Mass events are divided into the following groups. Holding holidays, events and festivals

Any event has a form and content. And, of course, every event has a name. If you make a list of events that are held today, you get a list of several hundred items. But a careful study of this list reveals that, with all the variety of names, most of the events are based on the same forms. Events of various forms often contain the same content. For example, the "auction of historical knowledge" and "auction of geographical knowledge" are the same form filled with different content. And "environmental erudite" and "ecological landing" are two completely different forms with similar content.

After all, for successful events, you just need to know existing forms and be able to fill these forms every time with the necessary content;

All events are organized according to one technology, according to one algorithm (a certain sequence of actions), which varies depending on the form of the event.

Stages of organizing an event.

1. Preliminary work of the organizer.

Preliminary work begins with the collection of information necessary for planning in the future. This is the clarification of financial issues, organizational, the formation of an organizational group, the preparation of the necessary documents.

2. Collective planning.

An action plan is being written. It includes the distribution of responsibilities in the team. It is impossible to make a good event alone. Proper distribution of responsibilities will help not only the organizers in holding the event, but will also provide an opportunity to work out all areas of activity more carefully.

3. Collective preparation.

Elaboration by directions includes an analysis of all possible needs and risks. It is important to take into account all the circumstances of the organization of your direction. It is also important to coordinate your actions with other areas in order to take into account all the changes that may occur in the process of work.

4. Holding an event.

For the event, you need to recruit as many people as you need. You should not "save" on those responsible for lighting design, on people who know how to competently work with a projector, on stage workers, on duty in the hall and on many other people who will help you make the event top marks.

5. Summing up (analysis of the case).

This item is necessary not only for the head of the event, but for all participants. Summing up can be carried out in various forms. For example, it could be a discussion or a survey. The form of analysis of the event is chosen by the manager at his discretion, and depending on what results he needs to get. So, for example, when questioning, you can find out those questions that not all participants can openly answer. You can also combine various forms for more information about the past event.

Here is a list of standard questions that can be included in a survey.

 What did you like?

 What worked especially well?

 What could have been done better?

 What to consider next time?

 What did not work and why?

 What do we propose for the future?

Event Forms

The Kostroma Pedagogical School proposes, as a basis for the typology, the methods of movement of participants. In this case, there are three main types of forms: static, static-dynamic, dynamic-static. Examples static forms(performances) are a line, a rally, a KVN, a concert, a performance, a lecture, a frontal conversation (including a meeting, a planning meeting, a team meeting), watching a movie, video, TV movie. Let us briefly characterize these forms.

1. Ruler - a ritual performance involving the construction of participants on any site. Line up is of secondary importance. The functions of the subjects of interaction are as follows: the leader of the line (is in the center of attention), speakers (with monologues or short performances come to the center of attention), spectators, performers of ritual actions. The content of the interaction is the formation of an emotional-value attitude to something and the receipt of any information. It is important to note that the origin of the line is associated with the formation of troops.

2. A rally is a performance that involves the demonstration of certain views, positions in the form of monologue speeches by individual speakers.

3. Performance - a performance involving a demonstration by the performers for the audience of a holistic theatrical action.

Varieties of the performance are an oral magazine (newspaper), performance of the propaganda team. This is a representation of some information ( actual problems) in artistic form. The performance involves the implementation by the participants of such functions as actors (speakers) and spectators. In the theatrical scenario - the play, the development of the plot is laid down: the plot, the ascent, the climax, the denouement. Therefore, the organizer should take into account the emotionally meaningful algorithm laid down by the play.

4. Concert - a performance involving a demonstration of artistic performances by the performers for the audience (dances, songs, theatrical miniatures, etc.).

5. Lecture - a presentation that involves the presentation in the form of a monologue of a set of views on any subject.

6. Frontal conversation (including "Meeting with an interesting person", "Eagle Light") - a specially organized dialogue during which the leader leads the exchange of views on any issue (problem). Frontal conversation can be organized using the game. For example, lesson (“Creativity Lesson”, “Fantasy Lesson”, etc.) imitates a school lesson, where the leader plays the role of a teacher, the rest of the participants are students; the rules of such a game correspond to the rules of a regular school lesson.

7. Dispute - a specially organized presentation, involving a demonstrative clash of opinions on any issue (problem).

8. Discussion (including a meeting, planning meeting, team meeting) - a specially organized exchange of views on any issue, problem in order to obtain an information product in the form of a solution.

9. Watching a movie, video, TV movie, performance - a performance during which the participants are shown a spectacle prepared by professionals. In this form, there is only one function of the subjects of interaction - the viewer.

10. Performance-competition (competition) - a performance that involves demonstrating to the audience a competition between participants in something. Varieties: competitive program on the stage, sports games on the site. This form is quite popular (KVN, knightly tournament). Sport games can be both traditional and playful.

All these forms are united by the fact that the organization of space in them implies a pronounced center of attention (stage, tribune, sports ground, etc.), the nature of the actions of the participants is determined by their functions as speakers or spectators, even if these functions are exchanged during the action.

The second type of form static-dynamic. This type includes a fair, a subbotnik, making an exhibition, newspapers, preparing for a presentation in a circle, a situational role-playing game, an evening of communication in an impromptu cafe, and a productive game.

A characteristic feature of this type of form is that there is no single focus here. The centers of attention are scattered around the site, and each participant can choose them according to their taste, or the center of attention moves according to the algorithm of this form.

11. Fair (folk festival) - a joint entertainment deployed on a specific site, involving the involvement of participants in various attractions.

The fair has:

 Free movement of participants throughout the space where the rides are located. Engagement in attractions is usually provided in the traditional way: tokens are issued for participation, which can be exchanged for something tasty or healthy. Can be unfolded and whole economic game. You can spend your tokens, getting word cards for them. The one who can collect a whole phrase or several phrases from the received words becomes the winner and receives a special prize.

 An attraction is a specific competition that does not require special skills and a long time to complete the task.

 The fair begins with a general meeting, where the rules of the game are explained, prizes that await the participant who has collected the most tokens can be named.

 The final of the fair can be held in the form of an auction - a sale, where participants buy memorable prizes and souvenirs for the remaining tokens.

Fair includes:

 General collection, which may be accompanied by a line, a carnival procession;

 Free movement of participants on the site;

 Free choice of attraction and participation in it;

 Final collection, with and without auction.

12. Subbotnik (labor action) - limited in place and time, specially organized subject-practical labor activity of people.

13. Production of an exhibition (newspapers, books, chronicles, etc.) - a specially organized activity for the creation of exhibits or an information product for subsequent demonstration.

14. Preparation for the presentation - a specially organized joint activity for inventing, developing and implementing the concept of any presentation. Each stage can be singled out as a separate form of work.

15. Performance in a circle - a ritual entertainment that unfolds around an object (Christmas tree, fire, etc.), involving the movement of participants in a circle.

16. A situational role-playing game is a specially organized competition in solving interaction problems and in simulating the substantive actions of participants performing strictly specified roles in a fictional situation, regulated by the rules of the game.

17. An evening of communication in an impromptu cafe - entertainment specially organized on one site that imitates a feast. Varieties: "party", "gatherings", "salon", "club", "reception", "assembly".

18. Productive (innovative) game - a joint activity to create an information product that involves the exchange of views. Including their specially organized collision, demonstration of intermediate results. As a rule, the productive game algorithm includes the following procedures: general gathering-start (statement of the problem, explanation of the rules), work in groups, general gathering-finish (summing up).

19. Dance program - disco with competitions, prizes.

All forms of events listed above have long and firmly established themselves in our work. And all of us at least once held or participated in such events.

Invite young people to work, create initiative groups, combine various forms, experiment with the content of your events. Let them be unique and bright!

Mass leisure event is effective tool, an important tool of social communication between all subjects of social life: business, authorities, mass media, organized and unorganized public.

Mass leisure activities have always occupied one of the important places in the system of education and organization of leisure, characteristic of each historical era.

Today we are witnessing a qualitatively new stage in the development of culture and leisure. Cultural and educational work has been replaced by cultural and leisure activities, the very idea of ​​which characterizes the processes developing in the sphere of free time: democratic ways and means of organizing mass actions, alternative management decisions, pluralism in the discussion of emerging problems, lively and direct participation of the population in the implementation of cultural projects and programs. Thus, the nature and functions of mass holidays have changed significantly Tulchinsky G.L. PR firms: technology and efficiency. - St. Petersburg: "Vershina", 2006.

In a democratic society, relatively developed market relations, the technology of preparing and holding mass holidays is changing significantly. Mass leisure activities are increasingly becoming a form of self-organization and self-expression of various social forces and social actors.

In the modern mass information society with his lifestyle mass culture, formed and broadcast primarily by means of mass communications, the situation is changing radically. In this regard, the idea of ​​a special event as a news occasion was developed in the world theory and practice of public relations. In the most active way, mass leisure events are used in modern political culture, in PR, electoral technologies, etc.

For the organizer, a modern mass holiday is a complex complex in which artistic, psychological, aesthetic, pedagogical, political, professional organizational competencies and technologies are closely intertwined.

A mass event is a meeting of people planned in advance and determined by place, time, number of participants and reasons, which has the character of a holiday, cultural or advertising event, or a business meeting Chumikov A.N., Bocharov M, P. Public Relations: Theory and Practice . Proc. allowance / A.N. Chumikov, M.P. Bocharov M.: Delo, 2004. - 496 p.

Depending on the purpose and nature, the following types can be distinguished mass events:

  • 1. Cultural - sports and entertainment: concerts, festive performances, sports competitions, mass celebrations;
  • 2. Advertising, commercial and charitable: fairs, presentations, sales, charity events to raise funds for various purposes;
  • 3. Business events: seminars, business receptions, meetings, meetings of shareholders, etc.;
  • 4. Special events: these include a variety of ceremonies, anniversaries, weddings and other celebrations.

Types of mass events:

socio-political (congresses, symposiums, conferences);

cultural events (festivals, festivities);

sports (spartakiads, sports matches, Olympiads).

By importance:



By way of occurrence:




in buildings, structures;

in open area.

By frequency:


periodic Chumikov A.N. Actual public relations: sphere, genesis, technologies, applications, structures / A.N. Chumikov, M.P. Bocharov. - M.: Yurayt-Izdat. 2009. - 721 p.

Possibility of participation:


limited by the number of participants or social status.

Also, mass leisure events are divided into: exhibitions, fairs, concerts, club days, competitive events - competitions, contests, festivals, olympiads, etc.

The following types of events can be distinguished:

  • 1. Religious holidays. Orthodox holidays date back to the days of the Old Testament. These include the holidays that got their start in the New Testament time. Each of them is dedicated to the memory of the most important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God or the memory of saints. The most famous religious holidays in our country include Easter and Christmas.
  • 2. Pagan holidays.

Despite the fact that Christianity has been the state religion in our country for more than a thousand years, pagan holidays are still very popular. Any Tradition is expressed in the most finished form in the calendar; it contains the most important thing that every nation knows about time and eternity. The most popular pagan holiday in Russia is Maslenitsa.

3. Private holidays.

These holidays are held within the framework of any family. This includes holidays such as weddings, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, anniversaries.

4. Corporate holidays.

Among the various types of holidays, the corporate one is the youngest. The first corporate holidays appeared in the early 1990s. These holidays are arranged within the framework of any organization for its employees. Corporate holidays are an important part of corporate culture and have a significant impact on employee motivation. You should not choose the birthday of the founding father of the company as an occasion for a corporate celebration (unless it is a "one person" company) or, significant date church calendar. The less personal the occasion for celebration, the better. An example of corporate holidays can be the celebration of the day of the company, the corporate New Year.

5. Children's holidays.

Mass practice is characterized by a wide variety of forms of holding children's holidays, the number of which is constantly growing. Of these, the most common are: festivals, theatrical performances, thematic days and weeks, festive ceremonies and rituals, performances, presentations, balls, carnivals, processions, reviews, competitions, olympiads, anniversaries, KVN, matinees, lines, evenings, concerts, etc. All of them, as a rule, constitute an integral part of cultural and leisure activities in working with children. Social holidays are usually aimed at attracting the attention of the public, the government, the media to a topical issue. An example of social holidays can be such as "Family Day", "Children's Day", etc. Public relations. Public relations in business. / Ed. E.A. Utkin. - M.: Tandem, 2001. - 180 p.

A more acceptable principle for classifying mass holidays is a classification according to the type of a festive situation, since it consists of several characteristics and is determined by a complex of the main features of a mass holiday.

The most significant of them - the social significance and scale of the festive event - become the main ones in the classification of holidays. However, the scale of the festive event does not in itself create social significance, just as it does not create a festive situation.

It is necessary to consider the social significance, or scale, in combination with at least one more essential side of the festive situation - the need for broad social communication, which determines the boundaries of the celebrating community.

The scale of the celebrated event and the celebrating community in the complex give us the most universal principle for classifying the holiday.

Using this principle, we can define three main groups of holidays in our country.

The first group is the general holidays corresponding to the most large-scale, big events. These are, first of all, the great holidays of our country, which have worldwide - historical meaning, epochal events of history and our days, turning points in nature. The social community celebrating such an event is essentially limitless - it is all Russian people, all mankind. A general holiday consists of a number of specific festive actions of individual social groups: workers, intelligentsia, youth, ethnographic and territorial communities, various groups, driven by a single impulse.

The second group is local holidays, caused by an event that is important for a certain celebrating community.

This is the most mobile, diverse layer of holidays. This includes holidays by profession, and holidays of individual age groups, and holidays of individual Russian cities and villages, labor collectives, educational institutions, and many others - in each specific case, the scale of the event determines the scale of the celebrated community.

The third group of holidays includes: personal, caused by an event that is important for an individual, family, group of people. A personal holiday very often takes the form of a ritual that requires mandatory personification.

Within each species, a huge number of gradations are possible, in particular in terms of content and type of community. In addition, the boundaries of the holidays are extremely mobile, so any celebrating community becomes a bright, festive spectacle for the rest of the mass of people, evokes similar emotions in them and introduces them to the holiday. The evolution of our psyche is largely due to the holidays that accompanied the history of human civilization. We owe the special emotional influence of the holidays on a person to the rituals and attributes of the holidays, and, most of all, to fire. cosmic entity fire is connected with its inseparability from lightning, stars, light - the Sun. It is no accident that the appearance of such an indispensable attribute of especially significant holidays as modern fireworks. The celebration of such holidays that have come down to us from the depths of time, such as Kolyada, Christmas time, Shrovetide, is associated with rituals. Although, of course, today there are much more holiday options than our ancestors had.

Modern mass events are an expression of social activity, a way for the population to organize their leisure time, meet spiritual and cultural needs, participate in public processes And political life, initiation to sports and art. In people's lives there is a large number of all kinds of public events: from wedding ceremonies to street processions, from theatrical performances to widespread folk festivals. A separate mass event, at times, can amaze with its scale and scope.

Classification of mass events

Mass events can be classified as follows:

According to goals and objectives:

  • cultural;
  • sports;
  • spectacular;
  • advertising and commercial: trade fairs, presentations, sales;
  • business receptions and meetings: meetings, receptions, receptions, etc.;
  • spiritual: prayers, processions and others.
  • public: conferences, congresses and symposiums;
  • political: meetings, meetings, receptions, and so on.
  • cultural: folk festivals, festivals;
  • sports;
  • event-related: exhibitions, shows, etc.;

By importance:

  • international;
  • state;
  • regional;
  • local;
  • local;
  • private.

By way of occurrence:

  • pre-prepared, planned;
  • natural.


  • in rooms and special structures;
  • on the ground (within the boundaries of the settlement, outside it).

By frequency:

  • everyday;
  • seasonal;
  • periodic;
  • one-time.

By availability:

  • free access;
  • with restrictions (for example, closed club events).

By security level:

  • the highest category (with the presence of high-ranking state or foreign persons);
  • the first category (with the participation of officials of regional significance, famous people);
  • the second category (without VIP participation).

Organization and preparation of a mass event

Organization of mass events is a complex and responsible task. Organizational skills alone will obviously not be enough. It will require versatile knowledge, sufficient experience, well-developed intuition and foresight, as well as a considerable amount of money, depending on the grandiosity of the plan.

When organizing any event, you should know and remember that “at the forefront” is always the law. So that the planned mass event does not turn into disaster, you need to follow the letter of the law, clearly comply with all current requirements enshrined in law, follow certain rules and recommendations.

A gathering of people is like water flow- under normal conditions, it flows along the channel, but when the elements are rampant, it is able to “overflow”, sweeping away and destroying everything in its path. People are emotional, they are able to panic, fear of something will not leave a person in a serene state.

Therefore, when organizing mass events, you need to be able to foresee a lot, first of all, to ensure the safety of all participants. And then think about how to make their pastime as comfortable as possible. And only the last thing to do is to calculate your planned profit (if the event is commercial in nature).

Holding mass events can bring great profits if properly organized and prepared, but can also cause serious financial damage if mistakes are made during the preparatory phase.

The legislative framework

The organization of mass events is regulated by the current Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the federal and regional levels. Laws governing the organization and conduct of events (mass): the main law is 54-FZ (19.06.2004) in the latest edition,

Venue selection

A mass event can be held in any area suitable for this purpose. The most popular places for mass events:

  • premises;
  • structures;
  • streets;
  • area;
  • sports arenas;
  • parks;
  • squares;
  • suburban areas and more.

In a nutshell, anywhere. With a single "if". If it is not prohibited by law and does not create a security risk.

Legislative restrictions on the choice of venue

There are certain places where events are initially prohibited. It doesn’t even make sense to coordinate this issue with representatives of the territorial administration, since the fact of their resolution will be a gross violation official duties and therefore a violation of the law. This entails an inevitable punishment - from "put in a corner" to "put on a bunk." So, under the prohibition of the territory located near:

  • hazardous production facilities and other facilities with increased safety requirements;
  • overpasses;
  • oil pipelines;
  • gas pipelines;
  • power lines, high-voltage stations;
  • television and radio towers;
  • military units;
  • correctional and other institutions;
  • playgrounds.

As well as a number of other territories specified in the Federal Law.

Public events

There is a concept of "public event". described in detail in 54-FZ. It is characterized as an open, accessible and peaceful assembly (action) of people organized by a person or a group of people or a public organization, political party, religious society. The goals of such an event can be different: the implementation of the guaranteed right to freedom of speech and expression of one's attitude about something, the announcement of demands, the discussion of social issues, politics and economics, and much more. There are five main types of public events:

  • assembly, rally;
  • demonstration, procession;
  • picketing.

In the role of the organizers of this event can not be: minors and incapacitated. As well as representatives of parties and organizations banned in the Russian Federation, religious communities, etc. Mass events of this form cannot be started earlier than seven in the morning and end later than twenty-three hours (local time).

Cultural events

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits that cultural events bring. Their main purpose is spiritual development society. Such activities have a number of directions:

  • hedonistic, which is an entertaining character that helps to entertain people, temporarily distract from everyday problems, charge with positive and give free rein to bright emotional outbursts;
  • educational, contributing to the acquisition of new useful knowledge, broadening the horizons, and self-education of the population;
  • developing, aimed at the formation of aesthetic tastes, improvement of creative abilities;
  • educational, instilling self-organization, forming a system of spiritual values;
  • social, giving an incentive to social activity;
  • artistic and creative, introducing to the cultural and creative process.

Cultural events are festivals, reviews, competitions (regional and federal levels, as well as international ones), entertainment festive events, thematic concerts, educational programs, exhibitions, fairs and much, much more.

Sports events

Sports competitions, physical culture and mass events are evidence that society is involved in the process of physical development and improvement, striving for new sports achievements. Mass sports events held on the territory of Russia are diverse and impress with their scale.

These are professional competitions in almost all known species sports and recreational activities various levels and all kinds of directions. As they say, there would be only a wish. Opportunities and favorable conditions to engage in professional sports and physical culture - more than enough. physical development much attention in Russia. And this is no coincidence.

The health of the nation is a paramount state task

Human health is a set of indicators of his physical, spiritual and psychological state. Physical Culture- one of the components of human culture. Fair popular expression, borrowed from Latin (Decim Junius Juvenal), - “in healthy body- a healthy mind.

How many countries can boast that their leader "chases the puck" on the ice or wrestles on the mat? Many leaders are able to stay on a horse? Not to mention that without a saddle. These lines are far from political and other propaganda. Usual statement of facts.

The point is something else. Run Day, Walking Day, Swimming Day, gymnastics and so on. You can enumerate and enumerate. Mass sports events for children and adults, families and the elderly, "Leather Ball", "Golden Puck" - this is just a list of the most famous and popular events that Russians love. And how many of these remain "behind the scenes"? A bunch of.

Mass runs, cross-country skiing, swims in the pool and on open water, hiking trips, kayaking, mass descents on skiing, you can’t list everything, even if you set a goal. This isn't an advertisement, is it? Isn't this pride in the nation (a figurative expression that should be understood as the entire multinational Russian people)?

Carrying out the typology of the modern socio-cultural technological complex, we partially relied on the one proposed by A.V. Sokolov the structure of the modern socio-cultural system.

In the structure of socio-cultural technologies, there are three main groups:

  • 1) traditional technologies that together constitute the cultural heritage of the past;
  • 2) elite technologies that are created, stored, used and replicated by the cultural elite;
  • 3) mass technologies designed for mass socio-cultural communities, for their inherent manifestations of the mass mentality.

A cultural event in all its diversity and all varieties is an unusually complex cultural phenomenon. Its complexity can be judged at least by the fact that over the past 100 years, approaches to its organization have varied repeatedly. How to get the most out of a cultural event? It is quite natural that there is no single model and cannot be. But there is a common methodological problem: we often forget that there are no trifles in the club business. Each technique and each cultural and leisure technology must be comprehended comprehensively.

A mass event is a pre-planned and determined by place, time, number of participants and reasons, a gathering of people that has the character of a holiday, cultural or promotional event, or business meeting.

Depending on the goals and objectives, mass events can be divided into the following types:

  • 1. Cultural, sports and entertainment: concerts, sports competitions, festive performances.
  • 2. Advertising and commercial (fairs, presentations, sales, etc.).
  • 3. Business meetings and receptions of business partners (meetings of shareholders, as well as other meetings and receptions held in the form of a buffet, buffet or cocktail).
  • 4. Other mass events: these include weddings, banquets and meetings on the occasion of various anniversaries, celebrations.
  • - organization of an exhibition exposition of several dozen firms with samples of their products and advertising of their services;
  • - conducting a presentation of companies during the fair, which consists in presenting a company or its new product;
  • - short speeches by the heads of firms and their leading specialists, in which the guests of the exhibition or presentation are offered the results and plans for the activities of the company and its products;
  • - holding a sale of fair samples and a certain number of products and products of the company;
  • - supplementing the business part of the fair and the presentation with an entertainment program, concert performances and treats for guests.

Particular methods of socio-cultural activity include methods of mass, group and individual forms of influence.

Mastering the methodology for preparing and conducting mass forms of socio-cultural activity determines the level of creative and organizational abilities of specialists, because mass forms are the most time-consuming and difficult to organize and conduct.

Mass forms of socio-cultural activities are active, are effective way formation of public opinion. In each mass form of socio-cultural activity, there are 4 main components of the methodology; content, composition, a set of means of artistic influence, the audience and its location in space.

Holidays are associated with mass character, big amount of people. Mass forms involve a large number of people simultaneously and equally participating in the educational, recreational activities of a leisure institution.

Characteristics mass audience:

  • - The composition of the mass audience is unstable, it changes from event to event even during one action.
  • - With a significant similarity of aspirations and interests of the mass audience, it consists of people who are noticeably different from each other. Even a relatively homogeneous audience (high school students' evenings, professional holidays) brings together people of different tastes, inclinations, and interests.
  • - In general, the publicity factor is favorable for a formative impact, but imposes some restrictions, so in the content of mass forms, priority should be given to issues, topics that affect general look, feelings.

Organizational and methodological features of mass events: the popularity of the presentation of facts, the means and methods of activating the audience should have a strong emotional coloring, episodes are carefully developed, which are built on common actions gathered, on a vivid manifestation of common feelings.

The audience of mass events must be purposefully formed. Only in some cases (holidays, festivities, fairs) everyone is invited.

The mass form has an upper and lower limit depending on the form of the event, (for example: the audience of the dispute must be large so that different points of view are presented. But by gathering too large an audience, you can disrupt the dispute, everyone will not express their opinion) Stabilization of the mass audience should be subject of constant concern. If the event was dry, formal, then at the next meeting you will again deal with an unstable audience.

Forms of mass audience organization:

  • - lectures, reports, information; conferences;
  • - excursions, concerts, performances, disputes;
  • - evenings of rest, mass holidays, processions, demonstrations;
  • - mass celebrations, carnivals, auctions;
  • - festivals, disco, competitions, intellectual game programs;
  • - show programs.

Group forms of work.

The obvious difference between group forms and mass forms is the number, but this is not main feature. It is difficult to draw the exact line (a lecture for 25 and a conversation for 25 people).

Signs of group forms of work:

  • - The composition is characterized by significant homogeneity (education, age), common interests.
  • - an important indicator - the individual characteristics of people, the main thing is their socio-psychological attitude (likes and dislikes, leadership)
  • - mass forms create favorable conditions for the manifestation of emotions, then group forms of work are aimed primarily at cognitive interests, search, creative forms of activity.
  • - group forms arise, as a rule, on the basis of professional or age interests (the specifics of local conditions matter);
  • - group forms provide an opportunity for contact of each with each. It is easier to overcome the barrier of uncertainty in their abilities.

The methodology for preparing group forms of socio-cultural activity is characterized, first of all, by the special ease of the atmosphere, communication with each other. When preparing the planned program, it is important to ensure that its content and form correspond to the real possibilities of a cultural institution, because the method of group forms requires accurate accounting of premises, equipment, inventory, and the availability of material resources.

The methodology for preparing group forms involves: studying the patterns of the creative process in creative teams and amateur associations.

The methodology of group forms has a structure that, by combining public and personal interests, creates an optimal microclimate, contributes to the education of team members, and allows to ensure the general direction of the content of the participants' activities. When organizing group forms of work, it is necessary to take into account: national, age, professional characteristics.

A team artistic creativity and amateur associations, participants realize their creative potential through joint creative and socially useful activities. Public reports on the results of their work and the possibility of evaluation by viewers. The combination of educational, creative and social tasks contributes to the creation of "one's own" psychological atmosphere in the team. A significant place in the activities of such groups is occupied by the holding of concerts, festivals, competitions, reviews. An analysis of the activities of creative associations shows that the level of content of their classes is significantly high, they often act as subjects technological process. In associations, there is an interchange of knowledge, skills and abilities of participants.

Group forms of organization:

  • - conversation, consultation, creative meeting, quiz,
  • - club associations, creative teams;
  • - teams of scientific and technical creativity,
  • - mugs of applied art.

Initiative groups:

Club lounge, music room, business games, auction.

Combination of mass and group forms of work:

A rational combination of mass and group forms of work can not only expand the reach of the audience, but also enrich the impact on visitors. The sequential inclusion of the same people either in group or in mass forms of work can go in 2 main options:

"From the Group to the Masses" The success of many holidays, contests, disputes, concerts to a decisive extent depends on the bright emotional reactions of the audience, on the preparation of the organizers, participants in amateur performances.

The method "from mass to group" the main task of this method is to stabilize the interest of the group and further include them in the active life of the institution.

A private method of individual influence in cultural and leisure institutions involves: a conscious, purposeful impact on each individual in order to reveal his inner world, identify his spiritual needs and interests. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account:

  • - social, national features;
  • - psychological and emotional traits;
  • - age and demographic data;
  • - educational and professional qualities of the individual.

The technique of individual influence on a person brings the greatest effectiveness when it is based on a differentiated approach to different types personality.

A necessary condition for the methodology of individual influence is also the creation of conditions in cultural and leisure institutions to meet the daily interests and requests of visitors. The visitor should always find in cultural and leisure institutions something that he may be interested in: chatting with friends in a cozy atmosphere, billiard rooms, game rooms, cafes, a reading room, a computer room, Gym and (unorganized leisure). One of the forms of individual work is the creation of an information desk on the basis of cultural and leisure institutions (work schedule, selection of consultants on duty, a register of incoming questions). As consultants can be: lawyers, psychologists, teachers, doctors, employees of state bodies , department of social security) A significant place in the methodology of the SKD is occupied by individual classes, which are held by groups of amateur art, (circles of applied art - carving, embossing, embroidery)

Conclusion: the methodology of individual exposure consists of the following elements:

A comprehensive study of personality and the definition of basic forms.

Consider the structure of the analysis of a cultural event:

  • 1. Presentation of the event. This item contains general information about the event: its name, serial number, level, frequency, category of participants, form of holding, etc.
  • 2. Date of the event.

This parameter is also analyzed in terms of the timeliness of the action. In the case of a thematic or calendar event, as well as an event aimed at memorializing a person or a significant action, in addition to setting the date itself, an analysis is made of the compliance of this date with the theme of the cultural event.

3. Time of the event.

Here, an analysis is made of the correspondence of the time of day chosen for the event, taking into account its convenience for the target audience and the theme of the event.

4. The purpose of the event.

It describes not only the goal itself, but also provides an analysis of its consistency and realism, the correspondence of this goal to the theme of the event. Also in this paragraph, the structuring of the tasks that must be completed to achieve the goal is made.

5. Analysis of the structure of the event.

The successful use of the form of a cultural event (festival, review, competition, exhibition, performance, concert, lecture hall, people's university, theme evening, oral journal, folk festival, ceremonies and rituals, evening of rest, disco, youth ball, carnival, children's party, game program, etc.); the organicity of the forms used in combination with each other; artistic expressiveness and artistic level, the originality of the director's decision, the use of modern technical means of cultural and leisure activities.

  • 6. Performance indicators of priority areas of club activity. These indicators can be divided into the following:
    • a) Enlightenment.

The assessment of this indicator contains an answer to the question: were the activities used in the preparation of the various directions cultural and educational activities: aesthetic education; patriotic education; moral, legal, ecological, etc.?

b) Leisure activities.

Here you should indicate which categories of the population this event is aimed at (children, the elderly, youth, the disabled, participants in hostilities, people in difficult life situation etc.).

c) The development of genres of folk art.

It tells what genres of folk art and their directions are mainly used in the construction of a cultural event (theatrical, folklore, musical, choreographic, amateur art, etc.).

d) Preservation of traditional folk culture!

It says what material for the preservation of traditional folk culture was used for this event (artifacts, epics, tales, a special manner of sound extraction, instruments that exist in the area, records of folklore expeditions, etc.).

7. Quantitative indicators. The quantitative indicators of the spent and attracted resources (human resources, financial, information) are analyzed from the point of view of their relationship in the periodic change of this event.

The proposed structure of the analysis provides the most commonly used indicators of the activities of cultural institutions of the club type, although they may vary depending on the specifics of accounting for cultural and leisure activities adopted in municipalities.

Quantitative indicators are best presented in the form of a table.

Table 4. Quantitative indicators of a cultural event

Name of indicator

Planned value of the indicator

The actual value of the indicator

The ratio of actual and planned indicators,% (column 3/column 4 x 100%)

The ratio of the actual indicator with the same of the previous period

The number of participants in the event. Of them:

The number of spectators. Of them:

children under 14; youth; elderly people

Budget resources

Extrabudgetary funds received through entrepreneurial activity

Target funds and donations

8. Conclusions and suggestions. This is the final conclusion about the cultural event with the corresponding conclusions about the quality of its conduct and suggestions for improvement.

The analysis of the mass cultural event, carried out according to this form, replaces and details a simple certificate of the event, on the basis of which an entry is made in the register of mass events of a club-type cultural institution. Analyzing a cultural event allows you to create a database of ongoing events of the same type. This makes it possible to improve the quality of ongoing similar events, as well as to plan creative projects more efficiently based on the available statistics.

Conducting an analysis of a cultural event is a methodological function. In club-type cultural institutions with a large staffing, such as the inter-settlement (district) House of Culture or the city Palace of Culture, the staffing table provides for the position of a methodologist. In small institutions, this should be done by a specialist responsible for holding a cultural event. The proposed extended analysis structure allows differential analysis, which greatly facilitates the work of a specialist.

Currently, various mass events are one of the popular forms of social activity and leisure of the population and satisfy the needs of the individual in direct involvement in political life, the achievements of sports, culture, and art.

A mass event is an event accessible to an indefinite number of citizens.

In practice, all public events are conventionally divided into socio-political, mass cultural, sports and entertainment and religious ceremonies. They differ in the goals of their organization, the nature and number of participants and spectators, the venues, the degree of influence on protected public relations and other factors.

TO social and political events include demonstrations, rallies, processions, congresses of political parties and public organizations, elections of deputies of various levels, the president of the country, etc. This type of event is inherent, as a rule, high level organization, qualitative homogeneity of the composition of participants, formality, as well as the commonality of motives and stereotypes of people's behavior.

In accordance with the Federal Law of June 19, 2004 No. 54 - FZ, public event is an open, peaceful, accessible to everyone, held in the form of a meeting, rally, demonstration, march or picket, or in various combinations of these forms, an action carried out on the initiative of citizens Russian Federation, political parties, other public associations and religious associations, including with the use of vehicles. The purpose of the public event is the free expression and formation of opinions, as well as putting forward demands on various issues of the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country and foreign policy issues.

Public events are divided into:

- meeting- the joint presence of citizens in a specially designated or adapted place for collective discussion of any socially significant issues;

- rally- the mass presence of citizens in a certain place for the public expression of public opinion on topical problems of a predominantly socio-political nature;

- demonstration- organized public expression of public sentiments by a group of citizens using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda during the movement;

- procession- mass passage of citizens along a predetermined route in order to draw attention to any problems;

- picketing- a form of public expression of opinions carried out without movement and the use of sound-amplifying technical means by placing one or more citizens near the picketed object using posters, banners and other means of visual agitation.

The organizer of a public event can be: one or more citizens of the Russian Federation (the organizer of demonstrations, marches and picketing is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18, rallies and meetings - 16 years), political parties, other public associations and religious associations, their regional branches and other structural units that have undertaken the obligation to organize and hold a public event.

Cannot be the organizer of a public event:

1) a person recognized by a court as incapable or with limited legal capacity, as well as a person held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict;

2) a political party, other public association and religious association, their regional branches and other structural subdivisions, the activities of which have been suspended or prohibited or which have been liquidated in the manner prescribed by law.

Citizens, members of political parties, members and participants of other public associations and religious associations who voluntarily participate in it are recognized as participants in a public event.

A notice of a public event (with the exception of a meeting and picketing conducted by one participant) is submitted by its organizer in writing to the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local self-government body no earlier than 15 and no later than 10 days prior to the date of the public event. When holding a picket by a group of persons, a notice of holding a public event may be submitted no later than three days before the day of its holding, and if the indicated days coincide with Sunday and (or) a non-working holiday (non-working public holidays), - no later than four days before the day of its holding.

A public event may be held in any place suitable for the purposes of this event, if its holding does not create a threat of collapse of buildings and structures or any other threat to the safety of participants in this public event. The conditions for prohibiting or restricting the holding of a public event in certain places may be specified by federal laws.

Places where holding a public event is prohibited include:

Territories directly adjacent to hazardous production facilities and other facilities, the operation of which requires compliance with special safety regulations;

Overpasses, railway lines and right-of-way railways, oil, gas and product pipelines, high-voltage power lines;

Territories directly adjacent to the residences of the President of the Russian Federation, to buildings occupied by courts, to territories and buildings of institutions executing punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty;

Border zone, if there is no special permission from the authorized border authorities.

The procedure for holding a public event on the territories of objects that are monuments of history and culture is determined by the executive authority of the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account the characteristics of such objects and the requirements of this Federal Law.

A public event cannot start earlier than 07:00 and end later than 23:00 of the current day local time.

The organizer of a public event is not entitled to hold it if the notice of the holding of the public event was not submitted on time or if a change was not agreed with the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local self-government body on their reasoned proposal of the place and (or) time of holding the public event.

Cultural-mass Events: festivities; exhibitions, vernissages; carnivals, masquerades; theatrical performances, festivals; fairs, concerts, etc. These events are characterized by various forms of people's behavior that develop in the conditions of arbitrarily formed communities of citizens seeking to satisfy their cultural, emotional and spiritual needs. However, despite the heterogeneity of the composition, differences in education, age, the presence of different interests and aspirations, in general, the behavior of people attending the mentioned events fits into generally accepted norms.

Sports and entertainment Events: international and all-Russian competitions in various types sports; Olympic Games; sports competitions of all scales; crosses, runs, relay races, races, etc. characteristic feature considered mass events is the presence of a certain contingent of sports fans, the so-called fans belonging to various sports clubs. As a rule, their behavior is characterized by a biased attitude towards their team, reaching fanaticism.

religious Events: Religious holidays; funeral processions. IN last years Thanks to democratic reforms in the country, the interest of the population in religion has significantly increased. Divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies are freely performed in religious buildings and structures and territories related to them (cemeteries, crematoria) in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law of September 19, 1997 No. 125-FZ “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”. In other cases, public worship, other religious rites and ceremonies are carried out in the manner prescribed for rallies, processions and demonstrations.
