Laws, rules and conditions of the screw. Card game whist screw bridge Card game bolt

In order to play screw, it is not at all necessary to have four players; this game can be played by two people, especially since there are several ways to play with a given number of screws.

First way:

In the first screw method, two people play with two dummies. Players are seated at the table as in a four-player game and dummy cards are dealt against each player. This type of game is especially recommended for beginning players, as it is a kind of educational program for them. While playing, they gain the necessary experience; they master screw combinations faster and better than when playing with four players.

Assignments during the game are made when closed cards. Each player has the right to look at both his cards and the cards of his dummy. You must, however, be careful not to mix up your cards and the cards of a non-existent player (the dummy).

The dealer assigns the game first. It should be stated in advance whether negotiations will be held or whether it will be possible to limit oneself to just an announcement. In the latter case, the dealer must take a good look at the cards and assign the biggest game, since the last word is given to his opponent, who, even with relatively bad cards, can interrupt him and play a minor game with penalties. The game will not bring him sufficient damage, since he will write down Aces, oners, etc. for himself.

The two-player game with dummies is quite simple, because it is open. Players see all the accidents perfectly and can thoroughly calculate all the moves. To make the game more interesting, it is best to deal in turn for both yourself and the dummy, then the screwer who assigned the game makes the first exit, and even before he looks at the dummy’s cards.

When assigning a game, dubious bribes should also be taken into account, since in most cases they can be won back. When playing with two players, the risk is often worth it. All the rules of an ordinary screw are correct in this type of game, records are also kept in the usual manner.

Second way:

In the second screw method, with a given number of players, there are no dummies or open cards. Cards are dealt in the usual order into four piles (13 pieces each). Players take seats at the table opposite each other.

First of all, you should consider your cards and decide accordingly: play with yours or discard them and buy others. In the latter case, the player exchanges his cards for those lying to his right. As soon as the purchased cards are in his hands, the player loses the right to use his discarded cards, as well as to pick them up again; now he can only use purchased cards when playing.

If the cards are not changed, then watching the game lying on the right is prohibited, and discarded cards cannot be turned over either. Appointments should be made after the exchange. This type of screw is more interesting than the screw with two dummies.

Taking risks in this screw is not only possible, but also necessary, since the game can take place with two or three dubious tricks. For oners, points are recorded in the usual order: for five, four, three and even two oners, but the last two oners are counted only when one player has two of them, and the second has only one or none at all.

Crowns in a trump or no-trump game count as usual, and the major and minor slams also count. Unauthorized renunciations are punished by the confiscation of three bribes or a fine according to the size of the game.

Third way:

In the third screw method, two people play without open cards; the players are placed at the card table in the usual way—against each other. The player also has the right to reset his game and buy cards lying to his right, but the significant difference is that not 13 cards are bought at a time, but one card at a time.

Having carefully examined his cards, the player takes the worst and most useless one for him and discards it to the side; in return, he buys the topmost card from the pile lying to his right. Then the player discards another card and replaces it with a new one, then a third, etc. until the very last.

In this way, you can choose the most useful ones from all the cards, pick up trump cards, pick up crowns, make cancellations, and it is not at all necessary to go through all the cards you bought, the player can stop as soon as he sees that the cards suit him. The purchase is made by both sides immediately after the deal, looking at the discarded cards is prohibited, they must remain inviolable for the rest of the game.

The game begins with assignments, the dealer nominates first. The first move belongs to the one who appointed the game. Records are kept in the usual way, all screw rules apply here too. The risk in this type of game often pays off, so it should definitely be used.

Fourth way:

Of all the methods of screwing together, the most common and most interesting is the fourth. This screw is played with two dummies, but they are traded in a special way. The players take turns playing, but only for themselves, there is no change for the idiots.

After the cards are dealt, the dealer reveals his dummy and, having calculated the game, makes an appointment or passes. The second player, without looking at the dummy's cards, combines his tricks and makes his assignment in response. The game remains with whoever calls the biggest game.

After the game is clear, the player who conceded has the right to open the closed dummy and make an exit from himself. The first move is always made by the one who did not assign the game.

The dummy's cards are never moved across from the player, but are dealt with exactly as they were dealt. Sometimes it happens that the game is not the dealer, in which case both players have dummies not opposite them, as usual, but next to them. In this game you can encounter a lot of all kinds of accidents, the most interesting combinations, and unusual surprises. Calculations and records are carried out in the usual manner; the rules, except those specified, are no different from the laws of an ordinary screw.

Fifth way:

There is an even more interesting way of screwing together - the fifth in a row. With this type of game, novice winters can master the most unexpected combinations; the screw prepares them for the most risky assignments. The game is played with buying, cards are also distributed into four piles, but each pile contains not 13 cards, but only 12. 4 cards are placed in the middle of the table - this is buying.

The order of the game is the same as in the previous version: the dealer’s dummy is revealed, alternating trading takes place, the loser goes first, etc. The one who appointed the game has the right to take advantage of the purchase. He can take it for himself or give it to the idiot, but before he opens the purchase, he must say where exactly he is buying the cards. After buying, he distributes three extra cards, and one goes to his dummy. After the purchase, the final assignment is made and the drawing begins.

When distributing, you can use all possible methods to make your game more accurate and larger: you can arrange for yourself or your dummy a renunciation, a crown, etc. The worst or most unprofitable cards are given to the hands of opponents, which cannot give them the opportunity to take bribes. With this game there is no need to make small assignments; usually less than “three” the game is not announced. Thus, you can save time that would be spent on long trading and small draws.

In this game you often have to play helmets, so the left record needs to be increased by 100, i.e., to end the game you should have not 500, but 600 points under the line. In all other respects, the rules and scores do not differ from other types of games.

Rod with head and thread

Device for ship propulsion

Spiral thread rod

Card game

Fastening device, threaded bolt

Blades on a rotating axis

. "Automatic paddle"

. Helicopter "fan"

. Rowing card game

. "Cut Nail"

. "Propeller" near the ship


Archimedes lift

Infinite, two or three revolutions on the shaft, which, turning, captures and rotates the gear wheel; a pipe wound like a snail around a rotating shaft lying on an angle, with its lower end in the water: the water rises, pouring out of the upper end of the wrapped pipe

Screwdriver bolt

Threaded bolt with screwdriver slot

Slotted bolt

In billiards, a shot that imparts spin to the cue ball or object ball.

Shaft with blades

Shaft with blades

Helicopter spinner

Top of the "pinwheel"

Vodka with orange juice

Nail with bells and whistles

Helicopter propulsion

Boat propulsion

Ship propulsion

Vessel propulsion

Double screw

Fastener part

Another name for the propeller

Card game

A card game that combines whist with preference

Vodka cocktail with orange juice

ship blade

A ship's blade that makes the water boil overboard


Fastening device - rod with spiral thread

Fastening hardware

Mounting rod

Spinning over a helicopter

Paddle wheel on a rotating axis

M. screw, a rounded nail, cut into a screw, a spiral, a screw, which is not hammered, but screwed in, screwed into a threaded hole or socket, or directly, esp. into the tree, and sometimes it is passed right through into a simple hole, with a nut screwed onto the tip of it. Archimedes screw, a tube twisted around an axis with a screw. Propeller, oar blades located on an axis along a screw line, used. on a steamship. Screw, relative to the screw; similar to him. A screw steamer equipped with a propeller instead of wheels. Screw, screw, twirl, screw into something; - to walk along a screw thread, to be reversible or to be turned by a screw. The screw has deteriorated and will not turn. Screw it in, screw it all the way in, screw it in. Screw it out. Screw on the knob. Unscrew the lock. Turn it some more. Screw it from the bottom. The screw has become loose. Screw the lock. Screwed right through. Screwed in the sun. Look, he unscrewed the hat and rolled it up. Vincenation, and with a preposition. and screwing cf. action by value verb Vintovalnya, vintilnya, vintarnya w. vintebel m. screw cutter m. screw cutter w. Screw-cutting or screw board, projectile for cutting screws; the socket or nut is cut with a tap. Vintelma f. screw m. block with a cutter inside, for cutting wooden screws; it also includes a tap for cutting nuts. Screw-type, related to this projectile. Screw what, cut a screw edge, grooves, for example. in the barrel of a firearm. pretext for, with, fasten with screws. Ryaz. horse riding, riding? wag, fidget, fidget? probably feint and feint rather than screw. Screwing Wed. valid according to verb. Rifle w. a gun with a rifled barrel, with a screw edge; Inside, this thread runs with such a gentle screw that the entire length of the barrel usually takes less than one turn. Vinotovochny, related to a rifle. Gunpowder is cannon powder, the largest; musket or rifle gunpowder, smaller; rifle, hunting, best, small, b. h. polished. Helical, screw, threaded screw, similar. Vintoplas m. jumper, dancer, vertun, vertoplas. Vintushka vol. fidget, spinning top, zuy, fidget, rloza, lively

Metal product with spiral cutting

Integral part of the bow

Both the boat and the helicopter have it

Half the way from preference to bridge

A device by which elements of armor are connected to each other


Story by A. Chekhov

Type of card game

Brother of the screw

Rod with external spiral thread

A rod with a spiral thread, used for fastening, connecting parts or parts of something

Same as auger or propeller

A whale has a tail, but what about a ship?

Uncle Scrooge's Learned Friend

Figure skating element

A whale has a tail, but what about a ship?

Top of the "pinwheel"

. rowing card game

. helicopter fan

. "propeller" of a ship

. "threaded nail"

. "automatic paddle"

Both boats and helicopters have it

Description Sports game in cards Screw
The card game Screw originated in the UK, and then became famous and widely popular in other countries. The screw was appreciated by true fans of the “mental” game, that is, those who do not just “throw cards”, but like to think strategically.

The predecessors of the screw, which largely determined its current appearance, were the card games whist and preference. Preference shared with the screw the custom of negotiations and the assignment of numbers left. From whist, the screw borrowed plays, as well as some combinations in exits and folding, especially when playing without trumps.

On initial stage development, Vint and Whist were very similar, only Vint surrendered without an open trump card, as in whist. Also, there was a stipulated number of bribes for those who announced a trump card in their best suit.
But since Vint is a partnership game, the bastro players realized that it is very advisable to support each other in suits - that is, to raise the game of their partner in the trump cards announced by him or to assign their own game.

The next stage of development was the establishment of regular negotiations - here the influence of preference was felt. These negotiations made it possible to repel the most reliable games from opponents. In contrast, a strict rule was developed to take exactly the prescribed number of bribes. For uncollected bribes, large fines began to be imposed, 10 times higher than the records. In this form, the game received the double name “screw-wist”. The name "screw" comes from the card slang expression "to push counter-partners to a penalty." The very expression ““move”” arose from the appointment of suits in strict order by players and from strict adherence to queues in negotiations. Each of the negotiations elevated its game in the form of an upward spiral, which, in fact, is screw- inflating rates.

Rules and description of the card game Vint

When playing screw, a deck of 52 cards is used, usually played with four players, but it is possible to play with five or six players - the 5th and 6th players in the game leave, and the game itself is played by four people.

Shuffling and dealing cards in Vint

The dealer is determined as follows: a deck of cards is placed on the table, each player pulls out one card, the one who pulls out the lowest value chooses a place and becomes the dealer. If the players have the same cards, then the seniority of the card is determined by suit (in ascending order): spades; clubs; diamonds; hearts. The second player who pulled out the low card becomes the first player's partner and sits opposite. The two remaining players form the second pair.

The cards hang out only above the table, face down. When the dealer collects cards from the table for shuffling, front side should also be positioned down towards the table. The opponent, who is located to the right of the dealer, is offered to remove cards (knock down the cap). When removing, you must ensure that there are at least five cards in each part of the deck being removed.
If during withdrawal at least one card is revealed, the cards are shuffled again and removed. If the withdrawal was carried out correctly, then it is forbidden to shuffle and remove them again; if a player violates this rule, then the deal goes to the next highest player.

Each player is dealt 13 cards; the dealer deals only one card to each player at a time. Players do not have the right to touch their cards until the end of the hand. If suddenly the cards were dealt out of order and none of the players noticed this until the end of the deal, then the deal is considered legal. If an error is detected during the process of dealing cards, the cards are mixed and passed on to the next player to be dealt.
The dealer has no right to allow cards to be removed or dealt for his partner without the permission of his opponents. After the cards are dealt, each player checks the number of cards dealt. There should be 13 of them. If it turns out that a player has an extra card or a disadvantage before conducting or during negotiations, then the game does not count and the cards are re-dealt. If this is discovered after negotiations, then the game is considered legal and the rules apply late retake:
- a player who has 12 cards discards his last card for the twelfth trick;
- a player who has 14 cards keeps the extra card until the end of the game and discards it last;
- if a player who has 14 cards is the dealer, and he does not notice this in time, then at the end of the rally, the opponents add a penalty of 20 points to their records.

Re-dealing of cards is carried out only in cases where:
- insufficient number of cards in the deck;
- during the deal of cards, if one or more were open;
- the cards were dealt incorrectly;
- the dealer did not offer to remove cards, and the players did not notice this;
- while dealing cards, one of the players was dealt a card face up;
- the dealer deals not one card, but several;
- the dealer deals the cards out of order;
- the deal of cards did not start from the player sitting on the left side;
- the dealer deals cards not from his deck, but from his opponents’ deck.

Changing the deck of cards is only allowed when the game ends. You can change the deck of cards at the first deal at the end of the game, and at the second, if they were not exchanged during the first game. If at the end of the game it turns out that the deck is incomplete or mixed (two identical cards), then the records are not destroyed.
Vint is a gentleman's aristocratic game of high society, so there are many agreements, commandments and rules in it, most of which are borrowed from the commandments and rules of the card game Whist.

Announcement, appointments and negotiations when playing Vint

The dealer is the first to announce the game, after which this right goes to the opponent on the left, then the dealer’s partner speaks and then the opponent’s partner. One announcement is allowed. The announcement is made based on the number of bribes that the partners will take together. Partners negotiate among themselves, strictly following this process, using symbols. It is no longer possible to correct the announcement made.
One partner can show the other partner his strongest and longest suit with the following options:
- having four aces in your hands, you need to order “no trumps” the first time without passing;
- having two aces, you need to order “no trumps” after a pass or after an already assigned suit, etc.
During negotiations, you should not use unnecessary words and phrases, as they can be attributed to deliberate hints, hints and other illegal methods of communication. During the drawing it is forbidden to find out mistakes. Analysis of the game can be done only after its completion; this is considered a sign of good form. When announcing a simple game, the following phrases mean:
- once - those who appointed the game must take at least seven tricks, and give no more than six to the opponents;
- two - those who appointed the game must take 8 tricks and give 5 tricks to the opponents;
- three - those who appointed the game must take 9 bribes and give 4 bribes to the opponents;
- four - those who appointed the game must take 10 bribes and give 3 bribes to the opponents;
- five - those who appointed the game must take 11 bribes and give two bribes;
- six - those who appointed the game must take 12 tricks (small slam), and give one trick.
- thirteen - those who appointed the game must take 13 tricks (grand slam), without giving any.

If one trick is missing, the party that called the game must impose a penalty according to the calculation of the game. In order to confidently announce, for example, 7 bribes, it is necessary that there are 5 correct bribes in hand, and that the declared trump cards have at least two oners. The suit that the player names must appear on at least four cards.

When it is the turn of the player who wants to call the game, he announces his highest and longest suit that he can play. If someone has already announced before him, then the player is obliged to name only high suit. In spades, he will only have to say “two.” If a player has 7 correct tricks in his hands, then he must directly call the game "two". If the player has the correct 8 tricks, then he must say "three". At nine, “three” is also assigned. When assigning a game from hands "two", "three", "four", the player must have at least six trump cards. There should be 3 oners. If a player has an even game in two suits, then it is more advisable to prefer the suit that has more oners. If the suits are uneven, it is more profitable for the player to order the trump suit that seems dubious to him. If a player has 3 or 4 aces in his hands, then he must say “no trumps” the first time, without passing. With one ace, a player can designate “no trumps” only when the partner said “no trumps” in the first round, that is, showed three aces.

Calculations and entries in the card game Vint

- Each side playing Vint has its own record, where oners, fines, and bribes are recorded.

The recording is done like this:
- a horizontal line is drawn on the table, the score of the oners, the penalty for the opponents, aces, crowns, everything except bribes are written above the line. Leve is written below the line.

The entry above the line is written in full. One amount is not added to another, but is written separately.

Records must be treated very carefully.

To avoid mistakes, never erase the recording after the end of the game and the rubber.

Each rubber consists of two batches. The game ends with five hundred points. From the records of some players, others are subtracted and the remainder is the winnings.

The cost of points is as follows.
- in a simple game, each trick of any suit is worth 10 points
- in the game "two" each trick is 20 points
- in the game "three" each trick is 30 points
- in the game "four" each trick is 40 points, etc.
In a "small slam" a trick is worth 60 points, in a "grand slam" - 70 points.
Players who have completed games add 100 points to their oners “for finishing”, and players who have finished rubber add 2000 points “for finishing”.

For passing, an X is added to the record. For each such sign, the side that completed the rubber writes 500 points to its oners.

Instead of passing, after four passes you can play cards. This is agreed upon in advance. In this case, 500 points are scored for each extra trick.

Screw signs have the following points value: first X - 500 points, second X - 1000 points, third X - 500 points, fourth X - 1000 points, fifth X - 500 points, sixth X - 1000 points, seventh X - 500 points and etc.

In a simple game, 100 points are recorded for each oner, in a “two” game, 200 points are recorded for each oner, etc. to the "grand slam", where 700 points are recorded for each oner.

When playing without trumps, 4 aces count as 4 oners, 3 aces count as 3 oners, 2 aces count as 2 oners.

When it turns out that one side, for example, has 3 oners and one ace, and the other has 3 aces and 2 oners, then neither side writes anything down, the score is the same, the oners go for the aces.

In a no-trump game, aces are worth: in a simple game - 250 points; in the game "two" - 500 points; in game "three" 700 points; in the game "four" - 1000 points; in the game "five" - ​​1250 points; in the "small slam" game - 1500 points; in a grand slam game - 1750 points.

In a trump game, aces are counted as oners.

If the partners had 3 oners and 2 aces, but no left, then they can write down only one oner, the aces have no power.

For non-trump crowns write:
- ace-king-queen - 500 points;
- ace-king...jack - 1000 points;
- ace-king...10 - 1500 points;
- ace-king...9 - 2000 points;
- ace-king...8 - 2500 points;
- ace-king...7 - 3000 points;
- ace-king...6 - 3500 points;
- ace-king...5 - 4000 points;
- ace-king...4 - 4500 points;
- ace-king...3 - 5000 points;
- ace-king...2 - 5500 points.
- all 4 aces - 1000 points;
- 3 aces - 500 points.

For trump crowns and crowns in a no-trump game: ace-king-queen - 1000 points; ace-king...jack - 2000 points; ace-king...10 - 3000 points; ace-king...9 - 4000 points; ace-king...8 - 5000 points; ace-king...7 - 6000 points; ace-king...6 - 7000 points; ace-king...5 - 8000 points; ace-king...4 - 9000 points; ace-king...3 - 10000 points; ace-king...2 - 11000 points. All 4 aces - 2000 points. 3 aces - 1000 points.

For the announced “small slam” 5,000 points are recorded, for the “grand slam” - 10,000 points. In addition, they also write for making a “small slam” - 1000 points and for making a “grand slam” - 2000 points.

Each side that assigned the game must take the number of tricks determined by it, otherwise for each bribe not taken it will be penalized: in a simple game - 1000 points; in the game "two" - 2000 points; in the game "three" - 3000 points; in the game "four" - 4000 points; in the game "five" - ​​5000 points; in the "small helmet" - 6000 points; in the "grand slam" - 7000 points. If the players who have been awarded a “small slam” or “grand slam” do not take it, then their opponents, in addition to the fine, write down for them a bonus that they could attribute to themselves if they were lucky: for the assigned “small slam” - 5000 points, for the “grand slam” " - 10,000 points.

You can see various

), which appeared in Russia in the 1870s. Screw is a combination of two games - Vista (cm. VISCERAL) and preference, originally called Siberian whist. From preference he borrowed the negotiations (or trade) that precede the appointment of the game, and from whist - the number of cards, the rules of the draw and some concepts.
Vint is played by four players, two against two, with a deck of cards of 52 sheets. 13 cards are dealt to each player. The game is assigned based on the number of bribes that the partners sitting opposite expect to take together.
In addition to points for the game played, there are bonuses in the screw for the five highest trump cards from Ace to Ten inclusive, for aces in a no-trump game, for a small and grand slam (cm. GRAND SLAM) , for a sequence of cards in the same suit, starting from Ace, consisting of at least three cards.
The former popularity of the screw is evidenced by the huge number of its varieties.
Screw is played by the heroes of L. N. Andreev (“Grand Slam”), L. Tolstoy (“The Death of Ivan Ilyich”), A. N. Ostrovsky (“Slaves”).

encyclopedic Dictionary . 2009 .

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