The best board games for a company of friends reviews. Top 9 board games for companies

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Spending time with loved ones is priceless. And playing board games with them is also fun and interesting. website collected 15 of the best board games that will diversify your leisure time and help you have a good time with friends.


Cluedo is a detective game where you and your friends have to solve a murder. In the circle of suspects - 6 guests. 6 crime weapons were found in the house, scattered across 9 rooms. The goal of the game is to quickly figure out the criminal, as well as determine the place and the murder weapon. To solve this problem, your logic, luck and the well-known method of Sherlock Holmes, the deduction method, will help you.


Resistance is one of the most powerful psychological games of the past 20 years. You have to become either a fighter for justice, or an evil spy. This is how the card will drop. The purpose of the game is different for everyone. For resistance - to calculate all the spies and successfully complete the mission. For spies - to prevent resistance and destroy all their plans.


"Munchkin" is a well-known parody of role-playing computer games, in which
players walk around the dungeon, and with each turn they can be attacked by some kind of reptile. Throughout the game, you need to "pump" your character: collect clothes, kill monsters, turn friends against each other and reach level 10 before others in order to win. By the way, the game has many versions: Star Wars, "Pirates caribbean”, “Supermunchkin” (a parody of Marvel comics). So everyone can find a game to their liking.


Monopoly is a well-known business building game. You buy - you sell, you improve, you fight with competitors. In general, everything is like in the real world. Each participant has his own starting capital and the choice of where to invest his money. Today they even hold Monopoly tournaments with a cash prize fund.

Imaginarium or Dixit

If you and your friends have a good fantasy, you should play Imaginarium or Dixit. These are simple games with beautiful pictures to which you need to come up with associations and guess what your friend has thought of. The one who guesses large quantity cards, he will move faster on the playing field and win. The games differ from each other by pictures and scoring.


In the Elias game, the most important thing is to explain as many words as possible to your partner in a certain period of time. You can do this with a fun story, antonyms, synonyms, clues, or even sounds. At your discretion and desire. The main thing is not to use single-root words! The complexity of the game is that you will need to not only explain the words, but also guess them. Each round you will need to change places with your partner.


"Activity" is a team game that can somehow remind you of the popular game "Crocodile". True, you and your friends will not only have to show words or phrases, but also draw and explain them. The game is not easy, but very fun. In it you will find 2500 outstanding words and phrases.

Svintus or Uno

Uno is one of the fast and easy board games. Another undeniable advantage is its compactness: a deck of cards will not take up much space. The object of the game is to get rid of the cards that have been dealt to you. On your turn, you have the right to place only one card on the table, which, in value or color, matches the top one on the game table. The game "Uno" also has a domestic analogue - "Svintus". In fact, this is a slightly modified game, to which other atmosphere and plot have been added.


"Jackal" is a game for those who love a lot of gold. After all, the goal of the game is to collect it as much as possible and drag it to your ship. You command brave pirates who land on the island in search of treasure. The island is the playing field. Not only rivals will be waiting for you on the field, but also crocodiles, portals and many other mysterious and dangerous things.

Wild jungle or Bear

Board games"Wild Jungle" and "Bear" are similar to each other. Their goal is also to discard all cards and be the winner. But here everything is not so simple. In the center of the game there is a log or a totem. And in each round, the player who takes them faster than others wins. The one who turned out to be quicker throws off part of his cards to a friend - and thus becomes one step closer to victory.

Lord of Tokyo

The game "Lord of Tokyo" is for those who love monsters, because during the game you have to become one. Your task is to capture the city and defeat other monsters. As in Munchkin, you can "pump" your hero by buying strength and power with the points you earn.

Answer in 5 seconds

In the game "Answer in 5 seconds" you need to quickly name three objects or three people and animals united by one topic. For example, three writers; three cars with the letter "M"; three directors; three reptiles, etc. There are a lot of options in the game. You have exactly 5 seconds for each answer. If you manage to give three answers, you move forward across the field. If you don't make it, stay where you are. The one who gets to the finish line first wins.

The ten best games according to our customers are the most simple, fun and sociable. It was not easy to choose them: sales statistics speak more about the popularity of games than about their versatility. Therefore, when compiling the rating, we also focused on your feedback. Let's check if you have played all the games in our hit parade.

1. Imaginarium

How nice it is to put a Russian game in the first place in the rating! In "" you need to come up with associations to strange drawings on the cards, trying to make at least someone, but not all, guess your card. The creators of "Imaginarium" Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov were big fans of the Western game "" with similar mechanics, but did not completely repeat it, but changed the scoring system and added several new rules. The paintings in the Imaginarium are also original - they were painted by Russian artists. Perhaps it is more interesting to understand the depths of the domestic subconscious? And why is the Imaginarium so much more popular than its Western counterpart?

“Wonderful game! Both children and adults enjoy playing! During the game, all participants reveal themselves better as individuals, so in addition to having an interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other.


“Great game, it’s always interesting to play it, despite the fact that there aren’t many cards in the set, they don’t bother you, because different associations come with different moods =)”

2. Activity

“The Elias game is not new for us, we played it with our friends at home, in the country. When the question arose of how we would entertain the invited guests, the only answer was Elias and Activity!”


4. Uno

“The Svintus game was liked not only by children, but also by adults. I advise you to buy the game if you want to have fun with friends"

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Consideration

In "" you will have to think quickly, as indicated in the title. Each turn, you need to open two cards from the piles: one indicates the situation, the other - the letter. Whoever comes up with the first word with the given conditions, he takes the card with the letter. At the end game is coming counting, and the player who comes up with the most words wins.

Why is it fun in a big company? Just imagine how you open the cards “weighs more than a ton” and “F”, and your friend shouts “ass” joyfully at this. By the way, it is worth agreeing in advance which words are banned in the game.

"A fun game. played in new year's eve, maybe that's why they didn't think very quickly. But the game is fun, I recommend to buy "

8. Munchkin

The best proof of the popularity of "" is the number of versions and additions. For example, our section with games of this series occupies two pages of the online store. What is good about this game? The fact that if you delve into the rules once (it will take 15-20 minutes maximum), then you can play Munchkin all day long, it is so exciting and replayable. Each game depends on the nature of the players at the table and game situations are rarely repeated. In addition, you can always buy a couple of add-ons (we already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who hear about "" for the first time - this is card game, in which you need to put on clothes and measure your strength with monsters. For defeating monsters, you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others can harm your opponents, and universal ones can do both. To win, you need to be the first to reach the tenth level, and this one is not easy and terribly fun!

“The game will hook you and you will want to play other Munchkins, try them all and beat them! Keep in mind - I warned you)) "

9. Bang

"" is similar in meaning to the mafia, only the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark roles are distributed: the sheriff, his assistants, bandits and a renegade who plays for himself. Now you need to take turns walking - draw cards from the deck and activate their abilities. For example, a weapon shoots at enemies, a mustang allows you to go to the distance of a shot, you can hide behind a barrel, beer has healing properties, the Indians harm everyone. To win here, you will have to show both eloquence (at the beginning of the game, no one knows who is for whom, only the sheriff is revealed), and ingenuity.

10. Dobble

And we will close the selection with a very simple and fast game in which all your attentiveness and ability to think quickly will come in handy. On round cardboard discs are drawn different characters For every two there is at least one thing in common. You need to open the disks one by one and compare with your own: whoever sees the match first gets the disk for himself. Whoever has more wins!

" " is one of the best family games, but we added it to the adult selection because adults also enjoy playing it. And at alcohol parties, this test of mindfulness becomes even more difficult!

Sad feasts, where the only entertainment was eating hearty meals, have sunk into oblivion. Indeed, why be bored when you can have a good time. We have already written about Active actions will not be to everyone's taste, then there is a great alternative - to get your favorite board game from the shelf, lay out a cardboard field and distribute colorful cards.

After some time, absolutely all members of the team will be involved in the process. Adults look very funny, asking each other who has earned more crystals or how many points are due for this or that maneuver. We bring to your attention a selection of the 10 best board games for a fun company.

Description. Munchkin was created as a parody of the Dungeons and Dragons board game, famous in geeky circles. Unlike its prototype, the game has relatively simple rules and is completely devoid of serious notes. Reincarnate as one of the three mythological races (elf, dwarf, halfling) or take the side of humanity. Opening the "doors", you will encounter awkward monsters, defeating which, you will become the owner of a unique loot. You have the right to be an exemplary opponent or not to disdain vile tricks. Conflicts and disputes in the Munchkin are encouraged.

Number of players: from 2 (preferably 3) to 6 people when playing with a standard set without add-ons

One batch time: the manufacturer claims that on average 45 minutes, but on personal experience less than 2 hours we very rarely came out (and this is with 3 players)

Description . Today, the IT sector is experiencing an unprecedented rise. On the wave of popularity information technologies The board game "Startup" was developed. In it you will be able to see the whole kitchen from the inside and promote your own projects, going through the difficult path from a freelancer to a successful businessman. Keep in mind that without communication skills and the ability to negotiate with competitors, it will be incredibly difficult to win. At first glance, the board game is just another way to pass the evening, but if you take a closer look, you will realize that the game allows you to upgrade your diplomacy skills and develop a sense of purpose.

Number of players: from 2 (preferably 3) to 5 people

One batch time: one hour, as the manufacturer promises, but again, in reality, it will take much longer (on average, the editorial team got 2-2.5 hours)

Description. Classics of the genre. Our parents played Monopoly before the collapse Soviet Union. The essence is extremely simple - by throwing a die and moving chips around the field, you will master ownerless cells until you become the sole owner of all tangible assets. After the purchase of buildings, structures, industrial and commercial areas, this zone becomes your property and brings a fixed income. In addition to "factories and ships" there are social cells that require you to pay taxes to the treasury or serve time prison term.

Number of players: from 2 to 6 people.

One batch time: from 1 hour (if someone is really lucky) to infinity.

Description. The legend is that a storm broke out at sea, you and the members of your company found themselves drifting in a flimsy boat through open, full of dangers, waters. A faithful comrade, an evil enemy and unfamiliar strange personalities are sailing with you. Resources are limited, they have to be shared and exchanged. The main task is to get to the shore alive, secondary goals are to help a friend and destroy the enemy. The winner is determined based on the points scored after the fourth seagull appears on the horizon.

Number of players: from 4 to 6 people.

One batch time: the minimum is 45 minutes.

5. Alias

Description. A game for the development of logic and speed of thinking. The Alias ​​package includes a board, a cube, an hourglass and a set of cards. Of particular interest is the modification "Party", in which, in addition to the selection of synonyms and associations, you will be required to show pantomimes, express various emotions, invent on the go interesting stories with unrelated words. addicted stellar life, definitely like the celebrity name cards.

Number of players: from 4 people to infinity, because you can divide into teams.

One batch time: 45 minutes.

Description. Dreaming of getting rich quick? “Then pay attention to the Saboteur game. Only gnomes are capable of the shortest time find in the bowels of the earth gold veins and dig up placers of gems. Players are divided into two teams representing bearded hard workers and malicious pests. The first ones are trying to build tunnels leading to treasures, and the second ones are trying to interfere with the good-natured people and get the nuggets into their raking little hands. The game lasts three rounds (the path from the "Start" card to the "End" card), the winner is the participant who has obtained the largest number gold.

Number of players: from 3 to 10 people.

One batch time: 30 minutes.

7. Dixit

Description. Image associations best show what thoughts are lurking in a person’s head. "Dixit" is an amazing game to develop the imagination. Participants take it in turns to become storytellers and create magical stories with beautifully illustrated cards. The facilitator chooses the most attractive picture and comes up with a verbal, sound or facial expression for it. The rest of the players offer their own version according to the received tip. The cards are handed over to the narrator secretly from the rivals, they are shuffled and they try to guess which image laid the foundation for the associative series.

Number of players: from 3 to 6 people.

One batch time: 30 minutes.

Description. The city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. Civilians are panicking, gangsters have become insolent to the edge, and every night they create chaos in the streets, watching and brutally killing innocent victims. A general assembly has been announced and the civilians, with the help of the commissar, will have to figure out the criminals. In the classic version, players are divided into 2 teams in a ratio of 2:1. Most act as ordinary residents, while the rest load machine guns and prepare to shoot unwanted ones. There are two options for the outcome of events: either citizens transfer criminals to prison cells, or they go to feed the fish.

Number of players: from 6 to 30 people.

One batch time: 40 minutes.

Description. We are adults and we understand that not a single feast is complete without taking alcohol-containing drinks on the chest. Instead of aggravating in the traditional way, it is better to approach the matter with enthusiasm and excitement. Players choose drinks according to their own preferences and shuffle the deck. Then, cards are drawn in turn, completing the written tasks (for refusal or in case of failure, a “penalty” is due). You will be required to sing, dance, read poetry and pronounce tongue twisters. Keep in mind, sooner or later will come polar bear and put an end to the fun. Victory is awarded to the player with the most sobriety points.

Number of players: 4 to 9 people.

One batch time: at least half an hour.

Description. No matter how soft and fluffy we want to appear to others, deep down in each of us lies a decent pig. "Svintus" provides an opportunity to release the inner boar. At the start, the deck is shuffled and 8 cards are dealt, now your goal is to get rid of the ballast at all costs. During the progress on career ladder it is allowed to use forbidden tricks, of which there are plenty in the game. With one well-chosen card, you can drown your opponent in the mud and throw him far back.

Number of players: from 2 to 10 people.

One batch time: from 15 minutes.

Have fun!

Best game for a company 18+

The secret to a good time is the right board game. Choosing a game that everyone will like is a difficult task. First you need to determine the circle where the game will take place. If children will take part in the game, then pay attention to the age restrictions. It is important that the child was not only fun and interesting, but also developed a number of qualities in him. More often the speed of thinking or fine motor skills. For a company or a family evening, games with the ability to both compete for victory and laugh heartily are suitable. Our rating contains some of the most popular board games for families, fun company and children.

The best board games for family and friends

Score (2018): 4.6

Advantages: The most fun on articulation

Manufacturer country: China

The most fun articulation game. Just want to warn you that the game is not for children and from 16 years old. According to the rules, the player inserts the mouthpiece into his mouth and chooses a card and reads out a sentence. The inserted mouthpiece will not allow you to close your mouth, which interferes with the spoken words. And now the most interesting thing, you need to parse all the words spoken to your team. The more cards the team guesses, the more points it scores. Time is controlled hourglass. The game requires a minimum of 4 people, who are divided into 2 teams. The set includes 200 phrase cards, 5 mouthpieces and an hourglass to control the time. The game is useful for training the speech apparatus and improving diction.

Score (2018): 4.7

Advantages: Simple Rules

Manufacturer country: Russia

Take your friends or family on a fun adventure with the game Around the World in 80 Days. The whole game is a journey. You are going to different cities and you need to spend as little time as possible on the road. And what awaits on the road? A bunch of obstacles and incidents, the ability to choose transport for movement and, of course, new acquaintances. The city of departure is London, and whoever makes the journey first and returns to the original city wins.

The game is suitable for family gatherings or playing with a group of friends. The minimum number of players is 3, it is intended for ages 10 and up. The rules are very simple, so you don't have to spend a lot of time learning. Choose a travel card, perform a game action of your choice, and travel to the next city. And do not forget to note how much time you spent on the road. Judgment and the right strategy are required to win.

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: Popular game

Manufacturer country: Russia

Everyone who likes to think, fantasize and guess the association, then Imaginarium is for you. The game helps to get to know the player better, see the train of thought and open it for yourself from a new perspective. Four players over the age of 12 are enough to play. The essence of the game is to come up with an association to unique pictures. Why unique? Because the artists have tried and made associations from simple to crazy.

According to the rules, the Player takes a picture and comes up with an association to it. Placed back on the table face down. The rest of the players at this moment choose the most appropriate picture for the association. After that, the selected cards are mixed. In fact, you don’t need to guess all your associations, because then it will be too easy. It is enough for one person or all but one to guess. During the game, fantasy develops too quickly, so do not worry that the game will become predictable. To calculate points, a field is used where the chip moves to the steps won.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best Skill Game

Manufacturer country: China/Russia

The game of Jenga or Leaning Tower is known all over the world. The game is suitable both for one player and for a company of up to 4 people. The game develops well fine motor skills in children. All you need is sleight of hand and wooden blocks. The set includes 54 bars. According to the rules, you must first build a tower. To do this, add 3 pieces in a row to get 18 floors. An example tower is shown above. Players take turns taking out 1 block and placing it on the top floor. The height of the tower will increase, and its stability will become less and less. The one who destroys this tower loses. After the destruction of the tower, players will want to build the structure even higher.

The game draws in children and adults, you won’t notice how a couple of hours pass. A good hobby for children from 6 years old. Jenga helps to develop thinking, communication and motor skills of the players. Great game for all!

Score (2018): 5.0

Advantages: Hot Selling

Manufacturer country: Ireland/Russia

Monopoly has been the most popular economic board game for over 80 years. The game is not suitable for the little ones. Recommended for players aged 8+ and for 2-6 players. Monopoly is popular among families or groups of friends. The game helps to evaluate your resources and distribute money correctly. During the game, players make purchases / sales of enterprises and lands, pay taxes, take loans for purchases and much more. In this case, play money helps to achieve their goals. To win, you must bankrupt all players.

The best board games for kids

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for child development

Manufacturer country: Russia

Iron Friend is a simple and fun game for kids. Many parents play this game with their children. The game helps to develop the speed of thinking, ask and make questions and be smart. Here are the simplest rules. The player puts a special hoop on his forehead, where a card with an image is inserted. Another player, while the time of the hourglass is running, must help to understand what is shown on the card.

For example, the first player is a boy with a picture of a cat / cat in his forehead. As soon as the time has passed, the questions begin:

Am I an object?

- I big size?

Do I live in houses?

- I'm a cat?

The game is ideal for family gatherings with children. In addition to developing and increasing vocabulary baby, have fun. The game has affordable price. If you have a long road with children, then take the game with you.

Score (2018): 4.9

Advantages: Best Family Game

Manufacturer country: Russia

The board game The Wizard of the Emerald City allows you to have fun and interesting time with your family with children. Throughout the game, with each turn, the player is faced with various tasks. The game has two fields. The first game where you need to run away from Bastinda, the second magic for moving along the road. The tasks will be very different and all connected with the heroes of the fairy tale, so get ready to growl or squat, imagining yourself as one of the heroes. It is necessary to hurry when completing the task, because. Bastinda can catch up and the game is over. Keep track of time on the hourglass.

The best board games of the company from 18 years old

Score (2018): 4.8

Advantages: The best game for the company 18+

Manufacturer country: Russia

In the board game 500 evil cards, there is no need to quickly think and manifest Creative skills. It requires a stable psyche, humor and the perception of stupid or vulgar jokes. One of the rules is restricting children under 18 from playing. If the above applies, then go to the rules. The set includes 500 cards in two colors. Red for questions and white for answers. The very combination of questions and answers makes the players laugh. Each player receives 10 answer cards. All players during the game become leaders. The facilitator reads the question and then chooses the best answer. In a combination of question and answer, the result is vulgar, stupid or absurd. If you like dark humor, then this game is for you. The game requires 3 to 8 people.
