Fun starts in the dhow with parents. Scenario of sports entertainment in kindergarten with parents

The scenario of the sports festival "Merry Starts" for older preschoolers

This scenario will be useful for instructors in physical education, educators, teachers, organizers of children's parties, parents.
Varentsova Marina Vladislavovna - instructor in physical education MADOU d / s No. 39 of the city of Tyumen
* Improve the elements of walking technique, crawling, throwing.
* Develop the ability to act in the interests of the team.
* To develop endurance, agility, attention, speed of reaction in relay races.
* Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism.
* tunnel - 3 pcs.;
* small balls - 15 pcs.;
* thermometers - 3 pcs.;
* cardboard nose with an elastic band - 6 pcs.;
* "golden key" - 3 pcs.;
*puzzles with numbers (5 pieces) - 3 sets;
* frog mask - 3 pcs.;
*colored rubber circles - 6 pcs.;
* “colored mushroom caps” - 6 pcs.
*towns - 3 pcs.;
* aprons and chef's hats - 3 sets;
*rings - 3 pcs.;
*walkers - 3 pairs;
*tray - 3 pcs.;
* fruit replicas - 15 pcs.

Event progress:
Leading: Hello dear children and respected adults! Today our hall is turning into a fun stadium, because we are starting the funniest and most sporting games - these are “Funny Starts! » Competitors will compete in accuracy, dexterity, ingenuity, and speed! And now meet the participants of our holiday with loud applause.
Under cheerful rhythmic music, teams enter the hall (6 people each - 3 boys and 3 girls)

Leading: So, all the guests have gathered,
The athletes were waiting.
Our holiday begins
Teams are introduced.
Command presentation.
Leading: Only healthy athletes are allowed to compete. Now we will measure the temperature of our participants.

Attraction "36.6" The first team members are given a large cardboard thermometer and placed under the armpit. Children must pass the thermometer to another participant without touching it with their hands.
The leader collects thermometers: All participants are healthy! To start the competition, I suggest you first warm up.
Musical warm-up for all children song-dance "Aunt Veselchak".
Leading: And now let me introduce you to our jury, which today will evaluate our fun competitions.
Jury presentation.
Leading: The jury is represented, the teams are healthy. Are the fans ready? Then let's start!
Leading: What a strange road
There are a lot of obstacles here!
Whatever step is miracles
That's a miracle - a strip!

Relay "Frogs" Participants in a frog mask on two legs jump on puzzles with numbers (5 pieces), run around the rack and, jumping on puzzles, come back.

Relay "Mushroom pickers" At the finish line, they put up a town for each team and cover them with a colored circle - these are “mushrooms”. The first player at the start also has a circle in his hands, but of a different color. The player "snake" runs to the finish line, changes the "mushroom" hat and returns, passing the circle to the second player. If the "mushroom" has fallen, then the movement cannot be continued.
Musical pause
Leading: Compete without being shy
May the victory not be easy
But hope for good luck
And she will always come.

Relay "Cook" An adult in a chef's hat and apron stands in front of the team. Participants climb into the tunnel, reach the hoop, in which small balls lie, throw one ball to an adult and come back running. An adult must catch the ball with an apron. The team that completes this task faster and more accurately wins.

Relay race "Trace to trace" Walking on a walker (traces of animals)
Musical pause
Leading: Here's another game
You will like her.

Relay "Pinocchio" The participant puts on a long cardboard nose with an elastic band, hangs a “golden key” with a large ring on it. The participant following him also puts on his nose, but without a key. The first competitor with the key on their nose must run to the counter, come back and hang their key on the nose of the next competitor.
Leading: To become agile an athlete
You, finally - the relay race!

Relay "Waiters" The participant holds a tray with models of fruits (5 pcs.) in one hand, the other hand is behind his back. He must run to the counter and come back without dropping the fruit from the tray. If they drop, they must pick it up.
Musical pause
Leading: So our holiday is over
And the jury did not sum up the result.
We wish them not to make mistakes,
And we'll play a little.
Musical game for all children "The deer has a big house."

The jury announces the result. Team awards.
To the cheerful rhythmic music, the children leave the hall.

Size: px

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1 Synopsis of the Sports Festival Together with the parents "Merry Start" Developed and conducted by the educator Golova A.L. teacher Yashina L.N. teacher-defectologist Narizhnaya T.M. physical culture instructor Voronina L.V. 2015

2 Purpose: to involve families in a healthy lifestyle, health promotion, to form a positive attitude towards physical education. Tasks: to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children; form ideas about healthy way life; develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance; help create an atmosphere of joy and fun. Attributes: Balloons, chocolate medals, certificates, 2 racks, 6 rings, 2 tunnels, 2 corrective tracks, 2 baskets, fruits and vegetables, emblems, ties.

3 HOST Hello, dear viewers, children and parents. We are glad to welcome you to our competitions. And the competition today is unusual, different from others. Together with us at the start, our moms and dads. Parents know that playing sports is very useful, and now they will tell about it. (parents read poetry) 1 PARENT My greetings to all the children And this word: Love sports from an early age. You will be healthy. 2 PARENT Everyone knows, everyone understands That it's nice to be healthy. Only everyone needs to know how to become healthy! 3 PARENT Accustom yourself to order Do exercises every day, Laugh more cheerfully, You will be healthier. 4 PARENT Sport, guys, is very necessary, We are very friendly with sports! Sports health, Sports game! Physical training! HOST Thank you, parents. Before the start of the competition, you need to warm up well. Come out for a warm-up, show your dexterity. Let's get loose. So let's get started! (to the music, the leader performs movements, parents and children repeat after him)

4 LEADING Well done. A good warm-up strengthens, and exercise helps. Everyone knows both adults and children that our day begins with a charge. The guys will tell you how useful it is. (children say poetry) 1 CHILD We go to the playground, exercises begin. By training, we grow. We are stronger every day! 2 CHILD Charging is useful for everyone, Charging is needed for everyone! She saves us from laziness and disease! (parents and children stand near the chairs) LEADING Two teams “Fast hares” and “Nimble squirrels” take part in our holiday. Let's greet each other. Team "Fast Bunnies" physical education hello! Hello to the team "Nimble squirrels" physical education! The teams sit down in their seats, the competition begins. (parsley appears with a bunch of balls) PARSLEY La-la-la-la. Oh, where did I go? LEADING You came to the kindergarten for a sports festival. We will run, jump, dance, perform exercises. PARSLEY My funny cap is famously shifted to the barrel I am a funny toy And my name is (children and parents "Petrushka") LEADING Parsley, what beautiful balls you have, why do you need so many balls? PARSLEY I love throwing them up and catching them. Like this!

5 LEADING Our guys also like to play with balloons. Parsley, you can give us your relay balls. PARSLEY Of course, with pleasure. (gives each team a balloon) 1 relay “Pass the balloon” Two teams stand opposite each other. They pass the ball to each other and back to Petrushka. Whose team will do it faster. LEADING Petrushka, did you like the relay race? PARSLEY I liked it very much, everyone is so fast and dexterous. LEADING And our dexterous guys are able to overcome any obstacles. PARSLEY It can't be! Even the ones I made for them? LEADING Yes, look here! 2nd relay race "Obstacle course" It is necessary to go along the correction path, jump from hoop to hoop, climb into the tunnel and run around the rack (only children participate, and parents insure) LEADER and PETRUSHKA Children are praised. LEADING And now, kids, a game for your dads and moms. Mom dad come out, show your dexterity. Relay 3 "Fun Balloon" Parents must carry the balloon to the rackets around the rack and return to the team.

6 LEADING How clever our parents are. Well done! Children, all attention Adults attention An interesting, fun task awaits you. 4 Relay “Swipe the ball with a snake” Parents arrange 3 pins at a distance, take the ball from the hoop and lead the snake around the pins, give the ball to their child, he holds the ball with a snake and puts it in the hoop, collects the pins and gives it to the parent of another child. The relay race ends when all players pass the test. LEADING well done children and adults. PARSLEY That's what good fellows are. Strength dexterity and dexterity Generously gives us the game. I think it's time for adults to play too! Come out into the circle as soon as possible. Show your dexterity. The game "The Third Extra" Parents stand in a circle facing each other, in pairs - one person, and behind the other. One pair becomes the leader - one of the pair runs, the other catches up. Run around the outer circle. The one who runs away can escape the chase by standing third to any pair. You need to get up in front of the first player of the pair, then the player standing behind him becomes the third, the third extra and must run away from the chase. The one who catches up and touches the "Trap" himself becomes the "Trap" and now must catch up.

7 PARSLEY And I like to make difficult riddles, I wonder if the guys will guess. (Appendix 1, Appendix 2) Riddles of Parsley PARSLEY Well done adults and children guessed all the riddles LEADER Our children are not only dexterous and fast, but also very smart and quick-witted. And you, Petrushka, a great fellow, played with the guys, guessed riddles. And we will teach you to dance. For the sake of our friendship, let's dance together. (Everyone gets up in a big circle and dances) PARSLUSH It's great, I liked playing and dancing with you so much, but it's time to go back. Where are my balls? LEADING Yes, here they are. (Petrushka bursts the balloon and treats children with chocolate medals, hangs ours for each child. Rewarding parents with diplomas) HOST 1 let it all be just a game But we wanted to say it Great miracle family! Keep it, take care of it There is no more important goal in life! LEADING 2 Today there are no losers, There are simply the best of the best Let friendship in each of the hearts Light up the light of good deeds! LEADING So our sports festival has come to an end. We wish you all good health and happiness!

8 Riddles about sports equipment for children Appendix 1 They beat him with a hand and a stick No one feels sorry for him Why do they beat the poor fellow? Yes, because he is inflated. (ball) I twist it with my hand And around my neck and leg And twist it around my waist And I don't want to drop it. (hoop) Stick in the form of a comma Drives the puck in front of him. (stick) This horse does not eat oats Instead of legs, two wheels I push off with one foot I swing forward with an arrow. (scooter)

9 Riddles about sports equipment for adults Appendix 2 The head of a sports team (captain) Skates for the summer (rollers) Playing with rackets and shuttlecocks (badminton) Children's winter transport (sledge) Complete success in the competition (winning) What the tourist wears on his back (backpack) Ski track (ski track)

10 Plan of a sports festival Poems adults Warm-up Poems children Greeting teams Enter the hero Relay pass the ball (joint) Relay race Obstacle course (joint) Relay Funny ball (parents) Relay Swipe the ball with a snake (joint) Game Third extra (parents) Riddles Scooter Round dance Rewarding

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Scenario of sports entertainment "Fun Starts" for preschoolers of the middle group and parents

Author: Valentina Nikolaevna Kovalchuk, teacher of kindergarten No. 90 in the city of Tyumen.
Material Description: The script for this holiday can be used to joint activities preschoolers of the middle group and parents.
The script can be useful for teachers of the preparatory group.

Synopsis of the scenario of physical entertainment "Fun Starts" for preschoolers of the middle group and parents

Educational area"Physical development".
Target: Involve parents in activities with children.
Educational: To develop and improve children's motor skills, the ability to use them creatively. Build a desire for a healthy lifestyle. Build an idea about necessary for a person vitamins.
Developing: To develop in children and parents an interest in physical culture, sports. Develop the need for eating vegetables and fruits, healthy and wholesome food.
Educational: To give children and parents the pleasure of joint physical education, to promote the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance.
Sport equipment:
Gymnastic sticks - 2 pieces, hoops - 2 pieces, balls Нip - hop (d - up to 55 cm) - 2 pieces for skating, balls with a diameter of 50 - 65 cm - 2 pieces (depending on the height of the children), cones - 2 pieces, large pyramids - 2 pieces, elastic bands 30 cm long - 2 pieces.
Handout: Board game Askorbinka and her friends.
Course of the competition:
Teams line up opposite each other.
Leading. Let's welcome our sports teams. Are team members ready to compete in strength, agility, ingenuity and speed?
We wish the team members success in the upcoming competitions. And the fans will support you. Our competitions are declared open.
As soon as I wake up in the morning
I will squat, stand up and bend down -
All exercises in order!
It will help to grow ... charging.
Leading. I invite everyone to a fun exercise about animals! (Words by M. Gauer, music by V. Bogatyrev, performed by Alina Kukushkina.)
Main part:
1. Relay "Rocks".
I will jump on a horse
"Yoke-ho-ho!" - I'll scream.
I squeeze her sides a little,
I jumped, mom. Bye!
You need to ride on a stick - "horse" around the cone, jump back and pass the stick - "horse" to a friend.
2. Relay "Crossing".
Crossing, crossing!
Left bank, right bank...
(A. Tvardovsky)
These are the banks of the river (marked with ropes). The captains at the wheel are in a hoop, run up to the team and transport one person to the other side. Everyone needs to be moved!

Riddles about sports.
They fly faster than the wind
And I'm flying with them for three meters.
Here is my flight. Clap!

Landing soft in a snowdrift! (Sled.)
Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are racing.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And shiny …skates.
The kings, the kings
Let's fight again!
Just started the war
They immediately ate an elephant. (Chess.)
In that pond you will not meet
No ducks, no geese.
shores of tiles,
And call him... pool.
This horse does not eat oats
Two wheels instead of legs.
Get on it, ride it
Just better drive. (Bike.)
Two stripes in the snow
I leave it running.
I fly from them with an arrow,
And they are after me again. (Skiing, skier.)
Play in the yard in the morning
The kids played.
Shouts: "Puck!", "By!", "Beat!" -
There is a game going on... in hockey
To get sick, I have no time, friends,
I play football and hockey.
And I'm very proud of myself
What makes me healthy... sport.
Not offended, but inflated,
They lead him across the field.
And hit - nothing -
Don't chase after ... with a ball.
3. Relay "Roll the ball."
Leading. The player, moving in a straight line, rolls the ball in front of him (ball diameter - up to 55 cm) to the cone, goes around it, and rolling the ball, comes back and passes the baton to the next player.

4. Competition "Vitamins and their friends."
Leading. Have you heard of vitamins?
Answer. Vitamins are needed for growth and development. Vitamins strengthen the human body.
Leading. Where do vitamins live?
Answer. Vitamins live in food, so it is so important to eat right, not to give up healthy food. Vitamins are not visible there, but they are there and a person needs them.
Leading. Now team players will receive round cards. They show vitamins.
And the corner cards are interspersed on the tables front side up. They depict food and cereals. At my signal, the players take the corner cards they need and substitute them from four sides to the round card (to the vitamin). The first team to complete the puzzle correctly wins.

5. Relay “Collect a pyramid.»
Collect pyramids -
Let's take a ring.
The player runs to the hoop, inside which the rings of the disassembled pyramid lie, takes the ring, runs back to the disassembled pyramid, and as soon as he put the ring on the rod, the next player runs after the ring. The team that completes the pyramid the fastest wins.
6. Relay "Funny ball".
Leading. The player jumps on the Hip-hop ball to the cone and back. Passes the baton to the next player.

7. Intellectual competition for parents.
Leading. And this competition will help us understand which team is best oriented in sports matters. Each team will be asked their own questions.
Questions for the first team:
What is the name of the boxing ground? (Boxing ring.)
The beginning of the distance is - (start), and the end of the distance - (finish).
Dancing on Ice. ( Figure skating.)
Sports equipment for pulling. (Rope.)
The ball is out of play. (Out.)
Home of the Olympic Games. (Greece.)
He won the competition. (Champion.)
Flying type of swimming. (Butterfly.)
How often are Olympic Games? (Once every four years.)
In which game is the lightest ball used? (In table tennis.)
Questions for the second team:
In what sport do you have to be a sprinter and a high jumper at the same time? (In hurdling.)
Boxing three minutes. (Round.)
"Bearded" sports equipment. (Goat.)
Performing various figures in the water to the music. (Synchronized swimming.)
This athlete walks while sitting. (Chess player.)
This game uses the largest ball. (Basketball.)
Descent from the mountains on a special board. (Snowboarding.)
Climbing mountain peaks. (Mountaineering.)
Passing the ball in play. (Pass.)
The jumper takes it. (Height.)
8. Relay "Running on three legs."
Leading. The players of each team stand in pairs (child and parent). Standing legs are tied with an elastic band. On a signal, the couple runs to the cone, runs around it and returns back, passing the baton.
Leading. And so our holiday ended. And who won? Everyone won! Because everyone received a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions.
We wish everyone good health and success!
See you soon!

"Fun Starts"

fcultural leisure for children

preparatory group and their parents.

Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, communication skills, strong-willed and moral qualities.

Material and equipment: benches, gymnastic sticks, balls, skittles, flags, logs or inclined boards. Scooters. A bag of juice and a straw, a souvenir - for each participant. Diploma and sports gift - for each team.

Preliminary work: members of each team (6 children and 2 adults) come up with a name and motto for their team, make emblems. Moms are developing a complex of morning exercises. Teachers draw up diplomas, decorate a gym or a playground. Parents buy souvenirs.

Sounds like an audio recording of fun music. 4 teams led by dads - captains go to the site, along the perimeter of which there are benchesfor participants and fans.

Leading: Attention! Today in our d / s teams are fighting for the title of "The most athletic". I wonder which of the teams will be the most agile, the fastest, the most resourceful and, of course, the most fun? Attention! Let's start our competition. The performance of the teams will be evaluated by a strict but fair jury. (Introduces the members of the jury). Meet the teams participating in the competition.

Each team chants its name and motto.

Leading: It's time for a workout.

Members of each team, under the guidance of the mother, perform a set of morning exercises. The jury evaluates the complex on a 3 point system.

Leading: It was great! A real demonstration of strength, grace and beauty! The jury has a difficult task. But this is just the beginning, let's see what happens next.

The teams take their places.

Leading: Young representatives from each team are called to the site. The attraction "Don't drop the ball" is announced.

Children in each pair with one hand hug each other by the waist, in the other they hold gymnastic sticks on which the ball lies. At the signal of the leader, the participants, trying not to drop the ball, reach the flag, return to the starting point and pass the baton to the next pair. The team whose members did not drop the ball gets 5 points, dropped 1 time - 3 points,more than 2 times - 1 point.

The jury summarizes the results of the first and second competitions.

Leading: Well done! And now the relay "Slalom"

Children line up at the start line. Dads - the captains of each team - stand at the finish line. The participants, bending around the skittles, alternately ride the scooter to the dad, go around him and return in a straight line to the start, where they pass the scooter to the next players. The team whose members completed the relay faster and did not knock down a single pin wins.

Leading: it's time for moms and dads to compete in the game of Agile Basketball Players.

An audio recording of the song “Colorful Game” sounds (Saveliev,Rubalskaya). Moms and dads sit in pairsdist5m apart. Dads pick up baskets or plastic buckets, and moms take medium-sized balls and perform 5 throws each, trying to get into the basket (bucket).

The number of points each team receives is equal to the number of hits in the basket(bucket).

Leading: Well, now the game "Pass the ball." Its results will depend on the coherence of the actions of all team members.

The columns are led by mothers. On a signal, the participants pass the ball over the head to the players standing behind. Dad, closing each column, passes the ball back, but already between the legs. The game ends as soon as the ball is back in the mother's hands.

Leading: And now the family run. Friendly triplets will take part in the competition: mom, dad and child.

On a signal, the mother with the child, holding hands, runs to the log, along which the child passes, holding the mother's hand. Then they run to dad, the child crawls between his legs, dad gets on all fours, and mom jumps over him (using the “legs apart” method). Then all participants stand one after another: a child, mom, dad - and, holding on to the waistin frontrunning to the finish line.

The first three to cross the finish line without breaking the chain wins.

Leading: Members, are you tired? You can relax and drink, and at the same time take part in the competition "Elephants and Baby Elephants".

Sounds audio recording of the song "Elephant, baby elephant and elephant"(Nikitin,Moritz). Each participant takes a bag of juice and a straw and, at the signal of the leader, begins to drink. Those who coped with the task build a tower from bags. The first team to build the tower wins.

All participants of the competition built a circle. An audio recording of the song "The Big Round Dance" (Savelyev,Zhigalkin, Hite). The jury announces the results, awards the teams in different categories with diplomas and souvenirs.

Leading: So the fun holiday has come to an end, but your friendship with physical education and sports does not end there. Be healthy!

The relay race for preschoolers should be fun and provocative. Music, contests and awarding the winners - all this should be in a sports festival.

The task of holding sports events in kindergarten is to develop physical qualities the child and the formation of motor skills. In addition, the child develops moral and volitional qualities, courage, endurance, independence and purposefulness.

The purpose of these holidays- this is the introduction of children to sports and the development of their desire for a healthy lifestyle. Children from a young age learn to actively and organizedly spend their holidays.

Fun starts - finish!

Scenario sports holiday in kindergarten

First you need to decorate the hall: hang posters with slogans about a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of movement. The central wall should be bright and eye-catching.

Tip: In the corners of the hall, set up stands with children's drawings on the theme "We are friends with physical education." Kids, together with their parents, come up with the name of their teams and the motto.

The scenario of a sports festival in kindergarten begins with the sound of a march, and the teams come out to applause:

  • Leading hello with the participants and announces the beginning of the holiday:

Our fun marathon
We will start now.
If you want to be healthy
Come see us at the stadium!
Jump, run and play
Never be discouraged!
You will be dexterous, strong, courageous,
Fast and skillful!

  • The facilitator invites the teams to get to know each other and they take turns saying their name and reciting the motto
  • Before the start warm-up training, the body warms up, the muscles warm up - everything, like real athletes
  • Musical accompaniment sounds and the kids begin to perform rhythmic exercises
  • After the end of the workout presenter says:

Hockey is a great game!
We have a decent platform.
Now who is the bravest?
Come play quickly!

  • Relay races and competitions begin. After several competitions, the children need to rest
  • Everyone sat down and began to guess riddles about sports:

What is an ice dancer called? (Figure skater)
The beginning of the road to the finish line. (Start)
Flying badminton ball. (Shuttlecock)
How often are the Olympic Games held? (Once every 4 years)
What is the name of the ball out of play? (Out)

  • After the rest, relay races continue. The result of sports competitions will be the awarding of winners

Leader's words:

Thank you all for your attention
For interesting victories and ringing laughter.
For fun competition
And long-awaited success!

As a prize for the winner, parents can bake a big one.

Important: Children will be happy to eat such a treat after a fun physical education, drinking compote or tea.

Children's sports competitions for preschoolers

No sports event is complete without fun competitions. They help develop in kids quick wits, quick thinking and quick reactions.

Children's sports competitions for preschoolers:


  • Everyone's favorite snowball game. Instead of snow, each team has sheets of paper of its own color.
  • Participants crumple sheets and throw them at rivals
  • After that, the participants begin to collect their team's snowballs in bags. Whoever collects faster wins


  • From each team of kids, one person is called
  • Two empty and one full containers are placed in front of the participants.
  • Any large items are completely mixed, for example, pasta of different colors
  • The task of the participants is to arrange pasta of the same color in boxes.
  • Whoever completes the task faster wins.


  • Two teams stand in two rows. At the end of the hall, two chairs opposite each of the teams
  • The task of each player is to reach the finish line in the form of an animal.
  • The facilitator says "Frog", and the players start jumping like a frog, running to the chair and back
  • In the middle of the competition, the host says “Bear, and the next participants run to the chair and back like a clumsy bear
  • The victory will be for the team that copes well with the task and its last member is the first to reach the finish line

Fun starts: sports relay race for children

The kids are looking forward to the sports day. They are happy to help decorate the hall and hang out their drawings. Both adults and children like fun starts.

Sports relay races for children:


  • Two teams line up and are given hockey sticks
  • With their help, you need to bring the cube to the finish line and back.


  • Ride in a bag or on a stick to the finish line and back
  • The stick or bag is passed to the next participant - so on until the victory

"No Hands"

  • Two people from the team to carry the ball to the finish line without touching their hands. You can hold the ball with your stomachs, heads


  • Captain inside the hoop - he's driving
  • Runs up, takes one participant to him, and they go to the finish line
  • So you need to "transport" each participant

Competition of sports games for kindergarten children

Children love fun games and competitions, so fun should be accompanied by music.

Important: In order to easily attract kids to the game, it is necessary to show by example how the relay race should be carried out.

Tip: Only run contests that you know are safe.

Children can be offered such contests of sports games for kindergarten children:


The kids are divided into two teams. Each team has one toy truck with a doll or soft toy. Participants must drive the truck by the rope along the designated path to the finish line. Which team will complete this task faster, that one will be the winner.


Two teams of participants are given a roll of toilet paper. One "mummy" is selected, which must be wrapped with paper. Whichever team completes the task the fastest wins.


Children are given markers. There are two drawing papers hanging on the wall. Two children come out and start drawing one of the friends of their kindergarten group. The felt-tip pen is not held by the hands, but by the mouth. Which of the children will be the first to know whose portrait is drawn, then won. The next one is to draw the one who answered correctly.

Important: You can involve adults in children's competitions - dads, moms, grandparents.


Dads help in this competition. Adult is a horse. The child sits on the father's back. It is necessary to "jump" to the finish line. Whoever gets there faster wins.

Fun contests for kids

Toddlers love fun games. They will be happy to throw the ball or run from start to finish. Therefore, in kindergarten they can be offered such fun competitions for children:


Set up two chairs. Put on them a sundress and a scarf. Whoever puts on the costume faster wins.


Sleeves of two jackets turn inside out. Jackets are hung on the backs of chairs, which are installed back to back. Lay a rope two meters long under the chairs. At the signal of the facilitator, the participants run up to the chairs and begin to put on jackets, turning the sleeves inside out. After that, they run around the chairs, sit on them and pull the rope.

"Who is faster?"

Children stand in a line with jump ropes in their hands. A line is drawn 20 meters from them and a rope with flags is placed. On a signal, the kids begin to jump to the line. The winner will be the child who jumps to the edge first.

Important: Thanks to such holidays and competitions, adults direct the energy of children in the right direction.

These activities teach kids to be brave, help friends and be persistent in a playful way. Funny contests turn even an ordinary summer walk in kindergarten into an exciting and interesting event.

Video: Sports competitions for children and parents were held in kindergarten No. 40 Zvyozdochka
