It directly relates to the political sphere of social life. Thematic tests on Unified State Examination social studies It is known that world history began in the east

Story. General history. Grade 10. Basic and advanced levels Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

§ 2. Civilizations of the Ancient East

Mesopotamia: peoples, states, civilization. The very first civilizations in the history of mankind - the civilizations of the Ancient East - arose in the valleys of high-water rivers, the most favorable for progressive development society. Such a region was Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia), located in the valleys of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Here, with the advent of the Sumerian city-states, one of the early civilizations was formed. The formation of cities was associated with the need to carry out irrigation work, which united and coordinated the efforts of many people. An increase in the area of ​​cultivated land in swampy or arid areas became possible through the organization of collective labor, which required management and control. The emergence of organizing centers public life was associated with the complication of the social structure - the emergence of priests, warriors, artisans, as well as the need to defend the interests of settlements in conflicts with neighbors and strengthening the power of military leaders. With the emergence of a layer of managers and priests, state power began to take shape, based on the will of the gods, the authority of the ruler and military power.

The state included a religious and administrative center - the city and rural communities dependent on it. In each city there was a temple, which owned lands outside the city, on which temple farming was carried out, and the palace of the ruler - the military leader. In the struggle for power between the high priests and the military leaders, over time, the leaders became victorious and became kings.

In the vast temple farms, which gradually turned into royal-temple farms, the labor of peasants, who received plots for personal farming, and slaves were used. Wars were fought between city-states, which ultimately led to the formation of single state under the rule of the kings of Akka? yes. The power of the king was inherited.

Priests and scribes were carriers of culture. Historians consider the most important achievement of Sumerian civilization to be the invention of writing - cuneiform, which was later used by other peoples of Western Asia.

In the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. Most of Mesopotamia came under the rule of King Hammurpi (reigned 1792 - 1750 BC). The capital of his state, Babylonia, became one of the largest trade and cultural centers of the Ancient World.

It was a huge city of Babylon, inhabited by representatives of many nations. Buildings in the capital were built from mud brick, and the main architectural structures were faced with glazed colored tiles covered with images of animals. A stepped temple with high tower(90 m), the construction of which is associated with a biblical legend: after the Flood, people decided to build a tower to heaven; For this insolence, the Lord punished the builders: He endowed them with different languages, and they, ceasing to understand each other, scattered throughout the entire earth.

Gudea was the ruler of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash. XXII century BC.

In the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, as in previous times, the centers of economic, cultural and political life were large cities, which were governed by a council of elders, consisting mainly of priests. The Council of Elders performed administrative and judicial duties. The basis of the wealth of the states of Mesopotamia was the labor of peasants, artisans and slaves. The latter worked mainly in temple farms and construction. Trade, both internal and external, has developed greatly. The measure of value was silver bars. Relations in society were regulated by laws.

The first detailed set of laws in history was compiled by King Hammurabi.

King Hammurabi receives laws from the Sun God Sha?mash. Relief. XVIII century BC e.

In the XII – XI centuries. BC e. the rise of another power occurs - Assyria, located north of Babylonia. As a result of the brutal campaigns of conquest of the Assyrian kings, almost all of Western Asia came under their rule. In 689 BC. e. The Assyrians captured and destroyed Babylon, but were never able to establish lasting power over the conquered countries. In 605 BC. e. The Assyrian power was destroyed by the combined forces of the Medes, who lived northeast of Mesopotamia, and the revived Babylon.

Wounded lion. Assyrian relief. VII century BC e.

Ancient Egypt. In the middle of the 4th millennium BC. e., when the Sumerian city-states already existed, the Egyptian state emerged, occupying the valley of the Nile River from the first threshold to its confluence with the Mediterranean Sea. Unlike Mesopotamia, an ethnically homogeneous population lived here and there was a unified ecological and economic system tied to the Nile floods.

The Egyptian state was a classical eastern despotism, i.e., a super-centralized state in which all power belonged to the hereditary monarch. The word of the pharaoh (king) was law: he appointed officials to the highest positions, distributed assignments among them, and gave orders. The establishment of laws, state building, irrigation work, mining, foreign policy - everything was determined by the ruler. At his disposal were state resources - human, land, food, clothing. In governing the country, the pharaoh relied on the court nobility and the rulers of the nobles (from gr. "region, district") - administrative-territorial units into which Egypt was divided.

The Egyptians considered the pharaoh the son of the Sun God and revered him as a symbol of the country's well-being and prosperity.

One of the ruler’s main personal concerns was the creation of his own tomb during his lifetime. According to the religious beliefs of the Egyptians, after death a person continued to live in the afterlife. But since the soul cannot exist without the body, it had to be preserved.

In connection with these beliefs, Egypt developed a technique for embalming bodies, which made it possible for long-term or, as the Egyptians assumed, eternal preservation of mummies. The tomb and its contents - everything that the deceased needed in the afterlife - had to correspond to the person’s position in earthly society.

Ramses II. Relief. XIII century BC e.

One of the duties of the pharaohs was also the construction of temples, decorated with statues of gods. Each city had its own patron god. The sun god Ra was considered the supreme god in Egypt. When the city of Thebes became the capital of the state, its patron god Amon began to be identified with Ra - Amon-Ra. Literacy, knowledge, education - the entire spiritual life of society was concentrated in the hands of the priests. The priests of the main temples had a great influence on the internal and foreign policy pharaohs.

Ancient India. In the 2nd millennium BC. e. The Aryans, tribes of Indo-European origin, invaded the Hindustan Peninsula. This conquest marked the beginning of the formation of a new civilization. A characteristic feature of Indian society was its division into four varnas ( Skt.. "quality, color") - estates, differing in their position in society. Three of them were considered the highest: brahmanas (priests), kshatriyas (warriors) and vaishyas (farmers, artisans, traders). Their representatives were called “twice-born”, as they underwent an initiation rite - a second birth. The lower varna included the shudras, called upon to serve the “twice-born.” A person was assigned to varna by birth; transition from one varna to another was impossible. The class-caste system of society also included untouchables - those who did not belong to any varna - tribes engaged in hunting and gathering, as well as representatives of “dirty” professions. In India, as in other ancient civilizations, slavery was widespread.

The agricultural population lived in communities, which were collective owners of land and irrigation structures. Communities supported artisans to serve their needs. In India the community had not only economic importance, it was largely autonomous politically. The state imposed duties on the community, but did not interfere in its internal life, although the royal power in the Indian states bore the character of an oriental despotism with unlimited power of the monarch and complete lack of rights for the subjects. At the same time, there were no strictly centralized powers in India. When, for example, the term is used in relation to them "empire", then it should be remembered that this was a union of a number of states and tribes, the rulers of which were in varying degrees of dependence on the central government and on each other.

Dancing god Shiva. India

Brahmins were the only literate people and bearers of knowledge. They performed religious rituals and interpreted sacred texts. Writing in the ancient Indian language - Sanskrit - was syllabic in nature. Mythology set out in Rigvada - the first known monument of Indian literature, containing more than 1000 religious hymns, and in the epic poems "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana".

The highest place in the pantheon of gods was occupied by Brahma - the creator of the Universe, Vishnu - the preserver and Shiva - the destroyer. Ancient religion Brahmanism changed over time. As a result of its development, Hinduism emerged, which is currently widespread in India and is considered one of the world religions.

In the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. A new religion appears in India - Buddhism. Its founder was Buddha ( Skt.. “enlightened one”), the crown prince from the Gautama clan (another name is Shakyamuni - a hermit from the Shakya tribe). Having embarked on the path of ascetic life, Gautama came to the conclusion that since life is suffering, the way out of the circle of suffering is to renounce desires. He became “enlightened” after he reached a special state - nirvana ( Skt.. “bliss”), absolute detachment from the outside world. After the death of Gautama, his students compiled a biography and a set of sayings of the Teacher. Statues of Buddha and bodhisas (beings striving for enlightenment), installed in temples, are designed to save all living things from suffering.

In the religious, philosophical and ethical views of Hindus and Buddhists, the most important place is occupied by the concept of “karma” ( Skt.. "deed, action"). The sum of good or evil deeds in previous existences determines in what form a person will be reincarnated after death - reincarnation ( lat. "re-incarnation"). Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does not recognize caste division and the presence of gods - the creators of the world who control human lives. Over time, Hinduism in India replaced Buddhism, which became widespread in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Ancient China. The cradle of ancient Chinese civilization was the lands along the middle reaches of the Yellow River. In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. e. The first state arose here. In subsequent centuries, the territory of China constantly expanded, it became a huge country in size.

In the 5th century BC e. China broke up into a number of states - the so-called period of the Warring States began. The emergence of Confucianism, an ethical and political doctrine that later became the basis of the state ideology and way of life of the Chinese, dates back to this time. In the conditions of the collapse of the foundations of family and clan life, the disasters and suffering of the common people, the founder of the teachings of Confucius (c. 551 - 479 BC) turned to the ancient traditions public life. In them the scientist found the foundations that provide state sustainability. Confucian teachings center on social ideals and norms of behavior. According to Confucius, a role model was a noble person with ideal qualities, the main ones being humanity and duty. Humanity, as interpreted by the philosopher, included justice, feeling self-esteem, unselfishness, love for people, etc.; duty was understood as moral obligations, which included the pursuit of knowledge.

Confucius taught that every person, including the ruler, should know his rights and responsibilities and strictly follow the norms of behavior. A place in public life is determined not by nobility and wealth, but only by knowledge and virtues. The most important principle of behavior is submission to elders. The Confucian cult of ancestors - both dead and living - and filial piety ensured the strength of the family, and the family hierarchy was projected onto the socio-political hierarchy.

Camel rider. China

At the end of the 3rd century. BC e. in China there is a unified centralized state, founded by Emperor Qin Shi Huang? (259 – 210 BC). During the next Han dynasty (ruled 206 BC - 220 AD), Confucianism established itself in China as a state ideology (“Han” became the self-name of the Chinese). Under his influence, a special privileged class of officials appeared - shenshi? ( whale. “learned men”), which included persons who passed a tough examination for an academic degree and then received the right to hold public office. With the strengthening of the position of the Shenshi in China, a centralized bureaucratic empire emerged, ideologically based on Confucian foundations and Buddhism.

Cultural heritage of the Ancient East. Ancient Eastern civilizations made a significant contribution to the development of world culture. The cultural heritage of the Ancient East includes the invention of writing and numerical symbols (digital symbols), the calendar, the beginnings of scientific knowledge, architectural monuments, works fiction, the first laws regulating public life, etc.

Thanks to writing, the sustainable transfer of accumulated knowledge from generation to generation became possible, and an education system emerged. The spread of writing and its active use in office work and in concluding trade transactions led to a transition from its complex forms (hieroglyphic and cuneiform) to a simpler and more accessible one (letter). The first phonetic alphabet, which arose in Phenicia, formed the basis of modern alphabets - Greek, Latin, Cyrillic, etc.

First literary works also appeared in the East. This includes the heroic Sumerian epic about Gilgamesh, and works of various genres created by the Egyptians. Around 900's BC e. In Palestine, the compilation of the texts of the Pentateuch (Torah), which tells about the history of the Jewish people, began. At the turn of the 2nd – 1st centuries. BC e. The “Historical Notes” of Sima Qianya were created, which described the past of China.

There were also significant advances in medicine. By mummifying the dead, the Egyptians became familiar with the structure human body, compiled descriptions of diseases and pharmacological prescriptions. The papyrus, which was a textbook on anatomy and surgery, has survived to this day. The acupuncture technique, which originated in China, is successfully used in medicine to this day.

Astronomical observations, which allowed the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Chinese to predict river floods and determine the time of solar and lunar eclipses, stimulated the development of mathematical knowledge. In Mesopotamia, the sexagesimal number system was used, and the year was divided, as it was in the ancient Egyptian calendar, into 12 months. In the countries of the Ancient East based on mathematical calculations and with the use of technical skills, monumental architectural structures were created, development art– painting, bar-reliefs, sculpture.

Monuments of ancient Eastern civilizations - pyramids, temples, statues, paintings, jewelry - amaze the imagination: some with their grandeur, others with their vivid artistic depiction.

The Ancient East became the cradle of civilizations that arose in Egypt, Western, Southern and Eastern Asia. European civilization, through Antiquity, adopted the cultural achievements of the peoples of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The cultural achievements of Indian and Chinese civilizations became known to the European world much later, already in the modern period.

Questions and tasks

1. Where and when did the most ancient civilizations originate?

2. Compare what the civilizations of the Ancient East have in common and identify their main differences from each other.

3. Describe despotism and its main features. Give examples.

4. Using additional sources of information, including Internet resources, prepare a project about one of the religious and philosophical teachings of the Ancient East.

5. Discuss in class what contribution ancient Eastern civilizations made to world culture.

From the book History. General history. Grade 10. Basic and advanced levels author Volobuev Oleg Vladimirovich

§ 2. Civilizations of the Ancient East Mesopotamia: peoples, states, civilization. The very first civilizations in the history of mankind - the civilizations of the Ancient East - arose in the valleys of high-water rivers, the most favorable for the progressive development of society. So


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The most pressing issue for Russian society is to resolve the issue of the relationship between Western and Eastern cultures and civilizations, and the place of Russia in the dialogue of these cultures. From the point of view of the civilizational approach, the West and the East are considered not as geographical, but as geosociocultural concepts.

Specifics of Western civilization. Modern researchers understand the term “West” as that special type of civilizational and cultural development that was formed in Europe around the 15th - 17th centuries. This type of civilization is most often referred to as technogenic. Characteristics This civilization is the dynamic development of technology and technology, systematic application in the production of scientific knowledge. As a result, scientific and scientific-technical revolutions radically change the place of man in production and his relationship to nature. As technology develops, the “second nature” created by man changes rapidly, which in turn causes a significant transformation of social connections. Sometimes within one or two generations a change in lifestyle and the formation of a new type of personality occur.

Western culture in its modern form is based on premises that were formed during the period of antiquity and the Middle Ages. The most significant factors of this historical period, which determined the face of Western civilization, can be summarized as follows:

· experience of democracy of the ancient polis,

· the formation of various philosophical systems within the framework of polis culture and the emergence of science in its current understanding,

· Christian tradition with its ideas about human individuality, the concept of morality, the understanding of man and his mind as created “in the image and likeness of God.”

During the Enlightenment, those prerequisites and ideological attitudes were formed that determined the subsequent development technogenic civilization. Among these attitudes, one should, first of all, emphasize the special value of the progress of science and technology, the belief in the possibility of a reasonable rational arrangement of society. Usually in socio-historical In terms of Western civilization, Western civilization is identified with the period of formation and development of capitalist economic relations and the bourgeois form of state democracy, with the formation civil society. IN technical and technological aspect, Western civilization is identified with industrial and post-industrial society.

The formation of this civilization took place in a close interweaving of material and spiritual factors. German explorer M. Weber in the famous book “Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism” he showed the role of the Protestant Reformation and the religious spirit of Calvinism in the formation of the basic spiritual values ​​of capitalist society. These values ​​include: dynamism, orientation towards novelty; affirmation of dignity and respect for the human person; individualism, orientation towards personal autonomy; rationality; ideals of freedom, equality, tolerance; respect for private property.

Features of traditional society. It is known that world history began in the East, which is the center of civilization. The most ancient social and political institutions arose and acquired stable forms here. No wonder the ancient Romans said with respect: “The light comes from the East.” In the geopolitical aspect, this type of civilization is associated with the cultures of Ancient India and China, Babylon, Ancient Egypt, and state formations of the Muslim world. Each of these cultures was distinctive. So, in Ancient China the son of a peasant could, through education, get into the upper strata of society, and in India there were closed castes; Japanese samurai They treated the lower strata of society with contempt, and the knights of China considered it their duty to stand up for the offended and defend justice.

However, between societies traditional culture there are far more similarities than differences. Let us note their most significant common features. Traditional societies are focused, first of all, on the reproduction of established social structures and on stabilizing the existing way of life. Are considered as the highest value traditional algorithms behavior that accumulates the experience of ancestors (hence the “traditional” society). Types and purposes social activities change very slowly; over the course of centuries they are reproduced as stable stereotypes.

It was the huge role of tradition in the life of the civilization in question that determined the duration of its existence. If modern Western civilization is considered to have existed ca. 300-400 years, then Eastern researchers determine the lifespan of traditional civilization over a huge period of 3 thousand years - from mid. II millennium BC to the XVII - XVIII centuries. AD preserving the essential characteristics of this civilization to the present day.

It would be a mistake to think that the East stood still. It evolved, but the dynamics of its development differed from the Western one. Those innovations that could threaten the stability of the East were rejected. In Europe, the engine of progress was citizen-owner. In the East, only those innovations were selected that corresponded to the norms of corporate ethics and interests states, were aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of power or the stability of the state.

The East is very flexible; it is capable of absorbing and processing many alien elements. If for Rome the invasion of barbarian tribes meant the end of civilization, then for China the invasion of “barbarians” (nomadic tribes on the borders with China, who, like the Huns who captured Rome, were at the stage of disintegration of the primitive communal system) did not even interrupt the existence of the Chinese state, because indigenous people assimilated the newcomers and instilled in them the values ​​of their civilization.

Alexander the Great conquered the entire Middle East and founded a huge empire. After him, the system of Hellenic states remained. But the East digested both the Seleucids and the Ptolemies, and the magnificent culture of the ancient Greeks brought to the conquered countries, which, it would seem, established itself there forever. One day everything returned to normal - to its eternal order. The ability to assimilate is especially characteristic of Japan, which largely followed the path of borrowing and transforming in its own way from the philosophy, traditions, sciences, and martial arts of other peoples.

In the spiritual sphere of traditional society, religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking dominate. Scientific rationality in these societies is contrasted with a moral-volitional attitude towards contemplation, serenity, intuitive and mystical fusion with existence, with the world. Unlike the West, there were many religions in the East, and even Islam, irreconcilable with Western Christianity, coexisted with Eastern beliefs. The man of the East imagined the existence of all living things as an eternal cycle in a closed cycle, which gave rise to the famous Eastern fatalism as the belief in the impossibility and unnecessaryness of changing the fate ordained by God.

The Eastern worldview is not characterized by the division of the world into the natural world and the human world, into the natural and the supernatural; it is characterized by a synthetic “all-in-all” approach. Therefore, freedom and dignity of the human person, its autonomy are alien to the spirit of Eastern culture, which is characterized by an orientation towards collectivism. Oriental man not free, but obliged. He is obliged to observe traditions, rituals, systems of subordination (superior - inferior, parents - children, husband - wife), and is obliged to lead a certain way of life.

Eastern society has never lost touch with nature. Europeans compensated for their weakness in the face of the forces of nature by creating technical devices, thereby opposing themselves to nature and not feeling like they were part of it. The goal of the people of the East was the desire to live in harmony with nature, having learned its laws. The favorite idea of ​​Eastern philosophers is that peoples and states must develop naturally, in everything taking an example from nature, where in the life of plants and animals there is nothing superfluous, nothing accidental. Thorough knowledge of nature allowed to the eastern man accurately predict its effects on the body. In particular, oriental medicine has no equal in effectiveness.

Signs of civilization Western civilization Eastern civilization
Lifespan About 300 years About 3 thousand years
Type material production Intensive Extensive
System-forming factors Scientific and technical progress Traditions
Attitude to nature Conquest Device
Most valued social class Youth transformers of society Aksakals - bearers of traditions
Predominant type of thinking Rational Emotional, irrational
Predominant type of development Revolutionary Evolutionary
Attitude towards a person Self-valued Subordinate to society and state
Type political systems Democratic Despotic
Adequate name Technogenic Traditional

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of civilizations.

These features of Eastern civilization predetermine the specifics of socio-political and government structure. The spirit of democracy and civil society is alien to traditional civilization, so attempts to instill the norms of Western democracy on Eastern soil produce very bizarre hybrids. IN southern republics Soviet Union even structural organization Communist Party very closely correlated with the traditions of the tribal organization of society.

It should be borne in mind that the considered schemes are nothing more than theoretical models of two civilizations; in reality, the situation is much more complicated, and real societies act as a result of the interaction and interdependence of all currently existing cultures and civilizations. At the same time, the considered model represents a fairly reliable starting point for the classification of modern societies.

Civilization of Russia. An attempt to highlight the originality and historical role different cultures and civilizations for Russian citizens is associated with the need to comprehend national history, to determine Russia’s place in world civilization, to identify the significance of Western and Eastern cultural heritage for culture in Russia, to answer the question: is an original path of development of Russia possible and necessary?

This problem was posed back in the 30s of the 19th century by the Russian philosopher P.Ya. Chaadaev, who, regarding Russia’s special path, argued that it was necessary prove that humanity, in addition to its two sides, defined by the words - West and East, also has a third side. Ideologists sought to provide such proof Slavophilism: I.V. Kireevsky, A.S. Khomyakov, K.S. Aksakov. They connected the idea of ​​the uniqueness of the Russian path with the commitment of the Russian people to Orthodoxy. From their point of view, Orthodoxy is the source of specific features of the “Russian soul”: deep religiosity, heightened emotionality, collectivist values, commitment to autocracy.

Their opponents were “ Westerners”: K.D. Kavelin, A.I. Herzen, N.G. Chernyshevsky, B.I. Chicherin and others. They viewed Russia as in many ways still an Asian country, which needed to adopt the best examples of Western culture and way of life, to be civilized in a Western way.

After October revolution this issue was actively discussed by the Russian philosophical emigration, primarily in a number of large works ON THE. Berdyaeva, V.V. Zenkovsky, G.P. Fedotova, G.V. Florovsky etc. In the book ON THE. Berdyaev“Russian idea. The main problems of Russian thought of the 19th and early 20th centuries” spoke about the impossibility of a strictly scientific definition of national individuality, in which there is always something incomprehensible. For Russian individuality, in the opinion ON THE. Berdyaev, characterized by deep polarization and inconsistency: “The Russian people are not a purely European and not a purely Asian people. Russia is a whole part of the world, a huge East-West, it connects two worlds. And two principles have always struggled in the Russian soul, eastern and western.”

From point of view Berdyaev, the Russian people were a people of revelations and inspirations, and not of an ordered, rational culture. At the basis of the Russian soul lie two opposing principles: the pagan Dionistic element and ascetic-monastic Orthodoxy, which determined the duality of the spiritual qualities of the people: hypertrophy of the state and anarchism; a tendency towards violence and a tendency towards kindness; individualism, heightened consciousness of the individual and collectivism; the search for God and militant atheism; humility and arrogance; slavery and rebellion. Berdyaev believed that these traits predetermined complexity and cataclysms Russian history.

The topic of the original foundations of Russian history and culture is addressed somewhat differently in the works of representatives of the so-called Eurasian movements ( P. A. Karsavina, Ya. S. Trubetskoy, P. P. Stuchinsky etc.). Eurasianism arose and existed as a socio-political and ideological movement of the Russian emigrant intelligentsia from the early 20s to the end of the 30s. XX century The historical and cultural concept of Eurasianism considers Russia as Eurasia - a special geographical and ethnographic world occupying the middle space of Asia and Europe. This world has a distinctive culture, “equally different from European and Asian.” Eurasians emphasized the predominant Asian features of Russian culture, highlighting the continuity of Rus' with the empire of Genghis Khan and declaring that “the Russian revolution opened a window to Asia.”

Eurasians believed that after the October Revolution, old Russia with all its statehood and way of life crashed and sank into eternity. The new era opens with world war and the Russian revolution. This era is characterized not only by the disappearance of the past Russia, but also by the disintegration of Europe and the comprehensive crisis of the West. And the West, according to Eurasians, has completely exhausted its spiritual and historical potential. They assigned the future in this new era to a renewed Russia, and with it to the entire Orthodox world. Thus, the Eurasians largely inherit the traditions of the Slavophiles.

Topics raised in discussions between Westerners and Slavophiles ON THE. Berdyaev and Eurasians continue to be discussed by the modern Russian public, primarily by philosophers. For many of them, it is clear that the development of Western technogenic culture and civilization has led humanity to global problems and a systemic crisis. In this regard, the question is raised: can we perceive Western experience as some kind of ideal or should this experience itself be subjected to critical analysis?

Perhaps humanity needs to stand on its own to survive new way civilizational development. And this may mean that the deep crisis that has arisen in Russia in all spheres of public life is a necessary moment that can serve as an impetus for the creation of this new type of civilizational development. IN Russian culture There are significant reasons for developing such a development path, the main values ​​of which would be an orientation not towards the non-stop growth of material production and consumerism, but towards ascetic moderation based on the priority of spiritual values. Cold economic calculation must be opposed by the warmth of human relations and Christian self-sacrifice, and Western individualism must be opposed by fraternal mutual assistance and collectivism. Technological, economic and legal rationalism do not get along well with moral belief in goodness. Private enterprise activity and fierce competition sharply limit the scope of compassion and mercy, deform the moral principles of brotherhood and respect for each individual.

More specific questions are related to the social specifics of the current situation in the states of the former USSR. What are the paths and historical destinies of the community that was previously called Russia, will it come together again or is the process of its disintegration irreversible? Issues of this kind will have to be resolved both theoretically and in practice not only by us, but also by future generations of once great peoples Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.

Brief conclusions. Let’s try to formulate the conclusions in the form of lessons that, in our opinion, it is advisable for students to learn from the contents of the chapter for their future professional activity

First conclusion. Every person should know and comprehend culture, since it is through the system of cultural values ​​that constant interaction between man and humanity occurs, and man acts not as an isolated individual, but as a representative of society. At the same time he must be in the cultural system. A civilized person also knows culture, but it has not become the content of his beliefs, a characteristic of his aspirations and goals. For a cultured person, cultural values ​​are included in the content of the basic motivation his activities.

Second conclusion. The person acts as purpose of culture, for human creativity is her main characteristic. Therefore, one cannot consider a person only as a means of culture, as its instrument. The formation of the necessary personality qualities through culture is the most reliable and effective way of socialization of the individual, although the most labor-intensive in terms of the educational efforts made. This conclusion is most important for the future social worker: his client is target social work, and not a means of professional self-affirmation and career growth.

Third conclusion. Since culture characterizes the quality of a person’s performance of his social roles, degree of freedom in specific systems of social relations, then specific types of culture corresponding to specific types of human activity can be identified.

It is not difficult to see that all social roles that connect a person with the cultural system require him to consistently and persistently work on himself, to tirelessly familiarize himself with the cultural values ​​of humanity. Those students who do the right thing are those who use their most fruitful abilities to the greatest advantage. student years and the most favorable conditions - the conditions of study at a university - for the assimilation and comprehension of cultural values.

Basic questions for self-control

1. Show the specifics of the philosophical analysis of culture.

2. Material and spiritual culture: unity and difference.

3. What are the features of the functioning of cultural systems in society?

4. Historical typology of culture.

5. Expand the structure and functions of culture.

6. Give an analysis of the contradictory nature of culture and civilization.

7. Show the connection between elite and mass culture.

8. Expand the content of social work culture.

Answer: 3


Young scientists held a conference dedicated to the prospects for the development of domestic science, expressing the danger that low level income, lack of material incentives to work, contributes to “brain drain”, the mass departure of young specialists abroad. This example can be used to illustrate the relationship between such areas of society as

Answer: 2


It is typical for a traditional society

Answer: 1


Gradual transformations in society, involving an organic combination of old and new, are characteristic of

Answer: 1


Are the following judgments about social progress true?

A. Social progress does not apply to relationships between people and the moral qualities of people.

B. Social progress includes the introduction of new technologies that make human work easier and free up his time for rest and creativity.

Answer: 2


Global environmental problems include

Answer: 2


Tribes of nomads invaded a rich, prosperous country from the north, ruining irrigated farming systems, cities, and cutting off traditional trade routes. Cities and villages were deserted for many decades. This example illustrates such a form of social change as

Answer: 3


Are the following statements about society correct?

A. Society is a complex dynamic system in which there are elements and subsystems that interact with each other.

B. The development of society is influenced by natural environment, natural conditions capable of promoting or hindering social development.

Answer: 3


To political global problems modern world applies

Answer: 2


Are the following statements about terrorism true?

And international terrorism is a powerful economic structure and is ahead of national states in the development of a network of interaction.

B. International terrorism is a response to the aggressive invasion of values Western world to other regions of the world.

Answer: 3


Globalization processes are associated with

Answer: 3


Using such a criterion of social progress as strengthening the moral foundations of society, we can illustrate

Answer: 3


Three of the statements below are objective FACTS and one is a subjective OPINION. Which statement is an opinion?

Answer: 3


Below is a list of social science concepts. Indicate which of them is the most particular, the narrowest in meaning.

Answer: 4

Part B.


Write down the word missing in the diagram:

Form of social change –


includes all progressive changes

determines the vector of development of society from less perfect to more perfect

one of the criteria is the improvement of the moral foundations of society
Answer: ________________________________

Answer: progress (social progress)


Indicate the features that distinguish society from nature.

Answer: 245


Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.
The following most general indicators can be distinguished: _______________(1). From epoch to epoch there is an increase in labor productivity based on the improvement of means and organization of labor; which in turn entails the improvement of the workforce, brings to life new production skills and knowledge and changes the existing __________ (2). Simultaneously with the progress of productive forces, there is an increase in the volume of scientific information. Science is becoming a direct ___________(3) of society. Under the influence of progress in social production, social needs rise, and methods of satisfying them, lifestyle, culture and way of life are improved. There is an increasing tendency for society to master the spontaneous forces of nature and liberate people from the yoke of spontaneous social factors. ____________(4) social life occurs on a planetary scale, leading to the formation and functioning of ___________(5) ideals, norms and values. Humanity is gradually turning into a single whole.

But the main indicator and criterion of social progress is the expansion of freedom. Freedom is a person’s ability to be active in accordance with his intentions, desires and interests, during which he achieves his goals. Consequently, in order to determine whether a given stage in the development of society is more progressive compared to the previous one, it is necessary to find out how fully the essential features of ____________ (6) are realized in the life of the people of a given society.
Select one word after another, mentally filling in each gap with words. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.









Establish a correspondence between the type of society and its characteristic features: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.




The speed of change




Variety of development paths




The predominance of collectivist principles


Development of microprocessor technologies

Enter the answer you received into the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form (without spaces or other symbols).





Answer: BBAB


Indicate the features of a traditional society.

Answer: 124


Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

Determine which provisions of the text are

Answer: AABA

Part C
Eastern civilization

It is known that world history began with the East; it is the center of civilization. The most ancient social and political institutions arose and acquired stable forms here. No wonder the ancient Romans said with respect: “The light comes from the East.”

What is the East? We are talking not about a geographical, but about a civilizational, historical and cultural concept. This is a gigantic human integrity, very heterogeneous and contradictory. It has some common features: reproduction of established social cultures, stability of lifestyle, strict priority of religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking, dissolution of the individual in the team.

The East is first and foremost traditional society and the traditional path of development. Where did this tradition come from, how and by whom was it established? According to orientalists, the tradition was, firstly, borrowed from the cyclical nature of agricultural work, on which the prosperity of the first centers of civilization directly depended. Secondly, having taken shape in the first state entities, they tried in every possible way to oppose themselves to the barbarians and establish their priorities as decisive and extremely important.

The main cultural dominant here are myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies...

The most important element characterizing the East is “oriental despotism.” Despotism as a form of power and the general structure of society arises where private property has no priority and the land belongs to the rural community. In order to organize intercommunal work, a government body is formed, which, gradually gaining strength, becomes despotic in relation to the community members. However, this power does not deprive the community of autonomy in solving its own problems. By deducting rent-tax to the state, the community lived with its own concerns, and the community members were of little interest in who was replacing whom at the top of the political pyramid. However, both state rulers and their servants were not interested in the joys and misfortunes of the peasants. The main thing is to receive the traditionally established rent-tax on time.

1. Based on the text, reveal the author’s understanding of Eastern civilization (“East”). Give four features that distinguish Eastern society.



  1. formulated understanding Eastern civilization:
The author understands the East not in a geographical, but in a historical, cultural, civilizational sense, as “a gigantic human integrity, very heterogeneous and contradictory”;

  1. given signs eastern societies:
- reproduction of existing social cultures;

Lifestyle stability;

Strict priority of religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking;

Dissolution of the individual in the team.

An understanding of the essence of Eastern civilization is formulated, four signs are indicated


An understanding of the essence of Eastern civilization is formulated, one or three signs are indicated


An understanding of the essence of Eastern civilization is formulated OR one or two signs are indicated OR

Wrong answer.


Maximum score


2. What conditions for the formation of an eastern traditional society does the author give, referring to oriental scientists? Give them based on the text and illustrate any of them with a specific example.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer must include the following: elements:

  1. indicated conditions (signs) formation of eastern societies:
- firstly, the cyclical nature of agricultural work, on which the prosperity of the first centers of civilization directly depended;

Secondly, the desire to oppose oneself to the barbarians and establish one’s priorities as decisive and extremely important.

2) given example, illustrating one of the signs, for example:

The life of the ancient Egyptians was completely dependent on the floods of the Nile and the fertile silt deposited by the floods (the first sign);

The ancient Greeks in every possible way emphasized their uniqueness and superiority in relation to other peoples, whom they considered savages, barbarians, and opposed themselves to other peoples (the second sign).
Other valid examples can be given.

Two conditions are specified, an example is given


Two conditions are specified, no example given


One OR condition specified

Wrong answer.


Maximum score


3. What does the author see as quality? essential element characterizing the East? What, according to the author, are the reasons for the formation of a special political organization in the East? (give two reasons). What are the specifics of relations between the state and the community in the East. Based on your knowledge of the course, give any sign of Eastern society, in addition to those indicated in the text.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer should include elements:

  1. “the most important element” characterizing eastern society is “oriental despotism”;

  2. reasons contributing to its occurrence:
- lack of priority for private property, land belonging to the rural community;

The need to organize intercommunal work, contributing to the formation of a government body that, gradually gaining strength, becomes despotic in relation to the community members.

  1. An additional feature is given, for example:
- predominance of statics, wary attitude towards changes, changes.

Others may be given additional signs.

The most important element, two reasons are indicated, an additional sign is given


The most important element is indicated, two reasons are indicated, the sign is not given.


The most important element is specified, one reason, OR the element is not specified, but two reasons are given.


The most important element is indicated OR one reason is given OR

Wrong answer


Maximum score


4. The author emphasizes that the main cultural dominant of Eastern society is myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies. Explain the author's idea. Based on social studies and history courses, provide three specific examples that illustrate the cultural heritage of Eastern civilization.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment

(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer may include the following: elements:

  1. explanation, For example:
The author believes that the spiritual potential of the East is based on mythological religious and philosophical systems, rituals, to a lesser extent than science and technology.

  1. given examples, let's say:
- ideological spiritual foundations of Buddhism created in India;

The philosophy of Confucianism, created in ancient China;

Spiritual foundations of Zoroastrianism, "Avesta", the oldest holy book, created in ancient Iran.

Other explanations and other examples may be given.

An explanation is provided and three examples are given.


Clarification is given, one or two examples are given OR clarification is given in an implicit form, but three examples are given.


Explanation is given OR explanation is given in an implicit form, but two examples are given


One example given OR

Wrong answer.


Maximum score


5. American political scientist Samuel Huntington noted that “it is easier to destroy a traditional society than to modernize it.” How is modernization understood by modern scientists? What problems of modernization of traditional societies does the author have in mind? Explain the author’s words and give at least two problems.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) formulated concept of modernization, For example :

  • into the concept modernization modern scientists include the transformation of a traditional society with an agricultural economy into a modern one, characterized by rapid growth rates, the leading role of industry, the service sector, modern species transport and communications.

2) indicated Problems, For example:

  • – commitment of traditional societies to their way of life, values ​​associated with customs, religion, and foundations that have developed over centuries;

  • weak dynamism of traditional societies, their focus on reproducing existing relationships rather than on development;

  • modernization is a painful process that can lead to the destruction of old orders and structures.
Other problems may also be indicated.

The concept of modernization is formulated and two problems are identified.


The concept of modernization is formulated, one problem is indicated OR the concept of modernization is formulated implicitly, but two problems are given.


The concept of modernization is formulated OR one problem is indicated


The answer is incorrect.


Maximum score


6. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The problem of international terrorism as global problem modernity". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic.

Contents of the correct answer and assessment instructions
(other wording of the answer is allowed that does not distort its meaning)


When analyzing the answer, the following are taken into account:

– the correctness of the wording of the plan items in terms of their compliance with the given topic and the clarity of expression of thoughts;

– reflection in terms of the main aspects of the topic in a certain (adequate to the given topic) sequence.

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) Threats and challenges of modern humanity.

2) International terrorism as a threat to the world community.

3) Features of terrorism at the present stage:

a) supranational character;

b) use of modern electronic networks and means.

4) Manifestations of terrorist activity.

5) Ways and means of the world community’s fight against terrorists.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of the plan items is possible.

The wording of the plan items is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.


The wording of the plan items is correct.
Certain issues essential to this topic have been omitted. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.
Some of the wording of the plan items is incorrect. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic. The structure of the response corresponds to a complex type plan.


The plan does not reveal the proposed topic.
OR The response structure does not conform to the complex type plan.


Maximum score


7. Select one from the statements below and express your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) regarding the problem raised. Provide the necessary arguments to justify your position.

When completing the task, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience:

Section 2 “Man, individual, personality”

students in grades 10-11

Human and society

1st thematic test in preparation for

Unified State Exam 2017

Prepared for the workshop: A.I. Kolmakov, teacher of history and social studies MKOU Zonal Secondary School

no spaces, commas or other additional characters

1. Choose the correct judgments about society and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  • One of the criteria for social progress is related to the achieved level of material and technical development of society.
  • Society performs the function of human reproduction and socialization.
  • An integral feature of the development of any society is degradation, a return to the already obsolete social structures and relationships.
  • A revolution is a gradual transformation associated with a change in any aspect of social life.
  • Society is a complex static system.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

2. Choose the correct judgments about the person and his needs and write them down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  • Each person has a biological and socio-psychological individuality.
  • An individual is a single representative of humanity.
  • Natural (biological) human needs traditionally include the need to understand the world around us.
  • Individual needs of people may conflict with social needs.
  • The social nature of man is manifested in anatomical and physiological features, the structure of various systems and organs, instincts and reflexes.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

3. Sociologists from country Z conducted a study of modern youth. They used various methods. Find in the list given methods that correspond to the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • survey of young people
  • observation of the behavior of different groups of youth
  • description appearance representatives of different youth subcultures
  • identifying patterns of behavior of different groups of youth
  • putting forward hypotheses about the connection between the identified facts
  • drawing conclusions

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

4. A famous writer created a philosophical parable in which the heroes of national history act. What additional signs will allow us to conclude that this work belongs to an elite culture? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  • The work was published by a major publishing house.
  • Its content is difficult to understand.
  • The work is intended for a limited circle of amateurs and experts.
  • It was created for commercial purposes.
  • The work addresses environmental issues.
  • The work is of an entertaining nature.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

6. Find a concept that generalizes all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) humanism; 2) morality; 3) good; 4) conscience; 5) honor.

Answer: _______________

7. Below is a list of qualities inherent in a person. All of them, with the exception of two, are of a social nature. 1) initiative; 2) temperament;

3) tolerance; 4) responsibility; 5) makings; 6) hard work.

Find two qualities that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Answer: _______________

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

9.Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

( A)Inference as a form of thinking is characterized by the fact that a new conclusion or consequence, a conclusion, is derived from one or more grounds (premises). ( B) The problems of the development of logic, which studies, in particular, methods of constructing inferences, should be given more attention.

( IN )These conclusions were once again heard from the rostrum of the last philosophical congress. ( G ) Philosophers from many countries of the world took part in its work. ( D ) The organizers of the congress did their best to create favorable working conditions for the participants.

Determine which text provisions have

  • actual character
  • nature of value judgments
  • nature of theoretical statements

Write down in the table under the letter indicating the position a number expressing its character.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

10.Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

"The motive is _____ ( A) is called what motivates it, for the sake of which it is carried out. The incentive is usually a specific ____ ( B), which is satisfied in the course and through the activity. This is a certain form of communication between living organisms and the outside world, necessary for the existence of _____ ( IN ), social group, society as a whole. _____ ( G) needs are caused by the biological nature of man. These are the needs of people for everything that is necessary for their existence, development and reproduction. _____ ( D) needs are related to the fact that a person belongs to society, occupies a certain place in it, participates in labor activity, in communication with other people. _____ ( E) needs are associated with a person’s knowledge of the world around him, his place in it and the meaning of his existence. Each of the groups of needs gives rise to corresponding activities.”

The words in the list are given in nominative case. Each word can only be used one once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) need; 2) activity; 3) nature; 4) social; 5) natural;

6) genuine (reasonable); 7) individuality; 8) individual; 9) ideal (spiritual).

The table below shows the letters representing the missing words. Write down the number of the word you chose in the table under each letter.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

11. globalization »? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about any positive manifestation of globalization in the cultural sphere, and one sentence revealing any negative manifestation of globalization in the cultural sphere.

12. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept “ true »? Using your social science course knowledge, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about absolute truth, and one sentence revealing the relationship between absolute and relative truth.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

13. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept “ thinking »? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the basic operations (techniques) of thinking, and one sentence revealing the creative nature of thinking.

14. Using social science knowledge and facts of social life, name any two positive and two negative consequences globalization . (Necessarily indicate which consequences of globalization you regard as positive and which as negative , otherwise the answer will not be counted).

15. Country Z is dominated by the desire to harmonize relations between society and nature. In the economy, the service sector comes to the fore, and individualization of production and consumption occurs.

Which type of society develops in country Z? Name any three features corresponding to a society of this type that are not indicated in the problem statement.

The answers to tasks 1-20 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas or other additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

16. During the reform of the system general education In Country Z, high school students were given the opportunity to choose programs that matched their interests and abilities. Which educational development trend illustrates this example? Name any two other development trends modern education and briefly describe one of them.

17. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “ Scientific knowledge as one of the types of knowledge ».

18. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer to the topic “Spiritual activity: content and forms (types).” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

C2. What conditions for the formation of an eastern traditional society does the author cite, referring to oriental scientists? Give them based on the text and illustrate any of them with a specific example.

C3. What does the author see as the most important element characterizing the East? What, according to the author, are the reasons for the formation of a special political organization in the East? (Give two reasons.) Based on your knowledge of the course, give any sign of Eastern society other than those indicated in the text.

C4. The author emphasizes that the main cultural dominant of Eastern society is myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies. Formulate your own interpretation of the author’s thought (expand the author’s thought).

E.I. Popov )

C5. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “spiritual life of society”? Using knowledge from your social studies course, write two sentences containing information about spiritual life.

Work with text. Eastern civilization

It is known that world history began with the East; it is the center of civilization. The most ancient social and political institutions arose and acquired stable forms here. No wonder the ancient Romans said with respect: “The light comes from the East.”

C6. The information revolution of the last third of the 20th century led to large-scale qualitative changes in all spheres of society. Indicate any three areas of change, illustrating each with an example.

What is the East? We are talking not about a geographical, but about a civilizational, historical and cultural concept. This is a gigantic human integrity, very heterogeneous and contradictory. It has some common features: reproduction of established social cultures, stability of lifestyle, strict priority of religious and mythological ideas and canonized styles of thinking, dissolution of the individual in the team.

C7. The modern world is called networked. Many scientists note that the computer and the Internet have become symbols of the modern world and man. Formulate your point of view on the role of the computer and the World Wide Web in life modern society. Give two arguments to support it.

The East is, first of all, a traditional society and a traditional path of development. Where did this tradition come from, how and by whom was it established? According to orientalists, the tradition was, firstly, borrowed from the cyclical nature of agricultural work, on which the prosperity of the first centers of civilization directly depended. Secondly, having formed the first state formations, they tried in every possible way to oppose themselves to the barbarians and establish their priorities as decisive and extremely important.

C8. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The problem of international terrorism as a global problem of our time.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

The main cultural dominant here are myths, religious cults, rituals and ceremonies...

The most important element characterizing the East is “oriental despotism.” Despotism as a form of power and the general structure of society arises where private property has no priority and the land belongs to the rural community. In order to organize intercommunal work, a government body is formed, which, gradually gaining strength, becomes despotic in relation to the community members. However, this power does not deprive the community of autonomy in solving its own problems. By deducting rent-tax to the state, the community lived with its own concerns, and the community members were of little interest in who was replacing whom at the top of the political pyramid. However, both state rulers and their servants were not interested in the joys and misfortunes of the peasants. The main thing is to receive the traditionally established rent-tax on time. ( E.I. Popov )

Thanks for the work!

Responsible training and successful completion Unified State Exam!!!
