Be associated with both diseases. Spiritual and mental causes of illness

The result of violation of programmatic and forgotten priorities of morality and morality and as a result of global destabilization is illness and suffering... “Disease is not cruelty or punishment, but only a way that our MIND - SPIRIT uses to point out to us our mistakes, to hold us back from great delusions and mistakes, to prevent us from causing even more harm and to return us to the path of Truth and Light.”

The essence and meaning of illness and suffering is well shown in the parable of a doctor who died and, having entered the Kingdom of Heaven, saw God directing the souls of the dead to Heaven or Hell, based on the results of their deeds on Earth. The doctor’s turn comes, and God tells him - To Hell! For what? - the doctor prayed, - how many diseases have I treated... To which God replied: “That's it! People receive illnesses for their sins so that, having realized their meaning, they can return to the path of Truth and Light, but you did not let them realize and understand this... - To Hell!

At all times, people have been looking for an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of illness, why does pain and suffering exist?” Some believed that this was chance or fate, others believe that illness is a punishment from God.

Usually disease is considered as one of the greatest evils in this world, and therefore the goal is to fight it and eradicate it by all by possible means that seem to never end. Because as soon as humanity defeats one disease, a new one appears to replace it.

Ignorance of the meaning of illness has existed since then, how the black gods deliberately split religion and healing, abandoning a holistic view of the origin of suffering, and the division into physical and mental suffering led even further away from the holistic concept of illness...

The path of truth and light is always the path to knowledge and realization of the integrity of life, internal unity with all being. The symptom of the disease indicates in which area we have strayed from this path, therefore, it should be perceived as a carrier of information that should help us learn and return the knowledge that we have lost. This lack of consciousness makes us sick.

Our body, and our whole life, is nothing more than an exact reflection of our spiritual situation, because the SPIRIT is what shapes the body, and the MIND through actions determines fate.

This means that in our external visible form – in our body and our life – we attract, according to the law “like attracts like,” that which corresponds to our consciousness or subconscious.

It is quite obvious that all things and events form an internal unity and thus are in an invisible connection. And every symptom - mental, intellectual, or physical - is an accurate indicator of where we are in life. this moment, what we must learn, what we must come to terms with. Illness shows us what step we need to take in our own evolution, and this step does not always have to be identical to the step of another person. Each symptom of the disease has a special message that should be known, accepted and integrated for our further development and treatment...

Illness is an offer and a chance to grow to understand its meaning, to understand its meaning and to see what we lack for wholeness, in order to add it, to consciously improve and thereby again be one, whole and in holiness. Then the disease will become superfluous in itself and without a fight.

But what to do now, when people are sick, for the concept of the meaning of illness and the return to consciousness that is missing? The most important thing is don't reject the disease, not to displace it, but to thank it for its signaling effect. At the same time, treat yourself, life and illness, problems like a child. Give the same kind attention to your pains, your fury or fear, without judging them, and they will lose their terror and power over you. Try this sometime. At the same time, do not say: “I’m sick, viruses are to blame for this...” Accept yourself with all your reactions and look into them. A person who creates GOOD recognizes the integrity of life and perceives it as a wonderful game of polarities. Therefore, in life you need to use your strength to bring light and LOVE to the world, and not to fight the enemy, for where there is light, darkness recedes.

The interpretation of a symptom is greatly facilitated when we ask ourselves: “What does this symptom force me to do or hinder me, and under what circumstances did it appear or appear?” It’s also useful to know that if you don’t pay attention, any disease can get worse. So, after the initial disorder, it usually comes to an acute bodily disorder, for example inflammation (all symptoms ending in “-itis”: arthritis, otitis media, etc.), injuries, or accidents. This is always an insistent invitation to understand something, to realize it. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, then it will lead to chronic suffering (all symptoms ending in “-oz”: osteochondrosis, gonarthrosis, atherosclerosis, etc.). After this, it comes to incurable processes, such as changes in organs, cancer, etc. If this phase is left unattended, then death occurs from illness or accident, which are referred to as “karma - fate”.

We ourselves create so-called diseases in our body. The body, like everything else in our lives, is nothing more than a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our body is always talking to us - if only we would take the time to listen. Every cell of the body reacts to our every thought and every word. The image of thoughts and words determine the behavior of the body.

Our ancestors left us knowledge based on which we can get rid of the causes of diseases, and not deal with their consequences. First of all, this is the connection between the negative spiritual and moral aspects of a person’s life (his character, beliefs, thoughts, habits, etc.) with physical reflection in the form of specific ailments. This knowledge will help you get to the root of the problem. But only the PERSON HIMSELF can change his thoughts, and therefore remove the reason! However, this does not mean that there is no need to eliminate the consequences. It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive restoration of human integrity at the level of the Spirit (thoughts, beliefs, moral foundation; creative and creative activity); Souls (attitude to surrounding people and the outside world); Body (physiological health, energy balance organism). The same applies to the constant maintenance of human integrity at all levels, and for this, too, there are thousand-year-old systems developed by our Ancestors.

Spiritual and physical causes of diseases

The cardiovascular system

Atherosclerosis of the heart (coronary) vessels - the cause is stagnation of emotions (negative), “swamp”, lack of joys in life. The arteries gradually close, the nutrition of the heart muscle is disrupted...

Coronary heart disease - the cause is a long, joyless existence, and a person seeks a way out not in changing his attitude to life, but in receiving emanations from others through “spiritual vampirism,” which aggravates his selfishness.

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis is repeated emotional situational blows of life, which are perceived by a person “close to the heart”, accumulate and “carry on the heart” like a heavy burden.

Congenital heart defect - selfishness, karmically fixed (from a previous incarnation)
An acquired heart defect is selfishness in this life.

Myocardial infarction is the accumulation of negative feelings to the point of their excess.

Angina pectoris is a lack of vitality in relationships with someone.

Anterior syndrome chest– there are no stimulating positive emotions during the recovery period.

Pain in the area of ​​the heart (stabbing, aching) - a person is worried that he made a mistake, showed heartlessness in some situation with loved ones and did not notice it, but the Soul noticed it.

Cardialgia (pain in the heart) is a strong experience in the relationships of parents with children, spouses and loved ones, co-workers, when a person has been tearing his heart apart with passions for years.

Flickering and fluttering of the ventricles - when the attitude towards people depends on the mood.

Atrial fibrillation and flutter are two-facedness in relationships with people.

Paroxysmal tachycardia. Ventricular arrhythmia – lack of self-control, rudeness.

Supraventricular arrhythmia - cruelty.

Extrasystole – amorphous character, fear of conflicts, and in the heart there is a storm, “boiling lava”

Sick sinus syndrome – cowardice and an unloving, fading heart.

Impaired conduction of impulses through the heart muscle - immunity to cordiality, when the heart “slams shut” from the world and lives in a cage, and the flow of vital forces through its channels has stopped.

Hypertension - a person morally suppresses the people around him by the strength of his character, tension of will, uncompromising confidence in his own rightness, and concentration on this of his mental abilities.

Hypotension - a person is not capable of volitional influence due to his small energy reserves, but his inner world requires self-exaltation. He physically suppresses his loved ones, he will scream, and then also cry from powerlessness and embitterment. He can hit a child, taking out his resentment for his imperfections.

Fainting (collapse) is a crisis drop in pressure in people who are emotionally stingy and heartless towards people and living beings.

Myocarditis, transforming into neurocircular dystonia – poisoning of the heart with one’s own evil, “not over-bearing”, intolerance to the joy of other people.

Myocardial dystrophy is constant irritation with people or some person whom the patient does not want to see at home. at work, on the street, who do everything “wrong.”

Endocarditis is a person’s grievances about the indifference of others, often from childhood.

Pericarditis is an inadequate, “inflamed” attitude towards the lives of others, especially cheerful and carefree ones.

Cardiac asthma - a person does not want to love others, although he himself craves love, and then the feeling of not receiving love from others aggravates heart weakness.

A stroke is a severe nervous strain associated with an attempt to solve unsolvable problems.

Ischemic stroke is a slow, increasing cessation of brain nutrition in the process of internal self-destruction. Experiencing other people's problems, which a person thinks about all the time, suffers from insomnia.

Hemorrhagic stroke is the result of a simultaneous stress stroke in diseased arteries.

Slagging of the aorta – lack of joy and love of life.

Aortic aneurysm - a person deceives himself, wishful thinking.

Dissecting aortic aneurysm - a person understands that he is deceiving, but persists and stands his ground - pride does not allow...

Aneurysms of blood vessels in the brain and body - a person has a habit of deceiving himself often and in small things.

Thrombosis and vascular embolism - reluctance to assimilate reality and constant constraint from the expectation of trouble.

Varicose veins - a person walks “on the wrong path” that is intended for him. When you don’t want to go and “your legs won’t carry you,” for example, to a hated job or to a joyless home.

Thrombophlebitis - for many years it goes and does something with a heavy sediment in the Soul.

Elephantiasis (lymphosis) – the cause of any problems with the legs has not been eradicated for too long.


Bronchial asthma is an impossible manifestation of oneself, as creative personality. A person suffocates from the influence of the people around him or self-restraint that limits his will.

Acute bronchitis, bronchiolitis – prohibition of any type of activity. A person wants to achieve something (small or big), but circumstances do not allow...

Pneumonia is a long-term accumulation of negative emotions.

Tuberculosis is the result of deep accumulations, a “rotten atmosphere” in the human Soul (people who have fallen spiritually)

Purulent chronic bronchitis, abscess, gangrene of the lung - many years of lack of freedom in relationships with people and self-oppression.

Pleurisy - a person does not have the strength to protect himself from the carnal world. Discrepancy between desires and their implementation.

Pneumosclerosis - a person does not accept family, society, refuses to live by their laws, but does nothing to change the disgusting state of affairs, lives as he lives...

Pulmonary enphysema is a disgusting attitude towards certain people and their spiritual development. Manifestation of one's own egocentrism. (Lungs inflate from narcissism).

Spontaneous pneumothorax is an accumulation of experiences as a result of unkind relationships between people (rupture of lung tissue).

Hemoptysis - relatives systematically cause the patient to experience emotional distress.

Pulmonary-cardiac, cardiopulmonary insufficiency - when there is no freedom to love someone (something), a person limits himself in this or others contribute to this, and he humbles himself, turns into a slave of circumstances.

Silicosis - a person performs his work, associated with harmful factors, doomedly, sadly, without creativity (this is all we talk about)

Sarcoidosis (+lymphosystem) – The human soul is mutilated and devoured by the parents.

Blood and lymphatic system. Allergies

Appendicitis - a person collects the most corrupting and vile thoughts.

Anemia is the result of a person’s humiliation of close relatives when blood ties are depleted.

Agranulocytosis (a decrease in white blood cells in the blood) - a person refuses to communicate with distant blood relatives.

Thrombocytopathy (pathology of platelets, blood cells, which ensure, in particular, blood clotting) - a person is not protected from the meanness of those close to him or when he does not resist those who devastate his Soul.

Hemorrhagic diathesis - a person collects all the family moral dirt when he devastates the Souls of others and when his family is doomed to suffer due to its moral insecurity.

Systemic vasculitis - a person loses the desire or completely refuses to perform his duties at home, in the family, or is disgusted with the house in which he lives.

Takayasu syndrome (thromboangiitis obliterans) is a painful, negative perception of failures that plague life in various aspects, when creativity is lost.

Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) - cannot be separated and “drags through life” the past dirt of its existence, accumulates it in the present, slagging the defense system.

Urticaria, Quincke's edema - fear that someone will get into the Soul, where there is no longer room for either good or bad.

Hay fever is a person’s overcrowding with moral filth in certain aspects of life.

Joint diseases. Liver

Scoliosis, ligaments - while the pancreas suffers. This happens with an imbalance of emotions and a loss of stamina in life.

Acute or recurrent arthritis - lack of confidence in one's deeds and actions.

Periarthritis – a person has a disrespectful, “ignorant” attitude towards the world around him. It is negligent towards its inhabitants and real estate, creating harmful and destructive things.

Arthrosis, osteochondrosis (repeated processes are replaced by destructive processes) - “Syndrome of a small slave Soul”, overload with material trash, thoughts and emotions associated with them.

Disease knee joints(always bruised) – pride, selfishness.

Reiter's disease (affects the joints, eyes and organs genitourinary system) – rudeness, cruelty in life’s affairs.

Scleroderma, dermatomyositis (joints, skin lesions) - vital fragility, loss of spiritual connection with close relatives.

Ankylosing spondylitis (damage to the joints of the spine) is a painful perception of economic and political changes in society; a person lives by the interests of the material world, but does not put up with Earthly Laws, fights hard, loses flexibility in actions and deeds, succumbs to the circumstances of life, but only inside, and outwardly be inflexible.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a loss of spiritual connection with the world due to one’s backwardness, loss of vitality and failure to develop.

Cervical osteochondrosis - a person carries problems “on his neck” that he does not want to part with for many years.

Radiculitis – problems have accumulated or a new one has appeared, unresolved and left to yourself. The person doesn’t want to meet her “face to face” and tries to get around her.

Osteochondrosis thoracic spine - fear of a stab in the back, expectation of betrayal from society or the environment, and because of this a person is afraid to breathe deeply. But you can’t run away from the world...

Lumbar osteochondrosis - a person overloads himself in this earthly material life, bending his back beyond his strength under an unnecessary load.

Intervertebral hernia - trying to implement “not its own business”, contrary to reason, with exorbitant efforts for itself.

Coccygeal-sacral region - the cause of osteochondrosis and its painful manifestations is tied to financial problems; a person is unlucky and unscrupulous in financial matters.

Chronic hepatitis, fatty and cholestatic hepatosis – anger towards people, especially those with whom you don’t want to deal, and there are many of them and are forced to “deal”.

Cholangitis (inflammation of the biliary tract) - a person lives in irritation and the problem worsens under the influence of irritants (food, weather changes. Representatives of the flora, Giardia and ... others)

Cirrhosis – a person is used to being angry and irritated. He has forgotten how to have fun, but when visiting or at work he pretends that he is happy and happy (insincere).

Liver cyst - if a person cheated on a friendship out of malice, out of envy, betrayed. And he himself was left with a feeling of resentment.

Chronic pancreatitis is the result of character traits that flatter his egoism and selfishness, they do not notice “merits and merits”, how many material values ​​he has.

Urogenital system. Selected pathological conditions

Pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis (inflammation and destruction of kidney tissue) – fear of life and a state of psychological imbalance.

Kidney failure - isolation and isolation from the world due to fear of receiving a new offense.

Nephrotic syndrome is the result of stagnation, cessation spiritual development, stopping personal evolution.

Kidney stone disease is still the same grievances, the result of their persistence and longevity.

Renal colic is a continuation of new insults.

Kidney amyloidosis – a person destroys and “contaminates” the world with your thoughts and actions.


Beli is an extreme state of desire for a man who must definitely be nearby.

Endometriosis - a woman is in thought: does she need a child now or not, should she burden herself or live for her own pleasure.

Ovarian inflammation is a constant fear of getting pregnant (sometimes this fear can cause reproductive dysfunction).

Uterine fibroids are a grudge against a loved one (for any reason). The thought was not what I was expecting.
Uterine fibroids – irritability towards the sexual partner.

Ovarian cysts are physical or even mental betrayal.

Infertility (karmic) is a punishment for abortions in a past or this life.

Cervical erosion – grumpy character.


Prostatitis, prostate adenoma is a reaction of sexual arousal to any woman, without further physical implementation.

Selected pathological conditions:

Sinusitis is a person’s loss of orientation in life, life direction and Path.

Sore throat - a person needs a stop, a respite in his activities. Overdone or going in the wrong direction.

Stomatitis – a person uses his mouth for other purposes. Instead of tasty and healthy food, he “chews and chews other people’s dirt.”

Glossitis is the result of savoring “one’s own dirt”

Rhinitis - a person breeds or encourages moral and moral “nasties” “under his nose” and condemns them himself, turns his nose up at them, which is why he stops breathing.

Nasal polyps – “boring” and “nasal” character.

Otitis externa - in those who do not want to hear others (the external ear is a representation of the intestines)

Internal otitis – “not hearing oneself”, one’s inner voice, prompting and helping (representation of the kidneys)

Retinal detachment - a person looks at the world around him and sees everything only “black” and “dirty”.

Macular degeneration is the same process; a person does not want to see someone or something near him. In general, visual impairment is the result of hatred.

Astigmatism - a person looks at himself (for example, in a mirror), concentrating thoughts on external imperfections, consciously or unconsciously “erasing” signs of the inner essence, changing “facial expressions”.

Thyroid gland (enlargement) - suffocates a person with anger, indignation, and “a lump comes to the throat.”

Dermatitis is a person’s “inflamed” perception of individuals, a team, society as a whole, the home environment, things that a person does with disgust (hand dermatitis) or goes to a hated place or lives in one (leg dermatitis).

Neurodermatitis is a human reaction to the uncleanliness of the surrounding world and people, which is why the pancreas (the organ of emotions) and the endocrine glands (the regulatory system) suffer.

Nail diseases:

The left hand is a person’s negative habits that he acquired through contact with the outside world.

Right hand – personal negative habits.

The left foot is the result of disrespect for people.

The right foot is disrespect for oneself.

Fungal nail infections:

The right hand is the rooting of traditions that should be changed.

Left hand - rejection of other people's principles.

Right foot – reluctance to part with old unnecessary things, accumulation of rubbish in the house and Soul.

Left foot - a person collects old things that are given to him by loved ones, and out of greed he clutters up his life more and more.

Herpes is the result of condemnation, slander, swearing and “whining in everyday life.” On the lower lip - in relation to other people, on the lower lip - self-humiliation.

Herpes zoster (herpes along the nerve fiber) is a punishment for dissatisfaction with everyday life and own behavior in him.

Obesity is a person’s attempt to protect himself (with a thick layer) from insults.

Oncological diseases (karmic):

Leukemia (blood cancer) – rejection of one’s family.

Lymphogranulomatosis is the amount of moral dirt accumulated in previous lives.

In addition to the topic, there is a list of symptoms that may indicate certain diseases:

Redness of the eyes that appears during fever indicates long-term damage to the abdomen.

A double chin indicates poor digestion.

Puffy cheeks are usually due to indigestion.

If the redness of the cheeks forms a sharply limited red spot on the cheekbones, then the lungs begin to collapse.

A bluish-green complexion is a sign of liver pathology.

Sallow complexion – in people suffering from diseases of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas.

Pale skin indicates a disease of the large intestine.

Red coloring of the face is often associated with heart disease, white coloring is often associated with lung disease.

A blackish tint appears in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

A reddish tint to the skin of the face and body is characteristic of diseases of the heart, pericardium and systems associated with it.

A blue complexion indicates diseases of the stomach and spleen.

A yellow complexion indicates liver and gallbladder diseases.

A bloodless complexion with yellowness suggests that the patient has cancer.

A brown, red neck indicates inflammation of the organs of the lower abdomen (if the place where the finger passed immediately returns to its previous color).

A thickened nape indicates tinnitus, headaches, spinal cord diseases, and mental disorders.

Redness on the bulge of the chest indicates inflammation of the head or chest. A line drawn with a finger will unmistakably distinguish a healthy color from a painful one.

The smell of acetone from the mouth indicates severe kidney damage.

The face is shiny, the forehead is darkish - signs of a disturbance in the hormonal system.

Severe abdominal pain, hair loss from the head and beard indicate that a person has a diseased spleen.

Pigmentation on a woman’s face after childbirth indicates a lack of ovarian function.

If the nipples of the breast and the blush surrounding them are yellow, then the woman has a diseased uterus.

Men whose testicles are affected have a dry cough and a hoarse, low voice.

Trembling of the tongue indicates a disorder of the mind.

In peripneumatics, whose entire tongue is white and rough, both parts of the lung are inflamed; those whose only half of the tongue is white and rough, the lungs on the side of this half are affected.

Normally, healthy person pink nails. If, when pressing on the patient's nails, the pink color quickly returns, the disease should be treatable. Otherwise, the disease is at a dangerous stage.

Black and gray spots on the nail are signs of mercury intoxication.

White spots on the nail are a disorder of the nervous system.

Dirty gray coloration of nails indicates congenital syphilis.

Cyanotic or blue color of nails indicates congenital heart defects.

Yellowish nails indicate some brain disorders.

Pale nail color is usually due to anemia.

Pale red nails indicate certain blood diseases.

Dark brown coloration of the nails indicates prolonged severe fever.

If the nails are yellow, there is liver disease.

Greenish-purulent coloring of nails is usually due to purulent processes.

It is not uncommon for people to have pain in some part of their body. Going to the hospital only relieves some of the symptoms, which return almost immediately after a certain period of time. In this case, one should not blame the doctors; perhaps a person should try to look inside himself. Indeed, often the root of the problem lies at the psychosomatic level. Today we will talk about what illnesses mean in a mental sense. After all, it is the correct determination of their occurrence at the energy level that can speed up the process of recovery and complete relief from the disease.

Problems with headaches

Pain may indicate your inferior sense of self. A person lacks self-esteem, he feels humiliated, and is at a level lower than he deserves. Also, such pains are often found in people who are constantly irritated due to the lack of perfectionism in all aspects of life.

Ear pain

This organ is responsible for the ability to hear the world. Therefore, he may suddenly become ill when you refuse to understand something, to acknowledge the problems of another person. It is not uncommon for children to experience pain of this kind when they are experiencing the problem of middle age and refuse to accept the opinions of others. Partial or complete hearing loss can occur in despotic people who impose their opinions on everyone and do not accept someone else's.

Eyes and vision loss

The eyes are responsible for vision and the ability to see the world in all its manifestations. Therefore, the reluctance to see something, the desire to "close your eyes" to any things lead to that. that the eyes “close” and see worse and worse. This happens in those families where, for example, children are upset by the behavior of adults (including those in disadvantaged families). Or if adults stubbornly ignore some problems.

Neck and throat

The neck is responsible for flexibility of thinking and perception of information. Pain in the neck (especially sharp) tells a person that his opinion may not be the only true one. And you need to look around in search of another solution.

The throat helps you defend your interests and opinions. And the feeling of infringement, the lack of time to express one's position, can lead to pain here. Extreme confusion in situations with loved ones leads to colds, and anger can also cause laryngitis.


Back pain tells a person that they lack a support system. Most likely, within himself he feels a lack of support from friends, family and loved ones. Perhaps he should reconsider his ideas and try to get a source of help from them. At the same time, the upper part speaks of low emotional support, the middle part indicates the expectation of some kind of blows or vile deeds, and the lower back and lower back indicate concern for one’s own financial situation.

Lung problems

The lungs give life. And the pain in them indicates that a person is worried about its fullness, he feels that he is not getting everything he can. This is confirmed by the uncertainty of many smokers.


Breast tenderness indicates that you are burdening someone with excessive care. The breast is the main organ of motherhood. And therefore, in case of pain, it is worth letting someone close to you a little further away from you, giving him more will and space.


The heart has always been associated with love, and blood carries joy. Therefore, it is not surprising that a lack of love will lead to pain in the heart, and regular sad days and hours will affect the very condition of the blood. In this case, you need to concentrate more on the love of your family and friends, see it, hear it, understand and accept it, get the joy of being with them.


This organ is the first to receive new ideas, new sensations. The incomprehensibility of the situation and its rejection usually causes nausea and vomiting. Serious illnesses, like an ulcer, indicate an overflow of fear when analyzing the moment and place where you find yourself. Stones in gallbladder(as an organ that is paired with the stomach) they speak of the accumulation of great bitterness due to grievances and lost hopes, frustration of the past. You need to live in the present and get ideas from something new every day.


Pain in the legs indicates that a person doubts the correctness of the path and is afraid to choose a specific direction. After all, it is our legs that lead us forward. Edema and varicose veins declare that a person does not love himself, his life, while not intending to change anything and stagnate in the same place.


Excess weight gives a person additional protection from the troubles of fate. It protects from problems when communicating with the other sex, from many annoying factors. To get rid of extra pounds, you also need to simply want to open up to the world, declare yourself, start working on getting people to like you.

As can be seen from this short text, many diseases can and should be cured simply by the very realization that something is not quite right, you need to change your attitude towards your inner voice. The ability to listen to your body will give you a chance to get rid of most pains and fill your life with colors. You just need to try it.

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Why is traditional medicine sometimes powerless against diseases? Is complete healing possible even in severe cases? Find out what energy healing does!

Why don't illnesses go away?

Most people have a persistent misconception that all diseases can be treated only with medicines. Injections and pills have become almost the only way to influence ailments. Despite the weak result of such treatment, other approaches of conventional medicine are dismissed as false and incorrect.

As a result, many people have to constantly undergo treatment, but health never comes.

The main reason for such limited possibilities of traditional medicine lies in a misunderstanding of the essence of a person, where only his physical component is taken into account.

At the same time, despite the poor results of treatment, doctors still do not allow other possibilities of healing.

Are medications really that effective?

An experiment conducted by doctors speaks about the effectiveness of the benefits of taking medications. This is the so-called placebo effect: during the experiment, one group of subjects was given real medicine, while the other group was offered pacifiers under the guise of medicine.

Much to the doctors' surprise, the group not given the real pills also showed improved health. Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude: the improvement is not associated with taking medications.

Positive dynamics were observed in connection with the ability of the body itself to recover. On this occasion, doctors have a humorous saying: “The flu is cured in seven days if it is treated, but if not, then it goes away in only a week.”

An alternative is energy healing!

Our body has enormous self-healing capabilities.

“Sudden” cases of recovery that cannot be explained by traditional medicine are fully explained from the point of view of bioenergy.

The answer lies in understanding the energetic essence of man and the properties of energy.

Internal energetic changes sometimes weaken accumulated negativity and allow energy blockages to be eliminated, which allows energy to circulate freely in the body. This leads to recovery on the physical plane.

Traditional medicine does not take into account the fact of the harmful effects of negative energies that accumulate in the body over time. While eliminating the symptoms of a disease, conventional treatment methods do not eliminate the underlying cause of its occurrence.

As a result, the disease is suppressed for a while, but does not disappear completely, and when favorable conditions arise, it makes itself felt again. Despite the temporary benefits of drugs, they are often not able to completely heal a person.

What is energy healing based on?

Another approach to treating diseases is based on the fact that a person is not only a physical shell. A person has his own biofield, aura¹, soul; inside the body, along with physiological processes, energy moves.

Without addressing the main cause of the disease, it is impossible to recover and restore health!

Negative energies can cause various physical disorders. There are many reasons for the appearance of negativity, but these energies have a destructive effect on health and cause spasms, pain, paralysis and other physical disorders, which, in turn, lead to even greater disorders in the body.

With vascular spasms, blood supply is disrupted, cells and organs do not receive sufficient nutrition and oxygen, which leads to other disorders. Traditional medicine uses medications to relieve pain and spasms, but does not eliminate the disease itself.

When working with human energy, a healer eliminates negativity (the root cause of the disease) and creates conditions for further energy cleansing person.

Main energetic causes of diseases

  1. Negative energies generated by the person himself.
  2. Negativity resulting from severe trauma.
  3. A dense negative formed when exposed to a severe infection.
  4. Dark entities that have penetrated human energy.
  5. Damage (impact of black magic).
  6. Curses (one's own and others').
  7. Negativity conveyed by another person.

But the important thing is that any negative energies have a harmful effect on human organs and tissues.

Negativity is a very real substance!

Negative energy can be recorded using technical means! Photographs using the Kirlian method clearly show the “protrusion” of negativity from human energy.

Negative energies even have a smell, which means we are talking about a form of matter.

As you develop sensitivity in your hands, it’s easy to feel negative energy in your palms. Even according to some external signs It is possible to diagnose the presence of negative energy in a person.

Pain, cramps and several low temperature body parts are the most common signs of negative energy. For a person with pure energy, the movement of energy occurs unhindered, whereas in the presence of dense negativity, energy can no longer pass through the channels and chakras.

A state of absolute health is the norm for a person; illness is an anomaly. Having eliminated harmful obstacles to the movement of energy, a person immediately returns to normal.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ The human aura - in a number of different esoteric beliefs and Eastern religions - is a manifestation of the soul and spirit of a person (Wikipedia). You can learn more about the aura and methods of its correction

Fighting energy diseases is necessary and, most importantly, possible. Our energy is our second invisible immaterial body.

And it needs protection even more than the biological body, because a person’s quality of life, level of well-being, desire to live and work, ultimately depend on the state of his mental health. Unfortunately, the soul is very vulnerable. Evil eyes, damage and curses are diseases energy system, which often go unnoticed, and we just walk around and complain about the “dark streak” in life and curse the whole world. Meanwhile, such behavior is similar to death. But more on that later. Now let’s take a closer look at the ailments themselves.
The first and most common of them is the evil eye. What happens: by envy, irritation, anger or experiencing other strong negative feelings, someone can influence our biofield, naturally, have a bad influence. This happens most often involuntarily, but negative energy sent by a powerful impulse, as a rule, successfully reaches its addressee, and this is where the problems begin. Keep in mind: such a psychic attack is carried out through an unkind gaze. The body begins to fight foreign negative energy, which, in turn, attracts reserves of negative energy from the subtle world (using our own emotions, resentment towards someone, anger, feelings of melancholy, etc., which inevitably arise as a reaction). As a result, a person becomes lethargic, apathetic, and loses interest in life. As for damage, the matter is more serious. This evil is deliberate, purposeful, and to repel a blow of such powerful force, a person will need a colossal amount of energy. Hence long-term serious illnesses, chronic fatigue, and psychological problems. The fact is that damage, as a clot of powerful negative energy, is capable of not only attracting material evil in the form of failures and illnesses, but it also has sufficient power to cause negative changes in behavior, and with prolonged exposure, the character of the victim itself. In the physical world, plus and minus converge, but in the energetic world, negative attracts negative. A person’s mood, his views, relationships change, we throw out negative energy from ourselves, which, having “wandered” through space, acquires new forms of similar energy and sooner or later will still return to the “owner” according to the boomerang law. Therefore, do not rush to get annoyed, scream, or take offense at someone (even if, in your opinion, it is worth it) - you will make things worse for yourself. Find the strength to understand and feel sorry for the object of your anger. Was your foot stepped on or pushed carelessly? Apparently, the person is in a hurry or very absent-minded - in both cases one can sympathize with him. Have you been showered with contemptuous or envious looks? This person most likely has a serious inferiority complex with all the ensuing consequences. Are you tired of being surrounded by gloomy, indifferent faces without a hint of goodwill? Smile at them, mentally wish them luck - people now have a really hard life, a lot of problems, let at least some of them be lucky today! By doing this, you block evil at the energy level and prevent its growth - snow avalanche as if it suddenly encounters an obstacle and falls apart. Moreover, you accustom yourself to think positively, pour out positive energy into a single information field and create the prerequisites for attracting the appropriate type of information. Remember: in the world of things, they really “do not seek good from good,” but in the ideal world, good turns into good, and evil turns into evil. Give as many sincere (!) kind thoughts, words, deeds as possible and you will see how amazingly your life and, most importantly, your mood will change. It is impossible to look at the world gloomily without at least once feeling like a generator of good! We cannot ignore this type of external energy influence such as programming. It comes in two types: positive and negative. The essence of programming is that someone else’s stable complexes of views, moods, and worldview systems are entered into our consciousness. The simplest example: finding yourself in a company of crying losers, a person, after talking for an hour or two “on their wavelength,” becomes infected with pessimistic views. With prolonged exposure of this kind, programming occurs, i.e. breaking the old perception of the world and values ​​and forming principles determined by the program.
This “illness” is dangerous because a person is not aware of the changes taking place in him, does not understand that he is no longer in control of himself, that his thoughts and way of acting in fact no longer belong to him, but represent something unusual for him. A “programmed” person will quit his favorite job for a prestigious one, break up with a loved one to please public opinion, will be afraid to help the girl, because this is not accepted in his company, etc. To be fair, it should be mentioned that there is also positive programming. This is a kind of replenishment of energy, a charge of optimism, love for people and self-confidence, received from rarely encountered mentally healthy + balanced + self-confident + good people. Of course, in this case, a person is also instilled with views that are not inherent to him (i.e., a violent change of consciousness occurs), but the difference is that these views do not destroy the personality, do not create disharmony in the relationship of the individual with reality, and do not contribute to the spread and multiplication of evil. What can be recommended as a preventive measure for energy ailments? Practical magic has developed a number of techniques to prevent and neutralize the evil eye and damage. Here are some of them: Acquire a mirror on your date of birth (not to be confused with your birthday!) before noon on the growing moon (round - for women, rectangular - for men). At noon on the same day, hold the mirror to your lips and, as you exhale, say three times: “Bought as ordered. Reflect what you know what.” After that, place a mirror in the area of ​​the 4th energy center (in the chest cavity) with a reflection from yourself and wear it. “Dirty” energy will no longer harm you. If you have trouble sleeping, then before going to bed, put the same mirror under the pillow in the place where the head will be, the reflective surface down. You can rest easy. WITH reverse side Pin any outerwear with a safety pin, point down, after keeping it in the eastern corner of the house for three days or one day behind the icon. Remember: the most suitable time for organizing any psychic attack is morning and evening dawns, noon and all the time while the Black Moon (new moon) prevails. On such days, avoid lingering at intersections, explaining to strangers how to get somewhere, conflicts and quarrels, and after sunset, pick up sharp and piercing objects as little as possible, be extremely careful when handling fire, boiling water, electric current, acids and so on. (there is an increased risk of injury!). In general, we strongly recommend a positive attitude and a kind attitude towards the world as a guarantee that you are able to resist any negative influence. Do something interesting, help someone, learn something new and interesting, in a word, feel needed, significant, unique. Tell yourself once and for all that life is beautiful in any case. Watch the movie of the same name. Imagine how you would feel if you learned that you were terminally ill and would soon die; How would your attitude to pressing problems, to what causes grief, to life in general change? Draw positive emotions from wherever you can. Enjoy life. And avoid those who are always “not doing well.”

Negative energy is the root cause of disease

The habit of negative thinking is the most destructive to health. We are talking not only about anger and anger, but also about fears, worries, stress and other negative states. And although diseases do not appear immediately, sometimes even after many years, you can get rid of ailments only by cleansing your energy structure. But when everything is already neglected and polluted, this is much more difficult to do.

Being long time in a depressed state of the Spirit, a person cannot get rid of negative energies, which leads to illness.

It is much more correct not to pollute the structure of your subtle body in the first place. This will then allow you not to spend months, or even years, on cleansing your energy.

You can determine for yourself whether the structure of the subtle body is contaminated or not by a number of signs:

Lower temperature different parts body

Muscle spasms

If the structure is contaminated with negative energy, then when you feel the channels with your hands, you can feel cold areas under the skin.

A sign of contamination of the lower energy distributor is pain that appears when pressing on the abdomen. And cold hands are a sign of contamination of the upper energy distributor.

However, the very physical illness - a clear sign that the structure of the subtle body is polluted.

All impurities and problem areas are visible in the aura images. Gaps and irregularities in the biofield occur precisely in places of contamination with negative energy. It is based on these disorders that healers who “heal” with their hands identify diseases and treat ailments. To be fair, I will say that treatment can be effective, but it can also be ineffective. The fact is that the pinnacle in healing people is Spiritual healing, which can only be achieved by recognizing God within oneself through Love. There are very few such healers who possess special spiritual energy that simply neutralizes any causes of human illness. They differ from ordinary people in the level of Spirituality - the high energy of Spirit and Love they emit.

It is possible to protect yourself from diseases and get rid of already acquired ailments. But for this it is necessary to fully realize, understand and believe that negative thinking is harmful to physical health. And then, step by step, move towards healing.

Take the first step - analyze your thoughts and emotions. Remember what you thought about today, what you experienced during the day. Think about what kind of energy it is: nourishing and giving health, or polluting the structure of the subtle body and leading to diseases? Realize that negative thinking will not change the situation. But you can change your attitude towards what is happening. Understand that no one will save you from negative thinking and condition, only you yourself can do this by working on yourself and disciplining yourself every day.

In contrast to negative states, positive ones provide positive energies. These are high and subtle energies that do not harm the structure of the subtle body and purify it. According to the laws of energy, the higher and subtler energy is always stronger than the negative one, therefore, when they interact, the negative is gradually “erased.”

As evidence, I will cite a case where a person fell ill with cancer four times, but each time he cured himself with laughter therapy, watching comedies and cartoons. This example shows the invaluable health benefits of positive thinking.

It is the spiritual essence that nourishes the structure of the subtle body, that is, fills the life of the person himself, all cells and organs. And your health depends on this nutrition.

Negative thinking not only leads to illness, but also alienates a person from God, from his divine essence. Of course, going down is easier than climbing up, but this is the only correct path, the path of spiritual development of one's eternal essence - Soul and Spirit. And this is not just a path to health and happiness. This is the meaning of life. Self-improvement and development of one’s spiritual essence is what is most important! To fill the cells of Co-Knowledge with energy-knowledge and to increase the level of Spirit's energies - that's what one should strive for.

If you raise your vibrations to the level of the Spirit of Love, all illnesses will become a thing of the past. As they say, “a healthy mind in a healthy body.”

When the high energy of Love lives in you, all negative vibrations simply cannot appear, which means that all ailments and illnesses will bypass you.

But how to rise to the level of vibration of Love? Only by sincerely striving for Love, for example, for another person or God. The very desire for Love is a desire for God and it does not go unnoticed.

Prayer is one of the important and effective ways raising the vibrations of the Spirit. Many cases of healing through prayer are known, although this sometimes takes months, and sometimes years.

The key to all miraculous healings is the cleansing of the subtle body from negative energies, which are the cause of diseases. While a person is trying to influence physical body with the help of drugs, the result will be weak.

It is with the pollution of the structure of the subtle body that the main number of diseases is associated.

You can come to a solution to health problems if you take as a basis the fact that the Soul and the structure of the subtle body are primary, and the body is secondary, if you understand that ailments appear due to energy disturbances. For anyone who has realized this, the road is open to understanding the essence of miraculous healings. And this essence is that in order to cure an illness, it is necessary to clean the structure of the subtle body using the influence of positive energies.

High positive vibrations are always stronger than negative ones, so when they collide, low energy loses, which leads to purification and healing. Moreover, the higher vibrations a person produces, the faster the cleansing from negative energies occurs, and the sooner a person gets rid of ailments. Of course, the path to health is sometimes not close, but knowing your inner essence and the mechanism of recovery, you can follow it step by step, realizing that protection from all diseases lies within ourselves, and not in a miracle pill.

Everyone knows that with age, diseases only increase. Many people take this for granted as the essence of life. But illnesses are actually an anomaly that people pass off as normal. But what kind of norm is this if one drinks and smokes, but does not get sick, while the other leads healthy lifestyle life, and illnesses “mow down” him one after another. Illnesses, according to some incomprehensible laws, come to one and bypass the other. Why? It is impossible not to notice the connection between diseases and negative conditions, although many people do not admit the idea that the cause of most health problems is bad emotions and bad thoughts. But that's just the way it is. In long-term negative states, all negative messages from a person are rejected by the Universe and return to him through those chakras of the subtle body in which the imbalance occurred.

What happens? The structure of the subtle body “chokes” with negative energies and drowns in them. Clogging occurs, which leads to the fact that certain organs do not receive the necessary energy. But most importantly, negativity begins to affect our health. To counter this, it is important to understand the impact of energy on health. Since the properties of negative energies can be different, they cause a variety of disorders in the body. For example, spasm of the vessels supplying the heart leads to a heart attack. We can go on and on about the consequences of the influence of negative energies on health, but it is much more important to eliminate this factor of influence.

This is known to healers, who just need to hold their hand over a person’s heart for a few minutes to remove the stuck charge of negative energy and thereby, to the surprise of the patient, relieve both spasm and pain. In this case, nothing supernatural happens, the impact of the energy plan is simply carried out. The growth of diseases of cardio-vascular system is caused by an increasingly stressful and intense life in people, which leads to accelerated contamination of the structure of the subtle body.

Traditional medicine is now at a dead end, although it is in no hurry to admit it, from time to time loudly declaring the invention of one or another panacea, which turns out to be another fiction. What led her to a dead end was the doctors' approach to illnesses as exclusively physical ailments. They relieve pain or spasms with medications only temporarily, but do not cure the disease. This approach does not work with serious diseases, which confirm the impotence of traditional medicine and justify people turning to healers in the hope of a cure.

When people can finally understand the importance of discipline of thoughts and emotions, then they will not need drugs.
