What is declined in Russian. first declension

Singularis: Singular
case Latin
nom. puell-ă [puell-a] girl-a (named pad.)
gen. puell-ae [puell-e] girls (genus pad.)
dat. puell-ae [puell-e] girls (dat. pad.)
acc. puell-am [puell-am] girl-u (vin. pad.)
abl. puell-ā [puell-a] girl-oh (creative pad.)
voc. = nom. = nom. oh girl! (call. fall.)
Pluralis: Plural girls-and (them. pad.) girls (b. pad.) girls-am (dat. pad.) girls (vin. pad.) girls-ami (creative pad.) oh girls! (call. fall.)
case Latin
nom. puell-ae [puell-e]
gen. puell-ārum [puell-arum]
dat. puell is [puell-is]
acc. puell-as [puell-as]
abl. puell is [puell-is]
voc. = nom. = nom.
  • The dictionary sign for vowel length and shortness (dash and arch, respectively; for example, ā and ă) is used here and below either when knowing the amount of a vowel is important for correct setting stresses in a Latin word (that is, over a vowel of the second syllable from the end of the word, if this vowel is followed by one consonant), or when this is important for distinguishing forms or words.
  • In modern academic pronunciation of Latin words, vowel length and shortness do not differ. However, it should be noted that the nominative form puell-ă and the ablative form puell-ā are not homonyms: they differ in the length-shortness of the final vowel, which had a phonetic expression in the ancient Roman pronunciation of the archaic and classical eras.
  • The coincidence in the plural of dative and ablative (puell-is) is a morphological universal of the Latin language: such a coincidence is observed in all five declensions of Latin (however, there is another case inflection).
  • In the plural, the vocative and the nominative in Latin are the same in all declensions; in the singular, the vocative and the nominative often coincide, but not always.
  • When studying the Latin language, it is necessary to strictly observe the following methodological rule:

Signs of nouns of the first declension in Latin

The belonging of a Latin noun to the first declension is determined by the form genetīvus singularis (genitive singular; abbreviated as, namely, by the ending -ae in this form.

As for the nominative case form (nominatīvus singularis; abbreviated - of nouns of the first declension, it ends in Latin (with rare exceptions) in -ă.

Dictionary entry of the Latin noun I declension

In Latin dictionaries Latin noun of the first declension looks like this:

  1. the form nominatīvus singularis is given;
  2. the ending of the form genetīvus singularis is indicated through a comma, according to which this noun belongs to the first, and not to some other declension;
  3. in parentheses (or with the help of another printing tool) the generic affiliation of the word is abbreviated - feminine or masculine;
  4. a translation or interpretation in Russian is given.

Such a sequence of dictionary indications should be memorized when memorizing Latin nouns.

Examples of Latin first declension feminine nouns

Names of objects and plants:

  • alga, ae (f.) seaweed
  • aqua, ae (f.) water
  • barba, ae (f.) beard
  • betŭla, ae (f.) birch
  • caltha, ae (f.) marigolds
  • cista, ae (f.) chest
  • dolābra, ae (f.) hoe
  • esca, ae (f.) food; bait
  • faba, ae (f.) bob
  • herba, ae (f.) grass
  • lappa, ae (f.) burdock
  • luna, ae (f.) moon
  • margarīta, ae (f.) pearl
  • rota, ae (f.) wheel
  • sagitta, ae (f.) arrow
  • silva, ae (f.) forest
  • statua, ae (f.) statue
  • stella, ae (f.) star
  • terra, ae (f.) earth
  • umbra, ae (f.) shadow
  • via, ae (f.) road

Names of persons and animals:

  • alauda, ​​ae (f.) skylark
  • amīca, ae (f.) girlfriend
  • aqula, ae (f.) eagle
  • bestia, ae (f.) beast
  • blatta, ae (f.) mole
  • Diana, ae (f.) Diana
  • discipŭla, ae (f.) student
  • equa, ae (f.) mare
  • filia, ae (f.) daughter
  • lupa, ae (f.) she-wolf
  • luscinia, ae (f.) nightingale
  • magistra, ae (f.) teacher
  • Minerva, ae (f.) Minerva
  • musca, ae (f.) fly
  • rana, ae (f.) frog

Names of actions, states, other abstract concepts:

  • fuga, ae (f.) flight
  • historia, ae (f.) history
  • laetitia, ae (f.) joy
  • natūra, ae (f.) nature
  • philosophia, ae (f.) philosophy
  • potentia, ae (f.) power
  • scientia, ae (f.) knowledge
  • vita, ae (f.) life

Words of the 1st declension of the category pluralia tantum

words pluralia tantum(literally - ‘multiple only’) are nouns that do not have singular forms. They are used only in plural forms, but they can also denote a single object. How many items are indicated by the category noun pluralia tantum depends on context and situation. There are similar words in Russian: clock, sleigh, scissors, pants and others. True, in Russian, in contrast to Latin, these words often denote objects consisting of clearly observed paired details, which historically explains the plurality of the form of the corresponding nouns.

Since the category words pluralia tantum there are no singular forms, then their dictionary entry will also have a form somewhat different from the form of the dictionary entry of ordinary nouns: instead of the singular, the plural forms will be indicated.

Word examples pluralia tantum in the 1st declension of the Latin language:

  • Athēnae, ārum (f.) Athens (city)
  • indutiae, ārum (f.) truce
  • insidiae, ārum (f.) ambush; intrigues
  • nugae, ārum (f.) nonsense, nonsense
  • praestigiae, ārum (f.) focus; sell
  • tenĕbrae, ārum (f.) darkness
  • Thebae, ārum (f.) Thebes (city)

Some Latin nouns are category words pluralia tantum not in all its meanings. Thus, the noun copia is an ordinary noun in the sense ‘many, abundance’(hence the word copy in Russian), but in the meaning of ‘army’ it becomes a category word pluralia tantum-copiae.

Wed See also: littĕra, ae (f.) letter and littĕrae, ārum (f.) letter.

Composition of the first declension in Latin

The first declension in Latin consists of feminine (feminīnum) and masculine (masculīnum) nouns. At the same time, there are much more feminine nouns of the first declension in Latin than masculine nouns of the first declension.

In this regard, an analogy with the first declension of the school grammar of the Russian language is appropriate: it mainly includes feminine words (woman, wall, birch, war, friendship and others), but there are - in smaller numbers - masculine words (young man, grandfather , Satan and others).

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in first declension of latin(as in the Russian first declension) a semantic restriction is imposed on masculine nouns: these are always animate nouns denoting males. At the same time, feminine nouns of the first declension of Latin can be both animate and inanimate; designate both persons and objects or concepts.

Examples of Latin masculine first declension nouns
  • athlēta, ae (m.) athlete
  • convīva, ae (m.) companion
  • lixa, ae (m.) marketer
  • nauta, ae (m.) sailor
  • pirāta, ae (m.) pirate
  • poēta, ae (m.) poet
  • scriba, ae (m.) scribe
Latin names of rivers of the 1st declension

Regularly - however, with a number of exceptions - masculine among nouns of the 1st declension in Latin there are names of rivers. This is due to the influence of mythological ideas on the grammar of the Latin language. The deities of the rivers were usually thought of as males, which is also reflected in the art of antiquity. Here are examples of river names of the 1st declension:

  • Sequana, ae (m.) Sequana (river in Gaul; modern Seine)
  • Matrŏna, ae (m.) Matrona (river in Gaul; modern Marne)

Thus, for the Latin language consciousness Seine river or Marne river- This He, but not she, in contrast to the Russian or French language consciousness. Therefore, adjectives in Latin agree with such nouns in the masculine gender, and not in the feminine.

More about rivers in ancient mythology:

ZAUMNIK.RU, Egor A. Polikarpov — text, scientific editing, scientific proofreading, design, selection of illustrations, translations from Latin and ancient Greek: all rights reserved.

The personal names of people are nouns. Of particular difficulty is the change in cases, i.e., the declension of some names. Traditional Russian names are fully included in the grammatical system of the Russian language, borrowed names are included in the system to varying degrees, so special attention should be paid to their change. The personal names of people are nouns. In the system of Russian grammar, nouns have grammatical gender, number and case, and these characteristics should be taken into account when used. Of particular difficulty is the change in cases, i.e., the declension of some names. Traditional Russian names are fully included in the grammatical system of the Russian language, borrowed names are included in the system to varying degrees, so special attention should be paid to their change. Genus Proper names people are masculine or feminine according to the gender referred to. This applies to both full and abbreviated and affectionate forms of names: Anna, Anya, Alexandra, Kira, Elena, Sania, Assel, Shushanik, Irene, Rosemary- wives. kind; Mikhail, Misha, Alexander, Peter, Igor, Yuri, Antonio, Hans, Harry, Michele - husband. kind; kind of type names Sasha, Valya, Zhenya, Tony, Michelle, Jackie, which can belong to both a man and a woman, is also determined by the gender of the carrier: our student Sasha Petrov- husband. genus, our student Sasha Petrova- wives. genus.; famous Jackie Chan- husband. genus, known to all Jackie (from Jacqueline) Kennedy- wives. genus. Number In declined names, if necessary, to name several persons with the same name, the plural form is used: Five Nikolaev and six Elena are studying on the course. Non-inflected nouns do not have a special plural form: five Enrique and six Mary. Particular attention should be paid to the genitive plural form of some abbreviated inflected names (recommended by D. E. Rosenthal): Genus. pad. pl. h. ( there are not many whom?) male: Petya, Vasya, Vanya but: Rod. pad. pl. h. ( there are not many whom?) female: Ol, Gal, Val. declination Names are declinable (they change according to cases) and indeclinable (they have the same form for all cases). The declension depends on the final element of the name. !!! note to the name form: Daniel or Danila, Nicholas or Nikola, Emil or Emil, Maria or Marya, Karina or Karine, Alice or Alice, Pelagia or Pelagia– see section “Name options”. Male names

  1. Traditional Russian full male names end
  • into a hard consonant (Ivan, Artyom);
  • to a soft consonant (Igor), including the -th (Andrey, Arkady);
  • sometimes on -a, -ya (Thomas, Savva, Ilya).
Decline according to the 1st and 2nd declension:
case acc. (TV and soft) into a vowel -а, -я
2 declension 1 declination
Them. pad. Alexey, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Genus. pad. Alexey, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Date pad. Alexey, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Vin. pad. Alexey, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Tv. pad. Alexey, Daniel George Ilya, Nikita, Danila
Etc. pad. (o/o) Alex e, Daniel e (o) Georgi And (v/v) Ile e, Nikita, Danila
!!! note. For nouns of the 2nd declension on –th in the prepositional case, the letter is written at the end AND: Valer uy– (about whom?) about Valerie And; yur uy– (about whom?) about Yuri And; Arkad uy- (about whom?) about Arkady And; Full uy- (about whom?) about Poloni And; and also change Anatol uy, Apollinaire uy, Vikent uy, Gel uy, Gennad uy, Dmitry uy, Evgen uy, Leontes uy, Serg uy(not Sergei!), Yul uy, P uy and etc. !!! note -and I in the dative and prepositional cases, the letter is written at the end AND: Il and I- (to whom?) Il ai, (about whom?) about Or And; cf. Ilya. Jerem and I– (about whom?) Jeremiah And. Exception: Giya, Ziya and other two-syllable names in accordance with modern recommendations (see Superanskaya A.V. "Dictionary of Russian Personal Names", M., 2004) decline in the indicated cases with e: G and I(Caucasian) - (of whom?) Gi And, (to whom?) Guy e, (whom?) Guy Yu, (by whom?) Guy to her, (about whom?) oh Guy e. However, in some manuals more early years publications, in accordance with the "Code of Spelling Rules" of 1956, § 40, you can find a recommendation to decline with And: (to whom?) gi And, (about whom?) oh Guy And.
  1. If the final elements of new or borrowed names correspond to the specified characteristics (consonant, one vowel -a / -ya, combination -ey, -iya), then the names are easily included in the Russian nominal series and bow down:
Wil (abbreviation Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) - Vilya, Vilya, Vilya, Vilem, about Vila; Radium (from the name of the chemical element) - Radium, Radium, Radium, Radium, about Radium; Abdullah (Turkic) - Abdullah, Abdullah, Abdullah, Abdullah, about Abdullah; Richard (European) - Richard, Richard, Richard, Richard, about Richard; Ferenc (European) - Ferenc, Ferenc, Ferenc, Ferenc eat, about Ferenc; Emil - Emil, Emil, Emil, Emil, about Emil; cf .: Emil - Emil, Emil, Emil, Emil, about Emil, also change Charles, Pierre, Peter, Claude, Jean, John, Edward, Theodore, Tigran, Tukay, Fazil, Ravil, Mirza, Musa, Meneya and etc. Exception: Nicol I (French name) - does not bow!
  1. If male name ends with another element (vowel -о, -е, -у, -ю, -ы, -и, -е, -е and combinations of two vowels, except for -е, -я), then it does not lean: Earli, Henri, Nizami, Oli, Lee, Revo, Romeo, Otto, Pedro, Carlo, Leo, Antonio, Michele, Andre, Hugh, Ru, Keanu, Gregory, Givi, France ya and etc.
Exception: Slavic names ending in -o type Levko, Marco, Pavlo, Petro inclined according to the pattern of the 2nd declension: Leucus ahead A , at Mark A , Paul A (stressed vowel underlined). But! Name Danko M. Gorky does not bow ("... she talked about the burning heart of Danko"). Names that have parallel forms on -o / -a (Gavrilo - Gavrila, Mikhailo - Mikhaila), decline according to the type of nouns of the feminine declension: at Gavril s, to Gavril e, with Gavril Ouch . Other endings ( at Gavril A, to Gavril at, with Gavril ohm) formed from another original form - Gavril. Women's names
  1. Traditional Russian full female names end
  • on -a, -i (Valeria, Antonina, Olga, Natalya),
  • to a soft consonant (Love).
Decline according to the 1st and 3rd declension:
case into a vowel -а, -я acc. (TV and soft)
1 declination 3 declension
Them. pad. Olga, Anelya, Maya Julia Love O vy
Genus. pad. Olga, Aneli, Maya Julia Love O in and
Date pad. Olga e, Anel e, May e Julia And Love O in and
Vin. pad. Olga, Anelya, Maya Julia Love O vy
Tv. pad. Olga, Anelei, Maya Julia Love O view
Etc. pad. (v/v) Olga e, Anel e, May e (o) Yuli And (oh) Love O in and
When declining the name Love, a vowel ABOUT saved!
!!! note. For nouns of the 1st declension on -and I in the dative and prepositional cases, the letter is written at the end AND: Mar and I- (to whom?) Marie And, (about whom?) Marie And; Yul and I- (to whom?) Yuli And, (about whom?) Yuli And; L and I- (to whom?) Lee And, (about whom?) Lee And; And I- (to whom?) and And, (about whom?) and And; Gal and I- (to whom?) Gali And, (about whom?) Gali And; Also Agn and I, Amal and I, Valer and I, Evgen and I, Kahler and I, Kostanz and I, lil and I, Cecil and I, Emil and I and the like. !!! note. Variants of names with different type endings Maria - Marya, Natalia - Natalya, Anisiya - Anisya, Taisiya - Taisya, Sofia - Sophia and similar ones have different endings in dates. and suggestion. cases: Pay attention!!! The discrepancies in the recommendations relate to eastern and other names ending in shock I in combination - and I: Al and I, Alf and I, Zulf and I, Gur and I, San and I, Frame and I, Jean and I, As and I and others. Superanskaya A.V. in the Dictionary of Russian Personal Names (M., 2004) recommends inflecting them in the indicated cases with e: Al and I- (who?) Ali e, (to whom?) Ali e, (of whom?) Aliya, (by whom?) Aliya, (about whom?) about Ali e. The site gives the same recommendation. www. grammar. en.
  1. If new or borrowed names have trailing elements - A or -I, then such names are easily included in the Russian nominal series and are inclined:
Vladlena(abbreviation Vladimir Lenin) - Vladlena, Vladlena, Vladlena, Vladlena, about Vladlena; Ophelia(European) - Ophelia, Ophelia, Ophelia, Ophelia, about Ophelia; Jamila(Turkic) - Jamila, Jamila, Jamilya, Jamilya, about Jamila; Camille - Camille, Camille, Camille, Camilla, oh Camille; and November, Era, Revmira, Anita, Delia, Denise, Juliet, Magda, Elzhbeta, Jadwiga, Leila, Janima, Karina, Sabina, Madina, Aisha, Gulmira and etc.
  1. If female name ends in another vowel (not -а/-я), then it is not declined: Betsy, Ellie, Angie, Mary, Sue, Maro, Rosemary, Alsou and etc.
  1. Female names into solid consonants are only indeclinable (on the same principle as surnames of this kind): Suok, Solveig, Gretchen, Iren, Helen, Alice, Annette, Jane, Catherine, Esther, Ainush, Bibigush, Akmaral, Rusudan, Shushanik, Altyn, Gulnaz and etc.
  1. The most difficult is the question of the declension of female names ending in a soft consonant: Rachel, Shulamith, Ninel, Assol, Aigul, Zhanargul, Syumbel, Michelle, Nicole, Elle, Isabel, etc.
Guidebook recommendations for such names vary. According to the 3rd declension leaning steadily: Love, Adele, Rachel and names of biblical origin Hagar, Rachel, Ruth, Shulamith, Esther, Judith. By tradition, the name of the heroine of the ballet Adana "Giselle" is also inclined according to the 3rd declension: part Giselle. Other names of this type - Lucille, Cecile, Nicole, Michel, Mirel, Assel, Aigul, Ainagul, Bibigul, Gazelle, Guzel, Zhanargul(borrowed from different languages), Ninel(neoplasm Soviet era, read backwards Lenin), Assol, Luchiel(made up names) - hesitate between 3rd declension and indeclination (with Cecily And at Cecile's, with Ninel And with Ninel). Declension paradigm: It seems that the final decision on declension / non-declension of such names should be left to the bearer of the name. However, practice shows that in official business speech these names are usually not declined. This trend is supported by the rule on the declension of foreign surnames ending in a consonant: male surnames bow, women do not. Therefore, in cases of coincidence of male and female names, they are correlated in terms of declension as male and female surnames: Michelle, Michelle(male name) - declines, Michelle(female name) won't bow. You can see more details:
  1. Russian language reference service (Recommendation: the choice is yours)
  2. Kalakutskaya L.P. Declination of surnames and personal names in Russian literary language. - M.: Nauka, 1984. (Recommendation: do not incline).
  3. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. - M., 2004. (Recommendation: decline)
Male and female compound names Each part (name) is inclined or not inclined in accordance with the recommendations for these names separately. Fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen, book by Pierre-Henri Simon. Partial deviations are observed with double French names: philosophical views of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, an evening in memory of Jean-Richard Blok. Features of the declension of some combinations of names and surnames In the Russian language, a tradition has developed to use the names of a number of foreign figures (mainly writers) in combination with the names: Walter Scott, Jules Verne, Mine Reed, Conan Doyle, Brad Garth, Oscar Wilde, Romain Rolland; as well as the names and surnames of literary characters: Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Nat Pinkerton. The consequence of such a close unity of the name and surname is the declension in oblique cases of only the surname: Walter Scott, Jules Vernou, with Mine Reed, about Robin Hood and so on. This phenomenon, characteristic of relaxed oral speech, is also reflected in writing. But! Right: booksWalter Scott, Jules Verne, Mine Reed, Conan Doyle, Brad Garth, Oscar Wilde, Romain Rolland; as well as literary characters: about Robin Hood, about Sherlock Holmes, about Nat Pinkerton. Based on the materials of the book “On the declension of names and surnames: a reference dictionary. Ser. "For a word in your pocket." Issue. 3 / Ed. E.A. Glotova, N.N. Shcherbakova. – Omsk, 2011

Declension of nouns- this is a change in the endings of nouns in cases. Nouns come in 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions, they are divided into declensions by gender and endings.

SingularPlural number
1 cl.2 fold.3 fold.
NominativeWho? What? -and I -, -o, -e - -s, -i, -a, -i
GenitiveWhom? What? -s, -and -and I -And -, -ov, -ev, -ee
DativeTo whom? What? -e, -and -u, -u -And -am, -yam
AccusativeWhom? What? -u, -u -o, -e - -, -s, -i, -a, -i, -ey
InstrumentalBy whom? How? -oh (-oh), -ee (-ee) -om, -em -Yu -ami, -ami
PrepositionalAbout whom? About what? -e, -and -e, -and -And -ah, -ah

first declension

The first declension includes feminine, masculine and common nouns with endings -and I:

mom, kitchen- feminine

dad, uncle- masculine

bully, sneak- common gender

Second declension

The second declension includes masculine nouns without endings and neuter nouns with endings -o, -e:

brother, rook- masculine

lotto, sea- neuter gender

third declension

The third declension includes feminine nouns with b at the end:

horse, steppe, rye- feminine

How to determine the declension of a noun

To determine the declension of a noun, you need to put it in initial form- in the singular form of the nominative case. By the end of a noun in the singular nominative case and its gender, it will be possible to determine its belonging to one of the declensions.

Rainbow(she) is a feminine noun with the ending -A rainbow 1st declension.

Sun(it) is a neuter noun with the ending -e in the nominative singular. Therefore, the noun Sun 2nd declension.

Mouse(she) is a feminine noun with -b at the end in the nominative singular. Therefore, the noun mouse 3rd declension.

For nouns that have only the plural form, the declension is not determined:

scissors, wood, tongs

Many of us remember from school what is called declension. But not everyone will be able to reproduce all the aspects associated with it. But the knowledge of the rules associated with the declension of names nouns, will help us not to make spelling mistakes in the future.

Actually any independent part speech (except for adverbs and participles) can change according to its own rules. Verbs, changing in persons and numbers, hide, and nominal parts of speech are declined. What does this mean anyway? Declension of words is the ability of nouns, adjectives, numerals and participles to change according to:

  1. Childbirth (male, middle, female, not counting them. n.).
  2. Numbers (singular and plural).
  3. Cases.

The set of Russian rules, Grammar-80, which is recognizable to many, explains in a different way what is called declension. He proposes to define it as a change in the class of words by cases. Which of the definitions is closer and what is called declension, everyone is free to choose for himself.

Based on the definition of declension in the Russian language, we need to remember what a case is. They are called a grammatical form that connects any noun with the words of other parts of speech. The case indicates how specifically the parts of speech agree with each other.

For a long time, the case system was subject to change. IN Old Russian language, there were not 6, as in our time, but seven cases. The next one was called vocative. Today it has already been abolished, and now there are 6 of them.

  • Nominative. A special case, since it is only called direct (who? What?), Others are indirect. In the form of pad. the subjects appear in the sentences. Another of its features: it is the original form for nominal parts of speech.
  • Genitive. This form answers the questions Who? What? In order not to confuse it with other cases, you can substitute the auxiliary word no: cat to them. n, (no) cat genus. P.
  • Dative. This case is named so because it answers the questions To whom? What? Declension of words will be easier if you substitute the word give: cat dates. P.
  • Accusative. Quite controversial form. Has a question similar to the nominative case for inanimate objects - What? True, in relation to living creatures, the question is Whom? The word blame, substituted for the one he is testing. noun will help you understand the rules of declension: (blame) cat vin. P.
  • Instrumental. Special case. Answers the questions Who? How? The test word for him to create: cat tv. pad.
  • Prepositional. Form that answers the questions About whom? About what? For easy memorization, we substitute the word think: about the cat preposition. P.

We remembered the case system that the Russian language studies. The declension also depends on the category of the number. There are only two of them in our language - singular and plural. Almost all nouns have both forms. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Some words are used exclusively in one single form. An example of those that have only singular: the sun (well, that's reasonable, it exists in one copy), milk, foliage, highway (it is foreign).

But Russian the language is so diverse that it has in its arsenal words that are used only in the plural. Example: scissors, pants, glasses, watches, people.

The declension system in the Russian language, as you know, consists of 3 groups. Each of them has its own characteristics. The 1st declension has the following special features:

  • Words that name certain males that have the endings a or -ya. uncle, man, dad, Vanya.
  • Nouns that also have the endings a or i. denoting people and objects of the feminine gender: spring, hand, aunt, Anna.
  • The same endings (-а/-я) with nouns general gender (in other words, they immediately designate both male and female persons): crybaby, grumbler, sleepyhead, slob.

  • Nouns that have zero endings in their original form and are masculine: table, stump, ceiling, spouse.
  • Spouse words. kind, but ending in o or e. house.
  • Them. noun with endings about or e of the middle gender: sky, spot, sea, gun.

This group of nouns is the most special. It includes only words of the feminine gender and only with a zero ending: mouse, oven, life, reality.

You need to keep in mind the fundamental rule regarding the third declension: when a word ends in one of the hissing sounds, a soft symbol (daughter, night, bake) is certainly written in it. Do not confuse them with nouns of the second declension into hissing (beam, cloak, tick). They are masculine, and therefore do not require writing a soft sign at the end.

Summing up the above, we were able to put together the declension of nouns. The table shows everything more clearly. Study it closely.

Now we know what is called declension and what words apply to each of them. But far from all lexical composition our language obeys these rules. There are nouns that have absorbed the endings of both the first and second declensions. They are called dissimilar.

What are the characteristics of such nouns? Firstly, almost all of them end in me: time, name, burden, stirrup, and others. And the word path also belongs to this group.

Secondly, the rules for the declension of heterogeneous nouns are such that when these words change in cases in all forms, there will be a suffix en (except for I.p. and V.p.): time, stirrup, seed.

Thirdly, by inclining these words, we can see that in genitive, dative and prepositional cases, they took the ending and from 3 cl. and in the creative, the ending -em appeared, as in the 2nd declension.

Our speech is fast is replenished new words of foreign origin. They do not have declension forms in Russian and are therefore called indeclinable.

  • Foreign words that came to us from other languages ​​in o, -e, -i, -u. coat, fillet, Sochi, kangaroo. In all cases, they will have the same form, so there is simply no point in inflecting them. (Go to the coat, go to the kangaroo, go to Sochi.)
  • Surnames ending in ko, -ago, -y. Yurchenko, Zhivago, Belykh. (To be visiting Kozarenko, to come to the Reds.)
  • Words formed by the abbreviation method: USSR, ATS.

Related to this topic is the correct spelling of the letters and and e at the end of nouns. Following the rules of declension, we were able to reveal that the ending e is written in words:

  1. First declension (genus item is an exception): to the river (dat.p.), about mother (pr.p.), on the topic (dat.p.).
  2. Second declension: about the beam (pr.p.), about the sea (pr.p.)
  1. Third declension: in the steppe (pr.p.), towards the night (dat.p.)
  2. First skl. used in childbirth. case: by the river.
  3. In words ending in ee, ii, ia. V planetariums, by promotion, about the event.
  4. In inflected nouns, they also write and. on the way, about time.

After reading these simple rules, you will know what is called declination. Do not confuse it with the inflection of other parts of speech, such as conjugation of verbs.

It is necessary to study it, because from theoretical knowledge depends on our practical knowledge. From our article, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Nouns change not only by cases, but also by numbers.
  • But it is worth remembering that not all words of this part of speech have these categories. Some of them cannot be declined at all (indeclinable) and do not have one of the numerical forms (only plural or singular).
  • Each of the declensions has its own characteristics, so you should carefully study them. We gave an example of declension of nouns (table).
  • Personal endings that do not have an accent are subject to a set of certain rules. Depending on the declension and case, the letter will be written either e or i. This topic is one of the most difficult in the course of studying nouns.

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Declension of nouns

declination- this is a change in nouns (and other nominal parts of speech) according to cases And numbers.

In Russian

  • two numbers: the only thing (window, desk) And plural (windows, desks);
  • 6 cases (according to the school program).
  • Case questions



    whom? what?


    to whom? what?


    whom? What?



    about whom? about what?

    How to find the case of nouns (and other nominal parts of speech)?

    To find the case of a noun, you need to ask him a question from the word to which this noun refers: Think(about whom?) about mom, No(what?) rain .

  • Then you need, using the table “Cases. Questions of cases ”(see above), see which case this question corresponds to: Think(about whom?) about mom- prepositional; No (what?) rain- Genitive.
  • Notes:

    Each case corresponds to two questions (1st - for animate nouns, 2nd - for inanimate ones).

  • Case names and case questions should be memorized, since the ability to determine the case is one of the important basic skills for students of the Russian language.
  • How to find the declension of nouns?

    All nouns can be divided into seven groups, which will have the same endings (forms) when declensed by cases and numbers, i.e. there are seven types of declension of nouns:

    1st declension

    Feminine, masculine and common nouns with endings -а, -я

    spring A, earth I, lines I, uncle I, lord A, dirty I

    2nd declension

    Null masculine nouns

    house ABOUT, edge ABOUT, ball ABOUT, planetarium ABOUT

    All nouns ending in -o, -e

    window O, floor e, suspect e - s.r.; wolves e, apprenticee - m.r.

    3rd declension

    Null-ending feminine nouns

    Mother ABOUT, daughter ABOUT, night ABOUT, steppe ABOUT

    Differing nouns(have different declension endings)

    10 neuter nouns ending in -mya (ending -я);

    nouns path, child

    time, burden, stirrup, tribe, flame (frying pan- obsolete. ), banner, crown, seed, name, udder; path, child

    Nouns inflectedadjectival type(the so-called substantiated nouns)

    Nouns formed from adjectives and participles by moving from one part of speech to another

    private, comma, animal,attendant, canteen, ice cream

    A littlenounsdeclining alongpronominal type

    Nouns formed from pronouns by transition from one part of speech to another or inflected like pronouns

    draw,cable(unit of measurement)


    Nouns without endings (their case and number are determined by context)

    drive(in what?) V Taxi (P.p. units), parked(What?) Taxi (I.p. pl.); coat, coffee, radio, movies

  • To find the declension of a noun, you need to put it in original form(i.e. in the nominative singular) and find which type of declension of the 7 above this noun belongs to.
  • In that case, the noun does not have a singular form, then it does not belong to any of the types of declension: sleigh, pants, scissors.
  • Notes:

    Noun Human has different roots in singular and plural ( person people), so it has Various types declensions in singular and plural:

    Human(singular) - inflected as a noun of the 2nd declension;
    People (plural) - inflected as a noun of the 3rd declension.

  • Most of the nouns are distributed according to the first three types of declension.
  • The types of declension should be memorized, since the ability to determine the declension is one of the basic skills for students of the Russian language.
  • See Morphological norms. Features of declension of nouns.

    Declension patterns for nouns

    1st declension






    2nd declension. masculine







    About the stallion

    About stallions

    2nd declension. Neuter gender








    About buildings

    3rd declension



    Inflected nouns




    by time



    About the time

    About times

    Substantivized nouns (masculine, feminine and neuter)




    Dining room


    On duty



    duty officer



    On duty



    duty officer



    On duty



    duty officer

    Dining room


    On duty



    On duty



    On duty



    About the attendant

    About the dining room

    About the animal

    About the attendants

    About canteens

    About animals

    Exercises for the topic “Declinationnouns»

    Exercise 1. Determine the declension of nouns.

    Wife, child, book, poor fellow, orphan, wicked, time, grandfather, warrior, roe deer, elephant, toad, shark, quiet, stirrup, stepmother, Betsy, bourgeois, name, seed, creature, house, coat, nothingness, cocoa, coffee, window, deity, animal, monster, pants, sirocco, depot, porter, entertainer, goose, scissors, gander, goose, parent, doctor, director, letter, apprentice, horse, stallion, voice, bone, guest, knife, shivers, taxis, pitchforks, avenues, piano, shampoo, diagonal, tulle, veil, blinds, macaroni, mangers, talk, attacks, stretchers, watches, rags, beasts, honey, porcelain, velvet, hemp, money, day, holidays, funeral, sweetheart, sissy, ringleader, smart girl, reveler, crybaby, dominatrix, living room, dining room, bathroom, maid, ice cream, roast, sleigh.

    Exercise 2. Indicate a number of nouns that do not belong to any of the 3 declensions.

    1) Popsicle, candy, meringue, lollipop;

    2) a field, a window, a radio, an armchair;

    3) orphan, banner, action, Don;

    4) name, cake, loto, role.

    Exercise 3. In which row are all the highlighted words - nouns in the form of the accusative case?

    1) Stay at the gate, put Add to cart, link chains, ahead forest;

    2) labor peasant, drink tea, book friend, service homeland;

    3) earring in the ear, live brothers, see aside, captains commands;

    4) love Voronezh, read novels, pat fox cub, will jump on a step.

    Exercise 4. In which row are all the words - nouns of the 1st declension?

    1) Clever, bird, banner, mother;

    2) power, cherry, boy, governor;

    3) daughter, daughter, mouse, mouse;

    4) mania, Kolya, Nikolai, polyushko.


  • The chapter “Gender, number, case and declension of nouns” in L.V. Balashova, V.V. Dementieva "Russian language course"
  • Section "Declination of nouns" on the website
  • Additional to the site:

  • What is a noun?
  • What nouns have parallel masculine and feminine forms?
  • How to find the gender of immutable nouns (words of the jalousie class, cocoa)?
  • What are the mistakes in the use and formation of nouns?
  • How does a noun change?
  • What are the categories of nouns?
  • Which nouns are used exclusively in the singular or only in the plural?
  • What are the orthoepic norms for placing stress in nouns?
  • Where can I find exercises for the topic “Morphological norms for the consumption and formation of nouns”?
  • What are the characteristics of proper nouns?
  • What is the syntactic role of a noun?
  • How to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns?
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