The author of the new achievement is Jim Spinella, who shot from a modified Long Range Extreme 375 Cheytac rifle ($6995 for the base model) and used CHEYTAC .375/350 GR cartridges.

It took the sniper 19 rounds to zero. After making all the adjustments, the hit accuracy was 90% on a 36-inch target (91.5 cm). The shooting took place far from “greenhouse conditions” - during the record-setting period, the wind was blowing at a speed of 4 m/s with gusts of up to 7.5 m/s.

To understand the severity of the moment, here are a few facts:

  • at the peak of the parabola the bullet was 100 meters above the aiming point;
  • from the moment of the shot to the hit, the bullet flew for more than 8.5 seconds;
  • Due to air vibrations, the target is almost invisible at such a distance even through an optical sight.

On achieved result the guys are not going to stop, planning to conquer the 4,000-yard bar (about 3,658 meters) this fall. Until now, the achievements of snipers in accurate shooting range had not been officially recorded, but Spinella and his comrades decided that it was time to put an end to this.

In combat conditions, the farthest confirmed sniper shot taken from a distance of 2475 meters. In November 2009, British Army Corporal Craig Harrison participated in a joint force operation in Afghanistan. During the battle in the Musa Qala area, using the L115A3 Long Range Rifle rifle, from a distance of 2475 meters, he managed to destroy two Taliban machine gunners with two shots, and with the third, disable the machine gun itself. In an interview with the BBC, Harrison said that it took him 9 sighting shots to then successively “place” three bullets exactly on targets.

Corporal Craig Harrison - author of the "combat" sniper shooting range record

Harrison also mentioned that that day in the Musa Qala area the weather conditions were ideal for long-range shooting: clear visibility and complete calm. The bullets fired by Harrison from the L115A3 Long Range Rifle reached their target after approximately 6 seconds of flight.

It is noteworthy that the rifle and cartridge type used by Jim Spinella are legal on the civilian market and are available for purchase as hunting weapons in many countries of the world. Thus, anyone can purchase a rifle if they have a purchase permit rifled weapons and the required amount of money.

While the sniper has a long and colorful history, last years, thanks to advancements in technology, the range and accuracy of weapons have improved, allowing for more shots to be fired. Pocket computers, devices that collect information about weather and atmospheric quality, and laser rangefinders are all there to improve a shooter's accuracy.

Curious what the longest sniper shot ever was? Most of the longest sniper shots recorded in history occurred at the beginning of this century, although a fifth long shot was made back in the 60s!

5. Sergeant of the Artillery Regiment Carlos Hatchcock

Regimental Artillery Sergeant Carlos Hatchcock

This US Marine is still considered a legend, and rightly so. In more than forty years, only four other snipers have managed to beat his record, which was set in 1967. With an M2 .50 caliber Browning machine gun and a telescopic sight, he shot down a Viet Cong guerrilla from a distance of 2,286 meters. His record remained unbroken until 2002. Hatchcock's shot was 2286 meters.

4. Sergeant Brian Cramer

Beretta M82A1

Kremer takes fourth place with a shot at 2,299 meters, barely beating Hatchcock's record. This US soldier used the Beretta M82A1 and was a member of the 2nd Ranger Battalion in the Iraq War. He was not, however, the first to break Hatchcock's record. Kremer's shot was taken in 2004, two years after Corporal Rob Furlong and Master Corporal Aaron Perry broke Hatchcock's record in 2002.

3. Master Corporal Aaron Perry


In March 2002, this Canadian soldier from the 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia, Canadian Light Infantry broke Hatchcock's old record of shooting a MacMillan Tac-50 from 2,309 meters during the Afghanistan War.

2. K April Rob Furlong

Canadian Forces sniper Rob Furlong

Furlong was also a Canadian infantryman as Master Corporal Aaron Perry, and managed to break a comrade's record in the same month during the war in Afghanistan. Perry set his record, Furlong beat it with a catch at 2429 meters, a very long shot indeed, during Operation Anaconda. Furlong used the same type of weapon as Perry.

1. Copral Craig Harrison

Copral Craig Harrison

And the winner of the longest sniper shot in November 2009 was British Mounted Cavalry Corporal Craig Harrison, who fired an Accuracy International L115A3 during the Afghanistan War, his bullet traveling an astonishing distance of 2,475 meters, again significantly beating the previous record holder. This was not an accidental achievement. Harrison creatively modified his equipment to achieve the level of accuracy and range required to fire a shot at such great distances. However, Harrison does say in his reports that he owes some of the credit to good weather that was optimal for long-range shooting.

It's still quite amazing that Hatchcock retains fifth place in the record books after all these years. You'll notice if you check other sniper records, most of the top 11 took their shots during the 21st century, with only one other exception, perhaps the most compelling of the lot. Billy Dixon, a civilian buffalo hunter, posted a photo with a .50-.90 caliber Sharps carbine during the Indian Wars in June 1874, he shot at a distance of 1406 meters. Dixon still ranks 9th in the ranking in terms of sniper shot range. Not bad for a guy drawing on 19th century technology!

What can one shot do? Eliminate the person. Change history. Stop the enemy's advance. Save a platoon of comrades in arms. Professionals in their field always deserve respectful treatment among people in their specialty. Army snipers are no exception; the fate of the entire operation often depends on the accuracy of their fire.

1. From a machine gun for two kilometers

When Carlos Hascock was a child, he loved to hunt small birds and squirrels with a small-caliber rifle. Hascock's talent for shooting was discovered by his service in the US Marine Corps. The young man was sent to Vietnam. The enemies appreciated the sniper's skills faster than the American command, setting a price of 30 thousand dollars for the sniper's head (a colossal amount at that time).

On missions, the American used a Winchester Model 70 rifle. However, he set his main record using an M2 Browning heavy machine gun with optical sight 8X Unertl mounted on a makeshift bracket. Hascock "picked up" an enemy courier at a range of 2,300 meters. This record was considered a world record from 1967 to 2002.

2. One bullet kills six

The identity of this shooter is kept secret by the American command. All that is known is that he serves as a corporal in the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards. At the time of the record shot, the soldier was only 20 years old.
In the unit, the corporal very quickly established himself as an excellent marksman, and therefore was the first to gain access to the high-quality sniper rifle L115A3 AWM .338 caliber. In Afghanistan, a fighter killed a Taliban machine gunner with a hit to the chest at a distance of 1339 meters.

The corporal made his most striking shot in the province of Helmund, when he was covering the positions of the British who were attacked by the Taliban. Six militants, including a suicide bomber, were approaching the Allied trench. The corporal shot at the last one and caused the vest to explode, killing all six. The shot was fired from a distance of 850 meters.

3. 10 seconds flight

The record for the longest shot was set by an “unnamed” sniper of the Coalition troops during an operation against terrorists of a group now banned in Russia. A soldier of the 2nd Joint Task Force, using a McMillan TAC-50 rifle, effectively disrupted the entire militant offensive with one shot, killing the commander at the position of Iraqi soldiers at a distance of 3,450 meters. The bullet flew to the target for 10 seconds.

4. Black shot

British Army Corporal Christopher Reynolds killed a Taliban commander nicknamed "Mula" with two shots at a distance of 1,853 meters. Reynolds had to wait for the target in ambush for three days. The corporal's first shot missed, but the range was such that the Taliban did not even immediately realize that they had come under fire. The sniper fired from an L115A3 rifle.

5. 25 football fields

The case of Craig Harrison is a prime example of how the media can ruin a person's life. While serving in Afghanistan, Craig saved fellow soldiers who were pinned down by machine-gun fire from Taliban militants. The incident occurred in Helmand province. The corporal fired six shots at a distance of 2,475 meters and was able to eliminate two machine gunners. Harrison's shot is notable because it was fired from an L115A3 rifle, and the distance to the machine gunners was almost twice the effective firing range of that weapon.

Unfortunately, Craig's name ended up in the media. Very soon, unknown persons began to threaten him and his family. The corporal himself began to suffer from mental disorder(due to constant stress), and his family completely fell apart.

Do you want to learn even more interesting things? Then read about it, which everyone will appreciate.

A sniper's shot can not only hit the enemy, but also sow fear and panic in his ranks. Behind just one shot there can be years of preparation and weeks of waiting for the right moment. Often, spending a long time in the wild and waiting for a target, a sniper must have not only all the survival skills, but also the ability to not lose concentration at a critical moment. At such a moment, a lot depends on what kind of weapon he has in his hands. Modern sniper rifles are sometimes real miracles of engineering and are capable of hitting objects at a distance of more than two kilometers. We have selected for you the 10 most famous sniper rifles - from those that helped at Stalingrad to those used in modern special operations.

(Total 10 photos)

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1. “Three-line” Mosin

In 1931, the Mosin rifle became the first Soviet sniper rifle, having received the “sighting tube” from the Podolsk Optical Plant. The design subsequently underwent certain changes. The “Three Line” performed well at short and medium distances during World War II. So, in Battle of Stalingrad 98 snipers of the 13th Guards rifle division killed 3879 German soldiers and officers.

The ASVK, or large-caliber army sniper rifle, was developed in the USSR back in the late 1980s. This 12 kg rifle is capable of hitting lightly armored and unarmored military equipment at a distance of up to a kilometer. You don’t even have to talk about defeating a person - a bullet fired from this weapon will fly one and a half kilometers at a speed of approximately 850 meters per second.

3. Vintorez

This silent sniper rifle was developed in the same 1980s as the ASVK. It was intended for special units. Later, after the collapse of the USSR, the screw cutter was actively used during the First and Second Chechen wars, as well as during the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The length of the rifle does not reach 90 centimeters, and its weight is less than three kilograms.

After domestic samples, it’s time to move to the USA, where in 1990 the Calico M951S rifle was developed, which perfectly hits targets at medium distances. Its features are a high rate of fire and an extremely capacious magazine that can hold up to 100 rounds. Which, however, is not surprising, since the model was created on the basis of the Calico M960 submachine gun.

5. Dragunov sniper rifle

The Dragunov self-loading rifle is the best example of the product of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant. This sniper gun was developed from 1958 to 1963 by a group of designers led by Evgeniy Dragunov. Over the years, the Dragunov has been modified several times and has aged a little. Currently, the SVD is considered as a high-quality, but standard rifle for a line fighter who is a sniper in the unit. Nevertheless, at a distance of up to 600 meters, it is still a formidable weapon for exterminating enemy personnel.

6. CheyTac m200 “Intervention”

CheyTac m200 “Intervention” - one of the components of the American sniper system CheyTac LRRS - has been produced in various modifications since 2001. This model is distinguished by its ability to hit targets at long distances (about 2 kilometers) with high accuracy. We can say that “Intervention” has become a real phenomenon in the world of computer shooters. So in famous game"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" it is present as one of the most powerful types of weapons.

7.AMP Technical Services DSR-1

German rifle The DSR-1 can be called the most accurate, however, only when shooting in ideal conditions - using specialized cartridges and the absence of wind. It belongs to the police or anti-terrorist weapons and is used by European formations such as GSG-9. Professional military personnel are not very fond of the DSR-1 - it is susceptible to dirt and sand, and in real combat operations, for example when there is an explosion nearby, it misfires.

8. Accuracy International AS50

AS50 was first demonstrated to the general public in January 2005 at the ShotShow 2005 exhibition in the USA. The 1369mm equipment weighs 14.1 kilograms without optics and ammunition and is intended primarily for special operations. The sniper can fold or unfold it with lightning speed and bring it into combat readiness. High accuracy of shooting over long distances, a device for mounting various, including night, optics make the AS50 one of the best modern examples of sniper rifles.

This rifle has interesting story creation. The M82 was assembled by American Ronnie Barrett in his garage back in 1982. After the refusal of a number of leading arms companies, he decided to launch small-scale production for the domestic market. 7 years later, the Swedish Army buys 100 rifles from Barrett Firearms, and then the US Army pays attention to them during Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield. Today the Barett M82 is in service with several dozen countries and can conduct targeted fire at a distance of almost 2 km. The rifle is present in a number of famous films and computer games up to GTA V, which once again confirms its authority.

10. Accuracy International Arctic Warfare

Another brainchild of the legendary English company Accuracy International Ltd., which has had no equal since 1980. Great Britain uses it for military purposes, and modified models are used by forces special purpose and the police. However, on the civilian weapons market this rifle is positioned as a “sports rifle” - for example, in Russia a few years ago it could be bought in a gun store for about 20 thousand dollars. The AWM fired the longest recorded combat sniper shot in history, with British soldier Craig Garrison firing at a distance of 2,475 metres. The “cultural footprint” of this weapon can also claim a record - the AWM is mentioned in a number of the most famous computer shooters, including Call of Duty, Battlefield and, of course, Counter-Strike.
